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Durham Review (1897), 13 Nov 1913, p. 4

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i)iiii! 3%5 Fiifl w w w W it) tit T :3. h " e p'N ,5: Le 1:; n -5 t 5' r as :11 Dr area: Sto .S?B': 33:: a: . an; at .3. 'rt't+aiost/ts4Mitiasirtist.i-itsitsatromoiiis y r x; are t iaiji? r 1'tcu'ic'isirv'iiib,nbiirti.e'ia8?6Fftvk1 A) Your Oven (Cirrirrs PU mm Tim I‘"eoPle’s Mills Phone No. 8 fiéfiééEEéEFGEEéEEEEQEEEEEfi The Central Drug Storeg ARRIVING THIS WEEK At’terbeing closed down for Ieveralweuks. Our ' new d m) " completed and we are ready for or- ders for Flour, Feed, Custom chopping, gusting. &e, Washing made easy by using Lux White Soap for Hard or Sole NEW FURS . Uuse Omo for Bleacher, Purifier, and Cleanser. We are Ready for School Opening OPEN FOR OPERATIONS "?F,'di'te C. L GRANT ater. Also Mons and Children's Felt Hats.. The. Largest Stock we have ever shown and at Lowest Prices School Supplies in endless variety Still the old slogan -" When you get it here, it's right." High and Public School Books All kinds V John McGowan great! and Better Bread" and "Better Pastry Too" 525 There is no guess-work about our promise of more bread and better bread from Lh2yg: bearing this name. Your oven becomes a certain producer of more bread and better bread. We can promise that. ' For from each shipment of wheat delivered at our mills we take a ten pounrsarr.ple. We grind it into flour. We bake the flour into bread. If this bread is high in quality and large in quancity, we use the shipment. Other- wise we sell it. by Qyt Oven 1l.1prii'i:. Also Borax Soap m Yo " esteem- ed patronage is solicited d, orders will be promptly attended to ll .rt.t a! m t.t.t 'll It 'll It I" m tt! m It! itt Lane Louise, about I by 1% miles in extent, not a ripple on its surface; to the cast mts. Saddleback and Fair- view, 9001 feet high, to the south, the wonderful Victoria glacier, from our viewpoint, apparently an immense sparkling mass oi ice and snow, sloping downward to the waters edge at the far end of the lake; to the west, the Beehive, strik- ingly similar to a beehive, and other mountains, For 2}; miles further upward slope, we continued our climb up to the ”Lakes in the Clouds" _-Mirror lake and Lake Agnes, the latter 6875 feet in the air. Both were Intel] ovor, oeirg much smaller than Lake Louise. Lake Agnes is hemmed in three sides by the Bee- hive and Devils' Thumb nits. whilst: on the open side a stream falls from it almost perpendicularly for 220 feet into Minor lake. Again we pause beiore deseending to drink in the vista. Snow-bedecked mountain ranges around, above us; away below is seen lake Lois: and the hotel, apparently in miniature, while still lower we view for miles the Bow valley where the railway adheres 'quite closely to the many deviations lot the river. Near Canmore, we enter these rugged fortresses, and trevcreing but a few miles, the Three Sisters moun- tains loom into view on the south. Banff is almost completly encircled by these lolty eminence: and after dining, we at once made our wey down the valley, over the Bow river, Ipast the C. P. RA, mttgniticent new 13 storey hotel, the lest word in modern hotel construction, and a couple miles up the mountain aide along the footpath to the Government Hot Springs. From the mountain side issues a stream of hot sulphurous water, and this is piped through gravity pressuie into the baths and swmiming pool, where: warm bath is appreciated at a temperature or. 95 degrees, eye-n though it be snowing or lulow freezing point above. On looking over the register here, We noticed names from all parts of America and the Old Land, the present time being the sleekest season or the year in tourist traffic Ascent may be continued to the top -f Sulphur mountain to the Observ- atory, but the with being snow cover- ed, we did not undertake the climb. Oil returning we fell in with Rev. N. 1). Keith, Priucipa1 of Red Deer Ladies College, and Rev. Mr. Knur- illUCK, its travelling representative, who had occupied the Pres. pulpit More on Sunday. and on learning we were from Durham, enquired for Rev. Dr. Farquharson and his brother, Rev. James, with whom they were acquainted. While in the town we were