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Durham Review (1897), 11 Sep 1913, p. 6

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. 1913 M Feed Flour Flour d Oats â€"ALr ge Sales IIs te (y. * e iA t gEPT. 11, 1913 You & w o Kucle To t e Je ofi alta e d ie ie ie ie e o uts ipe ce te s commencing 1 11004 to continue for ten days. Village Property for id H M M McKechnie‘s big Autumn Sale H A. McKechnie, o dn ie oh on sk ’r'f%%***%&v*@%#******'*x Branching out to New Lines % PRICEVILLE fln Dry Goods, Groceries, « introducing this sale I wish to thank my many triends and tomers lor their past patronage and extend a cordial invitaâ€" s for all to visit our store as we are always pleased to show our . whether you wish to buy or not. _ A few of the lines that D. G. McLEAN, should fall in line with the crowds that will attend Men‘s Shoes n sale A M A 75. sale price...... 2 20 shoes reg 2 25, salepr 1.75 reg 2.00, sale pr. 1.69 ave a good line of Men‘s vs shoes reg. 2.00, 2.50 & special sale piiee 1.49, & 2.25 Ladies shoes to +1 39. 1.60 and 1.75. PRICEVILLE MILLS We bhave on . regular 12%e sale pr. elettes 12 / e sale price denim 2ix, sale price lenim 25¢, sele price Hotel to Rent. lettes 12e sale price 100 denim 2i1, sale price 19e enim 25¢, sele price 19¢ , reg 15¢ for. ...... 10¢ Linen, reg 50c for.. 39e ling, reg 126, tor.... Je ams, reg 15¢, for.... 10¢ , Feg II€, EOF cxxe®® o 1M reg l5cfor...... .. 12%0 een, reg 50¢ for.... 3M4¢ s, reg l5¢ for .... 1246 as, reg 530c for .... 39¢ . reg. 50e for ...... 396 coats reg. 3,50 for 2.69 smocks reg 1.25 for 75¢ ants toclear at.... 2.00 DRESS GOODS my dwelling house, large cep boarders. â€" Convenientâ€" ) all public works,. Newly Uheap rent. . Apply to N. MclstTYyR®E, YAMERCIAL HOTEL in 0, sale pri.e ), sale price . 1y DRY GOODS A. J. McVICAR, 7 (Grafton Ave., Toronto We have recently placed McGowan‘s _ Flour Different weights. ARE YOU WELL SHOD ? _ You are when y vour shoes here. We handle the celebrated \mes “fit'ilden’ Boots and Shoes . D. McLEOD, Priceville 1, contaming 5 acres, f (Jueen St., in the vilâ€" ilic,. â€"Apply at once to They speak for themselves. zricen Ist o £ October,or red. For further infor M,. SimpsoN, Priceville. To Rent. JONN MeGRAaATH, Priceyllle woâ€"storey brick buildâ€" in good locality, 1 hotel appliances to be tion, or lamp sum if aâ€" ve on hand a carload of salt, also a full line of flour Telephone connection. Terms strietly Caskh. 15¢. for Rough Lumber Doors Custom Chopping promptly dome Highes: prise paid for PRODUCE TAKEN AS CASH Friday, September 12th * Central Telephone eries, â€" Hardware and Oils of all kinds Let us supply your needs. and Dressed Lumber, Shingles, etc. Dressed for Flooring, d â€" other requirements 9c 1246 34c 24¢ 39¢ 39¢ 2 69 10¢ #) .)5 See us when requiring a bag. White shirts, reg 1.25 for 98c Colored shirts reg 1.25 for 98e Colored Shirts, 1.00 tor .. 79¢ Work‘g Shirts 75 & $1 for 69e Ties, regular 25¢ for..... 19c Ties. regalar 20câ€" 2 for 25¢ Cuff Links, reg 25e for.. 19¢ Taa, reg 30c¢c, sale price.. 19e Teareg. 30¢c, sale price.. 20e Sardines Tfor...... ...... 25¢ Comtort Soap 7 for ...... 25e Sunlight Soap, 6 for...... 256 Celluloid stareb 10¢, 3 for 25¢ ~ilver gloss 10c¢, 3 tor..... 25¢ Corn & peas loc, 3 for.... 25¢ Matches 15¢, sale price .. 103 SEALERS ; pints 80c diz : qte. 90c doz : balf gal., $1 a doz. Gillets Lve 10¢c, 3 for.... 2506 Kippered Herring 10c, 3 for 250 McDonald Tobaceo 3 for.. 25¢ Shamrock Tobaceo 3 tor.. 25¢ (Old Chum Tobaceo 3 f r.. 256 Queen‘s Navy, 3 tor.. .... 25e Stag. & fOF.:...+. ...« Mo® Coal oil reg 25e tor 20e a gal. Borax regalar be for 3¢ pkge. 20 ibs granulated sucar $1.00 22 lbs brow n sugar for.. i.00 The 3rd division of lot 9 and the Ist division of lot 10, W.G.R., Bentinck, Lot 1. Con. 11, Glenelg, 100 acres, Lot 16 and balf of 17, Con. 2. E. G. Glenelg, 150 acres. Lot 8, Oon. 8, 8. D.R , Genelg. 