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Durham Review (1897), 16 Oct 1913, p. 3

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Enrscries t lather ations Tonroxto, ontT. rme St. Toront C O 1 %. kin, _ BABwWsSs you oring for us in onderful Chem» y done. All pat ® A L. ® NTED OR SALE Canada Shafting GHTER HTER ALGE c@é’cfl/ Manu{acturing Ho«ses, Eto. No Dust No Rust Colborne §tr ourses of the most dern kind taught m home DLS'I". cailroad hool, 1 t, Toronto. Write d sample lessons. 1. Shaw, Pres. ish 04 N % _ AND DaIBRY ne ot Ontaric, and a Â¥ â€"our tray. want clm we will OA D ; Catalogue, Marke Stamp NDRED DIP SPAPER FOR wu. Excellong of ma aftts ‘ccess TI Or Oll l; f MEN _ OR an Medical F413 $2.00 from 1 Manu*aeâ€" Toronto. 8. ETC. red «lth nt. Write ot. townk x Qonag. w remedy eure. is figure BLADâ€" Gravel, aitively 48 49 i1 D. #ooo thr mo. 4n those t golo thi C _ We tds uo ly distrib m:h;- rbooé divino : give 1t w it re m cone dicate ; made thi 100,000 STARVING IN DUBLIN On Account of the Strike, Oneâ€"third of the lation Is In Need of Food A despatch from London says:{ ships Dublin is being ruined by the comâ€"| kept tinuance of the transport war,| deat} which is now in its fifth week. The| satio plight of the poorer section of the | follo: opulation is dreadful, one hunâ€"| As if &ed thousand men, women and|child Whildren, or oneâ€"third of the city‘s | price whole population, being on the|and verge of starvation. _ Rain fell child heavily in the city on Tuesday, inâ€" these tensifying the misery of the strikers home and their wives and children, hudâ€" | sack: dled together for warmth. _A crowd | from of girls and boys lined up at the cisio Liberty Hall, headquarters of the | cont Irit Transport Union, to receive with a dole of soup and bread, and then sat down on the nearest doorsteps to nourish their wasted bodies. The food which has come in the relief nXt monti® If it be true, as announced, that & Prince Edward Island man has invented w contrivance which uuwmancnui indiâ€" eutes railway stations and which has been pronounced "just the thing‘ by radl« way men, one of the greatest boons imâ€" aginable will be conferred on all railway travellers. The device is afized to on® ar hoth ands of the car in full view of or both ends of the car in full view Of the passengere, and as each etation is pessed the next is indicated in large, shun, legible letters. That the device will 11 a longâ€"felt want will be recognized everyone who has travelled on the Tajiâ€" ways and who has endeavored in v&in to translate into geographical significance the name of the next station as annountâ€" ed by the brakeman. Forestry in Prairie Provinces. Much interesting information on the wotivities of the Forestry Department of the Interior is contained in the report of the Commiseion of Conservation for 193. Last year n:xuhl examination was made Of forest lands in the west. As a recu:t of these investigations it hase now been recommended thut the forest resorve area in Manitoba, Saekaichewan, Alberta and the railway belt of Br“‘“’!..&‘l“mb“ o miles, or approximi the proposed additic 698 square miles, is | in Saskatchewan, & Manitoba. The add Britieh Columbia a Mr. Churchill Says the _ A despatch from Dundee, Scotâ€" Jland, sAY*: Winston â€" Spencer Churchill, First Lord of the Admirâ€" wity, addressing his constituents on Wednesday night, reafirmed that nothing would detor the Governâ€" ment from carrying through the bome rule bill as planuod, and doâ€" ing its duty in upholding the law ‘.nd suppressing . disopders by ‘v homsoover fomouted, Mr. Charos#], whoss z:‘('cb was koenly anticipated as a laration of tho Government‘s policy, added that in the patural course of events a gonâ€" eral election would occur before may legislâ€"tiss conld be passed by COMMENT OX EVENTS | AGITATORS ARE WARNED & Transoortation in Canada. Just the Thing sed by rimatel is Protection servation for 1913. mination was made wout. As a recust : it has now been forest reserve arca owan, Alberta and British _ Columbia : some 10,708 square y 45 per cent. 9( ays the Government Will Suppress Disorders In Ireland station . 