West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Nov 1913, p. 5

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[DC " Itolks rham notice to we have t left. now SI.“ Reta here r arriving in. We red Fire 9840081 st 10 each “P 1 $2.50 up orted we Poul- yup LRAITH sity - 6:31, 'f.'. 89e l ik', hes a Call and Small Profits fo d Shoes. call and ed by an afraid to owing of r l; 3 p', 'diillialkiiii Co. , 60 1.60 1.60 9oc 35 Jf""""?"'"""'"'"""""""" ti; (f, Branching out to New Lines t a, st"tr Mr. Alex McLeod wen: to Toronto mt Manny on business. Mr. " , Jed is making preparations for the I :rpow of rebuilding his saw-mill V, inch was destroyed by fire. Mi , Martha Wanna returned tram I opexille where she In! been for y me ttme. Mr. George Arrormnith at Durham WIS in Lawn las, Monday. _ iI‘\1{DWA RE or Ji I; J': at ftqssF9es9sFssifs9sqsqs9sqsgb9bih Mei 1’, [a needle“ to make In) commont‘ . the Weather as We all feel the :' we cf the change from the bountiful mm of last, week. Nearly every My In; his ttttttter out now but they way he obl?gad to use the when], gull: this war. A: Dry Goods. Groceries. hardware and Oils of all kinds D. G. McLEAN, N w, 1311903 AROUND THE VILLAGE T/HE? CITY BAKERY We daily have shipped in a supply of the best and purest Ice Cream. Deliciom Sundaes, Sodas Specials, Soft Drinks, etc. at our parlors. Take an Ice Cream Brick home with you. Choice lin" of Cooked no. Plain Ind Fancy Cake. m G-kt, a. a. New Roads are arriving every in and we will soon have the best smoked store in this northern country. I Imdquarters for Confectionery and all Dainty goods Just reached as. some choice Band and Hugh: Lamps, which We will sell at, a very low price, considering the II 1 titty. PRICEVILLE Jlma'liiR I). ll :5 fwget that furs are Valuable and that any boy can --’n'n no price ota ttood horse by selling Mink Skin: an: Nam-r. We sell Traps that never fall to catch every anim- al that commas them. Hi heat paces tbr Bright and Bul- If you are a hunter. we can utistv your tum in Guns. which we art' selling tram $6 to $25. Ammunition cheaper thnn the ehu- tpest. 'l‘hnm WAS a line ot Wood Honing Stoves shipped to us by Inimti,kc, and we will ram. then off " ench. Do not [one it h H) )nunicy. . We Elu'c opened out A but. steak of Mitts and Gloves. wh ch we intend to sell " prices ranging from 25e up. Mc0owan's Flour and Feed DLtf-erenc weights. tue u when requiring a bag. We have recently placed in 'tttth I full lino of ARI", YOU WELL SBOD ? You no when you purchase vour shoes here. We handle the calobrnod They spent for themnlvu. Ames Holden Boots and Shoes Fresh Ice Cream Daily Higher, prise paid for Farm Produce. k%'" Gemini Telephone Let Ill supply your needs. _)ly'_lil I. BLACK Mr. Neil McKinnon (James St.) was home last week to attend to affairs previous to gmng to Brampton to reside with hll mother. luv. Mr. McVicnr of Fleaherton will preach here ttext Sunday Ind Rev. Mr. Mulreson of this pllce will occupy the pulpit there. Mr. launder returned home last. Friday night after spending a few days in the city. John L. McDonald who is teaching in Dundalk now spent the weekend n his home. Another oarload of stock wua ship- ped to Toronto on Monday by Mum Herman McLean and John Shothut, The new furnace: which were recully installed in the Presbyterian church are giving good ntisfuclion so far and we hope they mny continue to do so. A number from here no attending the W. H. M. B. meeting which 18 being held in Laurel today. By J, A. McD. The poet laid that chill Novenr bar's stormy blasts made fields, end forests bare. The fields and forests are here enough looking. The cattle rejoin that the frozen winter has kept any so far, as they can live on the grass yet. Thunder and lightning on Friday the 6th inst, some are predict- ing an open Winter till Xmas. This would suit fine the majority of the farming close of