West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Nov 1913, p. 5

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mung lilly rted My Co. l3 tc:otxx'fii ry to S mail 'rotlts ' We d Fire itt 880 RAITH es e fun) qaDr. 10o& .. 29e , SI s? ing of up ‘en nd bo x5 , a r ' x i'iifrr4F66'rb%bitsirstrsbst+trt, tt [Branching out to New Lines t ', THE QUALITY l PHARMACY , THE I QUALITY (jf, Thrift and forethought is shown by ' ithe tt,'ii,y/t',T of rooksrieslTnd bl, shingling Wellings an a me pri A RMACY j,i,iii?iisiii',iiir,i' arrangemants for winter. PHCEVILLE, - ONT il Messrs McLean Ind Sloth-n ship- ,, hed I carioad of stock to the city on zirriszazaaaaaEaaaaaRa+i. I Holiday. Ii you do not get your Jr ‘5 4" stationery and school Supplies here, Why not ? li, e have the goods I _'. Hoods. Groceries. Hardware and Oils ot all kinds Let as supply your needs. xint 'l-. Cr. McLEAN, It. " APeputttitrn from Plioevillo and rintnn Park attended the W. H. M. Annual meeting held " Laurel t whore the Orangovllle Pushy-l W was in session on the same day. we prineipal speaker at the W. ii/ S. we Mlss Rance, deacon". mowed by the Gen'l Assembly to sit the ditieg and towns of the million In connection with social form. A very liberal donation ashcuied to Miss Batten at the m wt her thrilling address in ppm of the Rescue: homes whhh e represents. Mrs (Rel) Mathmn esided at the meeting. The athnring. consisting ot upwards cl A) was m tst kindly entertained by At ladies of the congregations of AROUND THE VILLAGE NOV . 20 1903 New Goods are Arriving every day and ha; sGrytisi" you qumro from g It you require a [huge there is one tl all your days Ind that is a Happy? who sells them ? We have just received . large shipmen Cases and ‘l‘elucopos. PRICEVILLE 6m11§n$ II;\1{D‘VARE fur Animals, 9 lb for. .. 26e tur for animals or dir- v-Nileg atalhln. It H) for. Me 1'astile Soup. tt eaketr.. 25c 1n Bend"! Stock Ford, Mitt" .r.. .....' ..... 26e rilul Di‘play of Toilet soaps Crmum, Shampoo Prepar- u, Hr. Mc0owan's Flour and Feed We have recently placed in mock a full line ol 1) Karen: weights. .t.'ij,", YOU WELL MOD? You are when on purchase N ~‘.r shoes here. We handle the colon-nag iris that will surprise you m’l beat vii her. SOME SPECIALS " THE CITY BAKERY " xv spell for thetttgeleaa. \mes Holden Boots and Shoes Headquarters for Confectionery and allBahnry goods We daily have shipped, in a supply of the best and purest Ice Cream. Delicioua Sundaen. Sodas Specials, Soft Drinks, etc. at our parlors. Take an Ice Cream Brick home with you. Choice lines of Cooked Mean. Plain and Penny on... Fresh Gtooetiel. etc, etc. High"! prices for Bu ter nnd Eus- Ol " 'te-str-au-tF-b/tSF-Wifi-Ms was mm and Show case-s articles at rrducod among the satUtied lligbes: prise paid for Farm Produce. Fresh Ice Cream Daily ta" Central Telephone See us when requiring a bag. . BLACK Laurel Ind Biaok's Corners‘s respect- ively. and were driven from and to the station. 2 miles distance by the young men of the respective concre- gations Mr. Bert Aussum has rented his house to Mrs. John Mather from the town line, wt om we welcome to our midst. Mr. Angus McKeahnie lost a young cow last week by having no In: broken on the railwav track. Mr. Trout of Omen sound visited Mend: ind relatives hereon Monday. All the way from Crawford to Six; Comer: for thoroughbred sheep! rpeaks well. I Messrs Charla: Ferguson. Egre- mont and Alex Muir, Artemosia are away to Owen Sound on the jury this week. Miss Sadie McMillan spent the week end " her home in