West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 4 Sep 1913, p. 8

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* _ The "Shiloh costs so little 1 A number of this viotnity ara this i woekritending Teronto Far | Mc and Mrs Will Scott and bab visited Sanday with Egerton {riendse . Special seryices will begin next‘ Suaday at New Eaglan1 hall by Rev | Loster D. Haxsable _ Mc. M irplhy, : eviangalist, who isaisted him this eamâ€" | mee will also 0: peoseny. Misses Tanx Cauistio anl Miblo ’ Woaseler wia» have da3a bholilaying | un ler tho parsnsal rosfe, retatnod to | the Q t9en City last wook. | ie Hookridgo was in Torcat» lr‘ few days last woek, ; Mr. R, Hil! is agiin in our midsl,{ with his thresuing outht. & 4' $ S Sele The family remedy for Coughs and Calda A‘r Aar “ e nesnbrams #lflfl!flfifififllfififilfilfifl’é%fiéfi#fif‘efi%fi UR Ex 4#0004v@ COC0)OQOCCQ qq 444044040 4 t d Ad #d 8 B.]I--l 23 | ABRAHA] 4 | ram 2y AND q | SQUARE 9 Are ad 5d 3 If yo ’ That <1 fore breal :s buoch, a 74 TA Now The Store that sets the pace Ask some of the fellows that got em‘ them for eight or nine bones. Not yet, | 10 §0 , Th msa‘s 41111 _ If you‘re not, your money is here waiting for you. That was some Suit Sale. Lots of fellows got up beâ€" fore breakfast on Saturday, just to get " first chance" at the buach, and they all went away happy. ‘ Now we‘ve got Twentyâ€"two Suits left=â€"mostly 35, 36 and 37. If you can get in there, you‘re the fellow we‘re looking for. You can still get or a Twelveâ€"fifty a Ten Dollar Suit for 495 Sult: for:.":~~ > ;â€" 5095 Hopeville. Are you Satisfied with your $4.95 Suit ? Bring in arl Miblo | Miss Lucy Wilson visited with her lolilaying |cousin Miss Eva Renton for a few returnsl to | days the past week. ' The many friends of Mr and Mrs Taront» a|A N Henderson are sorry to hear of |their being ill with Typhoid fever. M ‘Three of the children also have syinpâ€" our midst | tous of it, â€"___ j Mrs Morrison returned to the city > | on Tuesday after a two m nths visit . | at her homs here . ‘ so much I~ There‘s still a Slice of the Melon for You Mr A T Findlay returned to Ottawa on Sat urday. | tion. The grain seemes to be a very |fair crop this year, considering the | dry season. Misses Agnes Renwick and Mary Taylor are attending the Toronto Exhibition this week. Harvesting is almost a thing of the past in this vietnity and soon the threshing machines will be in operaâ€" sn !? maw ) . ' Dromore your Live Poultry now it got em‘. See if you can buy their 4.95 suit Not yet, but perhaps we have one left that will f THE J. D. ABRAHAM COMPANY _ Ex end from shore tos hore May peace and goodwill reign supreme And discord nevermore. Mr Wim Smith of Mt Forest thresh. ed for some of our residents last week and the grain turned out well. i’ We regret to hear that Mrs Legge a ,former respected cisizen of the Bend jis ill at ber home in Mt Forest. | _ The Anniversary of 100 years of | peace between Canada and the States | was recently celebrated on both sides ‘of the ling and the Union Jack and. the Stars and Stripes floated side by] glae. "Lo'r!gtaB the crystal waters Miss Gardiner of St. Th College, spent part of her her home here. Mrs (Rev.) Dizon of Rhode Island, Mrs Wm Colling of Toronto and Mrs O M Seim, Hepworth, former popular young ladies of the, Bend recently yisited their brothers mesers Orric and George Hunt and their sister Mrs Wm Tyndall. | Summer has passed with her gorgsous | train | _ Of fair and fragrant flowers, ’Aml now September‘s milder sun _ Illumesthe golden hours. Mr Wiloot Sharp a form»r respected resident of the Bend now a prominent citizan ef Ashland, Wis , visited his brother Mc F Sharp and other frien 13 in the beginning of the week. Mrs and Miss Reuter of Detroit, Mich., and Mrs J Orchard of Holstein l were recert guests at Mr John Dur. ant‘s, \| Mr. John McBeth luas completed the cement walk in front of the school which adds a much better appearance . Mr. Thos Halpenny leaves Tuesday for Toronto where he will take in the Exhibition before leaying for the West on Wednesday. Success Tommy Lothian Bros. Lave made a much better appearance to thkeir farm by erecting a wire fence