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Durham Review (1897), 11 Dec 1913, p. 1

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AIR ND UARE AHAM 4, 1813 MJ 25¢. a UV, c oY wels is TORE EP ‘owder I ever ure %.) & Uentral Drug Store . Many helpful suggestions for Christâ€" mas gifts at Town‘s Jewellry Store # _ Open every cvening. Durham Aunnal School Concert will be held im the Town Hill on Friday evening the 10ih inst. at 8 o‘clock sharp. The program will consist of Â¥~ -nd? a Orill, aud a * School Play,‘ ~ »»Presentation of Ccrtificates, Diplomas ( and â€" Medals and short addresses by leading citizens. Proceeds to be _at Central Drug Store. Wall Paper at half price at Mac farlane‘s Drug Store. The finest line of Jewelry, Manicure, and Yi‘ver Sets. Silverware and Depos Art ever shown in Durham at Town‘s Jeweiry Store. Pipes, â€" Tobaccoes, â€" Cigars â€" and Smokers Supplies Toilet Cases, Manicure Sets in Ebony, Parisian Ivory and Silver. Prices away down. s * gou Wall paper at half price at McFarlanes Drug Store. Gifts for every number of the family at prices to suit any purse at Town‘s Jewelry Store. Bury vour Christmas presents at MacFa:slanes. All new goods. * Box Socials are being held at We! beck and Orchard this Friday night, tute 8, 0. 8,â€"The last meeting of the year will be held or. Friday, 19th inst, A full attendance is requested af Election of officers and other import ant business takes place. Firr Daxorr at CHuRris Torry has received the i asking attention of all ins to th» necessity of exer Christmas decorations ar The use of greens, harves cte, is an increasa of ha; easily void the policy, life may be endangered. and 1 C, 0. 6.â€"EKiect coming year wi regular meeting Dec. Smoking a A good attendan applied to Piano detb Adults 25¢ Children 15 We regret to report the serious ili ness of Mr Alex Aljoe, 2nd con., GWlen elg, due to an attack of appendicitis, Alex was out buating on Tharsday, was in rown on Friday and on Snnday the startling news spread that Dr, Grove», of Fergus, was expected to perform an operation, "Unfortunately while coming north, the aoctor‘s autoâ€" mobile suaffered a breakdown and he was delayed oyer three hours. The delay was serions, for by this time it was almost overâ€"ripe for the operation and in taking out the appendix, the organ broke. At present he is doing as well as can be ex pected, HAavPDEX ANNIvÂ¥ERSARYâ€"On Sun~ day next the Presbyterian congre. gation of this place will hbold their Anviversacy services, Rey., Mr, Mason of Cargill and Pinkerton conducting Rervices at 11 a, m. and 7 p. m. Mr Mason is expected to stay over to take part in a rousing old time tea meeting on Monday evening with Dr. Jawmieson, M. P. P., H. H. Miller and Insp. Campbell as chief speakers. Music by Hampden and Dromor»e choirs. Poors open at 5 p. . ’I’J from 6 to 8. Popular prices A Parg or Bszoiceasâ€"Durham has occasionally witnessed the " Oh you kiddo" sype of girls who cut loose once in a while and make a cheap show of tbhemselyes for the want of good Ee oo C sense and something better to do, but the lmnit in this species of femininity graced ! our streets on Saturday when two * spanglers ‘‘ got off the 4 o‘clock train from Hanover and from that hour until the train returned after 11 o‘clock in the evening conducted themselves in a most brazen fashion, exceeding the bounds of common dece gy. The " swath"" cut by these gir. \ both of tender years, was on a parallel with the rankest vaudeville show and how the pair have escaped the reformatory to date is a question that is harder to answer than how long they will be out ‘ of that building intended for wayward juveniles. For their own benefit, the principal streets of the town were turned into a parade ground and our distinguished guests licensed themselves to challenge and sally out to anybody they saw fit. Then the worst exhibition of a series was billed to appear in the evening when some who apparently forgot their seif respect, serenaded them at the C. P. R. station and aroused such a furor about the depot that