pleased to meet Miss Mary Swanston oi Yeovil, who came here intending to stay four days, but found social life among the mountains so agree- able, she had remained six weeks. She purposes making atonr to the coast and through California, before returning to Egremont. Distances are very deceiving. Ap- paiently to reach the pinnacle of one of the peaks nearby, it is about a mile climb. In a direct line it is more often two or three miles in reality, while ii you make the grade, the circuitour path to gain a gradual ascent, will give you a climb or pony tide 015 or 6 miles. As a morning appetizer we mounted half way up the lofty eminence east at Banff, ex- periencing a new sensation in pierc- mg the clouds. From this elevation a delightful panorama of Banff at our feet, the Bow valley, and mount. ains flanking either side, is obtained. From Laggan the C. P. R. has a railroad tunnmg up the mountain sideyri miles to their grand hotel, the Chalet, situated on the shore of Luke Louise, 5670 feet above the sea. Uclng very little tourist travel " this season, the hue is not now in operation, so again we climbed. From the hotel we took in the finest vista, possibly in the mountains. Below us no the placid waters of On leaving Edmontm, about half the distance to Calgary, the white jagged horizon line of the Rockies, over one hundred miles away. comes into view on the west, and on ep- proaching Calgary' they gradually become more conspicuous. In this city we were pleased to greet runny good old home friends of whom we will later speak. A few days after found Banff, in the Rocky loothills, our destination and for a day and a half here and at Lenin, we feasted our eyes on the scenic wonders so lavishly bestowed on this part of our Dominion. Rambling in Dear Review Readers: Without attempting any further pictures we will draw the curtain, " the mountains in all their mljesty and grandeur, we cannot adequately describe, and they must be personally Seen to be fully appreciated. We have left their environment, but carried away lasting memories of our sojourn emong them, and will next week be heard from, basking in the sunny climel of southern Alberta. The Rev. Mr. um of Toronto filled me pulpit here on Sunday and gave a very good sermon, whiny his text from the " amp. John, 12 "no. The Women's Invtiinte was held on Wednesday et Mrs. C. McIntyre'e. nine members end two visitors being present. The roll wee called and every one enewered by giving e paper on some useful thing. We Would like to see more come to ear meetings. Our ex: meeting will be held " lire. R. Dergevel'e on 2nd ot December. A lady epeeker will be present and there will be e Joint meeting in the Hall in the evening. Farmers bring your wives elong. Further noiiee will be given try bills being primed. We are pleased to know the young people has atttrted to pumice for the Chrissmu Tree, which will an place next month. Don't miss this. R. M. Dirgnvel caged 4 coon: last week. Dornoch the Rockies. The mother tor the past week was Ideal and warm, our weather pres. radio! nix weeks of good wenther be- ore winter when thunder is heard so late. but the territio snowstorm on Sundny chnnges things around 3nd lone now any winter is on. Mr Frank Moore's sale Saturday In: In: attended by A large crowd and the live amok Wem for handsome prices. Mr Moore wuu't able to " tend, as he is ltill in the nospltal. Sorry to hear of the ilineas of Mrs P. J. Halev, but hope to hear of her Ipeedy reCoVery. Mrs P. Slmivw, ot Toruoto, is via iting her brother, J. J. Black. A number of yorng people attended the party at. tbe bums of Mr and Mrs John Sharp luau F'idny night. Mrs Penignaw. Sr.. of Lumsden and Mrs Patterton, of Millbank. are spending a few Js.sit with the farmer's nephew, Mr Juan Morice. Maura Geo. Campbell and W. Knvx lundnyed at Moan: Forest Miss Edith MeNaulty spent : few dnyliu Chausworm winning lricnds. Mus Marion Fergoon has returned home from Coburg. Two Toronto sports were up hom the city It Mr Wa son's and enj ryed a few days' but. Mr Ed. Digby is engaged with Mr R. neurd cumng has and wood. North<assNormanby Mr Geo. Slump has been ductonng I sick colt lately. Mun, E Fee :pmt a couple of days 1stit week mm her friend, Miss C Wilton and called