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Durham Review (1897), 11 Dec 1913, p. 3

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Â¥ C 2 PaANY LIMMED » 10# cense qut (poilt # ONT F K l ‘- «h k Foy «1 established anel mnerel®, erta come uns IRT Plae« 2 pi lA Tablets urce 2t minen ‘, in spite 48 ffl\l“ ‘a sound ie carries *« after : foundâ€" A (‘.’0 ada, 180 it Puy tlm will 1al LD€ ZV' & t# t in DECEMBErR IF, 1913 F No. 8, NORmANBY 5thâ€"I Marshall, 0 Young. 4thâ€"0 l‘hompsun. O Widmeyer, E Young, C Robinson, ~Sr 3rdâ€"N Anderson. Jr Irdâ€"M Byers, H Young, L Seim, C Schenk. Sr 22dâ€"M Garvey, J Pict. fer, A Pfeffer, R Fritz. Jr 2od4â€"G Widmeyer, M Whiteford, M Robinson N Thompâ€"on, _ 8r Pt 2adâ€"M Little, J Seim,, B Kreller, C Whiteford. Jr Pp ioh i6.5.0 In the Scout Movement it 1s not l E. M, MarRTIN, Teacher. ’any trouble to get boys. Our problem $ | is to get the mon to lead and there are Clase 4 A‘O'I(LLENELG' Mc Giil; thousgunds of men who would be will. Ass iâ€"E. McFarlane, A. Mc Gi "Img to help if they realized the import. sug: D. MeaArthur, M, McKeown, ance of boy life upon the future of Sr. 8rd.â€"Thos. Edwards, L. McKeown, Canada. A little sacrifice, the giving Jr. 3rd.â€"OCharles Anderson, Mary of a few hours a week â€" far what?[ Edwards, Bella Kennedy, J. McFmâ€" To assist in moulding good citizens lane. Sr. 21dâ€"Allan Mclonis, Esther for Canada. Men, why not givye a Melonis. Jr. 20dâ€"CQ. Smellie, M. little time to the boys of your comâ€" Kennedy, A Edwards, Wm, Edwards munity? You will ‘be the stronger Class 1â€"Marie MoArthur, Marg‘t | and focl better for having devoted Smellie. _ Primerâ€"M, MeFarIl@0® | some little time to the training of the Neil McArthur, Archie MoArthur; | boyg along lines which tend to better Hazel Edwards. citizensbip and a clean generation of D. McDonaup, Teacher. boys, ‘ J 7 igePopco lc 0 _A Fvoul SW Ond Gladys Corlett. Form 2â€"Marie Walsh Percy Jomes. Form 1â€"Myrtle Boyce, John Corlett, Morrow Riddell, Henriâ€" etta Alexander, Primerâ€"Hdna Leuk. Those present eyery day in November, John _ walsh, Percy Ledingham Fletcher and Hector Boyce. CHurRISTIE MCGILLIYRAY, Teacher ho roe oo en e ce ies n CLAF "CLamarna un Mr. Robert MeClement bad the misâ€" ::id“:‘A“"“gl'f-fl(’l;’“°l'§‘;'; Wl:ke- fortune to have his summer kitchen Renkis 'g}‘;y. B.ry:m. » 6 Mac. blow’n down and had a gang of men y 6 6t iding it. Jr. 4thâ€"Olarence McGirr, Ruby Titg e rebailding it Carson, Jemimas Lawrence, â€" Edna B 15 Ahx M°Cl“' and hugbta;r a Browing, and StellaMcUrueq. Willet 8":1" ';'""d at Mr. H. Trafford‘s E ncl, ’ unday last. 8r.3rdâ€"PF. Lawrence, A. Jacob, 8,| _ Mr. Thos, Laughlin has sold a fine ! MeAuliffe, L. Chapman, 0. Limin., pair of cows and purchased another |__Ir. 8rdâ€"â€"R. Snell, V, Jacob, M |°9%Â¥â€" y § | Holmes, A. Smith, W Koch, Mr. Martin Coffield had a very ‘ Sr, 20d.â€"M. McGirr, W Abraham, | 6N0cessfal sale Tuesday last of his W. Jacob, C. Wiggins, W. Mitohell, _| f4tm implements and stock. We Jr. 2adâ€"I. Elvidge. w. Traynor, y,| Understand Mr. Ooffield and family Collinson, N. Falkingham, 8, Russel, intend moving “l) wmi.d We will be Sr. 1st.â€"Kdith Wiliis, Myrtle Orr, écg l:o;'ry to vee" hbr. hlnd Mrs. Carry McGirr, Lillie McDonald, Jeap, | COH®!d from our neighborhood. Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. H. Trafford and Jr. 1st.