it was necessary for agent Hay to clear the premises. He threatened some of the boys with police proceedâ€" ings and no one would have blamed him if the threat had been carried ont. We are not criticizing Hanover as a town. There are as good people living there as any place but after seeing the second hand cheap class of advertising that was on display in this Oart uo dion AuudhoAtrrpafienemanaly I advertising that was on display in this town on Saturday, residents here would appreciate if â€" Hanover could retain at home such samples. Like other towns, we have our own share of domestic troubles to bother us, and do not like trouble thrust upon us from outside. wURKESPONDENTS WANTED ® / '; The Review would be 7 ; pleased to get in touch with ] i : newsy persons residing at Abâ€" erdeen, Hampden, Vickers, , Yeovil and Varney to act as correspondents. Write or call A 5* A.â€"* /m 5 for 7 , 5 Aypâ€"@AMMBRIp:7 +% TE OPICSE h VOL. XXXVI, NO. 50 uit it e me pages this week to acâ€" te â€" Christmas advertising matter. Read it alt. nks are due to Mr G. Binnie iteâ€"up of the Farmers‘ Insti« in#@s last week,. Seepage5. D#3 Hection of officers for the c will take place at the ting on Tharsdiy. 18th ng and light refreshments. dance requested . ived the usual circular n of all insured persons y of exercising care if wations are indalged in. ns, harvest decorations asa of hazard and may » noliev. Besides even bt tm Aas. â€"Chief , â€" Vickers, y to act as Write or call imission of the h inst. Attend the HORSE and PRODUCE FAIR in Durham on Thursday, December 18. Central Drug Store, Willards Forkdipt chocolates and Bon Bons in Fancy boxes or bulk Central Drug Store. Mr Black says highest casn prices will be paid to birds killed and dressed properly, kept clean and attractive, Thursday, 18:h December, Carrs Cough Cure will cure that cougb, 500 at Macfarlane‘s Drug Sfore, The monthly meeting of the Varney Grange will be held on Friday evening Dec. 19, and not on Dec. 12 as some may have inferred from the announcâ€" ment given at the meeting last Thursâ€" day eyening. The Methodist 8. S. entertainment will be held on Tuesday evening 23rd. when a fine program of dialogues, reâ€" crtations etc., wiil be rendered. A Christmas tree also provided. Adâ€" mission 10 and 15 cts. Schooi children free. dn neocmaarenninn t oo t _ Manager Jos. Brownis freezing his rink and bopes to haye ice for skating soon, if the weather continues cool _ Rey, Mr. Cooper of Mount Forest preached two very able sermons in the Presbyterian church on Sunday. Next Sabbath Rev. J Malcolm of Galt will again fAll the pulpit of this church, MystErious. DisarrRarRANCE.â€"â€"Mr Donald L. McDonald. a farmer resid ing on the 2 :d con., of Bentincl, about 7 miles from Durbham, mysteriousiy disappeared shortly after noon on Friâ€" day and his whereabouts or fate is as‘ yet ur_l_l_cmflu_.j Four days of the most diligent search bave revealed no trace of the missing man and friends naturâ€" ally fear the worst, _ Rivers and streams have been dragged and forâ€" ests searched by numerous search parties but all to no avail. At present the hunt has been discontinued to await the meliing of the snow,. Mr McDonald is about 50 years of age and much respected by his friends. ooâ€"â€"_â€"_# § 4e« The students attending Hanover Modé¥ commenced writing on their finalexams on Puaesday. & Mr J. Levine offers special bargains to quick buyers in Kubbers and Clothâ€" ing. See his ad. on page 3. Fancy China, Handsome pieces, Come in and see it. New books receivyed at Public L‘â€" brary and will be issued Thursday night, lith inst. 204Kâ€"The Silver Scull. . ... ...Crocket 205 â€"The Girl of the Golden West Cecai<vixaliencrw«s cLr BOVOSCEO 206 â€"â€"TheSilver Maple. . Marion Keith 207 â€"The High Calling.,Obhas, Sheldon 26$ â€"â€"Delilah of the Snows P 200 300 801 302 303 304 300 BOYS‘ BOOKS 25K â€"Comrades of the Saddle 20 20 30 31 306 At Dornoch Presbyterian Church on‘ Tuesday afternoon, Rey. Mr Mills, of Shetburne, was inducted inte the pasâ€" toral charges of HRocky Saugeen, Dorâ€" noch