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Durham Review (1897), 23 Oct 1913, p. 2

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9 +> > e a4%" ¢ $ v Â¥4 ('AN!‘EB. TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC. / internal and external, cured withâ€" out pain by our home treatment. Write ue before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical (o.. Limited, Collingwood, Ont. (V ALL 8TONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD Â¥ der Stones, Kidnoy trouble, Gravel, Lumbago and kindred ailments positively cured with the new German remedy. ‘Sanol," price $1.50. Another new remedy for Diabetesâ€"Mellitus. and sure curs, is "Sanol‘s Antiâ€"Diabetes." Price $2.00 from druggists or direct. The Sanol Manufacâ€" turing Company of Canada, Limited. Winnineg. Man. CO!'NTRY WEEKLY NEWSPAPER FOR Sale in good Ontario town. Excellent xnlnc for man of energy. Write Wilson blishing Company, Toronto. x"* Song Success. "My Wonderful Girl N. Wilson, 2 Melinda St., Toronto. If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Evelids. Doesn‘t Smart â€"Soothes Eye Pain. Dru(fgists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25¢c, 50c. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25¢c, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. An Eye Tonic Good for All Eyes that Need Care Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicasge Suitabie for Milis, Manulacturing Plaeats, Printing Heuses, Ete. t Wood Spliit Pulleys, 12%% x 48 in. for 3 18018 in. abhait. 1 Wood Bplit Pulley, 12% x 48 in for 2 18516 in. sahaft. l Wood fplit Pulley, 13% x 28 in. for 3 7/16 in. ahaft. zes to be sold at very low figures. Pulleys & Shafting sad H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. FR(,‘]T, STOCK. GRAIN AND DaIR&Y Farma in all sections of Ontaria Some «naps. l“ AaACTORY SITEA, WITH OR WITHOUT Railway _ trackage, in . Toronte. tRamnton and other towns and eilties. Crawfordâ€"Why don‘t you try jollying your wife slitt{e‘l It‘s easy to tell her she‘s looking vounger and more beautiful every day . Try Murine Eye Remedy LI0OUID SULPHUR removes the af RHEUMATISM. H. W. OAWSON, Colborne 8t., Toronts * * ferent Foreign Stamps. Catalogue. Album. only Seven Cents. Marke Stamp she her Something On. Kittyâ€"I was up late last night. Marieâ€"What was going on!t Kitty â€"The engagement ring. Asked to pray for warm weather w that her grandma‘s rheumatism might pass away, a little girl knolt and said : "Oh, Lord, please make it hot for grandma.‘"‘ Walking along a country road one day two city youths met an old man whom they thought they would have a little fun with at his exâ€" pense. ‘‘Watch me take a rise out of this old chap,‘"‘ said one to the other. ‘"Say, my man," said he, ‘"‘can you tell me the meaning of the word ‘nothing?‘‘‘ _ ‘"Bedad, I‘m sure I don‘t know, young felâ€" low,‘‘ came the reply, ‘"but you‘ll find it in the place where your brains ought to be.‘"‘ The youth asked no more conundrums. C*TAWP COLLECTORAâ€"HUNDRED DIP How My Hair Is ComingOut! Prevent Tonight rub your scal};nlightly with Cuticura Ointment. In the mornâ€" ing shampoo with Cuticura Soap. No other emollients do somuch for dry, thin and falling hair, dandruff and itching scalps, or doit sospeedâ€" ily, agreeably and economically. Full directions in every package. _ Cuttours Soap and Olntment are sold throughout WiHson Publishing Co., Toronto. ompany. Toronto The world. A liberal smmple of each, with 32â€"page booklet on the care and treatment of the skin and scalp, seut postâ€"free. Address Potter Drug & Chem, Corp., Dept. 17D, Bosto0, U. 8. A, Cuticura Soap and Ointment ‘EXD is CENTS POR THE WALTZ Minard‘s Liniment Relieves Neuralgla. .