West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 4 Dec 1913, p. 1

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EDIES T ow der in ey never fai ruggists an edicine Co. er e Powder H 0 STORE me M U toeat and ach TAâ€" on the ind % V re Constable Whelan and his service to the corporation were placed before the council‘s magnifying glass and many Haws in his administration were revealed. _ Caustie criticism of his work flowed freely from many quartâ€" ers some members making remarks that would lead one to think that Durham‘s present chances as a whole for a triumphant entry into paradise are a negligible quantity, unless the wheels of justice were very soon reâ€" versed in he opposite direction. Rome wanted the ofticec‘s immediate dismisâ€" sal. Others were willing to let the mwatter staud in abeyance until the close of the year. In view of the fact that the position of constable in this town does not seem to be wanted by anyone, the latter course was adopted, Mayor Black is a real "booster." 1n ~addition +s the regular horse fair on Dec. 18, he is going to have a pruduce market helda on the same day and has secured the use of the town hall for the purpose, " Ibat this meetiog consisting of twentyâ€"one reeves of the various municipulities «f the County of Grey and others, beicby desires to place itself on record a« being in fayor of a report being ma«de by the Hydro Eleciric Commission on the project of an electmic road between fuelph and some point on the Georgian Bay in accordance with section 3 of the Hydro Electme Ruiway Act, and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the yarious municipalities, the Lieutenant Governaâ€" nortin council and the Hydroâ€"Rlectric Commission, __ Ihe motion was seconded by Mr. Calder of Durham and carried unanimously. ‘¥he passâ€" ing of the resolution closed the meetâ€" ing. In accordance with the request con* tained in the resoluton, the local coun: il passed a resolution askirg the Hydro commission for estimates and informa ion. His worship also deplored the fact that all the good cream ln this distriet is being shipped to outside points and by the way he talks, be may yet turm a trump card in the way of establishâ€" ing a creamery in this town, "That twenty on neaniespal and other: itself on re report be Electric C« an electric some poin accordarce of the representatives of the manicipalities of Grey, in c with the Owen Sound Board en Thursday, when the | resolution moved by W.S. and secouded by himselt w mously cariied? Rev Dr, Farqubharson‘s resignation as a member of the library board was accepted and the reverend gentleman will receive a resolution of thanks for his valued services rendered in the past. J. A. Brown, work on town hall A Raiberford, 6# Darhaom Farnsuce Co., edgings for Mr« Fulter ..............., W Collinson, grayel on Albert st upobn. schems« had atr and th yiilage _ Steps will be taken to have David Sharp, an aged and feeble resident movyed to the House of Refuge. McKechnieâ€" Cochraue â€" That the reeve he a delegate to Gneiph to conâ€" fer with the Hydro Electric commisâ€" ion re the electricroad being built through to Dushans. c Calderâ€"Lloydâ€" That the Durham Poulitry Association be granted the use of the town kall free for Jan. 13, 14 and 13 and a grant of $15 by this council for the purpose of assisting the exhibition. McGrattâ€"In Darham, on Nov, 26, to Mr and Mrs Thos. McGrath, adaughâ€" ter. McMUerrayâ€"In Kisby, Sask., on Nov. 93. to Mrand Mrs Bernard MeMurâ€" Accouwnts were passed as follows: W B Vollet, Nov. salary & pige $35 12 W Collinson, grayel on Albert st W Rvan, 40 lo«ds gravel Main st H Allen, Tress. rods & washers Tar t« ME .. ... . ...« ,/«z««dr A Davidson, town ball premium Kire Brigade practice............ "MeKechnieâ€"Lioydâ€"That John Volâ€" let MMMPd ’l‘ amount OVOI'paid for taxes for 1918. Some good business was exploited when the long forthcoming by â€"la w providing for ine building of a High schoul was presented and passed its Â¥arious ica%*~;s. ‘The byâ€"iaw calls for the expendirure of $IZTNN 1. h Smaned men, However it was agreed that something should be done to better recognize the " fire laddies " and the maiter was r ferred to the fire and lignt comumittee This body will confer with the firemen. Salaried men, However it was to some members of the council as it appeared to be unduly favoring the Progressive Session Held by Council ray, & son . The Review would be pleased to get in touch with newsy persons residing at Abâ€" erdeen, Hampden, Vickers, Yeovil and Varney to act as correspondents. Write or eall for information. one . ree pulities «1i ners, hei : record a ; alt Un ril w are in Bay ble elab stating *'Ad] bes t the of Gre i to ratily the be "siub" end Mr, Alex McLa Calder incroduc ydro eseciric ra at Gueâ€"liph and bware to term i Bay port, no le elaborated on tating (bat if bi dy been fixed as VOL. XXXVl, NQO. 49 BORN If was nnani M _ WANTEBD , % f would be _ s ® touch with j ( iding at Abâ€" , â€" Vickers, y to act as A Write or eall Nee oo 18 4 various ference f Trade lowing ddlebro $78.5g 13.60 8.15 6 70 8 54 7.50 Miss Farquharson, sis tor, was nuext called t the chairman and made of a life meimhb.cslcp in Home Mission y Socie ing $20.00 ihe pres made by Mrs E. McGi Grant reading an addres the esteem and regard h ciety towards Miss Far her untiriag devotion tc and to the work of the c eral, _ Miss Farqubars moved by the token of her brother on her be ledged the gift fittingly. Mes F. with a purs nitien of berâ€"ef with that society, entation woald h also. $200.00, Following came the chief presentaâ€" tion of the evening that to Kev, Dr. Farquhargou, _ ‘Fhe address below was reaa by Mr C. Ramage, the presentaâ€" tion of the purse was made by Inâ€" spector Campbell. The purse contain. ed a check for $500,00, which incluced balance of salary in fall and a freeâ€" will offering of considerably over Following is the address : To Rey. War. Farqunarsox, D. D. Dear Friend and Pastor.â€" We have been living these last few weeks in an atmosphere of regret and sorrow that.â€"so soon the links that have bound us togeither for four.een years are to be seyered. We have sat under your ministry with protit and delight, the gospel of our Lord and Master has under your presentation taken on a new meaning and new beauties, while, from the treasure house of your mind and from the Holv Seriptures you have brought forth things new and old. Your life among us has been a living sermon and while fearlessly declaring unto us the whole comnsel of God, you have ever been one with us in heart and spirlt, in joy or sorrow, and thus it is that we bave taken this opportunâ€" ity of saying a united goodâ€"bye, We earnestly hope that the affliction that came upon you in our service may soon pass away and that in other and wider spheres your many attractive qualities of mind and heart and sou!l, may find swtable expreesion. You need no assurance from us that your success in the future will be . most gratifying. â€" An association of fourteen years makes an impress upon life not easily eradicated and we feel sure also that Darbam and Durham fmends will long lie close to your heart, The choir ed appropt gave select Dr, Jamieson, M. P. P., was voted to the chair aud in bis openiog reâ€" marks voiced the uniyersal seniment of regret that cireumstances of health bad compelled the resignation of the pastor, who, with his fimily, were all luved so weli. Is a sehool where young men and women are properly trained for positions of trust. Business men are realizing this fact and consequently we are soon able to place our graduates in high class gituations, They reâ€" main where they are placed because they are prepared for responsible work. When you remember that this college is connected with the Central Basiness College, Stratford, and the Elliott Basiness College, Toronto, two of the bust institations in the province, you will not be surprised why we obtain such good results. Ask our students and graduates what we have done for them and thay will say ‘"More than amnyone else could bkaye done. Graduate from this College and we will do the same for you. A THE As we intimated last week an imâ€" promptu gathering of the Presbyterâ€" ian congregation was arranged for Thursday evening last to haye a partâ€" ing word with the Farquharsons beâ€" fore leaving the town in which they havebuiked largely for fourteen years. The meeting was called for 8 