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Durham Review (1897), 4 Dec 1913, p. 8

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# 4 %g¢ «i €f [ 2 Hardware Account 2nd Annual Fat Stock Show (Minimum Rate 25¢) From all stations Kingston, Re frew and west in Ontario liood (Going p. m. trains Dec. 5th All trains Dee G6:ih, 7th and 8th Stoves @0060 00 0000.0000000.00 2069 > and Return : SINGLE FARE good kind. Â¥ WINDOW GLASSâ€"We are i we have the right price. Bufter TORONTO Orange, Lemon and Citron Peel 2 pounds for 25 cents é” ; Eggs ; For S. 8. No. 7, township of Proton. qualified teacher. first or secondâ€"class certificate, Duties to commence Jan. 3th, 1914 Salary $600 per annum Protestant preferred. Apply stating experience to ! LesL® Warsox, Secy.â€"Treus.. Dundalk P. O., Ont or trapping is strictly forbidden on lots $ 7. 8, 9, 11, 12, 13. 14, Con. 3, S. D. R , Glenelg and on lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, con. 4, S. D. R., Glenelg. YOU AAVE NO DOUBT seen many of our coats worn this season. All are new and we have not waited uutil the seas cotting the price. Right at a time when you need these garments, we offer them to you for less than it cost the man who made them bout us. Our loss is your gain, Come in toâ€"day and pick yours before they are gone. â€" Every coat must go in two weeks. Attentionâ€"Hunters and Trappers Notice is hereby given that hunt We have splendid suits for Boys at from 3.50 to 6.50 all sizes to fit ages 4 to 14. Made of the best wearing Tweeds, ir all the newest shadesâ€"a senible gift that will please and give splendid sati: faction. H,. SEALEY, W.R. WATSON G. and J. McKECHNIE. Teacher Wanted Give Liftle Jack A New _ Suit For Christmas Start toâ€"day to do your Christmas Shopping. Don‘t wait un and you are sure to be disappointed. We will be pleased to Make use of this store now. Three Weeks from toâ€"day will be 2 We can help you to decide on what to give. THEE J. D. ABRAHAM COMPANY ‘ Whatever may be the results of the Ontario byeâ€"elections. it must be the |general opinion of Liberals and inâ€" |deed of many Conservatives, that Mr Rowell is making a splendi@ and ‘placky fight. _ His speech at the Hamilton banquet was a fine ex posiâ€" tion of progressive Liberalism and created immense enthusiasm in an andience largely composed of young men. While Liberalism has such leaders as Laurier and Rowel!, there is not the least cause for discounrageâ€" ment. And all citizens of Oatario. to whatever party they may belong, must be glad that the party battles toâ€"day are being fought ever real isâ€" ‘ sues, â€"Star. 4 ' Jr IIIâ€"Total 800 Viola McClocklin 480, M. Pettigrew 464, Edna Haas 463, !Alex Haas 452, W. Farrell 378, George Brown 335, Arthur Irvin (absent) | W . R. Burnett, Principal ‘ JUNIOR ROOM Sr 11â€"Total 350 Katie Baird 242, A. Orchard 214, Louis Woodyard 203, M. Hunt 202, J. Suttor 199, G. Baird 161, M. Pettigrew 147, C. Rice 103. Jr. 11â€"Total $50, Frank Dingwell 195, R. Kerr 187, L Hunt 185, P. Dingwell, 161, Martin Bye 156. i Sr {â€"Total 850 Annie Hamilton 117, Bertic Warling 110. ;HAOLSTEIN |_ At the close of the Farmer‘s | Institate in Russel Hall Sat. Dec 6th. \a meeting will be held to discuss the possibility of the H. E. Railway comâ€" in our village All interested are requested to be present. Amos chois spent an enjoyable evening at the home of Mr, W. Hay on Monday. Mrs. Thos. Meadetson, Dundalk, visited at R. Taylors‘s one day recently, A concertis to be held in the hall on Dec. 8th at 8 o‘clock. Recitations solos, duetts and dialogues are being prepared, Come and have a good time. Admission ro and 150. |\_ The Dromore Branck of Women‘s Institute will hold their December meeting on Saturday Dec. 6th at 2. 30. ‘The delegate will be present and address the ladies on Poultry raising ou the farm, Hee keeping on the farm and a paper on The True Spirit of Christmas Giving by Mrs. Wm,. Philip. Recitations will be given by Mary Brown and Mandy Renwick, also a solo by Bena Bunston. All ladies are cordially invited to attend. Holstein School Report. Satisfactory Outlook. H R 1 S T M A S DROMORE . KER, Teacher. 