th _ Rock specialâ€"T. Fe Ferguson . Perguâ€" â€"Coulter. faly 7 5¢ 1 20 50e 3 5e d a the tarâ€" châ€" 1 56 for Ferguâ€" W J McLeo! and Horbert Hann«m wheeled over from Darbam on Friâ€" lny to Priceville and then carried off prizea in toot races. % Mr and Mres W (@ Porter apent Sanâ€" day wich Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brown, Tartan. & Mesars J. MceDonald and Alex. Flesher of Aberdeen spent the week end here. Mra Dingwall ead Mrs Herb Campâ€" be!l Suodayed at Mr. D. Campbell‘s Mr. W. J. Wilson and daughter Aggle spant a few days vith Collingâ€" woed triends. Mr Walter Knox bhas returzed ftrom the West. Mrs J. Hill and children, accomâ€" panied by Miss Lena Wilson, are holidaying with Port Elgin friends. Mr. J. Ferguson and Miss M. Ferâ€" gnuson stiended Molstein fair. _ Priesville fair was iargely attendâ€" ed on Friday. _ Exbibits in peuliry, taney work and trait were quite up to the number at other shows. Many would â€"be exhibitors of live stoek elaim that the prizes are not ne®r proportional, i. e. : as for bringing a Hrat prize horse or cow the prizg: is very liutle more than what is given tor a hen or a halt dogen crab apples. There is room for mere competition here in nearly ail ot our loc«l fairs. If you doubt it stop aud think. How many entries in the Shorthorn class in Darham! Compiwe with namber ot farmers haying Shorthorns. & -t&&%«@&*Mév%****%**%*****;: ts / Branching out to New Lines Mr. McCormack and Miss MeCor maek are visiting at Harriston. F‘ha weather is jJast adapted to the seasonas operations : potato digging, buraing fallows and threshing. _ Rar. Mr. M.theson resrmed his werk here Bunoayâ€" * Mr. J. L MeDonald retarned from Drayton where "Joe Miller‘‘ kept up his reputation arnd ‘"drew in" first INON®3 Messcs W. Ramage and G. Lothian assiated Swinton choir on Sanday . [ s Dry Goods, hieip p oc io J D. G. McLEAN, Swinton Park. Men‘s Socks, fine black for 25c Veiling reg 35¢ for ....... 250 Mens grey socks for..... 250 Veiling, reg 25c for....... 20¢ RBoys stockings, wool, for. z0c Frilling at per yard....... 5c Ladies hose, wool, for ... z206 Embroidery per yard ...... 3c Girls hose, wool, for...... yc Overlaceat .............. 208 Takea look at those prices for Lace at per yd....5. 10 and 12¢ Ladies Swe iter Coats, Prices Hairpins, 5 pkgs for. ...... 5¢ range at 1.25, 1,50, and 2.00 Collar supports for...... .. 3¢ Hooks & Eyes, 2 cards for... 5¢ Boys Braces, reg. 25¢ for.. 20c Youths Braces, reg 20¢ for.. 10c Mens heavy wearing braces zoc Mens Monarch reg 50c braces 35c Full line of Flour. Feed and Salt at the very lowest prices. Ino Furniture we bave a full line of dining chairs, kitchen chairs, white enamalled beds, also brass beds, Mattiesses, Springs Call and see us when in town. Corsets, reg 1.25 for... Corsets, D & A, $1 for . Corsets, D & A, 75¢ for Corsets, 50¢ for...... . Men‘s Socks, fine black for 25¢ Mens grey socks for..... 25¢ RBoys stockings, wool, for. 20¢ Ladies hose, wool, for ... 