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Durham Review (1897), 28 Aug 1913, p. 4

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, C." x - = ' - 1/“. _ (PR-Te . ' a! l',/ (f ? j ' . A' gililllri'ji ala ‘ 2 h til, , f LI ‘ v v I, J , H m ga tig El LS I c. r " " £5; " W: 9- .. tliiN illiiiil O 4' J W - " - ‘l . I . tit il) w 33 ii) it) W lb 9? w w Q W W W z$£€esséseaéfiaésa$é§eesee§ fi' The Central Drug Store , {yaiaaaasasseaaésa ,.ir,iriraaaisaa3h u, " . I .10 frat _ C _ L'M ,xjr . rv a?!" c-"." , , '4 26 ‘ Sh' _ - 'iS Itra' 1tjt, (tf,)',-',?,).::'.,,';,, fdN,i-,' pmmmmz _ ; CjtiitW,j!i'tii.iiiC'-r? trk. 1di"i.L/c,',)Lvl Ir', , t 'it'k'2il Q “ 'di' " 3% 'it " 13 We have the stuff on hand. Also the celebrated Btatehford's 0119 Meal and Stock Foods, and Flinn & Co. Melanin: Meal for all kinds of Stock. . All Kinds of Grain Bought and Sold 2rt John McGowan Sovereign Flour Eclipse Flour Pastry Flour Bran Shorts Middlings Low grade Flour Mixed Chop Com Chop Oat Chop Crimped Oats School Opening The Central Drug Store Ring us up when you The People’s Mills i, are Ready for The Largest Stock we have ever shown and m at Lowest Prices. m High and Public School Books School Supplies in endless variety Special Reduction on Flow and Feed in ton lots. Still the old slogau---t' When you get it here, (fl it's right.” A -r--‘-~ i reg. I.00, sale price 75c Dyes. . . . . .reg. 10c, sale price 5c Dutch Drops, reg. I0c, sale price Sc hoods Sarsaparilla, reg. LOO for 75c Ayers Sarsaparilla, reg. hot) ior 75c Perfumcs, Hair Brushes, Mirrors, Soaps, Talcum Powders, Papetries, Condition Powders. Stock Remedies, Teas, Groceries, Etc , Etc. Everything will he sold at a cut price, commencing Saturday, August 30. This is a great opportunity for you to boy your Household Ree.: dies an] rel {mums at greatly reduced prices, and as it is only a mat. ter of a few weeks until you will be looking for Xmas Presents, we will be able to give you these at Great Values. reg. 25c, sale price I80 Burdock Blood Bitters 0roggist, As space does not admit of givinga complete list of goods, we will mention only a few lines '. - Williams Pink Pills. reg. 50c, Thomas' Electric Oil Giving up Business in Durham Commencing Saturday, August 30th, I will give a flat discount of 20 per Cent. on my entire stock of Drugs, Patent Medicines (excepting price protected goods), Sundries, Toilet Articles and Stationery, with a greater discount on many lines, in some cases M) per cent. It the Mill or delivered anywhere in dual: loo lbs., ton Iota or car loads JAMlliiS p. GUN illli0l SALE Require Flour and Feed All kinds sale price 35c ‘pm and Tar 25c, Vaseline....reg. ik, Piano Polish " 25c, International Ferrozone.. reg 50c, sale price .35 Budds Pills $6 25c, " .15 Dodds Pills " 50c, " .35 Syrup White Pine 25c, " ' .l5 Syrup White _ Colic Cure " Mc, m m m u m 'h", The Conservatives, quite without It _ reason, have sometimes labelled the (”Liberal party as insincere. Their m refutation is now complete. In spite . viola large majority against them in ' ;this Constituency in 1911, here are try the Liberals again fighting more if! istrongly than ever for the policies on ililiy.hich the party-stern-Atoms the ' hyy.: Tax Reform, Workmen's Com- ds 1permeation. advances in Agriculture tit 'and other issues. as: m ft) is (Special to the Review) That the Liberal party after a temporary reverse can "comeback ', has been proved conclusively by the candidature of Albert Chamberlain for Legislature in East York. There never was a more enthuala.tic cou- vention than that held by the Liberals in Markham last Saturday and the whole tone of the meeting was ag- gressiveness and optimism. Mr Hugh Ridden is taking in the Exhibition this week. Mr. Will Campbell leaves to-day, Monday for the West. Willie is on. of our local sports and will begreat- 1y missed in the burg. Mr and Mrs H. Boyce and Mn Geo. and Miss Nellie Slew.