West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 4 Sep 1913, p. 5

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oastantly ets here :cREflE' best sel. in town arge ales OO ***C 4M © Oi alue will We ally avy 0 is 19 «2s x"> x4 24 «2 Py8 3 ho uid Ti To Th t ce uen afe cfeap ie ie s oo ds dpstarks ops dacfa ks ~r oo e oc rere ShilolhP" U N p P i i & Aodlebetriednbdiedeedetr debdeiAelibt ©Branching out to New Lines $ B â€" family remedy for Coughs and Colds. Shiloh costs so little and does so much!" 0 A. D. McLEOD, Priceville D. G. McLEAN, Dry Goods, â€" Groceries, Hardware and Oils of all kinds Let us supply your needs. Miss Ellia McKinnon and Miss Mcâ€" Millan are bome over Labor Day from Hanover Model. 5 Miss Mary Aldcorn l}u gone to reâ€" sume her teaching duties at Camilla. Mr MeArthur of Ceylon is teachâ€" ing in the Old Durham Road School, Miss Harrow has charge over the Stone Betilement School for next Mr Robertson, primespal of Priceâ€" lle school has moved his family into ie house owned by John MeMillan, Miss McMillan of Sceotchtown who st year taught at Glenelg Centre, is gone to Fraxa Junction for the PRICEVILLE MILLS P Rey. J, A. Matheson â€"and family ived home from Muskoka after a ven week‘s vacation there, Mr. itheson conducted union services the Methodist church on Sunday t, Mr Leece being away on his idays at present. _’J tey, Mr. MceVicar conducted the eral services of the late Mrs, ite in the absence of the ministers nation apply to «y 8 BoroaR 1. MCCORMICK, Priceville 1 Village Property for Sale. They speak for themselves. ARKE YOU WELL SHOD ? You are when you purchase vyour shoes here. We handle the celebrated Ames Holden Boots and Shoes )1 opened again on Tuesday is3 Lattle and Mr Robertsoa in McGowan‘s â€" Flour and Feed Different weights. See us when requiring a bag. roperty of the late Mrs Mcâ€" f Pricevilie. For further inâ€" We bave recently placed in stock a full line of AP For Sale or Rent Lumber D Doors â€" and Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shingles, ete. Custom PRICEVILLE Church News School News M, SnMrPsoN, Priceville Highess price paid for Farm Produce. 4, 1913 4* Central Telephone Dressed for Flooring, d â€" other requirements Mr Bluakestor and family retnrned to their home in Strattord after visitâ€" ing friends around Priceville and Swinton Park for a few waeks. Mrs â€"â€"â€", (nee Polly Melniyre,) returned to the city on Monday after visiting with ber father here for a week Masters Peter Muir and Robert and James Walker returned to the city last week after spending the summer with Peter‘s mother here. Mrs White who hbad been ill at ber daughter‘s, Mrs Bert Middaugh in the yillage since Spring died on Thuarsday last. Her funeral to Fleshâ€" erion was very largely attended. Mr and Mrs Chapman and family have been visiting at Mrs Robertson‘s for the past week. _ Mr Chapman reâ€" torned to Torouto on Monday. Mr Donald MeDonald was a deleâ€" gate to Toronte to the Convyention in the interest of Independent Order of Foresters. He bas returned with the facts to present at next meeting cf the order. There is to be a concert in Watâ€" son‘s Hall each night this week "The Passion Play " given by May‘s Co. W, G. Watson bas gone to Toronto to tha Embalmers Convention for a few days. Mr Moote of Mono Mond is vis ting his daughter Mrs Jno Moore at presâ€" ent. Mr D. (G. McLean bad a fine driver killed on Monday. His team was at the station for a load of goods when they became frightened and ran away. Afier Dr Melntyre examined the aniâ€" naal he stated death was due to it haring a troken neck. _ The team ran into a large willow tree. promptly dome Miss Sarah McKinnon is homs at present from Toronto. Mr Angus McLachlan bas been enâ€" tertaining his cousin, Mr. Dow of Toronto the last tew days. _ Needless to say he does not endeavor to do it all in his own home. Miss Alice McDougall of Toronto spent a week visiting friends here, Miss Nina Bremmer of Jamilla visâ€" ited Miss Mary Aldcorn one day last week. & Miss Sadie Livingstonm returned to Toronto last week after holidaying here for tw o weeks. Mrs Walker and Mrs Mirchell Walker who was injured on Ciyic loliday by a baseball, have returned o Teronto. _ Mr Walker feels someâ€" bat like himself again but states that be will not play ball again this year, Miss Laura McKinnon is ;t. Tor onto this week. Mr David Walker spent the week end at the cottage here where hi family have