West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Oct 1913, p. 4

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I? Mus Bertie Roberts in "king . comic in dnumuking with Mm Sinh- erisy. Hope we will like the work. Mn Malitoholl eotertitned than“ litry o! her Indy friends on Thundaf afternoon. i, Tho Bible ttla" mid will be hold on Monday "cling. Oct. am. To. "rved in the “can: no". Every- body welcome. Mrs CodUld called on Mn Com- ming' on Sunday on her wt); home from Inuit Sn Marie. Mn Punt upon: Tuna-y afternoon with hicndl in Clumvortb. duite u number from the yillsgo Look in Duboro hit and d] report " very good time. It Charlie Cole. ot DeNro, spent Sunday with Me In." Knuu. 'Gaaa:s:aasisicrs.-:a:saa:ssa:aii't For Baking Success ---This Oven Test :t.tei"t't"f"tf'""ttttt1,'.i '13 The Central Drug Store. rd.. THE CITY BAKERY We daily have shipped in a supply of the best and purest Ice Cream. Delicious Sundaes. Sodas Specials, Soft Drinks, etc. at our parlors. Take an Ice Cream Brick home with you. Choice line. of Cooked Mm. Plain and Pony on... Fresh Groceries. ete., etc. Haadiptartees for Confectionery and all Bakery goods Hi but” for Boga-rad Eggs. We have the stun on hand. Also the celebrated Blatchtord's Cell Heal and Stock Foods, and Prime & Co. Molassine Meal for all kinds of Stock. 2,'."t John McGowan Sovereign Flour Eclipse Flour Pastry Flour Bran Shorts Middlings Low grade Flour Mixed Chop Corn Chop Oat Chop Crimped Oats Ring us up ,rlterryou, The Feople’s Mills The Central Drug Store School Opening Williamsiord. "More B‘rhq‘and Bettgr'Bread" and " Bettchtastr;lfoo " 526 ‘1 'e are Ready for Fresh Ice Cream Daily Success on some baking days can be expected no matter what flour you use. But con- stant success is rarer. It can be assured in only one way. The miller must select his wheat by oven test. So from each shipment of wheat we take ten pounds as a sample. We grind this into tyi Bread is baked from t e our. If this bread is high in quality, Pu large in quantity, we use the l shipment from which it came. I Otherwise we sell it. I Constant baking success comes I as a matter of course from’ Iltt.g. bearing this name of All Kinds of Grain Bought and Sold Special Reduction on Flour and Feed in ton Iota. The Largest Stock we have ever shown and at Lowest Prices. School Supplies in endless variety High and Public School Books Still the old slogan--" When you get it here, it's right." at the Mill or delivered anywhere in single 100153.. ton lots or carionds Requif'e Flour and Feed All kinds . A ROWE Mr Robert Ledmghum. of Dornoch visited n Mn L. Print’s OnTbuu- day. Min Mary Cummings has accepted 1 position m It Privat'l more. Miu Davey and her cousin Miss June: visned friend: in Owen Sound on Tends]. Sorry to report. the illness of Mr Cameron McBride. but hope to be r of her speedy recovery. Mr Lumn returned homo anu- gponding . week with friends in Des- Mr Bristol Dnhine. of Toronto, spent Sand-y under the parental roof. Pinned to see his smiling face twin. The meeting of the Woman'a In smut. will be held In tho hall on Wednesday, Oct. Ist, n 2 p. m. Mr Fred Boldt u koptbnsy these in” III-km. App]. boner. PU R3129 iii ' ftt i! ft) f.t.t We also met with Mr and Mrs. W, J Kerlslie, formerly of Holstein, who is unguaged in tmloring here, and culled on anothcr old Holsteinite, Robt. Mlckleborough, at present ill in Regina Hospital. A few other South Grey h lends we were prevented from seeing through absence or lack of time. It was our greatest pleasure to spend aiaiternoon in the entertaining company of Jas. Brown, who spent much of the past year at his old home m Holstein., We motored through all parts of the city, around the Parliament building lands and to Government House on the west aide, where we enjoyed a call on Lt. Governor and Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Climbing many flights of stairs to the top of the tower, we obtained a delightful view of the city atom feet and the country lor some 30 or 40 miles around. Miss Ida Wilson trained nurse, kindly accompanied us to many paints of interest in the city She expects her sister Miss Pearl, now in Tisdale, to reside with her in the near future. We also renewed acquaintance with our former Durham teacher, Mrs Rice Meredith, also