20¢ Girls hose, wool, for...... 15¢ Takea look at those prices for Ladies Swe iter Coats, Prices range at 1.25, 1,50, and 2.00 Fine black Overcoat $15.for $8 Overcoats, regular 8 for.. $4 yo ()vercoats, reg $r0 for.... 6.25 Boys Overcoats reg €6 for 3.c0 Overcoats, reg $10 for.... 5.79 Boys Overcoats, reg $5 for 2 50 7 hars comfort soap...... ; H9G RKHGHNG...««cc« «*a«rk 3 ib CUITMIMES .« ..«« «¥e«¢e@rs $ 1T0I00S, J TOK, .. «.¢câ€"«s«er% Kipperod herring toc, 3 for Salmon, regular 30¢ for.. Rxtracts, all 3 for .... .... Celluloid starch, 4 for.... Men, look here if you want an Overcoat The iock gates are open and the torrents of ba'rgai;s tha lowing forth to the buyer are really more than you can cor henad. Come and s:e for yourself that what we say is right Just a fev reminders of what we have : It is our aim to please the public and in our stock and prices both right. We are now going through our stock like a cyclone in a Western wheat field cutting down prices to neaaly original cost, OCT. 9 .1913 Were you with the many happy buyers who attended [eleahoa: Connection Our Opening Autumn Sale ? H. A. McKechnie, McGowan‘s Flour and Feed Ames Holdes Boots and Shoes They speak for them@ives. Different weights. _ Seo us when requiring a bag. We have recently placed in stock a full line ARE YOU WELL SHOD?2 You are when you purchase your shoes here. We handle the celebrated PRICEVILLE &.L,2 Fine Black or White Yarn at 45c a Ib. CORSETS HOSE Highes: price pald for Farm Produc«. SATURDAY SPECIALS Groceries.?:rdwm and Oils of all kinds Let us sugy 3 vour needs. i Central Telephone ... 75$¢ In Dark Tanfor..........$ ... 75¢ In light shades for ...... ... yoe Black Shirts for.... ...... ... 30¢ Fine Shirts, white jlor. ... Colored Shirts for 50c and mt uP 25¢C 25¢ 25¢ 25¢C 25¢ 25¢ 250 25¢ Misses Laura and Ruth MacGi‘liâ€" vray returned to Toronto on Friday. Mr Aogus MacGillivray attended Priceville show on Friday. Wedding belils are ringing. Mr Donald MacGillivray is under the doetor‘s care. Mr James MacGillivray disposed of five head of cattle on Monday, Nr and Mrs Wm Beaton of Waudby visited at Mr John Beaton‘s on Sinâ€" day. Miss Sadie MacGillivray visited friends in Priceville last week. Mr and Mrs George Patterson spont Sunday at Mr Jalhn Beaton‘s. Mr and Mrs Donald MeKechnic Glenroaden visited â€" at Mr= Jam MacCuilivray‘s on Saturday. Mrs Wm Hendrich of Toronto attended the Blackâ€"Grabam wedding and also visited at hber brother‘s Mr D. McMillan. Neil MeMilian has been talking about a trip to Torouto soon. _ ‘V s all bope you have a good time Noil. Mart thinks he‘tl go too. Quite a number tcok in Priceville show and all report a good time. Misses Irene Hendrich and D lla Graham of Toronto visited recenily at D. MeMillan‘s. Miss Meada Hincks of Pricevilie spent the week end with her friend Miss Mavd McGillivray. Threshing is almost a thing of th past in our burg. We are glad to report that D. Mcâ€" Millan Jr. who hbas been ill for the past month is now convalescing Snowflake Ammonia perpk. 