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Durham Review (1897), 11 Sep 1913, p. 1

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CCera®r apagal ABRAHKAM mn hey‘ve %g ?‘ur(mto fl C Wc've g AND SOUARE FAIR it x5 it ate aid Revision Pills #, Ont M Ont heur R H iD la the the 1g LADIES : _ Remember the special Spirella Corset Sale throughout the summer months. The unbreakable stay and not sold in stores. * :_'.:_3 _AAA :-:xb:xm:-:x:cmcxxmzmam%c : Y)oKHechnte‘s Hijitlis 2 STFANDARD MR3 J. C. NICHOL, Representative Box 107, Durham r‘ I"% ®_® x"% t t 7; Phone 58 Fred J. Welsh & e aln o c (a %s l ‘e n on ln®ola = alp «o n dle #o io ujea io e o o0 = ala wa o % o dn o o ols » ode »a o o ole 2o s 2o Bs Sel _ TORONTO Gctrrtnes DURHA M BRANCH, John Kelly, 0P a 4 BANK 1e enst halves of lots 51 and 52 Central Drug Store. cession 3, East Garafraxa Road, | melg, 100 acres about 3 miles from| Miss Barbara F ham, by good gravel road. Kasy | contralto, earried is to the right man. â€" Title perfect.| with her in each apj ly on the premiges to Adam Weir,| fect execution of vo SPIRELLA CORSETS oOF CANADA Y\”D OF. FICE Character : Gold Medal and The most modern equipment, along with extreme care and watchfulness, and only the choicest of Canadian Hard Wheat, insure in Gold Medal and Northâ€"west Gem the highest possible quality every day in the year. Costs no more than many inferior brands that are offered . Our Stock of Feeding Stuffs VOL. XXXVl, NO. 37 Farm for Sale. J. P. TErgorp,. Darbam Is large and of the best quality. We have installed a NEW OATCRUSHER, and will crush your oats for Horses. Blouses! Silks As well as WHEAT, are put into the milling of Unusual offering of 5 Dozen White Lawn Blouses, greatly reduced, well made throughout, fine embroidery, alâ€" so lace trimmings and insertions. three quarter and lang sleeves . New Weaves and new finishes in Black Silk and Dress Goods. New Black Pailetts Silk, 36 inches wide, made specially for us, every yard has our name on it, greatly reâ€" duced, only ... .. . .. $1.00 per yard Black Duchess Silkâ€"Satin, very soft, deep black, 36 inches wide, with our name on every yard. Special value at ................ $1.25 per yard . F. MORLOCK 75c Blouses for ........ $1.00 & $1.25 & $1.50 t€ Custom Chopping Promptly Dome Raled Hay and Salt for sale Northâ€"west Gem Flours reee!puforeveryp;ymanmddou not require a large deposit to begin advantages. It shows the balance on EEPING a bank account for K "household expenses" and paying all bills by cheque has many _ Good new brick house and 4 acre of lland. well situated on Eigia Street, Durham. Applyto :. _ _ Intelligence # Miss Barbara Foster, the Sootch contralto, earried the entire house with her in each appearanceâ€"the per, fect execution of voice, the clear ful notes and familiar Scotch airs making ber deservedly popular." _ In Town Hall on both Show nights, Sept. 23rd and 2ith. The scholars are delighted with our schoul needsâ€"supply them at the The Review to new subscribers to the end of the year for 25 cents Che Rurhom For Saleâ€"Cheap .. 75¢ $1.00 $1,.15 J. P. Tekrrorp Fouxpâ€"On Garafraxa Street, Upper Town, a Ladies‘ Parasol. Apply to C. L. GRANT. Buy your school supple: at Macâ€" Farlane‘s Drug Store. We are ready for school Opening,â€" everything bright and new. Central Drug Store For Saleâ€"Odd pieces of fixtures, shelving«, counters, safe and other articles. Apply at Gun‘s Drug Store. WANTED.â€"Live lecal man in town of Durbam to open 5, 10 and I5¢ store, For our proposition apply Box 67, London Adver t‘ser. All accounts due me must be settled by Sept 15th. e ue t aC Registrar M, K. Richardson has deâ€" cided we belieye, to move to Durham before iong. Citizens of all classes will give him and family a very cordâ€" tal welcome. Itis requested that all accounts in favor of Drs, Gun and Struthers be seltled at an early date, Partnership will be dissolyed, and Dr. Struthers will leave Uurham about the first of October, Big Air Skip for Watkerton Fall Fair.