Seotchtown. Rev, Mr. Matheson occupied the pulpit hereinswad of Rev. Mr. Me. Vicar of Fleshenon " was arranged. owingtothe funelal at Miss Lizzie Watson at Swimun Park. im'vght be thinking if the heres mud iblew arpene afghan out of one win New letting in some of the bitter ele. imeme outside. that they 1nd to en- dure some hardships before the open space could be mended. but whet in shipment of Trunks, Values, Salt What to say this week we do not "I know. but to keep up the regulu i, scribbling. we will try and find uomo- thing to fill in an empty space in the columns of the Review. It il need-) less to tell of the great disastere than beisll to hundreds of our feliow beings? since we wrote before, for we see it daily in the columns of our dailies. Complaints were made nf the storms in general on sohd footing, but to think of those who were lashed by the waves on the frozen Inkea nearby. its something awful to think upon. Some . A. ROWE ly and we will soon a Needle to and Anchor. that will make you happv Thought. Do you kan By J. A. Mel) Priceville siki comperison to than on than wrecked vessels. Oh I how glad they would be if only buried under I mowdrih if they were only on lead. out they had to go to the depth a! Lek: Huron and other lakes. __ We no looking for u spell a! good weather yet. as on this month} morn- ing It looks " If it might turn up to Indian lummer. The tends are in bud spun. but pnasuble yet, There WM tsleighing for 2 or 3 days the beginning of lujwoqk and good use was made of it while It hated. The announcement mode that Reva uchcar, ot Fleehcrton end netheeon. of Pneeville. were to exchange pul- pna wee cancelled on account of u! nethelon hnvxng a tune‘el in " con- gregelion " Swinlon Perk on Sand" afternoon, also Watson. daughter of the late Gee. Watson, who was well known all over the County of Grey: This is the second death of Mr Wat- eon’e daughters since his own I few years ago. i ' I am not LiiG% of the gospel of i Chum." i, m ntcLeod in busy getting out tim. 1 bet for his mill, which was burnt re" :cemly. lt would be well for all those l, but can to render m noLeod assist- '; ance in getting his timber and other ithi..gs necessary in order to kelp the lbulldms up more hurriedly. Mrs Neil zucKinnon, of town, is to give I paper on the proceeding: of the large meeting she attended " Laurel e few deys ego. at the Women's meet. mg on \Vedueldny of this week. to be held in the Presbyterian church in this place. we ueKmnon has the nature] teaent to prepare . splendid eocount of the meetings. The Rev. m matheson preached 'an excellent. sermon lust Sundsy mormug to f large congregatitsn from the words Neil McLeod is back from the Amer. lcan tioo. where he ”an: the summer and full. Quite a. number from here and south line attended tee concert " Eb- enezer on Fnday night of Int week. Our organist. Miss Conkoy, led the itutrumentttl part of the progrun and was well rendared by her. Those who “tended report a good time, as Ebenezer people in general are not alechful m bueiness of that nature, giv‘ng a good entertainment. i We do not wish to trosspsss on the} 1Pricaville par: of the Priqoylllo cor- {rospondescm tor in gonenl more ill (enough so write noon on .tho cool)!!! ipart of sh. budget. ' _ l The mail coming daily to our notes _ makes us feel lsziar to go out to town‘ i as often as we used to. Who; In; ichsnge from the time people In she l early history of this part. had to go to tDurhsm for their mail or if we are I not mistaken. culled Bensiuok P. o, :3” u, mKecluns