18 in â€"large, » device will cognized m the r&jlâ€" ed in vain wignificance @8 annountâ€" whout 12 it. in ships is the only thing which has | kept many families from actual death by starvation, and any cesâ€" sation of these supplies would be followed by indescribable misery. As it is, strangers are dogged by child beggars, who implore the price of a meal without hesitation and without relaxation. _ Other }children, more fortunate than these, are to be seen staggering home through the driving rain with sacks of potatoes and groceries from the food ship stores. The deâ€" cision of the Miners‘ Federation to contribute $5,000 a week is hailed with pathetic joy by the strikers, whose confidence that with English support they will overcome their employers has never been seriously shaken. ates oC KOpb 207 | cvriminals. The automobile hae conquered the world. F.g‘ym. has 1,169, the Straits Settlements 1,041; there are 659 in the Transvaal and even Moroceo eporte 315 of them. And yet this ceneus is incomplete, for there were no fi&uru obuin.g'e from Spain, Portugal, ussia, â€" Hungary, | Bulgaria Western‘ Australia, Natal, Algeria and Ceylon. But the figures are etupendous Every Weak Throat Quickly Strenginened And Bronchitis Cured Grand Results Follow the Direct Breathing Remedy, Which Cures Without Drugging. The country is fairly wild over the wonderful recovery that throat sufâ€" ferers are making every day with Caâ€" tarrhozone. From ocean to ocean come letters telling of rapid curesâ€" and cures when the complaint was chronic and long standing. It‘s a brand new principle upon which Caâ€" tarrhozone worksâ€"not a single dose of medicine to takeâ€"nothing to upset the stomach or spoil digestion. You can breathe through the Caâ€" tarrhozone Inhaler medicated air that is full of healing, soothing balsams, full of piney antiseptic essences that resemble the air of the pine woods in the Adirondacks. The piney vapor has a truly marvelous action on weak . throats. It brings strength and health to the bronmchitic, stops that hacking, Irritating cough, prevents hoarseness and difficult breathing. _ You can‘t find anything for weakâ€"throated peoâ€" ple on earth more beneficial than Caâ€" tarrhozone. It means heaven on earth {to the man that has had bronchitis, ,catarrh or throat irritation. You will realize this the first time you use Caâ€" tarrhozone, which is a scientific preâ€" paration specially designed for disâ€" ‘s»uses of the nose, throat and bronâ€" chial tubes. Get the large size; it \lasts two months, costs 51.00; medâ€" lium slze, 50¢.; sample size, 25¢. All storekeepers and druggists, or The Caâ€" tarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. Dominion Cabinet Give Prince a Silver Luncheon Service. A despatch from Ottawa says : Word has been received from Lonâ€" don that the personal gift of the members of the Cabinet to their Royal Highnesses Princeo Arthur an«â€"l the Duchoss of Fife on the ocâ€" casion of their marriage has been received by the High Commissioner and is about to be presented. The wift consists of & silver luncheon service of twentyâ€"six piecces, all manufactured in Canada an‘d by Canadian workmanship. The gift will bo presented by the High C(:m- missioner, Lord Strathcona, on beâ€" half of the members of the Cabinet at an early date. An Italian Shot Robert Stenzel on Montreal Street. A despatch from Montreal says : Robert Stenzel, superintendent of the Northern Electric Company‘s building was shot down in Beigâ€" neurs Street on Thursday. As he lay on the sidewalk with two bullets in his left arm, Pictro Pancetura, an Italian, who fired the ;hots, ‘b?a.t him on the head with a loaded baâ€" ton. Pancetura then ran away, but was arrosted two hours later. Btenâ€" zel was taken to the Western Hosâ€" pital, where it is said his condition is not regarded as serious. Panceâ€" tura was taken to police headquarâ€" ters, where ho was locked up on a charge of attempted murder. it is Tustice Latchford endorsed