and Witliamsford, from which congregations he received a unauiâ€" mous call a short time ago«y"PRe fine werther â€"which prevaited proved an ivrresistible factor towards having a large crowd from the congregations attend the ceremouy and the three charges are to be congratulated on making a chcice so soon after the deâ€" parture of the Kev. Mr Stevyenson. The moderator of the Presbytery, Rev Mr McKinnon, of Chatswortb, presid. ed at the service, while Rey. Mr Me Eachern, from near Owen â€" Sound, preached the induction sermon,. _ Rev. Dr. Thurlow Fraser, from Owen Sound addressed the congregation and Rey. Dr. Fraser, of Annan, spoke to the minister. Fellowing the impressive eoremony, a sovial and tea was bheld in the church aad a good part of the time was spent in becoming better acâ€" quainted with Mr and Mrs Mills. ‘The new pastor is a young man and unaniâ€" mous calls and the united manner in which all three charges chose him for their spiritaal leader augurs well for the success of Mr Mills, New Parlor games at Macfarlane‘s New Books at Public Library. 8 â€"The Boy from the Ranch ** â€"Tom, the Telephone Boy l â€"The Boys of Beelewood #chool kn s 2oo / oo d c e NNMEDStECT â€"Two Boy Gold Miners *L â€"â€"The Young Treasure Hunter " â€"The Youug Fireman of Ladeville ns 22 Sss v~ ve + NNeDStEr Ordination and indaction. BANK â€"The Stampederâ€".... H. A. Cody â€"Initials Onaly..... .. A, K. Green â€"The Halo.. Bettina Von Hutten â€"The Frontiersman. . H. A. Cody â€"The Closing Net..H.0 Rowlacd â€"The Wide Wide Worl d _ te OoF CANADA The Price She Paid * . cuxarrÂ¥srcrereNite Wotherall Tom Moore..Theodore B. Sayre S FANDARD DURH A M BR A N CH, y, 6P PA 1 OFFICE D. G. Phillips W ebster Buidlon On Thursday last, there passed away in Dulntb, Mrs Joseph Burns, for a long perrod of years a resident in Benâ€" tinck. Her bhusband died about 8 years ago. We bave only meagre inâ€" formation at hand but have been furnâ€" ished with the following notes: Mrs, Burns was a native of Ireland and to her and her husband were born four sons and four daughters ; Michael, Joseph, Patrick, John, Mrs Gallagher. Mrs. Doherty (deceased), Mrs Burke, Mrs Fox. Ail are in Duluth, but John who lives on the old homestead in Bentinck, â€" Deceased left here only last May after the decease of her grand child. She was subject to bronchial attacks and it is thought that one of these bas proved fatal. Mrs Mary LepI®GHAM At the ripe age of 85 years, the above lady, well known in Dornoch and viâ€" cinity, passed away at the home of her daugbterâ€"inâ€"law, Mrs Geo, Lediegham of Chatsworth, on Nov, 26. She came to this country in the year 1850 and the following year was married to Mr the following year was marred 10 @llf Ledingham. Since that time she has been a resident in Bentinrk township near Dornoch and a year ago last spring she left the locality to reside in Uhatsworth. _ Her: hbusband .predeâ€" c=ased her 13 years ago and two sons George and William are also dead while the two remalning sons who survive, James and John, reside in ’Souris, Manp., and near Duluth, rcâ€" spectively. The funeral took place the followinn Saturday to Latona ceme. tery and was largely attended by relaâ€" tives and many friends, Mrs THos. STINSON ‘ One of the most regretted deaths that occurred for some time was that which took place in Stratford Hospit. al on Thursday last, when following an operation for cancer, the soul of Mrs Thos,. Stinson took its flight for the spirit world,. Mrs Stinson, who was 54 years old, had been ailing for the past two months and on the advice of her medical adviâ€"er, went to Etratford on Tuesday afternoon to undergo an operation, But she lacked the strength to recover and on Thursday morning at 6.45 o‘clock, she passed away. The remains woere brought to Darham on the same eyening and the funeral was held on Saturday to Sangcen cemetery and was largely attended. Rev,. Mr Hartley officiated at the memoriel serâ€" vices, To the bereaved husband and d «ughter. Mrs John McDonald, the fullest measure of sympathy is exâ€" tended in