‘LLIWI"S BUSINESS COLLEGE, TOâ€" 4 ronto. Canada‘s Populart Commer Wood Bplit , 10% x 30 in. TJc 3 un m es *_* ~OTTO HIGEL" When buying your Piano _ insist on having an ESIDENTIAL PROPERTIEY | hJ Brampton and 1 dozen cther towm* rabshawâ€"I tried that once, and nailed me for money to have picture taken. BSchool. Magnificent Catalogue free. NEWSPAPER FOR SALE. Piano Action STAMPS AND CONS. FARMS FORM SALB. FOR MISCELLANEOUE Losing Game. of EDUCATION. Sat On. To Be lloalthi You Must Keep the Blood Rich, Red and Purs Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills are useâ€" ful in any disease caused by thin or impure blood, and the list of such diseases is astonishingly large. Ansemia literally means a condiâ€" tion in which the blood is thin and watery. Chlorosis is & form of anaemia most common to growing GOOD BLOOD THE SECRET OF HEALTH girls. In rheumatism the blood beâ€" comes thin more rapidly than in any other disease. After an attack of la grippe or acute fevers the blood is always thin and impure, and Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills are the tonic to use during convalesâ€" cence. When the blood is poor and thin the stomach suffers. The food ferments, gas and certain acids form and the trouble is pronounced indigestion or dyspepsia. _ The nerves receive from the blood all ‘of their nourishment to keep up their energy and repair waste or damage. Some forms of paralysis are caused by thin blood. The proâ€" gress of locomotor ataxia is stopped in many cases when the blood is made pure, rich and red. This is only a partial list of the troubles having their origin in impure, watery blood, and all can be cured by supplying the blood with its missing constituents. This is exactly what Dr. Wilâ€" liams‘ Pink Pills do. Their chief mission is to make rich, red blood, and this good blood reaches every organ and every nerve in the huâ€" man body, thus driving out â€"disease and bringing renewed health and strength to thousands of weak, deâ€" spondent people. Bold by all dealers in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams‘ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Mr. Harris has been experimentâ€" ing with potatoes for years, and some time ago he noticed a healthy stalk growing among a crop of Northern Stars and El Dorados, all of which were affected by blight. He took up the root of the healthy plant, and finding it in a perfect state began to experiment. The reâ€" sult is that a potato now called the New Era has been grown. The plant was carefully nourished and tended, and for several seasons a new crop was propagated from the seeds of the previous crop. The variety has been placed under the closest observation, but on no occaâ€" sion has there been the slightest trace of blight or disease caused by frost, though the crop planted next to it has been blackened by sovere cold and is even now badly affected. Ask your neighbors. There is not an inhabited corner in Canada where Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills have not restored some sufferer, and all over this country there are grateful people who do not hesitate to say they owe healthâ€"in some cases life itselftâ€"to this great mediâ€" cine. If you are ailing begin to cure yourself toâ€"day by using Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills. New Zealand Plant Cannot Be Afâ€" fected by Cold. A new blightproof and frost reâ€" sisting potato has been discovered by John Harris of Raethi, New Zealand. The discovery is said to be the most important one in agriâ€" culture for many years, and the Agricultural Department of the New Zealand Government has inâ€" vestigated the phenomenon and adâ€" mitted that the properties claimed for the new potato are beyond question. FROSTPROOF POTATO FOUND. Mrs. Adeclare Ouillette, St. Bruno, Que., says: ‘"My little boy cried night and day from stomach trouble and nothing seemed to help him till I got a box of Baby‘s Own Tablets. They soon made him well and happy again. I have also found them valâ€" uable at teething time.