West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 30 Oct 1913, p. 1

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Ned being velty fine addiâ€" tud Mr with olstei rham , Vilson g~A )F & a 6 & V hb the ersig n luring cattleâ€" ildren h ber rown, ) Holâ€" Hamâ€" &N 18 Rural etipg r the very oth Rs\ holiâ€" )ther 1 ar M Be 0 Or eli en n A# | * Owing to an overâ€"crowding of work at this season, all changes of advertisements MUST be in theâ€"pubâ€" lisher‘s hands by 1 p. m. Monday to insure publication. Cement Employâ€" ees Banquetted. When full justice had been done to the tempting viands, the chair was taâ€" kea by Premdent and Manager Calder, who gayse the official welcome in hearty warm words. As Toastmaster be gave the usual leyal toast * the Kiag" which was drunk to in eold wates, fallowed by the nmational anâ€" them. Thenext was " The Prosperity of the National Portland Cement Oo.," to which severalof the Directors and ethers replied. bartel indica #Liutl such Cemme: baule ef co these reach oB, i monr, about T70 miles ! Freiznt payments on marl and ce.] ment »mounted to m.m'). of whie $6,000. 0¢ was on elay and $23,000,00 on warl. _ Them there was an qutlay of $9,000 OJ in co«al while there was a wage roll of $45,000,00, Notwithstamding all this outlay he bad the comforiing news that a bank indebiedness of $200,000 three years ago, was being steadily reduced. »canding at present less than $100,000, l« remioded chem that the prige of cement bad been reduced by 20 cte. a bbl. in that time. lt ean easily be scen by this that bad the old price been in yogue with the present imanâ€" sgemeut, the sharehoiders would zow be receiying diyvidends. 4 irector Doelittie said they laryzely had the employees to thauk for the success of iunâ€" company and binued that the time was comiag wheo shareâ€" bolders wouls be gratitied by diyiâ€" dends and employees by increase in wages. â€" Dr. U. lyilie, another Director was gratified »t the position the manâ€" agewent amd employees were bringing tue â€" amll_ and â€" Wirectors _ Fraiey, Joyn\ and Hamilton spoke in the same nopeviile sgrain as did Mersrs lewin and McPbersou, the latter being une ol the beay ieat sharehoid ers . MrJ A. Grabam for nine years on the office staif made a goou »pesch vwinpl.menting the managemeut and reyrelling that the present bead of the coucern bad uot reached there souner, Mesers J. P. Telford and 0. llimage added their quota of kind words, the former rendering " Kule Britanuis " in Hne atyle. Ihe third and last toast was to ""the Empleyees," which was beartily reâ€" spouded to and they were declared to ve "Joily WGood Feliows," Amoungst chose respording to this were foreman Mcdrr engweers Whitchureh and Hildebrandi, chemists Ryger and warling, Goodwin electrician, Kobertâ€" ‘a andColeridge of the office staff, R. Lorry and T. 0. Morton. Responding io the toust musically there Were many and varied centrinutions ; Dr. Colville ended bis remaras with a fine uld ltish song, Mr Teiford gave the loyal touch anud others who made the evening pass thus pleasantly were Meests Geo,. Frape, â€" Hawkins, Henry Simwpson, â€"Gordon, the latier two reâ€" veiving hearty encores, The success of the Company depends more on the employees and the manâ€" agement tkan on the Directors was Saleman Tookey‘s opiniun. He gaye his experience in selling, which was a happy one, owing to the good name { the Brand. Mr Pestigrew, the othâ€" er salesman, Rad the same story and he declared be had sold wore even cvlose io other planis than he bad in * Not one of 6000 ca. loads of cement retarned,â€"a record not equalled anyâ€" where."â€"Calder, * I have bad a pleasant and a busy where. â€"Caider, " I have bad a pleasant and a busy year in Durham and bave found Durâ€" ham people of the first order."