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Durham Review (1897), 2 Oct 1913, p. 3

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h he received, i very serious. is taken down Propriecty that nblished .** charged and low all railâ€" lines equal nent gives #h* t ahe was safe trace could be ribly burned, on of agony in ans which she hey wanted to 1e passed . awway it has been té RACT neâ€"de m the thirdâ€" k his hoead on that, together Jt ffered sever and horrible »d. The father of the three. on the lawn of a of takim @ utam n lnh’o-. i divans puffing oâ€"a, of courseâ€" l1a rQ nded w red round the %’Mw rdered e the works aa a private nsion of ANNXER®. feminine emokâ€" among the the empire, caused their y the oonl‘ ilt lessened ATFD n T} istmal sites The comâ€" is Governâ€" ight it tim® wang Su t* r to Tsu er â€"Accomeâ€" each your uciue, that prictv that mpress of ecl recently nly a year he Manchu erful or so _ her wonâ€" tho young always her simplicity the utmost perial etd. ointed her n« oo i met as not deâ€" or charm. w & ge ie mother c majeaty h a» small 348 W t w h inship Or Her face, ba <4 mJ Straigiht At bring \When Ss1VCEâ€" beauâ€" m rt AS when dure A & palâ€" you not pity moâ€" and udy the eir nd al raniinemensen it #@4AAt cA *W****WW%%**? § Wash Goods in Ginghams, Prints, * Muslins, Piquet, Bedford Cord, Rep, {i 3 etc, k :fi 3 Shirtings, Shirts, Overalls, with bib fi x and without bib. x’ 4#° 4 Ladies and Childrens Dresses, Laces, fi s Embroideries. 4 *# #4 444@#AAA We have a good stock of Food on hand that we are offering at low prices for the next few weeks as we waut to reduce our stock. _ If you need feed of any kind call and see us at the Oatmeal Mill. Cheap Feed The McGowan Milling Co. We have given som« lines of footwear notice t leave our store. To quickly help them out we hav reduced prices till there is hardly any price left. Syn: Lafiss‘® Stippers and Oxfords, reg. $2.00, now $1.00 Miss»s 111 Childrens White Oxfords now ........ 50« Other broken lines also away dowa see if your size is here. Athe Down Town Shoe Stose EGGs â€" TAKEBN AS CaASH YOU PAY WHEN CURED imples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, CMTeNU l HTD 120 i PmE r!ele-. dmmnt::l:..]u{ energy .n:'d strength, tir:& mornings, res‘:!ess nighgs, chnngeab‘e moods, weak manhood, premature decay, bone pain§, blr loose, sore throat, etc. YoUu WILL BE A W RECK Our w Method Treatment can cure you and make a man of you. Under its influâ€" enge the n becomes active, the blood mim so that all pimples, blotches and ulcers , the nerves become strong &8 , so that nervousness, bashfulness and desâ€" ‘vanish, the eye becomes bright, the face full and. clear, emrgsr:‘etums to the -Jmm»‘gdcumnxud‘:{mmlnflmud:m ng ceaseâ€"no more wital waste from the system. Don‘t let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard earned dollars. We will cure R or no pay. EVER PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL READER:; Wo matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. s 09 P ornnae. Colden Monitey® (Mustrated) on Secret Diseases of Mez. 