5c 3oe Black tea at.......... 1y¢ Quail on toast r10c¢, 3 for. .. 25C 20 lbs granulated sugar .... 1.00 22 lbs yellow sugat..... ... 1,00 Soap Chips, 2 packages for 25c Borax Powder, 2 pkg for.. 25¢ Saugeen Valley MEN‘S SHIRTS Scotchto wn so doing we must keep Priceville Terms strictly Cash w t @ @e c SPECIALS bargains that are you can compreâ€" of 75¢ boc 75¢C 75¢ Mrs. Dingwall a~nd dsughterre tnorned to Presque TIile, Maime, afrer speâ€"nding some time with friends in this vieinity. Miss M=zie Tryon lett: last week for Torento where sheâ€" will attend Universicy this year. Mr. Maleolimn Melanes had a cow killed by the passenger train and one severely injured lass week. Mr and Mrs Carpenter retarned t their home in Palmer, Mass , on Mon day. Mrs Chapman and childre still here enjoying aataman in beautifal aspects this year. Miss Lonie Nicholls spent a few days at the home of Donald MeMillan, South Line. * Balloch Myle." Mr Lostie, son and daughter, gave a number of exâ€" callent Seotch and Irish rcels, each of them dressed in the kilt which adcâ€" ed much to the pleasure of it. Mr Brown sang well Harry Lagder‘s pieces, while the accompanist did justice to her part. Mc Thos, N châ€" ol was chairman and kept splendid order during the evening. Mr Maleolm Melones was in Toron: to this week. * The exhibits cf bread, tatter ard pastry would be hard to exzel at th Priceville show. â€" There were at least three editors on the ground and we presume there will be a [faller repori given of the Fair than we conld giye Toe pump at the sehool has been repaired by Mr Hemphill and is now in working order Dâ€"nald McKinnon was home from Toronto on Morday. Mr Bowie retarned to Poronto, at~ tor attending the wedding of her sisterâ€"inâ€"la w, Miss Cassie Black, Po Modua . Mrs. Medauagh and son Habert are visizing friends in London at present. * Robbie Tryon lett here tast Taursâ€" day for Duandalk. Miss Mima Wiight retarned from Durhaw where she bas been for the past few weeks. A good represeniation of people were present trom Durham, Flesherâ€" ton, Markdate and other adjoining towns, which snows a feeling of go. d will. We are always glad to see them . Mr Haig‘s sale was weil attended last Monday. The catle were sold at a high price, but the horses were sold cheaper The concert held on the ecvening of the show was a success as in other years. The talent came quite up to the standard aud a crowded hall was the result. Mr MsKeen rendered a number of bcsurifal solos on the vio lin, favorites being ** Bonnie Lass of Bnâ€"Accord * and ~‘ Bonnre Lass of Miss Little, teacher for the lower room,. returned to this place after srending a tew days at her home in Owen Sound . Miss Maggie Mclotyre left here or Monday for Toronto. New steps, which were badlv need: ed, were pat in at the school last waek . The frigh:ful ery of "Fire" wa heard through the streets ab ut mid night on Tuesday last. _ Those who heard it resporded as quickly a« posâ€" sible and