West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 27 Nov 1913, p. 4

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'Cl I F) g.) cf a$£€EG€€€€FEE§E§E§£éééfiééfi w The Central Drug store),! 9|]le ip it) if Washing made easy by using Lux a; White Soap for Hard or Sd t, Water. Also/Borax Soap 2ia.a.-.a.a:aassiits.ia,,aaii.esir.a"r.e,s:ec"-it) Buy this oven-tested flour iygtihatibiFihibirt* *ilisiy-sijbcii%i7iirgsiiiilr4lt {isatmabaioflo$$$$6§¢$$$¢$$$$$$$WG¢$§° The Review to New The Ei‘eoPIe’s Phone No. 8 ARRIVING THIS WEEK NEW FURS We are busy unpacking and putting in scoek Silver, Parisian. ivory. Ebony. Leather Goods, etc, at cut rue prices. See our goods and prices before buying elsewhere X I gm}; g uaranteed as represented. The Central Drug Store Afterbeing closed down for several weeks. now dam 1s completed and we- are ready data for Flour, Feed, Custom chopping. grist Uuse Omo for Bleacher, Purifier, and Cleanser. Buy your G T. R. tickets here ELITE COT GLASS The largest stock of Christmas Goods we have ever shown OPEN FOR OPERATIONS "More Bread "and Betteofjread" and " Betterhystry,foo" 521 Also Mons and Children s Felt Hats John McGowan . L GRANT use the shipment of wheat from which it came. Otherwise, we sell b it. _ The baking quality of 1yLr ttid under this name is theta»? ark exact certainty. Buy and benttitr. ' BURNISH ED BRASS Your oven will certainly pro- duce more bread and better bread as a result of our oven test. From each shipment of wheat delivered at our mills we take a ten-pound sample. It is ground into ttour. We bake bread from this ttour.' If this bread is high in quality and large in quantity we use the shipment of whéat from OUR OWN IMPORT New Subscribers Only $1 to Jan, lst I915 Wag FANCY CHINA attended to ready for or- misting. 6m JI Ol patronage promptly solicited ins will esteem Our oft Q m (0 f.t.1 ft) a! 'll ft! tt) Excitement over on Findieigs runs high. Among the large cities of out Dominion. Calgary in many respects. and in the main, favorably holds pre- eminence. In population with 90, ooo, it ranks sixth in the list of Canadian cities, being surpassed only by Montreal Toronto, Winnipeg. Vancouver, Hamilton and Ottawa in the order named. In modern large business blocks and buildings, however, Calgary in proportion to its size, surpasses my other city we have visited. The Hud- soanay Co, 's 7 storey store, immense C. P. R. hotel, new Herald building, are notable examples. The city has a great number of paved streets. is well lighted though a serious draw- hack is the congestion caused by the main business streets, like Toronto's, being only 66 feet wide. Dear Review Readers: Calgary in former years was almost wholly surrounded by hills but to such an extent has the city spread the last four years that the hills, on the north and south especially, are now largely populated as well, the south being the choice residential section. The main portion of the city lies in 3 flat between the junction of its two rivers which, when brought to our attention recalled to mind the old conundrum we h.ad heard, " Why is Cnlgaxylike 4 maid in the Iover's arms? “Because she is situated between the Bow and the Elbow. FF Another claim to distinction, though not perhaps so creditable, is that tt is the most sub-divided city In Canada. For miles around in any dtrectiov, lots may be purchased, and \‘ll‘.\LIUL' lvbu ”In, Irv C"'"----",' fl, we were informed on the north side oi the Bow, it was sub divided almost up to Beddington, 9 miles distant, while there are in all 400,000 lots on thesouth side oi the Bow. It all thus laid out or on sale were occupied it would accomodate a city of tive or six millions, slightly larger than New York. Real estate on Central Business streets IS worth enormous ligurts, and a 25 toot lot on any business or residential street within me or one and a half miles from oity's centre is worth at least $5000. Lots in subdivisions a few miles out are now vlfered for sale for $2co to $300, with pay ment spread over 20 ' ears y. Property has been quieter this sum- mer, in common with the other west- ern cities, and no advance has taken place, The tight money market is apparent here as well, though not evident to so great an extent in our eyes as in Saskatchewan. There are quite a lathe number of unemployed m the City and the towns around, and mon ate seen congregated in front of 'Lhe employment agencies, keeping ital) on the openings for work. Many are reluctant apparently to leaving the city for the winter, and we look for hard times and suffering in many quarters before spring opens up. But