‘‘ Thousands of other mothers have the same praise to offer not only for stomach trouble and teething troubles but for all the minor ills of little ones. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Wifeâ€"*‘James, do you know that ou are a very small man?"‘ Husâ€" iand~“How ridiculous! I am very nearly six feet in height.‘" Wgoâ€"-“’l‘hat makes no difference ; whenever I ask you for money to go shopping you are always short." ‘"Where would you hide?‘‘ asked the parson, with a Crown. ‘"I never heard of but one perfect boy,""‘ said Johnnie, pensively, as he sat in the corner doing penance. ‘‘And who was that?‘ asked maâ€" ma. ‘‘Papaâ€"when he was little," was the answer. ‘‘Friend,""‘ said the Quaker understand thee‘s clever at catching.‘ ‘"I have tew equals and no superiâ€" ors at that sport,‘‘ the parson reâ€" plied, complacently. ~ _ ___ _ _ ‘‘Nevertheless, friend," said the Quaker, ‘"if I were a fox, I would hide where thee would never find LIQUID SULPHUR luxuriates your bath. A parson who paid more attenâ€" tion to the pleasures of life than to his sermons, was taken to task for his worldliness by a Quaker friend. The rebuke was none the less effective for being tactful. & ‘‘Friend,‘""‘ said the Quaker, "I would hide in thy study.‘"‘ LIQUID SULPHUR relleves sore feet. CRIED NIGHT AND DAY. A Safe Hidingâ€"Place. Owners to Honor Memory of Clfldl Who Found First Nugget. Tt is just 100 years ago that a girl of 14, Katia Bogdanoff, while playâ€" ing on the banks of the River Molâ€" kowka, a tributary of the Kama, in Russia, found a glittering stone, which afterward was found to be a solid gold nugget. Katia, whose chance find 1éd toâ€" the discovery .of extensive gold deposits in the‘ Ural Mountains, had her nugget roughly snatched away from her, and reâ€" ceived as a reward twentyâ€"five strokes of the birch, administered by order of a foreman of the then existing Demidoff iron works. mm en mt e This man, in ignorance, feared that the Russian Government, to whom belongs by law all precious metal found in the soil, would on hearing of the find put him out of employment and permit only gold mining in the region. The news of the nugget could, however, not be entirely suppressed in this way, alâ€" though the first gold washing operâ€" ations in the Urals were not underâ€" taken until ten years later. Today the Ural gold mines proâ€" duco more than 1,000 ewt. of gold every year. The mine owners have now decided, by way of a tardy reâ€" cognition, to erect a statue of little Katia on the spot where she found the first nugget. _ Says Roar of Life There Is More Impressive Than Niagara. The fact that James Russell Lowâ€" ell is about to publish a volume of hitherto uncollected essays recalls the fact that London has counted few more enthusiastic admirers than him. In one of his letters he refers to the London climate as ‘"‘the best in the world,""‘ and in anâ€" other he remarks : "I do like London, and it gives a fillip to my blood, now growing more sluggish than it used to be. I love to stand in the middle of the park and forget myself in that dull roar of ever circulating life which bears a burden to the song of the thrush I am listening to. It is far more impressive than Niagara, which has nothing to do and can‘t help itself. In this vast torrent all the drops are moen.‘‘ Had Pains in Back, Side, and Chest No stronger proof of the wonderful merit of Nerviline could be produced than the letter of Miss Lucy Mosher, who for years has been a wellâ€"known resident of Windsor, N.S. "I want to add my unsolicited testiâ€" mony to the efficacy of your wonderful liniment, ‘Nerviline.