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Durham Review (1897), 4 Sep 1913, p. 1

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1913 ng 5 & ‘evision i¢iÂ¥r ts. : Or= uUure StOT Licenses of at 1es, Ont ucheur w Pills 1404 B. A. ht at in H he 18 | _ _ SrANDARD The east halves of lots 51 and 52, Central Drug Store Concession 3, EKist '()mmfraxlu B'oud.! ___________ Glenelg, 100 acres about 3 miles from Durh -:‘n.lhy good grayel road. l'}:uy[ Fm f terms to the right man. Title perfeet.| _ Being lot 16, eon Aj ply on the premises to Adam Weir,| acres, Good buildi or to J. P. TEuro®n, Darham.| convenient to scho flEEEEEEMEXEEEEHWEEEWEWREEE 24 V)eKechnio‘s Vijitts ?Eg LADIES : _ Remember the special Spirella Corset Sale throughout the summer months. The unbreakable stay and not sold in stores. L*a MRS J. C. NICHOL, Representative Box 107, Durham w x ®,* f=: x ;:; Phone 58 Fred Jo WClSh % ons brinla ie piia e ue ralprre w dia e alar ala o wte e ela alealarela olealp "a o ola 2 ols 2ofi 2e _TORONTO Tee crastrtittrerrerscommcnrescarenrern DUR HA M BRANCH, John Kelly, ©Ee _ _ . _ â€" _ â€"4 BANK SPIRELLA CORSETS oOF CANADA Character : Gold Medal and The most modern equipment, along with extreme care and watchfu‘ness, and only the choicest of Canadian Hard Wheat, insure in Gold Medal and Northâ€"west Gem the highest possible quality every day in the year. Costs no more than many inferior brands that are offered Our Stock of Feeding Stuffs VOL. XXXVIl, NO. 36 #% Farm for Sale. Sâ€"F. MORLOCK Is large and of the best quality. We have installed a XEW OATCRUSHER, and will crush your oats for Horses. Blouses! Silks As well as WHEAT, are put into the milling of Unusual offering of 5 Dozen White Lawn Blouses, greatly reduced, well made throughcut, fine embroidery, alâ€" so lace trimmings and insertions. three quarter and lang sleeves . New Weaves and new finishes in Black Silk and Dress Goods. New Black Pailette Silk, 36 inches wide, made specially for us, every yard has our name on it, greatly reâ€" duced, only ... .. . .. $1.00 per yard Black Duchess Silkâ€"Satin, very soft, deep black, 36 inches wide, with our name on every yard. â€" Speci:l value 75¢ Blouses for....â€"..â€"â€"â€" ©1.00 &# $1.25 g1.50 at .. Custom Chopping Promptly Done RBaled Hay and Salt for sale Northâ€"west Gem Flours 22. .......... $1.25 per yard investment; the abikty to realze quickly the second. Judged by these standards, a deposit in the savings department of this Bank is an ideal Intelligence & form of investment. The scholars are delighted with our schoul needsâ€"supply them at the Being lot 16, eon 2, Normanby, 120 acres. Good buildings, well Watered, convenient to school and church _ Aâ€" bout 5 miles from Darbam. Privileges of tesidence for fall work. Apply to Good new brick house and 4 acre of land, well sitnated on Eigia Street, Durham. _ Apply to ___ ECURITY for both principal and | interest is the first essential of an . 36 DURHAM, THURS The Review to new subscribers to the end Che Burh Mrs. A. MARSHALL, Durham For Saleâ€"Cheap Farm to Rent .. 15¢ $1.00 $1.15 J. P. TEriro®rD Buy your school supplies ast Macâ€" Farlane‘s Drug Store. Abraham buys liye poultry every Tuesday and Thursday morning. Fouxpâ€"On Garafraxa Street, Upper Town, a Ladies‘ Parasol. We are ready for school Opening,â€" everything bright and new. Central Drug Store The Baptist Mission Circle are meeting at Rey, N. McCausland‘s on Wednesday of this week. For Saleâ€"Odda pieces of fixtures, shelving=, counters, safe and other articles. Apply at Gun‘s Drug Store,. WaSTED.â€"Live local man in town of Burham to open 5, 10 and 15¢ store, For our proposition apply Box 67, London Advertiser. We want your live poultry. Highâ€" est cash price paid,. _ Bring them in the morning, every Tuesday and Thur:day., The J. D. Abrabham Co\. A ME PXÂ¥ R»®es.