bi otrt"'"t't"f""tf""tt""'it ih The Central Drug Store "w": it) it) ttt W W “I W w w W For Baking Succeszs --This Oven "T-t its T tr D g 'ti; h 3" e a; C --:~- en 2ii. -3 i. as: 3:1 r . as aaagaaSto . usage 'll 330; éWhite Soap for Hard or Sch: §Waten Also Borax Soap 'r t 'lt' iy 1" aa ici-rbi irseirsgesgssiFsgsilNyqr4-foiiiiise The ii C. L GRANT P""ttstsiaseasoairaroooai-o Phone No. 8 Aftrrlminy; elosed down for leversl weeks. Our I new dun is completed and we are ready for or- 1ler, for kur, Feed, Custom chopping, gusting. &c. School Opening ARRIVING THIS WEEK NEW FURS Uuse Omo for Bleacher, Purifier, and Cleanser. OPEN FOR OPERATIONS More B‘rhukand Bettsr'Bread" and "llctto<1strWoo" 526 e are Ready for asking made easy by using Lux Success on some baking days can be expected no matter what flour you use. But con- stant success is rarer. It can be assured in only one way. The miller must select his wheat by oven, test, - So from each shipment of Vic-at we take ten pounds as a sample. We grind this into flour. Bread is baked from the flour. 1,†t'Cs bread is high in quality, . livrge in quantity, we use the shipment from which it came. Otherwise we sell it. _ ( Constant baking success comes I as a matter of course from’ 1112:; hearing this name I, The Largest Stock we have ever shown and at L )wew't Prices High and Public School Books School Supplies in endless variety Still the old slogan---" When you get it here, it's right." Also Mons and Children's Felt Hats. John McGowan f‘ii’eople’s Mills All kinds Awp' PU, [.riiri'i'y? Your esteem- ed patronage is solicited d; orders will be promptly attended to. It.t Entering Lethbridg pressed with the in: great high level bridg has constructed JVur ‘conlee to the west oi tl ‘gigantic structure of w cipally steel, is our a and about its CHINE, Like so many ICs t bridge has passed [Ln with little or no my in; a couple year; ':f r: " and industrial mt population of only 1 in all the civic cornenic movements mvmmry 50,000 chi/ms, tt.rtir: residential and ctrct chthxidge has clean streets. is well Enid Eown electeic lxght am its water and tVtWarrngrr, parts ot the city, urn] railway. Its prw l well payed but i! s", . essential th m in a! among those ticytrl'st record for wind ;-1:1 Galt Park, in 11mm ness district, 1911.1 Ha {the east, Punt ma Il,', A [track and fair tannin- the prettiest brni:iy spots we have 5cm 1;1 l Forme! Durhamites and Ben, tinckers in Lethbridge, Win-- niired and " the Hat.†Dear Review Readers On leaving Calgary, a fi, run takes us through a s grain-growing country, south Lethbridge the leading city 5 Calgary. En route we pass Carmangay. a wihly-looomed of a year or so ago by Baht estate dealers. A resident ir us that it is now almost den ing attained a population of 4 little hope of ultimate rcvival The citizens an- of civic advantngus m1: of three tunes the til/ tated heavy taxts that next year will w of population ami k have cause to up†their tine locati :n lil farming community world’s prizes mu having Immense l, adjacent to them. L ol tt Dominion (um Farm and last your u meeting place vi t Farming Congnss. Being thehomc est coal mines is I. pal claim to lam quence, fuel is windy city. ‘l'n mines and their payroll is the guy contributed to tlic I The Galt mine u men, turning on“ screened coal dady are the Royal Co l Coal Co., IAthblil ook Colleries, (up 600 to 1300 tons ll Bow Island gas extent " the city old Durham boy, bridge merchart light. While in into his unto-d 1 store and erjrqr We also culjcdr formerly of Bent, Miss Kate, is m visit for a moutlu three storrey blit tice, we found an: boy, Peter Mom John Deere 111;; looks for a bright ed city. Striking out tmst agmn, Sly miles on, we pass Bow