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Durham Review (1897), 27 Nov 1913, p. 6

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". bt children Often Seam mm In: MI ordinary Indium no” " Help mm The hed.th of child!" “was; Hi!- It“ of twelve M WI! but", particularly in tha out ot kirk, in g mum of onions volt! p newly every mother. 2ho -rth, and development “he. no and d FFie nn'nmh the in many am they actually mm to be going into n dec'i w. The appetite in Aehlo, brightm give. way to d-l, inn: there an often actions hood- behes. an of dizziness, or coat-l 'sional hinting and a complaint of mines: st the slight.“ exer- tion. Ordinary medicines will not bring relief. The blood has be- oomo thin and usury. Brtd the child must. have something that pill bring the blood back to ita "normal condition. At this me 'no other medicine can oqud Dr. William! Pink Pills. Their whole mission is to make new blood, {which reaotteo every part of tho [body. bringing back health, “length and energy. In. June. Hum, Port Rowan, Ont., It”: "‘At the use of thither: my bush- (or buns!) to look war pale, And named listless and Away; tired. She {Pd not take interest in bar wlrnl work or in thou unuse- ments of girlhood. In fact ah iuat named w drag hem]! about, com- plmmng of always being tirod; did not eat well, And did not deep well at night. I took har to our than: who mind she was manic, and advised mo to give her Dr. ANXIOUS TIMES .Wunm' Pink Ping. She took the Pilla for nearly two months, nrhrn she mu " woll lid lively no pay girl could be, gained nicely in Weight, aod has since enjoyed por- 'tet health, I am quite, can that that the Pills did for my has!!!" they will do tor other palo, wed ttt I have also used Dr. Wil- . s' Pink Pills myself with the best results and can only speak u them in torgnq of granted praises." Sw'd by all medicine dealers or b, mail at 50 canto a box or dx an tor 02.50 from The Dr. Wil- llams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Mans Recipes on How to I)" a Hundred Team. l If you want to know how to live Bo be 8 hundred then m pbnty at people who have done it to give you advice. The worst of it is that - actuarial will give you n different recipe. One will tell you Atat be - “poked and never 2ouched alcohol, and anther will er.rribe his many years to tho hot 01:1 ,ince he was 3 boy he smoked five, ounces of tobacco a week and drank four pints of beer I. (by. .One old follow will declare that he be exceeded the allotted - trim- It because he ate 5n spplo every , brbrro bnakfaat and had I sold bath every morning, another all put it down to a boiling hot h every night and a cup of strong to. before going to bed, while a dear old dodderer of 112 or no will opoasly boast that he never had a bath in his life. and insists that. the secret is 'Unlt and plenty of it." A Mm. Rebeca Law, of Ekaterina“. F,saex, England, who Che'Mrfxdd. Eula. England, who pelebnuod her hundredth birthday manly, ghee yet aoothet recipe, and it is probably as good as any pther, though it may nut appeal to oven “up, When shed the usual questiun her reply was. 'Ward work, my dear, and happy with it." Which is s veritable, eermon in She (gulping down & 0015M dean-rt, I was iust thinking this vii; be out hut evening together tsnril turmorrov night! BOW T0 BE l CEN'T'ENArttAN. Very Itch; HEM] GUT BALI] ill MES 'utrtmt-orueto-uit-t-tto. M. 't""-emitttt-teettitrat MINIMUM!» Mancunian“. MIMWimmva-oum I hippo-0d to I” "I. am. at Suu'PTr-df'hstm-sonttoriodr', "tr-r-Nr.- Attsrttrst .asttitttt VIII Ibo Cumin”! W W Cunt“ 0|]:th l on“ n "reatruil Anew-thaw; 'Intmdgotaewootcmsoqu. ”deMOIM-nt, Tatum-mio "yum-yuan." (mud) B, x“, Mn 16, 1913. t'uummlldOIm-Iudon-IQ pummm.mmm -,si-.irer'ttexter"trre 'btttu-terer+otto-tHrt ,lildoushonnm Sold-um _ 2eregz,tetreg,'lt F8ct'rc'aM'Jt1rd"d'1r.."r. linara‘n Lulu-0M Cun- Imam Dupe-3e. H. Darling, why no you q Itchy. When moo, van- druit All Over. Hair Came Out in Great Bunches. Cuticun Soap and Cnticura Ointment Cured Head in Three Weeks. f08 PARENTS To and Axel!