'â€"-%â€"“Th Monitor" (Ilustrated) on Secre® SUIBRM Li * TION LIST F#R HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST P Eold Welss m s Can o Mie t euucucamamaai * e : ~ "‘\‘\)\, f > mt B iE o (be f a s S# q5 K 4C )\, # 4WY ) *J‘ Q§JZ _ ~ta gayâ€"noric m,u\-â€"wâ€"uvvt-â€";â€""- Y.!IVI s Drs. K. & K. Chopped Barley Oat Feed Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Review to New Subscribers Only $1 to\J\an. Ist 1914 Nonwonruorosusmwnuourwmmoousm still have in stock a fine assortment of Beautiful Goods at rock bottom prices. NOTICE TO LEAVE Custom Work and Repairing as usual L GRANT Oatmeal Milis N NZPO Tesga TK Cured by the New Method Treatment . TAKE ALL RISKS Chopped Oats Feed Oatmeal Mixed Feed Aup Go¢ctG@t4t¢ctit® 4# . S. MeclLRAITH all aud ge|_ Among the qy noticud. Miss Siuge:. ‘Misk Tso. es #%?}qnin. Miss Kerr'aré’hYeo' Miss rinci + l incipal of Holstein schoolf parees ; Tns Ex ma i | ()a entering the l::llll:(;l‘s | were the cakes, bread ing to the left e | plenty and of good qu ?,Dd preserves § jsheat grain, those o(t1 ;( u1 uie *4 |age excellin r \Wm,. Ram:â€" c} °C g all othe 2l ight fanecy work by th rs. To the s ;“‘“‘“.\' duone, collecti t e Ed o | collections of weeds on of insects and 3 Ino the inner buildin‘nd table corn. i :gmn, ot which ""5_ the threshed 5o ‘?‘mplvs. potatoes a bo Te s D. se its ulld chic ut thirlv bi ‘ T2 \ chickens and chi e 'ex 1bâ€" of ;m("f(’ than we count (;Ckem en oo | praise cannot be zi‘? _ Too much r&, “lnd Cake for the efll;e“ to Mr Duaff < | to make a success of ria tiey made s# ols the aged pim.\eeu"he o uo oA \Xl.l.h the children we who mingled o# | rthur, $r, and re Mr Neil Mcâ€" % both hbale and hea“)hu MeDonald, | vanced age. W rty at their adâ€" * | w Ne hope ork now beguno ma pe the good # i;nd wtre might add ingret,:g ‘:g“finued oA er f ic C s \ of agricaltural exhibits. s (We were unable last week to give the full prize list and a m{ write up from Mr. Chas. Mclunis of the first Egremont Schoolâ€" Fair, which, from we hear is likely to be bard to beat. Tl;e liss and the letter appears hereâ€" with ) ; As previously announced the Fai ‘ was held at S. 8. No. 10, of which school Miss E. W. Irvine is teacher H. C. Duff, Esq., the representative for this district, being unable to get the Government tent forward, had the exbibits placed in the building, locally known as the Buatler, Oheese and Chicken factory, and rnever before Mr Editor, were there so many ehickâ€" ens in it at any time. It we include the littie boys and girls who came from eyery quarter of the township, accompanied by parents and grandâ€" parents, the nomber gets beyond our calculations altogether . i The outstanding {eature of the fair was the iutense entbusiasm of the \ children, all eager to have their exâ€" | hibits placed in the best possible posiâ€" tion that they might win prizes and | most of them did, some quite a numâ€" \ber. The number and variety of | chicken coups on exhibition showed ‘taste and workmanship. The unâ€" \fayvorable weather prevented _ the |field sports, much to the chagrin of |\the boys and girls, who came preâ€" | pared to win the Marathon and lower Altred Schrubb‘s record for a 100 yard dasb. More About the School Fair Mrs J. A. Swanston has retarned from the West, looking well after ber long visit among her brothers and sisters. A number from here exhibited sucâ€" cessfolly at Mount Forest fair las, ThursGaay. Alex McGillivray, W.J. Philp and J. A. Swanston added to their ribbons. John asd Ed. McRobb are exhibitâ€" ing at Ayton Fair. Mr Alex Calder‘s sheep were worâ€" ried by dogs Monday night. Potatoes (Davies Warrioryâ€"Minâ€" nie Mcintyre, Jas. Murdock, Geo. Brown, John _ McEachern, Alex. Haes, Mary Bye, Benj. McMullan, Gertie Pettigrew, Willie Main, J. A. McEachern,. Empire State.