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Durham Review (1897), 16 Oct 1913, p. 4

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I' j, It"'; John McGowan J _ _f,,, The Ei’eople’s Mills My w W tlt w w " w " w '93 -. "ttPeter,"'",?,??""':?,:?"?'.,., ff The Central Drug Store 'e' I; Highest prices for Butter and Eggs. We daily have shipped in a supply of the best and purest Ice Cream. Delicious Sundaes. Sodas Specials, Soft Drinks, etc. at our Parlors. Take an Ice Cream Brick home with you. Choice lines ot Cooked Meats. Plain and Fancy Cakes. Fresh Groceries, do, etc. THE CITY BAKERY He W" were awn-med from our slumbcrs on the morning ot september 17th to sec " immense stock ot "liable Hurd- vmro destroyed by fire. We are still nuke and no flllintt up u rapidlv at possible the largo not. on the " it. ride of the street. with a hr superior stock of Silverware, Erwin“, Enam- elwaro and Tinware. 333333535319 While all this is going on no no offering " immonu stock cf slightlv damaged good- at In]! their value such BI: Navy “ire. Stune Hammers. Spa” and Shovels, Hem Eu . Crow Bars, Clovices. Carriage Bola. Whippletru Hooks, 'ttOli,'),',',', Ana. Logging China. Trace China. Breast Snap Gluing Bony and Light Hinges and other article: too numerous " mention. We have the stuff on hand. Also the celebrated Blatchford'l Call Meal and Stock Foods, and Prime & Co. Molassine Meal for all kinds of Stock. Ring us up when you Sovereign Flour Eclipse Flour Pastry Flour Bran Shorts Middlings Low grade Flour Mixed Chop Corn Chop Oat Chop Crimped Oats The Central Drug Store (t We are Ready for [j1.IWii0 School Opening FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! olquarters for Confectionery and all Bakery goods News to most women '0 l"! ,ell sappliod yin; my" and second hand stoves and Fresh Ice Cream Daily All Kinds of Grain Bought and Sold u. Special Reduction on Flour and Feed in ton lots. A If this flour bakes into _ bread high in quality and x large in quantity we keep the _ _whole shipment of wheat and t grind it. Otherwise we sell it. t More bread and better Sie. from this aug:. is a c 'itainty! I, "More YA and Bettc’r Bread" and "Behr Paatfy Too" 528 The Largest Stock we have ever shown and at Lowest Prices School Supplies in endless variety Still the old slogan--" When you get it here, it's right." High and Public School Books at the Mill or delivered anywhere in single loo lbs., ton lots or car loads Er. A ROWE Require Flour and Feed A ten pound sample is taken from each shipment of wheat at the mill. This is ground into flour. The flour is baked into bread. Oven-tested flour is for sale. Instead of buying ordin- ary flour you can buy flour whose baking ability has been proven in an oven: .13"? 333333 3333 333W All kinds I\’ Saskatoon is in the heart of the premier grain province, and is a dis- tributing centre for 45,000,000 acres oi, the best wheat land in Canada. But ten short years ago- in 1903 it contained li3 people, to-day there are estimated to be 30,000 In I902 the first city lot, soxuo feet, was sold for in Newfoundland dog. Eight years later this same lot wn sold to the Union Bank of Canada for $76,000. In Regina or other western cities they tell you Saskatoon is flat this year; that real estate is dead, rents are away down, houses empty; it was boomed too much the past few years; in tact, would lead one to inter that the place in limost going to the bow. wows. No true Saskatonian believes or if he did, would admit such to be the case. True, rents are:down but they had climbed out of sight. Prop- erty prices has remained stationary, instead of climbing, but are pet ex~ horbitnnt. There are a number of vacant houses, still the fine buildings being erected on the main street, and the