PURIU g; tei"te"f"tf""'tt"t.fi "‘ The Central Drug Store' 3.- W w tit tit w tit ttt W W W W a. Buy this oven-tested flour At 'aa.a:a:a:a.s.sss.ei.s.asa.a.s.saaa.sait) School Opening 2te'2te1'i2,r. E. A. ROWE We daily have shipped in a supply of the best and purest Ice Cream. Delicious Sandaes, Sodas Specials, Soft Drinks, etc. at our pulora. Take an Ice Cream Brick home with you. Choice linen ot Cooked “an. Plain and Fancy Cain. PM Ovaries. etc, ate. THE CITY BAKERY The Central Drug Store (l) Headquarters for Grryfeotioriery and all Babry goods The People's Mills Sovereign Flour Eclipse Flour Pastry Flour Bran Shorts Middlings Low grade Flour Mixed Chop Corn Chop Oat Chop Crimped Oats We have the stuff on hand. Also the celebrated Blatehiord's Calf Meal and Stock Foods, and Prime & Co. Molassine Meal for all kinds ot Stock. £2â€: John McGowan Ring us up when you, He is now receiving one ot thelanteat new stocks of goods that ever came into Durham. Price: will be startling. Would quote them in detail only time prevents. Just " the bat will nsms s few things. Sheer Steel Butcher Knives 10e, worth. .... ...... 20o Tunpeeo Horse brushes Ise, worn ..... ...... .... 25c OoeWheIodd knives. eseh ...... ...... .. .... .... Be One baittmsttelodd torts sash...... ...... ...... ts Ombuhslodd spoons eseh.... ...... ...... '..... 33 Sunset my debtors lisve Ire-ted no well hm some that] expound he's not eons forward with the emu-tel their seeoent' Home do not delay " I reqeire money. He offers you no hum-mo variety ofgoods slightly damaged by tire " your own price. AROSE FROM "More Bread‘and BetterAread" and " Betterhystry,ioo" 527 ‘e are Ready for Fresh Ice Cream Daily School Supplies in endless variety The Largest Stock we have ever shown and " Lowest Prices High and Public School Books Still tho old slogan -" When you get it here, it's right." Special Reduction on Flour and Feed in Ion Ion. All Kinds of Grain Bought and Sold Black still Alive and Kicking From each shipment of wheat delivered at our mills we take a ten-pound sample. It is ground into flour. We bake bread from 'this flour.' If this bread is high in quality and large in quantity we use the shipment of wheat from which it came. Otherwise, we sell it. l The baking quality of tlir,g,t tpi under this name is thermre ark exact certainty. Bu}, and mam: ' ll the Mill or delivered anywhere in single toolba., ton lots or car loads Your oven will certainly pro- duce more bread and better bread as a result of our oven test. W. BLACK Requiie Flour and Feed All kinds THE ASHES r L" As we buzzed around the town, we l met in with three other Vurney boys, who are threshing in the neighbor- it hood. Wilbert lilyth. Wm. Bogle . and Archie Allan. Wm. McNally, , formerly of Bentinck, who lives some p four miles out alongside Geo. Klempp . lot Holstein, we also met with in the .1 :town, and Mr. and Mrs, John Cornish lSr. of Orchard Chas. Keith of - l rigretuont we found in the implement ‘and auto business, in company with \fVVIH Pettigrew, an old Normanby :hoy. Overlooking the town on the lhillside reside Mr. and Mrs. Peter I Burrows, formerly of Holstein, while to the west of the town is the fine [home of Mr. Alex Mulch, also of j',gremont. Mrs. J. W. Smith (nee l Miss Rose Ewen of Rocky Saugeen) lis another from the home locality, er. Smith .beiug engaged in the (butcher business. Another we ran iacross was Geo, Swanston, brother oil. A. Swarvston, the tp. Treasurer l?, Egremont. Others somefew miles out of town we failed to find oppor- Itunity to Bee, are John Olmpbell, ;Jas. Pettigrew and Chas. Gillies. A I most congenial friend we found to be Ii Mother member of