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Durham Review (1897), 4 Dec 1913, p. 5

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now â€" and E . 1913 @2XA x 0, Ceries ay bers ? r0O runks clLRAITH urham 0 Live Poulâ€" ary to Small Profts 3 ftor £0€ per lb 25¢ ndll Price q 00 I[runks, all y low ets nere on be 3 purâ€" t GloSse osiery ldren, ance, 2.85 399 4,90 o o Ip Je To J ip Ip uoys o sn Kpstp ip Ip Ip i Io Ip Jo ce Js se e «io Ao is tp Ao ts o P io ob ohs oi ob ie ie ob h th hh h hob t> 'fl'g Branching out to New Lines $ [ Bpmcevufi, â€"â€" â€" OUONL i EZZ;EZEW Messrs McLean aud Stothart shipâ€" ped a carload of stock| to Toronto on Monday. We regret to part with Miss Kate McLean who has recently come amongst us to be a clerk in Hagh WcLechnie‘s stors. Miss McLean h as secured a position in Bly thewood Ont. Mr, Thomas Nichol attended County Council in O)wen Sound this week. Mrs. I. Moore is visiting in Wing ham and other points at present. DEC 3, 1913 Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and Oils of all kinds Let us supply your needs. All are glad to learn of the excelâ€" ent marks obtained by students from D. G. McLEAN, AROUND THE VILLAGE P TTA RDW ARLEL R We have recently placed in stock a fall line of McGowan‘s Flour and Feed Different weights. See us when requiring a bag. ARE YOU WELL SHOD? You are when you purchase your shoes here. We handle the celebrated Ames Holden Boots and Shoes They speak for themselves. THE CITY BAKERY § °+ TE e C C 0 le Li Headquarters for Confectionery and all Bakery goods Taz b:iuty of AiVIt§ uj aiyr® ®" * 2000 O( 00 Large shipments arrive direct to us twice a week and of the great demand for Oysters at on store they ar n first class fresh sondition when they arrive here. T he law of supply and demand keeps us busy. FRESH OYSTERS i han fiegs. _ M _ _3 ______Aitrorfetient > brauty of having oysters is having them fresh Highesy price paid for Farm Produce. * Central Telephone Fhakee here attending â€"the Collegiate. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs William Mather who were recently married. Mr. Mather is an exemplary young man and has won the approval and esteem of all classes in the comâ€" munity who now wish him every success. We welcome his young bride to our midst. Major McGillivray visited his uephews and nieces in town last week. Mr. Matheson is exchanging pulpits with Rev. John MoKinnon of Chatsâ€" worth next Sabbath. Hector and Donald McKinnon spent the week end at their home. Mr. John McGrath and family who recently vacated the hotel here has gone into mercantile business in Streetsville and is removing his }eflnta toâ€"day. . Miss Annabella McLeod is visiting in Stratford at pt;ese-t. taken up theif®residence amongs! 5. Rev. Mr. McDonald, wife and baby of Warkwarth called on Dr. and Mrs. Lane last week. i Arch. McLean and family have returned for the winter from Brimley, tMich. Mrs. D. G. McLean and UVE spent last week with relatives in Glen Rden and returaed, accompanied by her uncle, Mr. Clark. Miss Mary M with her cousin Colling wood . Miss Rebecea MCMiIiVAD WEDZ "7 atterding Model School in Hanovyer spent the week end with her parents. By J. A. McD. Nothing much to report On this week, clear ground and the farmers are busy ploughing y et. Dr. Lane gave an excellent lecture on Tuberealosis in Tup Cliff sehocl, Friday evening, 28th Nov. The Dr. is a good speaker and did good jusâ€" tice to ths sabject. Willie Mather did wisgly 10 5°° daplicated before the real cold weaâ€" ther sets in so we wish Mr and Mrs. melial Would Rebecca McMillau__who 18 Priceville R 1:i’ii.i1-aiv-e to ask evâ€" sattle the‘r .indebtedâ€" _ your taste, as We tactured at present. y some of our Carey i not leak any louger, we were ebliged to is a broad back with McKinnon is visiting a Mrs. Whiteside at he ceuntry with in COanada. Good en try and get & ROWE r FXAa aad Lizzie have idence amongst us. did wisely to get Owen Sound on account sure to be and Olive Mather much happiness on life‘s yoyage. Rev Mr McKinnon of Chatswortb, is to preaeh in the Presbyteriarm Cb. here next Sunday while Mr Matheâ€" son takes Mr McKinnon‘s charge to preach anniversary sermons there. Thos Nichol spent last week at the County Council, Owen Sound. Dr Lane‘s mother is yvisiting the Dr at present and attended chureh las: Sunday . & It is seldom we see bare ground and peopie ploughing en the 1st Deg Hector and Donald McKinmon, the former on the Globe staff and Donald mail clerk on the C. P, R., paid a short yisis over Saturday night and Surday. These are two fine boys and theiremployers appreciate their seryvices. C Neil MeLean from the Sault paid a sbhort yvisitto friends on the 8. Line last week. His brothers Donald and Archie who spent the summer arnd tall at the Soo are back to their homes again. We are informed chat the anniverâ€" sary of our Sunday school here will take place on~24th Decer ber when a good program will be given by all teking part. Colin McLean of the village rams his chopper every Wednesday and Saturday for the convenience of those wanting chopping done. Mr McLeod is getting along well in making preparetions for his new mills Mr Cross and Tom Fisher are busy preparing for the winter by taking out a lot of firewood, Mrs Wmm MceLeod Jr. of Top Cliff, visited at ber cousins, Mr and Mrs. Wm Leith, Dromore, for a ftew days last week end. Mrs McKinmon at the Poet Office, visited bersister Mrs Walker and other friends in Toronto a week ago. Mrs Walker wasn young gircl when she left this town and the many friends of her girlbood days takes delight to visis her and her family when in Toronto where they are always kindly entertained . PeC dn \ _ The waters are getting high in the \rivers and creeks and wells that were | almost dry tor montbs have plenty | ot water in them now, Great weaâ€" | ther tor bush work. _ We have beeli II .. MeDonald writing from Hobson, Montana, says they have a fine winter there so far. The roads are muddy and slushy and trayvelling is not very pleasant at preseat. DIPOR PVR WMET OCCCCI ESE bringing _ back reminiscenges of younger days for the last ten days by wielding the axe in the bush and we find the j )b to agree with us fine and now we have set up a large quantity of small timbers ready for sawing sometime in future. We always read Peter Ramage‘s | letters from the west which are quit© entertaining in gilving a sketch 0 that yast country and some of its residents from this part. We have a lot of friends in that country who would be delighted to see Peter payâ€" ing them a visit. If he would eall on Mr and Mrs J Black, Oak Rivers, Man., and Mr. and Mrs MceMaonis, Rivers, Man., be would be sure to find them out. Mrs N. Blair, Teeswater, is th* guest of Mr and Mrs Louis Frook. Mr and Mrs W. G Porter visited friends at Popular Place Tuesday last, Mrs Noble Wilson returned from Milden Sask. Messrs Wm. Knos, Robt, Knox and A. Black returned from the West. Mr R. R. Kinnell spent a frw days in Toronto on businees. The party who are out werests of the HMydroâ€"Ele passed through here last we Mr and Mrs K. J. Porter attended the faneral of the latter‘s brother, Mr Jolhn Brown, in Hanover. Miss Aldcorn has resigned and the trustees have hbhad to advertise for a teabor, ;I‘he. Kmas Tree of St. Andrews‘ church has been set tor Dec. 22nd. Messra Jaz. Knox and Jos. Black atteuded Darham Horse Fair and dis, posed of some valuable stock. Miss M. Knox is under the doctor‘s eare at pressnt. Mr McCormack visited with Mr and Mrs Jno. Nichol at Priceville for a few DEAR SIR OR MADAM, SWINTON PARK An Open Should you find it necessary to have your boots aud shoes repaired, may we have the pleasure of submitting our estimates for your consideratien. A longâ€"standing experience places us in a position to do your work efficiently, economically and promptly. There is no reason why the expens@ ot keeping your boots and shoes in good condition should be so great as to render the investment an uuprofitable one. o are out in the inâ€" Hydroâ€"Electric road ore last week. geunt Letter to the Public days last week. Tax COollector Ferguson presented tax bills lass week. Mr D.C. Ferguson has from the West. The Councii met November the 8th as per adjournment. _ All the members present, the reeve in the chair. â€" Minutes of last meeting read and confi1med. Communications read as fcllows : Geo McRase and Donald MeMillan, clatm tor sheep killed by dogs ; John Kelley, stateâ€" ment of tunds in Bank ; usbort"Lift‘ld.- say, report of special work on MeGilâ€" livray bridge ; Joseph Young, report f balance of ward appropriatien and pesial work on wara 4. Byâ€"Law No 40, appointing election officers, was ntroduced and read a first and secâ€" nd wime. Lindsayâ€"MeMi!laraâ€"That Byâ€"Law No. 540 be mnew read a third time. Signed, sealed on Byâ€"Law baok, sarâ€" ried. Orders were issued as foullows for work done in wards 1 and 4 : _ Ward 1 balance of appropriation $87.77 ; Ward 1, special work on McGillivray bridge, 205.50 ; Ward 4, balanee of appropriation â€" and special â€" work, 199. 40. Youug â€"Peartâ€"That Donald Meâ€" Millan be paid 6.34 tor twoâ€"third valâ€" ue of sheep killed by dogs, carried. McMillanâ€"Lindsayâ€"That (Geo Moeâ€" Rae be paid 4.65, being twoâ€"third value of sheep killed by dogs, carried McMillanâ€"Young â€" That A Meâ€" Lachlan and D Binclair be paid 3.10¢ tor cuivert on townline G. and A. and that Jobhn A. MeMillian be paid 1.00 for overseeipg the same anu that N McKinnon be paid 1.04 for stogiog un con 3, 8 D R, carried. Lindsayâ€"Youngâ€"That the Farâ€" mers‘ Institute be ailowed the use of the hall on Dec. 5th attern@on and eveniug . Lindsayâ€"MecMillanâ€"That P J Ha ley be paid 10.00 for 4 cordas of dry bpardwood and 1 cord of cedar, carâ€" ried. -â€"'hiichael Burke was paid 4.60 for 46 rods of gravel. x Youngâ€"Peartâ€"That Dayid Keys be paid 300 0O on ‘Traverston bridge contract and that he also be paid 500,00 on the erder of the Reeve on geiting the Engineer‘s certificate, carrisd. C Liedsay â€"MeMillanâ€"That _ James Neison and Malcolm Mclunis be paid 1.UV each for inspesting sheep killed by dogs, carried . Peartâ€"MeMilian â€" That Commisâ€" sions be paid as follows : BR Lindsay on appropriatmon $7.00 ; KR Ltinasay on McQGillivray briage 10.00 ; Joseph Young, Comumission 10.80 ; J a Meâ€" Milian, Com. 2.00 ; Gee E Peart 5 68 carried. Te Council adjourned to at 10 a. m. Glenelg Council The home of Mr. Archie Park, South Bentinck, was the sceme of a very happy evyent on Weanesday afternoon Nov. 26rh., when bis second daughter, Miss Rebecca, was unised In marriage to Mr. Wm. Mather of Glenelg. The ceremony was performed by Rev, W. L McLean M. A, of Hanvnover in the presence of about one hundred and twentyâ€"Hve fovited guests, The fair bride was tastefally attived in cream silk and wool sublime with with orystal trimming. Both bride and groom were unattended. The wedding musie was farnished