on Mrs W. Kuhn on Fruity afternow. A number from the 18th took in the party last Fruisy niglnaud were heard going home in the wee sma' hours in the morning. We are glad cc report that Miss Sadie McMillan, who has been stiffer. from an attack ot appendicitis. is re- covering. The Sunday S:hool here has closed tor the wimar months. There has not been " lame attendance this year " nsunl, tie average attend. ance being tort} -e ght. The finaneial report was yer: encouraging. The last. Sundu' was Rally Day and a goodly nu uber gathered and listened with an ch pleasure to Mr Chas. Ramau's interesting talk on " The Three Tale Its. Time, Thought and Truth . " Mines Mtskitinoth McMillan. Little, Matttegon and Aldcorn. of Priceville, Vere visitou our the week end It It John Aldoorn'a. Mis- drace mm; is visiting friends Around here. Mr: Howard Watson visited her sister Mrs Irwin Sunday lust. Mia: Maggi. MoNiece, of Varney. spent. a day Inst week WIN] her broth er, Mr T. McNicce. Miss b'pitzie, ofChepirtowe, is Vinit- lng at Mr Malcnlm Mtshiillan'ts. Thu attendance at Knox last Sur- day was small. owmg to the storm, tt being the (irst storm of tha season. Fall ploughing is the order of the day. Messrs Malcolm McMillan and Joe Firth are engaged to pus the cement tioor in the stables ot A, McMillan's new barn. _ / Mr Angus Black has moved Glenelg Centre. _ A number of the young f'olksi7."our burg spent an enj)yable evening at Mr Angus Black 'ii. Miss Tau Ferguson has goneto Washington city In the winter. "Mr and Mrs J, J. Buick attended thei‘uneral ol thelatter'g tamer last week. The annual Sunday School Social was held on Fudav alzernoon. the Mst. Rev. Mr l’rndham occupled the chair and gave us a few of the good things he ttttard at the S. S. conventlvn in Owen Board. Two choruses were am; by the school and reeitatittrus ware given by Oscar Bell, Eliza Paterson. Mary Bell, Sedie Lawrence. Arthur Lindsay and George Bell and three dlalognee Were well given. Rev. Mr Henley. Dr. Furquharwn and Mr Young gnve short bat interesting addresses. Lunch was then served and the child ren treated to candies and all went home teeline they had spent a most pleasant afternoon. Misses Bdla McMillan and Balm MQImyxe. ol Bad Axe, Mich.. ale visiting the farmer's uncle, Mr J. A. McMillan and other trieuds. Notice to Creditors Itt the Surrpgatt.eurt of the Coun- ty of Grey, In the matter of the estate of David McClocklin. late of the Town of Dur- ham, in the Connfy of Grey, gentle- man, deceased. NOTICE is hersby given, pursuant to Ont-I io Stunt" 191 l, Cap. M, Sec. 55, that all persons haying claims against. the estate of the said David Thom“ McClocklin. who died on or It.eyt tht 16ng dtr of Svptember. A.D. 1913, are required to eend 1'r"k pre. paid or otherwise deliver to . P. Tel- ford. of the Town at Durham, Bolicitor toe the mreeutors, on. or before the 28th day of November. A, D., 1913, their names, uddreeees and descriptions and B full “element of particulare of their elai-e and the net-re of the security. (if nay) held by them, duly tsertitUd, end the utter the eeid any the execu- tore will proceed to distribute the as. m- ot the eetete among the parties entitled thereto, Inning regard only to mesh-inns of Jvittutt he ehell then have not ' wanted the 29d: day of October. A,D, Inuxu CALDWELL WILLIAII WA'nox ( Btrteut.ors by their Solicitor. J. P. Tnvonn' Swinton Park. Green Grove Scotchtown -------qi------ ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO REVIEW to No. ll, BENTINCK Sr 4th -r Vellett, I Lnngrill. " ith -E Slurp. M Smith. El Arman-01m. tgr'3rd--M Wehher, A Mountain. Jr 3rd-1 -ijeznsyier.V,L:e""a""s, Br -l Inarp. M anluu. u 'a""""-.-"'". tsv'3rd--M Wehher, A Mount-An. Jr 3rd--1 Alexander. M Lumen“. Br 2ad--C, Ritchie, W Noble. A Arm. strong. Jr 2ud--P Noble, ti Slurp. I Langrill. Ist-at Aiexaoder, G Rit- chie. Primer A--1 Arm-trunk. 3 Lawrence. F Hopkins. B-a Noble, ANohle. E tity/es, P Styles. A--L -irurtrdnsr, [£89.1ar Al‘watlvug. “VII-.- . H. H. WILLIS. Teacher. No.3. BEN, & GLEN. Sr 4th--Rutry Smith, Anni. Horn- Morrison Ruth Ledmghlm. Wilfred Black. Well Gibson, Bob Manley. Br 3rd--ksthleen Uc,ffield. Bessie Wilson. Martin C,otfleld. Jr 8rd--Peter Led- inghum. John Wilson, Annio McGllli- vmy. Maurice Smith. Mary Morrison. Howard Smith. Jr2nd--Johtt Morri- snn. George Gibson. 