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Durham Review (1897), 30 Oct 1913, p. 8

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8 _ 3 < ¢¥ 1e Rural School Fair from one Farmer‘s Standpoint. \ paper prepared by . K. R No. 1, Varm ashif Ing ertion » rural TAYLOR&CO. Dromore :‘3 e00000000 00 00000000009 :é 4 ": v.E.v BREY ctagae es See the new Shawl Collar. Just to istroduce our new Overcoats we will give free with every Overcoat sold for the next ten days a pair of best quality Kid Gioves. \WH you‘re going to get an Overcoat this winter, don‘t miss this opportunity. This is of ; What about a pair of Rubbers ? SQUARE 1School Fair emont, said t iy was held y of Sept. ls considering er. was good tv‘« »nd thei & the recg in Hanover & All Prices From ts ol grains and roots, fair and other requireâ€" ‘TAYLOR & CO. t DROMORE Pr ments, seems to be prettvy evenly . Ail !mm onelvided 8 me c(‘n!)endix g cbat t dpoint. | childron have untorturmately too mu | to do in the ordinary run of work ; W. W. Ram.â€"/ the farm to bother with such a *‘ w evy, Egxremont | bit ‘‘ as one rod «quare and that t! by Inspecznr‘time taken ap might be better a ent Teachers‘ | plied in the stady of the various su f.] | jects that are now provided for the r of the Town.| in their sehool work, the time of : to be the first| tendance there for many of them, | 4 at Yeovil on | 10E sadly too short as it is On t ast. The at_| Other band it is pointed out in this : the unfavyor.| Kard that the growimg of plots : d, some 400 of: their own, will give them an inter ir parents fillâ€"|!" agricultaral pursuits and so h« ‘lv the defanc;| to keepthe boys at least on the fa r, as one 'aggand will also inculeate the desire cidental to a| D@D# tidy and cleanly in their me i ods. ‘There is one tea:urg that I c e ‘\not speak too highiy of, that is in : :]"';:3 ‘r':orlgg’:;‘: selectien of sheaves of grain by : LN anc 10818 children, a plan that was inaugur Eother reauireâ€" ed some 15 years ago by Prof. J. ° ‘her req@ire~ Rohep son, when be offered prizcs O v e rce o at You pay less here. We Sell For Less $6.50 i SHOP AT THE STORE That Serves You Best No Long Waits TRHE C k w t 63 #2 O (4] 6 w x * en said " my meiuta is golng. to make me a rice cake tor the Show.‘" The dis ppoiatment exy erienced too by ihe chiidren in not getting prizos is somewbat emblitering to their, young unphilosophical minds. After | all of their trouble through sue snm-i mer, loastead ofâ€"making.tbem strive| as some grownâ€"ups wouid do to be&-. ler the conditions another time, they | are desporndent and say they won‘t| try . _ I can scarcely congratuiate the | Agrigaitural Depariment on the new| veutur, as anything which pertains to the education of the children in| any brauch very properiy Delongsll think to the Educational Dept. P The lair was a success in poist o(i numbers and would have been conâ€" siderably augmenied had the weathâ€" er not lhad the weeping propensities ot.an oldâ€"time Teachers‘ Conyvention day. As it was, a,. ‘"goiden opporâ€" unity * was lost T3 the ‘occasion notl being improved upon,.by ..haying some address or lecture given, or words of encourageme t to the childâ€" ren on how best to im prove their plots on the getting of then ready for next year‘s operations. This feature no doubt will aod should be improyed upon in the future, in order to get tnll benelfis, from the competition benefil hoter than that of a sordid nature. * Rov, Mr. Holmes preached on Sunâ€" day and eyorybody weat to hear him. Mr., and Mrs. James Johnston visitâ€" LT ha YJ 1 implandt io (4 pi 1 a monetary point of view, geling into‘‘ a good laying j Barred Plyw outh Fowl, from gs provided to six of the saholâ€" cach school, is a good thing, it is tu be hoped, will give boih id girls a growing Inierest iu tiable industry, negleeted as been in the pist. As to the i of askiog little tots fo comâ€" the making uf fancy tea apâ€" resorves or ligbt cake, I bhave ubts. It may lead to traud »plaat io the young mind deâ€" i _ In this eonnection one little ss and hitherto innocent maidâ€" d " my imemimta is going to me a nice cake tor the Show." iren attending school, for the ives se.ceted trom the stand (our