the suggesi on of the London grand jury tlat prisoners awaiting trial in jails and polico stations should be kept separate from convicted the Irish Parliament, and, in the event of the transference of power, it would be open to the opponents of the bill to repeal it. That was their only constitutional remedy so long as &ey opposed settlement by )agrt;ement. In the latter part of his speoch Mr, Churchill made what 4s regarded as ad overiure to Ulâ€" | stom &10 said: "The claim of |Northeast Ulster for spocial conâ€" | sidoration is a claim which, if adâ€" | vanced with sincerity and not as a | wrecking manoeuvro, cannot be ;ignored without fall consideration \by any Government dopendent ‘upon the present Houss of Comâ€" THEIR PERSONAL GIFT. ATTEMPTED MURDER. New Gold Strike In Alaska Exâ€" tends Into Canadian Territory. A despatch from Ottawa says: The richness of the Dawson City gold camp will be rivalled by the new strike at White River, Bhuâ€" shana District, Alaska. From reâ€" ports received here by the Customs Department men using very crude methods of mining are cleaning up from one to two thousand dollars per day. The goldâ€"bearing area has been proven for fifteen miles, and extends well into Canadian territory. A big stampede from the coast cities is now on, and at least 4,000 people are there, with a big crowd going in every day. Many Dawson oldâ€"timers have gone to the new camp. Prices remind oldâ€" timers of the early days in Dawson. Shoes sell for #75 a pair, flour at #100 a sack, and prices are still rising. _ The Royal Northâ€" West Mounted Police are already on the spot to prevent lawlessness, with a force consisting of Col. Dempster and six men. HAIR RESTORER Restores GRAY Hair to its NATURAL Color, makes it grow, and cures Dandruff. LUBYS Alberta Legislature Will Memoriâ€" alize Ottawa Government. A _ despatch from Edmonton, Alta., says: The Alberta Legislaâ€" ture on Wednesday unanimously passed & resolution authorizing the (GGovernment to memorialize the Federal Minister of Agriculture to take steps towards the eradication of tuberculosis in cattle. _ There haveo been many complaints, said Hon. Duncan Marshall, in presentâ€" ing the resolution, and up to the present no action has been taken to prevent the spread of the disease }further than supplying the farmers who make requests with tuberculin. Get Terms in Penitentiary for Setâ€" ting Fire to Stable. A despatch from Kingston says : Alex. Mains and Frederick Gaâ€" briels, found guilty at the assizes here of arson in connection with a fire at the Royal Military College stable in June last, were sentenced on Thursday morning by Mr. Jusâ€" tic Britton. Mains, to whom the jury recommended that mercy be extended, was sentenced to two years in prison, and Gabriel, who implicated Mains in order to escape sentence for desertion, was given two years and six months. TUBERCULOSIS IN CATTLE. Indications That It Will Be Cheap in Winripeg This Winter. A despatch from Winnipeg says : Farmers from all parts of Manitoba are asking for space in the central farmers‘ market here, and addiâ€" tions are to be made soon to the present building in order to accomâ€" modate them. Indications are that produce will be cheap this winter, and shipments to the city are exâ€" exceedingly heavy at the present time. In the past two days 160,000 pounds of potatoes have been reâ€" ceived, and they are solling at fifty \cent,a a bushel. Which Brings Daily Enjoyment. A lady doctor writes : ‘Though busy hourly with my own affairs, I will not deny myself the pleasure of taking a few minâ€" utes to tell of my enjoyment daily obtained from my morning cup of Postum. It is a food beverage, not an irritant like coffee. "I began to use Postum 8 years ago, not because I wanted to, but becauso coffee, which I dearly loved, made my nights long, weary periods to be dreadegi and‘ un_?tced ENCE CCR NAE on Sheiwis i 222 me for business during the day." Tea is just as injurious as coffee, because the drug, caffeine, is found in both tea and coffee. "On advice of a friend, I first tried Postum, making it carefully as suggested on the package. As I bad always used ‘"cream and no eugar,‘‘ I mixed my Postum so. It looked good, was clear and fragâ€" rant, and it was a pleasure to see the cream color it as my Kentucky friend wanted her coffee to lookâ€" ‘like a new saddle.