opening of a big dept. store on Oct. " show that Saskatonians have unbounded faith in its future. The city has a live progressive council and Board of Trade, and couldn't keep pace with its development. being yet in the rearheith paved streets end sewers. though being laid as quickly as pouible. , [ .. --"e__ "an .. Luv 'Dear Review Readers: 13nd carried " many re Since last heard from we have hit-d: Considerable exciton ourselves away from the pretty valley _ roused on the grounds where reposes the busy little town of ( being ovartnrned buryii Lumsden and spent aday or two in l .beneetli it. Luckily I) this, the youngest of the big Cities oil‘Jurtd. the west, Saskatoon. We don't, The horse races Were realize how vast and roomy f country lieatures of the fair Th We: have till we cross " and in travel I ling this 150 miles, dotted with a ( uORSE OWNER IT/ted li‘ttlehtowns, seeing iiaeld/' FREE FOR Au. .' after le f o w eat in stock, an ', , many thrashed, ranging in extent l ‘13 82%;; B giggbcgcg from IO to 640 acres, scarcely a fence 3 Hebrew .Pil rim ' ' at any kind, we are made to feel how Best t'i2,".. 'i'a: beautifully Canada has been blessed, . . . J and in this, one very important 2 P. TROT on PACE: means by which she will in the near 1 J9e Miller M'Donald, f future attain a place af one of the ?t)idney H. Hunter, D world's foremost nations. " Ladv M. Krrntinir n. v- unucul UUIII U1 ow III FLESHER'I")N - The gate receipts were I _ et. 1 The live nook exhibit w Only Ten Year? old, but ll 1em, horses featuring. Mel ropolitan In Every Ilespect. [ ofIzlgremom had 17 comes Saskatoon==The City of Mushroom Growth walnut: mguula Grew around her ten Held at Flesherton and Dundalk other vessels, but so rough was the‘ . sea that the greatest diflieulty was "r last Wednesday and Friday penenced in rescue work. Severul‘ ----- . times the launching oflifebouis pron ce, roads led to the "“35“ of ed fatal to the Occupants and ,'so.ter4plls1'l1/'/',u'/,1, Ems Dund‘tylliion ttr 2i ~. , 'r,"". ear ass, enesuyun Inbrfnc work waf Jeane by same of the _ l‘rlday of lat“ week. Ideal weather WSW?” and retTue ' ;plus energetic executive onmmiueea _ - -<ree_ ' ___ ‘Fgrmed the hush: tor successful exhilr " . 1 Mons, although in neithercase Were Saskatoon. The cityjhet'cj,t,"jitii, broken. 9 I. I a i --Firc. at Sea ! Who cannot im. jagine its horrors l Tho greatest tru- gedy ElncO the loss of the Titanic oc- curred on Friday last. when IM lives at least Were lost by fire or drowning. The steamship Voltutno from Rotter- dam to New York with over 700 peo- ple on board, mouly from central Europe, got on fire from an explosion several days before. Desperate etforu, to fight " proved unavailing and her wireless signals drew around her ten sonahty didn't count In a fight engin- eered by the famous l l Robert. Rogers of MacDonald, Manitoba fame. Thnre is likely to be a protest for scandalous domgs are alleged. which, if half are true should upset the election It was ditlicult. n appurs to get Mr Morris or his friends to discuss public Issues, but venul appeals and the cry of " stranger " carried the day. Tnebday of next week East Middle.. sex contest corms off and on the 30A man that of South Bruce and m each of these rulings a strenuous figbt is promised. Ilse election on Saturday last. re. suited in the election of Morris, the Conservative. by 140 mujority, the first Coueervatiyi, elected there since confederation. His opponent WM me Hon. Sidney Fisher a man who gave of his best for 15 years as Minister of Agriculture. but whose work and per- sonahty didn't count m a fight emin- Chateauguay Goes Conservative The cumulative effect of Mr Row- oll‘a advanced prognmme of socinl legislation to the advantage ottho common people the general public of the Province In becoming manifest. Ls real strength admittedly Will not be exhibited until the general elaetien, for bysreleetsont, are regarded by many voters as acldemic rather than practi- cal. but in this particular commit the linwell programme should maka a strong appeal. The opening of the Constituency ot the] is the 8th bye-election since the General elections in December. 