West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 18 Sep 1913, p. 6

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ICHOL, Repmesentative oor profusion. 1°&.. 200 in Tea 350 25¢ and 350 room rk o#. It is ‘a our dollar in pattern® fromâ€"4 yds LA CORSETS tham . 18, Box 107, he newest ©s Sales © the special roughout the unbreakable 250 7@ Purk lot No. 1, containing on west side of Queen Et., in lage of Priceville. Apply at 0 Large roomy dwelling hou wnough to keep boarders. Cor Iv sitwated to all public works decorated. Cheap rent. Ap) N. Mcl=tyR®, THE COUMERCIAL H Pricevillie. _ Twoâ€"storey br inc. â€"SBituated in good locali Furnaces and hotel applia sold at & valuation, or lamp 2reed upon. Possession given Ist of soomer if desived. KFor fa mation apply to ie vhhe Ao s ols ce ce e# ## * Branchin SBPT. 18, 1913 * D. G. Mr *# PAAA Village Property for S or to A. J, MeV1IC. 17 Grafton Ave. In introduacing this ss customers for the‘r past tion for all to visit ours goods whether you wis are on sale : % Men‘s Sho commenciog PP to continue for ten Reg. 83.00, sale price.. * 2.50, sale price ... «* 2. 75, sale price. ... Boy s shoes rog 2 25, sal 3. 00 ; special sale pr 1.69 & 225 _ Ladies sell at 1.39, 1.60 and 1 _ * _ reg 2.00, sale j We haye a good line & Boys shoes reg. 2.0 Prints, regular 12%e sa ‘lannelettes 12 % e sale Black denim 2%5c, sale Blae denim 25¢, sele Lining, reg 185¢ for. .. Table Linen, reg 50c Vowelling, reg 126, to (Ginghams, reg 150, fc Reppe, reg 15¢, for . Sateen reg 150 for ... . Velveteen, reg 50¢ t«< Muslins, reg 15¢ tor Panamas, reg 506 fo Lastre, reg. 500 for . Men‘s coats reg. 3,5Q. Mer‘s smocks reg 1.2 25 pr pants toclear a We bave on hai and feed. Telephon Dry Goods, PRICE_,Y!@ vionar? '%: PRIC@ . __ Hotel to Rent. DRESS GOO McGowvu Different we ARE YOU your shoes We have They speak Ames DRY GOODS To Rent. JOMN MceGE M. SnMPSON, Rough . Mcl Doors and Custom Chopping Hig PR\ McLEOD, Priceville Fr Dressed for Flooring, d â€" other requirements nd Dressed Lumber, Shingles, etc. Pn‘ » Pb ie 0 & 7 T Coonieg t un gRs * Gxgen & d Tok ',-f;..:-,_r.-i;m‘z ‘Fw}& ho ?-_‘«a :‘44( ';fi‘i&' vg'."".._flp’:: ces . e one es k iss promptly done C Jp D SleCele eleCaleCers "aleole "» o vleCea=ule_ele2 oo . ol eze jocele 2s (aco oee s cele =a|vvele®ofessieve ENTER ANY DAY at the â€"ALID~MWORTHERNEL] 2 2 IF YOU KNEWâ€" [exalese setlecr prefacelaâ€"elaCelecala_alocole ce locoloce e ol #=s lazel e# ol se ul nenloann ns atviere) o celt t s# etc, ‘ g: x Shirtings, Shirts, Overalls, with bib fi g and without bib. % z Ladies and Childrens Dresses, Laces, < :%: Embroideries. *R CA PLEMING, F CA G. D. FLEMING Principal Secrotary Individual instraction, 33 years of Success _ Positions guaranâ€" teed to graduates, Ioformation e tie of ofe cfraiprtnatrapra@iniants . @efedipcinciedeiocp t Â¥ ofo dbrelie ooo ofe oluedie ofante . ofs efraject sfeofortcafingr@iate db cfechh i 2 OwWEN sSOUND ONT. Rexall Shaving Lotlon 2 sizes, 25¢ 50c _ Rexall Wooth Paste 2he Rexali Toliet Craam ....,........... 2¢ _ Rexall Cold Oream 2 sizes.. 25¢, 50¢ ll{‘znlll‘ %r’uln' %l lAlmo:’dn iss * 26c la:x.ll Camphorated eold cream 25¢ xall Violet Taloum Powder ...... 20 I rmaking soothin Rexall Toilet Soap, 15¢ a cake..2 for 25¢ ;o...p Il.:ht.hr.. forv’nl to givg Fragrant and sanitary prep‘ra~â€" the discriminating shaver tions !0r the teeth, in whichever his choise ; form you prefer , Re«all Aumezmc Footh Powder.... 2%0 _ Rexall Shaving Powder........ 2¢ Rexall Tooth Wash.................. 25¢ _ Rexall Bheving @tick........., 2e Rexall Shaving Oream......... 2c ‘‘Rexall Toilet Goods week" begins toâ€"day at all REXALL stores That the coâ€"operation in buying, manafaecturing and selling nf more than 7000 Rexall stores â€"one leading drug store in each imp»tant cisy and town in the United States, Canada and Great Britainâ€"m«ukes it possible to reduce to a minimum the cost to you of the finished product ; That it is an advan Toilet tage for you to buy Preparations They are listed here at very tow prices for goods ot bigh quality ; The sanitary, airy, sunâ€"lighted, shiningly clean l« boraties in which Rexall Toiles Preparations are made ; the white capped, white aproned, wholesomely clean yeurg women who putthem up ; and IF YOU REALIZED .