West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 11 Dec 1913, p. 5

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Pals »lo ul irls nks ve Pou!lâ€" ham 913 Aeade dleCel e "4l, 5o) Small Profits R AITH un You N ti :1{-’& to £0€ | t £0€ 23 4 )0 Q 1 | *J £ N ofe Ae ohe ols o hn ohe oho ohe oo ols ahe whe ole ofe ofe ale oe ofe ofe cfe ofeofe 'fi'g â€" Branching out to New Lines % iesd sy° 5@ a2 o o dp op is tp dn op pefe s ts tp op ts ip ip ip ip p es dAdr® 5) ..« lallof articles at Feduced N B ‘;‘u‘l.l"o:;.mx'sflm.un img the satisfied m & THE â€" QUALITY § & PHARMACY | Hogh McKechme bas given up mercantile business hbere and Mr. Paton of Torozto is stock taking at present. Mrs. Stansby and daughter who who on Monday arrived from Enugland met with very cold bleak weather> but ery fortunat= in being met by her husb.\nd who is engaged at the mill n Dromore. A namber from hers are attending ths Fat Stock Shox in Gaelph this pre.;‘cvh'e:l“;;r;'aécepulfly here last | Sabbath while Mr. Matheson conductâ€" | ed anniversary services there, Miss Reboccea McMillan accompanâ€" isd. Miss Loais Nicholls of Dandalk spent the week enad at the former‘s home, The public are looking forward to the mill to be in running shape as soon as possible. The raising wWas partly completed on Saturday. Miss Sadie McMullan spent Sunday with her parents in Seotchtown. Miss Effie Black is visiting friends in Priceville at present. we lfi you do not get your drugs stationery and school Supplies here, Why not ? Salts for Animals, 9 ib for .. Sulphur for animals or disâ€" eufecting stables, 9 1b for Pure Castile Soap, 6 cakes. Finmous Bendor Stock Foc per pkge..........0s 060. Reautiful Display of Toilet Fxace Creams, ®hampoo Pr ations, ete. DEC 11, 1913 Dry Goods, Groceries, Tais Monday morning was a blowâ€" | er, bat dida‘t mike mach sleighiog, |. bat we noties from the reports of the| hanters‘ guns that some slaying was‘ done nevertheless, _ This Mondayi night, the Sih Dec., looks fine and has the appearance of good weather . to morrow. â€" Last week was the fizest | week for ploughing all fall and a loti PRICE VILLE, AROUND TA 1 prices that will sur prise you u ean‘t beat cither. e have the goods . G. McLEAN, gencral remark cf our cus rs is "Well we‘re glad to a Drug Store in Priceville, we know everything in it PHRICEVILLE ficimr We are doing more to improve the tarms in the ceantry with our Stumping Powder, than any other mercbhant in Canada. Good tarmers will take advantage of it and we will then try and get a better price for their farm without extra cost. We have just received another large shipmert of Happy Thoaght Rauges and Heating Stoves. Heaters are selling from $2 to $10 and Cooking Stoves and Ranges from $15 to $65. Give as a call and you will line among the majority, We HA R DW ARE McGowan‘s Flour and Feed Different weights. See us when requiring a bag. ARE YOU WELL SHOD ? _ You are when you purchase your shoes here. We handle the celebrated They speak for themselves. sOME sPECIALS In lilec:ric Light Lamps, we can satisfy your taste, as We have the best Tangsten Lamps that are mantfactured at present. If your roofs are leaking, you should bay some of our Carey Rooting (the best in the world) and they will not leak any louger, Oar Horse Brushes sold so rapidly that we wore ebliged to lay in andther assortment. Among them is a broad back with leather strap for 25¢ and some others ranging in price to $1.00. We also bave some ehoice Curry Combs, which we are sellâ€" ing at 10c each and others at a higher price. Who would keep a horse without cleaning him at these prices. We have a big store and are determined to fill it with choice goods, bat in order to accompiish that point, will have to ask evâ€" ery person that owes us to kindly eall and settle their indebtedâ€" ness as soon as possible. WM. BLACK Ames Holden Boots and Shoes John MceKinnon of Ohatsworth egeney o nge mgemncs By J. A. MeD have recently placed in stock a full line of Highes} prise paid for Farm Produce. ind Sh TS PES ce tikek,. 