â€"â€"At the Walkerton Faili Fair on Friday afternoon, Sept 12:h, Aviator Luckey in a Ouartiss Aercplane will yive a fAying exhibition. _ Thousands will see it. _ Special trains from Durâ€" ham and Hanover. _ Single fares on all lines. Anntversary Services will be held in Durham Baptist church on 21st and 22nd of Sept. For Sunday services Rev, W. H. Lington of Chesley will preach. _On Monday evening Hey, Mr. Piercy, Wiarton,. will be present. _ He has won renown as a speaker and an elocutionist. The choir will also give special selections. Admission Monday evening, 25¢ and 10¢, Laidies‘ and Gentlemen‘s Clean Pressâ€" ing anmd Repairing promptly attended to in Tailer saop adjoining Middaugh House, Orders may be left at the Middaugh House ________ _ The lightning in Sunday night‘s electrical storm visited Durbam and struck the Registry Office. No serâ€" ious damage was done except that streaked walls on the interior of the bailding leaves mute evidence of an undesired visit, The same storm r zed to the ground, the barn of Mr. Jimes Allen, north of Dornoch, desâ€" troying all his season‘s crop and imâ€" plements. Ax Enrror Now,â€"W. D, MacKay a former bank clerk connected with the old Traders in this town has quit the banking profession and has entered the ranks of newspaper men. He is now the editor and proprietor of a paper in Carlstadt, Alberta, He purâ€" chased the paper a year ago and is " making it go." _ To use his own words, "" Mac " says, 1 am very well pleased with the business being done. " Taxken To Tus Hosr.ram â€"Fearing that complications of a somewhat serious nature might set in after her accident of a week ago when she was thrown from her buggy, which resultâ€" ed in breaking a limo, Mrs. W. Laidâ€" law was taken to the General Hospital Toronto last Satuiday. Examination showed that her injuries were not so serious as supposed and latest reports state that she is making satisfactory progress under the best ot medical attendance. A FrEAK or Natur® â€"Mr. C. L. Grant calls our attention to a someâ€" what unusual occurrence which is happening this September weather, to the rear of his home. In a sheltered nest, in a leafy grape vins, a young robin is anxious to become a mother and is sitting on eggs, No other robins are ever seen around and it is not known if she even has a imate. Unlike other members of this species the cold nights do not seem to frighten her, in the least and she looks like becoming a resideut for awhile. Purrey Burst,â€"Mr Thomas Stinâ€" son will neyer want a closer call than he had on Monday. Whiie athis dutâ€" ies upâ€"stairs in Welsh‘s mill he heard something zo wrong down below. On investigating he found a belt off and in stooping to pick it up received a seyere blow on the back of the head. He was not knocked out and later disâ€" covered that a pulley had burst and the broken part that remained had atruck him. _ An inch or even half an inch nearer might have been fatal, The injury to the mlil can be easily reâ€" paired. Worrexs‘ IxstirUT®. â€" Thirtyâ€"five ladies attended the Womens‘ Institute meeting on Sept. 4, at the home of Mrs J. W. Blythe and a most enjoyâ€" abia program was given. The presiâ€" dent occupied the chair and the meetâ€" ing opened with "The Maple Leaf." Mre. N, Eden gaye a splendid paper entitled ‘"The IGeas of a Plain Countâ€" ry Woman." " Poultry Raising" was thoroughly discussed, Mrs Geo, Lawâ€" rence and Miss Winnie Blythe giying instructive papers on the subject and roll call was well responaed to by each member givying a poultry goinur. Pleasing instrumental was rendered by Misses Eva and Winnie Blyth. The meeting elosed by singing th» national anthem. AGHickEN._Ovanment«There is a\ wellâ€"known citizen of this town, who in the future will have a horror of eggs and we don‘t blame him either. One day last week he purchased a dozen of eggs from a local merchant and on arriying he placed them for safe keeping in the range over. No alarming symptoms of future happenâ€" ings occured the rest of that day but early naxt morning when his wi{o was about to begim her household duties she was certain a bird was singing in some hidden corner of the house, She investigated the cause of the noise and was joined in the search by her husband who in time opened the door of the range. There, in among the eagse was a cracked shell and a ehirping chicken full in the flesh. Mr. Citizen has not decided to enter the poultry business yet but he may be tempted to do so now. D. B. McFarRLANE DURHAM, THUREDAY, SEPTEMBER. 