â€"â€" Then you would Believe â€"â€" Of the months and oftimes years devoted to painstaking, conscienâ€" tious testing and proviag by actual use ef every formala for any Rexall Toilet Preparations before that formula was finally adopâ€" ted as worthy : Ot the exact, earnest care used in selecting each ingredient and the rigid testing for purity and strength betfore it could become a part of the preparation ; Of the gmarantee on each Rexall Toilet preparation that, if it does not give satislaction in every way, ‘"‘we want you to go back to the store where you bought it and get yaur money ; it belongs to you and we want you to have it‘ ; and IF YOU SAW â€"â€" In the Saturday Even ing Post on Oct. 11 will will be printed "Rexall Adâ€"Vantage No. 2,‘ on Violet Daice Perfumes and Tollet preparations. ash Goods in Ginghams, Prints, uslins, Piquet, Bedford Cord, Rep, Te Beautiful Goods at rock bottom prices. still have in stock fine assortment of . L GRANT tbA on Paris Green.... . .300 Ib National Fly Pads. .. .50 Display of Toilet Boaps.. ..............&ll prioes Pickling Bpices..... PRICEVILLE, â€"â€" _ ONT, The Quality Pharmacy Macfarlane & Co. These goods are sold only at Home people say that they hav betfer stock, grain, roots or other proe ducts than any seen at the show: Well, perhaps they bave. If you have bring them out and let an expert Govâ€" erament Judge decide between them and if they are the best, other farmers cam get & lesson how to improve them and thus raise higher the Agricaltural Standard of South Grey. Bring therm out anyway and let visitors from a distance see what we can do. The REXALL Store Owen Sound Markdale, Cbhatsworth and sevoral smaller places are neâ€" nurerous cally are Yory extensive ana eannot be found at the office and abroad ag; the same timo. Now we stop and leave the rest to a better re. porter and Priceville page will be well filled this woeek. Agus mar sin bidhkeadh e and solu it. Died at her bome on Con. 4. N.D.R Artemesia, known as Stome Setuileâ€" meat, Mrs MeLeod, relict of the late John MelLeud (who predeceased her some four years ago) at the age of about 75 years, Mra MeLeod was ons of the hindest old ladies in Artemesia, Ser she was beloyed by ail who formed her acquaintance, _ In the days of her PE D WE oo otatin ntrandank as4 ability she was a regular attendant at the Presbyterian church, of which she was a good member, her christlan ut You bave aone write the 6co. | Capq you have none write t o. | F k . T A‘M Forguon, Priccviilc for , | ggif @@@& 66@ 4 wl ARTHUR H. JACKSON ; _ Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Grey | Terms moderate . Arrangements & ‘ o dates, &c., must be made at the 'gex whnm. “t;r Corres pondegie t to lon P.O., wil}l be prompt attended to, Terms on applicatfon to D. MePHAIL, ar to C. BAflAGm:lm a@° Mr McPhnw a tulephongi in Ufs rest denge in C m. Insurance Agent,. Money to Loan. Eesuer of Marriage Licenses, _A gen eral financial business transicted, Barrister, citor in Suprem Court Notarys%blic Commissioner D. McPHMHAlL_â€" WM. FARQUHARSON, D. D Chairms Intending Students should enter at the n nu:}; of the term if possible, Board can be tatried at reasonable rates. Durham is a her y and attractivetown, making it a most desirable place for residence. The record of the School in past yea rs is a fatrering one. The trustees are progressive eduâ€" cattonal lfl;md spare no pains to 86e that teachers and puptis have every advantage for the proper presentation and acquisition of knowledge., Staff and Equipment. The school is thoroughly equipped in ?cnchffi ability, in chemical and @ectrical suppites a ttings, &c., for fall Junior Leaving and Mauricâ€" atation work. The following competent staf are in charge : THOS. ALLAN, â€"Principal and Provincial Nbdâ€" el School Teacher, 1st Class Certificate MelLeod â€" Brown That Maleolm McLean be paid $19.33, being two. thirds of his claim for sheep killed by dogs, as provyided by 1a w.