1st--idie Buck Hattie Mortley, Nelson Schufer. Primer-Katie Morrison, Stanley Led- mgham. Kathleen Ray, Pearl Manley Leo Uoffteld, Annie Schnfer. Conic Braun. Julia Braun. A-Edward Mc- 1bslt, pytotry Schaefer, Mabel Wilson BLANCHE Rum. Teacher. Nor o, BENTINUK Br tth-Eva Redford, Etta Twnmler Jr 4th-Dannie Nubu. Br '3rd--Wnl- ber Boyce, Edna c, m, Sarah MCCtlo lum. Jr t3rti-willie Adlnm, Hazel Bailey, Edgar Boyce, Myrtle Bailey. Jr 2ad--Elisle anw, Jessie Twamley. Jennie Vickers, Edith Vickers, Annie Mcesllurn, tir 1st-Etvn Yandt, Dae. w Burns, Howard McCullum, Melym Adlam. Jr lst-Mildred Brown, Ln- n-rne McCallum. Primer-Bunch. Boyee, Gertie MuUulium, Eddie Unruh Pearl “may. Stank y Bray. AGNES M. Human. Teacher. Mark Melosb'. Nuwrll. A Lindsay. G' Hell 0 Bell, A Ritehiv. 2utt-K [hum-x J McNabb. R Davis. Gt-lil Alioe, G Lindsay. . tir P. im, r ~J Bell, Jr Primer A--M Dell. " P. {Inc-rah) L" wrr'nce, E Hum-mo. H. Rluhi '. Nu-wrll, E. SCOTT. Teachvr. No.1. NORMANBY Sr 4th-Maggic Petty. Janet Mount- am, J Burns. Jr 3rd-Julia Barns, Elva Marlee, Charlie McAlister, Jame. Picken and Walter Kerr eq. Sr 'ttd-- Reta Carson, Cameron McNaughton, Iva Marshall. Jr 2nd--Esther Petty. Ist-May Mountain, Norman Carson and Mary Marshall cq. Pr. B--Agun- ta McAlistcr, John Marshall, Jamel Marshall. Pr. A-Cecil Webber, Hu- old Watson, Kenneth Kerr, Mary Berr. Reta Mountain, Arthur Petty. No, 9, G LENELG Sr 4 h-M Bell. E Patterson, M Lindsay. Jr 4th--E Ritchie, J Bell, L Aljoe. tir3rd--M Atkinson. Js 3rd-- I' Hitshicz M.i.vr.iiirtet,_h19tyy'ts, M School Reports. ARTHUR A. BACKUS, teacher. H Try them. Mc. a bottle. "ee Druggists and Dealers, or by mail. Chamberlain Medicine Co. Toronto 2 A7Gtss not by smothering the lymp- toms--woman's surest cure for woman's most common ailments. Departmental Store, A. good shoe now a Necessity With the snow and slush comes the desire and neceéiity for Good Shoes. We mean waterproof Shoes. We have them and we would like you to call and inspect them for yourself. The line of shoee we carry are manufactured by an old and reliable firm of "Sterling Bros." of London, Canada, who ere not afraid to stamp their name on every shoe they make. We have a very cpeelel showing of Men's waterproof and a good heavy weight which we are now selling for 2. 3; a Uc. We also have something good for woman in a funnel lined shoe worth 32,2 5 sellirg at $1.50 a pr. Mens Heavy Chrom Bluch. . . . " Memoite B1uch.... .. . .. " Split Blue............ " DongBlucfine........., m .'-'----r-r- Gent.leinan's Flannel lined Rubbers . . . . Ladies' " " .... Boy's Heavy Split Bluch . . . . . . " " Chron Blue. . . . . . te Satincalfbluc.......... _r-'v'e-v-vevvNro "ve-re-e-re-tro-v-o. -- Large Sales Highest Price: pad for Butter and Eggs, PM Apples “4 Live Poul- tr Live Poultry bought " an exeert “an”. 2t: HE We keep a if; Here is a snap for everybody this week Come along quick No More Headaches For Me This can be your experience if you use Chamber- lain's Tablets-- they cure head- aches by remov- ing the cause-- ew News 1:... Shoe Line 2 ao WI BEST 'iireit full line of Shoes both heavy nod light for the limo folu. §Macfarlane & Co. J, McKECHNIB We have given some lines of footwear notice 1w leave our store. To quickly help them oat we have reduced prices till there is hardly any price left. Sam: Ladies' Slippzrs an: Oxfords, "1.32.00. now SI.00 Misses aM Childrens White Oxfords now. . . . . . . . 50c Other broken lines also away down. Call and see if your size is here. Alb. Down Town Shoe State EGGS TAKEN AS CASH 1gaxxigriw,sngiaxmwngararaasss:x':'i', Writing Ttbleta at half price WRITING PAPER at half price POST CARD AL- BUMS at In.” price if you It!“ 1 puir, - they a: going fut. ‘. R. Town Office Sheet Music from la a copy up 190 0. lb NOTICE TO LEAVE Custom Work and lacking as mud r, _ Try some of it. Tulips to clear at lo earl: Violins from " Up Acoordeona from $2.50 up Blow Accordoonn Flutes, Autoharpn Hurmonican &c, &c J. S. McILRAITH Buy your tickets here Durham Profits 7O ft a Ill, ii I my Dry Goods Tril Branch KW. '13 an 2:: CCL Iles (jo

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