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Durham Review (1897), 28 Aug 1913, p. 3

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STATES A PARAGRAPH ROM ALL OYVER BE IN A KELL. i1 Purchase der the g part ment d are bo ,000, and on the d £10,000 apiece, ial train came and carried 375 e Lost Mountain ‘he momben “ from Wisconsin ._ They broughs be a s red m: WEDDLN ( ind the World )"' ‘old Neâ€" R Our private H $ was Kllidlm : of nat. cund fq possese Railway trains 810. OO gread e Red or 1t% n the 4SC nNnAY canned «4 ind » the bonds He $ anC a senâ€" at SsAm® pay, AJ) inty WB ()y tay the ere this DURHAM TO TORONTO AND RETURN $3 aug. 23 to Sept. 6 Inclusive. $2.25 Aug. 26 and 28, Sept. 2 and 4 All tickets valid for return until Sept. 9, 1913. * _ Full particulars from any Grand Trank Agent. JAS. R. GUN, Town Agent, Phone 14. _ J. TOWNER, Station Agt, Phone 18 $10.00 TO WINNIPEGâ€"vyia Chicago and Duluth Plus half.cent per mtle from Winnipeg to destination, but not beyond Macleod, Calgary or £dmonton . RETURNINGâ€"$18.00 to Winnipeg, plus halfâ€"cent per mile from points east of Macleod Calgary or Edmonton, to Winnépeg. SEPT. 3 â€"From all stattons Toronto and East, and East of Orillia and Scotia Jot. SEPT. 5 â€"From all stations Torgnto to Nerth Bay. inclusivg and West thereof in Ontario. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the sho rt and quickest route be tween v’m.lpn. Saskatoon, E‘ mouton. Full particulars at all Grond Trumk Ticket Offices, or write C. E. HORNING, D.P.A., & G. T. Ry., Toronto, Ont. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM Can. National Exhibition, Toronto PATRICK CONWAY‘S BAND Aug.23 1913 Sept.8 T O R O N T O Score of other Famous Bands Twelve Band Concerts Daily Wreck of the Airship Withington‘s Zouaves New Giant Midway Grand Double Bill of Fireworks |IRISII CGUARDS BANDI Circus and Hippodrome Roman Chariot Races Athletic Sports Great Water Carnival United States and Canada Educational Exhibits Cadet Review Japanese Fireworks Camada‘s Biggest Dog Show America‘s Greatest Cat Show Dated at Durham on the 9:h day of August, 1913. I MAGNIFICENT ART EXHIBIT I Electors ars called upon to examine the said list, and. if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have :ho said errors corrected according to a w, Paln_t'in_gs _lr_1_:m Germany, Britain, The Musical Surprise The Musical Ride Autoâ€"Polo Matches R. MacFarlane, Town Agent so transmitted or delivered of the iisst,! Writing the other day about the wade pursuant to said Act, of all|godson of the Dake of Argyl!, the persons appeaiing by the last revised | Maclaine of Loohbuale, lord of the Isle Assessiment Roll of the said rmunicipâ€" | of Mall, with its 45,000 acres of forest, nlit.y_l.g) be entitled to vote in the said | glen and sporting waters, recall; municipality at elections for members | that th * of the United Kingdom of the Legisiative Assembly and at ,!"* $ coust o f‘ Manicipal Electiens: and tnat said Ilist 18 Studded with a number o 'nebl was first posted up at my officeat Darâ€" little islands, the property mostly of bam on the 9th J‘.y of August, 1913, impoverished nobility, about which and remains there for inspection. \there is little if abnything known in Electors are called upon to examine|this country. Let moe describe the the said list, and. if any omissions or| most neted of them. awes c4k _ Lo e e t se "% E I Ask for OFFICIAL PROGRAMMB Contains list of daily events at the Fair. Special rates and train service from all stations. New Livestock Department