“ spent Sun- day with Min Annie Supernault of Crawiord, _ A number from here aitended the gardens party " Dornoch on Friday night and report a good time. Mrs Alex Campbell and daughter Miss Gladys visited last Tuesday with Mr: Alex McDonald, lelash. Mr Thos Shewell and sons Albert and Walter spent Sunday with the formers sister, Mrs In: Lister of Sal: livan. A few of our young people intend taking Itl the party at Mr. Wm. Kenny 'y of Glentoaden to-morrow evening. Mr. Chamberlain is an outspoken and lifelong advocate ot temperance reform and is " ardent and enthus- iastic supporter of Mr. Rowell and the whole program of the Liberal patty. all}? Euvham Bent-pm Mr: F'. Suewe11 and daughte: Min Nellie spent Thundny Afternoon with Mm. Dr. Smith of Domed. THURSDAY, AUG. 28, 1913 JAN COME BACK. Durham Welbeck 'fre, " " " .0- . THE DURHAM REVIEW The tent on the grounds was large enough, if well stocked, to supply a legion but the refreshments were Iherdly up to the standard. The [home made hens were good but the iice cream (P) was somewhat like _Borden'sseaieutmer--hard to swel- ’low. However the clerks were kept ibusy entering to the crowd end the proceeds tram the tent together with thou " the gate amounted to ep- proximately $85. Thefmtdvri11 be The Crawford choir was present and their various numbers, collective and individual, were much appreciated. Spirited addresses were delivered by Editor Ramaga, Robt Hay and Dr, Smith. Mr Dan McArthur on the violin accompanied " Master Stew- art on the drum and Miss Kate Mc- Fayden on the organ enhanced their reputation as musical experts by en- raptnring the audience with several fine stirring selections, the crowd do. manding an encore on each occasion. was IcFayden also sang with pathos and sweetness a fine home song and Morrison Smith’s two instrumentals show that in striving for the mastery we can attain. A goodly number of our citizens will attend the Big Fair in Toronto next week. 'Tis not only an outing ot pleasure but 'tis a means of culture and real education as well for observ- ation makes lasting impressions. The annual Garden Party under the auspices of Dornoch Sunday Sch. was held on the church grounds on Friday evening of last week and was acomplete success in every detail. The evening was a little chilly and the elements assumed a threatening attitude but this did not deter a large crowd of pleasure seekers from the immediate community and many con- tingents from outside points front congregating on the spacious grounds and a night of real social pleasure was enjoyed by all, The Dornoch ladies are culinary experts and the tastefully decorated tables in the base. ment with their supply of toothsome foods was heartily enjoyed by all. This being over the crowd seated themselves on the lawn in front of the church and a. variegated program was rendered, Duncan Morrison cred- itably discharging . the duties of Chairman. The harvesters' Excursion to the West on Monday last was well pat- ronized by people from the surround- country. This isa fine opportunity for residents of Eastern Canada to visit the golden West and see the grand] heritage our young nation possesses west of the Great Lakes. School reopens on Tuesday next when the various teachers will resume their duties of educating the south of our land. Miss Margaret uortley will conduct the Edge Hill Academy. May success attend her efforts. Mr Duncan Pollock of Toronto is holidaying with his grandparents" and Mrs Duncan Campbell of Beutinck His sister, Miss Katie returned to the city the fore part of the week to re- sume her duties as book-keeper in the Robt. Simpson Dept. Store. This week will see the conclusion of harvesting operations, the majority of farmers having all their crop safely housed and neverhas the golden grain been garnered under more ideal con- ditions, the bulk oi it being mowed without receiving a shower. True the weather war a trifle hot, the tem. perature soaring high enough to de press a Hottentot squatted under a palm tree but the men oiour northern zone can stand any temperature from abSolnte zero to the boiling point and no one seemed any the worse for the torrid conditions which prevailed. The hum of the thresher is now heard on allsidcs, the turnout of grain being up to the standard in every particular, plumgkemel, fine natural color and more