West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Nov 1913, p. 8

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0 " Canadian km the stoma King (”on nmoooumuuog swept no that bleak November day, When many a gallant ship went down And became the wild waves' prey. td any bodies were cast on the wreck- strewn shore. [lollcomlu tt me who mourn ", me many lonely ones who weep For those who can never return. It is appalling to thank of the great low of life during the storm on the lakes. Mrs Barker and ttaster Merle, ol Mount Forest, visited at J. Hunt's on Many people have taken advantage of the no idea of the immense saving unless you c Hardware We can sell you anything you need in' this line. GAME TRAPS In different sizes," 0 for $1.00. No. I X saws, the famous Racer and Lance tooth:saws at $4.00 and $4.25 complete. Planes, chisels, Hammers. Saws, Axes all kept in stock; the good kind. WINDOW 1iLASS--We are importers and therefore we have the right price. Stoves We can sell you a Queen heater tha heat any room at less cost than any other " made, $3.50 to $25.00. TAYLOR&CO. Dromore ””0...“ 0-. W‘ The Live Fowl, South Bend L we judge must be pretty well in now, and we take any that are left next WEDNESDAY. The weather is likely to be too cold to handle them after that. Dressed fowl of all kinds wanted now. Fm Ian's Chin " black Far Coats. Reg Ila-22.00. Sale price...... ...... . ...... Fin Mcn'l Best Quality Cookskin Coats Regal" " oo nd 80 a). Sure price . . . Ono Lndiu' bit. Beaver eon, quilted, Italian lininx. Amer. Sable collar Reg. 27.00, Sale Three Man's Furhnod coats. best buck boner shell Russian rat lining, Altrlcban Collar. Reg. 4000 "u...... ...... .... Two Indies’ Lunch“ jackets. 34 inches hogan!) Salem... ............. .. Ono I.adiea' Aatraehan jacket, a good one 25.00. Sale...... ...... ........... .. Ole Ladies' ASH-chm jacket. 27.00 On sale now...... e............... ........ ..... Ono Indies’ Lunch“ jack“, Sub]. collar large Revers. 45.00. Sale.... .. .. ..... One Men's lnrlilud can iitte quality Beaver iean otter coll" aad hpels, 55 00 Sale price...... ...... . .... ...... .. ...... ... Two Mink Marmot Stoles Regular U 00. Sale . .. Ono ladieo' lurlincd can. Bastian rat lining with sable collar. 60.00 Sale. .... .. ' .. TWO men's the honor coats. Persian lamb collar. Italian satin lined, 35.00 for . . . ... Ono ladieu' brown beaver. furlined coat, snd Revers Rani-n In lining. 60.00 Butter G, Eggs (ili' Poultry Bale TAYLOR &_(_39_. STOP AND THINK JOST A MOMENT " Best Quality Cookskin Coats Two American Sable Moles, trig . 7a m and m 00. Site price. . . . EL50 I and WD ttails, 45 inches long. DROMORE Highest Prices Paid The big flagghtef Sale; foxyfgnFurs, Fur Coats and ntiiidi1tiied, . gCgats; fii's.te)ii _.' #11in On satin lined, ten tails Monday of last week. Mr and Mrs J. Orchard, of and Miss Eaket, oi the 12 Egremont, spent Sunday n J. Ilaut's. Mr James Durant passed through the Bend on the warpath. Taxes are higher than last year. Ul- - w--- v - __ A relilblo French regulator, Bills an exceedingly glow-elm" -eepqrativrt pornon of t e Iema all cheap iiuitatiorta. Dr. (I. '6 a box, or three lot 310. Ma: In. labor! Dru; Cer, at. Dr. de Vap's .3??? I "her" pl: flt.".'." 22-90 It.".?.' 7.50 er shell, Amer. sable collar is} nard hind lett»; _ A highly s'tcccsslul and pleasmgl he isin durger. er.terraicmenr, the best yet held, t .m, ___ v ‘Wns given at the Ebenezer ia l’rclice- l q " _ ls i\'liic Circuit cn the eveningot Fri ay I rr,a!t)it.ge1tii,,.l.'