the fourth estate, .Mr. Chas Hynds of the Lumsden I News Record, with whom we spent la pleasant evening. In a South Grey e Bee Hive. Lumsden, whence so may from this neighborhood have flewtt. Talk about swarming, mote former residents of Durham and Holuein vicinity have settled down in and around Lumsden, Sash, than in any other locality in the West. An old resident of either place coming out would find it a regular bee hiya, so many old neighbors would he meet: like the bees, many of them have gathered plenty, and the only "sting" he would feel would be the hearty handclasp, and a mum welcome. Dear Review Readers No sooner were we " the train at the station than we alighted on Alex Wells, who is engaged with Thos. Ewen some three or four miles west of the village. Without further flight we came upon Mr. and Mrs. Ron. Barnett and two children home- ward bound from their tive months' trip to the coast. They are looking fioe, and expect to reach Dmhem the end oi October. Flitting over town, we met In. Henderson, formerly of Hampden, who conducts a large livery barn, and assists in the government of the [ town at the Council board. A little) farther on we found Wm. McCalmon busy as anv bee, with two assistants in his blacksmith shop. We had the pleasure also of meeting with Mrs. McCalmon and their six children in their home, five of whom are attend. ing school. " Will Ft is one of the town's most popular business men, having topped the poll for trustee. and is considering the erection of a line new residence next bear. He kindly offered us his horse for an eight mile trip over the north plain to Mr. and Mrs. Adam Pettigrew's whom we found busy with the thresh- ers, and purposing to leave in about ‘three weens for east of Saskatoon, ‘where they may purchase En route lover a somewhat rolling country. we were surrounded by wheat in stocks except where straw stacks showed that threshing was already complet. led. On returning in the dark we 'experienced a nervous ten minutes as we lost the trail coming down the llong winding Lumsden hill, but soon [regained the road. , -s 'r'rN, tbe r", aa- 't ' y - 4-: _ "r, _ iprcvh,iarii'sY,?trj"rs tr :7?“ "tfret'?,?-" On the whole it is a splendid distract, both for scenery and crops, and it reflects credit on the South Grey pioneers who first selected and settled there. In our hurry penning our last letter We believe we omitted mention. ing an enjoyable call on Mrs. Me.. Pherson ( nee Mia. Lydia Thompson) in Regina who was pleased to hear of old friends and has afine home there. Space and time demand however, that we bring this letter to I close before leaving for new scenes further north. --P. R. To REV. J. A. AND MM. MATHEION: Priceviile. Ont. ’ Most picturesqnely situated in too beautiful Quapelle Valley lies Lums- den, and in pleasing contrast to muuv other western towns and Villages. it is dotted with trees and appears more like an Ontario village. The valley extends for many miles and is supposed to have been at one time the hed of a large latte. On either side a gradual upward slope covered with sh: ubs and prairie grass heads out on to a plain, and each side being of a dilferent nature. On the south plain the soil is heavy and somewhat richer, while the north is lighter and more of a gravelly nature. the valley being the dividing line. Dtyr friend-,-- The "manners of Court Priceville, I. o. F., No, 470, wish to convey to you then profound symnnlhy in this, my hour of P"Y' detafWtctlort., It hm pieced our Heavenly Flther to remove from the earthly home to the home above, vour dearly and well beloved son. and from our Forearm Circle, a most worthy your)“ brother. We know how sadlyaur hearts are. at the loss you huvo unstained. but youth!