1911. l'l‘he majority secured by Samuel 'Chorters. the Government member, who has resigned presumebly to be. come Registrar of Peel County. was [our 700. With a good tnndiate- lend the Liberals are said to be bring. line out a first-els" tmsn-this me~ Hority should be very greatly reduced. lend in loot there IS a chance of mak- 'ing s turn-over and electing the Liber. al csndidate. The Opposition: goes into this contest with a noticeable supply of optimism and enthusiasm. The constitunncy as o whole " said to be strongly for temperance. and the indications are that the Abolish the Bar policy will not only secure the! enthusiastic support of Liberals but, will effect to scunsiderable degree the| normal Tory vote. Peel looks to be better lighting ground for the Liberal! than any of the other places in which y bye-elections have been held. 3 Toronto, 13th Oct" 10t8.--Not content with wetchmg the Dominion bpreleetUo eeheduled for deoieion in Ontario, the Whitney Government il going to stage one of its own in the Provinciel field. ' ilite a Special to the Durham Review, l" 9ttrttant 'tetsiett, DURHAM, OCTOBER us. ms I T --- v..- -. Fq'taAco I“ II ‘and carried otf many red tickets we have him; Considerable excitement wax ”-n_,..___..‘n - ‘-u~-‘~77‘ . _ v -'-_. v " " IL" “EATS FREE FOR ALL .' 1 Comet Acton, Chuley 2 21 l 1 2 Chimes B. Pl‘Rl‘ill), OSoundl 1 2 2 2 3 Hubrew Pilgrim, " 3 8 3 3 3 Beat time: 2 241 2 40 TROT on PACE t 1 Joe Miller M'Donald, p, icov'e l 11 2 Sidnay H. Hunter, Durham 2 2 2 3 Lady M, Keating, Dundalk 3 3 3 Best time: 2,30 1-4 The following are some condensed statistics relating to the Dnndslk fair. Estimated attendance 3,500 Gate Receipts over $600 s heel children in parade 400 Total number of Entries 1900 Entries in horses alone 350 Members of the Society 170 Coupled with the fair, the Old Boys and Girls Re-union was held and the place was in gala attire tor thee vent. On an ordinary day, Dun- dalk is a sensible, behaved village but iron girders could not have held it in bounds on this occasion. The visitors and residents simply let loose their emotions and the place rocked with joy. Old boys were present from tour provinces and pennaat streamers stretched across the streets gave them the license to paint the town red, make eyes. hold hands. etc. The Fair grands was a mass ot M. manity and the midway shows did e thriving business. The only, drew- bsok was the hefoaged condition of the atmosphere, the air being sutur- sted with cl wads ot the well-known Proton dust and added to by smoke iron) surrounding bush fires Though the inside uii" enriu thou of In: your. " Since leaving Durham we have " been impressed with the superiority {of Eastern unit. In apples and :peaches especially. British Columbia :and California, whence most of the glruit here comes from, are " not in in " with Ontario. The luscious illavor is lacking, though this mav ‘ partially be accounted for by the frost J being picked quite green to keep for 'shipping long distances. In Saska- toon a street vendor was crying i" Ontario ftuit--tinest peaches lr an ;ev1dence that the citiiens give it the , preference as well. i Only a day or two here however 1and we are now away, passingthrough ‘the Goose Lake country bound for iFlaxcombe. li you are not wise as , to its location, we trust to give {all enlightenment in next week's issue. In the centre