.l.l.1c,i"',, last. Though the seating capacity i lowerlul in rf-sulttiasffl 3 ti the commmlious little church Wes 1e,t.'ryhit11efla with linked to its urtnost and many stand. I ll. Mailed to I'll, a‘idg; ling besidt-s. the bestof order prevail-‘ NF. m. “m" M ' "ed through. u'. a dceided and sons- ible improvement on some given in -6'0tetoitorawr years The Dromore choir ‘gave several line selections duringr t the, evening. incritiug warm encom- O ‘ums from those eompetent,.to judge. . QMusio was also sq.iitriit1tif,ed by thei lite/v. Mr Ward aiid - srs Aired! "leCabc ond Ball mam. the first; 1mentioned replying the encore 3withasolo. Mr and Mrs Tht. Me, 5 Fadden and the Misses Henderson. of, t j l'rieeville, gave duetts in line VoiceI 'and inrm Mr Wm. llamage by spec- _ ial request in '. The Man behind the' . 3 Plow, tl u selection by some little girls d we will (oi the Sunday Schotl and last but not SDAY lleast. the charming little daughter . A of Mr and Mrs W. A. Lawrence (Ger l old stir) gave nStl') and pronounCed by , (ri), mdent admirer and rightly tty) line Prima Donn t ot the evening Inn istrumcnlals were given by Mrs Geo, t 1 Lawrence, Miss Morrison and Mr Jas. jllirgruve on auto-harp, organ and l violin respectively. Miss Emma SCUntey gave a selection on the organ lulso and accompanied besides this, " ' lthe Misses tlenders-on, who delighted tt lthe audience with some artistic Club lSwinging, the rythm and music of t imotion being ty,ei2l1g,ty"ti,f,f , , ' by the petit mademoisc o. ecits , you need m ltions were given by Gertie Stephen- son. Stanley Harrison, Jimmie Hoop. , I ‘er. Luella Ford, Sarah Tucker, of the LOO. No. school and Miss )IYinu‘iie Greenwood, I oi Edge Hill. he nsncial re on a toothftat? was given by Mr W. L. Dixon turd a. mes, chisels, t repotrt on the standing gt the school . by l r W. It. Watson. peaches were l stock ' the given bristling tall of humor by Mr V t ' Wm. Allan, Lays. Mr Ward and Mr Prndham, the latter dealing with his 1nd therefore _ work and experience in Japan and still presenting something new nnd highly interesting, though hearing ihim tor the third time. The Rev. Mr Leece oeeapied the chair very " -- fieiently and conveyed the thsnks ot the audience to the various perform- . ers. The proceeds were $22.10. ter that will 'Il‘he state ot the rosds after the eat. me ting ot the snow is s reproach to y other tt any neighborhood. Where gavel has been judiciously and diligently spplied. it is a source of delight to _ trawl on, but the mud roads. especi- . ' :islly those recently graded, are. to ========='5) -say the least, s disgrace to my neigh- . borhood. It is a pity that more pull- 1 . lie spiritedness is not iff,',',',",. in Itt one gain over s certs tt onion wit n1 try ssplltlogdrsg which was result in great benefit, but than it's sobody's business. So tttttsh one is coutsntto -.-,,,,.,,,=,.2) t Iplod through the mud to his hssrt’s content. 16.75 19.75 32.50 37.50 19.50 :hard, of of the I2 42.50 37.50 49.75 49.75 28.50 T no American sable Molar, trimmed with heads and um tails, 45 inches long. 12.60 sau..,. Three coney moles. 5.00. Sale 83.N _ marmot stoles, satin lined, two hturis, tails and paws. $10.00 Sale.... .. Cine mink marmot stole. trimmed with heagsonnd paws. Twelvetails. Hi h storm collar. Re .1 . al,,,','),' F. 1tlr.".1r.tf.T..".'t.t " One American sable stole. Two heads tails. 