West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 27 Nov 1913, p. 5

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m _', ., ' 'ti'-"'""'"""'"'"'""""'"'"""'""' 'f, munching out to New Lines t "f NOV. 27, 1913 FRESH o1ts7fiiltf 1iNRICEVELLE émrim‘x? !, QUALITY a‘lHR‘VM‘CV THE CITY BAKER): I I I - - . - - ' . :quuarters for Confectionery and all 1?t l/rt? Large shipments arrive direct to us twice a week and t i the great demand for Oysters " on store they In in tirst class fresh condition when they arrive here. The law of supply and demand keep. in busy. 1;; (iowan's Flour "I. MchlilAN, Ihghcst Me, M Butter and Eatplr. l a Masters Voice” :m'c the goods 'lj] was Holden Boots and Shoes __'- (iroceries, Hardware and Oils ot all kinds Let as supply your needs. a: beauty oi having TJ, te.eePEeEEeeeeE?.t. ii.i.li, - 0mg c:cazazaaaaaaa+ ' d1) not get your a; may and school has. Why not ? , THE VILLKGE arloods of coal on " ,zn: recently placed in stock n full line ot H111")! out UUDtUMVIa-u-v - - . ' an S unnlay and he thought so much about it that he _ .rw breakfast on Monday morning and sold his cow, so v' , 1M get curmgh money to buy that gramophone, and r: -n h ty'py ever since. They tango in price from $20 to v.' lf, only one other article in Durham that makes the peo- happy and that is the 'Happy Thought Range.' We sell tte \mp. ft eahrs.. : an: Stock Ford. one T ', weights. See us when requiring u has. J. A. Rich has moved tho shed z-cmisea and phcod it Ice. north of the bum. r has been derghtfal t the war. sI’ICIALS His. 9 H) for. . .imah or dis- .iulvd, 9 lb for il,-,:hes; prise paid for Farm Produce. " ask for themselves. u! stock still continu- 'rs and roads being Mr. Konold is load- t , day. Magnum bbnil much gnu a loioheadh tn rrzs Review." I ha rm don tsuann Chan- A t vysiFttaltiFiss4y9ss$sitiWqsqse3aifs alkiytt sill sm pl in. you i, her. uk (l our eni- we're glad to we in Prirevillo. wryuhing in it v of Toilet snaps hampoo Pump mm us out to-day we WELL 81100? You are when you purchne T. More. We handle the celebraud d bhrw “we! t4 " rulnccd 1 the satisfied tet" Central Telephone C ONT l 26e 25e 23e the way. Place your order ' BLACK Gramophone oysters is having them nain so air a char 310: an no dubh‘; an shell was leis sin thauig topn; orm unit an oiohe dburcba so taobhi dullaig no dha 3 sgriubhaid h. '; Nnnir bha mi " ciionnan an leer; don chanain so air a lablusin ach ui lis obs. cluinl mi sch gle bheag dbl? dboilbh us “can dauna boehda a bba' air we an an am so to chean 1e mend; no tritittttetttt bliaudua air ais eadar; so “as Hula In Durham bha rabbi inn uh glo bfeg gig naeh rcbh (incl-i ie nuuira bhiodn na dawns ladir sol a duldon MhLllau nan Durham agus nu dlimb gu Ion thnrris orra an am Munich Evin Mhor no am bruaich Padriz Mhoe siumaidh eanrcin Min Scriptural bhiodh air a labhairt nuair a thigheadh [seam Mharie Roi a mach as an ugh a blu ann am:.oun a I bruaicb alomaidh smadaidh a bheir- leudh idoibh air son a bhi deanuibh {mum ubraid Na na daimh bhocha a { bhn an loin mums leis an teas agua lam bruaich cho chns ri dbiurreadn. Cha cluinuear a nio gleaghraich nan glatt a bmudn air an bcucihain nuuir a bhlodh iad " Gnome as dean- aimh . Ion air ua linbbean a bbiodh mu. Tha nu gauthenn a seideadb mu} chin nail an uinne fad " gas an my {amend a dheamraidh oirn. Siam-i and!) uheamraidh a chnuuiug mutual ngan a nia agus bheir mics modhear-E raidh m bliandna Dar chuinne den i ridh air laiihcan oir Illa gach bliaud- g in: ma dol seacbaid gar win. nis; tuiistte sir Grinch air turris siomaich dumne " ladir air an danig Unoch‘ a Menu: too chem da tseacttaits; uguu a an an an grand nan ttsgi-'; chasm nun loch“ mum naehtheill ada as a so ach t'eumaidh ml nisi aqur TIr ma 0 gle dhulleach dhu'i queartais a dbeanaibh dun channain' a sgnobhaidb so. Agus mar aim snort l; Now Mr