people, " it would he a great saving on feed, which is none too plentiful with the most of the formers in general. We had a letter from a friend from the West, who was raised near here, which stated that they could raise one thousand bushels to our one hundred in old Ontario. Well there are some farmers near this town that had from 1000 to 16?0 bushels. That would mean that the West could produce ten thousand bushels to every thoo. sand here or fifteen thousand to every hturen hundred and probably this is correct enough for the majority in general, but would average 400 to 800 bushels, but we must be thankful with small mercies. 355% Priceville ROWE . itiiiii; t 1 iii? a. . ”in" t ',(i'i:i'iii_'it,i',ii,,'ii'i'i" * i.",ii'iii'i.iii a? hm J il * 1ib r h I In 'd * :'i,'ii1'i'i:',iiiiiii, a. iiiiii t ' In. ' ,'ll bg.‘ll t iiiiiii), ') or i,ai,'iii,iiii:i'iii,'ii; * 'i',iiiii'iii,i:',iil tir ii,,iiiii:'i.iii.,i'i, * i'iiiiiii:ii,iji, * ft I'l P ':iiiii,i,iii'i'iri."t,'ti,ii,ii'i"'t,i,1't,i'i,ti'; ii;), 'iiiiii' V ! ':'isr'si i l' 'iii It', l O , e “IV. n - e1' t ll dTho good roads w. were enjoying tiring summer 3nd full no beginning to an lamowhn gun, and that slip. pon are of no use now to prawns the ttsh m the mud u the null. , tu to hue " OHM iluieh " or wet felt md the: I while the com- plamt will be " “sun uni! " or cold am when the biting bud from of win or come or " n reshhnidh cru- udh his mics mo dhearradh don bliundnn. We luv u iUek of wild - going math, " an north pole mun hue been getting too cold for than. The young people onjoy the long oveningl in lame but! of Imuumom, while the old one. cnjoy tbomulvu lining behind the no" and probably falling “leap bolero it's tredtitne.-.-0tt whnl n obnngo from the you'- ol long ago when min, wow or anything else wouldn't. It“, than: from attending muting- of n ihturent kind. Thu nu blinnnebln gun lamb a gnbhnil leach aid or the yen: are wee-singly pass- ing by. n few morn walks Will bring us to the close of 1918. We hear it "ported that one at f"." fair young men is to be duplicated In the near tuture. We hope to be able to give a better proof of the mutter when the event occurs. Mr Willie Mutter hid um. fifty big [Oldl of turnips Mid it would be . nice sum for a. little boy to rank. up st M bushols a [and and at 150 a bushel. how much money would Mr Muther get ? The choir of the Presbyzennn church is very attentive Ind than no prospects of adding more members to " during winter. Reeve Nichol, of Gleuelg. was a busy man all fall attending lo his du- nes looking after those building bridges, cf which Glenelg is unfortun- Me to have a lot of them to build. Mr McLeod is busy laying the foundwon for I new chopper, which he intends to have In running order before New fem-a. The roads are getting had for auto- mobiles and those who wore nfraid to meet them om dnve now without fear or favor. Mr Neil McCunnel. of Durham. called on friends on the south line on his way from Swinton Park. Same from near “tended Mr Adam Wen": sale on the 4tlt inst and bought. some of the stock. The McKinuon boys (Hugh‘s) we busy ploughing on the Egremont farm “they finurhed M home some time ago. Mas McLean, from Proton Sutton- visited at her aunt’s, Mu John Me. Mnllan'a lately. Miss Annie Mollils Ian accompanied her home a few dar' ago. Neil Cameron, of Boothvnllo. Egre mom. is an” living. although auffer. ing from that dreadful disease, cancer for the last three years or more. We axe sorry to hear of the long illness of Mrs McFarlme. near the Rob Roy, " she " now some three months bedlast. Fall wheat lookl good this fall. Mr Arch. MoCuaig, of Top Cliff, has 15 acre- which looks good, also Abram-m Hooper has B large acre-g9 sown which looks fine. . When the weather gets cold bauhe lore will be huddled up in bed to keep their feet warm and what about maids --they will keep themselves warm mywsy. Dhoilbh