â€"Margaret Cliff, _ Mabe;| master Albert visited the former‘s Crutchley, Kathleen Hughes, Esther brother at Allan Park Sunday last, McComb, Daniel McInnis, G;zels the roads must be beiter up | north, OR No. 11, BENTINCK Oe hoi I e oalh. Sr 4th J Langrill, I Vollett. _ Jr 4th + , â€"S Lawrence, B Sharp, H Armstrong. The Youth 8 Companlon. i Sr 3r4â€"M Webber, A Mountain. Jr hix ks s 3rdâ€"I1 Alexander, M Lawrence. Sr|.. «Ailies selecting their reading fos ndâ€"H ‘Moulltain, C Ritehie and W the coming year could not do beatter Noble eq., A Arma’trong. Ir ind â€"P than include this sane, tafe and satls Noble, M Langrill, S Sharp. lstâ€"O!b’“‘.tory T sazine. No .Oth" pub‘l.io Ritchie and M Alexander éa. > â€"Priga,} C&OR Ww# know of anika" kaks. 12. PuBmo Scroor DerartuBx® Sr. ithâ€"Anna Cliff, Cameron Wakeâ€" field, Agnes Wakefield, Edie Mac. Kenzie, Gladys Bryon. Form I â€"Lind;l‘â€"e:hle, Auley, Christina McGirr, M James Leeson. School Rep()]:ts_ DURHAM SCHOOL REPORT 8. BINNIE, Teacher. ARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO « PETTY, Teacher, ba H. W ce Campbell, Form Form 3 Jr.â€"Mary her Riddel}, Peroy Hector Boyce (eq.) ) 2â€"Marie Walsh â€"Myrtle Boyce, Riddell, Henriâ€" erâ€"Edna Leuk, I k oe 004 ( 0 2C CR, AVV ACTCR, c uk "I&d : baif of 17, Yon. 2, E. 0. R, ene s . Lot 8, Oon. 8, l..g..B & Olo-u’?. 50 acres Lot 9, Con, 3 8. D. R, Gienelg, 50 acres PPE NT fank on t 7, Oon, 1, N.D B., Glenelg; 80 acres G 1UD agres, TA T oke ts Lot 1, Con. 11, Glanel , 100 acres, I.Qll_q and haif of l;. Yon. 2 E. The 3rd division of let 9 and the Is t':lrimvition of lot 10, W.G.R., Bentinck 4thâ€" Any information in correction with the Movement will be gladly torwardâ€" ed upon application to The Secretary Boy Scouts, Bloor & Bherbourne Sts. Toronto. The Moyement was started in your community but owing to lack of leadâ€" ers the work has not been the success that it might have been. Are there not some who will say, "I will help the lads to become better citizens. ‘ Will you help > If you will take time to look into the work and train. ing of the Boy Scouts your answor[ will be * Yeg, * Every graduate guaranteed a position. 33 successful years, large staff of Specialists, In. dividual instruction, Practfcal department. Information free. C A FLEMINO, FCA 0. D. rLeming Principal Secretary â€" The Scout Movement is trying to take care of the boys during their Play, each part of the traiming tending towards making manly men,. No greater asset can we [give to the Empire than a race of Upâ€"right, Manly, Clean, Canadian boys. MONDAY, JaANUARYy 5th is the re opening day of COMMENCE ar oncr owBN soUND oNT Boys, everywhere are keen to do the right thing, ready to work ready to play the game, and ready for the right men to lead them. The _ So carefully is it edited, so varied is ‘itu contents, that a family would be well supplled with entertaining fiction upâ€"toâ€"date information and wholesome fun, if no other periodical entered the home. 110 CC C p CE HUV 14, | The Companion as it is toâ€"day, en larged, and broadened in scope, in cluding the Family Page, Boys‘ Page, and the Girls‘ Page as departments, with eight splendid serials and 250 shorter stories, its accurate and imâ€" partial editorials, Science and Ourrent Events, makes a volume of matter that touches every genuine interest of the family, Faroms for Sale. Families selecting their reading for ’the coming year could not do better than include this sane, safe and satis factory magazine. No other publiâ€" cation we know of quite takes its place. For a sensible Christmas present it could not be equalled comâ€" ing as it does DC times a vaar nar TA NORTHER P y CC o 0Cc CVRm < Meses iE ~BLTS, Coffield from our neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. H. Trafford and master Albert visited the former‘s brother at Allan Park Sunday last, prcod s t â€" : 3 _ _ _ _Vplemenis and stock. Â¥e understand Mr. Ooffield and family Intend moving to town. We will be very sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs Boy Scoutsâ€"An appeal for Men, THE Arrived too late for last week The weather bas been vary pleasant after the snowy spell giving tarmers a much better chance to get ploughing and other fall work done ready for cold days. Mr. Joe Coffield returned to his home hgre after spending the summer in the wostern provinces, looks fine. Mre. Herbert Trafford and master Albert returned to their home after spending a fortnight with friends in Milverton, Stratford and other points. : »** coulid not be equalled comâ€" t does 52 times a year not 12, Jompanion as it is toâ€"day, en. and broadened in scope, inâ€" the Family Page, Boys‘ Page, ? Girls‘ Page as departments, Oes . Whs Men, why not give a the boys of your comâ€" will be the stronger _ for having devoted y DURHAM <REVIEW MAPLB RILLS sensible Christmas Ist Particulars f:om?