Inherit. - than". minUtera 3 not N- E catch ie an: been 006 IN G "'9'; [TED , Now From swoon! " M against Ida s at Ab- ple, and OI. re. mo " Abr M att " he d tt n The universe, Prof. Innes asserta. ii contained within the space gird led by the Milky Way, and he fur- ure-s that the most distant star in that wonderful gird-lo is MO light your. distant from tho earth. In- lunuch " the planetary system, of which the earth is a member, is mummy supposed by astronomers to bo clone to tho centre of the no: "mbraced by the Milky Way. and inasmuch as light travels 186,000 miles . Round, or over tive and Lhreequeru-rs ouadrillion miles a {can the diameter of the universe, y Prof. Innes' calculator), is 't,3tu,96t,e0,000,000 miles. This is the distance light. would travel in 1,080 yous. A my of light takes 16 minutes and 38 seconds to travel the diameter of the earth's orbit. Tho so.ealled “helium stars," the Johmneaburg amt,ronomer avers, are the most distant. of all nun-s from the earth. The helium 'stars are peculiar to the Mily Way. . _ , He looked out beyond tho uni- verse-the air in South Attica is Ivory clear; hut his telescope dia- ,oowrwl in thooo fur-“ray depths of space none of those vogue chunk failed osobaue," which some 'ttb- Diameter ot the Universe ls Fixed It am,ul.m,ooo,m Miles. The boundaries of the universe have been discovered, according to a report received at the Sudan's! Observatory from Prof. lt. T. A. Innes, director of the Union Ob- nen'aory at Johannesburg, South Africa. The tbntMyuucomertt is re- garded with interest by astrono- mers all over the world. . la there anything outside the uni- wrro! On an. point Prof. Innes duo.- not venture a punitive opinion, but. he says that the must. powerful telesrtpe" penetrate far into apnea. beyond the boundaries of the uni- "we -revealintr nothing. In par- ticular, he says, there is auolately 110 sign of other universes of aimi- "rls constituted stellar 'byrtmmb. . What It Manama You Fed "All out of Sorts." Half epeed people have lost that ebundnnt natural vitality which en- Ales others to no “full-speed- ahead" through life. Their - end nerve power have eveporeted rthey cannot work long without braking down. The trouble is nerve weakness and is caused hr poor, wetery blood. You an begin to "improve Four condition wdly by taking Dr. William’s Pink Pills. They make rich, red blood once more puleete through your veins, end your nervee thrill with fresh vigor. Here is convincing evidence that new strength and full health can be had through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mr. Newton Mayhew, North Tryon, P. E. L, says: "I am a farmer and naturally have to work very hard. The re- eult was that I Iound myself very much run down. My blood became thin and watery, and my muscles Gbr,y. I took doctors treatment but it did not help me and I grew no weak that I could scarcely work It all. As I found the medical treatment was not helping me I decided to My Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. and in these I found the medi- cine I needed, as in a short time I was restored to my old health and vigor. I shall always recommend these pills to all sufferers." Ur. Williams‘ Pink Pille are sold hy all mull 'ine dealers, or will be mailed, post. paid, at 50 cent- 3 box or Ax hovm for 82.50 by The Dr. Willivrns' Medicine Co., Brockville, THE Iihl.f/if'Iilig MAN AND WOMAN lot: now what it m to feel 'un out ot was." Most people have Nh an. way " will. time. Nerves out ot order, irritable, lan- tm'd, depressed. An aching head, u based bnin, appetite bad and digestion weak. With can. people this conditwn comes and goes; with others it is chronic; they can’t shake it off. It interferes with busi- ness, spoils recreation and robs life of all its joys. These men and Iomtn are only able to live and Work at "half speed.†NON ll'l‘lIINH 'rojoItltt' ABOI'T ) Post _ Toasties You Sound. “snaking not" dun-'3 itt l‘hvn's a delicate suntan “out "Tannin†that mate them the [Home In“ oer- eal If than“. at mm “Mn idly. Post Toast“: with "an and a sprinklhg of 'er-- Tom)". m. Hts of the best parts at Indian Con, print- ly oooked at the than". and randy to not dirryet from the pan-Inn fresh, crisp aed doâ€. Toasted to a Golden Brown! Delicious CIR-Ch] Penu- '?rtal eo.. mt ----"" Hat‘s by Grocers everywhere. Wholesome Easy to Serve qua.