“ Fire. ( Probably nowhere elre in Outed: is there 5 "Jon." cooperative spirit in ioreet hro protection than bu been develo ed by the Chief Fire hunger of are Dominion Gov- ernment muons the “use". In- dians, trapper: end packers of the Northern Manitoba Fire District, may: a Forestry branch pres: bul- letin. The work anon; the In- diana has been eepecinlly beaeikiad, lor in tho past they were notoriou- ly careless, especinlly in leaving eamp-fires burning. But, largely owing to the energy and initiative of the Chief Ranger, the attitude of the Indians has been changed from one of indifference to one of keen interest, so much so, that that of- tieial writes: "The conservation of the forest: has become as red-hot a topic out here as real estate in the West." Munch Indian PM: Resolution 'iii7iiUrii"ifiiGG" fra" 2,t?i,tt n In huhhgltat r"d2,',frggu'ht.:l _ bran h can ue o one or nown on r " Hy.s tb Forestry c Tl', I .. Major Crou. lute of the 4th Queen's letin. Tho work "."eyr ' P! Own mum-u enema; of the m. dinns has been "imam! beea.eial, erects of n compel“ upon 3 men's for m the paat they. Ie". notortoH- constitution. the Beret-Major writes: ly careless, esryrcial1r, in lawns N served under General French dur. eamp-firea burning, But, largely in; the late Boer wnr, in the capacity owing to the energy and initiative S, Sent-Major. It was perhaps ow- of the Chief Ranger, the attitude of 2V'tx.'ol',h'"t,1 diet! ot ttfr, beet, the Indians has been changed from Irate In; 331nm: Jh'f.'li, 'lt,At 333' one of induferenoo to one, of keen " was in such s stste that I could eat mterestkeo muoh 80, that th.at ot- Enothlns without the greatest Butter. tieial writes: "The conservation otiuur. The army doctor- did not help the forest: has become so red-hot th PP much, and since leaving the ser- topic out here as real estate in the vice l have been very miserable. Some West." die: months ago s frlend told me he Recently, when 1rttrmon/T weetug"",',ntpTt"ct,fT,'..ure'Gtt,ft heing paid to. the 1ndiyts at frost '%"iir, they cured him. I confess it Lake, s special oouuml meeting ot/di; without much faith I bought a 'seventy-five to eighty Indians I'.'" ibox. but the ttrat dose made me feel called, at which an animated dis-thetter than l tmd been for a. long cushion of forest fire protection took time. Dr. Hemilton'o Pills complete- place. Tho ow Ranger trriitiy/Jd'i"tlu'1e,t'ltl'.jL',"ltr',',vgi2 "While the meeting w" m pro'1mended them to others and in every grew, the Indian Agen? and party 1case the result has been similar to came. but to the surprtse of many lmine." plan. The Chief Ranger writes: “While the meeting we: in pro- gress, the Indian Agent and party came. but to the surprise of many the meeting held no interest till, by a standing vote, Ill “sorted their willingness to help in the protec- tion of the forests trom fire. The chief and councillors wished me to convey to the Director of Forestry at Ottawa this, their resolution? Whenever possible such councils no attended by the Chief Ranger, and all Indians promising to oo- operate with tho Dominion ”has“ Venn-W __-_-_ - - - no prmented with a metal badge of 0500. Tho most intelligent of the Indians are ensued as regu- lar fire-rangers by the Dominion Government and do very conscien- tious work. Although the patrol is difficult, being done wholly by canoe, and the weather in often in. element. the eighteen hre-raugers in this district average about eight- een miles a day, including Sundays, throughout the. unmet. . During the whole seuon. no aeri. can damage was done by iins al- though many tft'"": torest fires were extinguish , . fact that speaks well Sor the efheieney of the patrol and the value of the oo-oper~ ative spirit inculcated in the In- dians. . The season for cold: u at hand and un1-sthomothesrkt-oon- timid watch over her little once cold will seize them sud ohten more serious results follow. An occa- sional dose