Mr W. L. Dixon‘s boy winner of one of these prizes.) is tirst start sprang the "Canâ€" leed Growers‘ Association " adquarters at Octawe , which l cfits members to pick out io standing grain 17 lbs, at ufllcieat to sow 4 ot an ag wing year, the best heatfi‘ t that conformed to a ce F r ideal and then selected wing year, the remainder of | of the plot after three years 7, being registered and cataâ€" for sale as * Improved " or seed." The benefits of this a l can personally well attest ng carried on this seed seleeâ€" 12 yrs,, the difference showâ€" the last drill mark (which noult to be pointed out to the Departmen‘al ‘Judge) be the *‘ hand selected ‘"‘ and al crop ‘" seed, the former ore robust, bigger heads and l rounu from selection. thus ; ap the Darwinian throng of ival of the strougest and fitâ€" good comes from selectioun." ce privileged to hear Prof. ‘u repeal this sentence many i an address. o $16.50 wing y 6A that eon! ‘ ideal : wing yea Orchard Week. ed Sunday at Adam Douglas‘, Miss Jean Hoy srens last week visiting friec.ds in Igwxdine. Mrea. Ed Johnston "visited Sunda) at W, T. Pinder‘s. Mrs. James Jolnston spent a few days last week with her mother Mrs. Douglas. Mrg. Douglas met with a narrow eseape last Tuesday when she was eoming home from Mt. Forest the herse took fmght of an auto and turned throwing Mrs. Douglas out and breaking loose from the buggy Mrs. Douglas escaped unhurt but the horse got its legs seratched. Sorry to report that John Garsonm Sr. is ill with Rheumatism. Mt1, Alex McKenzie had the teleâ€" phone installed in his homelast week, Ring 3â€"2. Mrs. Van Sickle and children of St. Catharines visited with her aunt Mrs. R. Renwios this week. The Dromore Branch of Women‘s Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. W; Hastie on Novy. 5th, Papers will be given on, _1 Sketches of Canâ€" adian authors by Mrs. J. McMurdo. 2. Pseparation of poultry by Mrs. Atchison and Mrs P. Brown. It has been decided that the Institute will hold a concert in Russel Hall on Dec. 8th. St. Andre x‘s manse, Winnipeg was the scene of a quiet wedding, Sat. Oct, I&h at 8.30 p. m. when Miss Sadie A. Clark, daughter of Mrs, Catharine Clark, Home street was married to Mr. Harry Joseph Lagwood formerly of Oklaboma. _ The ceremony was perâ€" formed by Rev. Dr. Sinciair. The happy couple left on Il o‘clock train for Vancouyer and other points. On their return they will resdel in Winnipey. A generous lunch was provided by the hostess, to whom a vote of thanks was given for the hospitality shown, Thanks was also giyen to the retiring inspectors. Mr Walter Hastie acted ~as chairâ€" man at the meeting and Join Findlay, Becretary . JHC BUUIVIUNAI U WSURS IVIGHCU JAUL : On l:fida » evenln OC!. lst th{‘rc ibs., an ayerage of 408 lbs, will be neld in the Methodist ehurch The total cost to patrons after payâ€" ‘here a social gathering to which a ing rent, killing and other cxpensm.'(coxdial invitation is ed to all was 19 1.8 cets. The following were outsiders. The ladi quested appointed inspectors for nex; year :, to bring @ box wit Aor two. Jas M. Lawrence, S Patterson, Jr., Rev. Mr. Holmes an will Nelson MeGuire. |give an address hWiltlh ; | Steroplicon views. ith the A generous lu.nch was provided b"[expec‘t)alion of enjo Social the hostess, to whom a vote of thanks i evant e > A toral weight of 6626 ibs. of beef was furnished during the 16 weeks, an average of 414 lbs. per animal. The additional 8 weeks totallea 3264 lbs., an average of 408 lbs, Mr. John Kirby lost a young cattle beast last week. The aunnual beef ring meeting was beld at the home of Mr Thos. Brown, on Monday evening, 27th inst. The utmest good feeling prevailed and satisfastion expressed with the seaâ€" son‘s operations. 