spent the summer. They all returned to Toronto Monday, A good many farmers have threshed and report the yield and sample to be fairly good. _ Recent rains will help potato, root and corn crope. John MeGrath and Miss McDonald are in Toronto at the Exhibition this week. Mr. Alex Mcleod is doing some cement repair work to his dam. A dozen C.P. R, surveyors have been at work surveying in this vicinâ€" ity for past few days. _ It is always mystery when these scouts arrive in a place. AROUND THE VILLAGE Ne WB /n ts Priceville Agent for Priceville Paultry and Stock Foods as well OTTO KONOLD Strayed from the premises of underâ€" signed. lots 9 and 10, N. 1. R., Glenelg a Hereford bull, with white face and white strip from neck to shoulder, swelling caused by rope on right fromt foot with chain around neck. Anyone seeing same or knowing of its whereâ€" abouts will oblige by sending word to the owner, or leavigg information at the Review office. Any expense inâ€" cured for its keep will be settled. GUN‘S SURE CROP FERTILIZER Possession given Ist of October, or sooner if desired. For further infor. mation apply to Furnaces and bhotel appliances to be sold at & valuation, or lump sum if aâ€" greed upon,. Priceville. _ Twoâ€"storey brick buildâ€" ing,. Situated in good locality, Mr Weppler of Hanover was out picking apples on his farm last week. Mr and Mrs Colin Melntyre of Dornoch spent Sunday at Mr Arch Beaton‘s. Mrs V II Wilson of New Jersey is spending a few days with ber parents Mr and Mrs John Beaton betore leayâ€" ing for a three weeks trip through the W est. Mr_ Beir of Mitchel, Ont. is visâ€" iting Mr Geo Binnie. Mr and Mrs Walter Turnbull spent Sunday in Egremont. Mr and Mrs John MacJnnis of Owen Sound are yvisiting his sister Mrs Jas. MacGilliyray and other friends here. Mr Geo Arrowsmith agent for Massey Harris firm called on some of the farmers of the vicinity. Mrand Mrs Hugh McMillan Sanâ€" dayed with the McCormack families. Rev Mr Matheson has retarned from Muskoka and took the Union service at Salem Sunday last. Toe Ladies Aid of the Metbodist charch at Mrs G W Parslow‘s Tuesâ€" day last. Miss Isa Campbell has gone back to Toronto. Miss Marion E Knox goes to Fleshâ€" erteon to attend the Continuation School there. Misses J Aldcorn and M Campbell return to Darbhsrm to continue their studies. Miss Mary Aldcorn visited friends here for a faw days. Mrs Palmer Pattersor of Varney and Mrs Anthony Lawrence, Glenelg spent a few days with Mr and Mrs W (G Porter. Mr J IL McDonald Sundayed with Vlegherton friends. Miss Charlotte Porter retarned from bholidaying with Glenelg friends. Misses Mary and Marjorie Kignel spent a fortnight with Owen Sound friends. Misses Jessie and Katbhleen McMilâ€" lan spent a few days with Priceville triends. Mrs G Blair of Traverston is yvisiting Mr and Mrs Louis Frook. Miss Layman ef Newmarket spent a week with ber triend Miss Mary McMillan. Miss McMillan retarned to Fort William Saturday last. Mr Blakeston, Stratford joined his family and spent an enjuyable week renewing acquaintances here. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL in Quite a number went to Toronto over Labor Day and indirectly to take in the Fair, Mrs Dan Campbell is in ”Mono Road, _ Mr Neil MeKinnon Jr. bas a position in Toronto. Mrs, McRae and Miss McRae are yisiting in and taround Priceyille, Their present home is in Ottawas. or to A. J, McVICAR, 17 Grafton Ave., TPoronto ever. _ Get in your entries early and boost it this year. _ We have one of the best fairs in the country in Priceâ€" ville and it is enly by leeling proud of such that we cau hope to make it still better. The Agricultural So;iety is mski;l'é final arrangements for a successful fair this year. â€"Bigger and better than A young boy in the yillage stunned a seventeen inch zpeckled trout in this river last week with a stone and then managed safely to land him. Bounds like a fish story but it is true. Sold by is an inyestment which will pay anywhere from 20 to 200 per cent interest Saugeen Valley O & € AS VICINITY Swinton Park. Hotel to Rent. Bull Estray Hugx CaxrsBELL, Prop JOHN McGRATH, Care 2s Priceyllle "I laugh with ruddy Autumn in the morn ; I sound his praises in the golden light ; But when high noon has passed and raven nicht Comes rushing down, I wail with those forlorn: The dying leaves, the lone flowers, pale and torn, The multitudes confronting death or flight" ‘"Summer is dead!