of Baby’s Own Tablet: will prevent COMB, or if they do mine on suddenly the Tablets will clear the stomach and bowels and instantly relieve the baby from cold. The Tablets m sold by medicine dealers or by mail " 26 cenbs . box from The Dr. Wil, liaaW Medicine Co., Brockville, GUARD THE BABY AGAINST BULBS Tho early Egyptians divided day and night each into twelve hourtrca clwwm adopted by the Jews or Greeks probably from the Babylon- iams. The day is said to have been divided into hours from 293 B.0., when L. Papirus Cursor erected a nundisl in the temple of Quidnus at Roma. Before water clocks were inveutrd in 168 BA?., time was calL ed at Rome by public crime. In England tho meaaurement of time was, in early dam, uncertain; one expedient was by wax candles, three inches burning an hour and Ax wax candles burning twenty- four hour,v--aacribed to Alfred, 886. In rapidly overcoming tho old time yrs Judie. of the doctor. and profess-10nd named an s handy home remedy. LIQUID HI’LPHUI in being mod extenaheiy in muny of the hospitals In I diairtNetant. LIQUID SULPHUR is 3110 n perfect Innuendo, and u mod for changing can Ind brains. and no In Bid for healing. LIQUID SULPHUR taken according to threaten. II III :boolute cm for EC. ZL’IA. BUCKEYE! and kindred "can la. PM " Cum pct bottle. For uh n11 drunk“. or unit direct to LIQUID SULPHUR. MO Bar "reset. Toronto. Swedish Sultan‘s line An Ex- citing Adventure In Patagonia. This highly exciting accident hap- pened to s party of wedioh untur- dist: who were exploring the little- known region: of Patagonia. Mr. Carl 1t'it,tfrat'ri'tl"' the ad- venture in "T Wild, of Pata- 5....“ At tendon we cut was: a u, teen to teach the river. Arrival,“ who edge of the canon, we new tho river whirling along 4w leet u, low, Bow were we to get down? Nowhere could we see a. J1t'll',','li' everywhere the barren“ ell Away almost vertically, Jun below our feet, however, there wee a new? elope with tome buihel, which tel " " en engle of tt.rrtt-h" det' off st an an In ot tony-ave mgr-cu; what came UC',', that In could not see. But Patrela usurod us that he could see u “very good place,” lad we started to out“ down, All went well tor h 111310, 4 caiitGraiiAiarnottuioh, homo undnnnnd ,niat I in. us] we had band to: with But ttit', s few minutes w. tottnd canola" at the top of 5 hard, tti/ut',",','), sandstone wall, To turn k VII out of the question, Fortunntel the bananas is fancied by a.“ stream during the spring M, and we could perhaps glimb dorm 0310 cd the little ruin", 1h”. ttty :"wm W" rims A . Ii an no I Ttt the des-it 1%tlt 1 L.;.-:."21M_.'°'!‘ W hrrse -ttst. horse? d5"; Liquid Sulphur BlTCKEL’S ADVENTURE. 1' NIQUE POW-WOW. whip his 'iiilii,' Egyptians livid“ Day. 'llet' AIU" M Good Advice for All Who Have Indi- -tltr" or Stomach murder-a. Veteran of Boer War Who Lott Health on the Veldt Tells Experience. Scrgcant-Major Under General French Quick, sure results attend the use of Dr. Htuttilttttt'g ills, They cure disorders of the stomach. correct in- digestion, make you fool uplifted and strengthened. To renew or maintain health, Dry Hamilton's Pills alwnys prove a good prescription. Mo. per box, tive boxes tor $1.00, all dealers, or the Ctrtarrttoa0tte Co., Bunnie, N.Y., and Kingston. Ont. remained behind to look for Ruck~ el, on whom beck were tent and provisions. Ruokel had refused to Come with the other horses, and had disappeared in the bushes to tInd his own private way down. Two of the men climbed up to see what was going forward; end since I found waiting tiresome, I tied the horses, and climbed up tho ravine wall. I could see nothing, to I climbed down again, and walked along the loot of the wall, when a dreadful sight suddenly met my 03/99. Half-way up the wall, at the and of a small ravine that ended ab- ruptly, stood Ruckel, with his load hanging loose, and his legs entang- led in the ropes. He was trembling from head to foot, and there seem- od not the slightest chance of set- ting him up or