rushed to the scene of the fire which haply was not a dwelling where human lives might hare been involved . The saw mill, chepping» mwill and new shingle mill which was: recently installed were completely consumed There was some insurâ€" ance bat the loss will greatly exceed it. _ Being a distinet loss to the localâ€" ity regret is expressed on all sides and the hopo that Mr. McLeod mayv be able to rebuild isseriously desired Ur Hachie Clerk in his st« Walkerton. Miss Meadie Hincks went to Toronâ€" to on Monday. The o ganizer for the Canadian Order of Foresters is still canvassing in the neighborh sod . Mr and Mrs Ro‘ger, from Dandalk attend«d the wedding of Miss Cassic Black last week. ren returned to town, after visiting triends in the States. Mrs Duncqn McArit;ur av)(l*c}iï¬;ii AROUND THE VILLAGE VICINITY McKechnie has a new re. Miss McLean from to exsel at cth |_â€" Miss Id4a McCaaig, daughter of Mr e were ,,’,,‘ |,.',,;, | Arch. McCaaig, of Top Cliff, is home ound and we | lrom Toronto and will stay home for a faller repor, some time. 3 7 we conld giye.| _ Jobn McEaekern, of Wiarton, paid tion of people| & short visit to his brothers and sister ha'm. “;.‘I‘:.;kl’l};lf_! Roger and Alex McEichern and _ rs ber adpining | OChes. Mcl))uald.sugzh line. f ' feeling of gocd | _ To telling of old time threshing in s glad to see| las, week‘s piper, ten bushels a day |should be 10 bushels an hour. elt d _ j | When we were a boy threshing with P e e ‘l‘i Lour fatber with the old flails in the “; Nee ROK | cld log barn, we could thresh 10 ¢ norses Wt‘s | pushels as our share in a day . § | We were in town this Sitarday the ecvening of| evening the 4th Oct., 1915 and called n are all its Field corn, 6 earsâ€"W. L. Dixon. Timothy seedâ€"A, 8. Muir. D. McMillan. e Flax seedâ€"D. [McMillan, N. J. Coulter. s Aochie disarnia aig deich nairean mios Octuber an cearru lu do bliandâ€" na 1913. Saturday night. 10 o‘clock, Oct 4th, 1913, Barley, G6â€"rowedâ€"A. 8. Muir, W. J. Meads. Barley, 2â€"rowedâ€"A. 8. Muir. Oats. white, largeâ€"D. McMillan, R. A. Nicholon.; _ > _ Oats. white, smallâ€"A. 8. Muir, D. McMillan, _ Tear Figge." â€" Oats, black, largeâ€"G. Campbell D. McMillan. e n n en ts sabe age. Now Mr Ed. we made a mistake in the beginning by saying we haven‘t mach to say this week, for we have said too much but * a little nonsense now and then is relished by the best of men." > Oats, black, smallâ€"A. 8. Muir. W. Ramage, s Peas, largeâ€"A. 8. Muir. Peas, smallâ€"A. 8. Muir. W. Ramâ€" M. P. P.. Edtor Iewin ot the Chronâ€" icle J. P. Hunter, Arch. and John Robertson, Mrs John MeGowan, Mr and Mrs N. McCanmel, Miss Hâ€"pbarn, Geo McKechnie, Dr. Hatt» ., Mrs Neil MeLean, Arch. McLelian, G. E. Atrowsmi.h, Dr Pickering and last but n t least Mayor Black and probâ€" ably some more, Eyerything was good, but is‘s nume of our business to be giving a report, as it will be givâ€" en in full elsewhere on (G Tryon, butechor, and thought t dear eating paying 12 or 15 . ents a pound for bect, buts when we took a i0ok at H. A. McKechnie‘s signboard on the other side it read * eggs 30c a Grain and Seeds. Fall wheat, whiteâ€"D. McMillan. Fall wheat, redâ€"W. Ramage. Spring wheatâ€"A. S. Muir. Spring wheat, a.o.v.