1 Central Telephone ceries, â€" Hardware and Oils of all kinds Let us supply your needs. VILLAGE onT [ it fi, The Rev. Mr McKinnon, of Chats® \worthb, preached in the Presbyterian filchurch here last Sunday and unforâ€" | |tanately the day was very disagreeâ€" [} able and not as many out as would HI be hid the day been fine. Mr Moâ€" [{ | Kinnon is a good preacher and would ‘not be veat to preach in gaelie it ne. fl | cessary. fi‘ Mr McLeod raised his mill on Satâ€" urday last, when a large crowd [ | gathered for the purpose. * was done. Wood cutting is getting to be in order now and generally the young people like to gatber for the purpose of making a bee, as the work scems quicker done. The days are nearly at their shortâ€" est now and between where the sun rises and sets is not far apart, so we have quite a spell of darkness generâ€" ally, but the moou shining these fine nights makes it bright looking. We notice the Daily Star commentâ€" ing on P. R.‘s letters in the Review of last week. We were going to say that Peter should feel proud that : uch a notable paper *s the Star takes noâ€" tiee of his writings. but as P. R. is not of the kind of tellows that take pride in praising his own contribuâ€" tions. We don‘t think that the word ** preud ‘‘ is applicable to him . (Quite a lot of growling done in Ar~ temesia and Glenelg for taxes being so high this year, but those raoning our aifairs could not ayoid making the levy so as to meet all demands. Peter McArthur‘s storehouse stands idle and it is something regrettable to see the logag life building unoecuâ€" pied . ue â€" Blacksmiths would like to se the roads getting somewhat slippery, as shoeing needs sharpening then. Tom, the shoeman here, is always busy and ten cents is his lowee charge, but Tom makes a gooud job. Bb Shortreed and Donald McLachâ€" lan make their regular rounds deâ€" livering mail, sanshine or rain. Miss Christena McDonald,â€" south (ilenelg, spent the most of last week dressmaking for her aunt, Mrs Dunâ€" can McDonald, D. Road, Glenelg. The tive is drawing nigh for en tertainments and for some weeks small change will be in order to be ready for that purpose. â€" In a correspondehee received trcm frieads in the vicinity of Brandon, Man., states they had good sleighing there for the last couple of weeks. We hear that O:to Konold intends to start a horse fairin Priceville. bat we don‘t put is down for a fack." ___. The last Council meeting in all municip«lities will meet next Monday for the purpose of winding up the basiness of the year. The Review is geaerally found in every box along the route. We have no gaolise this week. Thanks to the editor for putting d ow n in good shape or Taing dhuit airsons cho maith sa char thu an oruid dh 1 Subscribe at once for the Reyio w Only $1 to Jan. Ist 1915. Priceville Mr. Jack Morrison of Darham spent the week aond at his sister‘s, Mrs. P: J. Haley. Mr, P. J. Heley has engaged Mr: Rogers of the J. I. staff to repair his engine. Miss Effie Black and sister Mrs. Bowie visited recently at D. Mcâ€" Millan‘s. . Mr. G2ao. Arrowsmith of your town paid a fAying