p. m. and about that hour it was found that the basement was quite inadequate to accommodate the large number from town and country who wished to take part in this closing meeting, so the large autitorium had to be used and eyen it was well filled. Rey. Dr. Farquharson and tsml# given a warm and hearty sendâ€"off. GIFTS, GOOD THINGS DURH A M BRA N CH, John Kelly, _â€"_â€" _ _ornn : As a token of our regard and esteem BANK OF CANADA “aAD OFFICE , i i umtc Pr Sâ€"FANDARD The REVIEW for all kinds of good commercial printing and jobwork. AND GOODâ€"BYES. brs ar to / n t ah th IrC irch in geu was mucl induess and Ubf acknow X f the p W uch ind t W. E. WILSON, Principal investment; the abm realize quickly the second. J by these standards, a deposit in the savings department of this Bank is an ideal form of investment. Rev. R,. J. M formerly of O we a call to the pas: Ave., Presbyter formeriy ol Qwen Sounui nas accept a call to the pastornfe of the Delawa Ave., Presbyterian church in Buffa| Rev, A. A, Trembert of the MeMast Cotlege Banc will preach in the Bapt church on Sunday in place of Rev. N McAlpine, previously announced souta GrEy IN THE Wrest.â€"The letter in this week‘s issue from "P R." is a remarkable illustration of how Ontario is depleted of her population, To have met with about 50 in or near one city who came from this riding and to have heard of others furnishes proof that the old colonizing spirit of the Anglo Saxonâ€"Celtic race is still much in evidence. Well it is that the rovers have British lands to go to, mony to th two ladies s of the speak able to be arounc indisposed for a f He was about to sit down when auâ€" other delegation rose to give him a piece of vheir mind and something eise, _ HMe listened while Miss Lyla Kelsey on behalf of the young people of the church reauo an address setting forth their regret hat untimely illness had forced him to relinquish the worlk he loyed so well. â€"It recalled bis faithâ€" fual attendance at meetings, his help. ful guidance in Endeayor work, his «pecial addresses and studies on Ireâ€" land, Browning, Tennyson, &e., all invyolving willing sacrifices on their behalf. They asked that he would still remember them in his prayers end have a place in his memory, Miss G rm-r.H_un:e-r stepped forward andpreâ€" sented him with a handsome club bag and the address continued thas as he carried it to and fro it was their bhope he would carry with him some rememâ€" brance of the respect and esteem of the young people, A healthy movement is on foot among the young men of the town to have a club, or branch of the Y. M. C. A. establhiished here, They desire not only young men but men of maâ€" turer years to assist in the movement, which aims to give wider opportunities for social and intellectual betterment, At present we have no definite proposal before us, but we hope the movement will succeed. to the encouragement he had ree ived im his work at all times. Me hoped the congregation would continue to prosper and that rickest blessings would come to all Dr. Farquharson made a lengthy reâ€" ply, full of thankfuiness for many kindnesses shown to himself and his family, the latest noc the least. He reyiewed the three periods of his minâ€" isterial life, in each of which there was a distinctiye personal element. In his first charge he was married, in the second most of their children were born and in his home his father bad died, The Durham period had been for them the period of the education of their chirdren and their developâ€" ment into maturity, He reviewed ts intercourse with Session, Managers and congregation generally and testiâ€" fied to the harmony that existed, and Signed on behalf af session, Manâ€" agers and Congregation Thos, Allan, Session Cletk, J,. 8. Mcliraitbh, Chairman Bd. of and in great part asour duty, we ask your acceptance of this purse. Its contents may be measured but not so easily can the love and deyotion that prompted the bestowal. May the Lord protect you and keep you and your household, restore you to perfect health and usefulness and for you and for us who remam may the watch word be that of Mizpah **The Lord watch between thee and us when we are absent one from another." Managers. ECURITY for both principal and | interest is the first essential of an Wi th m inducto Continu DURHAM, THURSDAY, DECEMBER. 