â€"A. 8. Muir, W. Ramage. & wos se BV3 hn‘ Oar town suffered a severe loss in the barsing of ths saw mill and chopâ€" per of Mr Alex McLeod, while the citizens feel it a drawback to have such an event vceur. Iv‘s a serious tuss to the proprietor to have all that he depended on tor a living reduced to ash>s, bat Mr McLeod is yet in the prime of acuvity ana we hope that ne and family will in tims replace the loss which they sustaimned in the burning cf their mills. Dr. Lane is the proud possessor of a youny daughbter {ately. Now he has a boy to attend to his horse when duty calls him off sauddenly ~and a girl to burry up bis meals tor him and so we wich Dr. and mother, son ind dang hrer corgratulations The old grey beaded highlandmen fels young while listening to the Bag Pipe band, in fact some of them might be thiaking they were oa *‘ Trasâ€" an a in the lsle of Mull, St¢â€"tiand of in Ballambullain in the Iste ut Tyre« rin the Isle of Islay _‘ but when they come they‘re thinking (they tfound themselves at Pricevilie exhibiâ€" won stâ€"nding near the plaiform askâ€" ing the ‘pipers * can you play this piecee, or this other oue er Callum Cruabaed or bor o mo nighean donu bLoidheach *‘ but the learned p oâ€" (essor oniy listened »nd played to suit themselves Notes by the way â€"on Exhibition : It Ves Mclutyre resigned or become out of business, it would beas hard to lind one to take his place as gateâ€" keeper, as it is this week to tind a bangmarn to hang Gibson. Duncan Sinclair has a life lease of calling off the different classes on exhibition ind no buetter can be found tor the purpose. _ It reminds us of years gone by to â€"see Mr Dagald MceCorâ€" mick, only as a member now, when he seryed for years as president very taithfully. _ President Thos. Nichol was a busy man attending to hbis rcâ€" sponsible task. _ Vice President D. McMillan was on the grand stand talking gaelie _ It‘s a pity Red Sindy is not as young as he used to be, but he has a lot of grit about bim yet to dance a Scotch Reel, dozen," unmerecitally too dear, alâ€" though we had a tew to sell, 2% cents an egg ard how many of our tarmers heedlessly throw a lot of them aâ€" mongst the straw or hay when feedâ€" ing or bedding the horses. Priceville Prize List Satarday was warm and Friday, our exbibition day, was cool, in fact almost uncomfortably. so, but wen, women and children turned out to bave a gocd time as its generally good to come to Priceville once in a lwmu: for the good. of the healih. Durham always sends a good repreâ€" sentation to our fairs, so it speaks well of our town when representatives come trom such a t»mous town as Durham to do honor to our little town For we had the pieasure ot seeing such ladies and gentiemen as the edâ€" itor and