â€"Alâ€" lan â€" Brown, Leslie Eccles, Ruby Philp, Robt. Smail, Ella Wilson, Thos. Johnson, â€"Wm. _ Marshall Herman Schenk, Eddie Smail, Clifâ€" ton Rogers, Grace Ramage, Kenâ€" neth Findlay. _ __ _ o mfi‘z;rie._;;.:xr'chie McInnes, Bessie McMeeken, Murray McArthur, ...... McDoug DDULLCT Flowers.â€"Effie Ellis, Sadie Hamâ€"| ilton, Harold Atchison, Kenneth Finlay. Apron.â€"Flossie Hattle, Thelma Brown, Ruby Philp, Bessie Alles, Ruby McMecken, Nellie Atchison. Essay.â€"Mildred Rogers, _ Bessie Alles, Earl Bowman. ‘ Bread.â€"Lillie Hamilton, _ Stella Hattle. Ruby Philp, Thelma Brown, Ruby McMeeken, Nellie Atchison. Oat Sheaf.â€"Reginald _ Ramage, Gladys Mcinnes, Harvey Williams, Barley Sheaf.â€"Reginald Ramage. Farquhar Farquharson, Archie Mcâ€" Innes. Insect Collection.â€"Pearl Drumm. Hugh Findlay. Insect Work.â€"Inez Mead, Howâ€" ard Mead. Weed Collection.â€"Bessie Mcâ€" Meeken, Ruby Philp, John Ferguâ€" son, Stella Hattle, Blanche Noble. } Essay.â€"Donald Mcinnes, Harold Atchison, Leslie Eccles,. _ _ _ __ Py ALHLE OA ELH NE ol ctrdccindifientne mt td Poultry.â€"Class 2 Penâ€"Ruby Mcâ€" Meeken, Hugh Findlay, Katie Mcâ€" Cannel, Maggie G. Ferguson. Class 3 Pair.â€"Faleda Witter, Margaret Kelly, Hugh Findlay Katie McCannel, Ruby McMeeken. Maggie (G. Ferguson, Mabel Reid. Maud Warling, Reta Barbour, Harâ€" old Lawrence. 2 S oiai c 09 mape kss |Coskerekâ€"fl:(§)h Findlay, Katie McCannel, Gordon Hastie, Maggie G. Feriuson, Faleda Witter, Ruby McMeeken, Reta Barbour, Mabel Reid, Howard Lawrence, Margaret Meg&, Maud . Warling, Ma}rggret Mags d ne en ced es o Sunts HEak_ EC POBy MLCRIELT M RAAIRIUUBN 2 o9 on Us Kelly, Reta Lawrence, Flossie Hatâ€" tle, Currie McArthur, Pulletâ€"Faâ€"|, leda Witter, Hugh Findlay, Marâ€" | garet Kelly, Katie MceCannel, | Mabel Reid, Reta Barbour, Maggie | (G. Ferguson, Maud Warling, Ruby \McMeeken, Nellie McEachern, Gorâ€" don Hastie, Viola Cameron, Flossie ‘Hattle. Currie McArthur, Reta L?rence. * oop.â€"Robt. McArthur, Mildred Rogers, Godfrey Bowman, Ernie Robb, Maggie G. Ferguson, Eric Sharp. Care of Plot during summer.â€"â€" Oatsâ€"Frank Ececles, Gladys Mcinâ€" nes, Duncan Buchanan, Wesley Andrews, John McGillivray, Magâ€" gie Ferguson, John Ferguson, Anâ€" ‘ gus McDougall, Wallace Hooper. Isaac Hooper. _ Katie McArth: Lawrence. d Best Cockerel.â€"Hugh _ Findlay Katie McCannel, Gordon Hastie, Maggie G. Ferguson, â€" Faleda Witter, Ruby McMeeken, Reta Barbour, Mabel Reid, Harold Lawâ€" Fel S i eA l es rence, Margaret Meade, Yaude Warling, Margaret Kelly, Reta Lawrence. . _ . _4%>_ it BEest Pullet.â€"Fafeda Witter. Hugh _ Findlay, Margaret Kelly, Katie McCannel, Mabel Reid, Reta Rarkour Maggie ‘G. ‘Ferguson. Maud Warling, Ruby McMeeken. Nellie McEachern, Gordon Hastie, Viola Cameron, Flossie_ Hattle, Currie McArthur, Reta Lawrence, PFlossic Hattle, Currie McArthur. Best Coop.