Enter we wul try and) give a nor: on synopsis ot what We“ put down in Eden's languuze. Ini the commencement We thought Gail one would appreciate to read a few} words at the old language ot their forefathers on that acouunt on this dlrk night we thought at spending a, whilein trying to write in that irarl, nage, bat very intyorreatly. will amuse you tomorrow, Lend to do enough business to )7. Viv-3' g was”: Tou will be among the and Feed ophone in our place of 0 much about it that be " and sold his now, so that gramophone, and up: in price from $10 to Priceviile ROWE WEE immediately nd on account an sure to be fresh When young we could hear enough of the old linguage. but now its the reverse. The poor old people who came to the woode 50 or 60 years ego ere all gone. BetWeen thin town end Durham there ware bat very few but who could speak shells be or 60 yours ago. When strong end healthy people of old going to Dar. hum mills with oxen. many ntime they experienced hardships when the oxen Would be played out going up such steep hills es Big Hugh’s and Big Peter‘s. Many an ittttseriptttral expression would often be made at the poor oxen who felt like lying down in the middle oi those big hills, much to the annoyance sometimes to _ the good lady wins: dwelling was at I the toot ot one of those big hills. The winds are blowing quite heavy 3 this Saturday night, the 23rd Nov. at 10.33 o'eloek, The past week was fius, and those behind With their plougititag had an opportunity to catch up to the rest. This is the time i to look out to get the; winter's lwood out il not ali out before, but ithen perhaps people mll be livlng to see another winter and ill well to I make preparations to have dry wood I on hand always if possible. 1 Taxes in general are high this year on account ot so many improvements lot necessity to be attended to. Away Lbsek in the early 50's the taxes in ;geLcral were from two shillings and lsix pence to tour shillings and six Epence on each one hundred stores, 1 but then the paur people away haes ! bad to “made the waters ofthe diii'er- lent rivers as best they could, bat i new unless there is a tirst-elass bridge I built its no good. And the time i, ttothtrpfftil1 we will have winter in earnest. Many a winter some of us have seen new and the end of the yearis a remind. " ofthe switlneas of tlme. Many a slung and healthy young man went to the bottom of the lakes sinus couple et' weeks ago. So We, end the Guelie translation. bat it was hard work to put it down in order .The winds or storm of Saturday night was wild and now this Monday the 24.11 Nov. it looks not So bad. Distribution oi Seed Grain and Potatoes. -- 'liy Instructions of we ye) Alter the inspection otstallions had Mum" of Agriculture a distribution _ been completed last full tt W" {and of superior sorts of grain and iiiiiiiiiit,h there were quite . numb" o will be nradc ducinu the comm . tal ion Y""? who, throng not a g Win- A m. ls l tappreclatlng the nine ot the ct, l &tlt Wmg, to thmadu1n farmers!“ through lack of information did tue irrunplsss tot' general dsgtributiou l, not have their Stallions presented for null "flsP, of spring wheat (5 lbs. I. i inspection when the Inspector: were flute ostts “mil hurlty 45 lbs.) and on their rooms in the full. A supple- ticld pens (r, lust), lhese will be sent} memory inspection wus held in April out from Ottawa. A dtistnbution oflto inspect Stallions owned by such potatoes t.