down, to right or left. Above him on the slope were my comrades. . n -hGirnjirtuate horse had fallen, tumbled down the slope sidewise, load and all, and m?lled about njut- ty feet. m was lucky enough to recover his foothold at the vet last moment; another inch, anti he would have been dashed to pimps: be instantly killed, I climbed up) till I stood under him; the othersl cut the ropes and lowered the bag-' gage to me. As far as I could see, Ruckel was not much injured, so of course we wanted to save him. Just below him to the left there was a small ridge', if we could get him safely across it, a small ravine led downward from it. Lying on his stomach, and clinging to the projections on the rock, Pagels dug some steps in the sandstone with my sheath knife, while Ruckel look- ed at him as immovable as the Bphinx. Then Pagels crept down, and tugged at the halter. I hardly know what happened; there was some scrambling, half in the air, half on the rock: for a moment Ruckel lay floundering and kicking, with his belly across the ridge; then he was dragged into the ra- vine and saved. Rubber must have gone to the construction of a good deal of his body, for tho following The small space on which Ruckel stood sloped downward; at any mo- ment his strength might give out, and if he tell,_ltwot_rld no doubt morning he was not even lame. "Don't blame me, judge, your honor, for twpetsrths' before you in this condition. My wife drove me to drink.” it I" "Well, she kept naggin’ at me to so out and look for a. job till I got so blamed nervous and upset that I didn't have no control over my- self." " ohm: Itt---rour can can u atop- pad on. Why not use “Putnam's Corn Extractor." " cum in one d". Mao- lmoly no pain with "Putnm’n." Us. no other, 250. a. " centers. There are time: when our eon- wienoen must regret the fact, that they can't talk above a whisper. Ilnlrd'u Llnlmnl Gun- momma». Too Costly. “I abwlubely don't know what to [in my cook for a wedding pre- sent." "Then simply give berJnoney." "Oh, up. It mustn't cont " much as ttuit," hid. em Row did she do SAD TRAGEDY. Driven To It. Money in the last enemy that shall never be subdued. While there is flesh there is money-or the want of money; but money is always on the brain so long a: there is a brain in reasonable order.-aamuel But- er. Lest us always bear in mind that heron and heroism are visible, and produced not in the splendor of triumph, hut in the anguish of ad- vmrsity.--Loed Rosebery. _ There never has been a cause which was not injured by the in- d'ncretions of some of its support- ers.-aErs. Snowden. ' ThereU not a. blessed thing in this world worth having without sacrifice. The big people, the peo- ple that have the big things in life, are those that hue .paid or are pre- psred to par the big price for them.--M. J. Locke. A man abould dare to live bin small span of life with little heed of the common speech upon him or his life, only caring that his dsyl may be tull of reality, and his con- versation of truths airing and whohsness.--0ohn Murry. Tommy, having disposed of three 'helpiugs of sewage and doughnuts, m mournfully regarding his empty plate. _ _ . Observing his pensive expression, Aunt Sarah kindly asked t “Tommi, won't you have some more doug - nuts t" "No'm," the poor had replied, with feeling emphasis, " don't want them I got now." New Treatment . Now Advocated For Bronehitis la Having Wonderful Success. and Is Making Most Remarkable Cures. Por bronchitis a' different form ot treatment is now advocated. It con- sists of a scientifically devised vapor that penetrates to the uttermost re. cesses ot the lungs and bronchial tubes. Every spot that is sore, every surface that is irritated is at once bathed with soothing balsam: and healing essences that make chronic bronchitis an impossibility. _ This treatment now so universally employed In bronchus, throat trou. bles. colds. eta. ls called CATARRH. OZONE. It lets just " air of the pine woods acts. as I healing antisep- tie