Island. age of 400 or 50o taxman: mud tural gas. The discovery of ; well two weeks ago was the m of a day of public rejoicing but it is believed the plau- wil attain the prc eminence ofa bi; Flight tuilesturtltvr cart, we stopr ped off for a day at Wiuusfred,the home of Dan Mclhougall, wcll-known throughout South Grcy, whcre we enjoyed one visit on the farm and experienced -an ox ridci IN is building himself a nuw residence and with two oi his sons, Allan and John,cu1tivatealareearea of land. His youngest daughter, Miss Cather- ine, is teaching three miles from home. On Jsmiluyifurthur and WC arrive at Medicine lint, lint no citizen or neighboring resident takr-s the trouble to thus call it. It is famil- iarly known far and wtdc as it the Hat tt and b, the Hat tF is sonic town. For Its Size with about 18,000 people, it is the greatest 1trut1t1facturivg centre in the West ; it is thc Smoke- less Pittsburg of Canada To view it from a distan ce and low; for smoke as an evidence of industrial life, you would brand it as dead as a grave- yard, And why ? Justcause every - thing is run by natural gas, which they possess in abundance. The city owns eight natural gas wells, elec- tric light plant, gravitation water system and industrial sites, Natural gas provides very cheap power and light at 5 cts per (000 cubic feet for power and 13/50 for domestic use. The street lights in the city burn all day as well as night cause its cheaper to do so than pay to have them turn- ed on and off. The city offers manu- facturers practically free gas, very (cheap water and industrial Sites. The Ogilvie Flour mills with a daily cap- acity of 6000 bbls, Medicine Hat Milling Co. (2000 bbis.), 4 brick plants. a foundry and machine shop, s tannery, a glass factory employing 60 men. clay product factory with 75 men, planing mills, nursery rolling mills, linseed oil mills, cement block plant, steel plant, iron rolling mills, graphite and crayon factory, saw- mills, are some of the chief industries. The main part of the city is in s val. leg, thrn which flows the Sackatche. Inn river, while the hills to the south have been also residentislly dotted the “when. , l. . . Through Southern Alberta We enjoyed a visit with our old Mr ll W 11 Ne ma W W It I) ll ly n, sixty five land, a vill- five hour splendid ill-east to south of ssed thru Ill will new 3 big town THE DURHAM put " V1 tl real JI med H10 1 city ttsa prin. ngth uigh. Leth- there "INNS tttr f the '. R hav- with Chin It tt ns the Dry “Cl ll ha Its ll IN 1X at ll Durham dentist here (a I In: hnn'I Dr. Holt and family, who have I comfortable home on Esplanade Ave. and has done well since coming hem i seven yeats ago. With Dr. Holt and a friend, Mr Rae, we wen treated i to a car ride to the Exhibition E grounds, the new steel plant that I miles out and a tour among the may i factories of the‘city. They I!“ to b- rcmembered to their old Durham fricnds, in whom they still have: warm interest. Returning new to C123 wry u e close this week. P. R. I) rt Rural Fouls is gaudy appu- .;i-1u I ty Its patrons Ind Mr. Pun is a I. r) satisfactory mail and". ML and lbs. Alex Campbell united 11%. 'vis m Owe-u Scubd for I few dun 'NT sléfA'ii'wl and um Nellie Shem“ 41w." ah-w days rmently mth Mr. 312:1 .'lrs. (than, Shewell m Hanover. Ihci, lilhe Cronin o irteginc.iitak., is tlit, guest of her silter Mrs Thou, I’lmmlg‘m. Irs,,".,,, A. Slu'well and J. Benny mm Muss Nellie Shewell spent Ihiiur n: mug: an Mr. Alex Campbell's. Mr and Mrs. J. Kennedy 3nd (Lxlsgltc'r Mean of Louise Villted on 'lhznuiuy with Mr, and Mrs. F. '.civv,iii. Mr. and Mrs. J.Cual.le 3nd (uni!) as: wet Mr. Mud Mrs. J.CaaLle sud (snail, qwm Sunday wich Mr, and M". J. bl :lia cf Yiulvan. Ah. and Mrs, Albert