“ " lb, eamvleis will be ' men. This made the ins otton very p ) Ile . . earned un lmn se\eral ofthe, expet'i- thorough,butbesldescanstng edition- Inelliallntuls, the Central Farm at all expense. it in some cases. caused Ottawa supplying only the provinces considerable delay m lytt1Hr the of()ntario and Quebec. All samples Enrollment Certifies ".muL To wril ho. 80m free by mail overcome the necessity ot a swond . ' . . liuspectionfor the season ot 1914 it Ap llcunts must give particulars in 1 was decided at a meeting of the l regard to the 501101. their farms, and l Stallion Enrolment Board held in the 1 some account of tinlr experience With l 'iseeret.erv'ispfr1ft, Parliament Build- ‘such kinds of gram (or potatoes) as? lugs, Toronto, on Monday Sept. and. ‘1 they hate grown. liach application E that there yittttti, only be one Iopet> _ [mm be swam“) and must be signed 1 non ot Stallions daring the your end- t b T tl l mg July alst. 191-1, which Inspection _ y 10 app tcnnt. Only one sample . imam” and one of otMr R b Will commence about February 17th, in; to each f; r [K iQ, fl'n 911914. The Inspectors will wait each 1 at ki l 'li' a “51 a lfl’ teattcns ou {Stallion owner at his stable, provided I .r.?. illtt 0 PM"u form cannot helmet he makes ssppliostittn for inspec- ldws‘llltd- AS the supply of Heel " 1 tion to the Secretary. R. W. Wade i limited. incurs are udnsed to apply ion or before February Ist, 1914. learly. l’rsleletll'c will always Del _-------.--------- when to the most thoughtful and ex-l World's Temperance Sunday. 2 p.1cit Ct tlttcsis. Anolicatienss receivedl --. inner the end of linusry will probably i Ltst Sunday all over the Engligh l he too late, All upphcutlons should i speaking world has come ttt be recog- t be addressed to the Dominion Gerehl- ', “1th ttti Tetupersnpe Bandar. Bu.ry 'r, Isl. ('entrul Experimental iiiiiii/ftf tichools everywhere reeogtMz8 it, , Ottawa. Such applications ru uire‘ )utnot all church. .. f n _ .. If ' . l l lhe Durham Methodist church it 0 “lamb“: 0 lierwisw addressed " one that speaks out and last Sandi] idelay and disappointment may occur. the resolution below was supports t - V. - . i-------- l practically unanimously. Announce .s.r...' mm mun. n» nun-nina anglinl By Instructions of the Hon. Minister of Agriculture ll distribution of superior sorts of grain and potatoes will be made during the coming win- Ler and spring to Canadian farmers. l‘he samples for general distribution Will coneisr. of spring when: (6 lbs. ), white oats (1 lbs.). barley (5 lbs.) Ind tield peas (5 lbr). These will be sent. out from Uuawa. A distribution of potatoes [In 3 lb. samples) will be carried on from several of the experi. mental hams. the Central Farm at. (New: supplying only the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. All samples mil bn sent. free, by mail. Ap. licauts must. give particulars in regard to the soil or. their farms, and some account of thgir experience With such kinds of grain (or potatoes) as they have grown. Each application must be separate and must be signed Mail Order Houses Buy News- papers. Fran Tht. Irry Good, Review i Tue big (l "oartrurautal storm Continue 5 tt toexlentl thvit ll.lt'lt"l‘i inot'i-nmrol I'fi tt _ . . H thvdaily neiV=p :pa-rs in Toronto Mont, i tC tenl and Winnipeg, A large interest) in. if not the control of another To. ct rontn daily has just, been acquired. . [his makes tint-e (Lubes in Toronto in 3 which these until order houses arei C' tinaruually in,'etvsted, In Montreal it r ‘came out in leg ll proceedings recently i C' i that one of the oldest daily papers I ithere passed into the h-mds of the I ‘chief owner of a rising mail order ' ihouse which aims to monopolize the l Ltrade in Eastern Canada. There in. inow nine dailies in Toronto. Montreal l hand Winnlpeg, which me known told lhe owned or controlled by, the big _:, i store and financial interests, and white i i posing as the mediums of public opin- ‘ ii too are the organs of these interests. lThe trade of these- houses has growni l enormously in these cities where these| I dailies cuculate. but in the other cities and smaller pin-es where there are ' good local newspapers, they haye not made the same gains, because the local inowspapers at. well