50 acres Lot 9, Con, 3, 8, D. R, Glenelg, 50 acre L ot 10, Con. 8, 8. U.R., Glenelg, 59 acres Lot 4, Coa,. 4, 8. D. R., Glenelg, 55 acree Lot 7, Oon, 1, N.D R., Glenelg, 50 acres Apply to G. & J. McKromwxit®, Dorham The propertyol the lateMrsM c Aulay of Priceville. For further ‘n formation apply to QOue of the best investments in Durâ€" hamâ€"three houses for the grice- of one. Two are solid stone and brick eight roomed houses. Two rooms solid oak foors and trimmwings. . Two mantels furnace, cistern, good gardâ€"n, young orchard. â€" Ooe frame seven roomed house, Must be sold as owner is going West,. Apply on premises or write 100 acres Farm Prodac«. MEN‘S SHIRTS in stock a fuall line GROCERIES Priceville For Sale or Rent Farms for Sale. D. McCoRrMICK, Priceville when you purchase and â€" Feed For Sale fr M LATIMEB, Priceville e o | Durham 4) Priceville budget has been miscarâ€" ried this week for some reason. The hum of the threshing machine is heard in all directions. Although an early barvest the grain Is a good sample . Mr. R. Kinnell rnd Arihor Richardâ€" son were visitors to the exhibition, Mr. Jas. Paton has soid bis farm on the townline to Mr. Patterson for a handsome price. Mre. H. Watson was to the Queen city last week. Miss (Grace Knox has been on the siek list for tha past few days but we are ylad to say improving. Miss Ruth Stewart has gone to Durham to attend High school. Miss Marion Knox was Lbome on Sunday last from Flesherton. Mr. N. G. Wilson is a weekly visitor to Mr. Geo. Blask‘s. Some attraction eh. Mr. Geo. Campbell Sundayed in Mount Forest. We wonder what time J. L. caught the fish Monday morn‘ng. He is some fisher. Mr. Dancan MeLellan of Ventry was a caller in our burg Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs, Blakeston of Stratford hbavye returned home. â€"â€"â€" t # 4 â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€" Saugeen Valley Miss Maud MacGillivray attended the exhibition last week. Misses Laura and Rutbh MacGilli vray returned on Wednesday from Jackson‘s Point where they have spent the summer. Misses Lazzie and Winnie Binnie lefs for their schools on Monday. Mrs. Nat Whitrore and Miss Mary spent Sunday at James MacGillivray‘s. Mr. Jim McGillivray Jr accompanâ€" ied by Mr Russell Strang drove to Trayerston on Sunday and report & good time. The bridge men spent & musical evyening with Mr T. H,. Binnie on Wednesday, Miss Jennie MacGillivray is visiting ber sister Mrs Dan McArthur in the Glen. Saugeen Valley bridge was finished on Monday. Drive around our way and see what & fine job Mr Keyes and his gang have made of it. WANTED TO BUY, SHOES AT THE JUNCTION. Conauctor Scanlon of the Walkerâ€" ton, Durbam branch of the C. P. K. is famous for other things besides being an official ou the railway and haying suMcient powers of endurance and patience to outlast a wailt twice daily at the Saugeen Junction end of the line, where he is afforded a eplendid opportunity of surveying the annual grain and hay crops. He is aiso noted for being a principal in many amusing little episodes which take place at the junction while he and his crew are waiting for the Toronto train. Liasten. Here is a fresh one that just bhappened last Fnday. A lady whose destination _ was Walkerton boarded the train at Markdale, She had a baby with her but that did not bar her from that pleasant four bours wait between trains, Eyidently she had left home burrsedly without taking time to properly dress the youngster and it was also manifest that she was not aware of the possibilies of the Junction,. â€" When Conductor Scanlou informed ber that she was im tor a four hours wait she radiantly looked up and replied, * Ob, isn‘t that dandy, T‘ll baye time to go out and buy a pair of _ shoes and stockings for baby." With