â€"Robt. McArthur. Mildred Rogers, Godfrey Bowman, Krnis Robb, Maggie G. Ferguson, Eric Sharp. Collection Falt Applesâ€"T H Binnie, Mrs Biackburn, Dan Edge, Coli. Winâ€" ter applesâ€"Artbur Edge, T H Binnie Apples : Alexaodersâ€"Mrs Blackburn; Oolvertsâ€" J W Mather, J & J Hunter Duchessâ€"Alex Anderson, Alex Mcâ€" Lean ; Russetsâ€"J. W Mather, J. W, Biyth ; Kingsâ€"W A Livingston, D. Bdge; Mannsâ€" Livingston ; Spiesâ€" Mather, Binme ; Mclotosh Redâ€"B!yth Kibston Pippioâ€"Hunter, K Barber ; Greeningâ€"A Edge ; Spitzenburgâ€"D REdge ; Snow â€" Mather, R. Barber ; Wealthy â€" Mather, W Scarf ; Ben Davisâ€"Livingston, A Edge ; Talman Sweetâ€"Mather, Blyth ; Standard any other kindâ€"D Edg», C Lang; Crabâ€" Blytb, T. McGirr ; Lombard plumseâ€"N RHarvey ; Plums, yellow eggâ€"Harvey; Plums, fie-_f'dlingâ€"_-l:la'lvey; Plums, a. o. k. â€"D. Rdge, J & J Hunter ; Wintâ€" er pearsâ€"Alex, . McLean, Hunter ; Fall pearsâ€"MeLean, Hunter; Coll, of grapesâ€"R. Farqubarson. FIELD GRAINS Fall wheat, whiteâ€"J, W. Blyth, A, Edge, Wi. Grahlmann,. Fall wheat, redâ€"D Eage, M. Barber, C McGirr; Spring wheat â€" W Ramage ; Buckâ€" wheatâ€"Geo Ritchie; Oats, short w‘hite â€"H. Grasby, W Ramage! Oats, lonu‘ whiteâ€"W Grahlmann, J W Biyth, M Barber; Oats, Blackâ€"W Ramage; Barâ€" ley, 6 rowedâ€"D Edge, Rarber, Blyth ; Peas, smail whiteâ€"D Edage, T McGirr, M Barber, Timothy seedâ€"G Ritchie, McGirr, D Edge, 12 ears Cornâ€"A Edge W L Dixon, T Binnie, White Beansâ€" Dixon, Binnie, Coll. Field Grainsâ€" J. W Blyth, Grain in sheafâ€"W Kamâ€" age. Potatoes, whiteâ€"W 1 Dixon, D Edge. W Scarf. Potatoes, any other kindâ€"Dixon, W Grahlhman. Potatoes collectionâ€"J M Smitb, J W Smith. T Lander, â€" Swede turnipsâ€"Dixos, Scart Turnips, any other kindâ€"Scarf. Manâ€" gels, long redâ€"Scarf, D Mclivride. Mangels, any other kindâ€"Scarf, Mcâ€" Ilvride. Fivld_cmots-:Dixon,_T Petiy Sug;:r”hegt-s‘â€"'â€"_l"e'i't'y.v Scarf â€" Ensilage cornâ€"Dixon, M Barber, Collection field rootsâ€"Se wrf VEGETABLES | Coll vegetablesâ€"C W Lang, T Peltty Caulflowerâ€"Lang. Cabbage, earlyâ€" Laug. _ Cabbage, winterâ€"Lang,. _A Grierson, Uabbage, redâ€"T H Binnie, J M Smitb. Carrots, longâ€"Petty, W Grablmani. Carrots, Shorthornâ€" Lang, R Farquharson, Parsnip :â€" Lang, _ Grierson, Celers, whiteâ€" Lâ€"ng, Smith. _ Radish, winterâ€"Smith (Grierson,. Radish. summerâ€"Scaurdf. Binnie,. _ Peppersâ€"Harvey. _ Tomaâ€" toes, redâ€"Sumitb, Blyth. Collection tomatoesâ€"Smith. â€" Beets, longâ€"Grierâ€" son, Smi‘h. Beets turnipâ€"Binnie, Smitb. _ Onions from seedâ€"Grierson, T MeGrr. â€" Onicns, silver skinâ€"Meâ€" Girr. â€"OQmons. potatoâ€" McGirr, Petty. Onions from Dutch Setsâ€"Hay, Pettv. Tab‘e Squahâ€"Mrs â€" Biackburn, _ W Ramage. _ Bush +quash â€"Grierson, Bl eckburn. _ Pable carmp>â€"Scauf, D Eoge,. Sweet cornâ€"Smith, Harvey. Â¥ilow or gteen fesh melonsâ€"Black» burn, _ Watermelon â€"Gsiersonâ€" â€" Citâ€" ron. â€"Grerson, Ramage, DAIRY Tinnet buiterâ€"Binuwie, D Eige‘ Grablmann. CUrock butterâ€"Mrs And erson, Binnie, A Edge, Buter in printsâ€"D EKdge, W Baker, M Ba: ber. Butter, moderately saltedâ€"Mrs Andâ€" erson, Simith. Homemade cheeseâ€" Biyth. DOMESTIG PROUUCTS Breadâ€"Mra Bradwin, Grahlmann. Brown breadâ€"M Barber, _R Baibes. Loaf trom Eclipse flourâ€"G Ritchie, T McGirr,. Loaf from Soveregn flourâ€" Blyth, R Barber, Bunsâ€"Mather, Mrs Bradwin. â€" Tartsâ€"A McDonald, Blyth. Durham Fair Prize List Apple pieâ€"A McDonald, Mrs Anderâ€" son, Pumpkin pieâ€"Mather. Harvey. Lemon pieâ€"Blyth, Harvey, _ Pie, any other kindâ€"A McDonald, Mrs