10.50. Sale...... .... ...r.. . Two mink marmnt stolen, satin lined, nix tails Rng. 8.00. Salem... .... -.... '..... .... Two Amencan sable stoles, extra wide, sar.inlined,12.50. Sale...... ...... Twe electric Seal moles, trimmed with chinchilll 12.00. Sale .. .... ...... .. .... .... .... One Two Ladies' furl'med coats, fine, black, beaver tshell. Russian Rat Ii: ing with American sable col- Lars, WOO. S-le price.. ...... .....t. Wag-75 (Inc ladies' {unlined cont, best Russian rat lining, finest tluality beaver shell Alaska sable, collar and revers. 50.00 ..... .... .. .. ...... .....42.5o Four coney moles, 6 tails $2.5 Sale...... '..... ...'.. ...., [‘wo mink marmot & 10.00. Sale.... Bt Sale 1e astraehan Caner-inc. lone stoic front, four large tails. 8 OO..., .. ...... .... .... .... Miss Belle Lothian visited the week end at the home at Mr and Mrs W. Runago and assisted in a trio and Everybody is healthy and Well in N. Egremom. No and news to write nbout We are glad to lay. e G'rtut sacrifiéeé w? Jim) making.“ _ gave" you'rgqtiour f' can see thtseiTters/iotri.tmiigf,i 75V??? Fur igiour “big NORTH EGREMONT TORONTO 5.00. Sale t3.O A Tr.o long‘m_in_k Mes. with heads and paws a v"; / ; is' ELI->1 l... Along, snt rif'ttf. ttqtredicteAc'antiu.st Furs, we are'"ofretiif'tr/a {com-d 1rrtturi.itii s, with 12 tails, 'ith u-..- . quartette mum hall on Sunday ove- nng in company with the above and daughter Mary and Thea. Weir. Rey. Mr Leece gave a fine Mir sionnry discourue at the services and had the "tishsetion of eontrihtttirmt amounting to $800, collected by Mr Artlutr Backus and himself. ' The proposition of the Hydro electric railway coming through this part of an! township will be thorough- I! discussed at a meetis g to be held 'here to-mormw. Thrce representativ- Ies from Guelph will be present. [Particulars later. i The funerals of the late Mrs. Jaw. ‘McDonald and Miss Lizzie Watson , were well attended by our community land we all express to the sorrowing ', friends our sincerest sympathy. Te n' Mr Matthew Hooper installed a line new piano in bis home one day last week and hui a party of friends and neighbors in to test. its quality ond have a good time. Ir, was conceded to be all Wright. A bee was held at Amos church a week ago, instituted by the local branch of the Ladies' Inst” the object being to plant evergreens in the cem- etery. 106 were planted- Lunch was served by the ladies. Mr. John Morrison visited his home at Maxwel1,f'undsy, returning Mon- day accompanied by his mother. The Table Demonstration given by Mrs. Huxtable, Mrs. Gillies and Miss Eva Dezall at. the Institute meeting at the manse last Wednesday was well attended and much appreciated. Miss Lizzie Christie is in the city this weak attending the Institute Convert, ion and Will report at nan meeting. Quite a number trom here took in the entertainment at Ebenezer on Friday and upon. " enjoyable eve- etitstt. Miss Mary Findlay, accompanied by her Fiend, Mist Marion Calder, of Durham, spent the week end at her home here Mrs John Garson returned from a two months‘ trip in the west on Fri. day. Her son Thomas has (one to spend the winter with his brother Alt in Wyoming. _ ' Several of the boys who went west for the Harvest have returned, among those being Meésrs A. Haslie, J. Walker and Roy Ecclel. Miss Grace Knox, SwintonPark, is visiting her sister, Mrs J. McMurdo, this week. Mr Colin McMillan and son Alex areuKToroatta this week, Mr R. Smith, of Conn, was the guest of Mr and Mrs Dan Ecclesa few days laet week. Sorry to seport that Mr John Allan has been ill for the past two weeks. 'Miss Agnes Renwick visited in Dundalk last week. mi Dani-Am ttii)mt.tr Is 8.35 5.39 9.58 1.35 5.95 HOPEVILLE DROMORE lo t 2.50:” Lunb Csparina 9.00, Mic price. okis genaintpiherj9ii furred. $12.50;”!ng r V 'TT. Large Pillow Muff to‘match with beta, and tails, 8.50, sale price . . .ft,..,.. ... One American Snble Stole wtigssao and an: 7.50.8516 price.... .... ......,.. .. .... .... .. 