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Durham Review (1897), 13 Nov 1913, p. 1

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" " 2iil A one! In. Couch 'pméo on th hip o titrhintt of ttto ROI 3| car at In Kev n , however was manly Intro- ‘ .3; In the hat part " {his lectur- '), C.' was a fine acumen. a! tho ' l L'LJ'I each one tttsq i. himself, 1'ti mi each one butt!” with. and ‘1 "mm but!" in Vail). "What N _ h 'Vpr to fake is nm the thing» out- vi» --t m. but those within." There I " “My in all of good and evil tlot .1 ortttt, Car: it may 't mm- "u, "ris-rlireGanitiaridk "eJrGikiii 1m- Hm). hut in vary with that mm the “on! of life. To find that Ict . color, history, habit of thought, .m at” m account In GodU sight, Wan , r: .mvc a much widened vision of a" pan. Peter had the honor of lynx/mg the lirst gentile convert, but stranger man than he was necessary tak: up this work and such a an amp“! m the great ttpoke ofthe .l:,.l‘\, Paul. liven Paul had On “it. v. " "rt ks at the Devil " pour ' Ln Literature, beginning with , Mm m Eden. the tempting and ”uh-VJ, the devrl of Jotsuyrr- ' w n of the cynical gnawing 'm- tt-mpllr of our t5avimgr .. 'trl 1iqruitied attitude, tttat.ef r'mu Illa gran dragon with . Nt', ‘u ol been the mean. of l"- , grulewple ideas of horn. ae, qulcln writers. 'ri's :do-vil had many dittat'rfted '"s, thn Bunynn’s was: hor. mweptmn. Burna’ VIII hum. drvil. those ot Goethe. Dune. ' ml others all showing Vuln- wing to " over-crowding ttt work at thisiseasoo, all chum of o.rcriir'mrnts MUST be in the;an 1.,'icr'c hanJs by I p. In. Monday to I bu": publication. l "c/verse Services Um: low Fraser took hold of the m {lippnnt mood. but nation-- the Lulgh on the congrrgation 'll zh-uu that their "prenat- ktr axmug hun had demurrcd "l Cure on .. J mm.“ also with 'r m- h m on "Grumman" but m- prupasud '. Th0 DOV“ " it '3. ml at one». Jrew many line examples to show I': Lord m the his of the Individual 141mm would accomplish great . Sun: ot these examples: the of ti olland In their fight again“ thc hfe of Thou. Carlyle, Char- il, the brewers'n son, John d And others mto whose life the :44 some. "lt “a poor hum- u L or me that has not felt the l) " lofty) p. m. the basement “mm-u with members nno ' nu stHMr! emu-s whale tueuili" rrt'seltt, met to dojusuce to an “-pm that must ttay" when 'eultl Mid 'teueralststp to prepare .n‘l'l. I'm-w happy hours our ”uncut Ivan made upstairs and Fr, Fauluunrmn In the and: I 'n “ma presented cumming if gum»: we best otpat" years. vhotr trtt Sunday and at this n ' :ndrx'ed "tuitc that reached .115 of all and Added greatly to "Sm ot' .he Annlverury. Mm. I up“, Mrs. Loder, Mint-u ”I'd u std well and Messrs Teifomt .3 um Wm. Saunders in solo ' gave of tttear best. and at Al.“ chm-used were I "can. _ qnlmrsun reeUUd (h. thir. mlwnmuies that preceded this w spunk?” 'sad that variou- uui n mu let: for this In“: run: we new] discnued. vcni foul f need be MUN!) anccs " sun nvudly p.cturcd the effect on the us, when they discovered that to :ntllcs as well " to Jews had the “on! of life. To find that olor, history, habit of thought, "o account In GodU silht da- dh uy LI”:- wort. and Inch a ”I. Ind m the great npootle ot the ', Paul. liven Paul had to fight Christians on this question, but and the speaker pictured what nssublhtlcs might have ensued .l been defeated by these narrow us Without vimon. a contlrct ha- been going on cl he (I “med that only recently n-htunmm acquired the broader He Hu' rted Hamel” from quite tunes where Lhristaine had !'