Everything in Agriculture Exhibits by the Provinces Exhibits by Dominion Government Exhibits by Foreign Countries Acres of Manufactures DAILY Aug. 23 to Sept.6 All tickets good for Canadian National Exhibition Municipality of the Town of Durham, County of Grey NOTICE is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the perâ€" sons mentioned in sections 8 and 9 of *"‘The Ontario Voters‘ Liss Act." the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the list, wesueeccecas eee ce $2,000 added to the Prize List this yvear. Take a Holiday and yisit London‘s Exbibition. Cingle Fare on all Railroads in Western Ontario Special Excursion Datesâ€"Sept. 9th, 11th and 12th. _ Prige Lists y and all informatieon from the Secretary. W. J. REID, President. A. M. HUN Canadian National Exhibition TORONTO THE GREAT LIVE STOCK EXHIBITION The Woestern Fair Attractions Twice Daily Magnificent Programme of Return Rates from Durham $3.00 $2.25 AND iNXLMXZ us BURNING OF ROME "X PANSION YEAR| Fa rm Laborers‘ Excursions VOTERS‘ LISTP, 1913 AUG. 28, 1913 27,000.00 in Prizes and Attractions NosBB0p3*4Bsesscceoc NERO WM. B. VOLLET ret Clerk of Darham an L #8 a% Aug. 26, 28 Sept. 2, 4 irn till Sept. 9 Western Ontario‘s Popular Exhibition Sept. 5 to 13 ondon, Canada | _ Ia these northern waters too, is | Arran, another interesting island, |ruled by the Marchbioness of Graham, | wife of the eldest son and heir to the | Duke of Montrose. It was as Lady Mary Hamilton that the marchioness inherited the estate from her father ]’thu late Duke of Hamilton. The 1s land is 19 miles long and 10% in width with an area of 168 square miles, and his had a romantic history. Along the cliffs of the south coast there are several large caverns, one being known as King‘s Cave. Here Robert Bruce hid himself for some time, while it was from Broderick Bay that Bruee sailed to Carrictk on his expedition for the recovery of the crown. There are many interesting ruins, too, snch «s Lochranza Castle, once the residence of the Seot kings. Then there are cairns, standing stones and stone circles. A few years ago several stome coffins were found in Broderick Castle. _ The owner‘s residence is on the site of the old and historic structure, but it has been reâ€" built in Scotch baronial style. Situâ€" ated upon the N W shore of Brodrick bay, its position is an exceptionally fine one In 1902 when cruising in these waters, King Edward paid a visit to the castle. The Isle otf Bute in the Firth of Clyde is said to possess the mildest climate in seotland. _ Its owner is the Marquess of Bute. whe lords it over a kingdem of 19 square miles in extent and boasting of a population of 11000. _ ‘The scenery in some places is very picturesque. There are six lakes, the largest being Loch Fad two and oneâ€"balf miles long. Here in a cottage lived Kean the great actor, and also Sheridan At one time the island fell into the hands of the Dutch, but eventually they also wore driven out. \ _ The island boasts of extensive | :*lochs " where magmificent fisbhing | is to be had, while some parts of is are ‘mogntainous, Mealasbhal and Ben | More, the two hig hest peaks. towering | 1,800 feet above sea leyel. _ Every | where there are numereus antiques lund Draidical remains. The owner‘s residence is a magnificent old castle, ! close to Stornoway, the prinetpal town. ‘ Members of the royal family have [stayed bere, including the late King |Edward. The principal industry is |\fishing, and in season the girls of \Btornoway go all over Scocland packâ€" |ing herring. ‘Their