daughtor, Dr. Jamieson, Not much to report on this week trom our side of the subject. It is said that " no news is geod news," so its good news we wil}l bave this week. â€"Everyb>dy is busy, some picking potatues, seme picking apâ€" ples, som« at something else. Beans, whiteâ€"W. L. Dixon, D. Buckwheatâ€"A. 8. Muir, W. Ramâ€" The Fair and Other Things THE DURHAM REVIEW (By J. A. McD.) coulpd o ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Butter, Eaton‘s special, 10 lbs.â€" L. Fisher, Butter, 10 lbs, Toronto World.â€" G. Campbell, | + Miscellaneous. Maple syrupâ€"L, Fisher. Maple sugarâ€"L. Fisher. Primpkin pieâ€"W. H. Patterson, L. Fisher, t j Lemon pieâ€"L .Fisher, A. McMilâ€" an. Apple pieâ€"J. N. ‘Coulter, L. Fisher. s Cream pieâ€"A, McMillan, D. Mcâ€" Dairy Products. Honey, in combâ€"L. Fisher. Honey, extractedâ€"L, Fisher. Butter, 5â€"lb rollâ€"W. J. Meads, D L. Sinclair, D. Harrow. Butter, 5â€"lb crockâ€"W. J. Talbot G. Campbell, D. Harrow. Butter, 50â€"lb tubâ€"D. Harrow, W. J. Talbot, L. Fisher. Cheese, home madeâ€"L. Fisher. Butter, H. A. McKechnie e‘&gcial _â€"‘D._‘Harrow, G. Shand, &Â¥ House fernâ€"W. J. Ferguson. Flowers. Hand bouqurtâ€"W. J. Meads. Table bouquetâ€"W. J. Meads, T. A. Ferguson. | Geranium, in bloomâ€"T. A. â€" Ferâ€" guson. Fall, a.o.v.â€"J. â€" Eckhardt, F. Reilley. i Coll. applesâ€"D. Campbell, J. N. Coulter. t 14 Crabs, largeâ€"W. Ramage, J. N. Coulter. Crabs. mediumâ€"A. McMillan, D. McCormick,. 7 Plumsâ€"F. Reiley, D. Campbeil. Pears, fallâ€"F. Reiley. ‘Pears, winterâ€"J. J. McRae, D. McCormick. Onons, from topsâ€"(G. Shand, D. McCormick. « Coll. vegetablesâ€"J. N. Coulter, T. A. Ferfuson. « Judges: J. I. Graham and G. es ue Binnie. Fruit. Apples, Northern Spyâ€"W. G. Watson, J. Eckhardt. Golden russetâ€"G. _ Tryon, w. Ramage. Winter, &.o.v.â€"D. McCormick, J. N. Coulter. f Snowâ€"J. A. McMillan, A. 8. Muir. Alexanderâ€"D. McCormick, J. N. Coulter. St. Lawrenceâ€"D. McMillan, â€" D. Harrow. t Cabbage, oxheartâ€"L. Fisher, W. . Patterson;. .. . ">.*>/ T Potato onionsâ€"A. Hincks, D. Mcâ€" Cormick, \ OQnions, Dutch setsâ€"D. Campbell. D. McCormick. Onions, ‘from seedâ€"D, McCorâ€" mick, A. Hincks, > . _ n Pumpkin, yellowâ€"L, Fisher, J. J. McRae. t t â€"Radishes, blackâ€"D. McMillan, T. A,. Ferguson. _ tha Sn Cabbage, redâ€"N. J. Coulter, L. Fisher. * Cauliflowerâ€"N. J. Coulter, L. Fisher. is Pumpkins, a.o.v.â€"J. N. ‘Coulter D. McCormick. Squashâ€"W, L. Dixon, W. Ramâ€" age. eX Nh > S ol c i , Celery, whiteâ€"L,. Fisher, ®. Reilley. [ Celery, a.o,v.â€"Fisher Citrons, A, D. McLeod, D. Mcâ€" Cormick, Watermelonsâ€"J. N. Coulter, Muskmelonâ€"W. H. Patterson. Tomatoes, ripeâ€"D. Harrow, â€" D. McCormick. + , Celery, whiteâ€"L, Fisher, F.| Cake, a.0o.k.â€"D. McMilian, A Reilley. [ McMillan. Celery, a.o,v.â€"Fisher Bread, home madeâ€"J, N. Coulter Citrons, A, D. McLeod, D. Mcâ€"| D. Harrow. Cormick, ‘ Bread, brownâ€"W. H. Patterson Watermelonsâ€"J,. N. Coulter, L. Fisher. Muskmelonâ€"W. H. Patterson. Fruit bunsâ€"D. McMillan, L Tomatoes, ripeâ€"D. Harrow, â€" D.