-- n-0,c'n Rocky Mountain Forests Increase Rainfall ot the Prairies. It is commonly thought that, the moisture which forms clouds and falls as rain is almost entirely due Prof. Innes' other conclusions are that there u no serious absorp- tion of light in space, that it is un- proved that the sun and sun radiate into empty space, and that the existence of "dark" sum; in quite withou-t demonstration, not one being certainly known. "Yes, my daughter," said old Jacobs, "but I gem not let you leaf me. You are mine only child, and you and Samuel must lit ride here vid de old folks. You can hat that second-storey front room for twenty dollars a veek." swveumirsths of the rain which 13,115 uu-r land new; is supplied by m-aporation over such arena, the Mean supplying only twon'i'nths of such precipitation. Dr Raphael Tsn, one of the (manned, investiga- twre in America, states that "the forest, ovtsportstea more water than any vegetable cover Mid much more than free water surfaces." In fact, it has been esti-mamd by Dr, Fern-ow, of the University of To- ronto Faculty of Forestry, that " per rent. of the rain-fall over for- osted areas. is returned to tho Mr msphero as watery vapor, which does much to increase the amount of moisture carried by air currents paw-mg over ouch forum, aye a Porestry.Btanclt Bullotiry. . , can, of Alberta and Saskatchewan are largely dependent for their rain-fall on 'sir-currents which come over the Rocky Mountains. It is n. wall-known fact that winds pagsiug over high mountains be- came cooled to such an extent that they loam most of their moisture, which (all: in the form oi' rain, and hence the [and areas for many miles to the leeward of such mountains recoive er little raimfall that they" are omen M'id. But if the leesusrd slopes of these Inountai-w are t't95U ered with breaks, as is the case in the Rocky Mountains. Mme forests will esaportstty and render again available a Urge amount; of the rainfall over these mountain-s, which might otherwive pus " through underground channels, and by reloading with moisture the winds blowing over the prairies, such (great; make, lxxsrsillle a much state: rainfall than might other- wise occur. Slwuld the “at. slope ot the Rocky Mountains become de- nuded of tree-growth, it is likely that much larger an“ in Albert; 5nd Sukatcbrwan would be arid than is now tho case. It is probable that a. majority of the “are, he adds, have a greater surface brilliancy than the awn. Thus, as in the solar system, nearly all the mass is contained in a few bodies, the Urge majority contri- buting but slightly to the total. The stars are well mixed up as to sizes, small stars occurring where there nre large ones, and large stars being found where small stars are numerous. Every mother should be able to recognize the symptoms of the little ailments that attack her children. She should ulna be in a. position to treat them promptly. To do this she should keep a supply of Baby’s Own Tablets in the house at all times. The Tablets never fail to be of help to little ones. Mothers who are anxious for the welfare of her little ones will receive. tree for the asking a valuable little book on the care of infants and young children. Concerning the Tablets, Mrs. G. L. Bonhnm. St. George, Qn_t., says: “I can recommend Baby's Own Tablets as a safe Mud sure medicine for little ones. I have raised {our babies with their aid sud would not be without them." Sold hr medi- cine dealers or by mall at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi. cine Co., Brockville, Ont. tem- in procee- of formation. len- of thee. nebulae m gird-looking and the conjecture is that they u" whirling Mound end around, con lensing themselves km oolk globes, on which life my later Mr to evaporation from the quad, but scient,Uic iurestuuicrrys sly?, tAtst - i,rGlisids, the provsuing winds blow from tho west and tho provin- "Do you consent to my marriage to Sam, father?" Thin is but one of the many rea- sons why the Dominion Government no pram-wing the forests on the out. olppe of tho Rockies by the creatioo of . (oust. reierve now newly 21,000 aqua-re miles in ex- ES Incuxm tax is levied in all incomes of 8163 and ood then nnlv nno man in FOREST!) AN I) In I N FALL. ILLS 0F CHILDHOOD. A Glad Consent. India rm upwards', 700 names We need the friendship of I. mum in great Mink; of a. woman in the affairs of everyday 1ife.