055 Electric Seal Stole, lined 8.00, tale nice. L) One Mink Marmot Throw, nun lined, 8.50, price...... ........ .......... .... ...... One Black Coney Set, large Stole and Pillow Muff, satin lined, 12.00 set. tsale price. ...... Two Child's Imitation Electric Seal. Collar Ind Mutf, 3.75 set. sale prioe...... .... .... .... .. One Imitation Silvier Grey Mole and Muff, 6.60 set, sale price.... .... .. .... .... r..... ...... One Imitation Baby Lamb (black). Muff Throw, 4.50 set. sale prior... .... .... .. One Set Imitation Persian Lamb, long Throw and Mulf trimmed with fringe 5 00, sale price 0.10 Child‘s Grey Lamb Caperine. 4 mm, 6 suleprice,...... .... .... ... . .... ....... One large American Sable Caperine, price .... ...'.. .... .r.... .... ..., One pair Grey Lamb Gauntlets, 5 00, sale price One Grey Lamb Caperine. 5 50 Also ... .. -_--'""-'-'_" One extra huge Imitation Persian Lamb Throw and Muff. 0,50 set. sale price. ... .... . Mr, Jon Ferris and Geo. Rally In- joyed a law days hunt " Mr. T. J. Ferris'. EELoeAL AND PERSONAL; Mrs D. P. Coleridge was a delegate to the Public Library convention held in Durham this week, Mrs Hostetter left Tuesday morning for Toronto as the delegate appointed by the Womens' Institute to attend the convention there. Other visitors to the City this week are. Mrs (ttev.) James and children. Miss Adams, Menu Sam Smith and Walter Spencer. .Mr. Lindsay Irwin left Friday for the City, having secured a position with the Massey Harris Co. Miss McGowan spent Sunday at her home in Durham. Mr Henry of Mt. Forest was I visitor at the home of Mr John Brown over Sunday. Miss Bride of Palmerston spent Sat- urday and Sunday the guest of Min Nellie Phllp. Mr Currie of Alma, spent a few days at home Mr J, D. Main last week. He and Mr Henry Reid secured a fine lot of game during his stay, one day's shoot netting the hunters 21 rabbits. Mrs Burrows returned home Friday, after a month's visit with her daughter, Mrs Cordingly of Palmerston. Mr. Winfield Hunt of Bolwood ex- changed pulpit: with Rev Mr. James on Sunday last, the former'o old f: iende be- ing pleased to hear him once more. With Mrs Hunt and children, he stayed with relatives here for a few days Rev. Mr. Mush. M. D., of Spring- vale his Accepted the call to Holstein and Fairbairn and arrangement: hive been made to hold the induction sch vice at Fairbairn, Dec. 4th. Before this IPIUC in in the hands of our readers it in "typo-dbl: that two ladies, well known to Holuleinluo. have passed awuv. Then are Mrs. Montgomery of Dundalk, I sister of Mensa Wm. and David Gillies. and Mrs Fiddler of Neusudc. I daughter of Mr S. Bea-mun. At the beginning of the week no hope III held out for ‘he recovery of either. Messrs. Cook & Ellis have sold their stock to Mr Voisin of Mt. Forest. Friends of little 01:1sz Pettigrew will be pleased to learn t " she is be. ginning to recover from a very serious illness which started about Hallowe'en On that occasion the little girl was play ing with a number of her friends who had disguised themselves with hideous false faces. However the fun fhully went a few degrees too far and she be. came severely frightened at the masks. This was followed by sickness and " attack of St. Vitus dance for several days but from which she ls gradually improving. d 'Y The trouble was the "tputt of a n sst l hmwl which occurred at an ev- t‘nIu-g p H'ly on the night of Nov. 6. On this occasion it in and. the trio of Durhumitea. encountered opposition from Mt Fore-S and the thy wont hard against the men from the south, one of the party t',ttti,'iz, never. facial wounds. especially n ut the eye. The penalty wn 85ml! can. for one of the offenders and .1 and costs for the other pair. Magisthle 0, Mclunea of Yeoril, had a. busy day administering justice to three Durham young men on_ tri- ( .thi.t béginni-n hen every one upth to pty full price for 91'; vigitlf .fj'i)lll'ddl1't' T' in two. _ U ___ _ - - -= _..