Will correct this ')atatement as he was s small boy at. ', the pest. otfr.us in those days ofold. y What is it nuw-- a P. o. at every got. , l pom and the leaders of the daily nBWs il, will be eagerly awaiting till the mail a l carrier turns the has crosswise to- l1 wards the roadway, indicating that ”here is something inside. Chas. mKinnon (Hugh's) who spent since August lost In the West. arrived home a tow days ago, looking healthy and strong. Feucholmidh tseann nilbeamn alt chul or behold old things are past. and gone. Mrs Cl, W. PM'SIOW is at. presem urder the doetor's one. Mrs Smith and little daughter and her sister. Mrs ------,of1'oronto, are the guests of their mother. Mrs McLean. An agent for auto harps gassed through our burg the other day, He made a number of sales and now there is tt music in the air." "s Mr Will Pntterson was up plough. mg on the Paton property which he purchased recently. M...» Sad news came to Mr Noble Wil. eon. His son William died in Seek. on Oct. 28th. Mr end Mrs Wilson have had e lot of trouble lately and the community deeply sympathies mth them in this led bereavement, 3110 with luis widow (nee Miss Ettio Fergulon). hit and Mrs Chas. Moore. Markdule visited With Mn Jno. Moon Mr and Mrs P. McCrteluft. last Monday for their homo near Gm. We extend beaniest congratulations. Mr Jno. Hay msy not be a college‘ farmer, but he certainly knows how to raise the stock was take: the buy- er's eye. He sold yearling: the other day " {arty-nine dollars each. Mr and Mn Henry Immense, Glen- olg.‘ spent I couple of days with Mr and Mn D. McCormuck. We notice by last week's paper that“ Mrs Brooks had gotten some 20(r names on her petition for Brook’s Pt lasso. This is o strongo world. No o month NN Duibsm and Durham constable wars in o feorlul mood lest Brooks should monogo to oscsps and then " the ospenso of $150. two wit- nossos wero hustled homo from the western honest fuldg sud new the somo citizens oro busy trying to got‘ 1his relosso. Why in tho world didn't) they lot him esoopo whon they on " tondor hearted ond con't bear to see the poor fellow get " just dosort t It onion robs " neighbor" hon roost or murders " fellow-molt oud got! his just sentence. then must the mellow- orouiumed stort somo plaster his rs. uaae--aitue ho hos o fossil, of smoll children hoarding on him or ot timo VICINITY SWINTON PARK of committing the crime. be In: tem- porarily inane. Among the rumor on the he: were mum of In mum- who would be " lultsinerl. Now It! Editor meybo some thoughtiul patron will justify them, piecing their ngnnture to the petition by "ruttr they were temponrily irresponsible It that time. Let Brooke take whet the court ““de him. Bis punishment and seeing it fully and well enforced any be u better law sustain" than all the aympethy these mellow brsined and tend" hearted fellow beings are leyishing on him by signing the peti- tion. What does Durham went to heppen there next t. Horse Fairs seem to be a bygone1 with Durhsm. Too Ind Mr Black didn't meet With adequate support in keeping so worthy an institution olive. Maybe Durham we! sfroid too many formers might visrt their town. Mum? farmers regret that they ere being discontinued. [The horse fairs are to be continued. Be sure to stoend the one to day.