11, 1913 JAS, R. GUN With which ? incorporated the Hxistein Leader The largest stock of School Supplies in town at lowest prices, Regulaar meeting of Ben Neyis Camp will be held Friday evening of this week, Sept., 12th. Every member within reach expeoted, PracEkD a MEMORIALâ€"A handsome memorial stone in memory of the late David Jackson was erected last week by his family in the Boglish church cemetery on the Znd of Glenelg. We were in error last week in sayâ€" ing Mulock P. 0. had been clos. d. Â¥t. eannot be closed until the 5th and 6th concessions are supplied by a courier and this has not yet been done, A quiet but pretty wedding was solâ€" emnized in Toronto on Wednesday, 3rd September, when Miss Annie Rebecca, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilcocks of Flesherton, was married to Mr. Chas. F. Ottewell of Toronto. "Miss Foster displayed a wonderful amount of musical ability and her deep, rich and remarkably sympathâ€" etio vocalism was a constent source of delight to her audience," In Town Hall on both show vights, Sept. 23rd and 24th. The annual Hpmgden garden parâ€" ty will be held at the home of Mr. Thomas Derby (®alf mile east of the church ) on Friday, September 12. _ A good program il‘t:ling prepared while lunch will be ser from 7 to8 o‘clocek. A hearty invitation to all. Admission 10 and 15 cents. Dr. McGillivrag of Denver is yvisiting bis father near. Elmwood and hbis many relatiyes and friends in Benâ€" vinck and Durham. He and his sister spent over the week end with their cousin Miss Annie L. McKenzie and other relatives. _The doctor has heen twenty years in Denver and is a lea¢â€" official in the héalth department of that city. 6i Goop By! BUNKssax !â€"The intro\ duction of rural mail delityery is deâ€" stroving a lot of sentiment that attachâ€" ed itself round oidâ€"world names in new world places. â€"Bunessan, redolent of Mull aud the hbighlands is now wiped out as a post office and your friend now is found at * Priceville R R. No 1 or No 2." So it goes,. the imarch of progress takes no heed of sentiment and we too drop it and ask ence more our subscribers to keep us posted on all changes. s * In Love Wire It.â€"*"I like it just fine, " quoth Mr. J, A, Graham, referrâ€" ing to his return to the .teaching proâ€" fession after am absence of several years from the ranks. Mr. Graham has been Secretary.of the Durham Cement Co. until recently but has temporarily given up the work and is now presiding 0»:~the destinies of 16 scholars at Rocky Saugeen school. scholars at Rocky Saugeen schooil. The change seems to be agreeing with him and be takes the return walk daily as an appetizer, 40 ATTEND MoveL,â€"The number of students enrolled at Hanover Model School has now increased to 40 and it is said that this number will constitute the enrolliment for this term. Of the total number 14 come from Darham school, Nathan Grierson of Hutton Hill being the lsst addition to join the contingent from this town. HManover is represented by two,. Under the tu:elage of Principal J, A, Magee, prospects for a successful term are said to be bright. The students began obsecving instruction lessons in the public school this week. A recent copy of a British Columbia paper bas the following reference to Mr, Wim McFayden, son of Donald of (Glenelg. Will is making his mark in the West: *"Wiwm, McFayden, of Darâ€" ham, Ont., bas charge of freight teamâ€" ing west. and also has a fiveâ€"mille conâ€" tract of slip work west of Fort George on the Nechaco. He has been with Buaros & Jordan for over 3 years and has not lost a day for the last eighteen montbs. He says that Fort George will be a busy place next winter with freighting, as work will continue throughout the winter montbs. " Som®k AppPL43.â€" In an interesting letter receryed from Dr, J, O Moore of Wilsoa N. Y., are some interesting items which giyes a whiff of the success attending an old Normanby boy. He does a little farming as well as vererinary work as witness: 1 expect about 6000 bbis. apples this year on farm, a light crop but the price is right from 2.50 to 3.25 per bbl. I have also 75 bbis. maiden blush which I expect to bring 3. 25. My wheat went 80 bushels and oats 523 to the acre. Hay was an immease crop, more hay stacks than 1 have ever seen in in tnis part. â€" Beans are just a medium crop, some yery fne Aeids and some poor. Dry weather caught some Helds but the rains haye heiped thein as well as the eorn, which js a very fair crop. Canning factory peas were fine, one man received $2200 from 15 acres, some beat this but smaller acreage. I have ridden 8000 miles in an auto this summer and I don‘t think over 200 miles of it was for pleasure. _ HAKP â€"On Thursday, Sept, 4, to Mr. and Mrs, Geor:o L. Sharp, Srd con. Normanby, a daughter. XDERSON.â€" Op Aug. 27, to Mr. and Mrs J. Anderson (nee Martha Firth) of Edge Hill, a daughter. HorkNgâ€"At Mutton Hill, on â€"Wedâ€" i nesday, Sept. 3rd, to Mr and Mrs, R. Din Nor Say Goonp ByE.