--A. L. Thomas. You can't successfully treat Catarrh by internal dotring--you must in some way send a purifying, healing agent through the breathing organs. so that the germs can be reached. This you do every time you inhale Catarrho- zone. It'e rich essences and healing bslseme ere breathed all through the nose, throat and lungs. and "t!ttstively destroy every trace ot (latent). This is a proven fact. - Before promising a woman to love only than mm should have neon them all. or should see only her.--A. Dupuy. The American people suffer more trom Catarrh than from any other disease. It undermines more consti- tutions and creates more sickness than all other dinesâ€: combined. It in. therefore. very dangerous. _ Offensive Breath Caused Usually By Catarrh l endorse Catarrhogoms become I know of six bad cases of Catarrh, in. cluding my own, that it has cured. It is a sensible remedy because it is ca- pable of going where the disease is. I believe it cures quicker than other remedies hecausa it gets sooner to the source ot the disease than anything else I know of. I had headaches, bad breath, and much stomach trouble as- sociated with my Ctrtarrh, but they have disappeared since using Chum-h- ozone, which keeps me free from colds, headaches, catsrrh and all win- ter ills." OTTO E. KRAMER, Belle- ville, Ont. Ltswyer--He's a. wonky sort of man, you say. What do you mean by, that? ___ a _ A we _ It is because he feels it his solemn duty to tell to the world his tuith in Nervilinn that Victor P. Hires makes the following dee1arrtiott. "Por three years l was in the Royal Mail service, and in all kinds of weather had to meet the night trains. Dempness. cold, and exposure brought on sciatica that affected my left side. Sometimes an attack would come on that made me powerless to work. I was so near- ly a complete cripple that I had to give up my Job. I was in despair, completely cast down, because the money I had spent on trying to get well was wasted. I was speaking to my chemist one day. and he recom- mended 'Nervfline.' I had this good liniment rubbed on several times I day, and got relief. I continued this treatment four months and was cured. l have used all kinds of linlments. and can truthfully say that Nerviline is far stronger. more penetrating and infin- itely better than anything else for re- lieving pain. I urge everyone with lumhago. neuralgia, rheumatism, or sciatica, to use Nervillne. I know it will cure them." Get Nervlllne ttrdar, large family size, 50c; trial size. Me; all dealers or The Catarrhozone Co., Buttalo, N. Y., and Kingston. Canada. It's better to love; today than to marrow. A pleasure postponed is a. pleasure Jotst.---A, Nerd. _ Lovers have in their language an infinite number of words in which each syllablo is at caress.--Roo}w~ Pedro. A l Simple Remedy Discovered That Cures Without Drugs. Women like brave men exceeding- ly, but audacious men still mom.-- Lemeales. The whisper of a beautiful wo- man can be heard farther than the loudest call of duty.--Anonymoum We meet in moiety many attrac- tive women whom we would fear to make our wives-Dirk/tIle. Witneaa---Well, sor, he's the sort of man thst'll never look ye straight in the face until yer back's turned. There are beautiful flowem that are seamless, and beautiful women that are urrlovoble.---Bouelle. Tho heart of a woman never grows old; when it has ceased to love, it has ceased to livo.-iohe- padre. We has all reed and been of the "onus of edema. te t only those who have been tortured by this dread mal- ady can fully appreciate whet it must imam to be cured utter you: of utter- M. Love, that sometimes corrupts pure bodies, often parifies corrupt heasrts-Latems. CttttuTItoxone ls needed in every home. Large slze lasts 2 months, price $1.00; small alze. 600; trial size. 250. At all storekeepers and drugglsts or The Catarrhoaomy Co., Butrtuo, N. Y., and Kingston. Canada. Devotion is the last love of W.)- men.