Mink of Sm! t'rnr, Ll h'ask., are visitors n lb. 1mm ul‘ 'he former's sister Mrs. Thos. 51.. well at provsen'. Mr. Rum. Twamley arrived home Sunzdny last trom the West I“th lhrw months stay more. Mr. ond Mrs. Thou. Flinninn 3nd Mp limp, (‘romn spent Sunday "on my it'. Mr, and Mrs. F. BhewalN. AlwaA. Campbell was on a trip to Dawn 81qu last week. ll ssws Rachel McKinnon and Mary MAJ-chine visited friendl In Chalk] ow: Sunday. m. A Huhkil‘k was on a business {up to C9510!) le1st_weelr.. " - [A H in: -lltrd Mrs Alex McDumld visit. ml u‘cr Sunday at Mr. Lumont'l in ll: El‘ll. .'v. gs ji//nie iiilrodiiid ot hula-b \ him-d wuh lu-raum Miss Living-mm Ivar week. _ , as Ilaud MncGillivray visited p, x mm friends in“ week. 11:24.1). Burns and Mr. T. Dnvil " , (I m. Mr. aney on Friday. i,, v. Mr. Collins of Toronto presch- rd ml the (“my on Sunday. A wit-ml [an [ale for last week lirs. 1-11 PM] ctowen Sound in u 1)::‘121 unending her angler Min ll we! ahu had he misfortune to fall :4: 1m 110 ',t' [making her leg in tour pd: ti. i'lur many friends hope it my: l L lung ml she us able to be :1: 1m] again. .‘Hr. jiruie Greenwood and nine: 315* Wmnie 1isited friend, out I) HUN)“: It couple of days In: week. Mr. Wm. Davis intend: leaving :9â€: Week 101' his home in the Sou. ll m' visit was somewhat short this Cline but he managed to cull on n lnz'gu tnuubcr ot old friends and relatives. Ilr. Wm. Davis left on Tuuduy for hi, In me at hagot, Manitoba. T,' r. und Mrs, Duncan MacLean \'::;',Hl on Sunday It ttrr. Duncm M u Irlut's. .\I~~. ’I‘hnmas Davis is vilitin' in 17 r um thrs weak. hunm lure: Pleased to hen " am. t' Miss 13911319 improvmg. A number from this burg wen [Meant an tbe lnrewell party " Mr. Slam \\'e.r's ou_ Thursday Int. and 1-0me a most enjoy-bio time. Mr. Dunn Full] of Furonto nailed by u few Jars_hsst week " his * up. Robt. Twamler arrived home Saturday lrom the West, what. he has been the last moor three nouns. lle reports the West to be a fltte Cullntl‘y. A - The Annual Christan: tree II cannectinn with unlock Ne'. Sundav School willbe hold on u- (luv, Dee. 22nd. A good progn- ls being prepared. Mr. Donald and Min Flor: " Donuld spent Sunday " Mr. Alex Ttat y nqr 'ts. Mt. John McGillivny m the Ink- fnrtune to loses vulnnblo - In“ Saturday. The cause Im " apple being lodged in the throat. ladle“ ind was summoned hm "rind too ate. Mrs. Will La mom and "to "ildgett of Brant and Mrs. Androw III“. was guests of Mn. Archie In" Sunday. Mr. Alex Hobkirk villml our the week end with Prioovill. (Mal. Elissa Rachael He‘ll.“ a“ Mary McKeohuie are mum Moods in Oneal-y. . - __ _ J. O. Dngavel, sitar Ipeldill“ n couple of weeks deer hunting. te- turned home on Saturdly with t deer and spent Sundny with " pare-u. Jun was proud of hi. good In“. Miss Jean Richardson, of Laurel. who is modelling " Hanover, spent Sunday with Ivy Dargavel. Mr and Mrs Greanwood spent Sun- day with Mr and Mn McIntyre. Mr and Mrs Mchth. ot Bldmlie, spent a couple of day. with Mt and Mrs Will Smith. In New " SAUGEEN VALLEY WELBECK CRAWFORD EDGE HILL MULOCK DORNOCH WV I AKIU Iy missed In the community and we than you “It on! but wishes will follow you and your hmilyln your now In... A . " To help to show you in more than more words our appreciuien of you and you". w. present you with this hall-net and will) you many years of health and strength to enjoy it. Signed on be!!!" of the noighbors l Mr: Thou. Davis, J. Nowell. In N. Whitmore. A. Whitman Notice to Creditors I, of any. In the matter of the (slut: of David IfeCloeklits, late ofthe Town of Dur- ham, in the County of Grey, gentle- man. deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant so Ontario imam Mtli, Cup. M, Bee, 53, that all per-om haying chime I'llnlt Ibo "at. ot the said David Thom" McClocklin. who died on or about. tht 16th dny of September. A. D. 1913, Are required to send by post pre- paid or otherwise dnlwer to J. P. Tel- ford, of the Town af Durham. Solicitor tor the Brannon, on or before the 28th day of November. A. 0., 1913, their nunâ€, addrouec and descriptions and a full statement of particular. of their clad-I Ind the nature of the nocurlly. (it II’) hold " them. duly errtltled, and that utter the "ld (In, the execu- tor. will proceed to distribute the as- leu cl the at.