â€"Carried . Grahamâ€"McLeod That the reâ€" port of Mr Brown re the Eagenia ceâ€" ment sidewalk be received as satisâ€" Graham â€"â€"Caswell â€"That Alfred Danlop be paid $8, being tw oâ€"thirds of the claim for sheep killed by dogs, as certified by E Brodic ard A Sewâ€" ell.â€"Carried . Grahamâ€"Caswell That Gen Prit chard‘s account of $1 25 for repairing rock erusher be paid. â€"Carried . Caswellâ€"â€"Graham That the counâ€" cil advertise the closing of part of 150 sideroad 2nd range W ‘P S HN, a distance of 614 rods, more or less, northâ€"easterly from the west back lisne.â€"Carried . Brownâ€"MeLeod That the of J & W Boyd $8 50 for supp paid. â€"Carried. Durham Continuation Brown â€" McLood That Freeman be paid $9.33, twoâ€"t his claim for sheep killed by certified by E Brodie and A â€"Carried . Caswellâ€"Graham That the folâ€" lowing accounts for gravel ued by everseers duly certified, be paid : § Pedlar $5.70, J Bsecroft $6.05, John Carson $6.65, James Patton £$1.85. Mrs Jamieson 90¢c, C McMillan 35¢c, H Stone $2.90, W Swanton $9.15, Jas Milue $4.â€"Carried Bylaw 770 to levy school trustees‘ rates, was introduced and passed its second reading. Bylaws 767 and 768 received their final readings ana Council asked leave to sit again on Bylaw 770. The Artemesia Couneil met at the town hall on Saturday, Sept. 6, the members all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last sesâ€" sion were read and confirmed. Comâ€" monications as follows were presentâ€" ed and read ; Frice & Scott, enginâ€" eers of Calgary, intimating that they were opeaing an office in Toronto and asking for patronage ; Commissionâ€" ers Brown, report as to cement sideâ€" walks laid im Eogenia ; Malcolm McLean, claim for sheep killed by dogs, $29 ; Alfred Danlop, claim for sheep killed by dogs, $12 ; Thomas Freeman, claim for sheep killed by dogs, $12; Duarham Furniture Co. account for lumber forcovering Euâ€" genia bridge, $19.05 ; J & W Boyd, account $8.50 ; Geo Pritchard, acâ€" coantffor repairs to crusher, $1.25. * Money to Loan. flice on Lambron St., Wailpole‘s Stables. Notary Public, Commissioner, CONVEYANCER. &e. DURHAM, ONT. (Lower Town Artemesia Council. i. P. TELFORLD: FEES:$1 per month in advance ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO That the aecount recently at J. Halley‘s. Miss N. Laviolette of Virginia is engaged as teacher for 5. 8. No. 7 tor the coming year. Mr. Rapad McMillan and Mr. John Murphy of Toronte spent over Labour Day at the former‘s brother‘s Mr. Arch McMillan. Miss Ada McMillan, Messrs J. J. Black Alex McVicar, Anogus Morrison and Dan Anderson took in the exbibâ€" ition in Toronto last week and report a good time. Mr. Donald McDonald of Woodstock is visiting his brotherâ€"inâ€"law, J.; A. McMillan and other friends. School C. RAMAGE Secretary opposite Thomas oâ€"thirds of y dogs, as A Sewell. ies, be Good new brick house and $ acre of laod, welil sitwated on Eilgia Street, Durkam, Apply to _ _ _ The east bhalyes of lots 51 and 52 Concession 3, Kast Garafrara Road, Gienelg, 100 acres about 3 miles from Durham, by good grayel road, Rasy terms to the right man. Title perfeet, Apply on the premises to Adam Weir, or to Signed in behalf of the sectien. Auna B Anderson _ Loretto Meagher Tena McCormick _ Mantel Anderson. To the teacher of St. John‘s school Glonelg Cantre: Dear Teacher it is with much sorrow that we hbave receivyed the unexpected announcement of your departuré from amorg us. We all know kow zealous and earnest you have been in looking after our temporal welfare. We are also aware of the good work you have done among us showing that you bave abilities well suieed to your calling, we feel most grateful to you for the interest you have always taken in the instruction of us children although