Mr. Meredith, who is deputy-manager of of the Glasgow House dept. store, the largest in the province. Mrs, F,, Green, neiceof Mrs. Meredith, andl an old Durham girl, was holidaying‘ at Regina Beach, and the sad tragedy of the death of her husband there last Saturday cast a gloom over the city The deepest sympathy is felt for her in her sudden bereavement. Petrie and her niece, Miss Anna Carts, are, at present residing with their brother Jas. who has visions of taking a trip to Australia and New Zealand for the winter They have recently returned from a visit on the Pacific coast. We learn that Mr. J. H. Brown who spent some time here after leaving Holstein, is now at Humboldt, Sask , and purpose. going iniobusiness there. With its 50,000 citizens and the promising luture ahead. Regina property especially in business district and leading residential is very highly priced. Over 700 rent residences, it is said were erected last year, The Sherwood Co., who are completing a large dept. store on Albert, at present not a business street, purchased the ground from non, Geo. aud Mr. James Brown for $125,000 and another dept. store pays a rental of $1600 monthly. For some miles around the city is sub-divided some lots we noticed being beyond a farm some 4 or 5 miles north of the post office. Much valuable larm land surrounding is lying idle, through being thus on the market. We heard a story (although we can- not vouch for its accuracy!) of a man who went to a teal estate dealer in Moose Jaw, about 45 miles west to buy property. The agent motored him out some 20 miles east and displayed some choice lots. But he didn't buv. Instead he selected Regina and came to a dealer here, who buzzed him out no miles west and he viewed -the same farm lands. Again he didn't buy. i Regina is the great distributing centre of the west, and every implement concern on the contin- ent except two, has branch“ or works here. The city is well laid out, all the streets meeting at right angles, the east and west ones termed avenues, and all paved except in new districts. Scareely a traceof the disastrous cyclone 15 months agois to be seen. Residences, churches, and office buildings have been rebuilt often better than before. All we noticed was a topless elevator, a couple piles of debris, and a few house foundations. In a tour through the beautiful parliament buildings to the south of the city, we came across Jos. Burnett, who left Durham a number of years ago, and now occupies a a government position in the telephone dept. It was our pleasure to meer with and enjoy the hospitality of an old Durham and Norxuanby friend, Mrs. Gadd, who with her daughter. Miss Emma, are gutting along well after three years residence here. She yet has a warm regard for her many Durham friends, and we appreciated, " would all other visitors, the home- llko atmosphere she creates. Board. ing with her is Milton E. Ard, bookkeeper for the Sawyer Massey Co., whom we were pleased to meet. He is a brother of Mrs. Robt. Watt, and spent some months in Durham eight years ago. Next morning Mr. Jas. Brown kindly invited us to accompany him and his brother Thos. on a car ride ten miles out to the latter's farm oil 06o acres at Brora, where we were privileged, to see Western threshinz‘ operations on a large scale. It was most interesting to us to witness tt' new machine,the sheaf-loader rapidly till a waggon. and the speed with which the grain is separated from the chaff. The grain is at once driv. en to, weighed and emptied into their own elevator and tickets issued for each load. Mr. Brown was threshing a 160 acre field of the lemons Marquis wheat, which he estimated would yield 40 bus. to the 'acre. -P. R. Dear Review Readers: As we are rather crowded ttrr time on leaving Regina, our letter " somewhat curtailed thla week. Alter speeding over mile upon mile of about perfectly level prairie, usual- ly covered with wheat in stock, and much already threshed, the compact and well built city of Regina looms up before us and here we most pleas. antly spent a few days. The business section of the city is centrally situat- ed, featured with tall office buildings large hotels, two large department stores, and a brisk busxness air. To the South and West are beautiful residential streets with fine homes, part