am {nobhar " tsamhrardh " {unchd a aheamhnidh teachd nluth am or the summer and autumn is past sad the cold Winter is near us. Mita Vin: McNab is visiting in Egremom. Mr Wm. Davis, Sr., of Bum, Man. has coma back to spend a few weeks with his friends and neighbors ban, Mrs B. Kearney and [in Bea. of Durham, spent last week It Mr Jar. McGilliymy’a. Mr Thou. Davis visited friends in Owen Sound In: week. Mr Archie Benton. Sn. returned from London fooling much boner. Master Robbie and Min May Dnvin Ipenl Snndav " their grandfather's, Mr Junea MoGillivny. - Mr and Mrs John Greenwood ind mmily visited at Mr A. Boston's on Sunday. The young people of Samoan Val- loy upon: I pleasant evening " tho unwell party " Mr A. Weir‘s on Thursday. Rov. Mr McGaIalnd preached " farewell sermon n the Contra on Sunday. We wish Mr and Mrs Mo- Cunaland every success wherever they gc. tgr'T. II, Binnie went on n busi- ness trip " Hanover " Thursday. Hsllowe’en passed off with more than the usual pranks played while not begrudaing tho boys oomn fun, we think it is a cowardly tat, thief act to deliberately or ace dually break the hinge, of a gate in . couple of in.. stant”. There is, It in uld. honor among thieves sometimn. If there is any honor in them in [his case. they will make good the broken hinge. when nothing further wilt be laid. If no: action any be when. Mill Mun! Robinson, of Chesloy, up.“ a few days holidnys with her cousin: here, the Hulponny family all returned on Monday Int. The Commission of Oonrervstion for Gun“: have our warmest “In" for I brad-owe hound volume of their fourth nnnuul report which (rent. of town planning. public healthiest preservation. to: turning. tUheriee, Saugeen Valley VICINITY North Egremont Gray Hairs t Handicap In”? of noun But-cu in to am the You: It. Thin is the young Inn’s nae. Ev- erywhero you Ind the his job. in the hand: of young men, The sppennucn of use discredit! your ability.' Youth and "ioienetr no am comm. in the eyes of business man. It in not a dye. It is n hair tonic that re-invmoratel the Inn- roota and the setup, Iupphu new nourilhmcnt. a new In“ of “ta fog ycur hllr. thus bringing back in natural color and luxurinute. It removes "ndrutt. -Don't let a for any hurt spoil your chance. when It! to easy 1. prevent or cure them. We guarantee I to do this. Your money will be "funded If it hilt After a fair triad. 81.00. 60c, 250 Get it our store. Sold “(I recommended by Muir"- mc& Uo., Dluggme, Dmbnm,0nt. water J"i'lfl" oyster farming. day hole o New Ontario, Agricultural Survey. fish hateherier, smoke pre- vention, Ike.. and is profusely illhs- trated in ttue colored can. _ Hnyl' lair Hum: restore- tho nu- tttral color to any hair and no one will know you use it. Min Ella. Ramon, of Dromore, spent her hot Sunday ttt Egremont at the home of Mr and Mrs W. Ramago. be. fore takiniher departure on Tuesday of m. wen for A course in Guelph Genevnljospitul. wacaeiatattecgutib' This Monday morning tinthe sleigh' in; fairly good, utter the blustnry snowstorm of Sunday night. Mr Hermie McLean. at Priceville. is Incoming an extensive buyer of cattle and was around here on Friday last making some purchases. , Mrs Wm. Brown was the guest but week and of her ulster in Durham, Mn Wm. Clark. Mrs Mnnary and baby left here last Friday to join her husband in Toron- to. Mile Mary Btown went to Toronto hat Monday, Mr and Mrs Manll]. of Aunt, spent one day last week at Mr Falk- ingbam's. A very auccosnful missionary meet- ing wu held on Thursduy afternoon and in the evening ".5 held I. meeting to consider about the Christin“ Tree, It is to be on the 28rd of December in the church. Mr and Mrs Ward and Mrs Fulk. Ingham waited one afternoon at Mrs Pinder’a. Mr Hoeilin Went to Hanover Satur- day to visit his brother. Trapping is the order of the day. Miss M, O. Blyth teacher of Game spent. our Sanity With her folks here. Mr