â€"The town of It is requested that all accounts in favor of Drs. Gun and Struthers be settled at an early date, Partnership will be dissolyed, and Dr. Struthers will leave Uurham about the first of October. Hanoyer is levied for a 32 will rate this year, the highest in the history of the corporation. _ The citixens are finding. that 1t costs money to be prospe: ous, ‘_/ Big Air Skip for Waikerton Fall Fair..â€"At the Walkerton Fa«ll Faur on Friday afiernoon, Sept 12ih, Aviator Luckey in a OCurtiss Aeroplane will give a flying exhibition. _ Thousinds will see it. _ Special trains from Durâ€" bam and Hanover, _ Single fares on all lines. Pass Svarmer Coursrs.â€"Miss Marâ€" garet Clarke, a former Malock teacher was succeasful in a summer art course which she took in Toronto recently. Mr lra Halpenny of Ayton bas now a certificate to teach Agriculture. He altended a course on this line in Guelph duriog ‘he holidays. Karl Lenahan of Owen Sound, a former Durhan boy pa sed pharmacy matriculation examâ€" ination which he wrote on in June, _ DAMAGEN.â€"Bx_Woarnaâ€"Dimaged to the extent of nearly $150 was wrought upon the shoe stock of Thos. McGrath, shoe merchant, one day last week, when water from an unturnâ€" ced tap in Kelsey‘s photograph wallery on the second floor, came through the ceiling partition and spoiled much of the valuable footwear on the shelves. To make good the loss, Mr Kelsy hss purchased all the damaged goods at invoice price. ,____,/ Proxtc was a Sucees,â€"Despite the fact that rain feil during the late houre of the afternoon on Friday, the Pre:â€" byterian Sunday school picnic held &t Saugeen Park was quite a sucsess,. A large number of scbholars and adults assembled for the event and previous to the downpour. a gala time was spent by all. All sorts of games and amusements were resorted to and supper was in progress when Jupiter Pluvius descended on the picnickers ard let loose his wrath. _ Sprints for shelter were quickly made and when the rain let up some time later, the ground was too wet to continue the proceedings. Mrs Latpcaw Ingureoâ€"While Mr. and Mre Wm Laidlaw were driving on ‘ the 2nd con, Glenelg, on Monday evâ€". ening, they met with a serious acciâ€" dent. While going down a hill near the farm of W. J. McFarlane, one of the hold backs broke and Mr Laidlaw being unable to fully check the animal after the mishap, the rig turned turtle down the bank. Both occupants were thrown from the buggy and buried beâ€" neath it, Mrs Laidlaw striking the ground with sufficient force to break her leg. while both received cuts and bruises _ Mis Laidlaw was removed to her home where medical attendance awaited her and the limb was set. Latest reports say that she is improvâ€" ing as well as can be expected. Strange to say the horse had not run away or even attempted to do so. Dratk or Mrs AxpERsoN.â€"The death of Mrs Margaret Anderson occurred ab the residence of her sonâ€" inâ€"law, Mr. Edward Hilderbrandt on Saturday evening. The deceased who l was in her Sith year had been an inâ€" valid for some years past and for the last two years had been confined to her bed. Her death was not unexpected. Her daughter Mrs. Hilderbrandt is tha only surviying relative in this locality, Following the church service in the Baptist church on Sunday evening, an appropriate memorial service was held at the Hilderbrandt home, Rev. N Mcâ€" Causlabd officiating, The remains were forwarded by Undertaker Bell to Stratford on the Mon@gay morning G, T, R. train and interment was made in that city on Fuesday afternoon. The casket bearers were Messre. J, 