language is pure \Gaelie® Perbaps the prineipal of these island properties is Lewis, in the Hebrides, whose present ruler is Major Matheson. Lewis boasts of an «rea of 437,221 acres and a population of nearly 30,000. It is the largest British island next to Ireland. It has figured largely in Scottish history, |and the doings of that noted warrior chiet, Raral Macleod who onee raled it, would fill volumes. Over and over again Briiish kings have disâ€" | patched soldiers to take the island. | After a few months occapation howâ€" ever, they invariably retired beaten. The proprietors of these island kingâ€" doms, while owing allegiance to King George nevertheless are monarchs "of all they survyey. " In some instances the British parliament has no power to tax these island estates without the consent of their owners, nor can any one reside on them without their perm{ission . [The following sketch of Scottish Islands, the first bhome of many of our readers, will prove interesting to them and their descendants. â€"Ed.] Scotch Isle A. M. HUNT, Seeretary Arran is Interesting Every Night 1 wo Speed Events Daily Independent. Fireworks ~ Nearly as their righttul lord and master. He resides in Kinloch Castle and disâ€" peoses there a hospitality in keeping with the tradition of the island. In the laner Hebrides there is to ba found the island of Rum, or Rhum, ruled by Sir John Ballough. This is virtaally a huge deer reserve, which is zealously preseryed by its owner. This island reserve is eight and a halt miles in length by eight miles in breadth. Of its 42 square miles or area only 300 acres aro arable, and these are devoted to sheep farming. The island is a mass of high absrg peaks, many towering 2,000 feet an more in height. Crofters Sent to America In 1878 the 400 crofters living on the island all were sent off to Amerâ€" ica, with the exception of a single family, and the arable land convertâ€" ed into a sheep farm. Toâ€"day the Rbham has a population of only 149, who ncknowl_o(r:o_ Sir Jobr Ballougb _ The Duke of Argyll included in his ‘ possessions not only Tyree island, but also the island of Iona, the most sacâ€" 'red and historic spot in all Scotland. Its history began in the year 563, when St. Columba, leaving the shores of Iceland landed upon Iona with 12 diseiples. _ Having obtained the grant of the island, he built a monasâ€" tery. This was repeatedly attacked and destroyod by the Norsemen and the monks suffering martyrdom darâ€" ing these fierce forays in 1203 a new monastery, as well as a nunnery, was ftounded by the Benedictines, and the ecclesiastical remains, for which the island now is ftamous, are chiefly of that date. They consist of the Cathâ€" edral of St. Mary, the nunnery, sev-‘ eral small chapels, a building called the bishop‘s house and two crosses, St. Martin‘s ard Maclean‘s. Stratheona Buys Island A little to the south of Ilona lies Colonsay, belonging to Lord Strathâ€" cona and Mount Boyal, who %luhu- ed it some years ago from the beirs of the late Sir John McNeill. The islard is eight miles long and from one and a half to three miles in width. Its relies consist of a number of standing stones and an extensive bone cave. The owner‘sresidence is Colonsay House, which has been the seat of the McNecills since the sixteenth century. 