Anderâ€" son. Fruit cakeâ€"Bradwin, Blyth,. Light cakeâ€"Bradwin, A McDonald, Ooli pastryâ€"Mather, Canned fruitâ€"J Vollet, M Barber, _ Wine, homemade h 4 0.1100 ts L A cdoidictiak ommA â€"Mrs Aonderson, L Harris, Mixed pickles â€"Meliraith, M Barber. Maple syrupâ€"Binnie, Grablmanu. . Honey strainedâ€"M Barber. Crab apple jelly â€"Mre Anderson, Melliaith, Raspâ€" berry jellyâ€"M Barber, R Barber. LADIES‘ WORK Quilt, log cabinâ€"Binnie. Quilt cotâ€"| tonâ€"Bradwin,. Quilt, woollenâ€"Petty Mts Mavrer. Quilt, silk, crazy workâ€" ; Genmnor, Maurer. Bed eprend, knitted â€"Maurer, Bed spread, embroideredâ€" M Barber. Mre Hay. Rag matâ€"Bracâ€" win, Petty. Woolien matâ€"Maurer. | Knitting men‘s socks, coarseâ€"Mrs Anderson. Kuitiing women‘s stockâ€" ings fineâ€"Miss L Harris. Men‘s mitis A@neâ€"Mra Maurer. Women‘s milts ; fineâ€"Mrs Maurer. â€" Ladies‘ underwear‘ â€"Mrs Savage, Mrs Blackburn, M\Urs Towner, bighly reeommended Butâ€" holesâ€"Mre Anderson, W Ramage. Laundry bagâ€"Mrs Hay, Mrs Maurer. Faney towelsâ€"Mrs Hay, Mrs Towner. |\ Work apronâ€"Mrs Anderson, _ Mts | Maurer. Slippers, knittedâ€"Mrs Blackâ€" .\ buro, T McGirr. _ Slippers, crochetâ€" T McGirr, Mes Maurer. â€" â€" Five o‘clock FRUIT ONTARIO ARCHIVEsS TORONTO ROOTS # 4 â€"â€"â€"â€" tea elothâ€"Mrs Maurer. Tea cloth in white silkâ€"Mrs Hay, Mrs Blackbuarn. Tray cloth in celored silkâ€"Mrs Bradâ€" win, Mrs Savage. . Centre piece, colâ€" ored â€"sitkâ€"Mre ludw.l& Miss Harris, Centre pieee in white â€"Mrs Maucâ€" er. Table doylies in colored silkâ€"Mrs Maurer. Sideboard scarf, colored silk â€"Mrs Maurer, Mrs Savage. Sideâ€" board searf in white silkâ€"Mrs Hay, Mrs Maurer. _ Tea cosy, embroidered â€"Mrs Maurer. _ Tea cosy, a 0 kâ€"Miss Harris. Sofa cushion, embâ€"Mrs Mawuâ€" ‘ rer. Sofa oushien laceâ€"Mrs Towner,. Pin cushbion in embâ€"â€"Mrs Mauser, Pin ccusnion, laceâ€"Mrs Maurer, Toilet set Mre Maurer. â€" Crochet table matsâ€" luu Blackbuecn, Mrs Maurer. _ Shirt waist, emb â€"Mrs Hay, Mrs Sayage. shadow embâ€"W W Ramag». _ Walâ€" lochin embâ€"W Ramage, Mrs Blackâ€" burn . _ Eyelet embâ€"Mis Sayage, Mrs BRowner. _ Pillow shams, embâ€"Mrs Maurer. Pillow â€" shams, a o kâ€"Mrs Bradwin. Workâ€"bag, _ fancyâ€"Mrs Savage, Mrs Blackburn. Drawn work â€"Mrs Maurer. Mos Towner, _ Tatting â€"Mrs Savage, Mrs Beadwin. Netting â€"Mrs Towner. â€" Battenburg laceâ€"Mrs Towner, Mrs Maurer. _ Point lace, eto â€"Mrs Maurer. Kaitted laceâ€"Mrs Savage, Mrs Maurer. _ Punch workâ€" Mrs Sayage, Mrs Maurer. CHILDREN‘s WORK Dressed dollâ€"Mrs Savage. â€" Orochet in cottonâ€"Mrs Savage. _ Fancy ‘wmk Dressed dollâ€"Mrs Savage. â€" Orochet in cottonâ€"Mrs Savage. _ Fancy work â€"Mrs Savage. _ Darning on stockings â€"â€"Mrs Savage, Mrs Angerson. Butâ€" tonholesâ€" Mrs Anderson, Mrs Savage, Tea biscuitsâ€"J W Mather, FINE ARTS Pencil drawingâ€"Mrs Savage, Mrs Maurer. _ Crayon drawingâ€"Mis Sivâ€" age, Mrs Mauzer, Painting, India uk 2] T t ons ie oo‘ qs i4 Ee en e en e e eiie o. â€"Mrs Maurer. __ Painting in oil, fruil or fHowersâ€"Mrs Savage. _ Painting in oil, landscapeâ€"Mrs Hay, Mrs Savage. Painting in water colorsâ€"Mrs Mauret, Mrs Savage. Painting in water, frait â€"Mrs Savage, Mrs Maurer. Painting on satinâ€"Mis May, HMecDonald. Painting on velvetâ€"Mrs Savage. Fen and ink sketchâ€"Mrs Maurer, Mrs Savâ€" age, Painting on chinaâ€"Mrs Savage, Burned