‘ I consider it the best remedy for a cold, sore throat, wheezing tightness in the chest, etc., and can state that for years our home has never been without Nerviline. I had a dreadful attack of cold, that settled on my chest that fourteen difâ€" ferent remedies couldn‘t break up. I rubbed on Nerviline three times a day, used Nerviline as a gargle, and was completely restored. I have inâ€" duced dozens of my friends to use Nerviline, and they are all delighted with its wonderful power over pain and sickness. Suffered for Weeks, But Finally Found a Quick, Sure Relief. "You are at liberty to publish this signed letter, which I hope will show the way to health to many that need to use Nerviline. (Signed) "LUCY MOSHER." All sorts of aches, pains, and sufâ€" feringsâ€"internal and externalâ€"yield to Nerviline. Accept no substitute. Large family size bottles, 50c¢.; trial size, 25¢., at all dealers, or the Caâ€" tarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Ont. Bennieâ€"Yes, Grandma, I know I ain‘t very big, but I‘ve got an awâ€" ful thin shell! Mrs. Crabshawâ€"‘"Why didn‘t you tell me before I married you that you were never home before midâ€" night ?" Crabshaw â€" ‘"I thought you knew it, my dear. I used to be around in your place as late as that nearly every night."‘ Plenty of Room Inside. Grandmother â€" Why, _ Bennie, what a big dinner you are eating for such a very little boy ! DISCOÂ¥ERED GOLD MINES. The railway ticket collector in England put his head in at the carâ€" riage door and addressed the jolly individual inside. ‘‘Tickets, please,‘"‘ he said. The smiling one looked at him with alcoholic sadness. ‘"Got no ticket (hic); don‘t boâ€" thgr me,‘" he said, settling down again The collector at once produced his receipt book and after consultâ€" ing a table of fares, exclaimed : ‘"‘Five and six, please.‘"‘ ‘‘What‘s that?" queried the merâ€" ry one. f _"Five and six, please,‘"‘ repeated the collector. The other thought a moment and looking up said : "Eleven.‘" Minard‘s Liniment for sale everywhere. LOWELL FOND OF LONDON. Minard‘s Liniment Cures Dandruf Cured Quickly by "Nerviline." Readily Answoered. IS8UE 42â€"13. Do Your Looks Quiteâ€"Satisfy You ? If Your Color Is Bad, If You Suffer From Pimples, Here Is Good Advice. Miss Nettile E. Callaghan, a wellâ€" known young lady in Middleton, writes &3 follows: "I was affected for two years with a rash, and ugly looking pimples that spread over my face. My color was poor, and my blood evidently completely out of order. Certainly it was a most desâ€" pairing sort of a case, because various treatments did but little to help me. A friend of mine in Toronto, Ont., advised me to get Dr. Hamilton‘s Pills, so I sent at once for five boxes. In two weeks I felt like newâ€"looks improved, spirits rose, and I felt I was getting well. I have used this remedy for a long time, and now wouldn‘t be without it." If you are in ailing health, have blood disorders, stomach trouble, or headaches, Dr. Hamilton‘s Pills will help you quickly. All druggists and storekeepers sell Dr. Hamilton‘s Pllls of Mandrake and Butternut. 25¢. per box, five for $1.00. Sent postpaid by the Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. "‘Only in a roundabout way. Her cat boards at my house.