‘ "Then I tasted it critically, for I had tried many ‘substitutes‘ for cofftee. I was pleased, yes, satisâ€" fhed with my Postum in taste and effect, and am yet, being a constant user of it all these years. I continâ€" ually assure my friends and acâ€" quaintances that they will like it in place of coffes, and receive benefit from its use. I have gained weight, can sleep and am not n‘@rvogs.” _ Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Write for the little book, ‘‘Ihe hoad to Weliâ€" ville." Postum comes in two forms : Regular Postumâ€"must be well boiled. Instaut Postuim is a soluble powâ€" der. A teaspoonful dissolves quickâ€" ly in a cup of hot water and, with cream and sugar, makes a delicious beverago instantly.: Grocers goll both kinds. s l "There‘s a reason‘"‘ for Postum. AT ALL DRVOGISTS so CENTS A BOTTLE PRODUCE INX WINNIPEG. sOLDIERS PUNISHED. BIG STAMPEDE. A FOOD DRINK "‘The Road to Wellâ€" y3 ThE NEWS M A PARAGRAPH Canada, the Empire and the World in General Before Your Eyes. Canada. Brantford Hebrews will erect a synagogue. Waterloo‘s population is now 4,737, and assessment $3,314,003. A palmist was fined $50 after reading the hand of one of Toronâ€" to‘s women constables. Owen Sound Board of Education decided to establish an industrial school. Set es ts oo 12e 1 HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE IN A NUTSHELL The population of Brockville for 1913 is 9,630, an increase of 258 in one year. Mr. G. H. Gooderbam, M.P.P., shipped three thousand bushels of apples to South z_ifripl. a Reports to Winnipeg show 23,â€" 575,887 bushels of grain in storage in interlor elevators. Winnipeg Harbor Board will ask the Government for $100,000 for docks along the Red River. Guelph assessors report a popuâ€" lation of 16,139, an increase of 989, and an assessment of $10,722,533. The Railway Commissioners or dered the C.P.R. and G.N.W. Teleâ€" graph Companies to bury their wires in Berlin. i es . fis A delegation from Bt. John, N. B., interviewed the Government to urge the claims of that port to equal treatment by the steamship lines. Barnard & Biggar‘s large tobacâ€" co barn at Leamington, worth $2,500, with the crop off eighteen acres, valued at $6,000, was deâ€" stroyed by fire on Thursday. Hon. J. D. Hazen will go to Washington about the end of this month to urge the United States Government to take action upon the international fisheries question. The Provincial Secretary‘s Deâ€" partment has ruled that liquor liâ€" cense fees in Hamilton must be raised next year from $700 to 81,â€" 200, because the city has passed the 100,000 mark. Frank Hayes, on trial at Bydney, N.S., for murder, tried to dig a holoe through the coment wall sepaâ€" rating him from an empty and unâ€" locked cell, and planned to escape to a schooner in harbor. Professor Robinson Elli:;r one of the greatest of English Latinists, is dead. k £ § _ Home Secretary McKenna issued orders to forcibly feed militants atâ€" tempting to ‘"hunger strike.‘"‘ Through the activities of the Aero Club of America a volunteer military aviation battalion has been formed to become a part of the Naâ€" tional Guard. Three men were shot, one probaâ€" bly fatally, in a battle between two constables and a large number of foreign striking miners at Shesâ€" wick, near Pittsburg. John Sherrick, of Philadelphia, and Edward O‘Brien, of New York, succumbed from heart failure in their respective cities while watchâ€" ing score board accounts of the ball game. Twenty persons were injured, four seriously, when the C.N. and St. P. eastbound Olympian train was wrecked 40 miles west of Forâ€" sythe, Mont. The train was travelâ€" ling at high speed, and every car went into the ditch. A Federal General, his staff and many soldiers were executed by Mexican rebels. . 