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Durham Review (1897), 20 Nov 1913, p. 1

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W0. Ai In _:ji"ij L98 is} 13, 1913 I? 99 35 Sli , buy' n b The Library Institute .IH Owing to an over-crowding of “ork at thisiseatmt, all this” of advertisements MUST be in the pub- Iisher's hands by I F In. Monday to insure publication. The Mil: Annual Meeting of no Uranus-van.- District Library locum“. tsas [”de lulu history. Mill. ut' Inuth amt Is Imlh saleable and“: ~uuunv. At the meeting in Bump- t in law Venn. Rev. Dr Fuquhuton w.“ h unwed with the chairman-lip and u w As a amine! plenum that he " M Able to preside at the union. “in C, P. It. noon In": brought "may dengu-s. the u. T. R. nddod to men. and idle! dinne- they found their way to hit: Library and open: " li-mrui .0 in grain: acquainted Ild m in~prrung the tim, tsuitdintt upstairs and duwn. Admiration wu Indy vxpn .,red tor III. bright internal IP- p mrun‘c', though army noted the ar- ilmrc um mutate of it being set so H M B N K M To Advertisers l Successful and Prot1tthle Sessions. Ar " he brat Bran hruid Valley Lu both a township mm and a “Huge grant toi" now "mm c' u-negie binary. Some Lila-Mien have I 1lterary Io- WV lit connection, _which prcwn it. VOL. XXXVI, Na. 47 W cevillt. -Alex Firth .iu-.Urs, D. P. Coleridgo rrrund--hrtsn V Scott. I In "lestm-t. lhvidion. ll nun/.1 report by Mrs Lister I!“ I1 I. a“ the must interesting of them- til. Jlss Lister could tell olamuni- _"rr n mirror! increasing yearly not My 11 mucmlly. but a person-l inter- r-sl n. It rezwlml to the benetit of the l. l r.. t y. she, has instituted n " Burr, Mum and wnth voluntary assistants ' a.“ at'e “we“ to (be children on Na. r'rrrt' ."l mir mm lhese M910 be loliow- t i lo timgrnphv. They have intro- mn ed Kindergarten table: And in oth- ' r w.ny~4 are catering to the young. 1‘m y lun- pruned lists " books um- mu- [or the workmen Ind their {unil- ir's and n~ked Manufacture" to endow {hum u: the par envelopes thus chin) my, attention from many who ttttter- 9 m- unghl be "ubtbsrent. Tiny have also a hungry society, spa-h with n- thusmsm of the menu: of Bandar " teruuun opening. This mu undoubt- . . ,A_.‘_. «Sign and - yt l) " Sh " all} the I beet must inspiring Ill 1!: ulnyu-..,.. Holstein. by Mrs D. P. Coleridge. had a good story to (all of woman and uuerest. They In" upxnt In back: over $59.00. twice “much In Durham dare venture this you and are tuaceesrtat with concerts. 0mm Sound has on; borrow". and over 5000 books and will get the Con- vention of 1914. Durham reported 380 borrower., n - _-g-...'-. man, I W crtbk' And pvotitttble " well by Inc l x “I: they hold. Hungrwlle i-u recataloguin'. In. " " borrowers and gets over 81000 t munimpall gram. dwmm-ne council donated a lit. " mg 3450 for their Ctrncgie Library J u uvnernuu in other wnys to the -lllul on which has spout. $150 in " “mks, t ' ll, 3 tiris uune interesting It- “ wznmg from the vuiousli- .v. by the delegates pro-ant. m4 Hm 1mm: brought. out being: r A mm delivery by eneotarattirttt f "asly papPrs was hurting Iibrll' Also the multiphcutton of "tsoot u tr.- acted m the name mreetion. ‘unplun i, the largest Library in [mm-t with 335 members, hul it A nuum'xpul grant. of 'ti00 and ham the department. Durham ,3 nu were wishing their town n A [Md been present. lit-1'9 Libraries cannot put-chute I. "rits the department. wilt-end tzu llLIlng litmuies to freshen up if Durham Ivy-an“. v... V -'" circulation approximating 10,000, . uuvurnment "irtsot.oi068., which with I grants from Tova council and a]. of l cards makes up tho revenue. Mr w. I wage. the ottieis1 delegate. In" the , salient points of tho Cut-aegis benche- Lion. showing how " Ind been - l and more too and yet there won nood- unnupplled. THE IVENING MEETING With Dr. Fuquhnnon again In the ' and: and a very In..." wrinkling cl ood-Mrs. G. Eart "tre---A. McFadden ‘A\V. H. Urooslry “a -rlt-e John A. Black -w. H. Urooslvy Il.