their severe affliction, Mrs Stimnson‘s maiden name was Jane Brad~ ley and with her husband, has beeo a resident In town for some years prst. They formerly liyed in North Benâ€" tinck. KEEPINC. a bank account for "household expenses" and paying all bills by cheque has many advantages. It shows the balance on hand, the amount expended, provides receipts for every padyment and does not require a large deposit to begin Normax T. Krarxs Sad news came over the wires o" Monday night from Harriston, when it was learned that Nogman T. Kearns of that town, a young lineman with the Belt Telephone Co,, had met a sudâ€" den death while on duty,. He was up on a pole, repairing some part of the wires, when his foot came in eontact with a live electric wire. The shock made him lose his balance and falling to the ground, a distance of 25 feet, he lighted on his head, breaking his skull. Me lived but a few minutes, Mr ‘Kearns had been in Durham on Wedâ€" esday, Thursday and Friday and was ue to return on Monday night. RHe was favorably known over a wide area where he has installed phones and his manly character had won for him numerous friends. Me leaves a bride of three months. A distressing featâ€" ure connected with Mr Kearns‘ deah is the part taken by his working partâ€" ner, Mr Alex Donaidson, whose reguaâ€" lar duty is on the poles while his dead man‘s was the inside work with the phones. On this particular occasion they had substiiuted positions and Mr Donaldson naturally feels very keenly over the fatality, He was in Durham on Monday and his grief was ineonsolâ€" abls, Mr Kearns‘ burial takes place in Harriston on Thursday at 1 o‘elocy. * _ RLLXN GILMOUR3 _ ** /O:Mm‘.dny. Decem ber 1]¢theabove eptlemsase well known in north Norâ€" ianby, where be ranked as one of the In Memoriam Mars. Jos. Burxs DURHAM, THURSDAY, DECEMBER. 11, 1913 1873 Mrs John Dansm00¢ inutes. _ Mr M am on Wedâ€" 3 day and was W night. RHe m r a wide area mes and his Q'Q on ftor him 1'; aves a bride Q.; ressing featâ€" rarns‘ deah ;3 orking partâ€" whose reguâ€" M hile his dead | xX rk with the N ilar occasion :5 tions and Mr W rery keenly s in Durham M vas ineonsolâ€" E takes place E at 1 o‘elock. M . S 1 Xom With which is incorporated the Holstein Leader dee * pioneers, passed away to the great beâ€" yond,. About three months previous ly he was stricken with paralysis an though be rallied some, it proved bvibithed â€" becihcul k. 1135 -Uulf! l,ylu E2 ""HE was born at Blderslie, Sco‘.llnd' 74 years ago and came to this country with his parents about the time of the American Civil war. _ His wife, to whom he was married about 45 years ago, survives him. â€" Ore son William, died about two years ago, surviving him are two sons, Allan, Principal of Tara school and David on the home farm ; two daughters are Grace, Mrs., Samuel Allan, Chesley, and Margaret at home. Deceased was a man of deep piety and integrity, a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church of which he was an elder tor many years, He was interred in Hamptgen cemetery amid many tokens of respect, his pastor, Rev Mr, McLean of Hanover, conductâ€" ing appropriate services, Most farmers are glad to see the snow as they now look forward to bringing out the logs. A gloom was cast over the section on Saturcay last when word was reâ€" celved of the disappearance of Dail MeDonald. _ Many here hbave been looking for him but no trace has yet been found, _ All extend sympathy to the family. The Dornoch branch of Women‘s Institute was held bere on Wednesday last when many ladies gathered at the home of Mrs Dargayel to hear Miss Robson speak on ‘"Poultry and Bee kecping.‘* The ladies appreciated these topics very much and keen in terest was hela throughout. The evâ€" enings entertainment was both interâ€" esiiug and amusing, Mr Barber exâ€" plaining many facts to the farmers who turned out well, _ Mr Binnie gained the good will of the audience with his beotch songs. We were pleased {to have Rev Mr. Mills ordained on Tuesday after so short a vacancy and were plea sedto note the three congregations so harâ€" monious in welcoming bim. Mrand Mre Ne Wilson and famâ€" ily spent Suturday with Mr and are J. Robertson. Misses Reid u‘.