8 75 coat _ .. Sale price 6 75 10 00 coat now.......7 49 11 00 coat now........7 99 12 00 coat now..........9.40 Toâ€"day the price cutting knifo goes into every Winter Coat ir Stock. It cuts both wide and deep, and cost has no consideration now Every coat must go before Christmas. Sale of Ladies‘ Winter Coats. The Store that sets the pace The extraordinarily mild weather we are having is the subject of much comâ€" ment. November, with the exeeption of the deadly storm on the 9th, was mild above the average and early Deâ€" cember days are almost like summer, neither snow nor frost. Ploughing and (other farm work in fullprogress. | Mr E. Hockr:dge is nursing a veory sore arm, the result of a kiek from a horse. Mr and Mrs Proudly and babe are living with Mr Juo. Scott for the winter, Miss Mary McDonald visited her grandmother McDonald in the village last week. To Mrs Cullittco we extend our deepest sympathy in the loss of a brother, while at a sale on Friday afâ€" ternoon, Mr _ Madden dropped dead. Mr and Mrs C. drove over to Osprey Saturday. Rev. L. D. and Mrs Huxtable are in Mt. Forest to day, Monday. Messrs Dick Scottand Heetor Gackâ€" et are home from the West. The many frieads of Mrs Dugald McPhail are glad to learn that she is doing nicely, after a severs attrack of appendicitig. Fine fall weather still prevails. Quite a treat for 1st of Doc. Mr and Mrs 1‘. \Videman are visit. ing in the city. Mr Earl Dingwsll, Holstein, is reâ€" Now girls do have some kind feelâ€" ing for the poor co‘a bachelors in the village. Mr. Ruttle is getting his store fixed up for Christmas. The neighbors turned out with their teams and moved Mrs. Past‘s housebold effects to Durham. The Sunday School Christmas tree will be held in the church on Dec. 23. Al! are welcome. Mrs. Douglas has secured the belp uf Mr. Spencer for a couple of months. _ _One of Mr. Pinder‘s horses took a eold bath last week falling into a cissern about six feet deep. Mr. Pinder not being bhome at the time, Orton Hoy with his wheel soon brought the men from the mill, where they were belping Mr. Swunlton.‘ They soon got the horse out none the worse for its hath. | Don‘t forget the box soeial which is to be bheld on Dec. 12th in the school . Mr. Will Falkingbam returned from the west and lcoking well. (Glad to see him back. rewnanems I% | Mr. Ed Hoy intends being an exâ€" %1 hibitor at the Ontario Provincial 7 winter fair in the horse departmenll. at Guelph. in t ORCHARD TORONTO 13 50 coat 14 50 coat 15 00 coat 18 00 coat REVIEW The official opening of Mount Forest‘s new Library is to be held this Friday. vail. The Orangemen are making arrange ments for a hox sociai to be held in the Agricultural Hall on Dec. 15 and the event promises to be a recordâ€"breaker. Widespread interest is being taken in it. Outside talent is being brought. The usual rate of admission will pre. Mr Cecil Simpson and Miss L. Reed" er, of Ridgetown, are guests at the home of Mrs Orchard, Now is the time to secure a Raymond sewing machine at the 3 months‘ rate. D. P. Coleridge Mr Wm. Burnett, who has resigned as teacher of the village school, has reâ€" celved the appointment of Principal ef the sehool at Carluke, near Hamilton» at an increased salary. He has been a popuiar teacher here and regret is felt at his departure. The local followers of King William are going to Mount Forest on Frida where they have been invited to a oyster supper and are gucsts of the * true blues " in that town. _ Several new phones have rccentl* ;bcen installed and the Bell system is rapidly spreading out its lines in our district. The phone may be a good thing to have, but we don‘t expect it will help out our bachelor friends, as there are too many listeners on the lines. Those who have had them inâ€" stalled this week are J. G. Brown on 20th, Nelson Maguire, Victor Adam® and Major Bccles on the 18th, J. D, Drimmie on the 16th and Alex Ross on the 14th. / Remember the Library Concert Wed, evening, Dec. 10th. A good program will be provided by home and outside talent. The Library Board request a good representation, as funds are needâ€" ed to furnish new books . 