“ is His gain. With you dun friends, we will miss hi. manly form and his genial countenanrc. No more " thi/io-ravi/Gets" tio_ns of a home visit be realized. Death makes a separation, but it ta only for a short time and while in: human to mourn the departure of our loved ones. it is a great. contention to know that your dear one " only “one before to the home of many Inn-ion- to be foraver with the Lord which in far better. Our earnest prayer " " That God he with you " and give you the needed strength to hear the burden of your sorrow. When our earthly pilgrimage it over, may it he ours one And all to meet in the Home above. when than lg no sorrow or signing or parting. one where Bod will wipe all In" from every 'Th, .. - A 4 Letter of Condolence Mr Hum, Boyce had I successful ploughing bee on Thuraday Int. hlre. Alex Cnmpball left on Tuesdu, to vim for a few weeks with ber mar In Birth in Grand Rnpida. Mill Christine IoGillyny upon: Tuesday evening with her friend Mr Fred Heft. Miu Nellie Shovel! visited for: for days recently with her ainer Mn J Lister. Altar. tortnight's ytuit with their brother Mr Hugh Riddel Ind other friends Mist-es Mnrglret and Esther Riddel returned to their home in Rochester on Monday of Int week, Mr Wm Cum of Owen Sound in waiting his brother Mr “not Castle. Miss Belle Mink who bu spam . few weeks with her sister Mn Thu. iihorell returned to hot homo in Owen Sound cu Thursday. 8b. WIS accompanied by In Show“ Ind Inmnly who Intend spending I for dnys with ralutiyeu there. Mrs J nmel Walsh and non Leonnd Ipem Suhdly with their aunt. Mu Crimmena neu- Loum. Min Victoriu Campbell visited tor a eoople, of any: recently with ho friend Mrs Ritchie of tho Rocky. Mr and Mn J Millie of Sullivnn upem Sundry with Mr and Mn Fred Heft. The muons are engaged building I stone wall for Mr Dan Campbell who intends erecting I burn next laminar. A luv young people were untrained n Wednesduy evening It the home of Mr and Mrs Thou Shoveâ€. Silo filling was the order of the day last week, but potato digging is the job this week. MrsJas, Roy and Miss Audrey, of Varney. spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs T. McAlister. Mg and Mu Williamson and Mrs bowling and daughter, of Holstein, spent one day last week with.Mr and Mra Thos. Wallace. Mr and Mrs Thou. Wallace spent Tuesday with Eboxdalc friends. Mu Baht. Mclel of Walkerton viuited lost week around the neighbor- hood of hrr youth Ind old timo ucqnamuuco. Messrs John Malice and John and George Slurp assisted Mr William Sharp, of Hampden, to an his silo last week and report that Mr Sharp's eight horse Gibson engine is adandy and does its work alright. _ ' Those from our burg who attended Holstein Show report a good time. Mr John Sharp sold I tour months old colt last week for the Int III! 013100. It pays to raise the but. Mr Henry Lempke departed thin life Friday hat. He has been in poor health for umo time. He was buried Sunday in the Germm cemetery nelr Elmwood. Mr Ebenezer Geddes and sister, Miss Maggie, of Hampden, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs John Mor. Ice, Mr Malcolm McPhee of Normanby is ritftiug old time lcquainuncea and relations It present. A good congregation turned out to the Preebytenm church Sunday Communion being ohuryod. Quite I numb: partook. two now members joined by confession. The R". Mr. Hills of Chesley preached Fruity Ind delivered a line discourse. Mr A. Hoblnirk delivered last week his tine black driver In Durham. Dr. Gun was the buyer. Congratulations to Mr Robert Gadd and Miss Jennie Barber, who were united in the bonds of wedlock on Wednesday. Quite I number from here attended the wedding and spent a very enjoyable time. Mr Walter Ferguson spent Sunday with Allan Park friends. Mr William Wallace and a gentle- man friend from F.bordale, visited the formers parents hem on Sundax. The ladies of the H, M. S. met at the home of Mrs D. k McDondd. 