---11ir/ This Week's budget We are sorry this week to ohrouiele the death of Mrs James McDonald of the, 14th. Cou., Proton. Mrs. Me. Donald was stricken with paralysis on Tuesday and passed away on ‘Wed. morning. The funeral was to iSwiuton Park cemetery. Her pastor Rev. Mr Huxtable of llopcvillo iii,i'ei,iy.iiii, at the house and grave. The aged husband. one son and three (iGiii'd//s survive. It is with very deep sorrow we I chronicle the death of Miss Lizzie Watson who departed to the spirit I world on Friday 14th at the early age of sixteen years and ten months. Lizsie had been lingering tor over a year with that dreaded disesse tuberculosis, although in poor health for a month or so the end didn't come unexpected. The inner-d] took place on Sunday afternoon to the Presby- terian cemetery. Her pastor Rev. Mr. Matheson preached a very im- pressive sermon Frselesiesteg, 12 chap I lst. Verse. Services were withdrawn in Salem church and Rev. Mr, Leeco oitieiated at the grave. Six ot her. young men companions were pail bearers, namely J. Weir, W. Black. Geo. Campbell, R Ferris, It Black, It Knox. The widowed mother and three sens survive, Wm, at home, . award keeping store at Swimon and Less in Dundalk. The entire commuuiw jam in sympathiaitut with Mrs. Watson and family as this is the third bereave- ment in less than me years. Mr, Geo. Neil of Mizchell attended the funeral of " niece Miss Lizzie Watson. Mrs. Chris. Smith of visiting her mother McLean. Mrs. McLollan of Durham Sunday- ed at Mr. Wm Stewart's. Farmers in Artemesis township have suffered loss to the amount at $554 in the lust sumrr er months, throcgh sheep-worrying dogs. Two- thirds oi this amountwill be repaid in compensation m incy to the farmers by the township council. At the September meeting ot the council, claims ior $53 were presented, while $36.33 was paid to the losers. At the October session $104 was the bill pre- sented and $08 was paid out of the township treasury. At the meeting on Nov. l, the sum of $397 was the value placed on dead sheep. The sull‘erers and the value of sheep lost lbv them this time are est'ollows: Thos Mercer $120, Solomon Turner $8.00. Thos Elliott $22, HerbWtrllo er $15, The: More" tlos, A T Dun- lop $30. Jos McKee 87. The last named has already been renumerat- ed with two-thirds the value $4.66. Surely it would pay the farmers of Artemesis to get rid of their dogs. rather than bus the dogs get rid of theirsheep. . . I Other Items of business taken up at the Nov. meeting are: By-lawa No 772 to close up part of 150 sideroad in con 2, S W T & S road ; and 770 ap- pointing Deputy Returning Oftiee" and Poll Clerks, tte,, Were introduc~ ed and received their various read- ings. - . , ML C ...,..-. ' thown-Meuod--That the report of Mr Grabun on expenditure in his ldiviiion be receivad and he be paid $10.95 on an expenditnn of 109.42 and 6,00 tor three days' overseeing worh.---Carried, _ -. . Dogs Killed Sheep "iiritGir-iilsLod--'rrat the re- port, of the Reeve on his ..trearo?.r,iyie, -- .. a LA --..-, .... ha 'ii' £11516ka idudeiv"id ind he be paid 8.87, commission on an em pendimre of 88.70. -csrrieti. Brown-McLeod-Tut the claim of Jouph Banzai-ow for alleged dam. ages to his engine and lost time, be referred to Mr Cnswell tor n repor ttusreoss.--Carried. trirvtuun--MeLeod-Tl+ the tol- lowing accounts for gravel used out roads, as ssertifled by Overseers, be paid ' John Carson. 33 loads, 50 per ‘ load, 1.65 ; John Teeter, 54 loads, 5c per load, 2.70.--Cnrried. orsrham--MeLasod-rThtt the lum- ber belonginz " thin Municipnluy ot Collinson’s mill bodicposod of by Mr Game“. If cold, the prmoda to ho placed to the credit of the township. C-carried, irrusm-MeutrrrTU..t. tho By dro Electric Communion of Oratorio be requested on behalf ofthe lunioipnl ity ot township cl Artemesis to in. qniu into, enmlno. investigate and report' upon the coat oi constructing l Ind oporntinn " electric rnllwny I from Hupoler, connecting with Pill- , linch Lou. through Guelph it Elan. lulu“ LII-VI _.""'""')"'