4 Many Spaniards and Germans are reported to have been killed by the rebels at Torreon, Mexico. The cause for the recent suicide of Princess Bophia of Saxeâ€"Weimar is revealed by an inquest in France into the death of a gypsy girl, killâ€" ed while the Princess, her mother, and her lover, Baron von Bleichâ€" roder, whom she had been forbidâ€" deon by her father to meet, were motoring. Hypnotism _ Restores a Londoni Girl‘s Sight. A despatch from London says: A oure for blindness by hypnotism is claimed by Alexandor Erskine in a lecture before the International Club for Psyochical Research. _A young London girl, Gertrude Â¥ates, was born blind, but the machinery of the eye was intact. Bho morely lacked the will power to transmit to the brain the objects reflected on the retina. . This defiâ€" ‘ciency was eupplied by the hypnoâ€" tist lecturer, who produced the girl on the platform and showed she |poszessed the faculty of gight. Body Found In the Woods Near: Somerset, Manitoba. A despatch from Somerset, Man., says: The dead body of a man named Giles, from near Bt. Jean, was found in the woods near the brick kiln, a milo from town, by Victor Wasse‘s young daughter while hunting cows on Monday morning. Both wrists and throat were out with a knife, and it is quite evident that it was a case of suicide. REMARKABLE CURE. A CASE OF SUICIDE. Great Britain. Urited States. General. ONTARIO ARCHIV TORONTO a â€" London PRIGES OF FARM PRODUCTS @EPoRTs FROM THE LEADiNG TRADI CENTRES OF AMERICA. Erices of Cattie, Crain, Chesse and UIM®" Preduce at Home and Abroag Breadstuffs. * Toronto, Oct. 14. â€"Flourâ€"Ontario wheat fours, 90 per cent., made of new wheat, VC PPSROIB Y APRROCATMC O CR C APAN 42 {uu bags, $5.30; do., seconds, $4.80; strong akere‘, in jute bage, $4.60. Manitoba "wheatâ€"No. 1 new Northern, B8¢, on track, B;!‘Nporu and No. 2 at 67¢. Ontario wheatâ€"New No. % wheat at 65 to B4c, outside. Oateâ€"No. 2 Ontario omts, 32 to 3%¢, outâ€" Osteâ€"No. E UnIAPIO ORUS, 02 P0 SUm NT side, and at 35 1â€"2 to 360, on track, Horonâ€" to. ‘Western Canada old oate, 30 18 for No. 2, and at 3 for No. &Bq ports. Peasâ€"Nominal at 85 to , outside. Barleyâ€"52 to 5§4c, outside. Cornâ€"No. 3 American corn, T5, oAf. Midiand. Ryeâ€"60 to 620 per bushel. Buckwheatâ€"52 to 530. ; Branâ€"Manitoba bran, ga m m, ’!& bags, Toronto freights. Bhorts, s routo Country Produce. Butterâ€"Choice dthg. 22 to 2M0; inferior 20 to 2ic; creamery to 296 for rolls, and % to % 1â€"%6 for solids. Eggsâ€"Case lots of newâ€"lald, 3 to 330 %er dozen; fresh, 29 to 30c, and etorage, c per dozen. Cheeseâ€"New chease, 14 1â€"2¢ for large, and 14 1â€"4 to.1be for twims. . â€"._ > . . .. RV BMT UD P00 POR NN CCC Beansâ€"Handâ€"pickod, 822 to 8235 per bushel; primes, $1.75 to $2. â€" Honeyâ€"Extracted, in ting, 11 to 11 1â€"%0 ser lb. for No. 1; combs, 33 to §5.25 per ozen for No. 1, and $2.75 for No. 2. Poultryâ€"Fowl, 13 to 140 per lb.; chickâ€" ens, 17 to 18¢; ducks, 14 to 15¢; geese, 12 to 1%¢; turkeys, 18 to 200. i e WtE T TT VUVICC m 4s Whs us PPOmu. PERRRPY NT TT PSCT Potnmesâ€"ox'lmio potatoes, 70 to T5¢ 'k‘mz,ksnd New Brunswick, 856 per bag, rack. Baconâ€"Long clear, 16 14 to 16 346 per Ib., in case lots. Porkâ€"Short out, $29; 40. moss, $24; hams, medium to light, m 13 to Zo; heavy, 2012 to Zlo; rolles, i7¢; b;eak{m bacon, 21 to 2%¢; backs, 24 to dDC. Lardaâ€"Tierces, 14¢; tubs, 14 140; pails, 14 1â€"%¢. Baled hayâ€"No. 1 hay, $135 to $13.50, on track, Toronto; No. 2 at $12, and mixed at $11 to $11.25. _X 2 . d ie Cc c amp en . e enrninle @11 T0 ©11,00, Baled strawâ€"$7.25 to $7.50, on track, Toronto. Montreal, Oct. 14.â€"Oateâ€"Canadian West ern, No. 2, 40 1%¢; do., No. 3, 38 14 to $%¢ ; extra No. 1 feed, 39 142 to 40. Bsrle&-o- Man. feed, 50 to 5ic; malting, 64 to s Buckwheat, No. 2 55 to b6¢. Flourâ€"Man. Spring wheat patents, firsts, 185.40; goo« onds, $4.90; atrong bakere‘, $4.10; Winter patente, choice, $5; straight rolliere ‘4.60 in #494+ An. haws. §$205 to 8110 fto led PRUTUID UICCCT 2O‘ ho ns %%~ © to §4.75; do., bags, §2.05 to 82.10. Rolled oats, barrels, $4.40 to $4.50; do., bafi:. 