West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 27 Nov 1913, p. 9

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tl lt Low Rates to Chicago and Rgturn Frequent and Fast Train Service Only Double Track Route Fun part-cuhn. hwrth renorvntinru, km. " Grand Trunk Ticket 0mm GOOD GOING NOV. 30th. DBC.1 & 2l Amman! of [nirvnalional l LIV. mock Exposition Return Lin " - HI tieketn valid to elm» to "w h mig‘vml starting point, an? In.” th nu o,duittht of Dar. 8. iii'.Jil " In W. CALDER. 'll J TOWNER. D.. OI... ”MOOM'MM Highest prices pai when dressed with cat It is worth while to tractive to the eye. Hardware We can sell you anything you new m this line. GAME TRAPS In dliierent sizes, (t for $1.00. No. I X saws, the famous Racer and Lance tooth:saws at $4.00 and $4.25 complete. Planes, Chisels. Hammers, Saws, Axes all kept in stock; the good kind. WINDOW OLASti--We are importers and therefore we have the right price. Malia!“ Kingutnn, and west in Ontario, Stoves We can sell you a Quc:.1 tif heat any room at tcss cost than arty er made. $3.50 to $25.00. f TAYLOR86CO. Dromore FANCY LACE COLLARS in Dainty Baby Irish Me and .50 cents The latest in Bulgarian Collars - very special 750 Dressed FEE! Butter (ib, Eggs (b, Poultry 3 THIS BIG STORE [ei, is Full oi Good Things for elhrii'str11,f,llt New corn, 3 cans' for :00 Fiew peas, 3 cams for 2.50 New tomatoes, 3 cans for 25 Town Tieket Ageut prnt Ticket Agent TAeirLt11iL.gL.f,i/f2,.. DROMipli3.liil. Wanted 0 a" 0 only four weeks from to-morrow " its time With (c1tristmas Cake must be baked right away and the pared = = and what about the Christmas Shopping? . So.many people leave. it then in a wild rush they take what is left and meet disappointment on every side. This big store was never so well pre pair of gloves fer Father, a fancy collal just what you want, at the price you w Grocery Dept. can supply you with the est Valencia Raisins and reeleaned-curr fresh eggs and good bntter, Come in pleasure. Highest Prices Paid Renhew Two loo-zinc far us In lct 24, con 12, and :he o 13, are offered by tue in wishes to make a quick; will he sold sepwratel The first mcntiorcd f house, bank barn, ce driveshed and onero windmill forces water in “house. Second farm dwelling house, bulk , buildings. A gooc well never failing ispring. farm. Rural miil ' Thlsofler means a warm as proprietor. has put farm and will bu le: shortly. Apply to Farms 2or re was never so well prepared as it is to-day, to look after your wants. lNO mutte- wucu-u " .c .. irr Father, a fancy collar for Mother, a suit for little Jack or a sweater coat for Mary. We have want, at the price you want it---. = Yes and when your Mother wants to make the Christmas cake, our can supply you with the best of Orange, Lemon and Citron Peel at two pounds for a quarter, the fin- isins and Ar-cleaned-Cui-rants at three pounds for a quarter and the best of spices, new figs and dates, onnd hntlet, Come in and let us suggest a few things that will make your Christmas shopping a J. A. SWANSTON. R. R. I, Holstei d the other lot 24, con vt'sc undersigned who l quick sale. ,1?er rpnrutely or togcthcr. lol ed farm has brick In. cement stahling. on" outbuildings. A water from drilled well nd farm has comfortable bulk barn and other oc well at house and a wig. School on the mlil and telephone. a nargain for some onu as purchased western bu leaving the can @0000! t rilOL,S'TElrtsi CAN sAvtr__1rft1l, Just v.hut, )nu,reloola Specially priced 35c THE J. D. ABRAHAM COMPANY Coaucil Inn, Nov, 15. Minute“ i This dopterl. Wm Aberdem was retand-iciuou" ed tf 5(retttrsttnt charged for wiper-1mm of hum-d swam labor, eertilied bylh'ghly pathmaster. mm" I . . . l uy.rls John Sinclair, slwep iospeetor, re- oideat ported Alex Calder 1 sheep killed'rvsull and I worried by dogs, value $12.00. fyyer'. 