â€"Secy. Robertsoun. being vas t 'nllh W hi CUme." "I would like Canadians to have closee and fricadly relations with the United States."â€"Uhemist Ryder. * Wo have tried to‘be careful in our work and have been fortanate in freeâ€" dow from accidents."â€"Asst, Chemist Darling. To huast that to â€" ts ridge. standibg the farge OULPN® NMOTIATS plant is in good shape."â€"MePherson. " The break made in the Directorate at the last aneual meeting bas been weided by a good Joyns."â€"Graham. " Prospects are improving: Hope the day will soon come when shareâ€" hoiders will get dividends and workâ€" men increased rewards."â€"Everybody. Intending trayellers and the Public should uote the following changes in the movemeut of trains and mail clos ing changes made necessary. Morning (rain east leayes Durbam at 7.07 a. m, ; Té}é;iov;nor-m. train arrives in Durham at 12.11 p. m. (Mail for Hanover and west by this traln closes at 11.50 a. m.)) Afterncoon train east leayes at 3.48 p. m. [Ilml for this train closes at 3.30 p.m.) Toronto evening train arrives at Al p. m. VOL. XXXV1L, NO. 44 haye tbee im sue t ak @B Lie $a :ot ps the o hustli~ & well k eal c been pleased to see not withâ€" the large output that vhe P. R. Time Table n ie men all appreciate o confidence, . The nen can dois to put T« e staff as they like â€"Accountant â€" Coleâ€" en are bustlers, _aud n the President is a Engineer At considerable cost two new ecal furnaces will be installed in the Presâ€" byterian ehurch. The want for new heating appliances has been felt for some time. The Gevernor General, the Duchess of Connaught and Princess Patricia are again at 5ttlwn. The popularity of the Duchess will be iucreascd by her return after her serious illuess. C He Set tus® Warours.â€"If you missed your train or overslept yourâ€" selves at any time during the past year, awing to the fact that your watech was slow, the man has been discovered who was responsible for such, He is Mr George Easton, of Ailsa Craig and a ministerial studeat of «Iknox OUoliege, who supplied the Presbyterian puaipt on Sunday. Nr Easton is an astrologer and astrono _mer of a high ordes and during pas year held the appointment of setti the time for tke Dominion of Cana No complaints of any kind e hand and it can be assumed tha * made good " at the job. BHeis an houor mathematician and the tromomical teacher at Varsity year. tave Retatr Mercuasnts Association,. Mr. Maher agent of the Provincial M# R ; was in town last Vernon Elvidge, driver of Beggs® delivery rig, sustained slight injuries en his knee and body on Saturday night, when a part of the barness breaking, the horse became unmanâ€" ageable. In trying to hold the animal he was kicked on the knee and abdoâ€" men, but fortu th aye provyed serious.} The rig was also partly amas y the animal which has figured in such eyents as runaâ€" ways before now. week and organized a branch here This Associxtion which ,-7(-â€"--â€"“ by special a&l'.!ltn‘ Dongtnion Pa = is intended to protect tWe commercial interests of all ‘gectiony of the Retail Trade and to advacate Bonest goods and honest trading. It is/aiso part of its purpose to watch a fegislation affectâ€" ing the interests of the retail trade aud also by mutual confideniges save themâ€" selves from the m}denir le patronage of ** deadâ€"beats." /By elitminatiug these they will be enabled to réader better m ce t t customâ€" e oMfcers are: Pres W. Black, st. Vice Pres. Jno. H. Hunter, Seoy. J, S. Meliraith, Treas., Jno. McKechâ€" nie. â€"" 0 it B 4 CIf NNN WLEV1 Ourt Main Streets for over two weeks has been rendered picture:que hy the moving thereon of the Town Hall, looking far more massive and im ptesâ€" sive than it did on its origin=l gite. It is now on George St,. and before many days will be in posicion 02 the foundations prepared for it jus! west of the Clerk‘s office. The town gave a eigh of reli« { wher