90 lbs., %10 to §2.12 12. Bran, $22, 5 ortg. h%. iddlinge, $27. Mouillie, %28 to §52. ay. No. 2 per ton car lots 12 to $13. Cheeseâ€"Fincet woesterns, 13 38 to_13 1â€"%0; finest easterns, 12 7â€"8 to 13 180. Butterâ€" Choicest creamery, 27 34 to 28¢; seconds, 21 14 to 27 iâ€"%e. Eg{gs»b‘resh, 38 to &; selected, 29 to Sic; No. 1 stock, 2% to } No. 2 stock, 21 to 2. Potatocse, por bag, car lots, 70c. 50 to #5.55, Is‘i%a.‘;‘d'.'lni at $3.60 to 65 locally. ‘ Manitobasâ€"First patents, in Wlnni%eg. Oct. 14.â€"Caeh_ priceeâ€"Whoat â€"â€"No. 1 Northern, 81 3%¢; No. 1 Northern, 80c; No. 3 Northern, 78 1â€"%6; No. 4, T%o; No 1 rejected seeds, 77 14¢; Ko. 2 ngwwi seeds. 76 14¢; No. 1 red, BMo; No. 2 red Winter, 81 1â€".%; No. 3 red Winter, T9%0; No. 1 emutty, Tio; No. 2 emtm.{# 760. Oateâ€" No. 2 C.W., M 1â€"80; No. 3 O.W., Blo; extra No. 1 feed, 33 1.%0; No, 1 feed, 33¢; No, 3 feed, 30. Barleyâ€"No. 5, 4; rejected, 40¢; Tood, 40o. Flaxâ€"No. 1 N.W.C., $118 12; No C.W., §116 L%6; No. 3 O.W., 8104 12. United States Markets. Minnoz;?olil, Oct. 14. â€"Wheat, December, 83 74¢c; May, 89¢; No. 1 hard, 86 380; No. 1 Nortnern, 83 18 to 85 Tâ€"66; No. 2 North: ern, 81 78 to 83 74%0; No. 3 wheat, 19 78 to B1â€"7â€"8¢. No. 3 zellu'w corn, 67 12 to 68e. No, 3 white oats, 57 to 37 14¢; No. 2Jn. 55 to 58c. Flour anrd bran unchanged. Duluth, Oct. 14. â€"Linseed oufi ‘}1‘.41 14; g2cc ol hA 4A hidâ€" Mntober. §140; Novem: UDTUM, VM ED CRA O Car an May, tl.“ 14 bid; October, $1.40; Nove ber, $1.40 1-8&5 December, _ $1.39. W'hofi No. 1 hard 340; No. 1 Northern, 84 No. 2 Northern, 82 34 to 83 1.46; Decemb« B4 14 to 84 38 asked; May, 89 140 old. Live Stook Markets. Montreal, Ooct. 14. â€"Prime beeves 6 12 to 634 inodium, 4 34 to 6 14; emall bulls 312‘ to 4 12.‘ Cowe, fis to‘ $75. Beveral large axirincou fbmr t $60 to $70 each. Calves, 3 to 6 112. Sheep whout 4. Lambs whout 6 1â€"2. Hofl_Qd,-l to 9 14. Toronto, Oct. 14. â€"Cattleâ€"Choice export, $7.75; choice butchere, $6.70 to $7.50; good, medium, $5.90 to $640; common, #4_to ’F: canners and outters, §2.15 to ‘31&' at SE Ey C000 Wms auneine & to cowe, $4.50 to $6; common cOws. $4; butchers bulls, #3.15 to $5.10. Good veal, $8.15 to mtm- common, $5.50. _ Atockers a !..Aogâ€"st. to 1050 pounds, $5.40 to $6.55; }i‘l UEH CTV OHLCIC E‘_;ll-. $2.15 to 1Sht ewes, t §3.50; bucks, to $7.%, but w for all the bu to drovers; $ Three A despatch from London, Ont., says: Jcohn Bancroft, & wealthy Caradoo Towoship farmer, reportâ€" ed to the police on Thureday night that he had been robbed and beaten by three thugs near Oxford Park, a suburb on the rorthâ€"west ont skirts of the city. Mr. Baneroft attended the London market durâ€" ing the day, and when starting homeward was accosted b&hthree men on what is known as iskey Row. ‘They asked him for a ride in his direction, and he picked them up. As the outekirts of the city were reached they attacked him, beat him into semiâ€"consciousness and relieved him of the proceeds of his day‘s sales. Trading on the Lord‘s Day Will Be Stopped. A despatch from Winnipeg says : The police bhave reâ€"opened their campaign against stores doing busiâ€" ness on Sunday, and several convicâ€" tions were registered in court on sidewalks. Wednesday, fines of 85 being imâ€" posed. They aro .a.lso renewing their campaign against gpitting on iree Men_ _ Rob Farmer of His Day‘s Sales. A despatch from London, Ont., E8 P FF 1 s etess ROBBERY NEAR LONDON. SUNXDAY IN WINNIPEG. Baled Hay and Straw. Montreal Markets. Winnipeg Grain. Provisions. i&n}ibi éém’mon':“ 10. J a Te, $5.40 w,!