-" 'A‘I‘-- " r , . our :share ? If not come in to-day. You have l -bie stock being slaughtered regardless of cost. 5 00, sale paws all. and LIE EB 2.25 4.50 3.25 4.75 3.75 EB 3798 l The dry kiln Mr. Geo. Calder in erecting Adjoining " mill, in rapidly Lenin: completion and will make: lsplendld addition Io thits supie lu- ‘dustry. 'T but. will be . meeting rd the W. l, 5 at the home of Mrs l’otrle Fridny, Slat. ‘Mu Coleridge will am a paper on " Books, our friends, our enemies." Mu McClooklln. the prize cake mgker. mll give a dtrtnottstretion on cake true. ling. All 1Bdies Ire welcome. We regret to report in mil lune. the oeriouo Illness of Mr. U. Melano- of Yeovil A little more than I week ago the nu lulckon with uncilitls which Wu followed by attack of grin. To make matters - eryuipoln bu broken out on her face and medial and Is constantly m uttendnnce. Rev. G. Kendoll occupied the pulpit of the Pres. churches here mud n Fuirhuirn on Sunday. 1“va Dixon affulmenton supplied for Mr. Kol- e . The Orange Society have udded 8 or t new’uemei to the roll lhil Week. the inhuman being held Monday night. The degrees were conferred on two other members. We are placed to see that Mr Fred MeGioeklin In- so far improvrd u to he Able to wan behind the counter again. Mr. 3nd " Pinder spent. Snurdly Ind Sand-y with lrionda st Zion. The School trunteel In" deeidcd to have u box Iooini. The date II un- settled yet. . Sunday, 9th November. 1913. will long be remembered u the date ot the mpet deadly norm ever recorded on our Great Lakes. Leer week, we aid the deed would number so. but [our time. that number ie nearer the truth. Mr. Bob Rabat-non bu parchued Mr. Potu property and Mrs. Put in gem; to man to Durham. The Sunday School “who" no busy prFtit for the Chmtmu tree on tho 23rd. of Decembor, Min Essie Douglas visited Sunduy with her sister Mrs. Ju. John-ton. Mr, Dick-on [no purolnud Mr. ltobemon'o hm. Monster freighter: like the June- Carruthers, (the largest venue] on the lake). the Eric: and others have [one and. nppllhngly indicative of the [mt storm, not I sing]. and"! of the doomed ship. reached the more Ilia. Mr. J, Swmacn bud 3 raising of the {Embers of the dam, Saturday. Ssvsrsl disambing futures no It vealed: most of the susksn tlr, was of most modern make, sons cl tittsery siding to ssfsty succsufully; " Is nilegéd that "tern! uptsins negated to obey storm sugnsls sud slso t " (is {of horn stOodcrich wss not sounded til the fury of the storm wss wells“ spent. It then our“. be nut-incl there will In" to be sterner punishment. put in forge for neglect of am sign-la at An. inundation into modu- lute shipbuilding-. A large In!!! is being ruined foo the bereavedpeiatives 0no Ken'- Bluk Bum 0m. gamut! Italian lining. rub- ber intern-lax, [um (It oolhr. 22.00. «In 1 " aria. __ ._.... .... .... ......... ...... ... One only American Sabin Pillow Mun. "upritse------ One only Buck Gooey Inf. - 3.60. ulo price.... e..............'.. .............'.. Ono Two Battle Capri-cl. nth lining, 5.75, Ono genuine Isble Opp-um Stole. 