the cement bridge was safely crossed, | for there had been doubts expresst d as to _whot.her the heayy sizructure, weighing over 100 toms, would not prove too muc! forM‘i{mfir test is ever lkely to "be made, and notbing approaching the present test is possivle by the heaviest vehicular traffic, Many carpings were made at its eonstruction that it wasan‘t being done right, thas the reâ€"enforcing iron work was not being placed right, &c , 1 but this test is satisfactory and should | give satisfaction to Reeve Calder, the inspector during comstruclion. Mr. Rogers and his men have had some very disagreeable: weather and the difficulties of turning the buge and beayy structure in limited space have been great, greater we fear than expected, and as & consequence the contractors will lose by the job. The skill and patience displayed in this unique work has won the admiration of :‘all spectators and they have been The Review to new subscribers to the end> of the year for 15 cents many . Presby‘n SraANDAID Is a sehool where young Men and women are properly trained for pesitions of trust. Business men are realizing this faet ard consequently we are soon able to place our graduates in bigh class situations, They reâ€" main where they are placed because they are prepared for responsible weork. When you remember that this college is connected with the Central Business College, Stratford, and the Blliott Business College, Toronto, two of the bust institutions in the province, you will not be surprised why we obtain such good results. Ask our students and graduates what we have done for them and they will say ‘‘More than amyone else eould have done." Graduate from this College and we will do the same for you. he BAaANK A Successiul Moving OF EANADA â€" DUR HA M BRA NCH, e ©an > > . 4 éwn/@w;;%l@/dg’ Anniversary Services. OFFICE + %+=2" «ie C t Rzeo» Briock ror SALm®.â€"Apply to Dan McAuliffe, Upper Town. Good general purpose mare and foal for sale. L Horse Astray.â€"On Friday last a tray horse came to the Central Hotel premises, Owner may have the same by provieg property and paying expenses. MoPreEs & CaxErox. Revy, Mre Holmes. a missionary to Japan, at present home on farlough, gave most interesting addresses in the Methodist church on Sunday and Monday. SEar Lost.â€"Lost in Durham about 2 weeks ago, a goldâ€"mountea stone seal, with letters © G. B," eut in â€"~tone. Finder will be suitably rewarded by relurming same to this (Review) office. 31 Rov. Lobluson, Clarksburg, Inspectâ€" or of 8, 3. for lMuron Dioeese, was at the rectory addressing teachers and thoâ€"e interested in Sunday Behool, on Wednesday night,. oru Prac® FoRr Scott.â€"In the 2 30 Pace in the HWallerest races in Toronto, on Wednesdeay of last week, " Maggie B." owned by Robert Scott of Durham won fifth place in a fHeld of nine enâ€" wries. 1t required 4 beats to decide the race, a haif mile crial and the Durham norse Unished numbers 6, 4, 6, 6, The purse to be divided was for $300, The boot and shoe business of Mr Thos. McGrath and lately carried on by his father, Mr: _ M. MeGrath, has been sold to Mr Wm. saunders, son of Mr 8. P. Saunders ot (ow‘lfl'uny {riends in town who did no now of the event hitherto, will be interested to learn that " Will " is now a beneâ€" dict, bhaving been married last A pril, DL TT TEA 4 100 . 1B s 4 5.09 ind Pn t ciliiin eP COMaF Under such conditions, the glad hind of citizemship will be doubly extended to the town‘s latest business man, No Prry ror Poor SPELLERS.