“ Among the pun-hen (Milled thereto, having regard only to tholtlnima of which he shall then have not ce. Iu the Mu'r1rtrtuoA.urt_ot the Coun- " fy" the 29th day of October. A.D. t 3. SILINA CALDwnLL , WILLIAM Wu‘aou (Eucumm by their Solicitor. J. P. TELFORD. 'tat New News With the snow and slush comes the desire and necessity for (Mod Slim We mean waterproof Shoes. We have them and we would like you 100.4†ii', ' inspect them for yourself. The line of shoes we carry arc mauufactured l») m old and reliable firm of "Sterling Bros." of London, Canada, who are not airui:1. f stamp their name on every shoe they make. We have a very special slmwing '. Men's waterproof anda good heavy weight which we are now selling for 3.3: u. , '. A good shoe now a Necessity We also have something good for woman in a Gunel lined shoe worth $5.: _. selling at 8rso a pr, Highest Price: pull for latter and Eggs, Dried Apples and live Penn tr Live Poultry bought ell days except Iaturd v. Men: Heavy Chrom Bltsch . . . . 2.75 " Memoite Bluch.......... 2.25 " Split Blue............. 2.00 " DongBltutfine-.. (75 ---e-o--e---e'. Boy's Heavy Split Blnch . " " Chron Blue. " Satin calf blue . . . . . mm -.--_.---- mm Departmental Store, Guile-Info Flannel lined Rubbers . . . . Ladlu' " 't . . . . TORONTO We keep a full line Here is a snap for everybody this week Come along quick if you want a pair, - they are going fast ' 86 J, MGKECHNIB (ii, FIRE SALE "i',i',i, iiiiyiacfarlane & Co, 53 iiithggtggggXggllgXRlfNil R 56 hl', Fl) 'lk Fl FIN',' 35-1 3321-: of Shoes both heavy and light for the lime folks. C. P. R. Town Office arsgrgsiarsasririiislrrrrl=rr'i"i"h"'"i';': ll: Weather conditions make it necessary to clothe your feet in a pair of good Boots or Rubbers U“! uv VV "-r-" - and Christmas Goods are coming in. must have room. Just one week more of m. Sale Barguins. Leggings tad oversttrtkitttts, mitts and ttlos l b in alun'lu c Trunks. anim. Bananas, &e in dock. Ame Down Town Shoe Show: EGGS TAKEN AS CASH What About Rubbers? We hue I large stock of both which we are selling kt cl v Erica. Also Felt Boots, Oeershoeir, &c. Ask to see mu 11mm} on tho Imam“ to Ingest sizes for Men, Women and Children boys and girls. Lamps Special for Saturday = Pure Turkish Delight, Imported A few stand with deo- orated {cunts at snap prices. Writing Tublets at ho.†price WRITING PA PER at half prlce POST CARD AL BUMS at half price Oar new staple goods Sheet Music from 2c a copy up 100 8. lb Custom Work and Repairing as ulual 1:; Shoe Line $222: -rlr'_r'_ee-'e--r-vsr-- -rq'-MeeMe%r_trvM----r-v- Misses heavy grain Much. . . . . c. Medium box calf . . . . .. " Misses Dongola button. Women's heavy Kangaroo bluc.. " " Goat bals...... " fine dongola house shoe Try some of it. Hair Brushes Tulips tp cleyp" lc ( a Violins front ‘53 up Aeoordeons from $2 Blow Accordeor,s Flutes, Autoharpa Harmonicas Stat. Ax are constantly arrivi I: y Hair Brushes reg 4m & Hair brushes 75c N S; for.......... HR J. S. MclLRhlTll Buy your tickets he NOV CIO, 1913 Durham a] Fm I 60 1.60 1.60 u " 'reid- 1'. it t', Branchi Vi? '* ne 99' Vi? vi? piazza: Prel §TI drugs Suppl Dry 0oodr ITH NOV. 20 If Main“ W ' lm