25 wove present mud did their naunl business work. Mrs Will Lamont. of Brant visited " her old home, Me Alex McDonald's last week. Mr Jae. Milne of Oregon, U. S. A. is home on a trip to tea his mother, brother and Sisters. We hope this bountitnl wealbe' any cominue tor the remtlulng m hire to but all alike. Mum In and Jennie Ichhnio were visitors " Mr Jag. Hamilton'- Snnday weak. Muss Nell Henderson is leavmg thin week for Duran. Mr G. B. Smith. Penn, Salt. re- turned home I Inch no to thy. No pluco like the West for o. B. be an. Ir J no. Morrison and Mr Donald loAnhnr drove over to Coyion Sun- day, the Inter to so. Capt. McLaugh- lin shout n semen on " tau. Rev. In?†ntmod to the my this a. m.. I to! I uric. of spool“ meetings a New Enginnd sad here It Jon Billing] in an“: In our nidu Will his threshing tttttfit, bu. in; bun u is: wen as It New! A number from car community not in Pruning Mr Friday. Knox Corners Welbeck ----i.----. Crawford tilopeville. “VIEW TORONTO Oxfords. Aged ram-W. J. Meade. Shearling ram-Patton & Son, 1 and 2. Ram lamb-Patton & Son. 1 and 2. Aged ewe--Patton & Son 1 and 2. Shear-ling ewe--Patton & Bom 1 and 2. Ewe lamb-Patton ï¬iflfliflï¬lflflï¬Â¥ï¬ï¬lfllï¬ï¬‚ï¬lfllfllflI illt, THE IDEAL MEN'S FURNISHING STORE _ Shirts, Collars and Ties We are earliest with the latest thingi- ii,. i, Sweater Coats. Beat made for best trade. Extre large umrtuent. iit'i Hats and Caps Easy to choose frgm. A lot like these. il Umbrellas and Rain Coats Just what you need this weather. iiiii Gloves Lined and unlined, silk lined, kid and Macho gunmen. Lend I 'll, hand-it may fit our glove. i..iili' it Overalls and Smocks Our best is the best Ill Odd pants, Vests. Hosiery, Underwear, Pygamls and everything a In“ ween. illli Overcoats and Suite Tailored to fit every garment, guaranteed tut-on. lllll ey returned. th me in and see 500 samples to choose from. A. - fatt _ and winter goods are now coming in it is bigger and better the. "a, K... We are crowded for room, therefore goods have to go. Here's some smith; Contmuai from page 5. Aged ewe-gwamrton, Muir. Shearling ewe-gwtuttstom Muir. Ewe lamb-rNuir, Swanaton. Leicester's. Aged ram-Bwtuiston, Muir. Bhearlintt ram-Muir, 1 and 2. Ram lamb-Muir, D. McMillan. Aged tawe-Muir, 1 and 2. Shea-ling ewe-awanton, Muir. Ewe hmemton, Muir. Shropshire. Aged ram-W. Stand. Shearling ram-G. Shane! 1 & 2. Shearling tswe-G. Shand, 1 a: 2. Ewe lamb-tl. Shgnd, l & 2. 5 If its i New I its here When in town come in and sec Ae newest and but Jirplays of Men. Blanking. m shown in town. A select. stock of Scotch Tweed: in Women's and I mwast designs. Ment suits made to order on short. notice mate-81. A large stock of Women’s suit ends. no two Llil Priceville Prize List Special prices on over coats, suits and Sweater coats. These prices In! tor one week. GEO. S. BURNETT FRESH GROCERI ES REMINDERS Small Protits We pay particular attention to have shoes made on easy fitting In“, to on. sure comfort and satisfaction to our customers and yet in the newest "rue. A new stock of Shoes and Rubbers in the newest ing cold, wet weather. Try Meksehnie's, pure soap, 8. cakes for.....:..,......