.m to carry the annual m th- one than the behaviour of "I; nrmtluns who m the Boxer -.u-nt to death rather than re. othc. heroic examples could mung men of other racawhosc nccs ncvcr "blushed to the To Advertisers , :d we broader vision bee-nu , m the words of the text, 2nd we behcve the religion Christ m tbutticient for nll and 8rd Icy, thc heathen, are worthy of -T"t"'9 I Lust were not a whit inlet- Awst. profit and plenum to gt'cvngng years. The only "uy he so called wuoccalion- 5?quth of looing the well- er, liev. Dr. l'irquharGii, -urtecn fruitful year: has tr, d out among this people with ceptrince and who but for the any of his health would have -n omed tor fourteen your: more. ,rcacher of the day was Rev. V Fraser of Owe 1 Sound former- "tage La Prairie and for four xnlsswnary In Japan. “is ', discourse was from Act. lo; a truth I perceive that God in cctur or persons. " and was a sorted effort to show how the of "Yrmon" was effectual In ng growth and expansion In the u- mdlwdual and of nations. it holcsome, surring missionary ml tum to remember that , thug .1pustlcl with one excep- ull Amman, Europe, steeped ssm at that tune, had been by the V1810" of these and them. Present races. low ugh thcy be can also be rained trch has the wider vision. nan church has seen noghipg lg growth 0 mdivndua holesome. ry sermon VOL. XXXVI, N0. G 1mm acquired the broader tr ned Hamel" from quite s where Christaim, had to carry the gospel to the :nstance being that no mum carry Carey when “:13 gomg as a missionary l Y EVENING ))f.i.i,ltt.tety literest is h snries have for fourteen tter days in the Pres h and that of Sunday warn. and - kl“ ' " a whit in“: I pleaure to II e sehool where young men end women are properly treieed for poeitioneof trust. Buineee men are realizing this fact and consequently we ere eoon ebie to piece our zrednetee in high elaee eituetiene. They re- main where they ere pleeed beeenee they are prepared for reeponeibie work. When you remember that this ooiiege is connected with the Centrei Boeineee College, Stretford. end the Elliott Business College, Toronto, two ot the beat institutions in the province. you will not be snrprieed why we obtain such good reeulte Ask our students end graduates what we heve done be them end they will my "More then elvone else could hove done. " Graduate from tbie College end we will do the eeme for you. Mr. Geo. Caswell had a narrow cs- capefrom death on Monday evening, when his horse, a spirited young animal became frightened and ran away. He was tying the horse in the sheds of the Methodist church, when the rattle of some tin cans made it take fright and bolt. Mr Caswell made a grab for the lines but in doing so was knocked down under the stamping heats of the ani. mal. The steed made good its escape but in getting away tramped on Mr. CaswellU knee, leaving a nasty cut and bruise while the wheels of the buggy passed along the aide of his body. The animal, new liberated, dashed north- ward till George street was reached, turned eastward and thence southward on Main St. Crossing the bridge it made a dash for the Calder block and would have crashed into Kress' Fur. niture store had not an iron hitching post in front of the post ofBce proved a n effectual bulwark The buggy' caught on this post and stopped the, horse which slipped on the sidewalk. From then on everything was easy. Mr Caswell turned up in time, and by- standers released the animal, although the rig and harness sustained slight damage. SraNaiiitD BANKI Sette ',tr/t'rglt't I MiuuL ML'Uumb played A couple- of delightful lnxlruulemnl duettd and anolo um sung by Mu. tstonerhouse. Forty-belies wen.- presem. Mrs. T. Mcairw was appointed delegate to the W. l. Convention m Toronto. '* Dinner and what. to verve " WM the Important subject diseursed at tbe Nov. meeting of the Womrn’a Instit- ate, Mrs. F. Lennhan and Mrs. J. Brown giving most, mstruuive papers on the subjurm. We then had a change trom hnuuhum attain. Mrs. J. A. Umh-un v, vmg a very interesting pane-r on .. L-wuni from the lite ot' Helen: Kullar." Miss F. Clark and W. h... _.. _.. ""'""""' of Durham ott1ciated in the presence of immediate relatives. The bridal couple left on the afternoon train for kiricardine where they will visit before returning to Godcrich. A quiet but pretty wedding was celebrated at the home of Mr. Gco. Caswell. 2nd con, Bentinck, at the hour of 11.30 on Tuesday morning when their daughter, Miss Marie was united in mum.” to Mr J. s. South- egltrgf Godericll; .Rev: .W..H. Hartley H. S. DtrBaTr:.--The. advisability of moving the Town hall to its new position to the west " the lulu-Rat wan the subject. on. keen det,rate, lwlwecn forms 2nd and 3rd at the High Schmnl Literaly on Friday ntlehumn. Arttutni,nte, prm. and cons. we” handled in mine cases in a tiery manner und so long did the dsurate Inst that a winner could not he chosen and the question was Ilinppvd. LIBRARY Noztcm.