~Rrv John A. Black John ll. Mulhall -Jan. Gardiner yrr,s Ciitton m-Ms,", H. E. Hnrt C. Elvidgo up Lumps Uamoron am-Jas' McDonald Eur-W. J. Atkinson and .Nousitt.siittpt and Resolution: mm h 1-! been nppomu-d, the u g we hm opening address in ' MIL-l led [all]. death " Dr. “h whines-or. and woke on tt y m an educational char-ct- I and me an Aid to both school .. n. 1' h ul a mission of the" 1pm“ I , Ion Hour " by Mini .11. " Tumult), was (run to in ttltf ”the (Imam! ca'nloguer of [s mun [apartment and more ;y' other on. perm 0min .vuh an and Lihury condition- "ovhice. Her address wan ouustrt Me duo-decimal systo- "i mun which in being senor- _ III Ontario Libraries and _ l m: duly worth irutaliirttt in LAM-4r) am Durham. This was I m v,ctt close attention And ( dl many hints that will prove T trt "ll Libraries. te " W ml mum to alumnus inlages. new impin- t knuw the pleum un- trr put. and especially ul-l krep the poet. as 130 libraries in Ontario runent " Its owl ex- 1lio Spereunen when and in recatalogututt li- iia,iiUl w'ell by the Ewart. {Gin and I“ citizens added to the dolcgutec. a pro- fitable evening was upon. Two thint" rather out a chill upou it, the absent» unclplnined. of Rev. W. Pinion. Muh- dah, who was down for the chief ad- drus had this apparent Itch of intern!- ofour council and citizens in not turn- ing out In large numbers to enjoy the proceodinga of the Institute, which at the waning union are ltrgelr divest. ed of ttsets.icality, Mayor Black wan itrst called upon for I civic welcome which he did very glnclouslv admitting that the Library was on. of the main institutions ofthe town tsnd giving from his own experi- ence when, u 3 young man he ttrat wont. among strangers, the necessity of just such a place " I reading room, to remove the lonelineu autumn! to web as lituuion. Dr. Jamieson, M. P. P., was aIsoi called upon and gave what might be celled: county welcome. He spoke of the begtqttta of Library and reading room and uttered a great» truth when he aid that u the agitation for ebon- " hours of labor meant. longer hours ot Ieuure. it was necessary that such institutions DI! libraries and reading room. should teceive more attention. Mr Nurse, in a tine address ndvout- ins urongly more attention to juven- iles and juvenile literature, said many tine things. Times were changmg since childrsn used to be restrained from many thing: as dogs are forbid- den in A park. Europe, he mill. Wtbts IO or 50 years behind Canada. " was the lilnrurinu's hunineu to bring the child and the books together. The sunnietst and brighten pol-nun of the Library should be given!” the rhildren. Low chairs, tables. quh-haiin. pictures on the wall, All brought naturaliam, enabling the child to conquer its environment. The general atmowhere of a well-ot- dered how. should prevail and puhllc Library should be free as air to both child and adult. Such Wonk as this was known In de. crease crime and the cost. of crime in U. 3. WM ”Hunted M. 400 millions of dollars: The story hour (as in Hanover) Wu as success. '. Not skilly but real por- ridge " should be given in pure hnuka. " Women produce every year 100000 books, it might be questioned it it would not be better for m. In to rear that many children." Rev. Mr Prudirarn filled in neatlyi the gap in the program, stating that