a smile, the official gently broke the news to her that for the present, " baby " would haye to do without his Swinton Park. Mr Jolhn Morice was indisposed last week. Threshing is the order of the day and grain turning cut fine, Mr, James Wallace spent last week in the city seeing exhibitian sights Rev. Geo, Kendell is visiting in tha burg the beginning of this week. A fine baby girl arrived at the home of Mr George Skarp on Thursâ€" day last. Bome of the girls are lonesome since Bob went to College. : Mra, Allen of Varney spent Sunday with Mrs. W. Caldwell. The Critical Consamer of milk may give a snap verdict on the glass of ** good rich milk ‘"‘ given him in the restaurant or at bome, ard may vaguely wonder what pereentage of fat the milk is supposed to contain. Certain standards ot richness are fixed by yarious countrie», and by municipalities, while some purehasing companies and dealers also set a standard below which the milk must not fall. The knowledge of the ayverage test of the herd, interesticg as it is, is not as valuable to the progressiye dairyâ€" man as a knowlege of what each cow‘s milk tests. Whether it is 2. 9, 0. 4, 4. 2 or 5.6 per cent of fat depends on yarious factors, and can only be ascertained alter systematic sampling avd testing. Such testing sometimes reveals curious facts. A pet cow whose ‘‘good rich milk ‘ was reserved for table use was recently discarded by a farmer when cowâ€"testing proved to his dismay that her milk was nearly the poorest in the herd. THE DURHAM REVIEW The average test uf the berd is a vital matter to evesy dairyman whose milk is paid for at the cheese factory by the test; it is of decided importance to both creamery manager and patron when considering the byâ€"product of skimâ€"milk for feeding, and the loaded waggon for the creamâ€"hauler. For two lots each of 16,500 pounds of normal milk may contain either 500 or 900 pouands of fat; one lot is searcely the best for cheesemaking, while the other would be * good rich milk. Knox Corners Athe Down Town Shoe Stose EFGS TAKEN AS CASHK THE CITY BAKERY We have given some lines of footwear notice to leave our store. To quickly help them out we have reduced prices till there is hardly any price left. S)n: Ladias‘ Slipaers and Oxfords, reg. $2.00, now $1.00 Miss>s ail CGhildreas White Oxfords now........ 50¢ Headquarters for Confeotionery and all Bukery goods mmhmmmn«m«dmm Dare Other broken lines also away dowa. _ Call and see if your size is here. Highest prices for Butter and Eggs. HÂ¥"~ No Names or Testimonis COXSTITUTIONAL BLOOD DISEASE. Patient No. 16474. ‘"The spots are all gone from my legs and arms and I feel good now. I am very grateful to you and shall never forget the favor your medicines have done for me, You can use my name in recommending it to any sufferer. I am going to get marâ€" ried soon. ‘Thanking you once more, etc." Patient No. 16765. Age 23. Single. Induiged in immoral haits 4 years. Deâ€" posit in urine and drains at night. Varicose Veins on both sides, pains in back, weak sexually. He writes:â€""I received your letter of recent date and in reply I am pleased to say that aftor taking two months‘ treatment I would consider myself completely eured, as I have seen no signs of them coming back (one year). Good Rich Milk Patient No. 15023. ‘"I have not had a regular Emission I don‘t know when and am feeling fine. The world seems mitogether different to me and I thank God for directing me to you. You have been an honest doctor with me." We treat and cure VAI urNARY COMPLAINTS, R T cce UPTATION FREE gpâ€" NOTICE Armtmecnamabstions letters from must be addressed to our Canâ€" '_W“ EDY, ‘Winbsor, ont. sopone s wlost L2 DL L0 2s on on comee coon on â€" uP p | Drs. KENNEDY & KENNEDY SsAYS TWO MOXNTHS CURED HIM. THE WORLD SEEMS DIFFERENT. Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., â€" Fresh Ice Cream Daily NOTICE TO LEAVE SECRETS OF _ HOME _ LIFE Custom Work and Repairing as usual CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY ONTARIO ARCHIvEs Toronto imonials used without written consent . A. ROWE The bum of the thresher is heard on all sides.. Mr. Geo. Fischer is busy on the 8th and 9th concessions and will soon bave all the grain threshed which is turning out well. (Geo. along with his son Gordon and Mr. Jas. McDougall, are hustlers. Mrs. Ed Boyce and Miss Annte Supernaule were among the yisitors at Toronto extibiticn. Mrs. Dan MelLean of Durkam is visiting at her mother‘s, Mrs Boyd‘e. Mr. Jno. Brown, accompanied by his sister Miss Faith, were guests at the home of their sister, Mrs. D. J. McDonald a week ago Sunday. Misses Tana and Sadie McDonald are visitors at the home of their grandâ€" mother Mrs. Hobkirk. Mrs. Geo. Fischer and daughter Miss Lizzie returned last week from a vieit with friends in Desroit. Miss Janie McLean and Master Cecil returned to their home in Darâ€" ham, after spending their holdays at their grandmother‘s, Mrs. Boyd. The W, H. M. 8. met on Monday last at the home of Mrs. Boyd, 21 ladies were present and did a conâ€" siderable amouat of sewing. They are preparing to send a bale of clothâ€" ing to the northwest. We are pleased to notice the progress of these meetâ€" ings and the interest taken in them. Next meeting will be at Mre. D. J. McDonald‘s. Miss Linda Teasale left last week to attend High School in Durham. Miss Margaret Henderson has been re engaged to teach at Crawford sehoo!, The section are pleased to see her back again. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Putherbougk Sundayed at Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Cook‘s and attended service at Crawâ€" ford Presbyterian church. Mr. D. Campbell, accompanied by Miss McGillivray, of Welback were guests of Miss Tena Livingstone Sunday svening. Miss Agnesfi Ramage, teacher at Mulock, spent over the week end at Mr. Alex Hobkirk‘s. The prayer meeting held in the Presbyterian _ church on Thursday evening last was fairly well attended, considering the busy season of threshâ€" ing. WMBw NVY RDCEMIO CROTORC! started treatment:â€"Age 21, single, in« dulged in immoral habits several years. Varicose Veins on both sidesâ€"pimples on the faca, etc. \fter two months‘ treatment he writes as follows:â€"‘*‘Your welcome letter to hand and am very glad to say that I think myself cured. My Varicose Veins have completely disâ€" appeared for quite a while and it seems a cure. I work harder and feel less tired. I have no desire for that habit whatever and If I stay like this, which I have every reason to believe I will. Thanking you for your kind attention," Thanking you etc. GAINED 14 POUXNDS IN ONE MONTH. J. S. MclLRAITH Patient No. 13522. This patient (aged §8) had a chronic case of Nervous Deâ€" ility and Sexual Weakness and was run down in vigor and vitality, After one month‘s treatment he reports &s fol= lows:â€""I am feeling very well. I have gained 14 pounds in one month, so that I will have to congratulate you." Later report:â€""I am beginning to fee!l more like a man. I feel my condition is getting better every week." His last reâ€" port:â€"‘"‘Dear Doctorsâ€"As I feel this is " sls ET Ne dalcabe Menk /Â¥ Rullt on d NVE Ne dptecateh ied d the last month‘s treatment that I will have to get, I thought at one time I would never be cured but I put conâ€" fidence in you from the start and you have cured me." VARICOSE VEINS CURED. Case No. 16888. Symptoms wh‘en 'ho NERVOUS ‘DEBILITY, iBLOOD AND LADDER DISEASES and all Discases If unable to call write for a Question Marry ? Crawford They know it Cures 2 yds long, 27 in 2} ++ 40 in 3 4* 30 in 3} wid 54 in 3} ** 60 in 3} 4* 60 in UNDERTAKER a n Funeral Director Embalming a Speciality. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice Snow Roomsâ€"Across from,Middaugh Twilled Sheeting 2 yas wide.25¢ yd Heavyy bleached sheeting, 2 _____ House. REsipENCE â€" First house south Lawrence‘s Blacksmith Shop. BIG 4 is yaa Wide....... ....«, ... 406 yA Bed Comforters from ....... .000 ...... 125 up to $5 each . Floor Oilcloth, .. 30¢ a square vard Table Oilcloth, 45 in wide, 25¢ a yd New Spring Prints all now in Call and see them Durham Continuation Staff and Equipment. The school is thoroughly equipped in teach mmy, in chemical and demipul suppites -.3 &¢., for full Junior Leaving and Matricâ€" glation work. The following competent staf are m charge : THO8. ALLAN, Principal and Provincial Modâ€" el Echool Teacher. 1st Class Cortificate Intending Students should enter at the begin wmewmfl possible. _ Board can be at reasonable rates, Durham is ® h and attractivetown, making it a most des place for residence The record of the Bchool in past yea rs is a aminfme. The trustecs are progres@ive eduâ€" gationally and spare no paing to see that teachers and wp&p have emuudvmhf for the proper presentation and acquisition of knowledge. FEES:$1 per month in advance. WM. FARQUEARSON. D. D. C. RAMAGE Chatrma Secretary Electric Restorer for Men Phosphonol resteres every nervs in the body sim and vitality, Premature dec Weakness averted at once. P -rlipn. itor in Suprem .fii ota.rysmlic Commissioner Money to Loan, flice on Lambron St., opposite Walpole‘s Stables. J. P. TELFORD Fall line of Catholle Robes and black and white Caps for aged people. A. BELL LACE CURTAINS dirke. B wW. H. BEAN CALDER‘S wide . wide . wide . wide wide wide BLOCK School 123C pr 1,00 pr 1,00 pr 1,50 pr )0 10c ya pr pr pr of If You are Not Too Lazy 100 acres 1 mile South of W illhameford » good tarm too, offered for actually less than the buildings would cost, 100 acres near Mount Forest, cheap at under $4,000, 300 acres near Dornoch (Mr George Twamley‘s farm) a fine wellâ€"improyâ€" ed place on which Mr T wamley made money, offered at a great bargain, 200 acres near Louise, good #arm, extra_buildings, timber worth most of the price. 150 acres near Durham, wellâ€"improved and cheap at about $4000, 300 acres in Egremont, (Dr _ Fettes farm) good place, owner in the West offered at a snap. 100 acres near Listowel, one of the best farms in Perth Co, Splendidly improved, Astonishingly cheap at $7000, * * Northâ€"west Lands for sale or exâ€" change, Above are some of my Many Barâ€" gains. lt will Pay you to Buy H.H. Miller J. G. HUTTON,M. D., C. M oFflCE: Over L P. Pelfbrd‘s oftice, nearly REELDENCE : Second bouse south of Registr£ oflice on east gde of Albert 8t. Telephone Communication between Office and Residence at all hours. HoNOR GRADUATE of Toromo. University, graduvate of Royal Oollege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Roome Over J & J HUNTER‘S New Store W.C, PICKERING D. D 8., L D8 HONOK GRADUATE Toronto University, Gra Auate Roval Coliege Denial surgmon & ++ duate i&od"u'dumci Denial surgeon s Dentistry in all its vrauches, Ofliceâ€"Over Jeweliry store and oppo site Post Office. ARTHUR H. JACKSON Insurance Agem..bmnev to Loan. Issuer of Marmage Lisensos _A gen eral financial business transoted. #@~ Mr McPhail bas a telephoue in bis gesi 9~11 a. m I4consed Auctioneer ftor Co. Grey Term oderate. Arran to dM'fl‘.n‘u. must be mnmmw i aates, &c.. must be made at the Review 2 &. Durham, Correspon deGee there, or to lon P.O, will be prowmpily attended to, Terms on application to rom me. Member College Pbxzgramns and Burgeops J. F.GRANT D.D.S., L. D. S. Notary Public, Commissioner, . MePHMAIL_+ DURHAM, ONT. (Lower Town dence in Cey to Wor a Farm, READ THIS : CONYEYANGER. &e. D. MePHAIL, Ceflou or to C. RAMAGE, Durham OFFICE HOURS The Hanover Conveyancer 7â€"O . 0

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