-No hanks wall be given out at the, Library on Friday and Saturday of this week or on Mon- dny and Tuesday of next week, on account of “ranging the Library for the trite meeting of the Library Astoria-lion of (hump-villa Dotrict to behold here on 17ch and 18 h Aovem- Der. My wife Elizabeth Acton having of her own accord left my home I hereby warn all merchants and others thatl willnot beresponsible for or pay any debts which she might incur. October 'lat, 1913. TH moon: ACTON, Hanover P. O. Don't go round shivering in this weather, hut go to Grant'. and buy yourself Btanth,id's unshrlnane un- dermmr--and be controller-and luv. a doctor’s hill. Uo. Five Rages Flour ttood broad. corsets. V“ _._. Holstein Leader News will he on page 5 of this Issue. Stop that cough, Carr's Cougl will do it. 50c at MacFarlane'C He cloud with a. fine oplimistic not. for all in quch struggles. There WM hope nn8 halo rot. than who nought it fran.»d '. "the Devil in not omnipotent. God is." A hourly vote of thanks was given leeturer, (huh and all who contribu- ted. Almost 860 waR realized to be applied to the orgm fund vice. In" our devils. and fight. them we must or full, Be made use of Slovennnn'n "Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" and of Po.', 'ttavenu to illustrate" the downward r-ndpm-y. or' CAMADA See the new fiction ‘ome and see Grant's 75c bias filled TORONTO I ____DURHAM BRANCH, C/ - O.) . éwn/Q/a'zeJKD/a (44”sz "ii21t OFFICE Mrs Bums & Sun at MacFarlanes. . ‘“"GM being taken in the Horse Fair, Nov. 20th tnd you‘ll have Coygh Cure found W. E. WILSON, Principal milieu-when tlaNAudmh, dud-and. i The rpgnlar inn-ting of the Glenelg I Centre tGrmcv's ('lnli was held in the t'l'ownship Hall on the evening of Nov. 't h. A goodly number were present and a pleasant tone was spent. The subject llllllPl' consideration was teed, anti feeding nod was taken by the l’ivantetm. Heshowed thatin order to he a good feeder one must know something about the composition of the mas he is using. In allfeeds there are three courpoundg whim must be takvn into consideration. The potato is the most important and its used in the formation of lean meat um] muscles. If this food element is not present then there can be no lPHU meat in the animal sytetu. The white ofthet'ggisorteforiuot almost pure punt-in. Some feeds contain this eh. tnent in greater proportions than in others. For. example clove: contains about? pt-r cent: protein, while tim.. othy contains only 3 per cent The vtdueofkmnvine exactly what, is. in the feed is also shown when one comes to buy. Many of the farmers need some concentrated food to mix With their oats for feeding to fattening stock. As on 9 contain 47 per cent‘ starchy matter of the feed then the) portion lacking is the protein. When l one is buying feed to mix with the oats he wants a feed high in protein. I With corn at 70 cents per bushel the protein in the corn will be worth more than 15 cents per pound l if peas are worth 81.00 per bushel the protein is worth ten vents Pet' pound: with oil- cake meal at $38.00 per ton the protein is worth 61 cent:- pen pound and with cotton and meal " $30 perton the protein will be worth tlve cents per pound. Which then is the cheapest; won: me tnwn and country 'tenerslly. Musical seledtiuns instrumental and vocal. interspersed and followed the spew-hes. Miss iata Irwin accompan- ' ied on the mpg-w and other contribu- ' tum Were solos by the chairman. MISS I Arkvll and Miss Alice Huluage; duetts lby Misses Lillse Walker and Run Ms- I,C'ontir, by Run McCainlmnd Theodore [Fullaiac and reumtiunu by Misses Mt- Gxeuor, Walker and anagr. Mud I King. A very enjoyable luncheon was pro- viden by the ladies of the congrega- tion and suuiewht-re beyond the mid- higm h AM the company dispersed, all wring it had been a. pleasant evening 5.'