visit to friends in our burg one day last week. s # ‘C Miss Sadie MeMillan of Pricevil. visited over Sunday with her mothe® here. Miss Mary MeMilian from town spent the latter part of the week with her parents here. I wonder where was Murt going Monday when people took him to be the mail man. Mr, Angus McPherson of Peterborâ€" ough is visiting bis brother Ranald and other friends here. Misses Belle McMillan and Belle McIntyre who spent a month at the former‘s uncle J. A. MeMilian returnâ€" ed to Toronto where they will spend some time before returning to their home in Bad Axe. Methinks our fine weather has at caught a cold that will last for some timea but hittle signs of sleighing yet as mother earth is frozs too hbard to hold the snow. The delegation appoidted from our divigion to attend the Hydro Electric meeting in Guelph tnis week: Jouneil lor Jno. Russel, Mr. A. Riddell and Mr. E. Hockndge. Hopeville church will hold their entertainment Xmas eye, Dec, 21th. A good programme is under preparâ€" ation. NO 10 E3REMONT. Class 5â€"Lillie Hamilton Ciinton Bunâ€" ston. > Class 4 â€"Ourrie~ MeArthur, Thelina â€" Brown, â€" Gladys _ Lamont, Johnny McGilliyray. S8r, 3rdâ€"Ruby Philip, Annie Nicholson, Anguas Mcâ€" Dougal, Gordon Long, Jr. 3¢d.â€" Donald Mclowes, Colin McArthur, Earl Bunston, Murray McGillivray.\ Sr. 20dâ€"Hazel Campbell, Gertie Long» Murray McArthur, Eigin Lamont. Pt, Iâ€"Hazel Netson, Lallie MceDougal}, Alex Nelson, Bob Henderson. Pt 2â€" ary Drimmie, and Wilford Buaston q ) Melvin Long, Ji. 1st.â€"â€"Evelyn amilton, Mac Henderson, Arthur obb. / Average attendance 20. No 9, GLENELG Sr 4thâ€"M Lindsay, M Bell, E [’.|t-‘ terson. Jr 4thâ€"E Ritohie, J Bell, L Aljoe, 8r3rdâ€"M Atkinson. Jr3rdâ€" M Davis, V Ritchie, A Lindsay, O Bell, M Newell, M Whitmore, G Bell. A Ritchie, 2ndâ€"R Davis, J MeNabb R McFarlane, H Sills. 1stâ€"G Lindsay M Aljoe. â€" Primary Srâ€"J Bell, Primâ€" aty Jrâ€"EB Hargrays S Lawrence, H School Reports. Ritchie, EuzasktH ScoTr, Teacher. \ NO.3, BEN. & GLEN. &th classâ€"Aonie Morrison, Ruby Smith, Ruch Ledingham, Bob Mortley Wilfrid Black, W1l Gibson, 81 3rdâ€"| Bessie Wiison, Kathleen _ Coffield Martin Coffield,. _ Jr 3rdâ€"Mary Morâ€" rison, Annie McGillivray, Peter Ledâ€" ingham, John Wikson, Maurice Smith Howard Smith. _ Jr 2ndâ€"John Mor Eson, Geotge Gibson,. _ 1stâ€"Nelson chaufer, Hattie Mortley, Sadie Rlack Sr Ptimerâ€"Stanley Ledingham. Kaue \ Morrison, â€" Kathleen â€" Ray. Carrie Braun, Aunie Schaufer, JIr Primerâ€" Leo Coffield, Julia Braun, Pearl Mortâ€" ley. A classâ€"Mabel Wilson, Dorothy Schaufer, Baward Melosh. No. 2, EGREMONT l Jr4thâ€"B Woods. 8r 3rdaâ€"E Woods | B Noble, J Kerr, _ Jr3raâ€"E Noble, R, McMeekin, I Barbour. 20dâ€"C Gorâ€"| don, I Meade, R Barbour, C McMeck-\ in, D Kerr, A Noble, W Marsball. pP*] 2ndâ€"B MeMeekin, â€"$r 1st â€"E Wilson | M Polleck. Jr 1stâ€"K Allan, | ANNA SboTt, Teacher. _ | No. 11, EGREMONT 4th classâ€"M Hopkins, M Watson, F Scheok, B Swanston,. Sr 3rdâ€"E spicâ€" er, K Doads, J MeEachern, Ethyle Spicer, A Wilsou,. Jr3rdâ€"M Wilson, F Rardiner, J Schenk, M Gardiner, E Mclinnes. 