West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 18 Dec 1913, p. 1

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RE +( )C 2 Accouch &2 Dolis and games at MacFariane‘s. Fresh Water Herringâ€"buy the keys. ; Mrs Beggse & Son. Gifts for every number of the family at prices to suit any purse at Town‘s Jewelry Store. The finest line of Jewelry, Manicure, and Silver Sets. Silverware and Depos Art ever shown in Durham at Town‘s Jewelry Store. New Perfumes, new Stationcry, new Beoks at MacFarlane‘s. Pipes, â€" Tobaccoes Smokers Supplies Dr. Brown, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, will be at Hahn Hotel, Durham Dec. 20. Hoors 12 to 5 p. m. Eyes ested and Glasses supplied. 0 Q. F.â€"Eiection of efficers for the comimg year will take place at the regular meeting on Thursday, 18th Dee. Smoking and light refreshments. A good attendance requested . * Central Drug Store Many helpful suggestions for Christ mas gifts at Town‘s Jewellry Store Open every evening. Toilet Cases, Manicure Sets in Ebony, Parisian Ivory and SAver. Prices away down. se 4 It‘s easy Holiday shopping at Mac Farlane‘s. coming year wi regular meeting Dee, Smoking a A good attendan The editorâ€"inâ€"chief moves around this week adorned with a pair of crutches, the necessity for which arose from a fall in the dark through an open cellar trap door, receiving a badly sprained knee in consequence, Mr 3. G. Beaton, of Gleneig Ccntr?!«;\ has purchased the 100 acre farm on the Zn{ concession north, belonging to Mr John Graham, of town. The deal took place last week and comidcrationy about $3000. A WeborGo.â€"At 5 Wednesday siternoon, M from _ near MecWillio>ms Pinkerton, sister of Mr. J ton of town were mart latter‘s home by Rev, W.C 8. 0. 8.â€"The 1 year will be held or A full attendane Election of officers ant business takes A $50 Quiut.â€"Tae Ladies‘ Guild of the Anglican Church have been busy during the past weeks in getting names for an autograph quilt, They have been successful in securing 44G names and at 10 cents per name, the reader himself can figure on the yalue of the covering. It was on exhibition at the bazsar last week. The Review would be pleased to get in touch with newsy persons residing at Abâ€" erdeen, Hampden, Vickers, Yeovil and Varney to act as correspondents. Write or call for information. Rev. J. Malcol twice in the Pr Sunday and bis «d by large cor o©ccasions The I4 Durham students who have been aitending the Mod«!l School in Hanover, returned bome last week, bhaving Haished their final exsms on Friday. The daily papers are now being eagerly watched for, as the results will soon be out,. Many of the students have already applied for schools. We are in receipt of a Winnipeg paâ€" per which contained an account of a double wedding when Misses Ethel and Villa Burgess, of Southampton, and relatives of Mr John Burgess and Mrs John Grabam of town, were the winsome brides. The ceremony took place on Nov. 18 â€" Miss Hthel married a Mr D. P. Glennis, a Toronto boy, but now a station agent at St. Laurant, Man., and her sister to a Mr Campbell a tram conductor living at Wilkie No word bas as yet been received from the Department otf Justice at Oitawa whether the petition circulated in this town, petitioning a reduction of the seven months sentence servyed to Arthur Brooks has been considered or not, It is stated by those who are in a position to know, that it is imâ€" probable that any action will be taken by the Minister at Ottawa to. wards a shorter term. In the main, his sentence is short and more than iwo months have already passed. Brooks will probably have to spend the winter season in the Central, Sask EixEo $100 Axp Costs.â€"A few weeks ago it will be remembered that License Inspectors Allan and Beckett had an all night waiting session in the sitting room of the Middaugh House, as they were unable to gain admizssion to the bar. During that interim, the inspectors also instituted a search in the cellar where some kegs containing local opcion beer were kept. These were tapped and samples of the conâ€" tents were sent ta Toronto for analyâ€" sis and were found to be overâ€"proof to a small extent, For being unable to gain admission to the bar on that viat, a fine of $100 was paid and on Fnday last Mr Nichol, the proprietor, appeared before Magistrate Telford and was assessed another $100 plas the costs of eourt for baving beer that was too strong. Mr Nichol claimed that when the beer arrived it was all right bnt it had fermented with time. The kegs containing the overâ€"proof were seized and emptied out. VOL. XXXVIl, NO. 51 at Central Drug Store OPICS n erp ns were enjey Galt preached rian church on Cigars _ and WANTEBD s rould _ be v « h. P ach with 3 l ing at Abâ€" Vickers, \ l to act as \ a rite or call iz both Huyler‘s and Nylo Chocolates are the best made. Try a box at MacFarlane‘s. Don‘t scold the cook. Buy Fiye Roses Flout at Mrs A. Beggs & Son. Mr J. Levine offers special bargains to quick buyers in Kubbers and Clothâ€" ing. See his ad. on page 3. Fancy China, Handsome pieces, Come in and see it. Nothing like music in the home. We have Violins, Accordeons, Auteharps, &c. at elearingâ€"out prices. Willards Forkdipt chocolates and Bon Bons in Fancy boxes or bulk Central Drug Store. Mr Black says higbhest casn prices will be paid to birds killed and dressed properly, kept clean and attractive, Thursday, 18th December. Friends of Mrs George May, Bis marck Street, Toronta will sympathâ€" ize with her in the death of her little twoâ€"yearâ€"old daughter on Friday:last and dueto meningitis, Mrs May is a daughter of Mr Adam Robson, of Glen«lg. What about a Kodak for Christmas ? We have them from $1 up. The Annual Baptist Sunday Scho> Entertainment will be beld in the church on Monday evening, Dec 20th, when limelight views will be shown and a mixed program of songs, recitations and music be rendered. Keep it in mind. Durham Aonnal School Consert will be held in the Town Hall on Friday evening the 19ih inst. at 8 o‘clock sharp. The program will consist of Music, a Drill, aud a " School Play,‘ Presentation of Ccrtificates, Diplomas and â€" Medals _ and short addresses by leading citizens. _ Proceeds to be applied to Piano debt. _ Admission Adalts 25 ¢ Children loc. Ksazxs Hiussur To Buam®.