?11Nfjtrte,y,ty,'t,rti'in Ci-la-uit- Rev. Mr McCMHland replied feeling. ly, thanking all tor the kind words spokk‘ll and for tho beautiful gifts. He reyiech hiu pastorate of three years, hin tirst szLul'ale, and thanked his cungrvguion tor having borne wit h mm in the early stages when the work was new to him. lie had straw-n " ways pruyvrt‘ully to do his duly and was Sure both MI and Mrs McCausland “mild long remember the kindneoes received trout the congregation and from the town and country generslly. Glenelg Centre Farmers' Club so :meeling to order and invited Mr John Graham to the front, In a replesentn- uve capatitv Mr Graham uddressed himself to Mr and Mrs McUaushmd and read an appreciative address from his ennui amnion, breathing senti. ments of lore and respect, regrets for departure and good WIshes for the fu- ture. At an appropriate time a presentm- ttou was made of a purse of gold and a aundwome duck, Mrs Wm. Moth! and Mr: F. Search respectively presenting the gifts. pun" P Jar Hanan: ahargavaurautauus stun. _.1‘he company cvettiowed into the home of Mr McCaualdnd ndjuiniug. but all gut. manner for the program. After a pleasant indotmat hour or two ol'agreeuhle cho, music. ac., Mr Allan Bell, as chairman. culled the , Sume tifty or sixty members of the Baptist. rungrrgullun here, _Wil'h " sprinkling of other denominations met on Friday evening lot as Ibo home of Mr and Mrs burgeqs, Upper Town, lo spend an owning Wm: Rev. and Mrs McCausland before their de. Baptists Say lgfyally ringing. " cursive-rc', 9 ' hiurnew ":iiiiiii,'a?,i,"a,?iiris,i,i/ t'ise comm- I'vulHnwnd Intn ----_----- DURHAM, THURSDAY. iidiiiiiEiiiiiii' 13, f 1913‘ may Good=Bye. IE i'ii Character g Gold Medal and it?" aXlllgg5iMligliglgf?ggtggytaggitngigygg:c,',r S-C lil mum/mu '0litts i!,', M 1'. Owen Heifernan, the well-known Guelph buyer has been in this part recently buying a ship-em. of cattle. He informs us that the cattle supply in this district is well nigh depleted and It is dimeult to secure sufficient stock to make " good Ibipmenl. He assigns the cause to the lowering of the American tariff and nukes that it this had not occurred. beef price in Canada would be such that it would nob pay to raise cattle. Before tho United States lowered thrir duty, he says the féironto market was completely block- e I Rub. McFadden while John Newell and Arthur Whitmore made the pree- ematiou. A programme of unusu- and addresses followed, Mr Geo.,Binnie taking the part of chtirmam Dunc- ing was also indulged in by the younger people while all enjoyed the contents of the lunch baskets. With which is inc-Wed the Bold!“ Leader Neighbors and friends to the num- bar ot70, gathered ut the home of Mr and Mrs Adam Weir, con. 3, E. Cl. IL. Crlenelm on Thursday night and prt _ santad them with a tine hullrnck as a rwnemhrunca and a token of their ee- teem, pr ior to the departure of this n- specled couple And their family to live it? town. An address was rgad ly Mr: to wait till he came home. as they Wistted to have the: bar opened for its. spection and it is mile-god those in charge of the house refused this re- quest. They waned and the night: went by. but on Sunday forenoou early they left the premises we belieytr uni,rratitied, a? .A .rerexrQt8gasatuh-ea't"s Furnitnre' Factory here. ever progressive, has itoet added to its equipment: 9 Linden- num Glueing Machine. It, is some 27 feet long. weighs vuox-mously. cost over .1000 and was m Ida in Woodstock Oat. The manage-them employed the Rogers hnuse-movmg gang :9 trunsfrr it from car to factory, and it proved a tuugh job, upseLtmg during the mm [mulling in the sloppy weather.” Its Use will save both labor sud marlin)" AAW'BRRY MGrr---rnsspecuur Beck.. et of Owen Sound and our mm L. cvuw Inapectm- Allan stepped into tit" Middaugh House on SaLurddynight to inter Fiew the proprietor, but he, " seems was not at home, They declded [ Iaiaa:asare.ermme-s--, Last week and within the week. two new fun mama were put in the Imse "at. of the Presbyterian Jt"u'.'rs'ltrsTl'l'U'f, made m the DWC'; but all com- Pleled in wor ike "yle, cleaned up and tixed up ready for the annivers- any. The furnaces were supplied and imlallpd by Mr Harding, whose work declares him an expert. \ E Phone' " Fred J. Welsh 1‘ tlgamimlrggmiriitimomtiisamygtgi: County Constable tlook, of Cevlon. " returning from Winnipeg this week with Thomas lighton. a former Ben- tinck township farmer. in custody. It will he remembered that n. few u onths ago Mighton brutally treated his wife and then took his departure tor the West, taking his children with hnn, The Winnipeg police laid hands on hum a short time ago and then wired the authorities here. l DEATH cm Tun Latrtta,--The storm of Sunduy lust had 1etu'furcuntrequene.. cs on the Lakes where from 50to 60 met death in many wrecks and all may not, be yet reported. NAtuirrre.