â€" School Teachers io South Grey will have no pity on pupils who are poor speliers atâ€"least they won‘t take any action towards a reduction of marks for misspelst words until the new and improved spelling books are out. A resolution to this effeet was yoted on at the conventionin Ramover. Wentâ€". worth, North Wellington, North Perth and other inspectorates have endorsed a resolution to do so but South Grey is biding its time for the present. The resolution which has been forwarded to the Government reads as follows: "That whereas spelling is a gift that many have a great difficulty in acquirâ€" ing, and some completely fail to acâ€" quire; that whereas many pupils, other , wise well qualified fail to pass the | speiling examination, and are thereâ€" ‘]l’nre- d»barred from passing into the | High School, we theretofore respect. | tully request the ERducation Departâ€" ment to deduct one mark for each misapelt word on the dictation paper, icd fmtner, if the candidate pass rccaesfally on the other subjects Aor "TTHE business man & customers in vanous parts of C.mada or elsewhere wfll find the services of this bank of invaluable assistance in collectâ€" ing drafts, etc. s LSMCS5 D®R. Buitx, Dormoch. DURHAM, THURSDAY, OCTOBER. 30, 1913 iren ne PCoblege led With which is incorporated the Holst#in Leader te Mrs. George Wiilson has sold her house and property at the corner of Chester and Uountess streets to Mr. Jas. Mathews, of Egremont for $050. Mr. and Mrs. Mathews and their daughter Miss Jane, will become residents in this town shortly . Girrs rom Nxuw Brxenicts.â€"The Office staff and employees of the Ceâ€" ment Company did the handsome thing to two of their members who haye been recently married,. Mr E, A,. Goodwin, the electrician of the comâ€" pany, received a fine cut glass service as a token of esteem, while Mv Fred Gibson was presented with » kitchen cabinet, a table and a clock. Mr Thos. Reay, of Aberdeen, while driving on George street on Tuesday afterooon, came in sudden eontact with the head screw post, which is temporâ€" arily fixed in the gentre of the rond aad used in moving ‘the town hall. The harness of his horse beeame entangled with it and amid,fl;e‘plung'es of the anâ€" imal, it could not be liberated until the harness was cut to pleces. ANOTAER ENGINE,.â€"During the past two weeks, 0. 15 R,. locomotive No 2000, has twice been a victim of breakâ€" downs and on g-"llh oceasions either t Rey, Mr McQanslind cama to Durâ€" â€"â€"â€"~~â€" ham from fvl.'._, ; _ in North Grey, 1 A serious and distressing accident & September. 1910@ as successor to the | curred atthe C. P. R. crossing at Hut late Rev, W. L ewton,â€" who some | {”.1 Hill “::.‘I'n'.Ll 4. iI.t"I:()re 6 g‘clock:‘m ;ziimeltp;.vwll;.' mli:' hnd mored 40 | 'Fucsdu)',xmn;zfit )rcsulting in in&“ry to anitoba. u1 is .pastorate in | ,, ; i " Durham, Mr I‘(}fusland‘hns not only | Ll‘flil‘“n‘ ‘t"l‘e':t “t‘: Mrs -JOh“, eay of been fluoceusfmflu: preacher and minâ€" | fo5,) l.'l‘::j"”,:;c hc:."dl,l.‘irl:ms may prov® ister" to his flock, but has taken a | ~_,* L T Pm prominent part in social. spiritual an d ! _ While driving homeward with her moral questrons, incident to the lite of | husband and 14â€"yearâ€"old son Fred, their the town.. In the fight for temperâ€" | buggy was struck by the C. P.R. freight ance, he was especially. io the front | coming from the same direction.. Mrs and at the last local option contest, o | KReay was preparing to jump when the well did he have his forces marshalled | locomotive struck their outfit, but was that there was not a member of the | hurled to the grourd with great force, con«regation opposed to the byâ€"law \ the fall fracturing her skull and caysi Personally he is aiso much liked and | severe scalp wounds, Reay 18 !yâ€" his friends regret to see him depart, ’ ing in an unconscidU$ dition at the With Mrs MeCGanuslandand habe, he | home of Mr Dan McAuliffe in town, leaves in two Weeks timeto take up | NNCTC, Dr}. 4 imleson Vhas recantiy loâ€" his new daties. in Palmerston aud in | g‘:fi‘iu‘;’i \‘:’:;‘ dfl‘tl”“ elfi1 LOEQS:S(”;;\'E ; ; 3 ar n apgs. | BA criticaf \Mr Reay leaying, ha.!‘f'.?