along the sideâ€" road. Mr Robs Sinail doing the work in his usual good style. Mr Jas Laughton, Pr Artiur, spent the latter part of the week with his aged mother here who is not improvâ€" Iug as we would like, and returned homs Monday, Here We Are Againâ€" Holidays are again over and the puptls will have to get down to hard work, Miss Mable Morrison of Arthur in charge. _ We all welcome her back again knowing her efforts won‘t be in vain. Harvest is almost a thing of the past around here and the hum of the thresher will soon be heard. â€" Mr Matthew Hooper is started to the west ef usâ€"grain yielding good but the straw short. School reopened this Tuesday with Miss M Morrison of Arthur in charge, Bornâ€"To Mr and Mrs A R Henderson on Tuesday, Sept. 2, a son. Miss Eva Renton returned to her school near Shelburne on Monday. South Bend Greenside SNSAPURenemtnmemmmmmmmenpramenmane., 212. _ O NUTRCETRTOE NORCET M2G ANC Nerem ie taB tOn Siesicnace bucede an air aift oo Gar ho hi oo o6 M i Renton returned ta har| Cl o wÂ¥ _ 7 CC 2e20AZRRAdAdi dA N OQL‘AL LALV L You Pay Less Here eeemenrmmnimnimbye eromeemeeneeln io in ied m ons en im en aeanen e tR i C 5 5 . Thomas Ladies THE DURHAM heir 4.95 suit from left that will fit you. vacation at e hi ¢ This lfeds a fuony road. but. we ail like to travel it just the same. If he dies young, there was a future before him; if he lives to old age he 1s in the way. ' Man comes into this world without his consent and leaves it against his l will. During bis stay on earth, nis time is spent in one continuous round of contraries and misunderstandings by his fallow beings. In his infancy be is an angel; in his boyhood he is a devil; in his manhood he is everyâ€" thing from a lizard up; in his duties, he is a fool; if ha raises a family he is a chump ; if be raises a small cheque he is a thief and then the law raises blazes with him; if he is a poor man he is called a poor manager; if he is rich be is dishonest, but considered smart; if he is in politics he is crooked, and an undesirable citizen: if he goes to church he is a bypoorite; if he stays away from church be is a sinner and damned ; if he donates to foreign missions he does it for show; if he doesn‘t, he is stingy and a tightwad. When he first comes into the world |. everybody wants to kiss him; before , he goes out they all want to kick him. . Sheep worrying by dogs has beâ€" \ come s» prevalent h:re lately that | we think the Reeve would be justiâ€" ‘tied in laying an information betore [a J. P. and have an investigation | held with the objset of discovering ‘the dogs who are guily of such deadâ€" jly work. Certain dogs, (not local ones) have baen seeu prowling in the neighborhood lately at prohibiâ€" ted hours. A carefal enquiry would lead to the ownership and the Townâ€" shipof Egremont would be saved a great oatlay of cash. John A. Wilâ€" son and John A. Swanston hive each lost yery heavily lately. _ Lot the matter be investigated and the lawâ€" less brutes be destroyed. | |__ _ Miss Emily Wilson, teacher of Boothvilie, began her d@uties Tuaesday in S 8 No. 10 here. _ She succeeds her friend and namesake, nee Miss E Wilson, now Mrs John Fairbairn, w ho sosuccessfully called attention here tor nearly seven years. May Copid extend his loving arm to Miss Emily as he did to Miss Eliza and she will not regret her sojourn in this part of Egzremont. _ Sorry to say Mr. anc Henderson and some o chiidren are said to be fever. _ A baby boy them this week in the sickness We all exte Miss Christina Fettes, t is in attendance at the sister, Mrs Henderson. Mr. Wim. Morris n of Vancouver B. C., is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Jno Calder and other relatives here. _ Miss Bella and Calder McArthar spent Sabbath with Arthur friends. We were much pleased to bave Rev Jas Malcolm occapy the pulpit at Fairbairn church on Babbath last. Mr Malcolm‘s sermons are brimtul of gospel truths. A large number from here are atâ€" tending the National Exhibition . Among others we mention Mrs Win. Nelson. Mrs W J Philp, Mr and Mrs, Alex Calder and John A Wilson. Mr Joseph Switzor lets Tuesday of this week for the West. re said to be ill of