ho ins heglrning to tind inanv hooks here that, he could use to advantage. He spoke on the value of penal-3| work and related an interesting inci. _ dent ot the tirst Library meeting hel over Attended on the west coast of Ja- ; pin. 10 years ago. I Rev, Mr Yeajer, Hanover, gave an in- l tereoting resume of the work of Han-l over. Institute where Librarian and Directors work oon-amcre for the ad-' vance of the Library as " .. At ts town. The Young People's Societies, lend their young debater to the Librar- ian for books dealing with natural his. tory, Science, ho. He testified also that they conceived opening on Sunday afternoon a great suecesa. Rev. Mr Black. Mr Campbell and others contributed to the evening's en- tertainment. especially drawing inform- ation from Mrs Lister. Rev. Mr Black was: and Miss Spercmln gav‘ fitable instiycti.on.!Huf ing ' tem fi" Resolutions committee mended I. That for we: mum of 23 instead eligible for a grant. Z That townships levy a small rate for m s. That one (tr mt lowers be appointed Spercman. 4: Recommended, adopt new system of [ g. That there be in every Library. 6. That o. Sous meeting. 7. That thanks be given to Inspector for much valuable information. I 8. That we desire to place on record our appreciation of the valued services of our retiring President Rev. Dr. Fsrquhnrson. not only to the local branch here, but to the entire district and we deeply regret his recent illness [which compels him to relinquish for a time the duties he loves so well. We I... Was ""ri"tt"""" Sratigip.gjg.iiigit " Liraiai io the duo- In n sehool where young men and women nre properly trained for ponitione of trust. Buinesn men are realizing this fact and consequently we nre noon nble to piece our areduntee in high class situntionn. They re- 1 mnin where they nre plated beeuune they are prepared for renponnible _ werk. When you, remember that this college is connected with the Centrll Bueinenn College, Stratford, end the Elliott Business College, Toronto. me e! the bent inntitutionn in the province. you will not be nurprined why we obtain such good results. An! our ntndentn and gtndnnten whnt we have done for them nnd they will nny “More than nnyone else could have done.’ Grndunte from thin College nod we will do the nnme tor you. " w. E. WILSON, Principal a - . TORONTO ' DURHAM BRANCH, s,utat,CC,CLLUiiitgg,u,,.,i,iaii--l BANK ---rrr-rr-er-e-r-r---'"""""e-'-" - - A -- - The REVIEW for all kinds of good commercial printing and iobwork le - iiiititrtittiit, for want libraries a mini. instead of 50 members be TUESDAY 1oum,ti?Juvsefjirt, Sound be next place of {ships hallowed to iii t toe libraries. 1mm 0' more ot11ci.al cat»! w, tinted to assist Miss U!” ggv;anothcr pro- our on " catalogu- c duo-decimal "'S" all libraries to classification. ', 3 Juvenile dept. made chairman Inspector recom- arr apsi, Having purchased a portion of thd tulrtorth wing of the Hahn "out, Mr. mahlohn Schutz is having the building Gr moved this week on his property on irs,) Mill Street, adjoming his own residence. was He willreconstruct it into a dwell” ina) house. Details and autistic: of the great storm Ind shipwrecks on Lake Huron are fully reported on page 6, Mert's and boys' Overcoatl._ men/s and hors' Suits. Big bargains m hosiery at Grants. '"'rtie Public and High School Boards of Cheslcy have installed four drinking fountains at I coat of 0102.00. Cur-load No. 1 potatoes at 01.10 per bag at C. P. R. tracks, Friday and Baturday. Mrs. Beggs and Son. No, 1 Fresh Water Herring and Salmon Trout by thg_kag.n . a Rev. Dr- Farquhnrsou announces that he wishes to sell his driving horse buggy and harness, both new nndn buggy and cutter. Apply It the man" or phone No. 16. Mr Will Lawrence. son of Mr Henry Lawrence. has provided 3 necessity in the town by Hurling in the milk busi- ness. A Young St. Men's Furnisher sold 1,tt8 vnlour or velvet ties in one day, ', tho journal. - stien's-Wear Review lbnck: this statement, We have the ismne line of ties. well assorted at 50c. ly. A, Rife & Co, Tailors & Furnishers. \VEDNESDAY. 