‘"‘ "‘Are you acquainted with Mrs. Hifly, your fashion_al_;le neighbo'r'?” Dear Sirs,â€"Your traveller is here toâ€"day and we are Bett.inf &. l"ie quantity of your MINARD‘S LINIMENT. We find it the best Liniment on the market making no exception. We have been in business 13 years and have handled all kinds, but have dropped them all but yours; that wells itself; the others have to be pushed Bear Ieland, Aug. 2%, 193 Minard‘s Liniment Co., Limited. to get rid of. How the Roman Citizen Conducted His Correspondence. Modern letterâ€"writing involves more superfluous ‘orms than the anâ€" cients used. There was an admiraâ€" ble directness and brevity in the Roman method of correspondence, as we can see from the letters of Cicero. to reform it, for during the Revoluâ€" tion many of the Republicans dropâ€" ped all epistolatory forms, and weâ€" turned to the simplicity and brevity of the Romans. Thus, Napoleon Bonaparte, unless he were writing to the ruler of another country, rarely had any ‘"beginning‘‘ or ‘"‘ending‘‘ to his letters. His letâ€" ters, before his accession to Imperâ€" ial power, began and ended in tbs Roman manner, except that he di not even trouble himself to~write the equivalent of "Vale."‘ He began most of his communicaâ€" tions in this manner :; ‘‘To Sextilius Rufus, Quaestor,‘‘, or ‘"To Acilius, Proconsol"‘ ; and when he had finâ€" ished his letter, he usually stopped with the simple ‘"Vale.‘" Someâ€" times, when he was writing to his daughter, to his brother, or to his favorite secretary, Tiro, he would say at the end, ‘"Again I bid you farewell,"‘ or ‘"Farewell, and conâ€" tinue to love me.‘"‘ But nine letters in ten he began with the name of the person addressed, and ended with the single word "Farewell." But even this was moderate comâ€" pared with the forms often used in addressing persons of high rank and royalty,. In writing to Frederick the Great, in 1771, d‘Alembert conâ€" cludes a letter in this style: "Be pleased to accept, sire, with your usual goodness, the ardent prayers I offer up for the preservation of your precious life and for the pros perity of your undertakings, and that you may enjoy that glory and happiness which Your Majesty so much merits. _ With these sentiâ€" ments, as well as with the tenderest and most profound respect, which I shall to tEe last maintain,. I am, sire, of Your Majesty the most humâ€" ble and affectionate servant." The French carried extravagance of this sort to the greatest exâ€" tremes, but they wore also the first Sometimes a Roman citizen who had received a great favor from a superior would put an expression of thanks at the end of his letter, as when Marcus Maroellus says to Cicero "I shall try to convince you that you have conferred your good offices upon one who is most sinâ€" cerely and warmly your friend. Farewell.‘"‘ But this is an unusualâ€" ly long formula for a Roman. «During medieval times a morey elaborate form of letterâ€"writing flourished, and it eventually grow into a most extravagant mode of epistolatory homage, that prevailed until the beginning of the nineâ€" teenth century. Our forefathers were as cereâ€" monious and elaborate in their letâ€" ters as they were in their drawingâ€" room manners. Thus, in 1762, Wilâ€" liam Pitt concludes a letter to the mayor of Norwich thus: ‘"I am, with truest respect and unalterable attachment, sir, your most obedient and obliged humble servant.‘" Willieâ€"Paw, what is horse sense! Pawâ€"The ability to say ‘"neigh," my son. LIQUID SULPHUR cures ECZIEMA ofâ€" fastively and perimnanently. Fine Results in Two Weeks, Minard‘s Liniment Cures Burns, Ete. *4 Cw $ 3 3 drdig & MAP .\ Paw Knows Everything. LETTERâ€" WRIIING. In a Way. W. aA. HAGERMAN. TORONTO England Has More Attractions for Them Than Paris. It is strange that England, so much despised as the home of demoâ€" eracy by fullâ€"blooded autocrats, is generally their home when local democracy gets tired of them. French kings have come to Clareâ€" mont, Holyrood and Chislehuret, and the French Empress is at Farnborough. The present Kaiser‘s grandfather, the great William I., was a resident of Carlton House Terrace when as Prince of Prussia Berlin was too hot for him. It is so long ago to be quite forgotten, but Prince Chris tian‘s residence there is a