- v -ie V, Fergus and Arthur, and also trout 1 Arthur connecting with Mount Forest end through the Boner Valley to Meeford or Thorubury ; the popula- tion of each oteueh municipeli.iee. as ehowu by the lest enumeration there- of by the assessors. en estimate of the probeble service from the railway, and the prostuabilit.r of the under- texiuz end its economic velue to the Imelitieeto be sorted by it, u ro- vided tor In out!» 3 at the tat. ‘Elgetrie Benny Act of 1913. " DUIREAM nzmw Valued at $554. TORONTO Tot ontu is Mrs, Alex No. I, GLENBLG Cl.“ 4 ~Flon McFarlune. Matt Me. Koown. Angus MoUillivr-y. Dun Mc- Arthur. Br ttrd-Leonard McKeown. Tho-u Edwards. Jr 3rd--BeO Ken- nedy. Oh" Anderson. Mary Edwards, ‘John McFarlsno. SI tadd-Allan Me winnis. Esther Mclnnil. Jr ymd--Ats" nie Edwards. Marths Kennedy, Wal Elva-(it. Cameron Bmcllie. Ist--. Mnrlo McArthur, Margnret Smellio. Primer-Har-t McFarlane, Hazel l'scfs'l'r'JG'. No. lo, EGREMONT 3tlv-Lillie Hamilton. 3rd--Gludy anont. Thelma Brown, Gladys My lanes, Currie MoArthur. S: 3rxt-Rulry Phiip. Annie Nicholson. Angus Mc- It will Help You . For sometime we have been mg business in Durham which of l, efforts isiast coming to the from. our clmhes are hand tailored and mam- r; "'r built up with atrong interlimngs, assuring: y ': 2 ed roaming garment. producing the d: tsi/til Style, Fit. With all the price is astoundiugiv Announceariierjrt "tts,.,. Post Oftitse Block. SCHOOL REPORTS Through Eamm't‘: LEAVE TORONTO 12.20 p. m. i, [My AARIVB vmoouvek “:30 p. m. f Thlough Equipnlcnt; Com'parimgm OMPr‘Lul m Cur, h" Jud 1rd SIN will. Cu. Tourist Shaping Cu. Dining Car, FAN Class Cirachcs, (3 'or .-1 m, “um M“ Of Time October: 26. Partitnhm trouKUtsadiot Ptrctfle Agents or write M. G. Murphy. n. p . A C. P. ., o" I , . ELIuFARLANI. Town Agent. Ry T mu to I beg to announce to “Mimi takan overthe Boot and Show a, 1y carried on by Thos Main-cu " are offering at low prices for the tux: we want to reduce our stock. If l u .1 any kind call and see us at the (')mm;.x We have a good stock of F are offering at low prices for tl For np-wdue tailored garments v, mm; your own special measure. tvuscml i r : cloth in the web to choose trcm, cc" um tr, H which the order is sent out of town m 1 'r, is a. point. worthy of considernti 'll M M! m to be well dressed It reasonable pr; . g, F I solicit youresteemed :mel in this iine New lines artei, alreadylarge stock: 1 (:r; line of Footwear at prices w purseI. Cheap 1rs,,yi:i-,ypii'))a D MCDONALD. Teacher. McGowan Mi11irtgii 1"o. VANCOUVER EXPRESS ”w“. u (Secon'd Day) ) nah Equipment l Compartment Observmihn Tourist Sleeping Car. Dining Uar, Pirst Cla, Repair shop will be (“.1di We assure prompt and 011M; GATE "CITY EXPRESS Leave Toronto 2.30 p. m. Arrive Winnipeg 8120 Bali]: S. A. RITE AND CO. . L Saunders Crushed Oats Chopped Barley Oat Feed BEST NEW TRAIN FOR 11i."i.N'iil1i Up-To= Tailors and Furnishcrs ilk Commencing October 23:1: Oatmeal Miils Date Furnishings sud points cut thereof RlFE and CO. Donna“, Gordon Long. Jr 8rd-- Colin chrthur, Ralph Lamont. Doutld Melon”. Leslie Bcclu and Hurray MaGllllvvay eq. tir '2nt1--Hurrtyr Ic- Arthur, Hazel Oumpbell. Alex Ila-du- Ion. Murray Long. Pt 2ud-mi1ford Biz-non. nary Drlmmlu. Melvin Long Pt Lst-Hazel Nelson, Lilllo Mavens: I“ and Alex Nelson