6 min, tstO with... .... .... .... ...... ...... Ono Unmet Butte, two hum. In” ails. ul- prioe...... ...r.. ...... .... .... .. Two Conny Stole, six um, lIllp. 2.50, price ........ ...... ....r..... ........r Tm: Electric Saul Cuperinu. lone stole, front nun lined. nor-a coll". trimaied with lends. 7,50, sale ti 05' One Coney Stole, 6 tails, 2.25, ule priu.. One ConJCnpeI-ine. long stole front 4.50, Ill. price...... '... .... ........ .... .... ...... Five Far Collar-tor mon's Com. Imporlnl Ot- tor5.50, sale price...... .... ...... ...... ... One Poninn Lamb Con Collar T.00, nle prlo Five MenEbBlaek Bun: 0?". tg',.'?,'? Earl cloth lin. ine, rn er interlinintt, nr coll-r. l . ' sale prioo.... ..... ...... .... ......... .... 11-“5 no um In” Imitation Elgar“: Soul Stole and Pillow Int. . gm: bargain 6.75, “I. pr. The Great Storm. Orchard 't'tt.'r.f).'.'.? 1.35 MB, 1.t.r.r.i.'.1..o.r " Two too-acre {Inns in Bgremont, one lot u. con It. and the other lot 24. con It. Ire offered by the undersigned whif with” to nukes quick nle. Farm- will be sold separately or togethcr The ttrat mentioned farm has br.ck house. bank barn, cement stnbling. driveshed Ind other outbuildings. A windmill forces water from drilled well " house. Second farm has comforiubEc dwelllng house, bank barn and other buildings. A good well " house and a never {ailing spring. School on the form. Rural mail and telephonc. Tttuofrer mean- I bargain for some one u proprietor has purchased weettrn grin end will be leaving the east ortly. Apply_to " Front 4-5991? 2.95 No one can dispute the fact that any remedy which 1. in con. atant demand must have curatuvc powera. That in why our prapar- ationa are in conatant demand. At this time of year your stock need. a little toning up. You can't get anything better than one of the following preparations. STOCK REMEDIES i)? MERIT new“ Condition Powder (For Honest Dry Kurt-Inn Pow“: (For Indigestion m Cattle) Morton‘s Conn Powder (For all kinds of stock) - Alta-“Ive m GUNS DRUG STORE Hi; 36113168; Blood Psrriher) Today he an at Mogul. nut. and ”medals. one “up.” because Chamberlain" Tntitets cured 8mm! Tro'ublu and an him . good digestion. You try them. Mc. a bottle. Anthu‘gim and Dede? ct by Put " and sold only " (For all kinds of stock) Farms For Sale If " ule " E13 SWANITON. T R. R. I, Holstem " . m to In over-en "in tttist'seasom all d Wents MUST he i: 'w'smds by I p. m. y W publication. At the l-ry In! um“ II rancid"? Terr d" broth“ The ther. .eetted h Yuqu "I. In: (M th tum! » iettet I itstt tis, elm-on up P" hm ll the " To Advertisers Snuduy lahl manned a! i. t Wm. a Loge NW tum. m “I?" I' “a lanai?“ p. mm. "H" w. grown." ra ami but . ot the Py'Pol accowp‘ilh. . n Ind of bl. " Fulton- and (In usroueh I Mel guru-w m the I it. That tlld V 'uiorupltut II " touuuitwd t qut'tot h' tttrotttt "In it deal h of the RESIGNATION ACCEPT! ul'l " II“ ed it at Good Bye I. t ot Nu town has n upli'lll mutt Uhul he co New ou N In“ ll (h it an m “I VOL. d M um tire and: “l Farqutt ed the I [II-NU III! tones: A , "on: of Dorr iihtiiamsford Ill“ 3 tgttlr lull- for thet (mm Sth deat-mi'l Cowman. t will "ke' pts ht late , wtttr the" fecal rel " W ue have! 091“an and can! ode of 0.. tgundred aim-M " tuilett Cl) ttw 00“.. “g road. ' of Br, gown-lip ot thee iidrtiet'u" "'3" ‘C‘II M the coaW9 uh I Doom t humid! um besinMo Fan " tf " HIM lived i Mr M: e hearts he I.“ lh 00d to the no at a: w PM n I urn: 4.". 1ury espertl ordattatf" lCC shortly. ”cannon tM mm and In my and 9"! MM] I. I urn of his I tltt wr- WOW" l the am . bu & vet it l What us we a. Ko {fun w I " " “Id tle " In" J) ell " "

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