at the east side is the foreign settlement termed Germantown and north of the C. P. and C. N. R. union station and tracks. the north- erly bound of the business district, are the wholesale houses and princi- pally workingtuen's homes. Progressive Regina 'ttit-kit "f. Ir, 3% THE BUBBLE ..Paton asod Ut and 1nd. Pen sheep. .Puon & Son. SHROPSHIRE Rum. a then-INK G Brigham In and and. snarling um. . Brigham "and and, Livinttsuatr. Ram lamb SHEEP-OXFORD DOWNS Shearling ram..Puton & Son In and and Run lumb..l’aton & Son 1, a & 3. Eve, 2 tsliears..Patett & Son In and and. Snearling owe.. Paym & 1.steltt and nag. Ewe lent, ..Livirtttstone, Brigham 2nd and 3rd Ewe. a shears..Livingatono 13: and 3rd, Brighun and. Sheariinz ewe. . Brigham 1st and and, Livingston. Ewe lamb..Brighnm Ixt and 2nd. Pen sheep..Brigham. LEICESTERS Ram. 2 shear-HA Mme, A Park. snarling rum..Park. R Herd. Muir. Ram lsnb..Park, Muir. Herd. Ewe 2 shean..Muir In and and, Herd. Shearling owe..Purx Ln and and Muir. Ev" lamb..Muir. Park. Herd Pen shoep..lpir. Milk tsow..Connor, Mather. Heif- er, 2 yrs. .Mat'ner lat “d arid, Heir- er, 1 " Mather. Cult heifer or steer. . It Herd In and and. Steer, 2 yrs..Mather. Steer, 1yr..Matlusr. POLLED ANGUS ' Ball, any tsge..Herb Hum. Cow my age..IIunt. Ram, a trlteam..Muirlat Mid and. Shearling run. . Muir. Run lamb.. Muir. Ewe, uboms..ldnir. Shear- ling tme..Mttir In and and. film, lamb..Muir. Pen 'slusep..Mair. Fat abeep,any brood..M|ir. Herd and aad 3rd. . Connor. Bull 2 yr or over...W ALiving- stone. Bttllealt-Livirutstorus. Cm “Livingstone. Heifer 2 yr..Leg- gene. Heifer l yr..Livingsmne. Heiier calf. Livingstone. Lang lgt und 2nd. Houdon cock” Connor. Lang. Hondan hon . .Lnlr. Light Brahma capture) . . Connor lat and 2nd. Light Brahma pallet Connor. White plymouth roclg cock- erel..Counor In and and. White ply mouth rock pullet..Connor In and and. Bull ply rook weterel . .Grusby Be white leghorn troirtyl..Coetttttr Sc white loxhoru pullet..Porer, Lang. R e, qrtsiat Icghoru cockercl .. Grasby “and Md. Re unite leg- horn otrelrernti..0raabr lat and 2nd. R e white legborn puLet. .Grasby let and 2nd. 8 I brownieznorn eoeker- el..Connor. Gruby. S c brown leg. horn pullet..Connor. Gruby. R c brown legion: mkorel..Grusbv lot and 2nd. R o brown labor- pulls: ..Grubv In Ind and. S mangled Hamburg oockorel..L-ng lit and and. S spnnglcd Hamburg pullet.. Lang 1stand and. Black spanish socket-2L. Harvey in and and. Black Spllllh pullet..Harvey lat and and. White wyundotte cockerel ..Vollm. Hay. White wyundom pttllet..Yollett In and and, is laced wyandnuo cookerel..Kiuuee In and and. 8 luoed wyundolte pallet. .Kin- nee let and 2nd. Buff wyandauo pullet..Gruby Inland 2nd. Game" 1soelrerel..Harvey lat and and, Llama pttllet..Harvey lst and aud. Ccetr in eotslierel..Connor. Cochin puller, ..Ownuor. Bantam coekerel . . Har- “Connor. Bmtam coekerel .'. Har- vey. Bantam pttilet..Htrvey. TURKEYS Bronze turkey hen..Grnsby lat and and, _ Bronze turkey male.. Grnsby lat and and. Bronze turkey female. .Grusby lat and and. DUCKS Pekin drake..Lang. Pekin duck ..Lung Drake, aov..Laug m an: and. Duck 2 o v. .Lang lat and " . GEESE Touluuse grandma. .Lang. Toulouse ttoose..Ltng, Urasby. Emden gan- der..Lang. Urnsby. DRAUGHT HORSES Brood mare. . W Baker, Geo Bit- chie. ll Barber, Foal of 19l3..llit- ehie, LindSuy & Son, Baker, Filly or gelding 1 yr. .A Edge, Baker, D McIlvride. Filly or gelding 2 yr.. A Edge, S Patuerbotlgh, Lindsay & Son. Mare or gelding 3 srs..Ritehie Span horses..l{ Barber, Putherbough Ritchie. AGRICULTURAL HORSES Brood mare..R Morrison. M Bar- ber, T liieUirr, Foal ol19l3..Mc- Girr, R Barber, McIlvnde. Filly or gelding l yr..A McLean. Grasby. Filly or geldlNt 2 yr...W L Dlxun, D A Campbell. EJ Bury. Mare or gelding 3 Irr.T McGirr. Span hotaetr.. Grablmann. Campbell, M Barber, Brood mare..ll Boyd, I Lauder. Grierson. Foal cf 19t8.Ahuerson, Lauder, Boyd. Filly or gelding 2 3r ..A McDonald. R Wilson. G M Lee. son. Saddle horse.. W Atkinson, Blyth. 