1t was unanimous ly agreed to carry on the ring for 1914 for 24 weeks as formerly. North Egremont BECA USE THE DURHAM REVIEW Lic woopâ€"CLark w n# @ @2 > Dromore with each one of our Winter Coats purchased during the next ton days. We have had a splendid season in our Mantle Department and everyone is delighted with the values‘we are offering. _ We want you to wear one of these Coats this winteer and are offering you a special inducement to come and select your new Coat, = during the next ten days. Every Lady will be presented with French Kid GloveSs~=(Black or Tan) TORONTO Messes Wm Davis and John Gallâ€" \ away, formerly in business here paid [ a short viait last week. The former is now residing in Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Waddell, of Parkdale, announce the engageâ€" ment of their youngest daughter, Mable Josephone to Douglas Alexanâ€" der Straith Mutch, B. A. Se , second son of the late Rev. John Mutch of Chalmer‘s church and Mrs. Mutch, of Toronto, Cash paid for live or dressed chickâ€" eus, poultry, ducks and geese at J. W. Hunter‘s store. Live stock must be in not later than Thursday of each week, Our farmers in general are satistied with the vield but they wou‘t have any more than their due, after paying all running expenses (not forgetting the taxes), It amuses us sometimes to read in the local pages of the smile the farimer wearsâ€"that won‘t come off, A : ttle blarney, intended to make the farine» believe that his is an enviable Calneg ; y el, if some of those softâ€"soapâ€" ers would care to exchange lots with the average farmer, aud take his ups and downs chances one season with another, and combat with the ordin ary course of events in the farmer‘s life, they would find at times that " the smile" would be very censpicuâ€" ons by its absence.â€"Mildmay cor., Ayton Advance, Mrs. Murdoch who hkas resided here for several years moved to Mt. Forest Monday, owing to the diffiâ€" culty in obtaining houses our village stands to lose others, who would come here to live if there were more houses to reat or purchase at a moderate price. Mr. Jas Myers and family bhave taken up their abode in Holstein. Mr#, Myers has rented Mr. Christie‘s store where he has on display pamps lightning rods and other articles tor which he is agent. â€" Mr. Jas, Hunt has finished has finished his contract of building the cement dam for Mr. Jmo, Swanson. It is expected the mill will be in operation ere long as the new wheel and other machinery haye all been replaced, Holstein Conveyancer Issuer of Marriage Licenses Meney to loan at lowest rates, and terws to suit borrower, Fire and Life Insurance placed in thnrol;:\bly reliable compani Deeds, Mortâ€" gages. Leases lnd"fi“h executed on shurvest notice. All work promptly attended to. 2 LOGAL AND PERSONAL $ Mrs. Cook who has been yvisiting {riends friends Kast arrived home Tuesday. %mmmmmf '.' 3 7(‘“7 2 Miss Edna Hunter was a visitor at Durham this week. e# @4 _ W.J. SHARP No Short Weights is @iékeded lie eq h: for f apa i ed it oy is All parties are hereby warned Aâ€" gainst trespassing for the perpose of Mnnting, Trapping or Fishing on the following lot» in the Township} cf Egremont : ® Lot 10. and 11, Camcesgsion 14. | 4 Lot 11, Concession 15, Lot 11. Concession 16. The carrying of guns, traps or fi«] nar tackle will be taken as evidence of he violating of this notive and prosetuâ€" tion according to law will follog, This notice stinds good for one yekr from 30th Oct., 1913. A, De:mma®, R. W. Goopowix, Â¥ Yeovil. Mt. Forest. Messrs W. Backus and Nan;imon went toâ€" Hanoye will lust Satarduy. 44â€" Mr. and Mrs. G. Sharp day evening with the | Mrs. E. Fee. Jessie the little twi. Mr. and Mrs. David | the sick list at present Miss Marjorie Rocks s afternoon amd evyeniog Myrtle Caldwell. Comfertable home for some one wishing tolive easy or for grazing purâ€" q_osel. Lot 21, 1st con, N D R, Glenelg p., containing 50 acres with comforâ€" table frame house with stone cellar, cedarlog buildings, frame driving shed, good ever living spring convement to house and outbuildings. Basy terms Apply on premises to D. McINNES or 81 lisford St., Toronto, after Nov. 1st. Mrs. Q. Pettigrew of Lu: Mrs._ Patterson of Millbank service in Knox chareh la: _ Mr. and Mrs. J day recently with Miss Mae Allan spen: week end with her sister Watson. Mr. Jas, Wallace bad th fertune to get his leg broken the knee lass Satourdav, while ing the horses to the tank es steam from the engine frig hter horses and Jim was thrown un wheels. Peopie who witness runaway say Jim escaped w life. Mr. Will Lawrence got on the knee by one of his hor same day. . Hope both will be ; again soon. Mr. Will Clark. with his e busy cutting straw for Messrs Neice and J . Pettv. Miss Lizzie Barns is spendin eouple of months in Toronto. The choir and Bible Class : entertained at the home ol Mr. D Leith last Friday nignt. Vr.: and â€"Mrs. @P. ~~] eccompanied by Mr. and Mr Marshall spent Thanksgivi Sallivan friends. Special attention paid to dis Women and Children. "% A| li‘r. Nose and d’l‘hr&uu. t onnfibly tested and glas _ perly firted. North=East Normanby ' DR. JAS,. 