1 Not far from Bute is the island of Islay, now governed by Hugh Morrison, brother inlaw of Lord Granville. This is the richest and most productive island of the Hebriâ€" des, and was the principal residence of the MacDonald lords of the isles. Early in the seventeenth century it passed from the MacLeans to the Campbells, and afterward to the Morrisons. It bhas a length of 25 miles, a breadth of 19, and a total area of 240 square miles, The popuâ€" lation numbers 7,000. Knowles, the â€" famous dramatist. Among the antiquities of Bate is Kames QOastle. The principal town is Rothesay, in the centre of which stands Rothesay Castle, dating back to the year 1098. It is here that Robert 111 died. From an early period Bute was more or less subject to the Norwegisns, who held the castle. Adlam Wim. 4 S McRonald, Thos, 2 8, 2 L Redford, Alf 2 8, 3 L In the following list, "L" stands for long and S "for short ring. Smith, John H. 1 L, 1 8, 1 L, 1 8 MULOCK LINE NO. 7 Auy person having a telephone should cut this out and keep it at their phone. When calling Central, give the number of rings aud the Line Numâ€" ber wanted. This will insure a more prompt service. Rings or name must be given, or no connection will be made. LAMLASH LINE NO. 6. Brown George 1 8, 1 L, 1 8 Hunt Arthur 1 L, 3 8 Chittick Herbert. 2 L, 2 8 Chittick, David, 2 L, 3 8 Garner, Jas. 3 L, 1 8 Hazlett, Wm, 2 8, I L Lamlash store I L, 5 8 Metcalfe, John 2 L, 1 8 Mervpn, Geo 1 8, 1 L. 3 8 Mervyn, Mark 1 8, 1 L, 2 8 Redford, John 1 L, 48 Redford, Avt. 4 L Patterson, Henry 1 L, 2 8 Patterson, John 1 L, 1 8, 1 L Pearson, Wm. 1 L, 1 8 Schmidt, Wm 4 L, 1 8 Bailey, Ed. 3 L Hopkins R B. 2 L, 4 8 Vickers, Samuel 1 8, 3 L When you know any good item or items of news, please ring ap The ‘REVIEW‘ Officeâ€"No. 6, Durhamâ€"and let us have the facts as soon as known. _ Any information the ‘REVIEW!‘ can supply to subsoribers will be cheerfully given. _ Ring us up. Hudson John Cooper, John Hughes, Win Hillis, W T, 1 L, 1 8. 2 L _ Willis, David 1 L, 2 8, 1 L Fleming, J W.1L, 2 8, 2 L DURHAM LINE NO 3 Livingston, Wm. 3 L, 8 8 Livingsto®, Jas. 1 8. I L, 1 8 Vickers. J W. I 8, 2 L Adlam David 2 8, 1 L, 1 8 Brigham Thos. 3 L, 2 8 Yandt, Fred, 3 L Roseborough . 1 L, 1 8, 1 L Hunt H W. 3 8, 1 L Winkier, J . store 1 8 1 L Lawrance, Thos. 1 L, 1 8 Park, Arch 1 8, 1 L, 1 8, 1 L Johnston. Edmond, 2 8, I L Cobert, Mrs, 2 8, 2 L Derby, Wm 1 L, 1 8, 1 L, 1 8 Cuff, Geo, 2 L 18 Henderson, Wm, 1 8, 3 L Griersoun Alex 1 L, 2 8 Milligan, John, 4 8 Brigham H G., Private Line 5 ALLAN PARK CENTRAL HANOVER LINE NO. 2 Jacklin, Moses, I L, 2 8 Myers, Andrew, 4 L Derby, Andrew, 8 8, 1 L Wwingham, Geo, 5 L Bwitzer, J. B, 4 L, 2 8 Magwood, Anrdrew, 1 L 1 8, 1 L MeKay, Robert, 1 8, 1 L, 1 8 Rebhkopf, Wm, 1 8, 1 L ROBERT BRIGHAM TELEPHONE LINE Two Long Rings Calls Central Islay Richest of All. Snb P m eacth n 1 L, 1 S; 1 L. 18 1 8, 1 L, 1 8. 1 L IL, 18. 1 L Aiter taking three boxes of your Fig Pills for stomach and liver troublesI feel strong and well and able to do my own | work. Mas aA. H. Savitee At all deaters 25 and 60 cont boxes or glllod by The Fig Pill Co,, 8§. Thomas, Dt. the great fruit remedy, will make you feel like a new person. are all signs of the system being elogged. The Liver and Bowels are inactive and the Stomach is weak from undigested foods and foul gases. Oue of the best investments in Durâ€" hamâ€"â€"three houses for the grico of one. Two are solid stere and brick eight roomed houses. Two rooms solid oak floors and trimmings. Two mantels furnace, cistern, good gargen, young orchard. One frame seven roomed house, Must he sold as owner is going West. Apply on premises or write Fine brick store and dwellinwn Main street, Durham. Owner in est. A bargain. Apply to A. H. JACKSON. Several houses in Durham. One