8.00 paid, Insiees 500; James Calder 1..itis d 5 sheep killed ond 2 worried value I',',",: lu;,0() 41 ty) p id his. lees 7se ; John Staff; l Swanarnn 3 sharp killed andlldmm “ nrr_ivd. value 33.00, paid 22.00.1ns. mind I tees Cie, ', Jug Uzlrdlllel' 1 sheep killed l He , and I worried, value 1050. paid 7.00 three, I Ins fees 500 ', John Durant. sheeplns. Fir, t repwrtvd Oni. limit lsheep killed, rife tl vamp 7.50, {Hid 510, Ins. lens 750. five ti James An aeeitrl'5.?0lrom C McInnis Wimp. luv detective work alter j,i?pc'e'll1/ti',lr'rrt'"i (lugs for sheep killing was laid over 1 Tst..; till next meeting. Joe Itt when Rand reports: Com. Fergusonl“f hin spent 7.00 tor local improvements Tol.ty illnnlees LU”. wire fence. 3.00. Com IR fel lumiau spent 97,65 lur irnprovem1TI!! {"51th including 131.75 tor wire lance. 4.80 "f t Com lees. Cum Robb reported (i.t,i),ip; hug spent U!) 43 Corn lees 3.00 and 20,19“ .l.li‘J tor work on Davidson's bridzel'u-d 'ol including 25 U) for wire fence, 41 45 l he w" bal. due Coulis Bros on Dav.dson‘s of Bcl bridge Com MeRobb spent 31.50, uowl Cum tees 2w. The wave settled Int, l ‘ruud accounts with Arthur tp. being tern? i 2;3tintavvcoiEgreatot1t, which is thed‘ ) to be expended on T L by Arthur as if: ",' noon as cmwenicnt. Also the reeve pint" expanded 50,45 in order to complete tuur wards according to Engineer‘s Cerritieate, Coin fees 3N0, anLwork .'i1'srsriia,2'titururrlsrss 3.00, P Bolster was paid 2 .00 reps to culvert in 1912 Canned by Jag McLachlan. Reeve, Ireas and Clerk were to to prepare Financial meetmg. Hue look iug, tor Fur ti. td, No, 7, townshlp of Proton. 1yoitlilied teacher. first or second class c-uiiiuattt. Dutieg to commence Jan. 3h. NU. bulery 8000 per annum Prutvslrml preferred. Apply stnling sxpelieuce to LESLIE WATSON, Secy.-Treu.. Dundulk I'. 0., Ont Sundry accounts amounting to 27,60 were Patti, A Adjourned to meet The Rev. lrl R, tiicks, I914 Ai- manac. Egremont Council The Rev. lrl R. Hicks li is nnw ready and will be paul fur only Ww, .Pqu tine Magazine. Word and one year, and a copy of l for only one dollar. The on astronomy and the can of trtrormt', droulhs. blizz: "ulna-s. Hunk? these publk cerootr in every hnmo 59nd to Word and Worl Company. 3401 Franklin Louie, Mo. 33E? 15:6, 1913 Teacher Wanted av. lrl R. Hicks 1911 Almanac muly and will be mail-d pre: ' only tVw, .Plnfesmr Hicks’ :azine. Word and "bl-ks, for ', and a copy of this Almanac one dvlbar. The plain, lesions nomy and the correct ("remain as, drouths, blizzards and tor- mukv these puhlicutlons a. m- in every hnme in America. Word and Works Publishing v. 3401 Franklin Avenue, St. D. ALLAN, Clerk The Store that sets the pace THE DURHAM REVIEW FANCY HANDERCHIEFS You'll fall in lave with these pretty new ideas, beaut- ifully worked in Lawn, Mull and Linen. I In Memoriam l (Umwdn d out last week.) _ WILLIAM “1mm: 1 This week it is our and duly l0 "clnvmclr‘ the death of William Wilson‘ Lum- of Mildeu’s IEII st prosperous and ilrgitlr' reWected young tanner . Death lemme on Tuesdsy, Our. 28 h, Mter 'iny,rls three mumha’ illness, the cause mi death bring a general decline. the jesuit of renewed attacks of typhoid iitrver, The late Mr Wilson calm-rm this ditsttrwt about seven years ago from Buolbvillc, Out., and has been 1e.urvw,ett in fuming ever slut-e. A singular law in vanvetinnwithhis ‘llt'ulh m that he died on histhlrty- thd birthday. l l He was muried in Moose Jaw just three months mm to Miss Ema Fergu- (son, of PriCPVIHP, Ont. Besides his 'iyi/t and pan-ms. the brothers and (tic" sial9l~ un- bit to mourn him; Hunts. oi ltrwssa; Mrs Ueo. A. Law- xl‘r‘lICP. Arthur Md Geo., of this dis- ltrlvt; Mus A Bvalnn. of Wuudby, Ant. I Mary, Eanly, Ada. John and lJun in the old home, of which he so when spoke and ope of the pleasure-a mt hin last, days was the presence of his .qulhs-r, for whom so much sympathy I” felt, having been called upon to nun-l wttit so many of her family in the I l tst few you”. Thedecetwsrd M the lime nf his deuth‘ "rum" Master of Loyal Oru' ge Lodge No' 2019, Chaplain of Cow ly Lodge, Slew- "I'll of the Methodiut church, of which he was a regular in Lendant. Secretary of School Board. In all places he will now be much missvd. Interment took plat-e Thursday " h-rnnnh to M‘lnlen cemetery, under the Orange Urdpr and was largely Rt. teudeti, Rev. Mr McNaughtan itttictat- ir g at the home and