8e 2adâ€"T Wilson, J Myers L Watson, R Robb. Jr2adâ€"V Spicer M Swanston, H Wagner, M Thedorf, L Marshall, G Gardiner _ Pt 2ndâ€"E Calder, A McEachern. Sr istâ€"I Watâ€" son, O Fairbairn, W Wilson, M Myers J Mclones, F Switzer. _ Jr Ist Bâ€"J Caldar, 8 Spicer. Jr 1st Aâ€"W Dodds H McEacheron, W Spicer, L Calde Avyerage attendance 20, 8. M. FEravsoxn, Teacher. NO 6 BENTINCK Sr. 4â€"Eva Redford, Etta Twamley, Jr. 4â€"Dannie Nuhn. Sr. 3rdâ€"Walter Boyce, Sarah McCallum, Edna Cox: Jr. 3raâ€"Willie Adlam, Hazel Bailey, Edgar Boyce, Myrtle Bailey. Jr 2ndâ€" Elsie Boyce, Jennie Vickers, Annie M‘Callum, Jessic Twamley, Retta Boyce Sr. 1stâ€"Elva Yandt, Howard McCallum Davie Burns, Melvin Adlam â€" Jr. Istâ€" Mildred Brown, Laverne McCallum. Primerâ€"Gerald Brunt, Gertie Mcâ€" Gallum, Pearl Reay, Blanche B oyce SCOTCHTOWN HOPEVILLE on se w & E. Wilson, Teacher, B. Ke&ibD,. Teacher. es L Calder South Grey Farmers‘ Institute last week bheid its series of winter meetinga They were fayored with fine weather‘ too fine indeed, as many ot the farmess were too busy plcughing and Acing other work on the farm to come out to the meetings. especially in the afterâ€" noon, yet some of the meetings were well attended, especially Ayton, Holâ€" stein and Dromore. A great deal of interest was manifested in the quesâ€" tions discussed by the Departmental delegates as eyidenced by the ques. tions asked and opinions given by the farmers present. Mr Gavin Barbour, of Orosshili, was the speaker seut by the Department,. He is a very fluent speaker and preâ€" sents his subject in clear, logical and conyincing manner, giving his audiâ€" ence the benefit of his practical knowâ€" ledge of the question of which he speaks, At the different meetings ke spoke of © Soil Cultiyation,." " Ooutzol of Soil Motsture," " Beekt Cattle," " Draught Horses," *Corn and the Silo" and * How to grow crops in a dry season," all of wh ch he bandled in a practical manner. Buat no matter on which subject he spoke, he was alâ€" most inyvariably drifted into a discusâ€" sion of Coro and the Silo. This is cectainly a liye question with the farmers at the present time, mMany silos haye alre.dy been built and many more are contemplated and the question of the best material to build them is eagerly discussed. Ceâ€" ment is most in favor and gives good gatisfaction, keeping the ensilagein good condition and is more desirable than anything else. In some parts of the country the staye silo finds much fayor and if carefually constructed is a good silo, The chief objection to it is that if built outside, the stayes shrink in sumwer and is in danger of being blown by the wind. The growing of corn is a live question and is rapidly passing to its secend stage of developâ€" | ment in this district. Uloyer growing is also much disâ€" | cusssd. â€" Many farmers recognize that clover is of great importance in the ecoromy of the farm and that it feeds not only tbe stouck on the farw but also feeds and improves the farm itself. All the varieties of clover are yaluable for both purposes, but enâ€" quiry scems to be directed chicfly toâ€" wards alfalfa, _ Many have already ihceu growing this cloyer with great success, Some have grown it quile l successfully and others have had no great results, The quality of the seed ‘ sown seems to haye wuch to do with these results, Most of the seed comes from the Southern States and is vat suited to this more northern climate, There is a yariety of alfalfa grown for a considerable time in some of the southern eounties of Ontario and from that some seed is beiog grown. An effort is being made to develop that growth of seed and it is expected that before long seed will be grown in sufâ€" fGicient quantities to meet Ontar io‘s deâ€" I mand for bettsr altasfa seed. The delegate to the Women‘s Instiâ€" ture was Miss Gihel Robson, of Ilderâ€" ton. _ There were meetings of this Inâ€" stitute held at the vamous points. The attendance was good and the adâ€" ‘ dress interesting and instructiye. She also address#@d the joint meetings in the cvenings on subjects interesting to all, which were much appreciated. Mr Coke, assistant District Reproâ€" sentative of Markdale, spoke at the meetings at Ayton and Elmwood, but while at the latter place he was called to Wellington on account of the death »f his father. This broke up the dele PARMERS‘ INSTITUTE B | Eggs . ... .. .0 ..