West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 Aug 1913, p. 9

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le: ---.--.--.,....e.,.,,,) 331111.03 m: n new show hall to Contractor I h ederf of anon-r. " Is to be of red an I. lulu 30:42. two storey. and to he , 4 Iomnloted by Sept. " In time for h. you. fair. Pmur'msz '3t'tHat.-lrtte village 1 .yton is bring Infected with porcu- l 1. L at weeh's Advance had two i;'erent stor't" on this specie. of a.- tr .l. 01-. was captured " the home t taron Wong" playing on the ver-1 I: a. “ ltru noticed it made it. '"r 43 up a we. where it was easily‘ uptnred. Luckily no slot, mu near| , and t , come in contact with the; 1r " 2min ha been cancelled a “mun t tottle selling. Hanover Buntinck and Brant Aty " My bun let the contract for build. it LOOK HERE! We're going to cut a Melon, __- STICK AROUND !’ ", There's a Slice in This for You , $10 AND 12.00 SUITS GOING AT 4.95 , l 2.e,Ceti,ye,i,1,ye'd',te1t,?2J:. _ helium. of the leading hotel in iitrriiiGTaaTa :um cold-.171 Ta, M: new... " " ”can. atal mag :2 Abraham Buys Live Poultry every Tuesday and Thursday mormng 'jj] , We've got Thirty-eight Men's Suits that are marked 8.50, 10.00 and 12.00. Nothing ; wrong with them at all. Tho/re worth the money. Good Tweeds and Worsteds and a lot ' of choice patterns. Most all the sizes here too, but only some sizes in each pattern. ', were up against a problem. All the new Suits for Fall are invoiced and on the way. i We haven’t a place to put Glam, so we're going to make a place. To-day we open the great- r est Suit Sale ever aitern ted. We're going to sell everyone of these 38 Suits in a few days. They've got to go. ff,'lp, all there's about ie gitlll was s&saa¢:&a::am:+:mmm Get a Ten Dollar Suit for.............. money any faster. MR. MAN ! Do you f.'.'...'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.' $1.95 I Proton Rural School Fair will be Wield at S. B. No. 3, on Tuesday, Sow. I 16th. Edna lie-sol, Route No. l, l Riverview, is the sacrum-y. with ' whom the entrleo Ibo-Id be made, on lot before Sept. 10th. Competition la . open to the pupils of S. s. Nos. 8, ti, t . ll and 15 of Proton Township. A tent will be supplied for the Fair by the Department of Agriculture. Egeetrtont Mural School Fnir will he held " S. B. No. 10 in that township, on Wednesday September 17th, En- tries should be mule with Hugh Find, lay, Dromoro. Compotitlonis open to B. 8. Nos. 2, 3, A, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, and ll of ligament. The officers are: President, Harry MoDougall; lat Yil' a Everett Rawn; Bud Vice, Alex Buch, mum; Seo'y, Hugh Findlay; Treasur or, Esther Eccles. Bond of Directors, Iowud Meade, Milfred Lawrence, Norman Haw, Robbie McArthur, Wil- lie Orchard. Rural School Pairs. rou want to save Five Dollars on your next Suit f .ome to-day : we ll prove it to you. 5 t,!tafd.?.t1r.e...'.'t1.'.t $5.95 I Niiia,t,rei',loii' THE J. D. ABRAHAM COMPANY Mr Thos Garson, accompanied " his mother left on Wednesday fol Wyom- ing to visit his brother Alfred, for the benefit of the former's health. Mr and Mrs J. Fairbairn visited the Inter: m.other Mrs. J. Wilton on Sen. day evening. The Women's Institute will hold their meeting at the home of Mr. Thos. Rcnwick on Wednesday, Sept. 2nd. Papers wlll be given by Miss Agnes Renwick and Miss Mary Brown on "pickling and Canning of Vegetables," and by Mrs Andrew Henry on "Living pn an allowance." All ladies cordlslly invited. A number are through harvest while the rain of Friday morning will not detain others very long. Fine cool weather prevails. The harvest excursion was quite a draw for a number of our farmers. Somewhere abouts dozen took the train from Dundalk. This is a good opportunity to see the West before the wheat is harvested. Mr Frank Reiley accompanied by his sister Mrs. Dingwall visited with Mr J. Relton 0358:2541} _ . _ -- Mr. and Mrisieisshnie and Master Wells of Mt. Forest, visited at R. Ren- wiyytL1iurtd_ay. _ _ _ Mr and Irtis are holidaying non 's. Mr Will and Mrs Morrison, Max- well spent Sunday with John the blacksmith. Mrs Parker and Master Elwood re- turned to Toronto after a two week'g visit with relative' here. Mr Tutt of Brantford was in the vil. lageon qudly.