1.lfh'H Nov,--IJn this date Jae. D Nelson, Lot 13, Con. 5, ‘Glenelz, otters for sale Farm Stock [and Implements and some housvhuld lfurutiture. 12mm. credit, 5 per cent idiscount for cash in lieu of notes .Sdle at l o'clgck-fhnrp. MsRrrwrs.--Livts hogs $8.60 per owl. 70 porkers were shipped on Tuesday. Eggs 28, butter 20, chickens dressed " lo 1'1. ducks TO torg, turkeys IO to 15, geese IO, _ 5 f T, 'Aefca Jun received a large stock of valour. felt and oihersoft bats With a huge assortment of men's stiff ttattr and caps. This hand wear. is up to date and priced within the teach of all. ti. A. lee& Co. We dress the best dressers. trust that he may soon be restored to his wanted vigor and be able again to fill the gap made by his enforced rc- ltiremcnt. Carried unanimously. i We cannot do justice this week to lnsp. Campbell) fine address on "the lLibravy and the School” nor to Mr l, Nursey's. elaboration of the excellent; work being done for Libraries by the department. Followingio the list of officers '. Pres. f ident--John Taylor, Hanover; lst Vice President - Rev. R. M. Phalen, Markdale; 2nd Vice President - r MrJno. McKinley. 0. Valley: Secy, i'rremc--flr D. McPherson. Orange. d ville: Fret:.. Com.-Mrs D. P. Cole. .lridge. Holstein; Mr Cameron, Shel- -_;burne; _Rev...An?.. A."Black, Mono B nun“. , .TN.T. v..-. --. 777,7, ,, Mills; Mrs Winner, Hanover ; Mr Gardiner, Kemble; Miss Hart, Bramp- ton '. Mr McFadden, Mono Centre ; Mr C. BIvidge, Durham; Misa V. Scott o. Sound, twat-he'd; D. MCPH'AIL. Auctioneer "iirl'ieegw, & Son u»- , , THURSDAY. NOVEMBER. 20, 1913. With which is insomnia! the Holst“! Lender Under above heading Wednesday'- Star has the following piece tt news: " Mr Juettcst Lanna: gnu indgnent for damages this morning In favor of Alfred Rogers,, manufacturer’s agent. in his suit agamnt the National Port. land Ucmeno Company of Durham, for $54,000 damages for breach of a contract under whtett Rogers was to be sole agent for the IN',' of the plant and under which e cleared $18,000 aye". A reference is to he made to the Mnster-in-Ordinnrv to ascertain and assess the damages." Mr Calder and the company have failed ln the weantitue in their effort to do justice to the aharebolderg. An 1 appeal will likely be made. Rev. Dr. Farqnhamn will occupy his pulpit on Sunday. Being unable to meet in liabilities, the Superior cement plant " Orange ville has been forced to close down and cease operations. l The case of Rex vs. James McLean of Durham, for highwar" robbery come: F? at the fall assizen in Owen Sound ittis week. This is one of three crimin- al cases on the billet. ourknitted scarfa and mufflers are promoting quick Ind satisfac cry sales, because they area line ofqualily, tastefully shaded and neatly trnished. S. A, um.- & Uo. Tu men who know. This week the firtp of S. A. Rife & Co. ask the attention of Review read- or: to theirline of Meh'l Wear, clothing, &c, Read their ad od'plge 5. On Tuesday Dec. 2 the B. Y. P. U. of the Baptist church are holding a Paper hand shake and Flower Guessing Contest Social. An interesting pro- gramme is being prepared and refresh, ments will also be served. The Eugenia Falls power property which is to develop hydro electric power for Owen Sound has been sold for taxes. W. A. 