8, Mellraith, John Snell, John A, Grabam Fred Search, Frank Iewin and W, lWhltechnrch. Mr. and Mrs, Hildeâ€" , brandt and two sons accompanied the : remains to Stratford on Monday, Vicksrsâ€"In Durham, on Saturday, Auy. 30, to Mr and Mrs Ted Vickers, & son. P Apply to C. L. GRANT. io With which is protest against Duch Juvenile Laâ€" crosse team over the Mt Forest game was thrown out by the Q. A, L. A. proâ€" test committee, as Wws expected in view of their wild 'xoubstmthted statements and the Durhams have been ordered to meet the Maitiands of Torâ€" onto in Oran#eville to day, Thursday, in the semiâ€"finals. The winner will meet Bracebridge next week for th Juvenile championship next weck{fie Maitlands have been $ # 1 beâ€" fore them but the Durhams, though not in the best of condition, expect to make them travel the limit. The Durbam Branch Women‘s Institute will meet at the home of Mrs J. W Blytbh, Varney, on Thursday, SNept, 4th, at 2 p. m. Mrs. N. Eden will «peak on "Good Form in Puablic Places," and Mrs. G. Lawrence and Mrs. W. Ritchie on "Poultry Raising". Roll Call will be answered by each member giving some ideas on poultry,. Although a number of important buildings on the exhibition grounds at London have Been destroyed by fire, the Directors of the Exhibition and the eity Council have already erected buildings to take care of all exhibits, and everything possible will be done for the comfort of Exhibitors and visitors. Horge stalls haye been erectâ€" ed and plenty of stable room provided. he Exhibition opens Friday Sept. 5th. ingle fare over all railroads in Westâ€" rn Ontario. Cow StruoKkK By_ Auto.â€"Driving along the Durham road and descending the grade approaching the Rectory, the automobile of Messrs Cox and Rabb containing four men struck a ccw belonging to MrJohn McAuiiffe. The force of the collision resulted in breakâ€" ing the cow‘s leg and injuring it so badiv that it was later killed. Claimâ€" ing fast driving on the part of the motorists to be responsible for the accident, Mr McAuliffe through hbis solicitor has served 10 days notice on Messrs Cox and Rabb for a settlement Failing in this Mr MeAuliffe will likely prosecute for damages, â€" He values the animal at $65. . The motor party tell a different story. They state that they were trayelling at a moderate rate of speed and they did their utmost to avoid the accident, An unwonted stir was Observable on Tuesday morning in the homes where " kiddies " of the school age were, for books and bags had to be collected and thinking caps adjusted to see what new books, penciis and other equipâ€" ments were required ay > 6 ® An attendance of 73 in the primary rocm seems to indicate no falling "off in the best crop auy country could ave and the other rooms of the ublic school have also a fair attendâ€" nce. Another teacher wtill have to . 1e secured to relieye Miss Black to. some extent. â€" Miss Black 1s a daughter f Dr Malcolm Black of Paisley an )1d Glenelg boy. C< The High School department oppnel\ itb an attendance of 77 with a ertainty of mere coming. _ An ttendance of 30 first form, 25 in the ‘2nd and 22 in the third will keep Principal Allan and bis assistants, from rusting. /# The ~a:sistants Who come"BightyFecommended are; Miss B. M. Arkell B. A, of Teeswater and Miss E A McGregor. B, A. of Princeâ€" ton. Both are specialists in English and History, the former taking also commercial â€" work, Miss â€" McGregor having Moderns and Classics. while the Principal takes Mathematies and Science. Met in regular meeting on Tuesday night. â€" The follewing accounts were passed ; A discussion took place over the new foundation for Town _ Hall, Messrs Calder, Lenahan and McKechnie conâ€" tending the specifications