remedy for all ditstsattetg ot the breathing owns. -- , Just think ot it--a remedy that can be carried with the very air you breathe to the seat ot bronchial or ca- tarrhal 1ntltuntnation. A remedy pow- erful enough to kill germ lite and yet so healing that disease ttttmi before it. Catarrhoaone is truly a wonderful re- medy. In many lands it has won its way. and is "orditttr grand results to suiferen from colds, catarrh. throat weakness. asthma and bronchitis. There is no sufferer from a grippy cold or any winter ill, that won't find a cure in Catarrhozone. which is em- ployed by physicians, ministers, law. yers and public men throughout many foreign lands. Large size lasts two months and cos’1 $1.00 and is guaran- teed; small size 50c.. sample size 25e., all storekeepers and druggists, or The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo. N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. Contained Only Ten Hours 56,000,- 000 Years Back. In a. Ieetruro at tho Royal Acad- emy in London recently on the movement of the stars, Professor H. IL Turner abated that, 46,000,000 years ago there were but sixteen hours to a day and twenty-nine days to a month. _ - _ SIIOR'I‘ER DAYS IN LONG' AGO. Some 10,000,000 years before that the day was ten hours long, and going back will further into the m- cessee of time, it was reduced to one hour. That, explained Prof. Turner, Moor-din to Tho London Chronicle, wu when the earth and moon were close togasthor---when they had recently parted company, in fact, and had charted on their care-er u 'ssspsratoAotii'tst. _ bcdiae in the eidereeJ system-the double were. Astronomers knew two stare in the sky so close toge- ther that it never had been possi- ble to separate one from another, even through the beat telescopes. though it we. known that one of them was very considerably bright- er than the other, and it was eup- poeod that one was describing an orbit around the other, Thurimcible, mid Prof. Turner, pppl' to , vpyy Iqrtre clubs _of At the other and of the male there were some ours that had not completed their orbit in the century linco they were dowribcd by Hesmr, ', chem. Some of them might occupy? 900 or 300 you". and than were] eve-n instances in which the orbivt-I would occupy thpunwda of years. i TORONTO earth, on the-other because ine, pulled away the earth from tho wa- her, Tho cause of tho changes in tho length of our day, mid Professor Turner, was the effect of the tides on the omlx's rotatlon. Tho moon ruined two tidear-one ddo because aha pulled - the mtker from the “Joseph," said the merchant to the bright young man with the boat Identical. "the backups: toll- nu that yon have loot the key pt the gate, 3nd ht cannot get at the books," “You, sir, one of them. You gave no two, you rernmnurt" "Yes, I had duplicttel made, in one of nockient». And the other!" "Oh, sir. I took one ottlust, I was afraid I might low one of them, you know." "And in the other all rhrhtt" “Yes, sir. I put it where there was no danger of it. being 'lcat, It u in the safe, sir." IIurl's Llnlmm Gum mm. " Grains of Gold. Plenty. "Anyone that goes through all that I suffered last wlnter will appreciate the value of a. remedy that cures llke Nervlllne cured me." These are the opening words of the solemn declar- ation ot E. P. Von Hayden, the well. known vlollnlst. "My work kept me out lute at night. and playlng in cold. dretty places brought on I severe cold that settled on my chest. I had a harsh, racking cough and severe pains darted through my sides and settled in myd sagulders. I f. NERVILINE use erent l n . meats, but none CURES broke up my cold CHEST till I used Nervl- cn, fig Broke Up a Heavy Cold, Relieved Pain In the Side, Stopped an Irritating Cough. Sore Chest Cured line. I rubbed it I V‘"‘""’ I on my neck, chest. and shoulders, morning and night, and all the pain disappeared. Realizing) that such e heavy cold had run down my system, I took Ferrozone at meals, and was completely built up and