}} > > > 30to 31 Potatoes per bag. .... 1.00 to 1. 26 |Hides,..... .. {.}1«> 10 00 \ Beef, dressed ...... .. 10 00 to 11 00 |\ Hogs, dressed ...... . 10 00 to 10 00 Hogs,. live, f o b..... 7 90 | Dried apples ........>++..> 05 \ Hay, per ton ...... â€".>> 15 00 to 16 00 | FOWL _ Alive Dress‘d \Chickens, per Ib.... _ 8 10 to 12 | Fowl (hems)........ 5 8 / Roosters ..........> 4 7 | Ducks ... ... .+. ++ 7 10 to 12 ; Ge@§e@ ... e 6+ + +s 6 10 | Tarkey® .}.....> ++ 12 13 to 15 l List has been carcfally reyised, Purxam, Dec 10, 1918. Flour per ewt ........ 240 t Oatmeal per sack . ...â€" Chop per CWb.... ... 1 10 t Buack wheat ...... ..~> 50 t Fall W hoat........... 83 â€" Spring Whneat ........ 83 Oame, feed . .... ... . }} > 35 | Oats, milling........+~ 85 â€" FAAS.:......isarrrrrs 80 ’Barlev............... 48 iButter..;......... :.:. t 22 A TH DUERHAM REVIEW l Cut Glass} abd Brushed Brass at prices that dell, Maatas) Mane Stare For S. 8. No. 7, townsklip of Proton‘ qualified teacher. first or secondâ€"class certificate. Duties to commence Jan, 5th, 1914; Salary $8600 per annum Protestant preferred, Apply stating experience to LesLi® WarTsox, Secy.â€"Treas., â€" Duandalk P. O .. Ont Durham Markets. er CWHb........: 1 ROAt...... <++>+ N6rt...1.«*..4s Wheat........ nilling........ > _â€"_«_â€"_â€"~â€"@ @4 @â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"~ Teacher Wanted ARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 240 to 2 90 2.15 1 15 to 1 40 50 to 55 83 to 85 83 to 85 35 to 35 35 tw 35 Severchaennal The largest baby probably ever born to Bruce County certainly the largest in this district, saw the light of dey last Wednesday night at the famous Oliphant Summer Resort and weighed exactly 144 pounds and the proud father is the Rev. Mr. Danard who at the age of 82, must be a man after Ex President Roosevelts own heart Seven years ago Mr. Danard was married for the second time and he has since a happy family of four child ren.â€"Port Elgin Times. Of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Duarham. A Byâ€"Law to provide for the purâ€" chase of land for a site for and for the erection and eonstruction thereon of a High School in the Town of Durâ€" ham, and to authorize the issue of deâ€" bentures of the said Town of Darham to the amount of $15,000 for the purâ€" chase of raising the sam required therefor : WHEREAS it is deemed desirabl® to erect and construct a High School in the Town of Durbam and to raise the sum of $15,.00 tu be applied to the said purpose : AND WEEREAS in order thereto, it will be necessary to issue debenâ€" tures of the said Town of Darham for the sum of $15,000 as hereinaiter proâ€" vided (which is the debt intended to be created by this Byâ€"law) the proâ€" ceeds of the said debentures to be apâ€" plied to the purpose aforesaid and to nu other : a & 1t ie j LUWEL NE A2CERReRTeEE s t n CV ce â€" AND WHEREAS it is desirable to ‘ assent of the electors being obtained issue the said debentures at On8 tMC|;porore, after one month from the and to make the principal of the said first pfiblical.ion thereof in **The debeutures repayable by yearly m\Durhm oview * the date of which stalments during the period Of 25| prot mablieation was Thursday, the