‘m"*'Mox:tley. accomâ€" panied by am B Pratt spent the week end at Dromore. Miss smary Cummings Sundayed at the home of arrs C. Robertson. miss Eleanor Frook visited as the home of Mrs R Dargavel this week. We are sorry to lose ar. 8. Black and family wh . this week move to Durham but wisu them success. Welcome is extended to mr and amrs Campbell who cecupy the house vaâ€" cated by arr Black. Practice for the annual Xmas tree is well begun. _ This keeps a certain popular young gentleman busy. Is a school where young men and women are properly trained for positions of trust. Basiness men are realizing this fact and consequently we are soon able to place our graduates in aigh class situations, ".fl:ey reâ€" main where they are placed besauss they are prepired for responsible work. When you remsmber that this college is connscted with the Central Basiness College, Stratford, and the Blliott Basiness College, Toronto, two of the best institations in the province, you will not be surprised why we ob:ain such good results Ask our stadents and graduates what we have done for chem and thsy will say ‘"‘More than amyone else could ha ye d one G.aduate from this College and we will do the same for you. |eCeluColeCole sole ols Colaeple ol cale cele "olacale ols °s e hele Cals s 00 3 *ol en ghe ue a0ef s celea 00 20 o0 s# e JAMIESONâ€"In Durkam, on Monday 8th December 1913 to Dr. D. B. and Mrs,. Jamieson, a daughter‘ Peoppcalacelncelacdecela Cela el"alaZelaale l ace acela cole olave on calavelavele cale elu ie ele o+ Ps®) y &A T)o K echnio‘s VYjilts e 5‘;_ Custom Chpping and Oat Crushing Mr Harry Kress, Pharmacy College. ronto, is visiting at his home here, uniform, at a very moderate price. Every bag guar. anteed. _ A trial will convince you. Medal and North West Gem. _ Always reliable, 7ali§;§s is our Sprcialty. éa%/@/@e‘d!@%{wz}zwé %//eye DORNOCH Thererali'eA other fleours certainly but only one Gold In1 FEEDS we have a large choice of the best quality at moderate prices. We are in the market for any quantity of good clean grain, at highest market price. We exchange oatmeal for oats. A TRIUMPH IN FLOUR BORN RIO ARCHIVES TORoNTO Baled Hay and Salt for sale, Mr. T. A. Harris, relieying custom officer and Mrs, Harris were in Toronto for a few days last week. On Satur. day Mr. Harris left for Moose Jaw where he goes on official business, Friends of Mrs. Adlam 8r. will be ?leased to learn that she is now recoverâ€" ing from a serious illness. Miss Ethel Willis, of Allan Park, was the guest of Mrs Robt, Burnett and other friends for a few days. Mr Peter Ramage, associate editor of the Review, returned Tuesday from his extended and enjoyable trip to the West. Miss Edna Limin is taking a course in Stratford Business College. Mre John Ritchie and Mr. Brown of Varney are serving C Jury in Owen Sound this week Among those who left on Tuesday to attend Guelph Fat Stock show were Mr, and Mre, W. D. Connor, Dr, Jamieson, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kitchie, James Patton, Sam Patterson, Miss Lena Ritcbie lefi on Tuesday to visit friends inâ€"Gueiplhg > â€"â€"uey~ _ Mr. John Murchison, Goderich has been visiting the McQuarries, Alex Murchison (his uncle) and other old neighbors and friends in Glenelg. Mr Jack Stoddart and sister Miss Stoddard, of Priceville, went fo the show at Guelph on Tuesday, yla Darâ€" ham, Mayor Black went to Toronto on Tuesday and part of his business was to interest the best produce buyers in the big market to be beld in Durham Town Hall on 18 h inst., same day as Horse Fair. Some of these buyers already spokâ€" en to, advise that poultry should be dry â€"picked one at & time. That is, kill one bird then pick it, rather than killâ€" ing ten or a dozen at once and then go picking, They pick easier by the one at a time process and thus time is sayâ€" ed and it lends itself to neatness as well, Solo. .. *Pilgrims of the Night‘. .Parker Anthem.....