strengthened. Since using Nerviline I have no more colds or pleurisy, and enjoy perfect health." It's because Nerviline contains the purest and most healing medicinal principles, because it has the power ot sinking through the pores to the kernel ot the ptun-the" are the rea- sons why it breaks up colds, cures lumbago. tstithtstus, neuralgia, sciatica, and rheumatism. Refuse any aubsti- tute your-dealer may 'tut-----)" on Nervillne only. Large family size bottles, Foe.; trial size. Me.; all deal- ers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Ont, Kind Words. Speak klmdly in the morning; it will lighten all the we of the day, turn sorrow into gladneu, make boueehold, professional and all other and“ move along more smoothly, giving peace to the one who thus speaks, and grateful joy to him who hears. Speak kindly at the evening hour, for it may be that before the dawn of another day some tenderly loved one may f1niesh his or her open of life for this world, and then it will be too late to retract on unkind word, or even to seek forgiveness for an injury in- flicted upon the heart. of a. loved friend departed. 1hsntumon,--trt July 1906 I van thrown trom a mud mwhino. hum-1n. my hip sud buck badly and was obliged to use I crumb for " monthl. In Sept. 1906 Mr. WrrtcppltttAr? of _ryy1tyhtt. ured. 'e P.' "In. Vuuulju ul awn-aw Ill-w an": --_ try XINARD'S LINIMENT, which I did with the moat. lanai-notary mulls Ind today I m to well as ever tn my life. Your! sincerely, " nxrmnw x BAINES. Xlnud'l Linhnent Co., Limited, "land's Llnlmcm our" than In Com. "They say when a man is drown- ing he thinks of every wrong act he ever committed." "Well, don't worry; they'd have ample time to rescue you." Bad Situation. "1 don't know how we'll face our neighbors when they return." "What has happened I" "We were taking care of their cat and their parrot. Yesterday the eat ate the parrot and then died of indigestion." Dr. Korea’s Indian Root Pills Hoop tho Children We“ ggtg,', the right medicine for the chi ren. When they Are conatipated --when their kidneys are out of order -whcn over-indulgence in some favorite food gives chem indirstion --Dr. More's Indian Root Pi I: will iukkly and t,ree.itt put them rich“ unly vegetable. t ey neither sic en, when or gripe, like harsh Kurfativu. Guard {our children's ca a by nlvayu t,tht box of Dr. Morse I Indian Root P in the house, They m No Occasion for Worry. in One Night NERVILINE Cl) RES CH EST COLDS mark iii? Thene van a hermit in theeentne of London only . few you. ago, according to the London Chronicle. Hie henniuge consieted of a collar ---the sole veetige of a house in Clare Street pulled down and tor- gotten by its owners. m lived there for a long time, supported by scraps of food from the tradesmen of the neighborhood, god might have lived there longer still if . journalist had not "duooveeed" him. He was interviewed and pho- tographed to death, for the work- house authorities. nearly next door, who had hitherto turned e blind eye toward him, were corn- succumbed. Jeiiia (a oust him twin his hermi- tage and make him clean and mr- speotabje-rts prom to which he "You" is . very unusual case," said the doctor. _ - "That l0, doctor? Will I re- cover l" "Oh, yes.” "Then whet is unusual ubout it t" “I don't seem able to find the slightest excuse to open-em.” "Now they claim that the human body contains sulphur." "in what amount?” "Oh, in varying quantities." "Well, that may account for me girls making better matchea than others." MI Have Rheumatism and be tree of plan all winter. Mr. Robert Wilson, ot Htrrdfield, N.B.. says: "It affords me great pleasure to convey, not only to you but 3130 to all sufferers from Rochelle und Rheumatlsm, the great relief I have obtained trom the use ot GIN PILLS. I feel thankful to you. I recommend flli.i PILLS to anyone sutterinq as I d." '"ii'oe. a box, 6 for $2.60. Sample tree it you write National Drug and Chem. Ical Co. ot Canada, Limited, Toronto. "I," trhe said, "can