vears, being the curreney of said deâ€" .elevoml day of December, A D. bentures, said yearly sums being of | 1913, and that the yotes of the electâ€" such respective amounts that the 887| ors of the said Municipality will be gregate amount payable in each YeAF |y;‘;agonthareon on the day And At tor prineipal and interest in respect | the hours and places therein stated of said debt shall be as nearly as| pessible equal to the amount so pay | w. B. VOLLET, Durh able in each of the other 24 years of | Clerk of the Town of Darham, said period (as shown in Scheduale c fucirndrenrol i tpitee i aniiqenenmioes { © A " hereto annexed) : | AND WHEREAS the total amount required by * The Municipal Act " to be raised annually by special rate fer payving the said debt and interest as hereinafter provided is the sum of §$1173 39 : AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the Towr of Durham, aceording to the last reâ€" vised assessment roll thereof is the sam of $587,000 : AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said Municipality, exclusive of local improvement debt secured by special rates or assessments, is the sum of $44,636.60 whereof no part of the principal or interest is in arrear : _ THEREFORE the Manicipal Coun: eil of the Corperation of the Town of Darham enacts as follows :â€" 1. The Muanicipal Council of the Towa of Darham shall} expend the suim of $15,000 in the purchase of land Byâ€"Law No. 639 2. Euch of the said debentures| shall be signed by the Mayor of the|â€" . H! said Town of Durbham and by the Treasurer thereof and the Clerk UL 1 selanter the said Town of Darham shall attach | thereto the Corporate seal of the said ARE Municipality. | 3. The said debenture shall bear interest at the race of six per sent per | annum, payable yearly at the offiee | ef the Standard Bank at the Town of | Durham on the First day of June in | each and every year dauring the curâ€" rency thereof and shall haye attachâ€" ed to them eoupous for payment of: the said interest, which coupons shall be signed by the Mayor and Treasâ€" urer of the said Town oi Darkam. 4. During the currency of the said debentures there shali be raised anâ€" nually by special rate on all the rateâ€" able property in the Town of Darbam the sum of $1173.39 for the purpose of paying the amount due in each of the years for principal and interest in reâ€" xT o mm in Pn t mcessen Em Arrimicoeanipn t ACHGLHEY spect of the said debt (as shown in Schedule ‘* A *‘ hereto annexed : 5. This Byâ€"law sball take effect on and from the fioal passing thereof by the municipal council of the Town of Durham : 6. The votes of the electors of the said Town of Durham shall be taken | . on ths Byâ€"aw at the following times and piaces, that is to say :â€" | On Monday the Fitth day of Januâ€"| ary, A. D., 1914 commencing at the | hour of nime o‘cloek in the forenoon | and continuing till five o‘clock in the | afternoon of the same day, by the folâ€" lowing deputy returring officers : In North Ward at George Shire‘s store, by Clifton Elvidge, as deputy retarning officer ; In East Ward at| Bert Willis‘s shop, by W. H. Bean as| deputy returning offieer, and in W est | Ward at the Town Hall by Jno.