by Miss Etta Anderson of Hampden with her eustomary ability. After a sumptuous repast, indicative of the wellâ€"known hespitality of Mr. and Mrs. Park, the evening was spent in games and musie. The bride receivyed many handsome and useful presents which will serye as happy momentoes of a large circle | of friends. While the bride will be much missed | by the community as a whole yet her & remoyal will be particularly felt in Hampden church, where she has ever been a faithful and active l\‘worluu:‘. Lolg . R & TH Deen & PRTUITTUR MRCIIG OA OE T3 Our best wishes accompany Mr, and “ Mrs, Mather to their new home for a long and happy wedded life. McG@murvrRayâ€"Bixxi® A pretty wedding was solemnized at © Beeeh Hill Farm, " Gleneig, the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Binnie on Wednesday last when their eldest daughter, Miss Mary Agnes became the bride of Mr. James P. McGillivray son of Mr. Donald McGiltivray . of Glemelg. The ceremony was performâ€" ed in the presence of about 40 relatiyes of the contracting parties by Bev. Dr. Farquharson of Durham, Miss Elizaâ€" MaTuERâ€"PABRK be satisfactorily exâ€" Hymeneal <I0O ARC TOROoNTO J. S$. BLACK, Clerk Pm c t e eluster of ferns, Following the perâ€" formance of the marriage rites, the assembled guests partook of a dainty wedding repast and the evening was enjoyably spent by a programme of musical events and social intercourse. "ee _Mr Phillp Harper, of Mount Borest, i visiting his cousins, theEAge families, at Edge Hill this week. Mrs J. Levine left Monday for a shor visit to Toronto. 15 The Mge s It will Help You L Por some time we have been CC ing business in Durham which of late offorts is fast coming to the front. Our clothes are hand tailored and made from Imported goods built up with strong interlinings, assuring you & long lifeq shap, ed retaining garment, producing the desired effect, â€"Quality, Style, Fit. With all the price is astoundingly low. Post Office Block, We have a good stock of Food on hand that we are offering at low prices for the next few weeks as we want to reduce our stock. _ If you need feed of any kind call and see us at the Oatmeal Mill. Cheap Feed For upâ€"toâ€"date tailored garments which are made to your own special measure, remember you baye the cloth in the web to choose trom, not merely a sample of which the order is sent out of town to be made up. This is a point worthy of consideration by all mon who care to be well dressed at reasonable prices. Our clothes are hand tailored and madefrom Imported g< . Lt LR cen o ecames Anmw Tifert © Through Equipmente ; Con Tourist Sleeping Car LEBAVE TORONTO 12.20 _ p. m. AARIVB VANCOUVBER 11.30 p. m. Through Bquipment ; Cornptr;mont Observation Car, Standard Sleeping CQar, Tourist Sleeping Car, Dining Car, First Ula«s Ooaches, Colonist Ca: General Change of Time Octobes 26. Particulars fromOnadian PasiQs Ageats oc write M. G. Murphy, D. P .A« 0. P,. Ry,, Toronto R. MacFARLANE, Town Agent. Every window and every door where be equipped wita The specially designed and upâ€"toâ€"date method adopted for effectually preventing entry of all . sleet, rain or dust of any kind, thereby insuring & ature throughout the building . McGowan Milling Co. Why deny yourself the maximuam of comfort at the minimum of expense. _ All metalâ€"weather strip costs less, is far more efâ€" fective thau storm sash and is a permanent institution, requiring no removal. _ Most public buildings in large cities are equipped with it, Arohitects specify it, the Government demands it. Saves its cost in Fuel in a short Time Estimates cheerfully given. Work guaranteed Write, Phone or Call. Manufactured