4, 1013 > W ur on page the G, T. R. is zain after being days, ne Manager. in M With which is incorporated the Hoistein Leader Lear AAXXHEYEEEEREHIAENECECT RECCe Tt 0. H., A. Owen Sound, Wiarton and Chesley form Group 1 with the possiâ€" bility of Hanover and Markdale also joining. Group % consists of Walkerâ€" ton, Paisley, Port Blgin and Mildmay, while Drayton, Harriston, Mount Forâ€" est, Palmerstoa, Lucknow and Wingâ€" ham comprise the 3rd distrlet. Dr. G. L. Allen is President of the league. EEEEEWMEEEEEEEEEEWSEEEflfi@% CX I)eK echnio‘s Wijilis *A souvixg THs LaBor ProBury.â€" South Grey Farmers may haye tne opportunity of thauking the Salvation Arimy for solving the acute labor problem in a measure, for them. Major McGillivray of the Toronto staif of the army paid one of bis numerous visits to this part recently and placed some young immigrant boys on farms about here, This has has been is mission several times lately and f aimâ€" ers, whose sons have left for the city or have hit the westward trail are beâ€" ginning to adopt young boys for help. Here, it properâ€"tr5=&rfent is given, the lads should soon become inculcated with love for the soil and naturally in time will play a prominent part in restocking the farms hereabout, fast becoming depleted of young manhood. Boveut a GOLD Mixnx.â€"When McGregor Review scribe was in Poronto on}Bell. M Friday last, be chanced upon Mriman. Re Angus MeKeivey of New Liskeard and}the close. well known locally, hurrying stationâ€" wards. Mr. McKelvey is one of the! large owners of the Temiskaming anthnrham Hudson Bay Mining Co. and in cnm-“‘ pany with a Mr. Taylor anotber partâ€" | For fou ner in the mining company, was leavâ€" the blasts ing for the nortb, following the purâ€" jor that h: chase of an extenasive property, whereâ€" day storm in the Dome Lake gold mine at Porcuâ€" m)m.,]dcs pine passes into their â€" control | Deir stau Through their broker over 400,000 ,c'Tdsk‘, shares of Dome Lake at 174 cents a‘ ‘huu, er share were purchased, the whole cost | f)d \\km. being slightly morethan $70,000. The | l:r CC e popular and genial old Egremont boy | £0¢ WOrSt is fast becoming one of the big inâ€" "Y h"d on dustrial men and capitalists of. ",L,tk!e»\atcr of the north «Bd TT N* §86n Ts hot able 98 hours t to write hi§s monetary\ yalue in the| not be im seven figure column, Awe will be| Such v greatly surprised. X. ! Halkinghs No NortHBRN Lracu® Hockry.â€" Durham will not have a hockey team in the Northern League this winter, much to the regret of loeal enthusiasts. At the meeting of this organization in Palmerstou on Tuesday, it was decided taform a league with 5 districts, Lonâ€" don city league being the 5th member of the organization. Nine new clubs have joined the Northern and it is fast becoming a strong opposition for the ActiviTy > aAT EUGENIA.â€"Seyora by droâ€"eleetric engineers arrived from Toronto on Monday and started work al the Eugenia devéelopment. _ These included Messrs T. H. Hogg and 0. G. Flanagan, The latter was engaged on the Seyern power construction, Surâ€" veyor McDowell of Owen Sonnd is also enagaged on the work. These gentleâ€" men say that construction will go right abhead and all the teams availâ€" able will be required to do the work. Beyeral local men baye been engaged for the work, and other workmen will avrive shortly. The work upon which the angineers are now engaged is surâ€" veyIng storage limits, locating dams, etc â€"Advance, The Ladies‘ Guild of Trinity church will hold their annual Bazaar in Calâ€" der‘s Hall on Wednesday and Thursâ€" day of next week, Dec, 10th and 1lith. They will have on sale a great variety of fancy work, homemade baking and candy, Refreshments and ice cream will also be served, The public are most cordially invited. _ Bazaar will commence on Wednesday p. m, and will be open Wednesday eveming and Thursday afternoon and evening. See our bargains in dolls and the new games. A Women‘s Institute meeting will be held at the home of Mrs O‘Neil, Glenâ€" elg Centre, on Friday, Dec. 5th at 2 o‘elock. Miss Robson, of Ilderton, will speak. Allladies invited.. Mr Vernon Elvidge has taken over the Dominion Express agency from M:;Bz MacFarlane. 