'Armatrong the township treasurer is the purchacer. The deal has placed the county town in uquandary. "s SETTLED WITH OJP. 1l.--hir, Fre H. Ream: ' M Mdilocklin who wu so seriously in. iMr. Chris girth jmed at Dundalk on the day of the '. fair has made "'uymtnt. wil, the . Mill“ railway T."'"".".' for "20 and the "lellwu yum-y'- dociors'sbill, which amounts to $125. . . He is mm afrle u, get around with th Somewhere in the wilde and bleak l aid of u. crutch. xvi-lubed of yortbefn (0'g2 .Thiimirs l ton, ormer u enunc us Messrs Arnold and iii-bf. Noble are twinning the air gt liberty once m'ore. ', 1'tPl""h!' before Magistrate Mellnel He made a. remaiklble "caps from i oi \eoynlnn saturday, on sebum of County Constable Uook of Ceylon. in . bmlilyinjury to Alex Calder. This that ottieer Was bringing him from l cl!"'."' are oulcohie'o! a Negrertuhle Winnipeg to stand and for the two , 'g,a,i.twich/ti,ui1'i',,rl:fst if???“ trrutaIuiaultt' made on his Wife on "1rfuJar'iiiri00t £56,”: {gnogvgtet mlr:A'. tew,- 1 of Nu th., mu 'r, by another hunt in which he received Conrail?“ Cook w Pete, to gnaw; . a severe limiting from the (no hrolh- shoullv witty bis an hd tip fr , I era. tlt treceive) sev.yal bodily in- the W B had f,2thr',ii “campus a} - -____ hm“: 2aht,Peff.', a small town, some! I teuwt9rR.4rc.rare' ..ree_qqi"" - e - by aiiother bout in which he received a severe hauling from the two broth- ers. Ile received severaloodilrin: juries and for alima it Was feared that he would lose sight of one eye. At the tuanua1utesrtiug of the Horti-. cultural Society on Tuesday, Mr E, A May was elected President. ter the emu ing year and Mr Chris. Fnth. the ssealous Secretary Treasurer, wan re. 'eleeted, 110 has held llIis'posinou for zealous Secretary Treasurer, was re. ielected. H. has held this positron for 16 years. Mrs J. S. Mellraith was uppoluted Vioou'resident, The election of a board. honorary directors and di. ‘reckora also took place with Messrs J. ill. Coleridge and John Morrison, audi. Wars. Arriving In Durham by the thp. It. train on Thursday night, was the body of Duncan Smith, a former Ben- tinck township boy, hut who had died I on Monday Nov. 10, in a \anipeg. haspilal. The young man who was 34] ymu-u old and the son of the late 'l‘hnnnls Smith, had been 71” with i "V'r‘uv- . V yinu-u old and the son of the lane" Thomas Smith, had been til with pneumonia for some time and though be fought valiantly against the disease. death in time claimed it: own. Accoiupeuying the remains on the Iottely trip eastward was James Smith, the only brother of tite deceatr ed and whose smrow was prcimhly added to when he found thM a. tele- gram that he had sent to friends in town had been miscarried and no word of his intended atrival had been rvceiv- ed. The two young men with their lumber have resided in Winnipeg for ' ..* 1: -TEtstWeE, nnw. the two sons Judgment for ngers. Ill\lllltl ..TWr"'- __-- - almut 15 years now, the two sons being employed in Eatort's store. Mrs. Smith who survives in a daughter of the late Duncan Campbell well. known in Bentinck and Ulenelg. Deceased was also a nephew of the late John W. Smith of Aberdeen He was a member of tha Modern Wood, men of America. The funeral was held trout A. Bell's undertaking pm- lurs to Rocky Sangeen cemetery for burial on Saturday afternoon. Kev. l Dr Farquharson ohieittted," - . EEKE‘EEEHWREEEEHWEMNWEEfi-Zfi Ill VII Character I' Intelligence llill -------* . m -ArrF n... ;..m the minim: of ii Is large and of the best quality. We have Inst-um a XI NEW OAT CRUSHBR, "sd will crush your ontg for Home. Ill custom Chopping Promptly