“j w"ihxih“‘..px““s | Pred were tossed #evelgl feet by the With Mrs MeCanslandand habe, leaves in two Weeks time1o take his new daties. in Palmerston a m leaying, hosts wili wish thein suc and prowecit; in. theis new ho The salary "affachoo "t8 his ‘new pointment is said to be: consider greater than that paid in towi, though the Durham congregatio much stronger numericaliy. Durham Horticuitural Societ The Annual Meeting of the abo: Society will be beld in the new Libra on Friday, Nov. Tth at 8 p, m, for t election of officers and other busine: Parties interested will kindly atten W ar, MorraT, Cuas. Firts, President Secretary uind naih hn ath ion atd hh d n e w 2 0 wl s m 5 4 in i so o n sns mt mt t m bat t ns freight N)g‘;e © he mard tramt" ba ue of the exÂ¥pre 1 time when. it local yards #&nd ( ost an hour,Sit w i his c 11 frot rre c ® h B enmeommnmuoms tromnncacumtcom mm on mmenr stuleteleCole comeelocelecelscolo ce BIG MILLINERY REDUCTION SALE SATURDAY, Nov. l. And Following â€" Days U A large assortment of Ladie Trimmed and Untrimmed Hal our Show Room and get your price. & t 1$ M °C auslan ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO id 1t I t t} A1 nt 97/0.%0/1171’0 ‘s Tits th e 00e w m EC M w9 M om C On aCO BCom BC Jn t s t NC . McAULIFFE _ & 24 v aln elenele Ralanda" cla cole 2e acel o caleve)a ols Cole ols ol e e Signing Petition to Release Brooks Hppingto aArouse public sentiment in favor of her busband. Arthur Brooks, with the ultimate aim in view of either having his sentence shortenâ€" ed or cancelled. Mis Brooks is engaged in circulating a petition about the town. She started on the task last Saturâ€" day and with almost the Reroic courâ€" age of a spartan mother, she has gone about with the petition after work hours, bearing it from one part ef the town to another, confident in the idea that every name added to the list is a step toward the liberation of her husband, now â€" serying his seven months term in the Central Prison Sofar she has met with, what . she contiders a favorable reception and to get your Hat at your own DT tu es a 1 t ow â€" serying his seven m in the Central Prison has met with, what . she ‘avorable reception and to , bears the names of about a large percentage beiog { prominent citizens, Bha ered opposition in several xpects to meet more when o the Furniture factory, s said that the Methodist s strong sgainst the petiâ€" Cement Company, staff ces have largely lent their n w c S CO00 I0C 00 C C aluiela selaee e celece .'ci' f‘EEflfill 1 Chil dren‘s IT‘rv and visâ€" \ccident has secured as , Barrister Telâ€" cument to Otâ€" ent of Justice‘ t was too late He d that the lirection. the This ty td | The horse advertised in last week‘s Revisw as utr.g has found its ownâ€" er in Mr Meary Bogle of Holstein. Nmeâ€"Her«srâ€"Roerr~â€"Durham â€"R) R, No, 2, covering to the northwest of Darkham, starts on lst of Noy. with John Pust as UontWfiv quiring boxes shoul ess for them at once. All ladies are cordially invited to altend the Women‘s Institute meetâ€" iIng, which is to be held at the home of Mis J. Hepburp, Durbam, en Thurs., Nev. 6, 1913, at 2 p. m. Mrs Lenahan and Mrs Brown will speak on * inner, How and what to Serve," and Mrs J. Grabham on * Lessons from the Life of Relen Kellar." Roll Call, Mr. Nat Haryey, fox owner and poultry fancier, sold 8 red foxes during the past week or so to Prinee Edward Islind buyers, averaging $25 each. He has eleven more of the red breed which he intends to sell in the course ef three weeks or a month. In his kenmels are two silver grey ammals, one haying a streak of black in it and both valued up in the hundreds of dollars. Wostside Lady Resident Has Exciting Experiences. There was an awful moment of susâ€" pense and agony in store for a lady resâ€" ileat in the west eud of the town last \huarsday afternoon, when after hurlâ€" iag