@g; light eastâ€" rn, 64 3â€"40; December, Calvesâ€" §1.75 to CANCER IN GREAT BRITAIN Distinct Relationship Between Disease and Coal for Domestic Use A despatch from London says: The conclusions reached by Charles E. Green, of Edinburgh, that there is a distinct relationship between the occurrence of cancer and the kind of fuel used for domestic purâ€" poses, was accepted as decisive by Sir William Bennett, the eminent surgeon, in his presidential address on Thursday at the meeting of the Coal Bmoke Abatement Bociety. Bir William eaid investigation had shown that the increase of cancer FROM MERRY OL0 ENGLAN) mercial World. The Duchess of Norfolk has purâ€" chased the Harswell estate, in Yorkshire, for $120,000. NEWS BF MAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL AND HIS PEOPLE Occurrences in The Land T Reigns Supreme in the Comâ€" The pre'mim of Messrs. William Canning, oil refiners, Liverpool, have been totally destroyed by fire. Last year 2,644 lives were lost by drowning, wreck, and other acciâ€" dents in ships registered in the ’United Kingdom. More than $275,000 has been left by the late John Peter Studt, of Roath, Cardiff, who made his monâ€" ey out of roundabouts. Lord Ellesmere laid the foundaâ€" tion stone of a new church at Winâ€" ter, & large proportion of the cost of which he is defraying. A motorbus which mounted the pavement in Mile End Road knockâ€" ed down a woman named Mary Vangelda, of Bow, and broke her leg. Merehall Art Gallery, belonging to the Bolton Corporation, has been entcred by thieves and two pictures to the value of $800 stolen. Falling from his bicycle at Chidâ€" dingfold, Surrey, Charles Henry Kirby, of Aldershot, was so severely injured that ho died shortly afterâ€" wards The Army Council has decided to erect a station for army airships on Salisbury Plain, and a site is likely to be selected at Perham Down. Laundry said to be worth $5,000, largely the property of visitors to Margate, was lost in a fire in the Isle of Thanet Bteam Laundry, Margate. Sentry dogs, which are to be utiâ€" "Mized by the soldiers to give warnâ€" ing of ambuscades, night attacks, etc., are to be sent from Major Richardson‘s Harrow kennels. _ Skidding on a road near Morpeth, a motorcar was wrecked, and one of its two occupants, Miss Sharp, of Salisbury Gardens, Newcastle, was killed. _ With all the money and postal orders extracted, the safe stolen from Newton Post Office, near i;&;ihc;fi], has been found in a field some distance away. $ C The 20th anniversary of the birth of Dr. Samuek Johnson was celeâ€" brated in Lichfield, and the Mayor placed a laurel wreath on the staâ€" tue in the Market square. The death has occurred at Birâ€" mingham of Mr. Alfred R. Gaul, Mus. Doc., in his seventyâ€"sixth year. He will be remembered by his chief work, ‘‘The Holy City." On the battle cruiser Queen Mary at Portsmouth, a shell which was being hoisted aboard knocked down and killed Corporal Jefferies, of the Royal Marine Artillery. x Five men were killed ard several injured in a terrible disaster at the Wokington (Cumberland) Iron and Bteel Co.‘s Moss Bay Works, when a glant chimney collapsed. At the age of 12 Queenie Chapâ€" man, Margate, has gained a "‘gkillâ€" ed shot‘‘ certificate by scoring 102 points out of a possible 105 at Stanâ€" don miniature rifle range, near Ware, Herts. k unanimously decided to appoint Mrs. Alice Stalker, M.B., to the position of assistant school medical officer and assistant tuberculosis officer. A The Parliamentary Committee of the Leeds Corporation have decided to seek power to annex Pudsey, Oalverley, Farsley, Yeoden, Horsâ€" forth, Rawdon, Rothwell, Dughâ€" lington, and Gildersome. § A fire occurred at a mansion known as The Cedars on the estate of Admiral Sir Hedworth Meix, at Theobald‘s Park, and damage to the amount of thousands of dellars was done. WANTEDâ€"-MO'.'O Workers &.s"~~ insl Pramene â€" Rimnle washar CaAs t LV y . Y _ . s oi is s oc Uolle leal Prosons, Rimple, mechanicsl work npm&.dou ns furnished. Positively no oxperieuce required. We furvish Prc ;rumlca.ln and enyaly you wiih pletures to eolor, which you to x prices pahdtgromp y by the woek or wonth,. No ouvm& or ellers esll the goods and the feld is unlimited for our k. you w ticaaant work the year round for whole or spare time, write us and we .p.l:;l.u-lr'wgr‘ the year round for w lon w»otract and the 8!"4 of we puy. OMMERCIAL ART WORX®, Wlâ€"é;;l education authorities Y w was limited to those areas where coal was the staple fuel, while it was almost nonâ€"existent where