Falkingham sold his driver to John Runny. The trustee: and ratepayers an to have a meeting Tuenday evening to consider about ' Box Social in the school. gag; w ' ”JV Announcement " DUIRHAH We have a good stock of Food on hand that we are offering at low prices for the next few weeks as we want to reduce our stock. If you need feed of any kind call and see no It the Oatmeal Mill. I beg to announce to the public that I hnve taken over the Boot ind Shoe business former- ly carried on by Thos Mchth. Cheap Feed I solicit your esteemed and valued patronage in this iine. New lines arebeing added to our already large stock. I carry a. most np-to- line of Footwear at prices which will suit all purses. McGowan Mining Co. Orchard Repair shop will be carried on as before. We ensure prompt and efficient attention. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Crushed Oats Chopped Oats Chopped Barley Feed Oahu al Ont Peed Mixed Feed . L Saunders Mr. G. A. Watson and his wife have returned to their tum. _ niililcehanc; is It present viii!- ing her brother. “IVA. lawman. Mira. -gL, Hopkim Ipent n few days Irith her daughter Mm R. Whitman in Mrs. Wm. Aljoe visited her non Mr. A. Alloe in Hanover launch. "m. m Mrs. D. Ann oi Barium were guests ot their daughter. Mn Geo Hopkins a week ago. . Durham su," Jim Allan 'tpert' Thane!" hat with " sister here. Mm. N. Whitman and not Nugau. "eoatpanied, by Mn. Burnt. Oakville, Mun. spent Sunday last with the for. 'er's Ldtughter, Mrs. Robt. Wells. Allan Park.' Moth" Earth has changed her 001- or and now is covered with new. at- .thtmrtt not quite “mum for mill:- my. “can A. H. and Will Bur-m drove our "" Orebnrdvilla Bun- day to Amend the funcnlot Mr A, H}. sister. formerly of Mt. Forest. It is our and duty " rcporttho death ot Mrs Wm. Wilubiro (nu , ache! Lyons) on Friduy last, utter: l bars but noun “In." of goitro. Mrs Lyons and son, Spring Hill, In. arrived . week provionl and were lprelem u no time of her death. The tuners! Snndny tt? Dung-91k ftRtttrir t w: "iiefriiiGidCYG tin-bud. daughter. Ion. parents. brothers and sisters hue our aincorest sympathy 0UN'S DRUG ISTORF. White Pine Bxpectoraut (Cough Syrup) Linseed, Licorice and Clorodyne (Cough Syrup)' Rum, Honey & Glycerin (Cough Syrup) Gun's Grip Capsules (For Colds) Cold Weather Specialties Nasalinc (For Cold in the Head) We are still doing bul- iness and selling at a discount. JAS. ll. GUN Druggist, {25: Hopevllle. Durham {£3 -. "I" I -'\-'-I‘- . _ KfCiiUa'u2'i'ii'i"iiMl, " mt plans do not ”hm" ilYtit will Icon bent I brInch _tt WHOM“. Llttrarr Beard bare li IdII lataet Ind {In any“ m '. an”. thIt It {In fuming. A Iumhu 1100de hold- some" thou the gunman. headed by Dr. w. P. am. i 12th.st on. Tho Manama oom- thVI “hen the matter in hand Ind itt. l an". In)” to MY. will. aeolian! heady) hunt: the prone! in tho form numb": Ind wilt do their utmost to 3 of a toittt Itock company with I a ital mu. I high elm moat. ot '20,000. ' W ST . stock en Iuhscrllid the promoter. The Rev. John Duron, who h“ of the BC "no will apply to tho Govern. boon preaching ii the Presbyterian mInt for I charter and this Ilep will be church for the [Mt three Sunday, it frellowed by the complete oinixation I voqu mm of good ability. ‘Hls ofacompany. eel-mono tho been a very tgreat dew Naturally the ., men bchmd r' are m to the" who listened to them. We thusiastic met the manned scheme In lorry to say he has been cnu.- andthey cxpcet no tumble In getting pelUd to lay tilde " regular Work, 'rthrt,,eh, all kmdsfnl tfxclslxulkl he ,kfert',t c e “I. c pen. or t " 1lidc var ch. owing n tll health. _ . . ithc mm brced, the rrd foxes and “a.” P"""""""""""""']'?:"":"'-"..