Done tl Baled Hay and Salt for sale Sl fl Phone " Fred J o Welsh iiiAiiigaysnirigsaiiiiriamwiao*"'l= Gold Medal and The most modern equipment watchfulmrtrs, and only the choic insure in Gold Medal and Notth-r quality every day In the year. C brands that u: chad. Our Stock of Feedi As well as WHEAT ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO “m3. {lath-west Gem Floats Jeirehn/e's family who We spent morn than a your fuming at keirotrert, ink" re- turned last week and will "qu up their home at Vic-ken. Since going to the West an Increase bu coma lute the Aloxwder funily, there being now tour children where formerly there was three. >~- Mr. Jos. Rear of Bentinck returned from the West on Slturday but. Miss Reitl. McDonald who has been a guest at the home of her uncle' Inspector N. W. Campbell for several weeks put. returned to her home near Barrie on Saturday. Miss [shy Campbell returned with her for a. visit, miles distance from me swam “a. " it .ippsars that the otBsia1 went In- ;\ voluntarily to sleep, having had no u test for the two previous days or "' nights. it. The prison" although handcuffed " saw his oppmtunity and immediately as prepared to take French leaye. The )1) hrncelets must have been a size too .i. large, for those he slipped " sad then l J. made his wav to the exit, Although li. it is said that the train was speeding 30miles an hour he tooka risk and jumped from the pintform. Whether [l. he rem-ind any injuries from the he Immrdous leap is i7rotrlematitst1 but m- the possible existence of snow banks edlluay have sued him. What the tr codstable's feelings were when he 3* i awoke from that ill-timed nap can he if limagined. However irursaittuasfutut Mr. James M. Farguhurson who bu been surveying on the C. P. B. in SaskalebeWan for almost a yen put. is now an the ererlorinl use! of a Port Arthur paper. Messrs Ale: McLachlan and P. Pat- erson arrived home trom their deer hunting expedition to Mnskokl last. week end, each with the one deer that the game laws allow. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ritchie wen In Toronto last week visiting the latter" sister, Mrs. King. While in the city, Mr. Ritehicynderwent “(treatment by a specialist. an abscess haviisg troubled him for a month. We are pleased to lay that he is recovering. Miss Jessie Munro returned to Toronto on Monday after visiting at her home in town. ipment, along with extreme our. and to choicest of Canadian Hard Wheat, North-west Gem the highest possible ear. Costs no morn than many inferior Mr. and Mrs, Will Johnston, Mark- dale, waited from Thursday to Mon- day at Mr P. Rtid's, Upper Town. Mr. Roy Savage of Cheslcy visited " E. W. Llmin's for a few days Among those attending the conven- tions and thaw: in Toronto this week are, Mrs. Thom MeGirr as delegate of the Women's Institute, Mrs. Doherty, Mrs. Currie, Miss Eleanor Kress. Mrs. 7-‘ _ ' Ir -----i__ -_.l Mr. Thos navis, Mr. Wm Davis And Mrs o. Burns. are leaving to-duy for I. visit to Toronto. Mr. and Mrctame, Alexand‘efytnd , are put ."“'J - wet-e '7, A: re ported I WW In, nu. Constable Cook w pccmo uni". shoully with Iureli, hd tip fr, the W a had be nnfely accomplis ' urf‘deen. a small town, some miles distance from the Boo oeripeM'tr it appears that the otBeial went In. voluntarily to sleep, having had no rest for the two previous days or Kidnbome he came. --" The officer was in town on Saturday, reporting the result of his mission. Previous to this the three Mighlon children who were taken by their tamer whenhe escaped to the West. warn hroughtlmek to town and are now living with their mother here, This was 'accomplished through the help of the children's Aid Society in Owen Sound, 00515 no mm- u..