just at present Calgary " not worn mg much over real estate or in the case ofa great many of its citizens the conditions of the labor market. What occupies the limelight in the conversation and thoughts of thous- ands of the people is oil. Ever since a little orer a month ago, when W. S. Herion, the oil pioneer of Alberta, discovered oil at the Ding- mm well west of Okotoks, some 25 miles irons Calgary, the city has giru'tt comparatively little attention Besides its attractions as a clean well-built and bustling place, Calgary has another magnet in its mild agree- able climate, in common with the western half of the province. With sunshine most days, a mild fall right uptill Christmas usually, very little snow even in winter, and about three weeks only of severe cold weather, tempered by the refreshing "Chinook " winds, it is the more enjoyable to one accustomed to rainy weather and sometimes heavy snbw storms and blizzard, during the tall months, We felt practically right at home in the city, where we enjoyed the hospitality of, and met so many friends from Durham and the town- ships surrcunding. They are ew. gaged in many different calliugs or lines of business, all are getting along well in this western city. To refer to all at this time would make rather too lengthy a letter, so we will leave it till next week to mention in. dividually the many home friends it was our pleasure to meet. to any other subject. Lands have been leased wherever oil indications prevail, and this extends right from near Lethbridge and MacLeod for a couple hundred m.iles north as far as lnmslail, or further. Medicine Hat vicnuity is also leased, and dxillings arc m operation in many points, tlmugh as far as we are aware, no further now has yet been struck. It has been a bonanza for the Govern- ment. at any rate thus far. Many companies have been organized and lluated in Calgary, but the dailies have been aggressive in warning the public of the chances they are taking tn investing in these stocks. Oil ex. perts nevertheless, are very optimistic as regards there being large oil fields In the western part of Alberta, of which Calgary would be the natural headquarters and should oil be struck in large profitable quantities, it would, who knows reach the half million in population in ten years. The W. ll. and F. M. S. of Burns' Church will hold ttieirlatst meetine of the year at the hbme bt Mrs T. C. Ritchie on Dec. 3rd " two o‘clock. All the ladies in the congregation tre requested to be present at min meeting. A Joint meeting of the congrega- tion was held at Dornoeh on Tuesday to extend a call to the Rev. J. Mills, ufShelburue, who so ably filled the pulpit the last two Sunday. We sin- cerely hope Mr Mills will accept the urn-nu ' AAh" IIUVH '"""'"" DUE.”- in II." - Mr and Mrs Lynn, of O. S ' viuiced troubles with miniauu ll they only overlut weak and with Mr and in i nay till the ohildron get big onough J. W. ILKOehnle. to attend High Inked. call. View of Calgary. ROCKY SAUGEEN THE BUBBLE TORONTO Ai, no pleased to hear that Mr R. f/eg." is recovering from hi! an" il neu. Mr and In Bert Ritchie vilited friends here he: week. We were pleued to "eiUrt this to be ennui again after his recent Illness, V -io and In June- Hoslip’ Visited with Mr and Mn J. Valli. on even- ing last week. - ._- It and In Study Aloxnndor vir- kedkwina Ir od Mn A. Horton Int '60 . Mr J. R. Smith, of Winnipeg. vil- ited with Mr and In L. Icheau last week and upon! from Sunnis] till Monday with Mr and In Alex Mor. hr and Mn John Marshall. ot Nor- mnuby. visited with Mr and In Alex Morton on Monday Int. . ideas“ A, lefto- and T. Bout de- livered a tim: bunch of out]: to.batfr It. Brunt, tor which they both ream. Mr J. Venue demand a tim, lot of hogs In: week " . fine tigttre. It pays to raise bogs. ed a neat sum. A number ohhe village boys Ind girls spent a social evening It the home of Mr. Wm. Davey'a on Tuesday evening. Mr. Reuben Spies arrived home on Monday night after spending a few days with Mr. Tom McComb. Rev. Mr. Geiger of Elmwood is holding Reyival meetings In the Evangelical church this wealth Mr.Rueben Koch of ChesI’y apent Saturday evenlng at thh home of Mr. Mose Krause. We congratulate our young black- smith In bunting up a house-keeper so soon. It doesn’t. pay to keep butch. does it Dick? Mrs. Geo. Hay of Lornoeh spent. Tuesday with her friend Mrs. Moody. Mrs. Print. and Mary Cumming visited friends In Holland Centre on Saturday titernoon. Mr, Geo, Davidson has a gang of men working at. the budge agmn. We hope the bridge will soon be complet- ed. Mr. Bristol Delaine of Toronto