-:..' {Lam no 'iriiii"iiiiiii2,, __ A ‘_ __-___-_.._-_.._1 r, “I: Nicholson paid a short Visit n " brother at Cheltenham b'autrd y, returning Monday. We hive not hurd of any of our loulapartunen goingnorch tit hum deer, but we think neeessi y M. force them to amend their numb-L grounds, " they have oleamd up ovorythlug it sight around he re. It Join Manny and family haw returned to their home in Toronto. LOST.--"') License 1nspeetlr/ Finder will kindly return him to [M Im- n " presence is required there. Mr Jan Wading left on Tuesday tor loonjuv. where he has located a position " shipper with a large de. imrtamtttal More. Mr “on Books arrived home from Ernfold. Sunk. on Saturday ot last week. Mr and Mrs Orchlrd. ot London, Ire visiting trionds in Holstein. Miss Lizzie Wilmsley has returned from her visit to friends in Blythe and and in much improved in hum]. Don't forgot the Millinery Sal. at J. W. Hunter's more. - M1539 Bum. Weir and lieu IL eru vlaited In Durham over the We end. Ilsa Nettle Troupe returned to Lockport. N. s., on Thursday. Mr Thou. Brown returned home from the West on Friday night. We regret to report that two ot older residents, S. Neil and N D, Kenzic If. indispored at rretient, The (Langemen had a tmeeesslul tow! Inppal' on Guy Fawkes‘ night. Over 50 were in attendance, and Rub- em' Hull was zany decorated top the event. Bert Edwsrds made an idem! was master Ind the guests partouk heartily of his propoull. At the court held here to day the one ot Snell v. Keller was decided in favor ot the defendant largely hy the evidence ot Wat. Black. At the Hush Fur Mr Jas. Snell tough” born from Mr Kellnr. which ina few day: went lame and on reselling it he lost some $60. The action was to recover this 360. It was proved that the plaintitl allowed 24 days to clap» beloro complaining and this and other evidence trom farmers and Mr Black who knew the horse, caus- ed the decision O. ”O. qt-te-Hoi.'. HOLSTEIN Division Court ----V u. Italy the Mo- " Naturally the " men behind " are en. thusiutic over the pmpcaed scheme and they expect no trouble in getting eterted. All kinds of foxee will be kept. There will be pens for the black “titty. the silver breed. the red {one and even the common dog (ox will not be forgot- ten. When the charter has been pro- cured land wdl be purchued in the village or immediate Vicinity. Many gloomy days In November bleak The Uien chm]: lung low, And through the the! grey utmos- [mere kull leathery tuk" of mom A few beautiful My: lust week tol. lowod by an electric norm on Friday mght. Mona J, Earig “d J. Hunt. Ind lightning rods put up on their burns Int week and sure enough lightning Immedittely put In In nppennuco. Mr Dune. of Mount Forest. did tho work well. Some time ego M r end Mu Erna Peyne moved to their homein lic mesh]. We join their other Men in wiehmg them prcalzerily in an new home. Min Eu. Run in ill. Rev. Mr Baker and Mrs Bnkor. of Drew, visited " Mn Rum“: and Mr, P, fl""" on Wednesday of htet wee . We hid the plmaure recently listening tobsgpipu played by u Forgmu. The pupa. we wen formed, ue two hundred years old I cheered on the bughlmdors " battle of Waterloo. Two loo-acre farms in Bgremont, one lat M, con 12, and the other lot M, con II. In offered by the undersigned " ho wishes to make a quick sale. Farms will be told separately or together. The first mentioned farm bu brick house, bank barn, cement stnbling. driveshed and other outhuildtttge, A windmill forces “alt! from drilled well to home. Second farm has comfortable dwelling home, 1rnk..bary and cum huildio o. Apod well It house sad I never failing sprung. School on the torn. Rural 'moil and telerhone. Ttthotter memo l'. mrgnm for name one no proprietor has purchased western form and will be leaving the out shortly. Apply.to. .. _ ttdiabTtiirrTFrets the “In: Ind Inna- tg,titiitipk,t.?pjfr. $20,000 Fox Farm -.---- -i-------- South Bend Farms For Sale are SWAKE'H H. l, Holste et use. t '1? 5 20c. a Spec, ‘3‘ a . _ g. y 'r l oh " tents, at he It it). frlt " LI

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