“ . . . _ - _ _ sevml from this vicinity left for the" Weston Monday among whom are Allan Haatic, John Walker, Thou. Brown, W Atchison, Bert Penman. Roy Eceles, Jag. Weir and Chats Wats son . Mrs W. Hustle returned on Saturday after a month's visit near Hamilton, Master Geo. Troup Holstein is visiting at Mr G. H. Gilkes. Miss Many Riddel, Palmerston, is visiting with her uncle Jno Bittorf Misses Annie and Florence Fergus- on accompanied by Miss Florence who has been holidaying at Mr. Arch. Ferguson's returned to the city this Monday. Mr and Mrs Schenk of Normanby visited Sunday at Mr Cornish's. Mr and Mrs J Smith of Holstein visited a day last week at Mr Hoeilin 's, Harvest is now the thing of the past. Some of the farmers have thrashed. Walter Hoeflin left Wednesday morning for Toronto exhibition. Norman Dickson met with a very painful accident last week, while utr loading a load oi grain, he was hold.. the rope near a pully when his hand went with the rope into the pulley hurting the hand very badly. Master Robert and Miss Janet Kirby sptyt/1urptay at Jno Kirby 's. Mr. and Mrs N Carmout visited Stsltday It Ino. Kirby's. It reminds the Children of achool when they see the school doors open. Jas. Brown and Wm Falkingham Jr. left Monday for the West. Mr And Mrs Comfsh and Mr and Mrs Finder spent Sunday at Mr Falk, ingham's. - Mr Dickso'n his returndd from the West, Mrs. Bob Edge and son spent, Sunday at Mr Falltinghatu'a, u; ganggx; Fatier'eeiftti, ------ .i------ Hopeville. Dromore ill-ill/yrs-Eli); __ , a... x 52.5} Orchard McKinnon. Toronto at Mr Arch McKitr THEEIDUBHAM REVIEW EM I J A. Swanston Banner Oats 86pta. 2 James, Cider Siberian 83 '. 3 Andrew Hunter Banner 82 " 4 J. R. Philp " tnh " 5 WM. Grout Can. Pride 8t " 6 w. J. Reid Danish White 7 W. W. Ramage Scot. Chief There were a dozen entries. ,The following is the reeult of the standing grain field competition in the township of Egremont: f Mr Alex Orr and his daughter Mrs D Ferguson and Miss Ruby Ferguson of N'msterville, Algoma, accompanied by Mrs. J. lies of Mt. Forest visited Mr. Hugh Sinclair, Yeovil, while renewmg acquaintances in the neighborhood] On Wednesday they left by auto to take boat from Collingwood accom an- ied by Mrs. Alex. "ttery of Gore any, who was 1130 visiting friends, . Mrs. Rutherford of Galt nlso visited Mr Sinclair's and other friends. Miss Ada Manary who has been spending some time in Harriston has returned home. Misses Florence and Margaret Main are spendingaweek with friends in Alma. Miss Olive Reid of Toronto is visiting her uncle, Mr. John Brown. Misses Irene and Peytl _Drumm re- turned last week from visiting friends in Berlin, Mrs. Earnest Newcombc and Mrs, Alvin Newcombe of Toledo, returned to their home on Monday after visiting a fortnight with Messrs Jas. Durrant Sr. and Jr. Mr and Mrs, Armstrong, Dundalk, are guests of Dr and Mrs Ellis. Mr and Mrs J. D. Main drove to Alma on Tuesday returning Thursday. Mrs John Orchard is recovering from her recent illness. Mr J. W. Hey, Ingersoll, visited Mr' D. P. Coleridge one day recently. Mrs. and Miss Reuter of Detroit are visiting Mr and Mrs Jas. Durrunt Sr. Mr Jack Manary returned to the city last Friday accompanied by Masters Claymn Jordan ttnd Alvin Moses. Miss Zeta McClocklin left last week on a uhort visit to Toronto friends. Mr. and Mrs. Stevcnsvn of Canfleld, spent a fewdays last week visiting his sister, Mrs Rev Jamcs. Quite a number of our young men here have taken a trip to the West. Among those this week are ', Scott Ec- jt,t Alex Whyte, Earl Reid and Harry & ass. Mr. and Mrs. Bell and daughter of Blyth are visiting Mr and Mrs Fred Mc. Clocklin for a few days. Miss McGillwho has been holidaying with her friend Miss Ruby Rogers re. turned to her home in Toronto on Saturday. Master Allan Robertson returned t.o his home in Toronto after spending his holidays with his grandparents here, Mr J. W. Hunter left Tuesday on a business trip to Toronto. Amongthe visitors this week to the Exhibition are: Mr D. Allan Sr., Miss. es Lena Allan, Inez Allan, Annie and Margaret Brown, Della Reid and Ger- trude Pettigrew. “mmmwscmmmng Mrs. St. Ledger and daughter Jean, returned on Wednesday to their home in Toronto after spending the summer months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Durrant Sr, ir,",','.",',"',",',,',',"",',',')',':',",,",',',':,",', f, LOCAL AND PERiMlhl.t h h. SWANSTON WINS FIELD CROP COMPETITIGN TORONTO Lothian - Ferguson - That the reeve and clerk have authority to ia. sue a cheque in furor of ll Grafton for steel beams and other iron material tor Davidson's bridge when they re- colve the mm to their "tirftustlon.- Cttrried. Small neon-ta 'shUfiy for gravel were paid amounting to $185 21. . Fertriaon-Robtr--Th" we “jour- to mu: on Bum-day. 18th Bomber on can t make Comr Robb recommended pnymonc “$6.50 to S Robb tor drawing 30 in. tilt, to 5th sidcline con 10 and 12 and 2 pieces of16 in. to lot t, con 6. Or- der granted. Ftsrgtuott-- Lothian That Comr Meltobb’s report on completion of wire fence be adopted and order granted for $7.70.-Carried. Comr Robb reported the completion of 38A rods ot wire fence bail: by George Robb lot 23, con 12 at 200 per rd. 1lobb-h'tsremson That above ro- port be adopted and Calm be paid $5.00 Com teee,-C"arried, _ Comr Lothian', report-A Pearson, building cedar culvert lot 23, con 22 $30.00 ; Jr.o Pearson, rebuilding cul Vern and deepening ditch, lot 27, con 22, $12.00 ; Jas Ford. repair to bridge lot 17. E & G T L, $17.00: drawing tile and putting in culvert. $5.00. Glenelg tu pay half can ' Jas Tucker deepening ditch lot 9, con 20, $43.00; Jas Marshall, pathrnaster, 4 mm 2 days showlliug gravel, $12.00 ; Jan Tucker, brushing lot 20 con 20, 5150: Jas Wilson. pntbmuter by days labor expended $7.50 for shov- elling gravel. _ Cumr Robb repurt- -S Shier repair culvert lot 24 con b', $1.23; man 2 days shovelline gravel at $1.25 per day, Torals,3.75; M Black, a cul- vertat lot I, con ll, $4.00 '. W IIoif. man, 2 days with team and man and 2 davs making roadway at David. son's bridge, $10.00 ; A Hopkins. board for Mr Green, 500 ; It Dunn. drawing stone and spreading gravel 34.00: J McEachorn, 30 inch culvert on an sideline con 10 by day: labor $8Ah, ; Wm Quinn, gruelling lot 4, eon 8, 53 ydn. $29.15 ; a tile culvert lot5, con 8, $5.00; also work done on E & P'l'L with Proton Comr graded about loo rods, but ground became so hard it bad to be given up. Egremont's share is " follows ' W Funston. 554' days with team, $19.20; I Hunter. 2 days with team, $7,00 ; J like, 2; days with team, $8.75; I? McEachern. 5 days operating gra- der, Oil and bolts, $15.48. MeRohb--Lothian Thatforegoinz report be adopted and $2.00 Com tees be paid.-Carried. Lsthian-hieltobb Com fees $3.00. Rand reports-Come Ferguson re- ported a new culvert by P Match at Gore A con 13 and drawing gravel and repairing bridge " a cost of $13 00; Wm Davis. when " lot 21 can 2-3 and another culvert lot 22 con 23 $1800; il J Eden filling washout and cleaning creek bed, Var- uey siderond, $1.00. Lvthun--h"ergoon Regarding the foregoing petition that this Council take no action in the matter. --Car, Cnuncil met Aug. 2Ut. Minutes adopted. A petition was read, sign- ed by Jun W Ghent and 25 others, asking that lots Ne It and IP., con 4, Ext, be detached from S S No 5 Egremont and united to U S S No 6 Ext and Arthur. Egremont Council Report adopted Boys' Tweed Suits, 99 cts. Nineteen Boys' Tweéd Suits to fit little boys of 3, .1, 5, 6, 7 years. Regular 2.50, 3.50, 4.50, on sale this week only Ninety-nine cents. This includes our entire stock. Regular values at $18.00, 20.00, 21.00, 22.00, 14.00 Think this over, gentlemen. Your choice of any of these made to your measure. Best hand tailoring, best trimmings Your Choice of all our Tweed & Woru sted Suitings, made to your measure il Given Away gWWWWWWHWWWWWg Came to the premiscsof and lot l7, con 16, Egremont, a red steer. Owner will plane from ty, pay expenses and call or I: JoHe,iN.riigios, September 5 --From all stations Toronto in North Hay inclusive, and west thereof in Ontario. Farm Laborers special trains