nice cottage in Lower Town. Large roomy dwelling house, large enough to keep boarders. Convenientâ€" ly situated to all public works, Newly decorated. Cheap rent. Apply to Liver Spots, Pimples, Dark Gircles Under the Glenelg, 150 acres. YF nsl s C ae 1c Lot 8, Con, 8, 8.D.R., Gtenelg, 50 acres Lot 9, Con, 3, 8, D. R, Glenelg, 50 acree Lot 10, Con. 3, 8.U.R., Glenelg, 59 acres Lot 4, Con, 4, 8. D.R., Glenelg, 55 acres Lot 7, Con, 1, N.D R., Glenelg, 50 acves Apply to G. & J, McKEcouNIK, Durham In the Oater Hebrkies is the Island of North Ulst. belonging to Sir Arthâ€" ur J. Campbellâ€"Orde, who served with distinetion in the Seuth African war, No one cam reside on the isâ€" land without the owner‘s permission, and no taxes can be levied without the consent of its roler. It has an area of 76,00) acres and a population of nearly 4,000. ‘The eastern half of the island is cut up by lochs and water courses, so as to have the apâ€" pearance of an archipâ€"lago. Bonnie Prince Charles is said to have landâ€" ed on North Ulst and bhidden in the beather. The 3rd division of lot 9 and the Ist division of lot 10, W.G.R., Bentinck, 100 acres. Lot 1, ou. 11, Glanelg, 100 acres. Lot 16 and half of 17, Gon.2, E. G. R. Brantigan Henryâ€"2 long 3 short Feick Johnâ€"2 short 1 long Marshall Wmâ€"I long 3 short Pfeffer Valâ€"1 short 3 long Schenk Conâ€"1 long 4 shert Widmeyer Alfâ€"1 short 1 long Robertsen Dayidâ€"1 long 2 short Whiteford Johnâ€"1 short J long 1 sh. Diebel Johnâ€"1 short 1 long 3 short CON 12, NORMANBY LINE 41 Arnold Alexâ€"2 long 2 short Dietz Henryâ€"1 short 2 long Rubland Chasâ€"1 short 1 long Hollinger Fredâ€"1 short 3 long Kester Fredâ€"1 long 2 short Widmeyer Mâ€"1 long * short Feick Robtâ€"2 long 1 short Feick Valâ€"2 short 1 long Damm Conâ€"2 short 2 long Hehn Johnâ€"2 long 2 short Kreller Fredâ€"83 long 1 short kreiler Wmâ€"8 long 2 short Hollinger Philipâ€"1 long 1 sh,. 1 long CON 13, NORMANBY LINE 43 Wettlaufer Louisâ€"1 long I short Wettlaufer Andrewâ€"I long 2 short Weitlaufer Nicholasâ€"1 long 3 short Damm Henryâ€"2 long 1 short Mcintee Johnâ€"2 long 2 short Becker Johnâ€"2 long 3 short \ Koenig Samuelâ€"3 long I short Baetz Geo Aâ€"3 long 2 short Scholes Joeâ€"1 short 2 long McUarthy Johnâ€"1 short 3 long Tatum Valâ€"2 short I long Weher Loureâ€"# short 2 long Krafuo Philipâ€"2 short 3 long Kraft Valâ€"I long 1 short 1 long Scroggie Frankâ€"1 long 1 sh, 2 long Keller Johnâ€"1 short llong 1 short CON., 16 NORMANBY LINE NO. 9 Ford, Albertâ€"2long 1 short Ford, Hentyâ€"2 long 4 short Gilmour, Davidâ€"1 long t short Habermehi, Johnâ€"3 long 2 short Hurst, Johnâ€"3 long 1 short Nicloic Johnâ€"3 loug 3 short Widmeyer Albertâ€"1 short 2 long Huehn Chasâ€"1 short I long 2 short Miller & Seimâ€"4 long 1 short Huehn, Albertâ€"4 long HAMPDEN LINE NO.8 . Backus Wm 1 long 4 short Byers, Michael 3 long 3 short Fulton Andrew 3 long 2 short Fulton HKugh 1 short 1 long Metzger Noah 1 long 1 short 1 long Kerr James 2 leng 2 short Mearns, Win, 3 long 1 short McNaughton Wim 2 long 3 short Young Thos,. 2 long 1 short Snider, O M. 2 long 1 short 1 long Schilling Henry 1 short 1 long 2 sh, Geddes Walter 1 short 2 long Torry. Thos. 1 8, 1 L McDonald, Alex 1 skhor . 