called for a basement, while Messrs Gochrane and Saunders the now completed job was according to contract. The discussion beiug fentirely fatile seeing the work is done, the matter was dropped. A petition signed by Rev Mr. Prud~ ham and others, representing the Durham branch of 8. Grey Temperâ€" ance Alliance and other well moaning citizens brought on & lengthy an somewhat acrimonious discussion on the merits and demerits of the conâ€" stable. The petition called attention to the fact that at a former meeting of council, this official had been given notice to try to improve the morals of the town, and in yiew ef recent ocâ€" curences it was practically asking che council to tak>the matter up again. A majority of the Council freely charge neglect of duty bat rothing was done except that the petition was received and laid over till specific inâ€" stances of neglect were brought to the notice of the council, #Mr. F J Weish asked the Council to give atiention to the roads leading to his mill which were in very bad conâ€" dition. The request was bhanded to Board of Works. The Mayor announced that the Town Hall moyers would be ready for operations about the end of the week. The reeve expressed the yiew that it would be better new to wait till after Show Days in case of possible obstructâ€" ion on the streets on these crowded days. W. P. Patterson, substitute for clerk, 1 week $ 8 50 W. Meore. work with team 4 00 Clerk‘s salary for Aug, & ptg 35 50 Durbam Fur, Co, elm lumber _3 60 G 8 Burnett, fire brig. practice 11 25 Hugh McDonald, coat of _ _ _ _ _ is to The clerk was instracted to prepare a liss of parties eligible to pay poll tax. Application of Alex, MeLachlan to secure for $15, a stub end of College street was granted. C e M foundation, Town Hall 304 85 John Marshali, 3 loads gravel 1 40 Jos. Billings, gravelling &e _ 12 80 C. Ramage & Son printing account to date 65 50 Town Council. School Reâ€"opens â€"â€"â€"# 0 4â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" â€" Hanover & Juvenile Laâ€" Forest game SEPTEMBER. 4, 1913 the year for 250 cents ONTARIO ARCHIVEsS TORONTO $447 70 the aâ€" the Balsatein Lzradger Miss Sarah Vollet left this week to holiday for a week or two in Toronto and Hamilton . _ Mr and Mrs W m Heughan, Hanover, :pent‘, the boliday with theis son in own . Mtis F. Weiskh left for Toronto on Monday on a yisit to sisters there. Mr C. E. Firth of Niagara Falle. N. Y., yvisited his parents over the week end. Mrs Arthur McDonald and children visited among ber relatiyes in Norâ€" manby for a week or two. Mis Jas Marshall of Knox, Normanâ€" by, was a guest of Mrs Andrew Marâ€" shall the pass week. Nrs, Jas Webber returned Saturday from visiting her sister, Mre. Robt, Turnbull of Paisley for a week. Miss Tena McDonald of the KEviRW staff and her sister Sadie are holidayâ€" ing > couple of weeks with friends and relatives at Orawford. Mr Archie Ferguson of Ualiformia, is visiting among his relatives and old time friends hereabout in Bouth Grey. Itis 85 years since he was here befcre and since then he has travelled over mosb of the States, especially the western part and Califernia. He can talk interestingly of hbis travels ard experiences. _ He was a guest the past week of his relatives, Mrs. Ham Allan and Mrs John McQueen of town. Mre. Alex. McLachlan and son Jim Mi Roy Calder and Miss Marion, moâ€" tored to Port Eigin over the week end. Mrand Mrs Telford and Miss Bessie with Mrs and Miss Park, motored to Soutbhampton Labor Day . Mis Emery of _ Peterborougb, i8 a guest of her sister, Mrs, (Rey.) Moeâ€" Causland at present. Miss Jennie Jackson of Mt. Forest, spent last week with the Backus family, Poplar Mill. nhlte Ns Mr. Ray Farquharson left on