a slab at a drunken and persistent int â€"uder and hitting her mark true, he {â€"!! to the ground as if dead. Thinking tast sbhe was the cause of his death iser horror strieken feelings oan scarceâ€" ty be imagined. â€"The man, who was in an inebriated condition, had made himself a general nulsance to several housewives in the west end, but at this home in particuâ€"| ATJ, Bt. Mary‘s and mM vaunn m O! lir, he made himself particularly obâ€"| Britton. noxious. After loitering around for al=| Migg Gertrude MeComb left on S« most twe hours, the lady who resiqu'ur“, for Brantford, where she wi there, determined to be rid of him, 'pursuc her music otud'ics hence the throwing of the missile. Afâ€" | F ter seeing him keel over, she went anxâ€"| . MrJ. D. Abraham and son were : \xously {‘orwnrd ln<‘11 was re'licvcd to finid i London last week. that the stupor he was in was mainly NMr " Tod ‘ Knight, 0. P. R. survey responsible for the mishap and not the | pp jg staying with his wife in town. blow from the slab. The man was later taken to his home and next day informâ€" ation was sworn out against him. On second thought however, the plaintiffs decided to have the mattersettled quietâ€" ly and out of court. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA LONDON, ENG., OFrFrICK Dank Bidgsâ€"Princes Sh Meo., aâ€"A Ped New Mantles !New Dress Fabrics [ New â€"Silks S. F. MORLOCK . ie P " T 4 C w e Capital Pald U ¢ * «* w â€" ... M ADoooe Reserve Fund P s .. 4e 5y > 12,600,000 ECC " son ana mm DURMHAM BRANCH : S. HVGHES, Manager, are cnow being exhibited here in great profusion of tasteful styles, including all the latest seasonable novelties, as confirmed for this season by the leading producers of the world‘s fashion, s Call Eerly While assortments are at their best. THE TRADERS BANK OF CANADA Savings Department at all Branches. WITH WHICH S UNITED INCORPORATED 1869 The REVIEW to Jan. 1, 1915 for $1.00 Préiltzhed Weslkly ap; $3.00 a venr, 0. MRAMAGE 4 30N,Pomussanmae > . (%‘. > %#20,000,/000 Rather; thas allew your neighbor borrew your REVIEW, while you pay the enbseiption rate for both, why not tell him our wonderful offer to new subcribers and let him buy his own papâ€" er. It is the chance of a lifetime : _ Me Bd, Limin left on Tuesday afterâ€" neon fos Regina and will be absent for Hve or six weeks. The yislt is to look after his daughter, Mrs Green‘s interest and atterd to the closing opâ€" erations on his farm near there. Miss Mary Ann Jaekson of "The Gien," Glemelg, leit on Tuesday tor British Columbia, where her brothers live and where she will make her home, Mr Jobhn A. Black, Chesley, made n busigess trip to town, spending part ol Tuesday and Wednesday here. % Me:srs Wm. Calder, Alex McLachâ€" lan and P. Patterson are leaving town Thursday morning for their annual dees hunt in Mushokw Mr Oxl stays in Tor;muf) ('c;r a ~dfily or so%Q attend the trial o oucrn_ l’un.)c‘*' ‘ Cement Co. essrs Frank Roiph, V.: Livingstone, Allie Mcintyre, Ross Mc Corquondale snd Ted !\rcClock!In. ol Toronto, bnt all former Durham boys, ure nloohfoing to the huntsâ€"men para dise in Muskoka. â€"=< Mr John MoFayden, 2nd cen. o Glenelg, received a telegram on Tucs day to the effeet that his brother W was ill with typhoid fover in a hospita at St. George, B. 2. MNrs Bond, of Regina, is visiting wit! her mother, Mrs Geo. Wilson. Mre B. Kyle Jackson left for Hanl ton on Wednesday. Mr Ray R. Loundsbury, of Nort! Bay, was a guest at the home of Mr |! W. Limin‘s for several daye recently . Mre Robt. Watt entertained as visit ors last week her mother, Mre Ed. Ar from Elstinore, her brother Wellingto Ard, 6t. Mary‘s and Mre Cain fro Britton. CoaLkRrIDGE â€"In Owen Seund on 14h GB[‘EM.‘ a daughter, October, â€" '0---_l:: _ ana Mrs, Wm BORN Gency Ceday Sts.

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