1 # . 4 Fifteen new yellow oil cloth suits for the firemen were added to firehall equipâ€" ment last week. Buy your Christmas pres nts at MacFarlanes. Alluew goods. Ne Wall paper at half price at McFarianes Drug Store. At a cost of $600, thirtyâ€"five new seaa were installed in Bt. John‘s Catholic church, Glenelg. this week. 4 uniform, at a very moderate price, Every bag guar, anteed. _ A trial will convince you. Medal and North West Gem. _ Always reliable, always Custom Chopping and Oat Crushing s our Spxcialty. Baled Hay and Sait for sale, There are other flours certainly but enly one Gold MacFarlanes Drug Store A TRIUMPH IN FLOUR In FEEDS we have a large choice of the best quality at moderate prices. We are in the market for any quantity of good clean grain, at highest market price. We exchange oatmeal for oats. TORONTO For four awful days he experienced the blasts and blizzards of Luke Super® ior that had its cltmax in the fatal Sun® day storm. For four days he and his omrades expected that at any moment, heir staunch vessel, a huge freighter, would keelover in the storm or that hey would be ruthlessly swept from er decks. They were all prepared for he worst. Life belts had been secureâ€" ly tied on, boats were ready to take to the water at a moment‘s notice and for 96 hours they suffered trials which canâ€" not be imagined by landsmen. In the Baptist Church on Tuerday evening a successful socia} was held under the auspices of the B. Y. P. U, The attendance was large, a feature being the number of young peopte present, Upon arriying, the gnests indulged in a paper bandshake, which was thorougbhly epjoyed. _ A floral gueesing contest followed and . the prize was won by Mrâ€" Bert Saunders, A splendid program followed. Solos were given by Miss Arkell abd Mr Harding, a duet by Gladys Search and Janie McLeau and recitarions by Vioâ€" let Fallaise, Aunie Graham and Misâ€" McGregor and an address by Mr Allas Bell. Mr J.A. Graham was the chain man. Refrechments were served ar " Fusionist " candidate, was sweetenâ€" ed by the satisfaction of knowing at eight o‘clock that night that in the largest yote ever polled in the riding he had reduced the majority of the last Conger y ative vIC!OT at the polls in East Middlesex from 631 to 287, a Libâ€" eral gain of 264. Dnrham Boy in the Lake Storm Word had been received here that the vessel had gone to the bottom. The Turscurt was 4 days overdue from Port Arthur and was thought to be lost. On receipt of this news, Mr Falkingham wrote to his son‘s address in Port Arâ€" thur, when two weeks passed and no word from Harry, he naturally feared the worst, The father‘s joy cannot be expressed however, when last week he received a letter from Harry in Port Arthur telling of his safety after enâ€" countering in the most dangerous fashâ€" ion, the tempest on the lakes. It was his second last trip of the season too. Such was the experience of Harry Falkingham, son of Mr Wm. Falkingâ€" ham of town and who is employed as cook of the S. S. Turscurt on Lake Suâ€" perior. Fred Falkingham, hockey playâ€" er and Will living in O. Sound are brothers. East MipDL®KSEX.â€"The eontest in East Middlesex has developed at the moment of final action into a straight party fight. The Conseryvative temâ€" perance yote went to the Conservaâ€" tive candidate (most of it) and the temperance Liberal yote went to the Liberal candidate. But the sting of the defeat for Mr J. W. Laidlaw, the 11 YrRars in S®rvice or G. F. R.â€" Conductor Lavelle who passes through Chesley twice a day was 58 years old on Tuesday, He has been in the serâ€" vice of the G. T. R. 41 years and has been conductor 32 years, Durimg ail that time h* has neyer met with an accident nor haye »ny of his passenâ€" gers been hlll’t, Mr Lgyo]]oij a popâ€" ular, intelligent and publicâ€"spirited citizen, He is a prominent member of Stratford Separate School Board.