| Fisher. McCormick. & Plain bunsâ€"W. H. Patterson, A Cucumbers, picklingâ€"W, G. Watâ€" | McMillan, son, D. Harrow. Tartsâ€"L. Fisher, D. McMillan, Cucumbers. ripe_w. (G. Watson. Coll. canned fruitâ€"L. Fisher, D J. N. Coulter, Campbell. . t Table cornâ€"T. A. Ferguson, W. WMand. picklesâ€"A. D. MceLeod, L L. Dixon. Coll. garden herbsâ€"A. 8, Muir. Coll. vegetables, Dr. Lane‘s specialâ€"D, MceCormick, A. 8. Muir, T. A. Ferguson. Coll. vegetables, boys under 14â€" Women‘s Institute specialâ€"J. N. Coulter. Turnips, Greentop Aberdeenâ€"G. Shand, A. S. Muir. Turnips, a.o.v.â€"A. 8. Muir. Mangold Wurtzel, iglobeâ€"A. 8. Muir. F T _ Mangel Wurtzel, large redâ€"A.S. Muir, A. Hincks. j & & _ Parsnipsâ€"A. 8. Muir, A. D. Mcâ€" Leod. P e Radishes, whiteâ€"T. A. Ferguson, W. L. Dixon. \ Cabbage, a.o.v.â€"D. McCormick. D. Campbell., . . :=.â€"=â€". .+ i Vegetable marrowâ€"W, H. Patâ€" terson, W. G. Watson. Potatoes, Beauty of Hebronâ€"W. J. Meads. Potatoes, a.o.v.â€"W. J. Meads _Coll. Potatoesâ€"W. J. Meads, W. Turnips Muir. I â€Mz'l'n;ziélé;m 7yellow inter.â€"A. 8. Muir, D. Harrow. * thes, o P es Sugar beets, any kindâ€"A. S. Muir, D. Harrow. f Carrots, field whiteâ€"D. Harrow. W. L. Dixon. CL Carrots, _ field redâ€"A. 8. Muir, W. G, Watson. . Carrots, shorthorn, tableâ€"W. G. Watson, A. D. McLeod, _____ _ Carrots, table, a.o.v.â€"W, Mather. W. G. Watson. Turnips, _ tableâ€"T. A. Ferguson, D. McMillan. M Beets, long bloodâ€"A. 8. Muir. Beets, turnip rootedâ€"A,. 8. Muir, D. McCormick. L. Dixon. C Turnips, Swede, Jumbo, .. T. Nichol. A Coll. field potatoesâ€"A. 8. Muir. W. L. Dixon. C For Sale by MacFarlane & Co., Druggists, Durham, Ont. > hk T 8i‘ a.o.v.â€"J. Burnett, A. 8 Batten} D. Camp Fancy knitting, in woolâ€"Mrs. Crossley, Mrs. Buskin.: in cottonâ€" Mrs. Crossley, Mrs. Buskin. & l}‘ui_(!ing,_in _ cottonâ€"D. _ Campâ€" 1 I I)urilllam Cntt}l;e. Bun ey. % â€"L, C + ull. Embroidering, in silkâ€"D. Campâ€" 2 li}:auars‘f?\}i. J. lhf‘ea‘:l:t. lgul.l. t yr. bell, Mrs. Orossley; in cottonâ€"D. p,NCA C Son. Calfâ€"H. J. Millinâ€" Campbell, Mrs. Crossley. £ ! er, 1, 2 and 3. a Shadow emb.â€"Mrs. Buskin. Milch cowâ€"1st by Dr. Jamiesonâ€" Eyelet emb.â€"D. Campbell, _ Mrs.| °J‘ Milliner, Patton & Son, D. Crossley. € | McMillan, DPIIIO" :“e" emb.â€"D. (ampbell.; 1â€"yearâ€"old heiferâ€"H,. J. Milliner, Woollen work, canvamnâ€"W. J. i ‘;’m 3He“er Calf «1. 4. Nilliner Meads, W. G. Watson. _‘ (*: _ Herefords egeet tetâ€"Mire. Orossiey, > W . 9: / apuon ay5, _i Coph on _ MO N I Meads, W. G. Watson. f Toilet setâ€"Mrs, Crossley, W. J, Meads, y Lamp cushionâ€"Mrs. Crossley, Spiderâ€"web cushionâ€"D. Harrow. D. McCormick. Homeâ€"made slippersâ€"D. Harrow. W. D. Adams. Drawn thread workâ€"D. Campâ€" be'l_l,“F. Reilley, _ a J. N. Coulter. bell}, Mrs. Buskin. Tatting, in cottonâ€"Mrs ley. Berlin wool workâ€"J. N. Coulter, T. A. Ferguson. Wreath, any kindâ€"T.A. Fergu~ son. Hooked matâ€"J. N. Coulter, A.D. McLeod. _ j Crochet, in