-.... .25 A fresh stoox of Ceylon Teas in Starof India .............. .25 Light of Asia.............. .35 81bsFigs tot................. .26 White Crystal sugar per 100 lb 4.75 e carry the Ingest and most up-to-datc stock of Men’. and Boro' furnishing. in m. Live Poultry bought every day except Saturdly- Bring as you Butter and Eggs. light! Cub PM hlfdifahnie'tiWelrlyNinsm Itlitt G.&J. JUST ARRIVED Newest Buds from Fashion's Garden -__ "eV __'" Yasmin. Boar, over 1 .voar--L. McArthur. Bow-l. N. Coulter. Bonr ot 1913- Tamworth. Boar, over 1 year-_-W, J. Mend.. Sow-G. W. Ron. Spring pig-G. W. Rosa 1 and 2. Ber of tto-O. W. Ron! I and 2. Poultry. Game, mate-B. Welton. Femtle -B. Welton. White Wyandotte, mate-T. A. Ferguson, B. Welton. 1rernnte-B. Walton, T. Ferguson. Butt Orpington, mi-T. Nichol, 1 and 2. White Leghorn. mate-Welton, Ferguson. Pemaie-Welton, Fer- guson. Brown Leghorn, maie--Perttoom Boar, GG 1515-6 W. Roll. '. N. Conner. w-J. N. Coulter. Son. 1 and 2, iriiUhire trwiye.. in Women's anfi Men'? Suitinggin the Boys Soe Caps for........... Mens 2 So Fedora for. . . . . . . ., Men: $2.50 christy for. . . . . . . . Mens $2 fedora for . . . . . . . . . Mens 1.50 work shim for. . .., Mens 600 " for. . . . . 60c necktie: for............... 75c Negligee shirts for.. . . . . . . ends, no two alike. to AGG $3. are Arriving Daily 4 yds wide Linoleum pet yd.. 2.00 A Inge stock of Runs in the newest delign (on 2nd tutte) A good [took C,'), Floor Dildo“: in the different width!- Fine suits of Clothing In“. to order--...-...);- styles to suit the who 2. Rhoda lulu-d Bed, hale-K. Me.. ulna l News. hulk-Welton. l . t B. Plvmouth Rock, 'rule-Perm.. Ion. Weston. "mate-wet-. iilGk Ilium. Ink-D. lulu. [an 1 and 1. Fem-D. Helm. Ian I Ind 2. " Duck. male-D. Cannibal. Pereu.. nu. pe-te-D. Capital. Fergu- I22ziiihTrr1 and {good}. gun- OCT, tr, t0t8 for...... see ........ 35c its New ....... :50 If it’s 75c t Ind FR G " Goods. Grocencs. KC MP of Aberdevn r‘ "tr. loConmck and ' “an mama at Mr Mr. J. Ferttuson “In; b. r' ', M tet1tdyou'e I ' I J “claw and IL: who!“ our from 1m S", On Prioevillo am _ no in too: rncn “Olav.†vnd MN bull Iladtyed Bt Mr I Mr. W. J. W'dsut I Map.» I few (in I Ian. Inc-do Pt-ttie in! I]: Jug: " on may. Ln m _ but work “d lvu': 'is' t.thn number at l H." w" " INK-b0 clhilmnru ' , dob that the pr 2rs ' WWI. i. e a: ' I ttrsteru, horse or I' ‘w mum. - than v- 't â€CM-0f. haHd {H M i. no. for than but.“ nearly ml '4 ' "I. do.“ It blqv m. - otttriee'm tht' " kWh-m! Cump-c- " at We" h-vmg yt), - Ir. J. L. McDonald {11 Dunn- where "J“ M No “mutation in: -: _ I. Walter Kill K Inc-r (to Won. 7.. "mm is jus' a ' -. operations, p 'ist Ni.“ (gnom- and 1m.» tgeGd Mrs w G l'or o“ I lar CM: It. and Mu, 1. " , I..." W. Rummy» F' m Swinwn C'Hrl!‘ the. Mr. Mullmwr: r -h.eet5unutts- . tribt6 40 ' t .3“, i. Mr. ' .1913 Swlnton Park. " i. ll! aim to please the out noel: And pulses Mb t "eloek Cattrs nu- t"rterl “0"" forth to the! 1 , P; to“. Come and s "e L». y In! a lea reminder, o' Pit" buce Overt Am Omen-u. reg 5 A Omen-u, In}; t , hm comfort luap ' It. litigant, 3 lb entrants ' Swill“. 7 lot. _ "reeod herring to: Ill-on. regular ',1rr "tmeta, " , for alliloid "an h ', ' mee you with the ttttt We." now gummy In: WWI when held (-n'ixr Co run Branching tt Men. look here Our Openin lef- Socks, m. _ In. (my mum 2 , Boys Itockmp u.. Ladies hose, “a. _ ', Girl. hose. won. 9“. Taken look at up u Ladies fiue tltr range at 1 _ by. Braccs, It): - helm Wu: Full Imeufl " Fumunu ehnire, white run Telerh on Ct. an: and ch: titr I br Mia l,en, P, "h. with Port Lg. II J. IcDonnM a ti. A. Mckc L G. McLEA PR1 The, cpenk for the Mc0owais MCI-t venting ARE YOU WELL SH! your “on he". l Ames Hold We have reeentiy Fine Bltrck Ur CORSE'I S "(L D&A I)&A 50c for HUS! SATURU “What price [All "