2 long MceDonald Donald, 1 s, I I, 1 s, 1 1 Hobkirk, Alex 1 1, 1 s, 1 1, 1 o Brown, Archie, 4 len ITwamley, Robs 11, {e, 21 Cook, Wym 11,2s,11 SALLOW SKIN Farms for Sale. AYTON CENTRAL LINE 42, AYTON FIG PILLS N. Mclxtyrr, J. M. LaTtMER, Durham A.H.JaAckasox, Darham. Ror Sale To Rent. For Winnipeg, Jure 27, 1911 Eyes n ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO s Sn t e The Review to ”’NOT'CE All letters from Canada must be addressed to our sespmmwwemem . Conadian Correspondence Department in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are used for correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only, Addtess all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private address. Drs. KENNEDY & KENNEDY We Treat and Cure VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD and URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY and BLADDER Dis. for a Question Blank for HOME TREATMENT . Cor. Michigan WN OTICE mrtupnce eases and all Diseases Peculiar to Men. _ _ CONSULTATION FREE. Books Free on Discases of Men. C inA S ..â€"mecicints. . c ~AI any private disease and you dare not marry; if you are married and live in dread of symptoms breaking out and exposing your past; if you are suffering as the result of a misspent 4+ 60 s 64 A) a» & a» m enes Araea uin n se gas 22 C C > them confidentially and they will tell you honestly if you are curable lifcâ€"DRS. K. & K. ARE YOUR REFUGE. Lay your case before SOWING HIS WILD OATS Highest prices for Butter and Eggs. We daily have shipped in a supply of the best and purest Ice Cream. Delicions Sundaes, Sodas Specials, Soft Drinks, etc. at our parlors. Take an Ice Cream Brick home with you. cela M 9T 04 uor € refetainiinnttcin brtaisaititstin tntraatieds im aatesc hh s K s3 West D° Admonton, ry or MacLeod, Alta. A certificate will be issued entitling purchaser to a secondâ€"class ticket good to re*urn from any station on the Canadian Pacific, Canadian Northern, or Grand Trunk Pacific Railways in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba east of MacLeod, Calgary and Edmonton to original starting point by the same route as travelled on going journey on or before November 30th, 1913, on payment of one half cent per mile (minimum fifty cents) up to Winnipeg added to $18.00 from Winnipeg, provided the holder deposits the eertificate with the ticket agent on arrival at destination, and works at Jease 11( °0 aRe 18 Sertilicat BEPT. 3â€"From Toroato, all C. N. 0. St1tto 1s east am4 south of Sparrow Lake, all Central Ontario and Bay ol Qiiate stations ; also stations on other limes east of North Bay in Ontazio anlQiab>s incla ting alistations on the C. N. Q. east of and inâ€" cludingline St. Jerom: to Huberdeau, and (Q. & L. St. J. Ry. stations. BEPT. 5â€"Fro‘!'n T?_rq’mo to Sparrow Lake on C, N.O. ; aliso points an other lines Torouto ONEâ€"WAY SECONDâ€"CLASS TickrT$ w Oneâ€"way second class tickets to Winnipeg o verification certificate, with an extension coupon. at Winnipeg by a farmer, showing he has engage coupon will be honored up to 5» tember 30t} (minimum flft! cents) to any m(’gn west of W Northern or Grand Trunk Pacific Railways in M west of Edmonton, Calgary or MacLeod, Alta, _ _ A certificate will be issued entitline purchie T HE CITY BAKEFRY Headquarters for Confectionery and all Balsery goods Returning, halfâ€"aâ€"cent a mlle from all points on C'.r N Rt;Wu;mp;; $10.00 from Winnipeg to originai starting point in Ontario. DATES OF SALE Choice of destinati~n_left to the excursionist. Half aâ€"cent a mile from Wlnnépog to Regina, Siskatoon, Brandon, Kindersley, PrinceAlbert, Battleâ€" ford, Eimonton, and to all other points on the Canldiu‘ Northern Railway, From all stations on Grand l\llflll: na;r'. North Beyindlult n EPT â€"From all stations on Grand Trunk Line oronto to Nort y inclusive SEPTEMBER 5th and West thereof in Ontario, inclu