will leave Toronto ails 30 a m on August 22 via Hamilton and London, and at 200 p m on August 25 and Septomber 5 yin Guelplt,h'erliu Ind Stanford. This is an exceptional chance to visit the West, which is trulycallevi the land of'Golden 0pportunititit,' and many [norm-anus farmers and business turn now rouid- ing in Western Canada can trace the origin of their good fortune lo " Fin-m Ltsborers' Excursion. The mule yin. Chicago is an attractive our, umny large cities and towns being passed en route. which breaks the uiunntony of the journey, there being somolhing new no see all the time. The Grand Trunk Ncith, Railway is the shortest and quickest mum between Winnipeg I-_-Ire/tyet-mi-id, with umooth roudbed. through the newest, mast picturesque and most rapidly develop- ine section of “hum-- 'N-..., Jr ing section of 1vestein- ifiiiidd, Full particulm at all Grand Ticket U'tiomr, or write C. E. l) District Pass. Agent, G. T Its. T September 3.--From all stations Toronto and east. and east of (Milli: and Seot ia Junction, -. - _. __. waVICM muvuuuu. \tlllxlty. Edmonton. 1tetarmnte-gietroat Win. nipeg, plus halt cent per mile trom points on“ ot Maolmod, Calgary or E‘lmnnton to Winnipeg. to levy the rues, receive applitstions for Assessor and other business. School trustees must have their er timltes for low on section in to the clerk by said date,--Carried, Tia Grand Trunk Railway. pluc "if cent per mile from Winnipeg to dentin-- tion, but not beyond MacLeod, Caigary, L‘.I...-..A,._ .. . W- - . --- Farm Laborers' Excursions $l0 to Winnipeg This is for Ten Days Only to the Premises of undersigned "I In IT....-, . ,, Going Date, Pdgremont, a red yank]; will please Prove proper- "' an 1 A-.. - Strayed s specxal trains Will y 80 a m on August 22 d London, and at 200 5 and September 5 via a to visit the West, the land of‘Uolden many ptosperrc'ttts m "491] now resid- ada can trace the fortune lo a Farm . .Tho: roula yin . ALLAN, Clerk $16.00 No. 2, 'Holstein Grand Trunk '. E. Homing. Ity, Toronto. same l, log 10" urn. (l are: good bud and [mine um mixed timber. bah-, good Iillnhlc lund. Well waterc .L good tuning ttreels running through. another sprung a few rods from harm. {drilled wall at hon-v. Good frame {houseimd hum, In“? min shod. hie an bum. *itunted 21 miles lmm “w! stein, 5 mile from “haul. Witt he snltt on any [er-o. For lumber pumm- urc apply on prev-1m to JOHN WALIILEY. Holdtvin - - v - ‘u'..- - 'I'U A telilblo French regulator: hi T.', " 9th arg "manly mu] lil r b, no ”waive portion ul E (en 7 use all cheap tirtitatiams. . no , d at " I box. or three lor '10. "and " - I 'ttiss 75. look]! Dug 00. " may --- lt m. o'ctoet, to hear and decorum-v [complaint ot errors and omissinm ltl I the Votelu' List of the Municipality oi i Egromont for 1913, DR. JAB. L. WILSON, B. A, Physician. Surgeon and Aoeouoheur S in! attention M to (Haem- " Wéoum and mailman. , Alwo It“. - Ear. None In Two”. ' va than?” (muted mud glans pm prrly (ted. cum " Holstein Dru: Store, Money to loan at Iowa» nuns. and ti'lft to sun ttggi,. dt,', and alliance paced n t awry 'asti.ue oompuu' Deeds, ort. _ Inn»- t'd'1%d new!“ on Show!!! notice. All work promptly ntmdod to. Holstein Convey-meg;- lssuer of [We “com: Dated at I AugustLlSll3 lunlclpallty or Etremom. Nutice is [touchy given that a FM; “in Ire held pumuuu to the 0mm Voters' List Act, by Ii. Honor. 11 Judge o'Pt,e Count! (Jenn. of II County of Grey. u "udiGaii, G, ii tttth drt of t'eRtemher, 1913, ttt ll Lot 8. con EA? Yank PGiiiid%iu Judge's Court of Revision I tl, Home“: thin Ithtt day “I , " 3 DAVID ALLAN. Farm for Sale. . J. SHARP " know, conlum "ery good hudwm-r at Iowa-t at“, and borrower. Fire and placed In moron-Hy Clerk of [human ree M, 1913 tit the the i513 Jul 'li, 11 Gland“. Ion. Durham. tw Wm» Iv tite At ply nu the YI rt XI Y,',")',', "P V in mmer r Chl F, Char MISJC in". ht YI X Mh'l y, John Kelly, Tl |.-\Dll SPIRELLA OF CAN, 'Pt6twtot “90 or 'TORON Gold M dluulc m " quality eve bands thn Our s la Phone 58 VOL. Farm ior NICHOL. Every GI hat at: m th Ne Box Bla 41W nu SI

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