of the business sec- tion on 2nd ave., we stepped in on Jno. A. Little, an old Holstein boy, son of Rev. Mr Little, who with a partner, Mr Wyatt, is running a large retail shop business. Another old Holsteinite we met was Miss Kate McFayden, who came west to Saska- toon six years ago and is now stenc- grapher fora large implement firm. On the west side of the city we met with Mrs Lock Bowermaa. who with her husband, who was absent when we called, left South Grey a number of years ago. She is a sisterof Mrs Jas. Eccles, ofHolstein, and they en- joy the east Egremont old home news through the Review columns. I We called to see Mr. and Mrs. Amos \Chislett, hat he was absent, while I Mrs. C. we learned was with her son Chesley at his farm at Scott Sask., during the busy season. A well- known Durhamite, eat-constable Carson, gave us a friendly welcome. He resides with his daughter Mrs, Cameron, is taking life easv. and intends giving Durham tt longer visit next Fear than he did this summer. With him we called upon another daughter, Mrs Hopkins, in their fine 575.000 mansion on the shore of theSaskatchewau, who yet retains a warm interest in her old. time Durham schoolmates. We were kindly entertained at the home of an old Dremore boy, Mr. Jos. Snell, who has attained a high position in educational circles in his adopted province, being Principal of the Normal School here. Mr. and Mrs. Snell are enjoying good health and are highly esteemed in the city. The broad South Saskatchewan river passes almost through the heart of the city, separating the business section and the main portion from ' N utaua ' the better residential section, on the opposite shore. Un- ,like Regina, Saskatoon is more scat- tered, and after a splendid View from the Nutana shore, one would imagine Regina to be the smaller. There is abundance of wealth in Sassatoon. Within one hour the business men raised $too,ooo for a Y. M. C.'A. building, and within four hours a fund of 8t,ooo,ooo to asaiat manufact- urers to establish new industries. the money to be loaned them on small interest. There are about 700 auto. mobiles in the oity. With the money stringency a re. action wee bound to let in. ' 'We may be. little quiet this summer but watch us next year" is the general feeling. Successful Fairs _ u - "RHJ owrmrned burying the occup~ th it. Luckily no one was in. DUNDALK ubic was exeell- 7. Mellobb Bros. comes in horses are the landing The race chars: REVIEW by _ , bin} as er $300 TORONTO the 1M HEATS WIS tV LADIES: Remember the special Spire": Corset Sale throughout the summer months. The unbreakable stay and not sold in stores. Mr Malcolm McPhee. of Nemgh; Visited with Mr and Mrs A. Morton last week. MRS J. c. menu, Representative Box 107, Barium Mrs E. Middleton left last we"ek tur' Chicago. whero she WI” spend the winter with her duugbter. Mrr8rmth. We were very sorry to heat of Mr Joseph Townsend's death, which we read in the Guelph Mercury of Sept. 2511). We have been I render of the Review ever since Mr Townsend pruned the first one Ind like it better every week. Mrs J. Yessie attended the Ladies’ meeting at .l)ornoch_ op Monday last. Mr and Mrs John Morrison, of town and Mrs G. Campbell attended the farewell services here Int Bun- day. Mrs J, Vessie and family. of town, spent the week cud with friends but The Adult Bible Class held a social in the church here last. Thursdly. After ten there was a good programme called " by the chairman, Mr Nell Clark and a very enjoyable time was spent by all present. Ber. N. Stevenson punched his farewell sermon last. Sunday and Rev. Mr McKinnon, of Cutaworth, will occupy the intlpit next Sunday. Mr: Gun, fir., of Durham. gave an able address " the W. F. M. S. tbankoffering meeting here last week, Mrs Gun has mmy friends " the Rocky who bore she will be able to wait this Society soon again,as she always has a kind smile and words of eneou"iyrment. The 3 minute contest : 1 Bad Kyle owned by Rutledge ol'larkdnle. 