--&sint-Evremond. “I hear that the Aliens are sepa- rated," said Mrs. Arnold to her husband. "Yes," replied Mr. Ar- nold; "and after the aeparation he sent. her a legal document. giving her control of their child." "Oh, James,†said the wife, with a sigh. "I wish we could get a document that would give us control of our children." -iraiaen,-a hare, mod IIN.\BD'8 LTNWENT on my vessel and In my “1:123 for nan. and tor the every day ills midlams ot lilo I consider it has no nu . "f would not can. on 3 Voyage without it, it it con 1. dollar . bottle. CAPS. P. B. DENARDIN. Ignorance at tho right time is bet- ter than knowledge at the wrong time. . . Expected Death Xmud'a Liuimnt Co., Limited Behr. "Stone," th. Andre. Hammad: holler Cm Where Ute Watt Saved ard "with Restored by Kerwin“. UQUID SJLPH’JR la a :23: French Sayings. From My to Bay Sneaky. “an Why is a. merry fellow like a. bad allot? Because he's the boy to keep the game alive. Her torpedoes, fired from four tubes, will be of the New twenty- one inch pattern. Hated air pro- pels them, and they have e long effective range, with double tho speed of the older weapons. For speed and accuracy, in tact, there is no torpedo in existence like Only the other day Mr. Marsh, ot 101 Deiorimier Av... Montreal. celled upon the Zuni-But Ott. and told them that for over "rentr-tNe yearn he had been . martyr to amine. Hie bend: were " one time so covered with more: that he ind to sleep in gloves. Four you" an tun-Bu]: was introduced to him, all in n few months it cured him. 'ro-dt-er three year- after his one of n dine“. he had tor twerttrdNtr "are-L' is null cured, and he ind no trace ot any return ot the owns! 7 - _ All drunk“ all “at at Me. box. or we will and ttee tral box tt you and this Mvertlaemont and A le. lamp (to my return pounce). Ad. than Ema-Duh Co., Toronto. llaard’n Llnlmom euros can“ In Com. Again, she will be the hmt ship to mount the new 15 inch guns, of which she is to carry four pairs. The offensive power of this weapon in enormous. She will burn oil fuel only, being the first battleship in the world to do this. It is anticipated that oil alone will enable her to maintain a. steady twenty-eight knotty per hour without any of the falling oft and spurting up again that occurs in coal-bursting ships. Yes, for the man that View an". boots. but. his corn: are relieved quickly by Putnam's Corn Extrmtor. No pain. and certain cure. That's Putnam'.. Us. no other, Kg. at all dealers. Then min. An noon " Zulu-Bull in applied to n we. or u cut, or to skin disuse. It atom the emu-tin; That in why children In loch friend: ot Zara-But. They one nothing for the science of the thing. All they know A. the: kin-But stop: their Explaining It. "Does he quarrel much with his wife I" "No, but he's not home a. great deal/you know." An eminent scientist. the other day. gave his opinion that the moat won. derful disccvery of recent you." was the diseoverr of Btatt-Bta. Just think! A: noon on 3 single thin in†of Zam,Buk in npplied to a. wound or a sore. Inch injury in insured mint blood poison t, Not one specie- or microbe has been found that 2..»an does not kill! Again. AI noon u Zulu-Bu! " Air- plied to n wound or to s Mugged part. the cell- beneath the am Bur. tm no no stimulated that now “may than to quickly formed. This forming of huh healthy than from wow u Zun-Buk'l â€out ot hum. The tissue thus formed ta worked up to the lumen and “can!!! out: " the “med than than it. This 1: why urn-But can! In permnont. Try Murine Ere Remedy It you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated E lids. Doesn't Smart .-Soothes E e gin. e,',ttftgtd' Sell Murine Eye Kemedy, Liqul , 25c, 50c. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, Mc. Eye Books Free by Mail. ummmmuuummcu- Murine Eye Round, Co.. Chic... What She Bald. A gentleman who had been in the city only three days, but who had been paying attention to a promin- ent belle, wanted to propose, but was afraid he would be thoughtva hasty. He delicatxq up touched the subject an 'tjlltid...fJ'f) I were to speak to you of marriage after having only made your acquaint- ance three days ago what would you say to iM" "Well, I should my never put " till to-morrow that which you should have done the day before yesterday." I WOIDEBFIH. DISWVERY Raga. Mouton should have? (one! No man in good health has any excuse to be a pessimist. ED. 4. Mitron-Bsby is crying, Mary. I expect he wants his bottle. Mary-l just give it to 'im, mum. Matron-Did you? Then I expect he doem't want it.. ARE HARD TIMES COMING? Imam“ Uni-mm cum muons", UP-TO-DATE BATTLESHIP. Motherly Instinct. ISSUE A'r--'18. TORONTO "We are told," said Mr. Walter Long, in a debate on an education bill, "that by such legislation the veri hen-rt of the country has been Blur; an to ita ttt,termost tounda- tions." _ - Mr. St. John Brodrick, in the House of Commons, talking of the mobilization of troops, declarodl that “among the many jurring' notes heard in this Home on mili-; tary affairs, this subject. at least: must be reerdtd as anpuig.†I Mr. Asquith, the premier, did bet- ter. Ho said that “redistribution is a. thorny subject, which requires delicate handling or it will tread on some people's toesâ€; and it was Lord Curzon of Keddieston, former Viceroy of India, who declared op' timiatically: "Though we are not out of the wood, we have a good ship." Oratory of that type-even with- out the mixed metaphor-is I. rare survival from the fashion of an etu'- lier time. Eloquence is more re- strained and less ornnte nowadays, Yet even in the simpler style of our own time, public speakers of ex- perience, as well as blunderers and beginners, occasionally slip up on their metaphors. Any schoolboy could correct the errors that some wide-awake English reporter has noted in the recent speeches of em- inent British statesmen and poli- ticians. ___ _ Eminent British Statosmen and Politicians Make Them. In the palmy days of spread-eagle oratory, when language was tar more flowery and figurative than it is now, it took a. cool head behind a vehement manner to steer a safe course among similes and meta- phors. Absurditiea were frequent, and laughter marred many a per- oration; yet, carried along by the speaker’s earnestness and fire in delivery, the most. wildly ridiculous metaphors often passed unnoticed. At a. memorial meeting in honor of one of the most famous of Ameri- can orstcmr---Wendell Phillips-n magniloquent speaker referred to the apirita of the great departed, which, on leaving this earth, “wand each its way, swiftcr than a winged eagle, loftier than a iiotbr- ing ttdcon--sweeping across the mighty spaces of the heavens as a glorious comet sweep, rushing ever onward, forward and upward, to ita goal in Abraham’s bosom I" . . Some women are selt-rriade, but most of them are remodeled by dressmakers. 7 It's, dithcult for a newly married man to generate much enthusiasm over his bride's beautiful hair after he has seen her pile it on the hu- reau for the night. Nearly every man is true to his first love-himself. An optimist is a man who lays up a litle sunshine for a niny (is); It is better for a girl to be given in marriage than it is for a man to be sold. A - -%li.r" a timid girl courts death by making love to a. rich old cod- ger who has one foot already in the my? Bloohumper--"Mter all beauty is only skin deep." Bptsthas---"ltt many cases it is not so (leap to that. It is often laid on the skin's surface," Jones-lo; I'd like to go to sleep at that time. When the baby hears. that ho may think it's time for him to turn in." “We could have settled our dif- tiettlties by tossing a. coin. Instead we spent. a lot of money in going to law.†Assisted when necessary by Cuticura Ointment. They keep the skin and scalp clean and clear, sweet and healthy, besides soothing irritations which often prevent sleep and if ne%lected become chronic dis igurements. “Well?†" nndenstaud the jury settled the matter by tossing a coin." Guzman-yam can.» as told “when. â€world. A - mph ot own. um: 82-9“. booths» the we and mum-u: ot the um: and Iain. um. pub-I’m. “are. Power Dru & (Show. ooo.. Dept. 81:. Mn. U. s. A. Mrs. Jones-vHOy are you greb. ting tho alarm tor 2.30t You otrely don’t wantttp get: Ittrt that time t" CUTICURA SOAP VLIQUID IUL'HUR cum retatt still. LIQUID SULPHUR cum mum; in». Iimrd'. Llnlmm Gum mpmnmn. MIXED METAPHORS. Pointed Para graphs. Getting a Verdict. Pooling Baby. With Friend-."Were you smitten by your wife before you married her I" Penhecker--"Yes, but not half " much an I have been since.