edited and an loyal to their local merchants Md l refuse to carry the advertising of the {his city more. The only way in Whlth Ithe big dailies can make headway in by cutting their prices. They get. " to 5 a rear in Montreal, Toronto and Winnipeg, but sell in 0th: cities at 500 " a year. This does not pay hr the white paper on which these n'""") ppera are printed, but the heavy de. tieits are made up by stytmidietrthtotmh " advertising contracts and in other ways, and by the low postal rates. The merchant» and newspapers out dd. of that! three big centres should w toeeePf1eih..t.?.t,Uy 2tl'd gap” should have the privilege at the inails which has a lower subscription price outside than in the centre in which it is pubhahed or which sells at In. than the cost of the paper used. VICINITY Mrs. T. All-lard: bu been visiting relatives In Tirerton tee the put. two weeks. I M s. Calder, Mrs. lichen“). In “dieting and Miss Ema Haunt; attended the Flower show in Toron last week. .2 Mi re Tenn and Annie tgeiiriiUtd want; 'ill Hanover friends over the week end. Mr. A. U. Me Donald returned from Basswood, Man. last week. Mr, w. Irwin, editorpl the Chron- icle attended a convenuon of the pron in Toronto last week. Miss Alice Humane visited friends in Toronto and Brampton for a few days. Rev J. Malcolm, of Gall: Ind form erly of Holstein will punch in the Presbyterian church next Sundny. Mul Mary Edge, of D.ra.y..ton, visited at her home near Edge Hill on Satur- day and Sunday. Mr Edgar Ritchie came home from Elbow, Sank. this week. Mrs. Bert Mitchell and two children of Mt. Forest was the guest. of her twin Mrs, Din McAulilfe over the week end. Mr, W. H. Lauder went to Toronto Wednesday morning. Mrs. Jake Kresl of Toronto, In re- newing acquaintancnbip in town and is alm waiting in \ankerton this week. Mr. E. Limin csme back from the west on Saturday night. Mr. Jos, Brown, C, Firth, w. Scarf and Cl. Binnie Wet; amqng thy nug- her who attended itieFridi'" shows in Toronto last week. F'nvrH--At Edge Hill on Friday Nov. 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Will Firth, (nee Sax-ah Edge), a sun. MARRIED. On Wednesday, Nov. 26, by Rev. Dr. FUrquharsoy, Mus Mary Binnie, eldest daughrey of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Bmule to Mr, James McGillivray. Ott Wednesday. Nov. 26, Miss Rebeca. Piuk, second daughter of Mr. um! Mrs. Arch Parkof Hampdeu to Mr. Wm. Mather of PricwiUe. Stallion Inspection Under The Ontario Stallion Act For The Season of I914. List Sunday all over the English speaking would has come ts be recog- nichl as Terupersnee Sunday._ Bay day Schuols everywhere recognize It. but not all churchnu. The Durham Methodist church is one that speaks out and last Sunduy the resululion below was supported practically unanimously. Announce- ment was made at, morning session and it, was contirmed in the _evenintr. RC.” MC” FIBER}? Gui; R'iuorou-i'y Ilrl the topw "Why Total Ahdtinetue." WHEREAS recently certain distiller: have been advertising that samples of their pruducts will be sent through liis Mhiesty's mails to any applicant und “'HEREAS such, if permitted, would constitute the using of the public mail service to establish . mail order busi- ness for the salt: of liquor in place: under license without paying Iny li- cense tee, and to create 3 liquor sclliug busineits in places which an under Lo. cal Opt ion. the Canada Temperance Act or Provincial Prohibition. ind WHEREAS there in danger that the Parcels Post System, shortly to be in. nugurated. will be taken advantage of for such sale of liquor. RESOLVED thut the congregation of the Durham Methodist Church renu- larly assembled, hereby calli upon the aov't of Canada to obviate Iuch an evil hy the adoption of aregulation sunilar to that which has been ado?!» ed by the U. B.. to the effect that n- toxicatiug liquor