2, Thombury Girl. owned by Matthew- ot'Sbelbnrnc. Hebrew. J. Pilgrims, horse WIS 3rd and Prince Albert owned by Palmer of Dundulk, last. Joe. Miller won the 2.30 (extra) trial in 3atraight flatrheis, with Darky Brino, owned by MeNalrot Lucknow, taking and place; Bllly C.. from o. Sound and Lady Medium of Dundllh were in 3rd and 4th places. The Jam“ Fax Fan Co. provided tho laugh: tor the "n couu m. Ex. bndmuur Joe Parks wu (mug-d for 6100 to come on: from Manitoba and lead the music again. THE RACES The speed contests were fast and exciting. In the Free for all, Emily do Forest, owned by Joe. Shellol of Lucknow won flirt money in 3 fast heats. Comet wus 2nd and Chime! Boy finitstted 3rd. Titmr--2 22 rclnwu - ...%F.. v. - ..-'-" - tries in thorobred cattle while the names of Summon. Muir, Feirbeirn and Patton were prominent in the sheep end cattle. W. D. Connor of Durham won 17 firBte and 6 seconds in poultry. The urny of hone: could not have been surpueed this lide of Toronto, there being 350 entries in the avian: alas-M. Itock display was nevér better. Jatr Fgrgnpou , So_n or, Pete te,,? e:- SPIRELLA CORSETS FRESH GROCERIES are Arriving Dailv We pay pmrticular attention to have (than made on sure comfort and satisfaction to our customers and yet: A select stock of Scotch Twoels in newest designs. Men's suits made to order anteed. A huge stock of Women', suit a A new stock of 8 ing cold, wet weather Try 1fekeehaie'e pure soap, 8 cakes for...,..........:.. .25 A fresh stocx of Ceylon Tats in Starof India .............. .95 Small Profits 8 lbs Figs f01 . t'ir"e1gstoi-............../t5 White Crystal sugar per 100 lb 4.75 Departmental Store, Rocky Saugeen Light of Asia . . . Live Bring us your Butter and Eggs Poultry bought every day except Stuuray--priea, ol hfdKethm1)'tarektr News 'trs, vhrCi'tW:J, REMINDERS )(SK or motel) Twoels in Women's and Men's Suitings in the Men's suits made to order on short notice and a good fit guhr- 'ge stock of Women', suit ands, no two alike. to choose from. k of Shoes and Rubbers in the Invest styles to suit the Loni-ouch- JUST ARRIVED ft v, MlfNiXiggybgl= 1lllftlg 1lllglggfNllytlirill4RlytX 3E J, McKEGHNIE 1riaas 'illgeirrllliiis"l'irl"mmsiaitaet ii' BIO" FIREE ii SALE E Ache Down Town Shoe State EGGS TAKEN AS CASE We have given 30m r lines of footwear notice to leave our store. To quckly help them out we have reduced prices till there is hardly any price left. Sm: LaJies' slippers an} Oxfords. reg.$2.00. new SI.00 Misses tral Children White Oxfords now. . .. .... 50c Other broken lines also away down. o" Call and see if your size is here. ‘ Macfarlane & G .25 .35 MACFAftLANE'S DRUG STORE NOTICE TO LEAVE Custom Work and Repairing as usual Particulars in next issue Pine suits of Clothing mule to order...............$17to$22 4 yds wide Linoleum per yd.. 2.00 A large stock of Rugs in the newest designs (on 2nd floor) A good stock of Floor Oileloth in the different widths. ' "heat Cull Prices made on easy fitting lasts, to on and yet in the newest styles. on at styles to suit the approach- REMINDERS hang. weekly. Durham . MclLRAlTH OCT , Mt f'". W W qt, VF UNA. Brown , with Um Uranus“ Gelott wlw bolt “In Mu, ll 322;??? "C" OCT. 16. 1913 Were you with the It in our out Stud Our Openi We " Western The iu flowing head. I Glut! Owl It x (We! Men, lo M Branching HOTTU : Freshest Mn Careful I] Thorough Dry Go Just " n The Ou, Pharm magnum in PEI Popular ink SPECIA M McGowm Ames CORSI oils " HUS! this mom SATL BI mu li llc II

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