5 The Institute will hold a meeting in the hall Monday evening, Dec. 8th The ladies will meet at 2 o‘clock in the afternoon at the home of Mrs Fred Mcâ€" Clocklin . Rev. m Marsh and family arrived this week and the Holstcin congregaâ€" tion will hold a reception on Friday eve, ning, Dec. 12th. ue Mr John Swanston has sold his two‘ hundred acre farm to Mr Shand, who will take possession in the spring. Mr Swanston irtends locating in the West, Miss Mary Swanston arrived home Friday from a four months‘ visit with friends in the West. The Review would be pleased to get in touch with newsy persons at Var. ney, Yeovil, Hampden and other centâ€" ral points where we have no corresâ€" pondent to act as writer from their disâ€" trict. _ Never in its history has this paâ€" per been in such a flourishing condition as it is now and we want all parts rep® resented in its celumns. Write or cal! at the Office in Durham forinformation . and supplies. | $ LOGEAL AND PERSONAL & necersoonnedustesseccodt v€ now ... .. ...0 86 now........9 89 now.......11 89 now..; «.. .19 86 until the last few days when stocks are broken, o lay aside anything for you until Christmas. 2o McCawâ€"On Mon day, Dec. 1, to Mr aud Mrs Robert McCaw, a daughter. SmthHhâ€"On Nov. 18, to Mr and Mrs E. Smith, a daughter. Remember the South Grey Sunday School Convention in Durbam on Fil day, 12th Dcember. Forenoom, afâ€" ternoon and evening, The large shipmeat of live stock from the local depot continues steadily. Mr Tribe had a good number of live hogs shipped on Tuesday, for which more than $8.00 were paid. On Monday Mr Brown paid 8¢ a pound for lambs and better than 7c for cattlc. Grain buyers re also importing carloads of wheat for inter feeding and quote prices at 11 cents a pound for it. Although the deâ€" mand for heavy feed is not as great as last year, still a considerable quantity will be brought from the west for con. sUmption here. Miss Robson, of Ilderton, will be the speaker at the Women‘s Institute meet* ing on Monday afternoon and a ques" tion drawer on Poultry Keeping will be conducted. All ladies are invited to atâ€" tend the session . Dr. MeNally, Health Inspector from Guelph, was on an official visit in this village last week. He was accompan i¢d by Dr. Sneathof Dromore, on the our of inspeetion. ) shareholders nonâ€"shareholder June $ 27 40 $ 27 20 Jvty 26 40 26 20 h:gust 24 60 26 40 ptember 26 50 26 30 October 28 70 28 50 Mrs (Dr.) Wilson was a guest of To ronto friends last week. & butndbiratritetab it Brcicastrtcas Biscctacieatrnics Ausniininiaatiind. Wiltthe The Holstein Creamery Company gratuitous advice to tarmers to go inâ€" have completed 'ar?othcr f snccgssful to mixed farming, Canadian made year, Some statistics which will be| farm implements gelling at less money presented at the annual mecting of the | in Europe and Australia than to our company on Dec. 20 are as follows, | @Wwn people, flour made from Can»dian Tetal make of but 7.281 lb * | wheat in England selling for less monâ€" Olai make of butterâ€"#7, 8 | ey there than flour can be procured Total amount of salesâ€"$23,700.48. for here and all the varied incongruiâ€" Cost of manufaeturingâ€"$2,723.86. lifel fln: inju.lticeth'vhit"‘b the dev':ce- s rAR of men baye brought about in their Fees froqn nonâ€"shareholdersâ€"§115.97. | effor‘s to monopolize trade and wring Butter m'“_“*'”'“' | exorbitant profits from the prople so Amount paid to shareholders and non | apparent. it is quite an easy matter to shareholders for butter fat for five| 8@Â¥ *" where the West is really at» }nonthl is as follows : !"Ii,he fact that iwe remain “|A‘!‘ “2" f these respects is not our fault. # shareholders non-sh.:rcholdcr | haye used all the constitutional methâ€" June # 27 40 $ 27 20 | ods in our power. If the people of Jvty 26 40 26 20 | the Eastern provinces will persist in 24 60 26 40 | nurturing a .plulorrncy that counts its Q:g“tb ',“ C f,b. F\ | wealth in millions they are only postâ€" ptember 26 50 26 30 | poning the day of reckoning and renâ€" October 28 70 28 50 dering wore difficult the adjustment s PPX s n Apy on oa e t o . o hm ioe ie o n o ip n relomnasticorens., Mr Ellis, of the firm Cook and Ellis, is moving with his family to Iroquois at the beginning of the week. We regret to lose their citizenship and friendship but wish them success in their new home. Mr Voisin, who purchased the business, will also conduct his store in Mount Forest. and the STERLING SHOE We have them in vici kid Box calf and Patent cols. All prices 3.00 to 5.00 For Christmas We recommend the IMPERIAL SHOE KING EDWARD SHOE _0 ) _0 T" uP say. whole ‘ _ No case too hard for these little . Druggists and Dealers, or by Mail Chamberlain Medicine Company, Give Father SHOES is over before Never mind aâ€" For Headaches Here‘s the Reason and the Cure the causeâ€"ayy .. .