grave. The sym- pnhy of the whole elmunttnity iq ex- tevcrod to the ennmving ours in their heruray'etrteut. The stately ships Juov", on [fe, their haven under the hill. Hut 0h l the tuuqh of , vaqishqd tyy,', And "t'iie' iiiailiVia voice (by Miss Robson will speak on 66 Economic Problems of the Country Girls," meet- log to commence at 2 p. m. All ladle are cordially invited to attend a Joint' media; in the evening " Smith's Hallt at 7.3 ., . Holstein Brahch Nomen'slnmtutc will meet in the Agricultural Hall on Mom, Dee. ttth, " 2 p. m. Mina Rob. son will speak on " Economic Problems of the Country Girl. All laoics are cordially invited to attend, A joint meeting in to be held in the evening at 7.30 Women's Institute Meetings. DB. JAS. L. WILSON, B. A. ’Physleian. Surgeon and Account»:- 8mm attenpgp..etM, tad“! ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ' " Bttiteh Women) magma: 4, Miss {Ethel {Mi is still, r-Tennyson look after your wants. No matter whether it is _ " .. __ "I, l... PECK or TROUBLE iiuou. Mil PERSONAL ti, News was received by telegram of the death of Mr Adam Doupe, who watt a much esteemed resident M our villag c for many years. He and M " Doupe went to the west a year against spring where he enjoyed good haalth up to the Miss Vance, of Guelph, is visiting at the home of Mrs Nicholson. Miss Ella Baird has again returned to Owen Sound, after spending a month at home. . Arrangemcnts are Induction of the Rev. bairn, on Wed., Dec, The services of our local sportsmen are in great demand this fall. Clearing the grounds for the fox farm, wcsup» pose. ast, A Xmas Tree and entertainment will be held at Yeovil Xmas Eve. The Library Concert will be held in the Hall Wed. evening, Dec. 10th. A good program IS being prepared. There appears to he no falling off ini, stock shipments from our station judg-J ing from .t.he number of atoek waggons1 to be seen every Tuesday and Thursday. '; Farmers come long distances to dispose '; of their surplus stock and it certainty) (speaks well for our local buyers. i, I Holst; in and Fairbairn Presbyterianr, {are congratulatiag themselves over se." curing the Rev. Dr Marsh as their pas- ‘tor. In his former charge, Dr. Marsh lhad been a fruitful minister and hie I personality extended beyond his Bock to, [the general public. Hie astronomical l attainments and enthusiasm distingiiish l him to such a degree that he was last year Presldent of the Royal Astronom- ical Society of Canada, and he hats done imuch to popularize and promote the latudy of the science. In addition to ',bcing, well up in theology and astron iomy. the new pastor is a full fledged .medioal practitioner. It is also said Ite his children are strong church workers. Reeve Philp and Deputy-Reeve Geo: Lothian are attending County Councl in Owen Sound this week. It is gratifying to know that the re- cent fair of the Egremont Agricultural Society was instrumental in raising enough funds so as to place the society almost on its feet again. There is still a small deficit but a good day next year will be more than tsufficient to wipe out _ all indebtedness. Immamaawawwz hVUl|- "II- c -..--'"'"'-'" "iiiii,ui.iaidule.t.eaimk' Mr Wm. R. Burnett, Principal of the School, has given in his resignation, to take effect " the end cf the term. On the occasion of the 82nd birthday; of Mr W. H. Ryan, police magistrate of? Ayton, his friends mstin the township) hall and celebrated the event. Mr Rr-i an was presented with a handsome rock-1 er and an address. the latter being read; by Mr R. H. Fortune, while Mr A.l, Schenk made the presentation. 1 Normanby townahip council have re- fused to grant , pool room licence. its time to get busy. 