typhoid _baby boy was born to veek in the midst of their We all extend symvathy, na Iettes, trained nurse, ance at the home of her Henderson. if he lives to a ripe Yeovil Ir. and Mrs. Alex. some of . t.henir young TORONTO Every Tuesday and Thursday morning great «mm A youth residing a short distance' north of the village had rather an| exoiting time Saturday night. Just , how the row started we were not inâ€"j formed but the party being set upon, | took refuge in one of the stotel.] Several times he attempted to make | his escapefbut was driven back, _ As ; a last resort the merchant was asked “ to interfere and on his going out to|| discover who the rowdys were, they |: took to flight and did not stop until | John Brown‘sthill was reached, â€" It was then thought safe for the young | man to get home which ne did in | ® safety. _ It will not be healthy for | ° Master Martin Bye had a namk escape from more serious injury Saturday morning, ~He, with others were playing near the exhaust pipe from the safety valve in ar Nicholâ€" son‘s mill when one of his companâ€" ions asked him to look in the pipe, which hedid when the first boy sudâ€" denly raised the valve, allowing the hot steam to rusha through the pipe. severely scalding martin‘s face and neck. _ Under the Dr‘s care he is progressing as well as could beex-) pected, _ Mr and Mrs B1. Cann from Winniâ€" peg, visited their brother, J. Ww. Hunter of this place. _ It being 25 years since their former trip east, many changes have taken place and been noted. Perhaps the greatest was the thinly populated rural disâ€" tricts. _ Mr Cann is quite optimistic regarding the future of Winnipeg, he having been aresident there for 32 years, Should his predictions prove true it will not only. be the largest but the most beautiful city of any now in the lead. We Sell for The new Coats are certainly stunning. They have a distinctiveness that will at once appeal to you. .}‘he first shipment of our Importation has just arrived. We hope to have them ready for your inspection before the end of the week. Next week we‘ll be able to tell you more about them. Just ne word we want to whisper in your earâ€"â€"â€"They‘ve got the price that will get you. Get out your Toronto catalognes and bring ‘em along. We‘ll show you where we‘ve got ‘em trimmed forty ways. The greater part of last weeks visi. tors to the Exhibition have returned and a larger number went this week . We have not heard of any wonderful sights seen but hope those visiting this week may have some informaâ€" tion worth recording, School is again opened and the music of the school bell sounds sweet to the small boy but not so with the strap. _ The pupils attending Mt. Forest High School might be seen wending their way thither Tuesday morning ; many of them were soon ‘ back againâ€"we suppose on suspendâ€"| ed sentence. I Mr Peter and Miss Alice Ramage of Durham spent Sunday at Mr, W, H, Rogers‘, Mr Wuos Aitken Sr Jr and Mr Joe Switze ing on the Homese to the West,. Mr. Win Horsburg Sr. went to the Woest last week on the harvest exâ€" cursion. Mr and Mrs Geo Gilkes of P roton, visited at Mr John Troup‘s Sunday , Miss S. MceArthur is holidaying in Toronto. Wmm â€" Moore of Nenagh is "threshâ€" ing along the 12th. FIRST SHOWING OF Ladies‘ and Children‘s Fall and Winter Coats Mr Chas Hunt and misses Jean Lydia Ferguson were exhibition itors the past week. Miss Nettie Rogers was home irom the city during the Labor Holiday excursion. MrChas McClocklin and wife from Glenelg Centre spent Sunday with his brother here, $ LOGAL AND PERsoNAL $ ning. He, with others near the exhaust pipe ty valve in ar Nicholâ€" en one of his companâ€" im to look in the Ppipe, when the first boy sudâ€" he valve, allowing the rus"? through the pipe. PE uw un on Tess n U 1 itken Sr, Mrs Win Aitken e Switzer, left this mornâ€" Homeseekers‘ excursion the harvest exâ€". -l;lj:':rie'rl's, l ham‘s. It being 25 trip east, _ place and 1e greatest informaâ€" returned v1i8iâ€" §COOKE & ELLIS.g and visâ€" 3 Given 424. PC CPEW tem. Rel xt 2s aU cheap imitations, ui;.elg:le'::l'.e:un sold | R. R. No 2, Holstein .}“,;"-"382:‘:"'8‘:.‘.‘}'"&, 3"."}:’."