« "_" ,Sl0mach, liver or bowels is the causeâ€"any one can be curedâ€"one woman says: Chamberlain‘s Tablets did more for me than I ever dared hope forâ€"cured headachesâ€"bilioucneuâ€"uul toned up my whole Systemâ€"I feel like a new woâ€" hard for thame 31,,4 _ _6 § OZHE1 Most people at some heldachesâ€"di.ordered the causeâ€"any one car Chamberlain‘s Tablets Buy your Christmas Fruits here. Finest select Valencia Raisins and best Reâ€"cleaned Currants, 3 lbs. for 25 C l 2i e ie e these little red health , or by Mail, Wb Wc sacs t & 8â€"disordered stomach ~any one can be curedâ€" We know that even now monopolies are fattening or the necessities of the people ; that we are peyinug U'ih_"? to all the organized and protected inter: ests, With coal at $18.50 per ton ($14 ‘ in haif ton lots) and a hard winter apâ€" proaching, with the shamefnl boldâ€"up in the prices of lumber necessary to i house live stock, accompanied hy "Re »â€"â€" gratuitous advice to tarmers to go inâ€" to mixed farming, Canadian made farm implements gelling at less money in Europe and Australia than to our ewn people, flour made from Can#dian wheat in England selling for less monâ€" ey there than flour can be procured for here and all the varied incongruiâ€" ties and injustices which the deviceâ€" of men bave brought about in their effor‘s to monopolize trade and wring exorbitant profits from the prople so apparent, it is quite an easy matter to GUNS DRUG STORE Try Murrain Powder (For Indigestion in Cattle) Morton‘s Cough Powder (For all kinds of stock) Parker‘s Alterative Powder (The only Stock Blood Purifier) Parkers‘ Epice (For all kinds of stock) CR , 8 100006 MERPUT LHART of the follow ing preparations Lewis Condition Powder (For Horses) No one can dispute the fact that any remedy which is in conâ€" stant demand must have curative powers. That is why our preparâ€" ations are in constant demand . At this time of year your stock needs a littie toring up. _ You c?n;f get anything better than one mf iL ronâ€" + STOCK REMRDIES OF MERIT time or another suffer from Put up and sold only at restorers. 25c. a (he ~R 4, 1913 X( P C‘ _ Box Socials beck and Orct The finest line c and Siiver Sets. & Art ever shown in Bavy vour MacFarlanes at prices t OQat thanks avre due 1 for a writeâ€"up of the tute meetings last wee â€" Five home pag commodate Ch and news matter Pipes, To Smokers Bup; farlan Toilet Cases, Ebony, Parisian Prices away down Many helpful suggest mas gifts at Town‘s Open every evening. C, 0, F, â€"Biection of commg year will tak regular meeting on Dec, Smoking and ligh A good attendance req & O 8 â€"The last Th ap} the #all Aun of C H day Mason take 1 meel!! Jamie and In Muasic choirs from « wA and sense ® the lum graced two * ©] train frs until th ncca kidd in @ w thems in & bou tender years rankest vau pair have cs date is a q answer than juveniics, i principal st turned into distinguishe to challenge they saw hit. â€"of a serics w of that Ale W al W al evening forgo* them a aroused that 1t clear *! some ol ings an W s We are n« town. Th living ther seeing the advertising town on would @pF retain at other town domestic t not like tr outside. . Q, S,â€"â€"1 r will be b full atter h al The â€" Review pleased to get in newsy persons r erdeen, Hampd Yeovil and Var correspondents. for information . CORRESPONDEN DaNGER M paper or every number VOL. X ness Paper M + tenti M 4M ur 4 tine er at half 5 McFarlan« ug 5t PM Cern d BA Cent! 1) this I 1 8 4n A Rea en CHRI the all in Mai half t« ade @ V th

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