spent. the week end under the parental roof. Glad to set his pleasant {we agam. Aiu,, Ruby Reilly of Orangevilla is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Keopp this week. The Women'e Inelitule meeting wu held at Mrs. McKay's lust Wednesday, Owing to such a mee day, there was I large crowd present and report I very good meeting. The ladies decided to get up a Christmas tree this year in- stead ofa concert. We hope n will be a success. Sorry to report the death of Mr. James Connors Jr. after a lingering illness. He leaves a wile and two sons to mourn his loo. Frank in the west and James at home, Miss Connell, a missionary home on furlough, from the island of Form- asa gave a splendid lecture to the Ladies of Knox congregation at the home of Mrs Jas. Watson last Thurs- day. Miss Connell is an able speak- er and her lecture was enjoyed by all. Mr. Henry Nulm has purchased Mr. Geo. '.ielswixndv'ts farm south of the village. Sorry tolose them but glad they are not going to fur may bat what they can come back once in a while. Mr William Wade disposed of I fins, horse " the fair on Thursday lust. for the handsome sum of $290.00. Mr Geo. Shewell. of Hanover. via- itcd over Sunday at his home here, Mr..and Mrs. John Morice spent last Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Young of Hampden. Mile Glenn: Campbell went to Durham to-day Monday, to attend Hugh School. Glenna is a bright little girl and her friends wish her every success. A number of the young peofale oi this vicinity intend “king in the pur- ty " Mr J“. Lowe's. of Kinghum. on Tuoaduy evening. Mr J. Castle took 3 tnp to Owen Sound on Saturday. Rev. Mr. Dickson delivered a fit.te sermon in Knox church, Nov. 16, m Mr. Kendall's absence. Mr. and Mrs. Robt Gadd of Vamey spent Sunday evening wlth Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Petty. Sorry to hear of Mrs. Jas. Hay”. illness. Hope to see her her usual bright sen again. We tender our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Vollet, and welcome to our comers. Mr. William Watson of Detroit is home on a visit to his parents here. Mr. And. Picken is assisting Mr. William Ritchie to day, Monday. Mr Gordon Fischer took . business trip through the burg recently. Mr. Albert Marshall purchased six fine head of young cattle at Mr. Brigham's sale last week. Sorry to bear Mr Brie. Dunno] is not improving very fun. Rev Mr Fuse: of Otto" hlled the pulpit on Saudi] last. givmg In able sermon. A unanimous cull wu 1txuni1ad to; Rev Mr. Mill: trom uenr Sllolburno, who occupied the pulpit for two Bun- dayl. Hop. he will accept at tho Dornuch Inputs!) seam: to _lnyoi_n NORTH-EAST NORMA NBY WILLIAMSFORD WELBECK rmzi‘yj": ‘7‘".1.‘ l T::"; 't ,, 3‘14. V .311“ ti Ix“? ‘Vlifiivm;%£ . Et 'i-itil w. . H _ “' ’2 .lr, 3:133 Li. V rt",yeg'Mt'iRtii DORNOCH trelfirirE, t': it" Youthful Appearance 1 M Amt to Every Woman I any at!" o Scum otDuattttettt I Every woman with“ to look young 1 Il'l’l. any hlll‘l men the potting I of youth'o chm In. They or. the source of may . harlot-ho to may 3nd 1 mony A women. But they and not be, Boy's Bair Health restores gray l hoir to in nerturat color. It in not u I dye. l Br in tonic quulltleo, by promoting I . new vigorous healthy growth of the l hair, by Pg',t,'ltg daidruff, by for- l niahinn to the on p and the bolt roots I s new life it brings balk the roll color l and Intro to the hair. i “11‘7“!" . {an "it! “coming to directions. " fails to do this we will refund your tummy. 'i.00, 50c Mo Get it st our store. Sold And recommended by MncFu- no. t 00.. Drugglua. Durham, Ont. Notice to Creditors lu the Mtrrptrtuqthturt of the Coun- ty of Grey, In the matter of the estate of David McClocklin‘. late of the Town of Dur- ham, in the County of Grey, gentle- man. deceased. NOTICE in hersby given. puraulnt to Ontario Statute: 1911, Gap. M, Bee. 55. that all persons having claims agalnut, tho astute of the said David Thomas Mt-Clocklin. who died on or about. tht 16th day of Snptember, A.D. 1913, Are required to send by you pre. paid tM otherwise deliver to . P. Tel- ford. of the Town at Durham. Solicitor for the Erreeutors, on or before the 28th day of November, A. D., 1913, their names, addronu and descriptions and a full Itatement of partwulnrs of their claims and the nature of the nocnrlty, (if any) held by them. duly certified, and that utter the (mid any the execu- tor. will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the astute among the partner' entitled thereto, luving regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, D Jed the 29th day of October. A.D. mth LENA CALDWELL] SEILLIAM WATSON} W their tiolieitor, J. The undersigned auctioneer has been imnuctvd to sell by public auction " Lot 85, Can. 2 W G R, Bentlnck on Horse 8 yearn old, blood mule [Mug 5 years. general purpose horse risiryt 4 years. colt rising 2 years. 