--Live hogs are expevi. encing rt slump and now selling at $8.25. It is said that this pricpwill yet Ro lower. 52 Were shipped on Tuesday and I52 on the two shipping days last week. Hay selling at 815 and 810 is higher than in Toronto. Noaucc--We expect to hear at once from all who last week received our blue circular and envelope enclosed. Thanks to [boss who have already rc- sponded, ; feed to buy for mixing with the oats ? No, 1 Fresh Water Herring and Salmon Trout by thtkog, Songs were sung by several mem- lwrs present and a very enjoyable time mm provided In waste and danc- mg. The starchy matter and the fat ot the food are used for stung! as fat and for givnng heat and energy to the animal system. Tho proper propor. tion for these elnments in the food of n animal is about one portion of pro- ein to five puts of starch and Gt. In zuriug out a ration tor an animal nd the amount. at the there constit- tents of the food in the feed which rhea animal is getting. Multiply the amount of fat hy two and one 11qu and add the result to the amount of starch. Then divldo this " an amount of protein in the feed Mid the result will show the proportion of the ( protein to the amount of stun-h and _ tar, Our Stock of Feeding Stuffs The most modern equipment, along with extreme care and watehtu1ness, and only the choicest of Cenndien Hard Wheat, ineureln Gold Medal and North-west Gem the highest possible quality every day in the year. Costs no more than many inferior bands that are ofend. Is large and of the but quality. We have instnlled a NEW OAT CRUSHIR. and will crush you! cuts for Horses. AI well as WHEAT, are put into the milling of Gaston Chopping Prouptly Done Baled Hay and Salt for sale North-west Gem Flours ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Mrs Beams (1: Sun Tm: PUBLISHERS. Hnteliigence bi' h'tt'LC. Old King Winter has at last shown his supremacy. To see the wow flying and to hear the wind howling makes us glad that everything is ready for winter and we can enjoy a blazing fire once again. Mr. Wart. Bailey attended his brother, Mr C. Bailey's sale at Allan Puk. last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Currie left Monday for Toronto where they will spud the winter with her daughers Mrs. Heughan and Mrs. Calvert. Mr. Henry Spiez of of Regina, Sask visited last week at Mr. Wm. Luu Iey's. Misses A. Ramage and G. Patter- son spent Sunday at Mr, Arch Mc.. Dougall's, Crawford. Misses Maggie Lunncv and Maggie Clark are around these days collecting for the Bible Society, , Miss Sarah Fulton, Hanover visited bt Mr. Wm. Fulton's over the week 'end. The Beef-ring meeting was held last Friday evening. A goodly number were present and elected Mr. Turnbull as butcher, as all were satis- fied with his work. Mr. Wm. Fulton and Mrs. John IyeGillivray visited last week end at Mr. W. H. Patttrrson's, Priceville. YOUR LAmru--We. have this wuk corrected our mailing list with grvat cure, but mum many changes it is pos- sible one may have been overlooked. Let us know now rather than next. your if you discover anything wrung. Kindly remamlwr also that any date older than 1913 is a wrong to the pub- lisher and we will be plcased to have " put right. Rev. Dr. Farquharsou announces that he wishes to sell his driving horse buggy and harness, both new and a muggy and cutter. Sale of household goods and furniture will be nhnouneed later. Fo. particulars cull " the ammo or phone No. IO, \VEDNESDAY. 26TH Nov.-on this date Jan. D Nelson, Lot12,Con.5, lenelg, offers tor sale Farm titork and Implements and sumo household furniture. 