â€"A mild\ sensation was given the town when Mr. John White of the Standard Bank was reported absent and no one knew why, how, nor where. Any citizen has a right to go where and when he pleases but the sensation was caused by the fact that Mr. Kelly, manager of the bank hud just arrived home the night before, after two weew White who had be se two weeks in the responsible pesition of manager was not on hand to transfer his stewardship to his superior. He was a popular young man but at time of writing has not turned ur. His bed we believe had not been slept on the ight previous and this circumstance ave keenness to the curiosity aro‘ggg. o doubt some explanation of the urried exit will be forthcoming for no tharge of malfeasance is made and his olidays were due anyway. Central Drug Store Sent To Owen Sound. A new development in the pending case against Brooks and McLean for alleged highway robbery took place on Monday. â€" Saturday evening previous Mr. Brooks came home on the G. T. R. train after some weeks of absence and at once went to his home here. His bondsmen Jearning of this and there being something in the situation they did not like, withdrew before the magistrate, the bail they had given and no other being forthcoming the only course open to the police magistrate was to order his arrest. Constables Whelan and Arrowsmith, armed with the necessary warrant, called at the house Monday forenoon and found Brooks in bed. He did not question their mission, but got ready to accompâ€" any them, and in charge of Constable Whelan left on noon train for Owen Sound via Hanover. after a pathetic parting from his wife and four children who have the sympathy of the town in their painful position. Monday forenoon last as Wmâ€" and Silas Bdwards and a cousin, Jesse Ed wards were proceeding north in alight waggon on sideroad 10 con‘s '3Aa{|d 4, N. D. K., their horse took fright by part of the harness breaking on going down a rather steep hill, south of the Township Hall and they were all pitched out receiving severe injuries Silas seemed least injured and walked back to Mr Geo. Binnie‘s for a horse to help the others home, but being dazed with the shock as he well might be he turned south ‘at the corner and drove to Mr. Hugh Edwards‘ on the gravel road. â€" His story was somewhat incoâ€" herent and they knowing Mr. Binnie‘s horse used the telephene to call him up and were soon apprised of the real state of affairs . Reader, if this means you let us bear from you this week sure. We are not asking you to pay away into the future as Neil Mcâ€" Dougall, Duluth, did last week, whose label will now read "©1917," though if you show similar faith and promptness, we will not obâ€" jeet. What we want is the fairness implied in "pay as you go." _ It is not fair to the pnblisher:to allow accounts to drag while his bills must be met in 30 days. Let this be rally week. A doctor was wired for und the two injured ones were found lying by the roadside, Jesse being the worst hurt, with serious cuts about face and head. The doctor we are glad to hear is hopeâ€" ful of no serious results from the acciâ€" dent. The men were engaged in building a silo at Mr. R. Anderson‘s and were on their way to their work, Expansion Yearâ€"Make it The Directors of our big Fair are out this year to make it a bigger success than ever. The big shows are over, harvest is finished, fall wheat is sown and the call is for every one to get a prize list and be an exhibitor if possible, a spectator on show day in any event and a * booster" all the time, for the best riding show in this part of the proâ€" To Subscribers in Arrears vince As can be scen the prizes are numerâ€" ous and wellâ€"placed. The true farmer, be he stock breeder or agriculturalist, glories more in the competition than in the amount of the prize. â€" The prize is stamp of excellence, but all, whether prize winners or mot, benefit by the friendly rivalry. The Directors are bound to maintain the highest standards yet achieved, and ever make advances this year. Applaud, back up, and join in the effort they are making to make this year, Expansion Year. 4 TOWNSHIPS STRUGGLE A feature this year for all spectators, is to discover which of the four townâ€" ships adjacent to Durham can furnish the best baseball team. Two of them will compete in the morning about 10.30, he other two in the afternoon at 2, and he winning teams will play the decidâ€" ing game about 4 o‘clock . It will be a struggle worth witnessing. Town players are not to be allowed to com pete. se s reves ope A ho NY °_ _~__ HORSE RACING As usual there will be speeding in the ring, for which liberal prizes are offered and other outside attractions, musical and otherwise are in