'l‘ne unrlsmma and the Plum Pudding too should be pre" leave it off until the eleventh hour, and TEDDY BEAR MUFFS and Collars for the little hats. The set only 1.25 Hoods and Tame to match only ...... ....65c completed for the Mr Marsh, at Fair. 3rd. I Mr, Roefrin'a two sisters, one from ' (the Estates and one from tit. Jacobs] visited a. few dsys " 11oetliig lust. i week. They also visited their blather 3,wa is ill in Hammer. accompanied: Ps Mr. Hoedin. l 1 Don't forget the Christina! tree ‘ l which is to be held on Dee. 23rd. , i We are sorry to hear am Mr. 8., Nell is getting weaker, as he used to l l be our old neighbor. l Mr. and Mrs. Dual. an: moving to Durham this week. We are scary to lose them. The box social is to be held on the 12th of December. Admission 1,5 cu. Ladle: free tlttt bring boxes. An ex. cellent programme is being prepared. Misses Sadie Bailey and Grace Pinder spent Saturday nhemoon at Mrs. Fukingisiun'ts. Mr. John Bailev from Guelph vu/it. ed his mother Mrs. Fun for I few dlya last week. Misses Minnie Douglas Sunday with Miss Keith in Mr. John Swanston unfortunate. A pieee bus broken away. with him. ", ~NWevare glad to see Mr Donald Me iArlhur out ugh? and' feeling better ' than ever. ' After a week of beautiful Weather almost like April) the chill November day has again made her appearance. The meeting (the Hydro Electric‘ road) held here hut Tuesday was largely attended, especially in ll) south west of our tounship. Messrs Lyons and 1tyam0uelph, was here! to address the audievee,and to explam' fully the coat and benefit of this road! in an: part Jf our country should it,' be built in the near future. The council we a specul' meeting It Reeve Goodf. How's last Sslurduy p,m, Ind uppointcd a delegation to go to GueIpb on the 9th ot Dee. to s specinli meeting questing held there to further discuss the ll. E. P. question. l Mr Jun. Rnddell. Atwood, is "smug his parents here. ' Mr Geo. Gilkea is in Toronto wall.- ing relntives. pumamm ON SUNDAY - funnel who got his arithmetic mixed and his I dates twisted on the calendar. hitched [ old dobbin to the plough on Sunday last, and Muted in to break up the sod. In passing to worship on the tsabissth, people were ttotrified to dis- cover in "thelone tigttre in tho'fur- row"one of the chief pill". In the church. It we: not until the val majomy of ttitr neighbors bad peeved on this open-sir performance tint I good, Samaritan crowd through the mugdockg Inf! mowed the Muddlod ORCHARD ii0PEVlLLE The Christmas has bcen very _ of the old dam We sympathize CHILDREN'S COLURFA) M! '. 1'b' These are extra value lied Navy Grey Brown 025 Try JG Salmon Trout in brine : 3 pounds for 2 5c 60 pound kegs only 3.75 spent over Egremont. nouns? so. l l --An epoeh-markiutr dinner cou- iducied wholly in so“: then lunch- ;er a novelty in Ontario politics. Fr Willi reason the Liberal Club Federa- lion of Ontario which in Hamilton on :Nuvcmber 26th in to entertain the {Right Hon. Sir Wilfrid hurler and {Mr N. W. Rowen. K. C.. I. P. P., deserve: all the more credit. There will be covers laid for 500 gut-u and ldclegatinns no expected from ouch Lof the 44 Federation Clubs throughout (the Province. The spake" of the availing will address themulveu to young men and will discuss public questions from the )ouug men‘utund- ( point. --LibersN hue entered s protest ugumst the candidate returned I. recent by election in Chung», charging corrupuon Ind "regularities in counting the bullots. STOCK REMEDIES ()ll MERIT No one can dispute the fact that any remedy which in in un- stant demand must hare cant”: powers. That in why our pr0PBr- ations are in con-tun! demand. At this time of year your "ock needs a little toning up. You car/t get anything better than one of the following preparations, ! Quit Dosing i Your Children Lewis Con Mon Davie (For Horses) Purkcu‘ 5pm (For all kinds of mock) P rkcr'a Altentlve firm (The only Stock Blood Purifier) Morton's Co I Powder (For all kinda of "ock) GUNS DRUG STORE ry Mitt-ll Powder (For Indigestion In Cattle) with strong tuthartite. F“ ehamtterurn's hum m mo" efrective In "gull- ting stomach (roubles and con- nipauon for the little totk-oete tablet gain; to bed menu a Bunny {m In the morning. Pleasant to take, they never an. Me. I bottle. W all dealers or by null. Put up and sold only It “authorisi- “dish. " Mu W W the M ll bl Progress) Held Itt H M " ll K OORSESPO.‘ The R pleased to many pets H'deen, H Ycovil and correspon for inform VOL. Du lil

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