| Smith as deputy returning officer. _ | 7. On Saturday the Third day of| January neXt the Mayor of the said | ‘Town of Durham skall attond _at the Clerk‘s Office at the said Town of Darham, at the hour of ten e‘clock in the forenson, to lpFolnt persons to atâ€" tend at the various polling places aforesaid, and at the fical summing 11 ;;':.tm:fi"“v;tâ€"e's by the Clerk on beâ€" half of the persons interested in, and promoting or opposing the passing of this Byâ€"law respectively : 8. The Clerk of the Comncil of the cl22222lc ce t ie + * «en o‘clock in the torencen of Tucs. day, the Sixth day of Jaseary, A.D., 1914, to sam up the number of votes for and against this Byâ€"law. Dated at the Council Chamber in the Towon o‘ Darkam this day of Jaruary, A. D., 1914. Referred to in the fmou:' By.Jaw, showing how the amourt m{n.co therein required to be raised annually by special rate is apportiened. YEAR PRINCIPAL INTBREST _ TOTAL 1915 $ 273 40 $ 900 00 §1173 40 1916 289 80 883 60 1173 40 1917 307 19 866 21 1173 40 1918 325 62 847 78 1173 40 1919 345 16 828 24 11}3 40 1920 365 87 807 53 1173 40 1921 387 82 785 58 1173 40 1922 411 09 762 31 1173 40 1923 435 76 737 64 1173 40 1924 461 91 711 49 1173 40 1925 489 62 683 78 1173 40 1926 519 00 654 40 1173 40 1927 550 14 623 26 1183 45 1928 583 14 590 26 1173 40 1929 618 13 555 27 1173 40 1930 655 22 518 18 1173 40 1931 694 53 478 87 1173 40 1932 736 21 437 19 1173 4( 1927 1928 1929 1930 1981 1932 1933 1934 1935 Notiee | TAKE NOTICE that the aboye is a true cepy otf a Byâ€"law, which has been taken into eopsideration and which will be finally passed by the Couneil of the Municipality of the Town of Durham in theeyent of the assent of the electors being obtained thercto, after one month from the first publication thereof in *‘ The \Darkam Review *‘ the date of which | first publication was Thursday, the \eleventh day of December, *.D. |1913, and that the yotes of the electâ€" \ors of the said Municipality will be \La ta%â€"an tharann on the day and at 1937 1938 1939 ;I Leather Goods, Hand Bags, Purses, ‘ Wallets, Portfolios ete, eto. | Central Drug Store. !\ An interesting and well illustrated | account of Hunting the Hair Seal in \ Newfoundlard Waters is given as the ‘sopeniug article in the December ‘issue of Rod Anud Gun which has , recently come to this office from the | publishers. W, J. Taylor, Limited [\ Woodstork, Ont. Other _ art icles / worthy of special mention are * A | Lonely Fur Factor, " dessriptiye of a | \day at WakeBam Bay on the Labraâ€" 1\ dor coast; Caught by a MHalibut in & | Alaska; Minke‘s Claim; A story of East Kootenay, B, C.; A Plea for the '; |\ Moose, An Article on the Abuse of " | Mense Hunting by the Swampy Cree \Indian: and a host other articles in : keeping with this representative a \ magazine of outdoor life. A specia . | article on The Trap Shooting Game in n | Caoada appears under the beading of ie The Trap and the other departments eâ€" | are as usual well maintaited, M Bibles, Prayer Books and Hymnals d: Central Drug Store. Attentionâ€"Hunters andTrappers Notice is hereby given that huntin or trapping is strietly forbidden on lo! 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 138. 14, Con. 3, S. D. R Glenelfi and on lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, con. S. D. R., Glenelg. H. SEALEY, W. R. WATSON G. and J. MecKECHNIE. Every little while you read in the j that so many persons have died frow samption, It is all very farâ€"off and matter of fa and possibly it searcely arrests your atte tion gone 2 Just suppose it were your tragedy Suppose it were your father, Xour mother, your brother, sister, husband, wife, your child, or Kerhnps your swectheart, and you with the hospital doors shut in your face, wringing your hands in utter helplessness while the crowds hurry by, engrossed in their own affairs,. _ f _ But no! You are in that erowd and don‘t hear either because you are busy But wouldn‘t you