&".:'1’23."3‘-' ] o mm . ie ) ; ; ;;L\“’WWW'WWW“WWWWWWW"WWWWWWWWW& k. _ Monday and Tuesd Liberal prizes offered tions, Gooud band Grand concert on n Admission, adults 25¢ A, SCHENK, Pres, 1 J Miss Emma Coltins ns ber home in Palmerston ing her bolidays with the Misses Brown. We were glad t son in the Sunday _ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. MeCloeklin of Zion, yvisited Saturday at Mr. Faikâ€" ingham‘s . Miss Pear] Falkingham is home after staying with Mrs Wi}) Orchard tor a short time. s ied i mnss; :3A Mrs Pust has a reanion uf her ily this week of five daughter one son and their hasbands cbildren . Mr aoad Mrs Wij1 Greenwood Zion_ visited over Saturdav . ~ _ .( ~ _ _ " MVA 50P 106 dry summer. The church members had a meetâ€". ing last Wednesday night to decide about the harvest home . It is to be | on the 2ist and 22nd of September, and they decided to have a towl supâ€"| per on the Monday evening. | chase, payment before October 3 Thrashing is in fall s wi turning out good for the dry _ °CC @9 tC to the person buying the highest value of goods ap our store for either Cash or Produce, within the next Two Months, commencing the First of September, * Af nnt Ayimn uis ® on ts the same parties to t1y the game again around our village or they will appear before the magistrate to ansâ€" wer fot their conduct. JA BECAUSE _ We Buy for ere giad to see Mr. W Dickâ€" he Sunday Schoo} again. imma Collins has returned to e in Palmerston after spend â€" bolidays with her cousins . In is BB L LC Ayton Fall Fair and Tuesday, Bept 25 ed over Sntnrda,{'“ni‘l'!r. also visiting Mr Falking. A Complete Orchard ._ _ HOLSTEIN i 22 and 23 | *Â¥ . 0. 8B11, o ong "" P O he an **| Hoistein Conveyancer red, Special attrac. lssuerotl nd in unendunce.’ night, of Sept, 23, | Meney to loan mt low 25¢. <hil | terms to suit borrow hOC. phildren 1I6e, â€" | Life Insurance placed LJ. Haurexxy.s,., [~ft Inso '“MUUA" R. No 2, | reanion uf her famâ€" ’ lgy Cooke venient to pay cash on date of purâ€" t may be made in Cash or Produce 31st, to apply on contest. full swing again daughtéis-;;d ,[ _ Lot 3 AWaY Free ! % ir, of » IAG 2 a..__" 2o+ "mec®eont, cont and | ing 100 acres. 6 asres good hardw. ,bueh. 6 mcres mixed mber, baln; g0od tillable land, Well _ water, * °f'good spring creck running throus Mr. | another spring a few rods from +.; ng>| drilled well at house. Good frm | house and barn, large chive shed, 1i nol'nflhnd. Bituated 24 miles trom H. lstein, ) mile fronm, school, _ XYill be so 4Kt / on easy terms. For further part ic ' ars apply on premises to Dinner Set lis are exceedmgly noweos {MEYC 1@il8.. Whoese pilis are ngly wodult regulating the generative portion of tfi 1 system. Reluse all cheap imitations, Aprs q4 @sYStemâ€" Relusc a hae 2l da cCP c |DR. JAB. L. \\'II,SON, B. A [ Physician, Surgeo2 and Accouches fSp_g:giul attention paid 16 Aleace.. OMece at & Ellis 1 In aniy 3. . "~ V C0t PARS, and terms to suit borrower, _ Fiprs an d Life Insurance placed in thorough, y reliable companies, _ Deeds, Mo; gages. Leases and Wills executed on shurvest notice, All work prompt!s attended to, â€", " Â¥ 96008 List of the Municipalits Egremont for 1913, Dated at Holâ€"t=in this 10 h day August, 1913 DaAVID ALLAX, Clerk of Egremon *4 Judge‘s Court of Revision issuer of i;m e Licenses con. 13, R Joux Warmsury, Hoj Farm for Holstein â€"J. SHARP p* 6. , ABRAHAM FAIR ‘Maned t 4 &* ;’[J&“.-(g t dress. Bt. Catharines, §5# lowest prat @8 â€"2T. 4, 191 gremont SQUARE Less giemor Store a°p ; .‘lfi Auft I a John Kelly, The east halves of | Concession 3, East Ga Gwh. 100 acres ahou! Durham, by good gravi terms to the right man. Apply on the premises t or to J. P. Trir | en on oln"cluce a" encalerd LADIES : Remem Spirella Corset Saile summer months. T stay and not sold in sto: x Gold Me MRS J. C. NICHOL, | Box 1 eC ele® olncole ele ce acelave F m t"@ k*x SPIRELLA C Char The most m« watchfulness, cnj insure in Gold Me quality every day brands that are of Our St Phone 58 VOL. TORONT1 D U R. Farm for S Is large an NEW OA T BJ As well 1 /AWI made t so lac three New Black dee OF, nusu 715¢ #1 . $1. $1. «id du at /A l Bi R:;

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