*Shepherds of Bethichem‘ ... .. Judson Organ ... ...*Even Song‘ ... .Johnston Carol.... . ‘The Story of Old" .. .. Parks Solo ... ..‘O Little Babe of Bethichem‘ . ++ + . «Stiults | Anthem.‘The Shepherds Dream‘.Geibel |\ Christmas Carol ..... * Peaceful Night‘ (Solo with choir accompaniment) | ... . Humprey Arger Organ . .‘Christmas Postlude‘. .. Calkin Anthem .. .. ‘Sun of my Soul‘. . . Purner Solo‘. Night of Nights‘.. Van de Water Anthem.‘Oh Little Town of Bethiehem‘ ... . .. Ahuey Organ‘Nearer my God to Thee‘Original Evening Carol‘ Lo ‘tis Night‘.Beethoven Solo.... .... ‘Nazareth‘...... .. Gounod Humming Chorus.... ..‘Abide with me‘ | ... ... Brown ‘Anthem .... *‘Star of the Orient‘. Geibel God Save the King. Organ.‘Triumphal March fromNaaman u. CoSsté Anthem . ...‘The First Christmas Morn‘ ..... . Newton Meth. Choir Concert, Durham Thurs. evening, Dec. 18 The Produce Fair Revli , Principal / on the Notice To Wuox It May Coxncers. On Friday Dec. 5th, Mr. Donald L. McDonald _ 2ad. con. of Bentinck, mysteriously strayed from bome. A thorough search has been made but no trace can be found. THE ROYAL i LONDON, ENG., OFFICE Bank Bldgsâ€"Princes St. Extra fine, blue frait, well cleaned, good size, excellent flay â€"or. Price 8 lbs for 250. 2 pounds raisins 2 pounds currants 1 pound mixed peel 1 pound dates 1 pound shelled almonds _ Yokes of 12 eggs 1 pound butter 1 tablespoontul of cinnamon 2 grated nutmegs 2 pourds flour 2 tablespoonfals of mace Whites of eggs added alternatly. Dissolve a teaspoon{al «i soda in a little water and add just before putting in the Iruit Bake very slowly for three or tour hoursr This is a wellâ€"tried and successful recipe. Try it. a Finest quality of selected dates, highly recommended and advertised in leading magazines, earefally packed in atractive packages, with parchment paper. Price 10c per pkhg Such a difference is quality in this frauit. We have some exâ€" eellent fruit for our Christmas selling, jellies readilv and suech a fine, clear, red jelly too. Delicions flaver. Price 15e per quart Pressed Figs, Malaga Grapes, Fancy Naval Oranges, Grapeiro Lemons, new nuts or anything else you require when Christm shopping. MRS. A. BEGGS & SON Buyers from all over. Mrs. Doxauo L. McDoxaup New Mantles Just Arrived Comfort, Try This Christmas Cake Recipe You will also find our stock complete in (resh table raisins Beggs‘ Service and Beggs‘ Price will please yow S$. F. MORLOCK 325 Branches Throughout Canada. Capital Authorized Capital Paid Up Reserve Funds DURHAM BRANCH ; S. HUGHES, Manager. There is great comfort in a long coat with a far collar. There is so large a portion of the winter which is severe and blustry that the possession of along coat with a fur collar is prac« tically a necessity in every women‘s complete wardrobe. We have thom and they are mado especially for ourâ€" selves. They have superior cloth, also superior quality quilted lining and are & little longer than the ordinary fur collar coat. Any one intending purchasing a good warm coat should see this line before selecting elsewhere. _ We have also passed into stook within this last week 36 Ladies new Coats ranging in price from .............. $6 to 815 Our showlng of Men‘s and Boys‘ Overcoats and Men‘s and Boys‘ Suits is an interesting feature of this store. Royal Excelsior Hallowi Dates Savings Department at all Branches. INCC Elegance, Cranberties & ‘N‘K '% \ & © ‘ * ¢ <"ARd YA % € ”.‘_" .1 W/ !H:"LLJ â€"A Great many Currants have taken advantage o‘ our wonderful subscription offer ot The Review to Dec. 31, 1914 for $1 00 â€" This ofâ€" fer still holds good. Pablished Weekly a; $1.00 a vear, C. RAMAGE & 30ON,Pornrserns Strayed from my premises, lot 8 Con. 2, W, G, R., Bentinck on or abou Nov, 28th, 1913, a white brood sor Any information leading to its whe abouts will be thank{ully received. Aroume M, Mcie®axr, Durham, . R, No. 2. "***y.â€"*+ 8 %5 000 0 13 months for 12 ATED 1249 NEW YORK AGENCY Cor. William and Cedar Sis STRAYED 11,580,000 18,000,000 Econom y PHOMI i8

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