grain to the shock than usual. On the afternoon of Thursday, the 21stinst. the South Bentinclr Sunday School held their annual picnic in Mr A. Derby's grove-on the old Smith farm. The weather being all that could be desired there was agood turn out of both old and young who en- joyed themselves with social chat and games until supper was ready. After all had been "tisa.fiad with the many good things prepared by the ladies. they all moved out to the road and had the usual races for the children. In the evening it took on the form of a garden party on Mr John Milligan's lawn which was neatly decorated for the occasion. Mr A. Derby was ap- pointed chairman and proceeded to call off quite a lengthy program of songs. music. etc. Mr. Geo Turnbull Sr, the only remaining pioneer of the vicinity was present and gave an in. tereetmg speech. A generous supply of ice cream and lemonade was then parsed around till all were tsatisfied. Mr. ihur, McRonuld is engnged this week In building a cement concrete lilo. Mr. J. H. Smith of Allan Park bu the contact. Mr. Geo Turubull and Jen MeRon- ald each had several sheep worried last. week. Mr McRonald succeeded in catching one of the guilty dogs in the vely not. and had him killed It once and then took it ham: to the owner, Miss Junie Derby who has bun holidaying n homo foe two weeks rt" named to her duties in Fergus Help. tal last Saturdly. Mr Alex Cooper, principul of Shel. burns Public School. paid n brief vis- it to 1m Slater Mr. A Derby last. week. Mn Wm. Grin-non and daughter Bessie us away on atwo month‘s mm to friends in Sashtehewm. Mum [mound Ind thtttr John}- Itnn of Chlthum In spendinl their nation Inch their uncle, Mr. H. It. Johnston. Min Mm Smith of Durham qpent over tho weak and with her friend, Eilia Milligan. Dornoch Vickers TORONTO A number from the village anemi- ed the Darnoch garden party on Friday eve and all report I good time. Mr. John Vossio Itnt a vulnable‘ cow last Week by falling (worth. rock into the river at the back of his farm. _ 4 Mr and Mrs Bert Ritchie of town. and Mr Chan Kennedy of Bunesun. spent Tnesdny evening with Ir and Mrs Alex Morton. -‘ Mr and Mrs Dave Robertson left last Thursday for their home in Sanlto Ste Marie, after spending . week with his sister Mrs Cumming. Mr Weigaud and family motored from Berlin last week to visit " cousin Mr Albert Kraus. Mr Clarencn MeElwain spent. Snu- day in Shallow Lake. Thing! are loqkiqg serious. Mr Herb Privat of Berlin is visiting friends in the village. Glad to report that Mrs Kraus Sr is iuproving after her illness. The W. H. and F. M. S. at Burnt Church will meet " the homo of In. D, Clark, Bannock. on Sept. 3rd n 2 o'closk. All are invited. Mrs Vesuia and Mrs M ilbnrn visited at Glenroadon one day last Week. Muss“ Will and Herb Spas of Hawkesville are visiting their uncle Mr L. Print. Mrs Achtrehr and 3 children of 1ttterrville, Penn., alto Mu. Alex. Mitchell of Hamilton. no visiting their mat. Mm Arch. McKoehnio. The harvest is our and the stop was very fair for thig hot dry season. Mr C, Mortle y commenced " nation threshing at R Noble's on Monday. Mr and Mrs Creed left for their home in New York after spending I few days with the latter's parents, Mr and Mrs N wmau. Mr Charlie and Miss Bertie Roberts spent Sunday with friends in Cbesley. Miss Hattie Satherby is spending I 'tirc,".""' with her parents in Shsllow l? e. Mr Charlie Lanes left on Tuesday for his home in Moosejaw. Cheer up Id. he'll come back. Mr and Mrs Moses Kranue returned home after spending the week and with the latter's punts Mr and Mrs Fulsinger of Mildmay. Mr Mayan and family arrived in town on Wed. p. m. after which they will hold concerts every night for a week in the schoolhouse. Everybody welcome. Min Mag McKoohnie ig visiting trienda in Egremout this week. Masters Janie and Morrow Suv- enson open: the week end at Mr Mal- colm MoKochnie's. -.