be forbidden to be carried in the Canadian Parcel Post System and That a. copy of this resolution. certi- fled and signed by the Minister and Recording Steward. he an: to the Right. Hon. R. L. Borden, M. P ' Prime Minister of Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Angus MacArthur of the Glen visited at Mr. John Bouton'l on Sunday. - Mu. It." Bell and femily up“: Sun- day " Mr. Geo. Allen’s. - Congratulationa to Mr. James P. MroGillivray and Mary A. Bin-i. whoa: wedding taken place on Wed. Nov. 26th. Ber. Mr. Bonn oi Nina: wil speak " the centre; pox; Sadly. - M‘s: Margaret MncArthnr upon: the week end in Dnrhun. Miss M. lighton of Visitors visited with her friend Mrs. 000. Allen. A few of the young people of the Valley spent a plum: "can; Int week " Mr. Chute Kunody‘l. ' TH DUBRHAH BBVIIW ------- . ------ M rs. legashlnll.‘ Saugeen Valley RESOLUTION BORN TORONTO It will Help You For some time we have been conducting a tuiiot- Ing business in Durban which of late with our special oiioris isiusi coming to the trout. For now-duo tailored turnouts which are made to your own spools] manure. number you have the cloth in the web to choose iron. not merely a sample of which the order is "ttt out of town to be made up. This it u point, worshy of consideration try all men who one to be well dr-ed n rusembie prices. Our clothes are hand t-iiorod and made from Imported ROMS. built. up with strong 'utttsrlirntittir, assuring you a long mm shop ed rot-mug zumoum producing the desired effeet.--Q'aality, Mylo, Fit. With all the prioois astoundiugly low. Pout Offit" Block. -_----e' " - (Second Day) J I aunt l Com nrtment Observation Car, Standncd Sleepinz Ca 'hTt,g,1l1"dT'ut', 8'g?,'l1'ili'llr Our, First Class Coaches, Colonist (Jar. We have a good stock of Food on hand that me are offering It low prices for the next few weeks as we want to "Get our stack. If you need feed of any kind can and see us " the Oatmeal Mill. LEAVE TORONTO l2.20 p. m. AARIVB VANCOUVER ".30 p. m. Through Equipmnnt; qt?mpy'.trltent, Obaefmtjrm Car, Standard Shaping Cat. Tourist. Shaping Orr. Dining Car, Firat Clan Couches, Colouiqt Cat Gaunt Change of Time Combe- 26. Putlculau homo n ndlnn Puma Ann" or write M. G. Murphy, D. P ,A, U . P. Ry.. Toronto R. MuFARLANE. Town Agent. Cheap Feed The lunieipn! Council of the Tomi. tale Vi/iT """" ""“" "" "Pm" ttt of Normalby not in Township' . He l, Anon, on Thundey. Novem- John Beam on account of Semi. her 13th an; e tn, All the members Bridge Co., 300.00 ; Jecob Palm cu present. the Reeve in the chin. new“: of balance of Aluminum at Helm-Boa-Tutu" minutes WAY”! bridge, 1912, loe.eo; Corn. the In: regal“ meeting " read he mluloners letting and Inspecting tuiopterd--tsarried. Jobs, Reeve "t ; Helm 7.5.; an” Holm-Whit-tl --rut Henry a3.75; Pypferd 1-15: Usher!“ Rehophf end John Hefermehl be an. 1.6o..tota1 05 oo. 1"“ Trey-or u an (In nah for the me of mad Rumour tttt "eoMt, 400-00. ' Helm - Whiteford - That Henry Rehopht and John Haformell be giv- on no no! tur the an of road tttrits their property null the new bridge in bull: in 1914. Whitetord-m1ttt--N Pool Room Llonu um this Council will not pas! tBy-Law to gun: said Li--- carried. Every window and every door where be equipped with Aooonntl tota1llatt $1459.15 were panned an! earned. The major- The specially designed and up-to-date method now generally adopted for effectually preventing entry of all draught, snow, sleet, rain or duet of any kind, thereby insuring an even temper- ature throughout the building, Why deny yourself the maxim of comfort at the minimum of expense. All metal-weather strip costs less, is far more ei- fective than storm snsh and is a permanent institution, requiring no removal. Most public buildings in large cities are equipped with it. Architects specify it, the Government demands it. McGowan Milling