orâ€" dinary peat alone was used. The only exception yet discovered to this rule, he declared, was in disâ€" tricts where the peat was a hard black substance which crackled like coal and was quite unlike the smouldering, ordinary peat. Bir William â€" Bennett in conclusion spoke strongly in favor of gas as a substitute for coal. FRON â€"BOMNE What is Golng on in the Highlands and Lowlands of Auld KOTESs OF INTERESTFROM HER BAXES ANXD BRAES. Residents in Roseneath have re« quested the County Council to form a special water supply distinet for the landward part of the parish extending from Glasgow to Roseâ€" neath pier. The Scotch herring fishery season has now closed. The total catch has been 1,200,000 crans, each cran equivalent to 780 fish. The catch is valued at #14,000,000. ____ _ The new waterworks of Ardenâ€" tinny have been formally opened. The new works were rendered neâ€" cessary by the excessive fiooding which took place in August of last year. P W & PR s se ca e aa t xC Clydebank Dean, of Guild Court, has granted permission to old Kilâ€" patrick Parish Council to alter and extend their offices at Dalmuir at an estimated cost of between $3,000 and $4,000. _ About $5,000 of damage was don« by fire at the cabinet making pre mises and furniture stores in Bel -I-;;é- fi;;’s: _Edinburgh, belonging to Mr. W. Adams. _ The Bceottish coal owners are making a reduction of 18 cents per day in miners‘ pay. _ The suggestion is made that mixâ€" ed bathing should be permitted in the public baths in Glasgow. A man named Matthew Barnes, agen 74, was run over and instantâ€" ly killed by a steam motor lorry at Govan. _â€"It is proposed to say Gas Works at an of $100,000. _ The sunshine rec Lord Bute has now in Rothesay tower buildings. P ACERCUEU‘ It has been intimated that the National Road Board are prepared to make a grant of about $25,880 and a loan of $50,000, free of interâ€" est, toward the cost of road imâ€" provements on the Largs and Arâ€" drossan roads and the Barrhead, Lugton and Kilmarnock road. & COLLCCE STREET, provements on the Largs and A/~ drossan roads and the Barrhead Lugton and Kilmarnock road. Mr. William Reid, stationmasten at Troon passenger station, h:n The angling on Loch Leven has now closed, after a disappointing season. The total number of trout caught was 22,528, weighing 17,306 Ib. 15 oz., compared with 49,044 trout, weighing 33,514 lb. 12 oz., of last year. nc i L e e eet e n CR Cld F sompleted his fiitieth year in the service of the Glasgow and Bouthâ€" Western Railway Station. Colonel Sir Raiph Anstrutne?, who has commanded the Fife Battaâ€" lion R.H. since the creation of the Territorial Brigade, is retiring unâ€" der the age service clause. It is stated that, should the city of Edinburgh decide to disporse of the Synod Hall when the Usher Hall is completed, a purchaser may ‘be found in St. Cuthbert‘s (oâ€"operâ€" ative Bociety. Emigration has ceriou:l{ affected the population of Muthill, quite a large number having left the vilâ€" lage for abroad. PF" se t ccck §.z% i) +tc acte dÂ¥ ctecilit esd A halibut weighing about four hundredweight _ and _ measuring eight feet long and fifteen inches high has been landed in Aberdeen. Whis is the largest halibut ever landed at the Granite City. Mr. Carnegie states that be has done his duty by Inverness Town Band. He gave $1,500 towards the initial cost and declines to do anyâ€" thing more for it. l itc â€" Bsc nut tih: »tertitaid The work in connection with the new hall which is being built in Dingwall for the parish chureh is progressing rapidly. s : x Ks . omm m 4 e s e t 0 A movement has been startod to erect a monument to the late Duke of Butherland, to be representative of the county. At the Devil‘s Elbow, near Hunt ley, a Diamler motor was burled over an embankment, and one of the party, James MacGill, was tilled. recorder gutlcd DÂ¥ now been fixed up wer of the county Ralph .@ggtr\_xtl_mr, to extend Rotheâ€" an estimated cost stationmaster station, â€" has i vear in the was done gifted by

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