- ......., _--- - -----' A - El 1 Feeding Stuffs t quality. We have installed a ad will cnnh your out for Home. ping Promptly Done and Salt for sale red J. Welsh sisamgggagsngtgitgll8ll8llgl5ll When the news of Highton's "cape reached town, tho feeling of chagrin and disappointment did not generally exist, rather the majority of citizens seemed to sea a humorous vein in the whole episode and several of the " l- mld-you-w" class jokingly dulnred that Minhton deserved his freedom if [wind the nerve to max. the leap from the train. Durham of late hag been experiencing too many exciting chaptelsfroui the book of thrills to let ihiir adventure of Mlghton‘s arouse "u" “I““I'l'vun ___ - exist, rather the majority seemed to so. a humorous whole episode and levernl mld-you-w" class joking that Minhton deserved his he had We per".., It ma! any especial interest. Mighton escapes into the milling of 'ifi'iriiiai" Kearney and Wis Eat your sale bills printed here. The Owen Bound Times thie manila cdebnles its Diumond Jubilee having hum begun by Ric-bud Culley in IMB. in the issue of Nov. 9, an interesting historical retrospect up. pcars, written by a form" editor Mr. David . Creighton. Though " sixty years young" it was on no time ill in history better " on to in job" than u this presents day. Success to Brer Rutherford. TIE Ilillfhl, BANK OF CANADA A car of No. 1 Potatoes due here Thursday. Get your supply off car at C. P. R. tracks hare. Price per bug $1.10 off cat. due here Thursday or Friday. Special price on ton lots by tithing it off the car. Call at the store and get our prices. . MRS. A. BEGGS oy SON If you want a grocory Fresh Water Herring Five Roses Flour Fresh Water Salmon Milverion Jewel Oilcake McGowan'I Eclipse Linseed Meal King Edward Cation Seed Meal Cheeley Flour New Mantles Just Arrived Comfort, btatoes, Potatoes 325 Branches Throughout Canada. Capital Authorized Capital Paid Up Reserve Funds -.""I"" w----- . . "ITt-fttHGces St. Q?r. Phr me) mun-1AM gnu w-u . c HHGHE.. 'Stltrt Carload Bran and Shorts There IS great comfort in . long coat with I. far collar. There is so largo a portion M the winter which is severe and blurtry tUt the possessmu of along coal) with a. fur collar il prac- tioally a neoouity in every women'l complete wordrobe. We have them and they are mode eopeoislly for our- selves. They have superior cloth, also superior quality quilted. luring Ind are a. little longer then the ordinary fur collar coat. Any one intonding purchasing a good warm coat should see this lino before selecting elnewhen. We has" also passed into stock within this In. weak 36 Ladies new Coat: ranging in pricefrom .......q.."'. $6 to $15 Ont ttSu,',', Men's and boys garcons and en's and Bord Suits 15 m interesting future of thin store. Swings Department " ttll Branches. OFFICE NEW YORK AGENCY A complete stock of INCORPORATED 1869 riled . . . s 25,000,000 Jp . . . . 11.500900 5 . g I u I ‘3,000.000 Baht mu ailor you neighbor borrow you BEWBW, vlilo you put the MOI nub! both. why .not all " an unlawful at!“ to new summon “A In Ii- but " on pup- er. 1th the clam of . “who: Tttt ”VIEW " ha. I, Wilt [or “.00 Elegant also order in a hurry phone us ' Subscriber: tgcHcrz,--ut Durlum on Friday, llth Nov. 1913. to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schutl. nun. Jopr.-itt Mnnvillo sua., on Fridax Nov.1th..to Mr, no Mn. Chas. d "pp, nun. tEcarrrcmtrtr,--At Glam-noon on Sax "May, Cub Nov. 1918, to Mr. and In. John Isiah-k. a await”: of Men's. ani1Bo.r.s' BORN Economy a4 Cain as.

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