cottonâ€"Mrs. Crossâ€" b.v, W. D. Ad'flmï¬. Woollen stockingsâ€"J. J. McRae. W. D. Adams. + Men‘s mittsâ€"Mrs. Buskin. Quilt patchworkâ€"Mrs. Buskin, D. Campbell.; Log cabinâ€"Mrs. Busâ€" kin, Knitted, or crochetâ€"Mrs Crossley. w, D. _ Adams Crazyâ€"Mrs. Crossley, W.D. Adams ; Tuftedâ€"Mrs. _ Crossley; Fancyâ€" Mrs. Buskin; Any other kindâ€"Mrs. Buskin, J. N. Coulter. Baking powder _ biscuits, by Women‘s Instituteâ€"Willa _ Patterâ€" son. Nellie McLean. Loaf bread, McGowan‘s specialâ€" W. J. Meads, L. Fisher. Ladies‘ Work, Rag carpetâ€"Mrs. Crossley. Woollen blanketsâ€"J. J. MeFae. Woollen yarn, double twistâ€"Mrs. Crossley, J. J. McRae. Woollen yarn, single twistâ€"J. J McRae, R. McEachern. Pair men‘s socksâ€"R. A. Nicholâ€" son, Mrs. Crossley. Fisher. Coll. pastry, Simpson‘s specialâ€" J,. N. Coulter. Jellyâ€"W. H. Patterson, D. Campâ€" bell. Fisher in woolâ€"Mrs. Crossley, workâ€"Mrs, Crossley at at J. Meads ,‘amp-i ross= Â¥. & . by | yearâ€"old erâ€" | Campbel l IA‘()\'. (% =â€" Spring McRobb A. Mc Holsteins, Milch cowâ€"A, MceMillan, D. Mcâ€" Cormick, ‘I‘. Nichol. Grade Cattie, Milch cow, for beefâ€"J. Burnett F. P. Reflï¬, T. Nichol, 2â€"yearâ€"old _ heiferâ€"T. Nichol 1 and 2, W. Mather., ther, D. Campbell, W. N Steer cutâ€"&’. Mather Heifer calftâ€"A. D. Mc Mather, 1â€"yearâ€"old heiferâ€"D 1. 2 and 3. 4 _ 2â€"yearâ€"old steerâ€"W. . Bingle driverâ€"L, Chard, R. Culâ€" liton, J, Young, Lady driverâ€"L. Chard. T. Nichol yearâ€"oldâ€"coltâ€"H. J. Milliner, D. Campbell. iâ€"yearâ€"old coltâ€"N. Mcâ€" Leod, G. Campbeli, C. Aikens. Spring coltâ€"C,. McLean, J. & C. McRobb, H. J. Milliner. A. McDonald‘s specialâ€"C,. Mcâ€" Lean, G. Campbell, C. Aikens. Span agricultural _ horsesâ€"H. Love, E. C. McRobb, G. Shand, Brood mareâ€"D. McMillan, _ A. Conkey, G. Campbell. 2â€"yearâ€"old coltâ€"D. McMillan, G. Shand, R. A. Nicholson. 1â€"yearâ€"old coltâ€"G. Campbell, A. McRae, D. McMillan, Spring _ coltâ€"D. McMillan, G. Campbell, D. MceMurdo. Span general purposeâ€"D. MeMilâ€" lan, D. L. Sinclair, E. C. MceRobb. Brood mareâ€"E. C. McRobb, R. T. Cook, J. & C. McRobb., 2â€"yearâ€"old coltâ€"J. & C. MeRobb. E. C. McRobb 2 and 3. 1 » 1â€"yearâ€"old coltâ€"C, Aikens, R. A. Nicholson. Spring coltâ€"E. C, McRobb 1 and 2. R. T. Cook. Span _ roadstersâ€"J. O. Greenâ€" wood, R. A. Nicholson, A, Conkey: Brood mareâ€"E,. C. McRobb, J. & C, McRobb, 2â€"yearâ€"old coltâ€"W, Paton & Son, F. P. Reiley, * 1â€"yearâ€"old coltâ€"H, Morrow, F. P. Reiley, gpring c:otl.tâ€"tE l;T.IIIcRobb. armers‘ trotâ€"D, McLaughlan, H. McLean, D. McMillan. Humorous drawingâ€"J. N. Coulâ€" ter, Willie McLeod, Muriel Henderâ€" son. I‘vn and ink skeotchâ€"W. Buskin Pencil drawingâ€"Mrs. D. M Lachlan, Mrs. Buskin. Coll, post cardsâ€"W, J. _ Mea:« Nellie McLean. Lawn handkerchief{, Women‘s Inâ€" stitute specialâ€"T. McRae, J. N. Coulter. Coll. paintings, oil Buskin. llatremagl t h/ > 4 Phag > â€" / â€"yearâ€"old steerâ€"W _ M Fine Arts Mather, 1 and », . D. McLeod, w se s hy Lo Campbell. Tryon, W Meads Maâ€" Mcâ€"