you are going to leave us * Dear Leacher " we ask you to accept this humble token of our gratitude to you, and while we regret your departure from us we will pray that Ged will bless you in all your undertakings On Friday August 29th a crowd gathered at the home of Miss Annie C, McMillan and epent a mest joyful evening in games music, and singing. The first and most interesting part was a presentation to Miss Annie C. MceMillan consisting of a gold bracelet set with amethysts, also a silver biscuit jar. Following is the addrers, Mr and Mrs Wm. Ledingbam and daughter Irene, of Russell, Man., are guests at Mr Alex McDonald‘s this woek. Miss Annie Hobkirk, accompanied by her two mnieces, Misses Tena and Badia McDonald, were guests of Elmâ€" wood friends on Friday last. Master Johnny Boyd met with a very pain{ul accident one day recentâ€" ly, having been bitten on the face by a dog, We hope the wound will soon be alright again. Mr and Mrs Arch. Brown and cluldren were guests recently at Mr and Mrs And. Hastie‘s, of Lawlash. Some of the farmers aronnd here have disposed of a number of their catile, at good prices, to cattle dealer Mr L, Robgon, of Durham. Miss Rachel McKinnon visited at ber sister‘s, Mrs Andrew Milne, of Louise, one day last week. Arch. MceLean, an old ndrupuâ€"ui resident of Bentinck, on Wednesday of last week. A large number from this viemnity attended the funeral of the late Mrs Mr and Mrs Alex Melatosh visited the latter‘s parents on Sunday eve. Mrs Wm. Smith and daughter, Mrs Mills, are yisiting with the former‘s son, east of the burg, MissiM ary Cumming visited Dorâ€" coch frends Sunday. Miss Ivy Dargavel spent Sunday at her home in the burg, Miss Lyla McKnight returned to her home on Saturday, after spending a month in Teronto. Misses Lavina and Margaret Mortâ€" ley Bundayed at home. Mr Cameron Saunders and Miss Kate Scheurman visited Dornoch friends on Sunday. The weather has turned very ceol again, the heayy frosts these last few nights has done a_. considerable amount of damage to the gardens. factory and an order be issued on tha treasurer for $75, being amount granted for the same.â€"Carried. Address and Presentation For Farm for Sale. J. P. TEr®FoR®D, Durham. Crawford Dornoch Staymor and Mr and Mrs Clarke, of Quebec, visited at Mr R. Knox‘s and Mr Jno, Aldcorn‘s. Mr and Mrs Jas. Patton wisited Euphrasia friends, Mrs W. G. Porter visited for a few days with her sister, Mrs R. Hopâ€" kins, Hutton Hill. Mr and Mrs Louis Frook spent Sunday with Durham friends. Mr and Mrs Dan McCormack spent the week end with Durham friends. Mr R. Porter‘s new house is got-; to add greatly to the appearance his farm . .‘\\ s gov _ ie on t \ ;j’r’*‘*Ak* 7 _ e ;3 "’2 / ’:’/ T nng to Durbam, their buggy ght on a mail post and Jack was own out and had his coliar bone ken. Mr Hargrave wos uninjared. Miss May Davic, of Greon Grove, spent the week end at her grandfathâ€" or‘s, Mr Jas. MoQillivray. Mr and Mrs J. Moore, of Egremont fl::t Bud? with their daughter, Waliter Tarnbull. Mr and Mrs Adam Auderson and family visited Mr and Mre Archic Beaton on SBanday. Mr Archie MeArthur took a trip to Tare last wooek. Miss Blanche Beoll visited her cousâ€" in, Mrs Ge0. Allon, fora fow days. hm '“““X evening when Mr Gee. terave aud Mr Jack Newell woere ‘he thrashers are busy around the s Ada McLean, of Toronto, was uest of Miss M. Ferguson for a ays. e Lagies‘ Aid of 8t. Andrew‘e sthmet at Ms D. MceCormack‘s nesday afternooen. . The ladies glad to see Mrs Aldcorn able to it again. * mcCormack and Miss McCorâ€" t visited over the week end with ndxrs C. Moore near Markdale. ss Little, teacher at Priceville, the gmest of ber friend, wiss L. orn over Sumday, iss MrCuaig and Mr Finlay Mcâ€" x, Top Cliff, Sundayed with Mr KNrs Neil McMillan. 1 Andy Wright returaed from Toâ€" 0, where he spent the summer. Saugeen Valley Frank Moore is in Toronto at the Misses Mitchell, of Hanover, iyed with Mrand Mrs Geo, Osâ€" o%

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