â€" woodworkâ€"Mrs Hay, Mrs Maurer SPECIAL FOR CHILDREN Map ot county â€"Margaret Newell. Writing, 20d class..Josephine Meâ€" Nab, Velvey Reay, Margaret Whiteâ€" tord, Vera Reay. Writing, 3rd ctass RUTMEQ POSIE! ACCCY C ERTmUE! E â€"Susie Adlam, May Davis, Margaret Newell, Mary Tarnball. _ Writing 4th class.. Dayid Widmeyer, Edna Ritchie, Lena Aljoe, Elsie McLean. Writing, N B C, Owen Sound .. Edna Reay PLANTS Coll but house plamts, 20 var.. Laug. _ Coll house plants, 20 var.. Blackburn, Petty. _ Coll plants, 12 var.. Mciiraith, â€" Hagh McDonald. Coil plaots, 6 var. . H MeDonald, Lang Coll double geraniams..Petty, Art McDonald. Coll single geraniums.. Petty. Coll scented geraniums.. Harvey. Co.l begonlas flowering.. Meliraith, Lang. Coll begonias Rex .. Lang, H MeDonald. Ocil coleâ€" us.. Petty, Blaeckburn, _ Coll cacti.. Blackburn. _ Coll foliage plants.. H McDonald, Lang. Double geraniam white.. Blackburn, _ A _ MeDonald. Double geranium, a o k.. Lang, H McDonald. _ Single geranium, white .. Petty. _ Single geranium, & 0 k .. Petty, A MeDonald. Tricolor geranâ€" ium .. Hugh MeDonald, Howard Meoâ€" Donald. Ivy geraniam, plain leal .. Lang. _ Ivy geraniam, variegated .. Blackbuarn, Hagh McDonald . Pelorâ€" gonium geraniam .. Lang. Oleander .. Petty, Meliraith. Iyy .. Peity, Hugh MeDonald. Hibiscus.. Harvey Lang. _ Amarylis.. D Edge, Lang. Single fachsia .. A McDonald, Blackâ€" burn. â€"Abetilon.. Petty. _ Calceolarâ€" in .. Hugh MeDonald, Howard Meâ€" Donald. Tuberose. Lang. Rose in bloom .. Lang. Heliotrope .. Petty, Meliraith. ‘I&anging baskes .. Lang, Petty, CUT FLOWERS Display, open air.. Blackburn Pet: ty. _ Bougquet, large, any flawers .. Hagh MceDunald, Grabhlmana. Bouâ€" quet hand, house flowers.. Mcliraitn, Hagh McDonald. ‘Table ornament.. Blackburn, Petty. _ Collectian asters ..J& J Hantes Hugb MeDonald. Dianthas .. Harvey. Larkspurâ€"â€"Peiuty. Marigolds .. Petiy, Lang. Phiox Drammonai.. Lang. _ Puolox, Pereo nial .. Lang. Single petunias .. R« Farqubarson. Sn»p dragons .. Lang. } Zinuias .. Petty. POULTRY Light Brahma cock .Comnor, Harâ€" yey. Light Brabma hen .. Harvey, Conuor. Dark Brabma hen .. Harvey Ist and 2ad. Barred plymouth rock eock ..Connor. Barred â€"pl, mouth rock hen..Connor. S¢ white leg hborn eock..Connor, Haryey. 8 c | w hite leghorn ben .. Connor, Harvey. ‘ R e whice leghorn cock .Grasby. _R e white legtForn hen..Grasby 1st ano ‘ 20d. â€" § 6 brown leg horn cock Conâ€" | nor, Grasby . 8¢ brown leghorn ben I ..Grasby, Connor. R¢ brown legâ€" | horn cock..Grasby,. _R e brown legâ€" i hora hen..Grasby 1st and 20d. 8 p| Hamburg cock.. Lang. _ 5 P Hamâ€"| burg bea.. Lang 1st and 2od. Hamâ€" burg hen, a o v..Grasby. â€" Runode Island â€" red coex .. Vollet, Ling. Blaek minorea cock .. Voilett. Black |minorca hen.. A MceDonala. Vollett. Orpington cock a 6 v..Ling. _ Orâ€" pington hen a 0 v . .Lang. Black Spanish cock .. Haryey. Black Spanâ€" ish hen .. Harvey 1st and 200. W h. wynndotta cock . . Vollett, May, Wh. wyandotte hen .. Hay, Vollett. Slaeâ€" ed wyandotte cock .. Kinnee 1st and ‘2nd. S laced wyandotte her .. Kinâ€" ‘mree 1st and 2nd. _ Baff wyandotte _‘ben..Gruby 1st and 20d. _ Game leock.. Harvey. _ Game hen .. Harvey ; 1st aod 2nd. _ Coebin cecek..Connor, ‘\Lang. â€" Cochin hen .. COanor, Lang. , | Bantar , a Y cock.. uarvey . _ Banâ€" j | tam, a‘v hen. .Harvey. Ancona coek .i .. Lang 1st and 20 1. Ancona hen .. Purgam, Oct. 1. 