â€" Chesley Enterprise, Miss Gray, sister of Mrs Wm. Mounâ€" tain, returned home last week from visâ€" iting relatives and friends in the west, after 24 years absence, She had a very enjoyable visit and speaks well of the west. Mrs Brown and her daughter Miss M. Brown, Hanover, who has been running a millinery shop here for a few months. was here this week closing up her shop, as o ving to her father‘s death, she inâ€" tends to remain with her mother. The Methodist Church Anniversary Services will be held on Sunday next. Special music will be rendered by the choir at both services. Rev, A. E. Bdâ€" dy, of Mt. Forest, will preach morning and evening. _ Rev, Mr Prudham was in London over Sunday @and preached on Missions in two of the churches there. On Monday night he was one of the speakers at a missionary banquet at Chatham. Rev. Mr. McCausland wife and child left on Saturday for his new field of labor in Palmerston. Many good wl"ishel of old friends® here go with them. Complete new stock of Blbles, Aymn and Prayer Books at MacFarlanes. w Wl Get your sale bills printed here. .Arrangements are being made by local workers to ascommodate all delegates, the choirs of the town are uriting for musis, and the interest Fnday of next week, 12th Dec. the first meeting of this newly organized body takes place in the Pres,. OChurch. Bessions forenoon, afternoon and evening, LONDON, ENG., OFFICE NEW YORK AGENCY Bank Bldgsâ€"Princes St. Cor, William an DURHAM BRANCH : S. HUGHES, Manager. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA SOUTH GREY S. CONVBNTION Extra fine, blue frait, well cleaned, good size, excellent flay or. Price 8 lbs for 250. 1 mm di dpaiier weigs Ni vinte | * td itte aine Pititisatitces itc tecsias s hi i Ts e t 4 i ancliantcs Lemons, new nuts or nnytlrllng elsoiyou require when Christmas shopping. Such a difference in quality in this fruit. We have some exâ€" cellent frait for our Christmas selling, jellies readily and such a fine, clear, red jelly too. Delicions flaver. Price 150 per quart . ?resud Figs, Malugfiar(r}rgpgs, Fancy Naval Oranges, Grapelrait Finest quality of sâ€"lected dates, highly recommended and advertised in leading magazines, carefully packed in atiractive packages, with parchment paper. Price 10c per pkg. 2 pounds raisins 2 prands currants 1 pound mixed peel 1 pornd dates 1 pound shelled almonds _ Yokes of 12 epgs 1 pound butter 1 tablespoontul of cinnamon 2 grated nutmegs 2 pourds flour 2 tablespoonfals o" mace Whites of eggs added alternatly. Dissolve a teaspoonful of soda in a little water and add just before putting in the frait. Bake very slowly for three or four hoursr This is a wellâ€"tried and successfal recipe. Try it. New Mantles Just Arrived Comfort, You will also find our stock complete in fresh table raisins Beggs‘ Service and Beggs‘ Price will please you. 325 Branches Throughout Canada. ry This Christmas Cake Reci[;e Capital Authorized Capital Paid Up Reserve Funds . F. MORLOCE . There is great comfort in a long coat with a far collar. There is so large a portion of the winter which is severe and blustry that the possession of along coat with a fur collar is pracâ€" tically a necessity in every women‘s complete wardrobe. We have them and they are made especially for ourâ€" selves. They have superior cloth, also superior quality quilted lining and are a little longer than the ordinary fur collar coat. Any one intending purchasing a good warm coat shonlg see this line before selecting elsewhere. _ We have also passed into stock within this last week 36 Ladies now Conts ing in price from .. 1+« 1..r% 3“:315 Our showing of Men‘s and Boys‘ Overcoats and %Ien's and Boys‘ Suits is an interesting feature of this store. M Royal Excelsior Hallowi Dates Savings Department at all Branches. . _ BEGGS & SON INCORPORATED 1869 Elegance, Cranberries Currants have taken advantage of our wonderful subscription offer of ‘The Review to Dec. 81, 1914 for $1 00 This ofâ€" fer atill holds good. A Great many The Methodist church choir will give a musical entertainment on Thursday evening, Dec. 18th. Further .particuâ€" lars later. The presence of Mr. Halpenny, General Secy. of the Ontario Bunday Bchool Association will make every session of special interest. Provishonal offlcers are J. A. Graham, Pres.," Iev. W. Prudham, Secy., defponl as the day approaches. 13 montbs for 12 Cor. Wiltiam and Cedar Sts $ 25,000,000 11,560,000 13,000,000 Economy PHONME 50 1.00 a veas,

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