} |- A"J_i::l P 128 R, MacFARLANE, Town Agent Through Bquipment ; LEAVE TORONTO 12.20 p AARIVB VANCOUVER 11.30p (®econd Day) J Through Eqnipment : Compartment Observation Car, Tourist Sleeping Car, Dining Car, First Olass C« Large shipments arrive direct to us swice a week and on account of the great demand for Oysters at ons store they are sure to be n first class frosh eondition when they arrive here. The law of supply and demand keeps us busy. FRESH OYsTERS THE OITY BAKERYy Hzaiq‘tmfef”of fbl:fiotioneq and all Bakery goods O ign Squipment ; Compartument Ovhurntion Car, Star Oar, Tourist Sleeping Car, Dining Car, Birst Cla«s Ceaches General Change of Time Octobes 26. shunbrne"@ sn e s 2o 2 ‘ Ta2 VANCOUVER EXPRESS Estimates cheerfully given Write, Phone or Call. Maniufa Saves its cost in Fuel in a short Time Why deny yourselt the maximuam of comfort at the minimum ol expense, ~ All metalâ€"weather strip costs less, is far more efâ€" fective than storm sash and is a permanent institution, requiring no removal. _ Most public buildiegs in large cities are equipped with it, Architects specify it, the Government demands it. GATE _ CITY EXPRESS Leave Toronto 2.30 pâ€"l Arrive Winnipeg 8.20 a. baauty of having oysteps is lu;lu-fll; fresh ature through;);x't-til.e-!;dil.;i.;; Sine‘. t itmuts &1 A The specially designed and upâ€"toâ€"date method now ge adopted for effectually preventing eatry of all draught, sleet, r:in or dust of any kind, thereby insuriog an even t ahiin) bls ronrsrls n cek un e C eved Every window and every door where equipped with we want to reduce our stock any kind call and see us at th We have a good stock oi are offering at low prices for McGowan Milling Co. Post Oflice Bleck, nnah . q _7 4° VC OEA 49 1G 1 is a point worthy of consideration by all n to be well dressed at reasonable prices . Oar elothes are hand tailored and made from built up wish strong interlinings, assuring you ed retaining garment, produciog the desired Style, Fit. With all the nrias ;. ... " V Cebre! ror some time we have been conducting a tailorâ€" ing business in Durham which of late with our special efforts is fast coming to the front. EVENTUALLY All=M¢ta! Weather Strip For upâ€"toâ€"date tailored garments which are made to your own special measure, remember you haye the cloth in the web to choose trom, not merely a sample of which the order is sent out of town to be made up. This is a point worthy of consideration by all men who care to be well Araiaseq 21 .. . _ ___ "pAn VJ Chopped Barley Fcti-(ht n : Oat Feed Mixed Feed Crushed Oats Commencing October 26th â€" Furber & Co. and points east thereof Paiz#As Why Not Now #armen; O UINES assuring you a long Hf‘od.s‘i;;). farment, produciog the desired effect, â€"Quality, With all the price is asteundingly low. 8. A. RIFE AND CO Tallors and Furnishers DURHAM, ONT y given, Work guaranteed Manufactured and installed by Ay:â€"nts or wmoi.â€"(i Upâ€"Toâ€"Date Furnishings Oatmeal Millis servation Car, Standacd lleepin; First Olass Coaches, Colonist Car, RIFE and CO DAILY date method‘loâ€"w generally DAILY " 27 7° 5l u1aught, snow, insuriog an even temperâ€" Chopped Oats M. G., Mu h , D. P . A 0. P, RY:pT:mnto ever made of wood will , Standard Sle ing raches, Colouh:' COar Imported goods W DURKHAM **4

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