8irultsdrisirgtsorse..Kinnee J Young, J & J Hunter. Span hors- es..1£ McGregor, o Z Henry, JO Greenwood. HORSES IN ACTION Farmer'tstrot,.t1 Binkle. W Leg- eette Lady driver..Atkiruson, H McDonald, Morrison, Quick hitchue ..A Edge, Atkinson, Kmnee. Brood mare..J M Smith. Foal of 1913. .Smiih. Filly or gelding 1 " ..Ritchio, Lang. Filly orgelding 2 yr..Patton & Son. Span driving horses. .Grienon SWINE (Yuri: or other whites) Boar, any age..Hord. Bow.. Herd, Surf. Spring pigs..D Eds. In and and. Boar. any age..Hord. Hunt. Breeding MUHHOM. Pair baco- tft ny brood..D Edge In and an . South any Show Prize List. JERSEY Cow. .T Petty. CA TTLE-sHu1lTu0itNs Gamma from page 3 ROA DSTE R HORSES CARRIAGE HORSES POULTRY--Chickul ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO GRADE CATTLE COTSWOLDS TAM WORTHS Muss Lizzie Milne, of (‘neslem ao- companievl by a lady friend, visited the Heuderuu family the beginning of the week. Life a number attended the Hate over Fair last Friday from this part. Mr Alex McDonald visited " daughter, Mrs Lamont in Brant, he: week. Miss Victoria Campbell came home last. week lrom Hamilton. where she spam most of the summer. Mr Frank Twnmley sold 23 head of cutie to Mr Priest. of Elmwood, tor a good tigare. There is a lot of cattle being taken away in this pazttbis week. Corn cutting and filling silos is the order of the day with many a: present. Mrs Archie McDougall and Miss Teme Livingstone visited recently at Mr Dougald MoUonald's, of Lamlnsh. Mrs It Fwamley and Min M, Twamley visited at the furmer's sis ter'is, Mrs Itrbt. Ledingham, of Dar mall. hast week. Miss Olive Anderson is leavil g this week for Southampton. Threshing is gaming: pveltv well wmud up now around this vicinny. Mr D. McKechnie and daughter Mary visited at Mr and Mrs Andy Hwtie's, of Lamlash. one day last week. Small Profits A new stock of Shoes ing cold, wet weather. A select stock of Scotch Tweeds in Women's and Men's Suitings in th newest designs. Menu suits made to order on short. notice and a good fit gun auteed. A huge stock of Womeq’s suit ends, no two aiike to choose from. FRESH GROCERIES are Arriving Dailv We pay particular attention to have shoes made on sure comfort and satisfaction to our customers and vet Try McKachnie'e pure soap cakes for..............". 81bsFigs for................. .25 White Crystal sugar per 100 lb 4,75 Departmental s A fresh stocx of Ceylon Tens in Starof India .............. Light of Asia . . . . . . Live Poultry bought every day except Saturdny-LPricos chase Bring us your Butter and Eggs hfdkeihnie'tiWeeldy News REMINDERS JUST ARRIVED tkxygggrxxggg'.ctgitg Fextytgis','tA'FIxy,tyty and Rubbers in the unrest style. to suit the uppmm i, Macfarlane ik Co. FIRE ! FIRE! FIRE! er and Eggs IP"' l?" Prices ' McKEBHNIE After sorting out our stack We discovered there Wore some are“ buzaim we could offer you. Among them were six dozen high priced Inn'vrm when we will offer you “($131“! sum of 75 can. nah. We also had six dozen axe handles Imaging 10 cents to 40 can“. We havosomc tt and El 25 axes slightly during“ we are selling at 50e each. In Silverware we have some creat prices to offer you A few more barman to offer you in Lump. Please put pour mind to Work. see what you owe me, come as soon as possible and pay me. so thutl can million? doug business id this town. MACFAftLANE'S DRUG STORE BIO FIRE (i SALE i), .3 GT.? Particulars in next issue newest designs (on and floor) A good stock of Floor Uilcloth in the different widths. Fine suits of Clothing made to order...............$17 to $22 4 yds wide Linoleum per yd.. 2.00 A Inge ulgock of Rugs in the W. BLACK on at made on easy fitting lasts, to en. and yet in the newest styles. nee slightly dun-ad mu REMINDERS Ditrham weekl y. In pride from ' "l3 Large Sales 0tle. 2. 19t3, f W. Pant tot No. 1 on we side of S In." or Pri-tlit Large. roomy I enomrtt m tern h " .i'.‘l¢d to I” deeoraued. Chet Pun-we! an cold at 5 ,utitr, mad upon. THE mum Praeeeiile. TM Ina. Situated in Pmion ttis pm if Gain“ "tastietet apply u t'l'i'iwi [ik - Village IV Were you Our It in our uh our stock m We are n: West-tn wk The lock I (loving (on! head. Col , bl“ com 3 lbs Rnili 3 .b currnn ti "tttes 7 Kipperod h Sultana. t Int-cu. a Celluloid Fine black 0mm. o eereottU, Men, loo Cor-cu Cantu Comets, Conch, Mcn'u Sock Men: (my Boys otocki Ladies hos Girls hose, Taken loo Ladies SI ung- at Fhut lit ll Furl chain, qrhi Boyu Brno Menu hear Bran Dry li Te In! a fe Hotel " I7 Gt W o Diff, ARI you TM. To re D I) M It "

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