1 cow due in Jnuuuy, Ifauow cow, 1 cow rising 4 supposed to be in call. 3 heifers rising , years. supposed m calf. 4 steers ris- ing 2 years. 1 heifer rising 2 years. 5 apnlnz calves, 7 pigs 2 mos. the following t Everything must, be sold as the pro- prietor is renting farw. Sale at 1 o'ctock sharp. TERMS-All "ttttn of $10 and under cash. Over titat amount 10 month's credit on approved joint notes. 6 per cent per unnuln off for cash. JAB HEBLETT R BRIGHAM Proprietor Auctioneer. - John IV, Laudlaw but; been nom" inated by the Liberals of Eut Middle. sex to contest the vacancy abused by He death of Mr, Neely. m tins also the active and hearty support ot the Alliance. Asa fusion candidnte the election will be interesting. The e- lection is being held to day, Credit Auction Sale OF FARM swoon: Try McKechnies PureS oap, 8 bars for 25c Another lot of the French Turtle Soap 1n newest designs We cordially invite your inspection believing that our prices will be satis- factory to you. Highest Price: paid for Butter and Eggs, Dried Atrtrtes "I" tr Live Poul!” bought at days except laturdly. Large Sales DRESS GOODS We have a particularly large and well assorted stock of Groceries for the Festive Season which we are selling at popular prices. New Raisins New Oranges to arrive New Coffee Boston luxury " Currants " Lemons to arrive New Olives " Canned goods " Tears in Salada " Quail with toast " canned salmon " Star-of India New Dates " Spices " Light of Asia New shelled Walnuts Fliduy, Dem 5th, 1013, Departmental Store, 1llldfeihr1ie'sn, W eeklyNews 33;: Christmas Preparations g Executors ' P. Tswonn G. & J, MCKECHNIB 'iitir,e,titetttitt,i lg Christmas M MI lil g Made our tttot M on diop g youml i” M Xma ii .50? elated h M ages, 25 g Cale M & B , for fri distance get ya a dainty (iii S,? d Fil g ------- i'; - E we ar EMacfarlane & Co. Floor Coverings i FOOTWEAR 1n Linoleums, floor I, Our stock of Shoes is . . i very large in the newest oileloihs & rugs. designs, made on easy The best in the market l fitting lasts. Alarge and a large stock to se- " stock of Rubbers in plain lect from .. 3 ones and LumbeemenU. Weather conditions make it necessary to clothe your feet in a. pair of good Boots or Rubbers We have a large stock of both which we are selling Ite.loee prices. Also Felt B mm, Oven-shoes. &c. Ask to see out Hosiery from the smallest to largest size: for Men, Women Ind Children. boys and girls. Leggings and Overtstotkittttts, mitts and gloves in abundance. Trunks, Valilel. Buiccaocs. a: in dock. Mada easy at our state. As an fire destroyed almost all our stock of Holiday goods, about Dec. 1 we hope to have on diaplaya full line of new goods. Come and see for yourselves. Ache Down Town Shoe Show EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. What About Rubbers ? Something always appre- ciatedin very dainty pack. ages, 25c to 1 50 ic"7'"", Calendars & Booklets Xmas Paperteries New Fiction for friend. at a distance, or ht us get you I few dainty personal qnte inexpensive and the correct We are sole agents fully guarantee C P. R. Town Office Buy your tickets here “:3; iingygesagnuxsnsNr:irrmexxgse'sexggwr'i/: ¥$M$¥ 'l'"‘" _ - f correct tlting. had. Custom Work and Repairing as usual Specials for Saturday Fine old fashioned Horehound candy 14c lb Asfi'i'r9, lurLish Delight teachers. Shopping i1ii, NOV "T, 19c ll, J. S. MelLRAITH Buy your tickets here $1 to 81.25. A fine pi; "ssortment of $1.25 lil, n One for , I The largest as - sortmcnt we ever Special discount to Try them Du rha fiction " the titles. Library & Presentat'n Books Live Yul every v [ul 'Th-iff... treb4rts i. f i ir' tr . t Branching ft D. G. MCLE i¢$*%®' i) iiiGiiG . HOV. 27, 1913 E! PRES It Aide undoing l bydle wall 0.. tr" “van!- ing um The W for this tit nadai cit“ an .. Allah!"- mhnil lr. . If you do nm , drags stalion-'t) um The “(Inn ttt mum-u in br have n Drug “a We ktto ie - and t We havethc 54‘ and win You t an But h tot A I.Iphur_l u ooteciins: Pare 1'uy, ll 'munn H" per Irku'" lam ilul I In» Chm: Odom-3 ett', Thea at full "is”. “on m " PRICE N IH THE Dry Goods -temeeec-"r"-" - -- AROL'NE) o “Bis Mast an busin that I he ha ple t then PHAKW Two PR1 Hea pk W h ' SUM in Th McGowan Dilercm w N. ha w ARE Y your Bhutt- !. 't Ames Hol Higbr Butter The? tt here ll liroceri u

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