-- _ -iirrdGrirui Min Christan Nowell vioisod with Mr and In J no. Vusie 9n Snudny Wt, . .. " used to purchau a magic lantern for use in the Sands y School Socials. &c. Next year we must have the ground, betterilluminated, more ayatematio preparation In connection with our program and meet earlier in the aeason when the temperature is more genial for occasions of this kind. _ Tirr,iaiririG1iiir 6t town visltod with her daughter, Mrs Neil McLean last week. - _ 1 Shoes for Ladies Dong. Blue... .1.50, 1.75, 2.10, 2.25 Dong. Button.............. 2.25 Gunmetal Blue... .... . . . . .. 3.00 Gunmetal Button... . . . . . . . . 3.50 Satin Calf Blue . . Patent Oxfords .. Patent Blue. . . . . . Chrome Blue . . . . Heavy Split Blue. Departmental Store, a good Water-tight Shoe is very essential for comfort and good health. We invite all to call at our Store and examine for themselves our Shoal especially adapted for this purpose. We have two lines of LADIES' SHOES. one a heavy calfskin shoe with standard screws and extra pegged at $3.ts ; the other shoe is somewhat lighter, but a very serviceable shoe within reach of all at 81.76. $2.00 a pair. For Men we have a good stroog shoe for $1.75 and an extra good value Ro, nn " "rsh. and one we know will keep the feet dry for the popular price of F,y?3fiP2i5f,y,C:r.i3 The time of the year is fast approaching when hesvy dew: prevail and for those engaged on farms or other similar occupations, who have to be afoot early. are: hhikethni.e't3 Weekly News 'ta Rocky Saugeen Williamsiord. A Dry Foot on a Wet Morning We have several other Lines at Special Prices Shoes for Boys 'i, Shoes for Ladies Bring us your Butter and Eggs. Highest Cash Prices ' 8c J, 1l[dKliil0]lingTE 1.1;};1g r 0 visit hil' pi? pent. Bntr. I si? hing: , * is visiting ( * S I 'fir poet frti 98? " nuclei pie Knits Br. sil? 53. , vile re swab! ie We guarantee a good fit and satisfaction ii bruggists and Booksellers lil C P R Town Office buy you gsclwol Days iii Again vie twe still have In stock t fine assortment of FeFebsbsb6sebsFi, *silriFtir6FiFqi)rtbitise a ii; Wash Goods in Ginghams, Prints. i, 't Muslins, Piquet, Bedford Cord, Rep, 2; or w tii? etc. f t Shirtings, Shirts, Overalls, wiih LI, 2; 'iii and without blb. 'l, iti, Ladies and Childrens Dresses, Laces. 3 99? . . Y dk Embroideries. Qt ritvttsgrabsiiqiFqtr4Hirt tbitmt+bsilr*eiiar-'i6ei're, I C P R Town Office buy your tickets we}; . h iiiiiiJiiisniewgasesrxsasiyytsias'i8 1.26 1.39 1.49 1.75 1.76 iiiiiiiirgtgtgrgm- SEEEEENEEg Just 12 days and Young Canada will be. mucking off to school once more. C. L GRANT We have, we think, the largest and best sel ection of School Supplies ever shown in town All the Author‘zed Text Books constantly on hand. Come to us for the latest and best, "Often the cheapest, always the best." Beautiful Goods at rock bottom prices. LEW MacFARLAHE , CO. YW.‘ Fr? - um can blue. special . . . . . . 2.89 These are both goodyeu waited DougBluo................ 1.75 Dong Blue, wide .. ...... 275 Dongoll, good value. . . . . . . . 3.50 Gunmehl Blue, double E width 4.00 Patent Blue, special“ Tan Calf Bhy, special Tan Calf Button. . . . ... Tan Calf Blue......... Shoes for M160” T M, 1913 _ w W 23:34 Buy your tickets ure' Durham w 2.69 a [t Ae .1 Ibo Mary Aldcurn reu " tratartuy after upon “I. In Toronto with In Ilia Aldoorn will lave ' AtrCMuill. when she h: copied as teacher this yea oeptrd on teacher this yen Mb Bum of Tor-ow tom Sum-day our vim! In till “Ginny. In: Junk Livingamm In. Torn-w a present. lav. Mr Fowlke leit ior by. It Fawn. occupic mu pulpit. here and in N " three Snbbnhs. Mr OHM-any intend to n “no Week the: spending ttoliday in Mulkuku, Dr. Lane “on: with Ill. returned home on N wtoying a vim with IONIC! in Port Elam Mr. Ind Mn. “not I and home on Monday in; the mural of the hm the In. Mn Manchinn If Donuld M 'tood is visiting 11 Among than I toe the West on t In. Donuld McKlnr an n the puremul u and! to Toronto Mow Mte Farah McKinn B home to spend her I her parents. Mr, Robertson along with bis I rivod her. last and living in [ have buck ot th The l Auluy I (oral-lb Park lot on won m lane " Pri AUGUST 28, AROUND THE stvttibitrixs t Branch Village Property tD. G. in ave-M: 'r, t m apply I). w For Sale or Dry Comb PR1 W e M Mai Ame tt " " In Mt " VI and!

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