12mm. credit, 5 lwr cent discount for cash in lieu ot" "GUN. Sale at 1 o'clock shilrp. The death of Mrs Margaret Wilkin- son, one of Durham’s pioneer us:- dents. occurred at the home other sor.-in.law, Mr John Saunders, on Tuesday night. She was in her 81st year. Pnrliculnrsluter- Yocsa-At Hampden on Thursday, Nrv. qth., to Mr. and Mrs. Thor. Young, a daughter. BArKHvs.--on Fh iday the 7th inst. at Victoria B. C. to Mr. and Mrs. G. U. Backhus (nee Miss May Harris) " daughter. Miss Mary McQueen has secured the positionorUashiei, and t$reaographetr in Mr. Abraham's store. Miss Chrissie McQueen of Forest spent Sunday with her Miss Mary McQueen. Mr, War-an Thompson of Brussels was a visitor in town over the week end. WW“ .¥,- w". "u...- u“ unuuuuy- His place has 1teen fillea by Mr. J Stedman. former employee of the othee. smile time left for Berlin on Saturday "L, ")4-” I..-» ' .'... _ - _ Mr Wea. McKersie. who has been Twlyed 'tl" Chronicle office for Mr D. H. Firth, of Toronto, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs D. Firth Edge Hill. Jute J. tivedtnatt, of Weston, is back on the Chronicle ma again. Mr Wm. Davis. of Bagot. Mam, is visiting friends around Durham. Mr Clarkson McCul. of Toronto, is holidaying for a while " Alex Fergu- son's. Rocky Saugeen. Miss Arvilla Burgess, of Toronto, spent a few days In! week with her sister, Mrs Jno. Graham. _ Buyers frgm all parts" - ---_.- -----io_--- BORN Mulock MCPHIAIL. Auchmwer of Mount her cousin Ex 1rd?i'? 'fi' Mr. John Weir Jr. arrived home from the West on Itriday last looking as it that elimate agreed with him. The first sleighing of the season was on Monday last, when mother earth was covered with her white mantle. -PtattttarrrN, LONDON. ENG., OFFICE [Bank Bldgs--PtGces St, DURHAM BRANCH: TIE HOW BANK OF CANADA Comfort, New Mantles Just Arrived A blended flour half Manitoba hard when and half Ihr,. tario Fall Wheat, a good broad ofpastry flour. Nari, every one knows the _quality of this flour--if you don't you should. It's a flour worth the money. Ask for price on five bags. We take Wheat in nah-nu im- Inmnl cu--- MRS. A. BEGGS Er SON P Where Quality The People's Provision Store res . F. MORLOCK fl --, 325 Brinlehes Throughout Canada. Oar showing of Men’s and Boys' Ourcoats and Men’s and Bora' Suits is an interesting feature of thin store. good warm coat should before aelocting elsewheu also passed into stock wit week 36 Ladies new Cool price from "'.....o.... Edge Hill There IS great comfort in 3 long coat with a far collar. There is so large a portion ot the winter which is severe and blustry that the possessmn of a. long coat with a far collar is prac- tically a necessity in every women’s complete wardrobe. We have them and they are made especially for our- selves. They have superior cloth, also superior qt1tditrquiltdd lining and are a. little longer than the ordinary fur collar coat. Capital Authorized Capital Paid Up Reserve Funds Any one intending purchasing a) “A...“ _-_L ,1 I. _ A take Wheat in exchange for Jewel Flour Made from the choices! Manitoba Wheat Made by miners of years experience Made in one of thcbrgest G' best equipped It makes Bread that satisfies Savings A Buyer for%rir"ir"ii2rs'Fe verton Jewel Flour 'ruits and Fresh Three r035 FIV E ROSES FLOOR INCORPORATED 1869 Elegance, Department at a Branches arriving Jail .....o.... $613315 alsowheu. We have stock within this hurt new Coats gagging in HIM}; pquLlBIHl. tt shopld see this line The REVIEW c. Jan. I, ms to? NEW YORK AGENCY Cor. William and Cedar Sh s. HUGHES, Manager. Mr Wm. Davis of Bug“. Man. is visiting old friends in this part at present. Miss Eliza Williams of Toronto is at present visiting " her aunt's M19 Jno. Collier. Miss Jennie McDonald of Priceville. and Miss Nellie Hepburn of town visited triettO in thin burg I couple of days this week. IS llte.dmut, a owns... a. mun & ant_,Nma-m, Speaks. for Itself Rather ttme snow your neighbor hem! your REVIEW. while you pay the subscription use!" Uth, why not tell lai- our wonderful of“ to new suboribors sud let hm buy " ov- 't or. It is the chum; of a lifetime: “by '. Subscriber: g; 25,000,000 I 1,580,000 13,000,000 Economy fl the beat racemes 1iOh E 50

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