1913. l Flour per owt .... ... 275to280l Oatmeal per saek..... 2 15 to 2 25 Ohop per ewt........ 1 25 to 1 40 Buckwheat...... â€">â€">> 65 to 75 | Fall Wheat........... $ 90 to #1 GO \Spring Wheat........ 90 to 1 00 Oare, feed............. 34 to 86 Oats, milling.......... 83 to 34 i o l e ie ie & 90 to 100 Barley ........> Butter ...... ... BUHLMGEL ... . «.:; i2119 to . .20 Eggs.... ......}.....}.." 24 to 25 P+mtoes per bag.. .... 1.25 to 1.40 Durham Markets. Continued on page 4 Woman‘s World MISS BLANCHE STUART SOOTT, Miss Blanche Stuart Scott, the young woman who recently bhas ac quired such distinction as a daring and intrepid aviator, is the same young woman who nearly two years ago drove hber automobile from New York city to San Francisco. Miss Scott‘s companion on this wild and dangerous adventure was Miss Ger trude Phillips. Their arrival in the Golden Gate city alive and unburt is a fine tribute to American woman hood. Miss Scott flles one of Baldwin‘s red @evil metal biplanes, This aeroplane, on account of its speed and diminu:‘ tive size, is considered much more perâ€" flous to operate than any other, Its @river must be gifted with unusua‘ nimbleness of mind and body. Miss Bcott chafes very much under the Ayâ€" Photo by Amer werr eCs EitE oo . count of her sex, but she succceded in ghowing her ability to fly as high as her men competitors in a recent air contest. There is serions talk of organizing a woman‘s aero club here in America, the ijdea being recently batched by Baron vyon Dewitz, and the women P terested in aviation are enthusiasti¢ about the movement. It is proposed to model the club after the Aerial League of Great Britain or the Stella of France. ' An Elaborate Coat. The long coat of the season has many uses and milady‘s wardrobe, if she is at all smart, must contain a number of long wraps for different ocâ€" casions. The coat pictured is an airy affair for evening, carried out in a fine tribute Miss Scott Makes Daring Flight in Her. Airship. eyclaman colored figured crepe fabric. A dcep band of satin in this new shade of cerise trims the bottom of the coat, and the shawl collar is of lace and satin combined. ; Worth Knowing. When you drop accidentally some of the yolk in the white of eggs in sepâ€" arating same the yolk can easlily be reâ€" moved by touching the bits of yellow with a dry cloth, to which they will geadily adbere. Desirable and conventient farm f0f | jng 100 acres. 6 aeres good ha sale of One Hundred and Fifty @cres: | push, 6 acres mixed timber, situated 14 miles south of Durham 0N | pood cillable land. _ Well x the Garafraxa ro@2d, being lots 1, 2 and good spring creek runving t 3 of 30, township of Glenelg. For full | agnother spring a few rods frol particulars apply to drilled well at house. Goor JAMES GRAY, house and barn, Iarge drive # Subscribe at once for the Reyiew Only $1 to Jan. Ist 1914. oF CYCLAMAX CRAPE AND SATIN, »sirable Farm for Sale 10 We t P t D t l > Aeweie o 09 ixz ”m§‘ ar 4 . _ [ tt e o . 2. 8 w f.'*"“' ?E k > d# _ W >Â¥ '-Zii - $ xi g l@@n Press Association. â€"» a <Gp + + Rocanvilie, Sask. If You are Not Too Lasy 100 acres 1 mile South of W illiamefard a good farm tno, offered for actually less than the buildings would cost, 100 acres mear Mount Forest, cheap at under $4,000. 