trace uncu- bry hack to armor and shirts of mail." “I started to trace my an- cestry back once," he replied, "but my wife made me stop when I got to the shirt sleeves and overalls." Try Murine Eve Kemp?” If siu have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. J?oesn.'t. thee. --Soothes Y, Pain. Druggists Sell Murine 13¢ emedy, Liquid, Mc, 50e. Murine ye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, Mc, SOC. Eye Books Free by Mail. utntmmwummmc-o Nat-In. Er. Remedy Co.. Chic-Io Upon the sadness of the sea. The sunset broods regretfully; From the far, lonely spaces slow Withdraws the wistful afterglow So out of life the splendor dies, So darken all the happy skies ; So gathers twilight, cold and ' stern, But overhead the planets burn. And up the east another day Shall chase the bitter dark away: What though our eyes with tears The blush of dawn may yet. re be wetl Tho sunrise never failed us yet store Our light and hope and joy once more; Bad soul, take comfort, nor for- get That an Get GIN PILLS Now IN THE big, roomy house or in the small cottage there is always some cold corner where extra heat is needed. gives you heat, where and when you want it. h 'rhtnewmode1rtefisetioftWaer,iustoettttemnrut; . hasirrtprtwementatutrmtiarttthetmittt-evermadd. _ No snt+t--_autnqtntie4tteking fum-der. No _ smell. 1nnttb1ttlr-steaiibtteat. 1ttdieaturin sight. Burmninehou- gallon ofoil. Finished with blue enamel or plain met drums; nidmbpinted. l Stock at " dhiefpointi. For but result: at. Royal!!! Oil TNi liMPEliy_N, OllL QQMPANY. Limi Hermit In London. Explained at Last. Zing” never “”"il W s,,,) ciiiiilNllh'lllh1ulMm .LHCK KNIGHT -lr, V -G"'iT'"k")' STOVE POLISH b-, j Don't Be Sad. Unusual. Solid Canfort in Cold Weather A Housman: Is macro " an Kn'cusu. , son A amen? 870v: no A "new 9 Kenn-anon. Us: ”on ”new. A Pastel we F. F. DALLEV Gunilla Dtrsr How‘s": HAMILTON.ONT. LColVrtr 53.5591!!! Eigeg,Tr Bantam u mum. CIIIdI'I Pt aial School. lunlloon: r w. my“... who" can» um. iGiGrG Bt., IF YOU WAIT TO BUY OI SIM Fruit. Mock. Gnu. or mm In "no M. F. puma. Its-Mon. o! l IO ooil nixed loam, t no” “that. I ma orchard. "I! unloved. VIN for». , “on brick hon-o. out-bulldinn. Ta “maul. (“one to London lurid, I mum to mourn hum". In" ml. App‘y The Woman Bed In...“ lump. London. on. 110% u w. DAWIOI. Show» St., QTAIP Cora-tr-arm"- D!!- k - Ford;- Its-pa. Catalog“. Alb“. only so". Oahu. Hub It“. Fur-may. Mata. CANCEL TUIOII. LUIPI. Era, Internal “a "and. and 'ritb out pntn by our hon. Human. Writ. no brie" too Into. Dr. lollunl led“ an. Lfmitrd, "tuirtrrord. on COVNTBY WEEKLY NEWSPA’EB Isl. in good Ontario to". Izod circuit): tor In“ ot “or". Write WI uh"! In: Gummy. Toronto. " (or Eton". Kidney u-onblo. (Jr-vol. lav-bun and kindred allocate palm." and with tho new Gonna unwell. ~f-luml." prtoe 01.50 Another new "In y tor DiaNrtmo.Mot1itun. Ind our. ours. (I 1'tunolu And-pink“: ”hulk” tto" (nu. amuse. KIDNEY AND nun- 7 I (or Stan”. Fidrectrot1bu, 0}!ng iaFiii'u-i7iGaTrrh, -tinirot V lulu";- (grin. 0019):." at on.“ “wind. Wind“. [tin "Laughter," my: a writer, “in the sound you than hear “be. you dune Four hat down the street.” HIGHEST PRICES FOR ore ILLIA. you put on your child's skin get: into the "stem inst u surely " food the child cats. Don't let impure fem and mineral coloring matter (such as many of the cheap ointment: contain) get into your child's Hood! Zam- Buk hpurely herbal. No poitt onous coloring. Use it alwaylf Mk. Bar at All Dunn's:- and Slam. - Writ. for Lfee - was. _ 'rTiiTrLFi WINE. Raw Furs "(WOPA'EI FOR 'ALI. W. 0. OOFFATT .Yll'l AND 00' " Pl... '0. I‘LI. IIMILLAIIOIIC IOUOATIOI. ONTAIID Kt ' NATIONAL L ttigtt Tribute Paid to pert Praises A (on). “a: m I! Ethrttr In. from vimM th, “I n! th "WI th the In On Ad Br M rd dale. Bran] Artme Dad “I " ll " TT A: k ll N " W d "in: In! Norm In [ litters / l, -iikrateeM " mar-"51' 2;... an In - tHI' we.“ _ I“! mun-.11 th W

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