†u a hanks-4 for " " dmggisuran writer for any or our book when“: un the Home" hue. Gian, cllltd out: kitttms, BHtrs.'l Konry vu very would of the new kittens and went. tor them to show them to visitors. His mother hound him coming along the hall and t1amted..q.the miss d_the protago- USE LIQUID IUL'MUI "I voun OATH. "No,%othdr," - the remar- ing unswer. "pm oarryintt them very carefully by the Item.†The evenness time in the hnppy time, but we do not realize tint till we have had the exciting experi- ence- which break ua. "Then, iths no fault of mine. You know very well, ma'un, that I've been with you only tour Inch.†"Ellen, I'm tired of your negioct and carelessness. Just look " all that dust lying about on the furni- ture. It’s six weeks old It the very least.†Mage an M " mu" m: b full: "INTERNATIONAL sroct ' Ala."" on . â€a my, In... ,m “(an INTENT!!!“ 8106K rm 0... MEI lint-1'. Llnlmm can. “a. a HIGHEST PRICES FOR GRILL|A_ Dr. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY Ella-burg Fullu, Vermont. U.S.A. m Raw Furs " St. Lawrence "tit,'. in original puckn‘eu. n- in critical packa‘ea. Un- touched from "Gerr to your cupboard, you are can of sugar absolutely In. from contamination or impurities of any kind. Bt. lawn-ma (ma-laud whit use can uwiapagkadiatkmaiauyl iiiiefiii medium and not... in 00»qu “I. um! I tb. to.“ bag. and 5 lb. and 2 lb. emu. All fin! clan duller- can Indy it u lay-t upon having It. W. o. GOFFATT Not Responsible. lynch "Don't huh the This WATCH FREE M. Nymnuv ONTARIO Tttia 'auuroo King" “not: It " smmly cunn- Ontcod among". " h Mn wind and than Bet, double din-{proof but. mam an R...- lu and. It“. Send " your an» "ad - and w. will lend you " â€a at XII... Blrtlndly. Mani. and other poo! out. to to“ u so can. 1 net (nix Mutual rarN tn nth not). “on sold new ma tho money. and w. will soul you tho watch. all om... pron“. " you "our. w. will (In you n - 1mm 'eompuu wtttt n clues). "..etrie nut: light. (all mm mm a trumpet mu mouth arm. or a put at "Rut" "oi-key Skate; "mum! at the inch. HOMER-WARREN co. Fulo'rr'r mmixnsa A route. (haul-'- IN on. w. DAWIOI. Mum can". It"; Toronto. PAM!" tun-m, WITH (In "lrRoo* lulu! nuance. cu Tom-n; human." um! other Mn». and an!†QTAIP CiLPAti-MUNDVaD IMP. t bunt Foreign Sta-pa. (‘Iuingug Album, only Beeen Cum. lurk- mun. mm“... Toronto U - turi-ir, 31:35 -61rtaiirr Harmon“? opening tor man of warty. Write Wilson Public in: Company, “manta. CANCER. “lions. LUIPI. an, laws-nu! and ext/crud. can“ with- oII "tn by our home tyre-menu Write as before too late. Dr, neumu ludicll OIL Limited. anllinrwond, Ottt Gibb fm9NEtg, KIDNEY AND BLAD- be Boonâ€. Kidney trouble. Gravel. [Minute and kindred ailment. poumw-ly and um: tho new (km-m g:',',,'Sn “col." price 31.50 Another new rem y tor D"sttotalotlitun. and cure cure. to "Soul'- AntdaNatisettq.." Prloo 82.00 from drutgiuu or dimm. The (Inna! Mammo- mun? 'i?",'?'.',','." of Cunwn. Limited. Winn M. An. tt w. BANâ€... can» 0L. Tmnl‘ N W. BAN‘OI COIN». It, Tartar“. " IRIDENTIAL PROPERTIV" I. Inmmnn MM , Am on.» nv'IC. low In tho Tuna to Think About -ee=eeereeerm-. â€rim [alum Tttt cum MFG. CO ' UNIT“! " gun-mu St., noun“, out. W. In the “(In RAVI FUR nous: an I.“ u the an“! oqttqqt.N a! GAMMA“ RAW Full la Canada. mt nun. - "urban-onus" and“. and a uncut unto! to you. Mun - " up. Return. my. “on. -- ' 7 Ali Furl an mined. “Human how man“ on â€an.“ Fall um In! on ready. wrm In " NIIAI 4000.00“ LIIIYEI. I" Bt. Patel It. Mei; Dept. "i" Nominal Mail Dept Cummit any of your ne'uxhbon who have used. the "c humpiou†Evapor “or. They will tell you to iostntl before the snow II on the ground. Cools no more to buy now than in “arch. Write for free booklet. It you want to buy or sell a Fruit. Stock, Gum or bury Form. write H. w. Dow-on. Brampton. or 90 Colborno St. Toronto. P. nausea. In“; can“ WEEKLY N_'b'AFgPAP_tCR you RUN, noel. anus my on; In". In .11 noun-o " mun; I. I'D-DI. DEPT. as. roR"irsro In, w. my man tor your RAW FU RS roam. cirui'CiioGiir"TG"GC" School. Hunting!“ Catalog“. "A The Soul of I Home I. the Action. Incl“ on tho "OTTO HIGEL†Mr To Any Boy NEWSPAPER Fol IALE .YAI" A N' “Hâ€! It... '0. Ill. “In POI "" Plano Action ‘lICFLLANIOUI EDUCATION. "