compenâ€" sation for his loss of the throne of Denmark. When Alphonse Daudet wrote ‘Les Rois en Exil"‘ Paris was their usual home, but the air of a repubâ€" lic toâ€"day seems only suiter to the taste of Russian grand dukes. They still remain faithful to "the city of light‘‘ with the exception of one, who prefers Hampstead. A clergyman whose patriotism exceeded his powers of oratory was speaking upon his favorite subject. At last he E:;t. that something great was required of him. He worked himself up to a climax. ‘‘Patriotâ€" ism,‘‘ he exclaimed, ‘"is the backâ€" bone of the British Empire, and what we have to do is to train that backbone and bring it to the front." It happened to & local «old a cheap acid corn i the reliable Putnam‘s ( Substitutes burn _ the cures the corn. Use only nam‘s" 2%¢. at all dealeri prayer "Oi can‘t see that there‘s any thing in it,"‘ asserted Casey. "O never got anything out of it.‘"‘ "Well.‘" said McCarthy, "don‘ ] RFMEMBER ! McCarthy got into an argument with Casey about the efficacy of 1 ELECTRIG DYNAMO or oenerayor. FOR SALE 30 KW, 110 10LJS, D.G., 8. FRANK WILSON & sONs, v_:hp wwe COs ele . At a Very Reasonable Figuro for Immediate Gale. ALMOST 78 Adclaide 8t. West, TORONTO. MAXWELL S out of the way of the cover, This allows practically the whole top of the tub to open upâ€"â€" mmakes it easy to put in and take out clothes, No other washer has as large am opening. No other washer can be worked with crank Aandie at side as well as top lever. Do you use Maxwell‘s "Favorits"=the churn thet makes quality butler? Write us for catalogues if your dealer does not handle there, 89 DAFD MAXWELL & $088, $T. MARTS, Oat. Fighting The Wringes Board extends from the side, EXILED RULERS®. wi1GH SPEer HQHAMPIQRD His Patriotism. and Praying e only dealers LYNCHED 1 druggist that salve instead of Corn â€" Extractor. fieshâ€"Putnam‘s y the bestâ€""Putâ€" «»pWhy use Teas of uncertain ‘& quality and value, when delicious Black, Green or Mixed. _ Sealed Psckets Only. RUSSELL MOTOR CO., LIMITED. 100 RICHMOND S8ST. WEST P HKONH .A DHLAIDE 327060 Faken in Exchange for NEW Models MOTOR CARS . NKEX TS TB IEE ‘ 35 D TLa ALD f / NT 1 <e%é CA $ mfl Vé'j <>» mM & ]jw 8 f @', PNP iss fup ij @El%;%é@joc 'I:e; can be had on demand. ,, "Russell" Mcodel "22." Fiveâ€"passenger tourâ€" ing, fully equipped. Wheel base 120 in., wheel 36 in. Has Knight engine and is in splendid shape. Price ......................$1,500.00 "Russell" Model "R." This is a highâ€"class fiveâ€" passenger car, fully equipped with fore doors and accessories. FPrice ...............$900.00 "Russell" Model "38." Body of torpedo type. bargain. Price ... _ _car is fully equipped and is a genuine @**1Â¥is ++* «x + R$1,Q00,.00 One of the most complete model team engines, turned out, and rans rlke sixty, spurting steam find makâ€" ng as much fuss as thoug! ft were runnlne, the electric light plant zz mfi:} wn. . Has brass lmuere , with eafety valve, b) etoe} fire box with spirit burpers, and blued steel chimney. All running parts of beet quality metal. Bend us '['10‘" name and addrees and we wi send z’ou 40 sets of season, Bm.hdu{. Fioral and other postcards to sell at 10 cents a eot ‘%.belnuml cards in each sot), n ?old send us the money, uni we will eend you the engine, m‘ charges prepaid. Address Free to Boys aSNOH H3M04 3HML» SPECIAL." Horizontal Model STEAM ENGINE HOMERâ€"WARREX CO. DEPT. &, TORONTO. u"e fl'g YJ r/ Commander CAPTAT @s inch, u:ndyo;‘ Uaptains, 0 bravest of them U fhe ?Mnun on P:; awaited, But in trade will Shave in tent, mecofding t« Large Incre MORF #} €«1 EU An which y A V l COMMENT Nobody Bru Supposediy Har patch from New d ¢ Another Antarc V acuumâ€"cle How Lif Twenty Ye he 1} St xi i1 Ih

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