and installed by VANCOUVER EXPRESS C. J. Furber &.G60o. GATE â€" CITY _ EXPRESS a 4 ++ S A. RIFE AND CO. Crushed Oats Chopped Barley Oat Feed Leave Torento 2.30 p. m. Arrive Winnipeg 8.20 a. m EVENTUALLY S$. A. RIFE and CO. Allâ€"Metal Weather Strip Upâ€"Toâ€"Date Furniskings BEST NEW TRAIN FOR WINNIPEG Tallors and Furnishers = _ _ (Becond Day) J ; Compartment Observation Car, Standacd Sleeping C ¢ Car, Dining Car, First Olass Coaches, Colonist Car. Oatmeal Mills Why Not Now Commenciag October 26th and points east thereof DURHAM, ONT in Tilbury. Mr. Anderson Black, who has been employed with Mr. Harding, left last week for his home in Wroxeter. Mr. Wm. A. McGowan was in the city last week on business, Mr. Wm. Spero, who has been teller in the Reyal Bank here for time has been transferred to Glencoe and left on Saturday for that place. Mr. R. McFarlane was in the city for a few days last week. * Saturday morning last the Grand Trunk Station presented an animated scene as two or three dozen of friends and admirers of the Farquharso ns gath ered to see them offl. been conducting a tailor« _of late with our special Chopped Oats Feed Oat meal Mixed Feed date method now generally entry of all draught, snow, y insuring an even temperâ€" ever mad« of wood wi l1 DAILY DAILY DURHAM Read this Aa The andersigned anetioneor has been instructed to sell by public auction at Lot 83, Con, 2 W G R, Bentinck on Friday, Deo. 5th, 1913, the following : Horse 8 years old, breod mate »ising B years, rfloul purpose borse Ndn" 4 }uu. colt rising 2 years, 1 cow due in anuasy, 1 farrow cow, 1 cow rising 4 sapposed to be in calf, 8 heifers rising 8 years, supposed in Calf, 4 steers rieâ€" Vn.l years, 1 heifer rising 2 years, 5 spring calyes, 7 pigs 2 mos. Everything must ba sold as the proâ€" prietor is renting farm. Bale at 1 e‘elock sharp, TERMSâ€"All sums of $10 and under cash. OQver that amount 10 month‘s credit on approved joint notes. 6 per cent per annum off for cash. JAS HESLETT â€" R BRIGAANM Proprietor Auctioneer, SANTA CLAUS on his aneual tmp with an extra big load of Christmas presents of all kinds for the clhildren and grown ups. NORIHWRMYY [/ ASAHEIH L Dolls, _ Games, Mechanical Toys Sleighs, Doll Carriages Toy Books and Toys and presents of all kinds. Gredit Austion Sale Come & see Santa wW. H. BEAN UNDER rAKZR a n Funeral â€" Director Full li { Ugtholle Rpohes t:d h,lglf lnti Wfiit‘euecpu for aged people. Embaiming a Speciality. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice Snow Roomsâ€"Acr( \ARTHUR H. JACKSON REsSIDENCE â€" Lawrence‘s is at the Eyery graduate guaranteed a Kfi;iuon. Thorough courses. rge «staif of #pecialists. _ Inâ€" dividual instruction,. Best equipped College in Canada. C A FLENING, F CA . G, D, FLBMING Principal Secretary House eP FARM STOOK J. P. TELFORD, aor ies Bublic commussioner rerme noom;fucm“w h ty im t € P *, #0., must e{;;l:;umm "{n-# 0 kw.w ‘glyicn F. 0. win ve *'°""i-‘ J. G. HUTTON,M. D. nierpimeoy : Berond house squth of Reeir{ owEN soUND â€" ONT Shop Early and Avoid Disappointments. W. C. PICKERING D. D $.. 14# Hoxon GRADUATE of TW#U" * University, graduate of Royal OoUcE® CC l u:s Reoms Uarversily, eA CC l Reom® 23. se t Money to Loan, mcewon l‘q:hson fi. opposite #41a m _ 24 pm i unnd between Office w elephone Communiocation . belM OO Notary Public, Comu CONVEY A NCER. . MePHMHAIL._s . BBLL o ue tikkos batham garANT BIG 4 h th of ,:im?:f Bh“g: Commissioner, p. p.§ . L. D. 8 Porento Univexsity teleptone; in hi resi fron plication to pouk) Surgeo® # slore and onpe Middaugh a«nd Gurgéens nearly GIM

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