Pu. " Ist-Ere- lvn Hamilton. Itene Dnuunie. Arthur Robb. Mae Henderson. Average nt- vendnnce 29. um M“? Frlcnd a mung relief for Group sha7.tut,llijii1..r been conductin Wliit sGsiion Car, Stamina 8190mm! Car First Uln- Uoachee, Colonist cu r. ate witt Chopped Oats Feel Iv': met Mixed Feed oo FiGik {OT-U)" In.” A Mr he Crtttut and WJiiind Cough " lit mm ----ree"_e E . Wmsax. Teacher " DAILY W uf It M ill (1 ship -Qolity DURHAM d can h this Ad. Read goods sh: p ed of sas Mutiny of an“: (in! ’M' Institute will be hold h tho follow place on retinal" data. l _ AYT'ON, Damn“ Ball, not.“ I Elmwood, Wlldtnn lull TI“. m. I Domooh. Smith’u Ball, Wod.. Dee. 3 Dnrlun, town lull. Than m. Dee 4 Vanoy. - hull, Dunn". Do 4 Glue]. Tp. Hull Friday. loo. 5 Drosrere, Run“ 11:11.5", Duo. 6 Ho‘nolu An‘llhll. loudly. Doc. tt AFTERNOON IEITINGB Mr. G. Bsrtsottr,Croehiii, will ad- dress the meetino as follows t Ayton F.'mawousl and Glenelg, "Droght llc" tos and how to 1taue Them." Dromore. "Heel Cuttle." Dornooh. "H AV b; glow cups in a Dry Seu- U s.' Ira, ham; ' 'tioil Cultivnlon lid .3. mm «A srl Alumna" 110mm. L" I u and the Slltl ., EVBNING MEETINGS Axum. Elmwood, Vnrney. Glad. and Dromore, "Present Day Need' (I Ontario Agriculture'." Donoohud lr Mein. ' Farmers and their 800.." A' eac l ul these plaeea ”In Ethel Ho's n, pd, no". will ld‘m‘he \Komt'n's listizute In the afternoon awl m.- irm meeting in theevonlnl. li wing.» at 13) and 7.30 p. n. n 9v:‘s,n-I('hvs and - unwell pro- :rnm will he pm “(led by local tai. m't nt ouch mt the evening Extinct riots In dy i, cordially invited to awnd undtake pm in the amu- WM. SCAM“. President Farmers' Institute y}w4mmr " At gala/0’ ll BIO 4 ll UNDERTAKER a n Funeral Director lid (awful-tern frmn . ...... ...... _.....1.35 up to $5 each. I’umr orlrloth, ..&)C a squlrc rard Tillie Oilciotit, 4t, in 'ride, Mt: I yd New Spring his“ " - In an and It: the. Picture Framing " Barr p, ‘ Court agar}; Every gratitude [nu-unwed u Yusillon. Thorough court". large staff of Spoolllieu. In- divndunl instruction. But equipped College in Canada. O ART HUB. H. JACKSON I was; Null.“ 10 “an.“ Hagan-son: Wm ' o coautmoum J. G. HUTTON,H. D., o, OWEN SOUND ONT mm to on" up. D I an?“ A FLEMXNG. F c A a. civilian“; It“ 9-11;- W099} HONOR GRADUATE d w- Unin-rmty. tpaAuaur of Ruyd college . f Dental 8 In of o will 1Mret J b mun?“ - H Money to Loan. meg on Iatnuott St" o-tto Walpole'e Sums. Um Principal Giiiio, on. (Love: Tm .ivvumd Auctioneer " op. ure, ma modem; Amn In a jun-i, um ' mun bv um tnt'Eae :.1:urlnm- I. ‘0 re ..r m <mn 3%. I 'itttiilh, ohm-d '0. Terms an and a Mt Memo oh of [“1 ', If. U 2%'l 'iagtiM, “um cum nouns ~u¢n run 745-. A...“ man-mum. um MIMI on. d Embmmlng a Speclnuty. ire Framing, Shortest Nona "it ammu- Ich Mom will“: tl' ot Jhypdi1', A” [in titituseial bu new WW. J . . . “flu" . Pilfe anuul tom” M' 19',iih7ii'idt bu-l - tu.--oet. J " adatllE can ogttt up E.NCF. renu- 'ull line hef,Rt' ad sk, white " an people. w ol, Gtr nuns. nun-m ' w r- {a pa . town h. mat A. BELL McPHAILJ LACE CURTAINS . P. TELFORDL. ittryNWycoifLtirstll'r try Public, th mum-lulu. cauvzuucm pIcKrytlN0 B. D E, L " W. H. BEAN . GRANT 27 in w in BO in M in ttit m (I) in eting 2 ylo wide.25c " abod elm-cunt. 2 A . WW r?io't"gu'iioN'tt)kn Finn house south ot Bhoksmhh Shop. CALDER‘S KKELQL .11 - wide. wide. wide. wide wide wide GEO. BINNIE 3061‘er In tronPtiddauatt BLOCK' Secretary not. a! - 25c pr .mc pr Jae pr 1.00 pr 1.00 pr L60 pr - S - New! " on“ our" "

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