‘"â€"it was the wind that spake In the bronze mantle of the sombre pineâ€" "The sumac‘. bush unfurls a scarlet sign; The sere rush signals it in stream and lake; Soundeth a requiem in gilded brake, Where mateless birds a lonely fate repine; The sky is veiled in tears; each gray confine Bespeaks the shrunken branch the leaves forsake. SBBF JOF A YEREâ€"skrsirs»srasarerir iess The Review anrd Toronto Daily News or one year.................. The Roview and Toronto Daily WorId 108 yeUE:i1..: .fi esiarl, OÂ¥ £0r :000 YOBE .cs +rrarrerrrars carls, The Revicw and Toronto Daily (Hobg 40tâ€" 1 YEKE:.s:qc..e...2:21â€"0.r8 The .aw and Toront Daily Mail _ d Empire for 1 year...... The Review and Weekly Free Press for one year.................. The Review and Farming World fOFEYOMECc:+0<ssassevs rirl in Â¥agraress The Review and the Farmers‘ Adâ€" yooate for I year... ................. TheReview and Canadian Farm POFLYONE. :2 :5502 maurr‘s is en crr Paece Tlse Roview and Daily Free Precs TORAYUOMEccr :.+ revin crr sxhrar enrnrie ?‘s The Review and Toronto Daily ons e 9 IYOME:«%.1!+62s 5t eu5F4¢¢¥4838%he8Â¥3e04 The Review and Weekly Advertisâ€" F.mpire for 1 year.................. The Review and Grain Growers‘ Guide, Winnipeg, for one year The Review and the Family Herâ€" ald and Weekly Star for 1 year The Review and Weekly Witness fOY EYBEME.++. css inassaatrnavanss in The Reyiew and Weekly Sun for The Reyiew and Weekly Globe $OF _ YOF: 1@ ¢ecsr riirrrbasasrrarsss we, The Reyie\y aqd Weekly Mail and his two adyersaries seemed determined to battle, he was forced to defend hiwmself. He worsted both his oppon â€" ents and then the ctrong arm of the law intervened and the conquered were sumimoned to appear in court and answer for their sins. They were brought before magistrate Telford the same evening and each were mulcted a few dollars and costs. Porics Court Forcrowrn FiGHT,.â€" It generally takes two to make a quarrel but there was an exception to this rule to the rear of the Hahn house on Saturdsy evening, when three men indulged in a fray and defeat in more ways than one was handed the two gladiators who were on one side, Alex Grierson had just driven to town and was stabling his horse, when two men, one a young farmer from Glenelg entered into conversation with him and seemingly desired to make trouble, Mr. Grierson did not wish for any publicity in the fighting line but when 1 necvessary to give up his business, owing to illâ€"health and to reenperate will spend the winter in Ualifornia. The name of Boyd Bros. has long been connected with the mercantile and municipal life of Wlesherton and Artemesia township. the business. By the deal, toth villâ€" ages lose publie spirited and progressâ€" ive citizens and their loss will be greatâ€" ly felt. Mr. McFarland found it THE PASSING OF SUMMER. taken place in Markdale, Mesers. J. and W, Boyd of Flesherten purchasâ€" ing the stock and business of McFarâ€" land and Co, of Markdale and will shortly move to Markdale to continue McFarR.AND AnD Co. S®Lt Outrâ€"An lqporunt. mercantile transactiont has Central Drug Stort Sell your poultry alive. Abraham buys tor eash every Taesday and Thursday morning. The largest stock of School Bupplies in town at lowest prices, By William Edward Hunt Canadian Verse Additional Locals. THE DURHAM REVIEW When the stumping powder can be proâ€" cured tor 40 and 50c that will turn out these stumps and stones, it is a certainty that more farms in this locality will be oleared up. You will find the material necessary at the leading Hardware Store. While flies are so troublesome at present, do not forget that we are selling fly traps. If Mice are bothering you remember we have an assortment of Mouse Traps. which was held on the farms of Campbell Dunegmoor and Chas Lawrence was proâ€" mouncéed & great success by the majority of farmers that attended. The Stumping and Stoning Demonstration HARDWARE Clubbing Rates. W . BLACK $1 75 8 75 3 75 4 TD 1 95 4 75 1 9o 1 96 1 80 0 $1.00 will bring The REVIEW to New Subscribers to Jan. 1, 1915, or 25¢ for the balance of this year. Order it toâ€"day. TORONTO We have a good stock of Fooed on hand that we are offering at low prices for the next few woeeks as we want to reduce our stock. _ If you need feed of amy kind call and see us atthe Oatmeal Mill. Cheap Feed McGowan Milling Co. Oat Feed Crushed Oats Chopped Oats Oatmeal Miils Feed Oatmeal Mixed Feen M oo in tP

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