preparaâ€" tion. CONCERT Three high class artists have been zngnged to give a concert each night f the Show. _ Harry Bennet, the inâ€" imitable Comedian: Miss Barbara Foster, Toronto, Contralto singer; Miss Barbara Boothâ€" Watson, Torouto, Elocutionist, all of them widely ‘l-mown, will make a surpass. _ Arthur Brooks Arrested. Miss Barbara Watson, Toronto, w ho appears ab the Faill Show eoncerts both nights is an artist of rare ability. In comgnny with Miss Foster and M{ Harry Bennet, such a program will be rendered as seldom is rmented in Durham â€" Get tickets early. f TORONTO T '-“l ® Let the slogan be "*Expansion LOOK AT YOUR LABEL South Grey Fair Runaway and Spill THE PUBLISHERS BIG PRIZES trio of entertainers hard to year.‘ Mr. and Mrs. Findiay Grabham and Mrs, Wm. Calder returned last week from an enjoyable trip to Western Canada am‘i points in the Western States. â€" They visited as far south as Salt Lake City, Los Angelos and Sn Fransisco. Messrs John Kelly and W. H. Lanâ€" der returned from business trips to the West on Friday and Siturday of lasb week. Rev. Dr. Farqubarson is Home After an absence of almost n-v-c\ months from pulpit duties and two months of that time away from town. Rey. Dr. Farquharson retaurned home Monday evening. He will oceupy hiâ€" pulpit in the Presbycerian Church nex Sunday, His congregation and many friends are ygreatly pleased to hear of his reâ€" turn and the reyiyal of his strength to! almost its former fulluess. " Tt was aâ€" bout the middle of last February when the breakéown in Dr. Farquharson‘s health eccurred, and for a time wrave fears were held that he would never be able to retura to active work again . With the advent of the invigorating Spring months coupled with a fine constitution, strength slowly but sureâ€" ly returned and in the early Summer he left for Agincourt, near Toronto, the homa_ of his brotherâ€"inâ€"law, D:. Coutts. Between Agincourt and OChatâ€" ham, he has since spent his time corâ€" yalescing. %- ErRIk ExE EWEEHE%E@REEHMEEH% ( Additional Personals on Page 4) This school offers you advantages not offered in any Other similar sokoo! in Ontario. â€" Our courses are similar to that of Stratford Business College and Elliott Business College, Toronto. We have experienced instructors and we assist graduates to high grade positions, For fuller particalais, write us. Q/Zm&n/@/@e&/@%j watncias % THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ~ L. M. McAULIFFE _ $ r |"a°| |eZela Salos ale eCala ce lacole s 0| en ol e ce e . ce a ola ue aof o â€" c )e Lofe co o , a o al a 2 0) a ole o ols s ole C ol abel The HANOVER FA]R Magnificent Program Single Fare on all Railroads DR. TAYLOR, President. S. B. CLARKB, Secretary Meet me Sept.18 « 19 We invite you all to visit our Show Room ‘Tuesday and Wednesday, September the ninth and tenth and following days. at Hanover Exhibition, the most popular in Northern Ontario Grand Concert in Town Hall FALL, 1913 Fall T 2990 Branches woughent Canada. DURKAM BRANCH : S. HUVGHES, Manager. Large increase ; THE TRADERS BANK OF CAKADA Millinery Opening Savings Dopartment at all Bramthee. WITH WHICH IS UNITED erm â€" from Sept. 2nd Pubkished Woekly as $1.00 a vens, C. RBAMAGB 4 sON,Posuusazsas Mr. N. H. Sternall of Berlin was in town from Saturday until Monday, preparing to move away his housebold efects to the German city. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Laidiaw o% Detroit visited at the home of his brother, Wim. Laidiaw for a few days. Rev, W, H. Hartley and NÂ¥rs Harâ€" tley are attending the Dominion Conyention of A. Y.P. A. ‘s in Torento this week. Mr. Hartley was one of the principal epeskers at the session on Tuesday «fternoon, having a paper on the subje=t "How to Maintain Memâ€" hership.. " _ Miss8 Volletis a delegate ilrum the local A. Y, P. A. society. Miss Arnie Mathews of Detroit is the guest of her aunt and uncle R. J, and Miss Mathews, Mr, and Mrs, Gilbert Mckechnie haye returned to to xÂ¥a after spending siz weeks at Glenroaden. _ Their guests the last week they were there were Miss Belia McKenzie, Miss Hdith McKenzig, Miss Frank Davidson and Miss Bessie Telford. Ed. Buschlen kas gone to Durham where he bas secured employment in the furniture factory, We underâ€" stand his family will move there soon. They will be much missed bere as they are good citizen«*, and Mr. Buschâ€" len is a splendid musician.â€"Hepworth Progress, W. E. WILSON, Principal in TPrizes of Attractions wCw YORrk AQACcnCcyY â€" Wiltiam and Cedar Sts.

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