Co. Saves its cost in Fuel in a short Time Estimates cheerfully given. Work guaranteed Write, Phone or Call. Manufactured and installed by VANCOUVER EXPRESS G. J. Furberylk Co. NORMANBY COUNCIL GATE CITY EXPRESS Leave Toronto 2.30 p. m. Arrive Winnipeg 8:20 egg. Crushed Oats Chopped Oats Chopped Barley Feud Oatmeal Oat Feed Mixed Feed s. A. RIFE AND CO. [ Tailors aM Parnishers EVENTUALLY All-Metal Weather Strip BEST NEW TRAIN FOR WINNIPEG Up-To-Date _Furnlshlngs Why Not Now Oatmeal Mills Commencing October 26th 3nd points cut thereof RIFE and CO. stock of Food on hand that we DURHAM, ONT. 86m. of the urrii Mini 70} Giaai. l_ty of cling him ware for Bull“ amount For having sheep killed tr do" il ot claims being paid, the following were the amount: pund; Hoary Horst $6.00, Andrew Fulton 311.65. Thou. Derby $4.65. The out muting of the Council will be held in the Tp. Hall. Anon. on Doc. is, “to a. m. ever made of wood will DAILY DAILY DURHAM mil Ad looting: of 801th Gray Pun!" Institute will ho hold in the {alumna pluc- on Who dun l AYTON. Deon-urn Hall, Mon..Dec l Ellwood. Wildtngs lull Tun. Doc 2 Dornooh. Smith’l Ball, Wed., Dee. 3 Dar-hm. town lull, Thurs aft., Doc 4 Vmoy. wag hall. '1?qu " Dee 4 Glue): I". .11 Friar. Doc. 5 Drouon. Blue” Ball, tut., D... G 1 [lei-uh Au'l Hail, Monday. Dee. 8 AFTERNOON IEII‘INGB It. G. Bsrttettr, Crouhill, will ad. drou the meetings no follow: t Ayton Elnwood Ind Ole-01g. "Drattttttt Horse: and how to Rain Them.' Dromore. "Beet Cattle." Dornoch. "Howfo grow Crops ip u Dry Sen; GY __ biaiiiit, “SSH éhIEiiaifo- ad Control ot Soil lot-mu." Holstein, “Corn ad the Silo." EVENING MEETINGS Ayton. Elmwood, \‘urnoy. Glenn]: Ind Dromore, "Present Day Need: of Ontario/g riettltttre. Ft Dutloch nod Holstein. “Fume" and their Sons.“ Farmers' Institute Meeting: at 1.30 and 7.30 p. a. Other speech-0 and a musical pro- (run will be prtmded by local ml- em " each of the evening meetings. Everybody is cordlally invited to attend um! take part in the dlscm- atom. me. SCARF. GrD._BINh'tE A' each of these pieces Min Patel Rotmn. lidetton, will eddrenthe Women‘e Institute in the afternoon and the ioint meeting in uleevenin'. LAG! WITAINS 2 ydu long, 27 in wide. . .. Ii " w in wide. _ ... 3 " 30in wide,.. . 81 tt bt in wide. ... 'll " ttttht wide. ... 3 " o, in wide.... BIO 4 Twilled Shooting 2 yds wide Heavy blotch“ meeting. 2 UNDERTAKERan Funeral Director 7 slurride...... ......... Bed Comforters trom . .... ......L'aopto.iaach Floor Oucloth, 1.301% Minnie mud Tahle Oilclolh. tr, in wide, 25c a yd New ”In; [this “I now u an an so: them Embalmlng a. Speciality. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice Snow Roous--Across Home. RESIDENCE. Lawrence‘ Every graduate gun-anew I million. Thorough counts. gil stuff of Ipecinllsu. In- divi all instruction. Best equipped College in (land-I. c A FLEMING. F CA G. D. FLEMING Principal Secretary ARTHUR H. JACKSON [agar of Maniac 1.10”“. At enl flu-mid in new (now. DUBHAI. ONT. (Lower Town OWEN SOUND ONT J. a. Hummus. n, g! Gene '3'" mu?” m . ovwg..." ' u?” - - mgi"it)i,,NgtttStglmll."1 ttf m" riiiiiiiattt=tt "WW All noun ma GRADUATE of mm. Unm. Mom of Royal l gum! atDeotal an otO t rio Hoor" an J u iirrh'4'l'ili'l 13:33:, w.c.mamo 0.08.,LDS luaurangg Menu. President. Mogey to Loan. Aics on lehron Bt., opposite Wulpole'u Sables. Banned Auctioneer tor 00. Urey Hu- '7 My!“ _."1.-'trh. Notary Public, Unmmiuioner. CONVEYAMEB- an. ' MOPHA’L.’ Full line of tholtc ha and his k 2t whiteR8¢ps for ages people. J. F. GRANT O. J. P. TELF‘ORm A, BELL W. H. BE AN m lor in Supra: ii's,nltlli' Conmtuloner :51: CALDER’S 'irst bonuLsouth of it Mutt 60W .cksmlc Shop G 100. BIN N IE Secreury h out“! hid gush BLOCK . M? to nu so.'. A.‘ 25c pr Mc pr Jim pr 1.00 pr 1.00 pr LU) pr 40cyd 360 " mum-l

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