Monâ€" day to take up higher scholastie work at Harboard St, Collegiate, Toronto, cummP Mr. D. McKenz‘e, Comber, Ont., anâ€" nounces the engagement of his daughâ€" ter, Mae, to Eldred A. Goodwin, of Hamilton, now of Durham, marriage to take place in September . Miss Mamie Rocks returned to Toâ€" ronto on Thursday last after holidayâ€" ing in tnis vicinity. * MÂ¥F. and Mrs, Sim McDermid are visiting friends in Toronto and Gardâ€" en Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Robert Gardner announce the marriage of their sister Miss Lizzie Eldon Anderson to Wilâ€" liam Pelham Winter on Aug., 6. at Eipaso, Mexico, Mr. and Mrs Alex Firth and family Orangeville, spent Labor Day with his mother Mres. C, Firth and other friends. Mr. and Mrs Chas Jasper of Mildmay visited with Mrs. D. Greenwood and other friends. Mrs, Vallery of Manson, Alta, spent the week end with Miss Oarrie Mcâ€" Kechnie of Rocky saugeen. Miss Hattie Lawrence left on Mon» day to take charge of a school near Markdale, Misses May and Susie McOlocklin returned, oa Monday to Toronto to take up school duties, Miss Jessie and Mamie Munro, after a holiday with their mother in town left on Monday to resume nursing duties at Toronto and Buifalo respectâ€" iyely. Inspector and Mrs, Campbell and tamily returned last week from Lake of Bays, Muskoka, where they spent the summer. Mr. Thos. Forbes, Alabama, is a guest of Mi. and Mrs Adam Brown, and their daughter, Mrs Stonehouse. Mr Vernon Eividge of Dauphin, Man., returned to his home here last week, Mrs Arrowsmith left on Tuesday for Toronto and will be joined en route at Palmerston by her daughter, Mrs. Grieye, who will return with her mothâ€" er to town fora visit after staying two weeks in the Queen City. Fred Laidlaw is attending the Ower Sound Collegiate this term. Among the visitors to Toronto Exâ€" bibition Jast and this week are the following ; Mr. and Mrs, John A. Graham and family, Mrs Jas Turnbaull and son (George, Miss Annie Superâ€" mault and Mrs Ed Boyoe of Orawfor 0, Geo Shewell of Dornock, Mr and Mrs. T. K. Whelan, Ye Editor of Review, Mrs Ramage and son Harold, Mrs M. McAuliffe, Mrs, Arch. McPhee, Alex, Fleteher, Bentinck,. Mre A D Brownâ€" ing and Edna, Miss E, Scott, Misses Maggale and Aunie McGirr, Miss K. Mooney, Jas Atkinson, Wm Irwin, Geo ana Jas Lloyd, Rex McGowan, Arch Robertson, G#eo. Kress, Thos, KBarclay, 8. F. Morlock, A. A Catton, 8 McCracken, Jas McGirr, Mre. Jno W McKechnie and son Harold, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Scaif, Thos, Scarf. C. 12 Grant, Kd. Kress, R. Adiam, Mrs, R. Marshall. M Miss Nina Bremmer of Camlila, was the guest of Misses Margaret and Edith McLean for a tew days. Rev. T, D. Pink of Galt was a guest of friends in town last week. . Since turning to Toronto he has been operâ€" ated on for appendicitis, Mr Harrg Kress left Tuesday to atâ€" tend the School of Pharmaucy in Toronto. Miss Olive E. Fritz of @uelph, a forâ€" mer High School teacher in town, was successful in passing both parts of her commereial specialist examination recently . Mr. Wm. Scarf is attending a meet ing of the Rural Fairs Association in Toronte this week. Miss Olive Shambrook of Toronto was the guest of her friend Misss M. McCOoskery over the week end, Latest reports from WellnleJ Hosâ€" flul. Toromto, state that Mrs. J. vine is convalescing after her seriâ€" Miss Athlea and BJdich Grant retarnâ€" ed to Toronto on Monday to resume teaching duties, Dr Pickering went to Mount Forest on Wednesday. Mrs D Jackeon and Mrs Sutherland are visiting in the city for a few days, Mr.Hugh McCormick of Pitsburg, who is visiting his mother and sistes here left on Tuesday for Buif do. Jeweller D. 0, Town was l:id ~f work with sickness