4. WILSON, B. A. Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur Notice and Warning at Holstein For Sale at $1000 =â€"@ 0 > a pair of our best quality lace had the misâ€" | ,,_ s leg broken above | =5 arday, while hiteh ;', the tink escaping S; «ine frightened the An as thrown under the | who witnessed the ‘:eP m escaped with his | *‘ 1e The Sale of Rubbers goes merrily on. Don‘t you need a Pair » t M lasses q #U 8 alulnt Also Rye ver rs. R McAlister rs. Aibert Store. att mQGC U W Bunday h â€" Miss L808 C wi °_ 79008 â€" ieblteAIAGA.ODâ€"THE PEX °/ L‘ka-tho decline in population is <» township as to have a deputy, m« Iicipal law requires ltX](f boms ® C NC | voters. Now by the rctual count th* o 'l'“_' voters‘ list contains 999 names or on ke, ' |y one name short of the required jekp | nomber. It seems very anuoying ’that such a representative office as x, l the deputyâ€"recveship should be |os t, by the lack ol one nams on the list and _\'w:«s good as a hunise4 U his ked Mc 08 a 'd led ay . the M C ere vid o(l on â€"A _ A peculiar situation has arisen on «_ | the peltret horizon of municipal pol “t', | ities in the township and as a resul! + | Egrement will probably be wis ut a ¢ Geputyâ€"reeve for next year. b * / CAUSC .» h@#mstl is amibmert tom B waxo |*©i G Saugeer Proestytery held hbere on Tuaesday a speeial meeting to consider the call extenced by the Holstein and Fairbairn coagregarions to the Rev. Dr. Marsh, of Springfield. The call was presented, signed by 219 ont 250 members, practiiecally every available name. It was supported by Rev, Geo. Kendell, moderator of Session. and by delegations from Holâ€" stein and Fairbairn The cal! was approved an seut on to the Presbyâ€" tery of Peterborough whish mees about the middle of November. la ease Dr. Marsh accepts provisional arâ€" rangements were made for bis ind uc tion at Fairbairn at 2 p. m. on Dec 2nd, Rev. W, Cooper, moderator Presbytery, to preside, Rey. Mr Pearâ€" ev, of Harriston, to preach, Rev. D Curriec to address the minister, and Rev. G. Kendell tha people. â€"C nfed Mrs Petric. Mrs (Rev.)James and Mr and Mrs Richard Irvin, Holstein, weut to Arshur en Tharsday, the |a dies to attend the Nomen‘s Mission ary Distriect Convention at the Methâ€" odist Charech. â€"Conted . ) At a joint meeting of the eongreg®â€" tions of Dandalk and Ventry Presbyâ€" terian chureches, held in Daundalk Tuesday afternoon, a uapnimous call was extended to Rev. MrCraw, o Thornteon, to beceme their pastor The salary offered is $1,200, with holidays of four weeks. Rev. G .\ Rose. of Gorbeitn, the interim MoJâ€" erator, presided over the meeting.â€" Herald. No Deputyâ€"Reeve next year. 0c‘ c5ER 30, in V ABRAHAM *4 Slation, . He cons to be a dangerou the ratlway fence track and that as cengerned. the in! not sufficient. _ H rotorated by Mr l Dr. D. B. Jans &DELV #lath M th U R H U he sh to run ing the he trie the lin right thing* could could have | not b All th h ow or thoug! anlt p Harry flicted er the contr( rail w a The J ary wo Wim,. McQull Pickes®. D. Do COuff, ©G Migh teor Mr Cooper Dr. Farguha the hands o read the forn gation that b their d many ol Nis a ed, as he reti Mr Cooper tu Owing to an ove work at this seacon, : advertisements MUST â€" lisher‘s hands by 1 p. © insure publication. The question is now und tion and the congregation ly hopt no delegation will ft lating to ndered M had asce unds anc ock , resu deat trau hanm Coroner‘s Ing Bs praise ge ow shap. aching We tind which the a dargerous « 11 r th h hi To Advertis M R QC 42 R 1 unt the VOL. XX Dt utt it stri n one, t, the maAan . This 11 1 ed M Re v. Dr a G H e # V ta appea t4 arouh d W W

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