giveâ€"and gladlyâ€"if you knew that what meant so little to you voul(ll’ogo far to bring back the glow to somebody‘s wan face or the laughter to somebody‘s lips? _ _ _ _ _ Just sit down and think of the one you love best in the world. Then say * If she lay thereâ€"â€"" or "If he lay there â€"â€"" and see how it sounds, What would beâ€" :gme of all your plans and your busy days en ? For eleven years now the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives has cared for those whom others love best, and hundreds of them have gone home again well and hnp[ev. It keeps its doors open because a few busy people like you stop for a moment and remember. Are you going to remember this Christâ€" mas * Don‘t put it off. Use the attached form in sending your contribution. 15,000 00 14,335 00 29,335 00 ingly. 876 84 929 45 985 21 1044 33 1106 98 i ’5’~‘” wlillllmfl(d. ?ulnbens‘:we for a week. .00 w orfour weeks. mwill:&-.bodfornyur. i "-Sbwethmdhmkcflm""' one, Ishould also like to subscribe Wapon 10. OT Foron to, O YOU VERY BUSY > MAYOR, ,fii&z?b'r' Consumptives continue its ifeâ€"saving work, I gladly enclose tlwnmo}t................A NHNKE. . . : se es es4raÂ¥are% To help the Muskoka Free Hos 828 24 807 53 785 58 762 31 737 64 711 49 654 40 623 26 590 26 555 27 518 18 478 87 437 19 393 02 46 243 95 188 19 129 07 66 42 given that hunting 99 §1173 40 1173 40 1173 40 1173 40 11}3 40 1173 40 1173 40 1173 40 1173 40 1173 40 1173 40 1173 40 1183 45 1173 40 1173 40 1173 40 1173 40 1173 40 1173 40 1173 40 1173 40 1173 40 1173 40 1173 40 1173 40 , Purses, on lots i on you Only twto weeks away and in that time what a lot there is to do, We hbave seme very pretâ€" ty articles for yod to choose In the new "Parisian Ivory‘ we have the same, also in the new ‘ Xyolinite ware"‘ In "Ebony Geods‘‘ there are ‘"Manicure Bets," «‘Comb and Brush Sets," "Military sets,"‘ ‘‘Travelling Sets," etc. Then we have ‘Perfumes," "Brushes," ‘*Mirrors," *X mas Stationery,‘* +*Chocolates," etc. GUNS DRUG STORE SANTA CLAUS on his ammual trip with an extra big lead of Christmas prosents ol all kinds for the children and grown ups. Dolls, _ Games, Mechanical Toys Sleighs, Doll Carriages Toy Books and Toys and presents of all kinds. UNDERTAKEKR « â€" Funeral Director Come & see Santa wW. H. BEAN Full lipe of Gatbolle Rob and %k ufi Wi‘)il(e ‘83:’): for aged people. Embaiming a Speciality. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice Snow Roomxsâ€"Acrc ALL NEW GOODS AT VERY LOW PRICES House, RESIDENCE â€" Lawrencé‘s J. P. TELFORD, css §6eiry Pablic commit is at the ARTHUR H. JACKSON Insurance A; Issuer of Marrm eral Anancial D J. G. HKUTTON.M. D., C. Téicensed Auctioneer for Co, Gr merimg mocerate A m 1 ta antag Anâ€" mugt btrm.m oltc*: U Enaratte Hemetry OOA 0 _ .â€"-â€"mm 4 rmexpmmor : second heuse feuin of e#‘ Offigeâ€"Orer w.G. PICKERING D. D S CLansÂ¥aTE af *‘ UiFhonh GRADVUATE of Torg® G@RADV U m.. graduate of Royal Oolle niverstty ns of (]nfii'o Roon Perte Lb s d Un TER New Store Shop Early and Avoid Disappointments. itor in Suprem m:%u: Commisstoner Money to Loan, fhice on Lambron St., opposite Walpolg‘s Stables, Xmas OFFTICR HOURS #â€"11 a. m 2%â€"4 p m. Notary Public, Commissioner, DURKHAM, ONT. . McPHAIL_+ A, BELL F. GRANT CONVEY A NCER (Wetk® $ 000| ocerate R Am‘ o TR T o tst â€" K oo dCidlkog L . at BIG 4 Est house south cksmith Shop. F. Pelford‘s office, nearly s from{Middaugh n betwees al} hours store s and Surgeons of Torapo. yal Oolle ge rio Rooms », L D S 7â€"9 p. : Oflice and hTs ros Gre

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