for part of lisi week. Miss Julia Weir is engaged as teach er in Smith‘s Falls High School. Mr. Stanley Smith of the General Post Office, *‘oronto. and Mrs Smith, have been spending their vacation with Mrs. S‘s people, the Hoopers‘ of S. Line, Glenelg. Mr Peter Ramage leaves this week on a trip through the Western provinces, AtT WALKERTON® ToURNXAMENT. â€" Two rinks of Durham bowlers, viz., Mosers Jno Hunter, W. O. Pickering W. 8, Huater, E. Goodchild, skip ; Dr Struthers, W, 0. Vollett, W. Spero, Ted Goodwin, skip, competed in Walâ€" kerton Tourmament Labor Day and made a creditable showing. The latter rinok loss to Walkerton 12â€"14, won from Hanover 12â€"10, and lost to Paisâ€" ley 10â€"13. Goodchild‘s rink were twice victors un Monday, but lost in Tuesâ€" day‘s playâ€"off te Wiarton on playing an extra erd, and to Ohesley, _ Brock McAulay of Southampton, proved his gmwou in bowling as wellas curiing, y eapturing the trophy. |ese|s"levelacoflecele_af e0ale@aleCale®ole ce acale Juhseale » ol e aler elecelecalevelave aceleweleâ€"aleve e & L. M. McAULIFFE _ & ® s |eSeleColp coloCola=0 |e@olave le wolle #al etel ave o o e2e oc ol o0 ol o s ja c ols cole ol a bol o%ela ale cale_ ols l abe This school offers you advantages not offered in any othersimilar soheo! in Ontario. â€" Our eourses are similar to that of Stratford Basiness College and Flliott Business College, Toronto, We have experienced instractors az:;i we assist graduates to high grade positions, For fuller particulars, write us. Oflo THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA The HANOVER FAIR Magnificent Program of Attractions Meet me Sept.18 & 19 Single Fare on all Railroads DR. TAYLOR, President. S. B. CLARKB, Secretary We invite you all to visit our Show Room Tuesday and Wednesday, September the ninth and tenth and following days. fâ€" CAP" â€" «XAkl 4 C m-z/@/‘a ijcs /CJ/// LLS111C3+: at Hanover Exhibition, _ the most popular in Northern Ontario MPAXLLTL, 1913 Grand Concert in Town Hall mm * .- * & VE coooca siad P 2 n 2 2C . © 12800,000 ‘Total Assets . .. + +. + Fall T DURMHAM BRANCH : S. HVGHES, Manager. Large increase in Prizes Millinery Opening . THE TRADERS BANK OF CANADA Savings Department at all B WITH WHICH is UVNITED ‘ INCORPORATED 1869 erm from Sept. 2nd Pubfished Woeekly at $1.00 a vear, C. RAMAGE & 3ONM,Pusumsuras Al| accounts due me must be settied by 8 4pi 15th . Atan® "s. _Govr, Juner®s ror Dornan Famm.â€" Sec‘y Binnie has received a list of the rames of the judges for Darham Fair, They are as follows : Morses, John Arâ€" bogast, Sebringvilie ; Beef Cattle and sheepâ€"L. E Mortimer, Hon:ywood ; Dairy Cattle and Swineâ€"Wm. Horn, Lynedoch; Poultryâ€"Thomas Lunn, Oakland ; Ladies‘\ Workâ€"Mrs, Wilâ€" mot, Toronto. The extensive establishment of rural \ mail delivery bhas resulted in numerâ€" \ ous changes on the Post Office map ; and causing considerable trouble for | those handling mail matter. â€" The latâ€" eâ€"b changes in this district have been doing away with Orawford and Muâ€" lock offices in the township of Benâ€" timck, Monday being the last dd&y for them. This part will be served from / Elimwood in the future. J CYJ W. E. WIrLSON, Principal Thanks to all subscribers who during the week bave remitted for the REvIiEw in response to the pink circular sent out last week . Too often those least at fault are the most sensitive and prompt. | Please look at your label and, if in arrears, remit at once. We have waited patiently ; let there be a bigger rush this week. THE PUCBLISHERS Delinquent Subscribers. Send it along toâ€"day. _# # #â€"â€"â€"â€" lre5as %/ér/( WNEW YORK AGENCY Cor. William and Cedar Sts. JAS, R. GUN

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