ling C.P.R. Ltne Sudbury to Sauit Ste Marie, Ontario, but not including Azilda and Wase memmeee _ POTOTZ O TACTIC, DW SEPTEMBER 3rdâ€" bat adhi B id AUGUST 18th _Sr%m'nll stations Kiegston to ntario, â€"From Toronto and West AUGUST 22nd and Sough vx.]herggf. tet on Gra AUGUST 25th â€"â€"From Toronto and Northâ€"West Athe Down Town Shoe Stome EG S TAKEN AS CASH, Plus half cent per mile 1 to MacLeod, Oalgary, or i We have given som= lines of footwear notice to leave our store. ‘To quickly help them out we have reduced prices till there is hardly any price left. Soam: Ladies‘ Slipp:rs and Oxiords, reg. $2.00, now $1.00 Missss aad Childrens White Oxfords now........ 50c Other broken lines also away down see if your size is here. 1 eP n e m o mm on O WO For full.particulars see nearest C.P.R. Agent "*G@oIng TRIP WEST." " RETURN TRIP EAST." $10.00 To WInNNiIPEG l§‘l8|.00 FROM WINNIPEG us half cent per mile from Winniper un ling hal# mont smenfFageill um e l uoL . Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. R L. FAIRSAIRN, Gant. Pass. Agt. Can. Nor. Ry , Toronto, Ont. REAPING A HARVEST OF SORROW Fresh Ice Cream Daily YOU CAN PAY WHENâ€"CURED Choice lines of Cooked Meats, Plain and Fancy Cakes, Fresh Groceries, etc., etc. NOTICE TO LEAVE Custom Work and Repairing as usual 40,000 FARM LABORERS WANTED .Brom.au stations Kgston to Renfrew inclusive and east thereof in ntario. From Toronto and West on Grand Trunk Main Line to Sarnia Inclusive and South thereof, From Toronto and Northâ€"Western Ontario, North of but not including Grand Trunk Line Toronto to Sarnia and East of Toronto to Kingston, Sharbot Lake and Renfrew, including these points. A From m“d all stations in Ontario East of but not including Grand Trunk Line Toronto to North Bav. S i 9 + eP semihcne nb eB lt Acas b lt M .0 B LiA sc d 1CC up to Ste,;;tcmber $0th for ticket at rate of oneâ€"half cent per mile ) to any statfon west of Winnipeg on the Canadian Pacific, Canadian ‘ruhl;k Pacific‘ Rgllwgys in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta, but not a uw ar UV e an. EXCURSION S iA an L2 /0 WWinnipeg only will be sold. Each ticket will include a ith an extension coupon. â€" When extension coupon has been signed » showing he has engaged the holder to work as a farm laborer, the up to S2tember 3;%‘:': for ticket at rate of oneâ€"half cent per mile Bhnuw eta n male L ce 2e ies LUME d 40,000 Harvesters Wanted FOR_HARVESTING in WESTERN CANADA m Winnipeg u Plus half ce munlun.m8 pl MacLeod. ( GOING DATES . A. ROWE Jan. 1, 1914, only 25¢ fanitoba east of MacLeod, Calgary and Edmonton ute as travelled on going journey on or before half cent per mile (minimum fifty cents) up to provided the holder deposits the eertificate with and works at least thirty days at harvesting. . Agent, or writeâ€" M. G. MURPHY, D.P.A., C.P.R., Toronto To Winnipeg $10.00 WLL BE SOLD To WINNIPEG ontY 1/ms half cent permilefrom all points east of MacLeod, Caigary or Edmonton to Winnipeg How many young men can look back on their early life and regret their misdeeds. _ *‘Sowing their wild oats‘‘ in various ways. Excesses, violation of naâ€" ture‘s laws, ‘‘wine, women and song‘‘â€"all have their victim‘s. Yiou have reâ€" formed but what about the geed you have sownâ€"what about the harvest? Don‘t trust to luck. If you are et present within the clutches of any secret habit which is sapping your life by degrees; r( you are sufâ€" fering from the results of East indiscretions; if {oux lood has been tainted from . MeILRAITH If unable to call, write Call and Intending Stu@gents 1d wikg in the sn o yoalnls." »ny of tained a Staff and Equipment. schoo! is thoroughly equ! in fiy‘, in chemical and dfitfl%:‘ w #&c., for full Junior Lecvmgm. ation work. The following competett M#taf are in charge : THOB, A clpal and Peovincin Modâ€" a mm ist Class Cortitigute Embaiming a Speciality. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice Buow Rooxsâ€"Across from{Middaugh House, t s V 0W 5s Resivexo®r â€" &l.nt house south of Lawrence‘s ckemith Shop. Durham & Continuation UNDERTAKER a n Funeral Director Oro] restores every nerve in the y Hâ€".oâ€"s?.gâ€"_m its pmpery tension ; tat“!d sim and vitality, Premature decay and alt ae‘xg we:kkeneu averted at ogce Phosphoneol .,i ma. a new man. Price $3@ box, or a J:)i‘llod to any address. fio Mg‘ ,, St, Ontharines, Ont. Electric Restorer for Men pas wide:...>, +/« «.. 406 ya Bed Comforters from ............. ... ... .25 up to 85 each . Floor Oicloth, .. 30¢ a square vard Table OQilcloth, 45 in wide, 25¢ a yd New Spring Prints all now in Call and see them Barrister, Solicitor in Suprem Court Notapy Public Commissioner Twulled Stveeting 2 yads wide Heuy! bleached sheeting, 2 32 i 31 ARTHUR H. JACKSON J. F.GRANT D. D.S., L. D. §s. HONOB WUM‘E Toronto UnivePstty, Gra duate 1 College Denial Burgeon s Deptisiry in all its orauches, Officeâ€"Over Jeweliry store and oppo site Post Office, there, or to OEylon P. O , will be promptis attended to, Terms on application to e® ftoxor crapvare University, graduvate of R of Dental Surgeons of Ont DoF evaesedl PCE POVR Over J & J HUNTER‘S New Store 2 yds long, 27 in Xicensed Auctioneer for Oo. Grey Terms moderate. A ATs t dates, &o. must m"&'iii‘fii thme ‘fim 6 fpe, Durham. iss Correspondégioe addresscd BIG 4 ESF" im & 14. Telephone C unication between Office and P mm Atall bours. W.C, PICKERING D. D S., LDS FRICE _ Ovur 4. Â¥. 1xfGOrt‘s oftive, neawrl U OUwSte btZsuy Unleeg Â¥ RESIDENCE ; te;ond bouse south ol Reptetr« oflice on east side of Albert 8t. Northâ€"west Lands for sale o change, Above ure some of wy Many gains t wiil Pay you to from me. 100 acres 1 mile South of W ilhamsford a good farm too, offered for actually less than the buildings would cost. 100 acres near Mount Forest, cheap at al\)ndor $14,000. Ns i ANM acres near rmoch (Mr George Twamley‘s farm) a fine wellâ€"improyâ€" ed place on which Mr T wamley made money, offered at a great bargain, 200 acres near Louise, good farm, extra buildings, timber worth most of the price, 150 acres near Durham, wellâ€"improved and cheap at about $14000, 800 acres in Egremont, (Dr Fettes farm) good place, owner in the West offered at a snap, 100 acres near List owel, one of the best farms in Perth Co, Splendidly improved, Astonishingly cheap at $7000, J G HVYiTON,.M. D H.H. Miller If You are Not Too Lazy OrFFICE HOURS 9â€"11 a m 24 p m. Money to i.oan flice on Lambron Bt., ‘ Walpole‘s Stables. . MecPHMAIL _ Full line of Catholle Robes and black and white Caps for aged people. Mr McPbail has a telephone in his resi deno:ln Cexion. Notary Public, Commisstoner A. bELL COONYV EY A NCER, . P. TELFORD Te BLOCK LACE CURTAINS V. Mer HAIL, C?'lon or to C. RAMAGE, Durham wW. H. BEAN D. MePHAIL, Ceylon 40 in 30 in 54 in 60 in 60 in CALDER‘S wide . wide . wide wide wide wide PONRMans wud Bargeons livegh ie ATE of Toramo Money to Loan School y Many Barâ€" The Hanover Conveyancer oyal College wio Rooms sale or ex 8. â€" A gen opposite 1,00 pr 1,00 pr 1,50 pr 25¢ yd 2L »0¢ pr pr pr \ a C

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