300 acres near Dornoch (Mr George money, offered at a great bergain, 200 acires near Louise, good farm, extra buildings, timber worth most of the price. 150 acres near Ducham, wellâ€"improved and cheap at about $4000, 300 acres in Egremont, (Dr Fettes faem) good place, owner in the West offered at a snap. 100 acres neat listowel, one of the best farms in Perth Co, Splendidly improved. Astonishingly cheap at $7000. Northâ€"west Langs for sale or exâ€" change, Ahove »re some of my gains. It wii Pay H.H. Miller Twamley‘s farm) a fine well4mpeorvâ€" ed place on wbiczn \r T wamley made BIG 4 3t 3 j OCT. 2 1913 Twilled Sheeting 2 yas wide.25¢ ya Heayy bleached shoeting, 2 _ _ ydas wide...... ...... .... 40c yg@ Bed Comforters from . ...... .....> ......1.25 up to 85 each . Floor OHcloth, . . 30¢ a equare vard Table OQilcloth, 45 in wide, 25¢ a ya New Spring Prints all now in UNDERTAKER a n Funeral Director Embaiming a Speciality. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice Snow Roomsâ€"Across from;Middaugh House, REstDENCE â€"First house south Lawrence‘s Blacksmith Shop. Barrister, Solicitor in Suprem Court Notary Public Commissioner ( ) AKRTiAUR H. JACXKSON Insurance Agemi, Money to Loan Issuer of Marmage Lioenses, .A gen eral financial business uransacoted, J. G. HUTYON,M. D., C K orm:x} Over 1. P. Puitord‘s offing nearly opporive Ruilatry Oftice. REKLDENCE : Second house south of RegiRr/ oflice on east sige of Aibert Bt. orFICE H0UKS 9â€"11 a m B4 p m. 1â€"â€"0 p. ma. Telephone Communication between Office and Residence at all hours. Licensed Auctioneer tor Co. Grey Terms moderaic . Arrangements [ & to dates, &c., mus: be made mt the w fice, Durham. «* Correspondence there. or to Géylou P. O . will be attended to, Terms on «pplication to W.C, PICKERING D. D S., L DS HNoxOR GRADUATE of Torsmo. University, graduate of Royal Oollege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Reoms Over J & J g:JoN‘!‘ER's New Store Every graduate guaranteed a position, _ Thorough courses. Large staif of Specialists, _ Inâ€" dividual â€" instruction, Best equipped College in Canada. C A FLEMING, FCA _ G. D. FLBMING Principal Secratary Hogon ouoo&rl ‘h-no.l u-.:.â€". Gra uate mege Den Dentistry lnnm‘llh vranches, use Officeâ€"Over Jeweliry store and oppo site Post Office, Lot 8. con. 13, Egremont, cor ing 100 acres. 6 aeres good hard another spring a few rods from drilled well at house. Good house and barn, large drive «he nrebard. Bituated 2} miles tro stein, 4 wmile from sehool!, Will on easy terme. For further j ars apply on premises to Money 1o i0an,. flice on Lambron St., opposite Walpole‘s Stables. to Wor and black and white Capse for aged people. Full line of Catholle Rober OwWwEN soOUND _ ONT Notary Public, Commissioner, . MePHMAIL_ ~ NAQ Momber Collog: Pnyzcinus «ud Surgeone DURKHAM, ONT. (Lower Town J. F.GRANT O.0.S.,..0.% 7 NORTHER AAJSLIHUIAI Mr McPhail hes a telepbone in bt# ress dence in Ceylon. LACZE CURTAINS J. P. TELFORD. A. BELL Jt Pagl CUNYEYANCER. &e. 24 in 40 in 30 in 04 in 60 in 60 in whil Pay you to Buy D. MePHAIL, C or to C. RAIABB,?’&.- CALDER‘S Shoy . N Farm for Sale. wide .. wide.. wide . . wide . wide . wide . .25¢ pr .1b¢ pr 1,00 pr 1,00 pr 1,50 pr sÂ¥

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