â€"The inquest which met at Harriston last Friday to inquire into the death of Norman T. Kearns, the young teleâ€" phone lineman who was killed the preyious Monday, rendered a yerdict holding Kearns to blame for his own death, declaring that he had neglected proper caution while at work or the accident would have been avoide¢, While driving to his home near Traverston on Satecrday week near A« McClocklin‘s on the 2nd of Glenelg Mr, Graham Timmons‘ team became, frightened and tore north to Jos Atkinson‘s where they broke loose from the waggon and one horse eolâ€" lided with a telephone post, It bha. since died from the impact, but no further damage is reported. Cut (@lass and Brushed Brass at prices that seil, Official acknowledgement from the Attorney General‘s office in Torontso, has been reccived by the parties in town who circulated the petitions in favor of retaining the services of Mr J, P. Telâ€" ford as police magistrate here and the letters from the department state that due consideration will be givem the reâ€" quest of the petitioners. The petitions, which were recently circulated and thensent to Toronta, is the outcome of a movement started by business men and conservatives in town in opposition to the action of the advoâ€" cates of temperance, some of whom wished to have Mr. Telford removed from office while others wished a full in* vestigation before such a step was taken. _ Alleged lenlenty in court cases originated the temparance grievance. The conservative petitier was pre sented to 5o men of representative standing in the party ranks and 48 signâ€" ed it. Of 45 business men who were asked to sign the second paper, 43 did so. Mr Telford must feel a measure of gratification at the almost unanimous support of many representative citizens. He himself wished a full investigation before a decisive step was taken in the matter. _ This is now assured. _ The view taken by the recent petitioners was that Mr Telford was the most caâ€" pable official in sight and in any case choosing a suitable successor would be a difficult task. SrANDARD _ TORONTO .. > Acerommrcmrtrmmrmnienieennine mine DURHA M BRAN CH, John Kelly, e® ...3 > _ 41 BANK To Retain Mr. Telford OoF EANADA =â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"# # 4 â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€" MacFarlane‘s Drug Store Central Drug Store, Central Drug Store MacFarlane & Co. THE REVIEW wishes all its Friends and Readers a Very Merry Christmas "The Kingdom Vision" A Rousing. Convention leads to the formation of a strong Sunday School Union in South Grey. " O ye of little faith" might well describe the attitude of the committea who made preparations for the really great convention of Friday last. ln trying to estimate the probable attendâ€" ance it was thought 75 or 80 would be the limlt but over 100 delegates were in attendance and the Register showed 156 names. It was a line day, in weatber, wisâ€" dom aud work. The workers came in a receptive mood, but were also willâ€" ing to give ideas for ths general good ; the music was excellent, the speaking was brillhant and Provincial Secy. Halpenny is a host in bimself, Th» Convention was a résult of acâ€" tion taken at the recent meeting of the Provincial 8. 8. Association in Owen Sound. Those present at that meeting from South Grey appointed Mr John Grabain, Provisional President and Rev. Mr Praudbham, Secretary, and both were indefatigable in the preparâ€" atory work of the Convention. The great work accomplished was the formation for the first time of an Associgtion of 8, 8. workers coyering the municipalities of Bentinck, Egreâ€" mont, Glenelg, Normanby, Durbham, Hanover and Neustadt,. A constituâ€" tion for this body was adopted, officâ€" ers appointed and it is now a * going concern " afliliated with the Provincial body and through 1b with the World Society of Sunday School wor kers, Moreover, three local organizations were formed, each with set of officers, Hanover and Bentinck forming one group, Glenelg and Durham another and Normanby and Neustsdt a third. Egremont for fourteen ycars has had a live township association and is thus already in ling. THEbusinees_ man.who has customers in yanous parts of Canada or elsewhere will find the services of this bank of invaluable assistance in collectâ€" ing drafts, etc. % The idea underlying this ccâ€"operaâ€" tion and union is to get a broader visâ€" ion of the work of the Sabbath school. For long it has been moving in a narâ€" row grove, localized entirely, with no outlook on the Sabbath School possiâ€" bilities of the country and the world and thus the aim of this activity is to give to the lowliest worker the sentiâ€" mwent in our headiog "The Kingdom Vision," Rev. W, H. Hartley presided at the morning session and opened with de" votionai exercises, Five minnte ad dresses were given on Scholars‘ Atâ€" tendance, Giving, Hcme Study, Atâ€" tention, and on Feachers‘ personal works. Mss John Marshall, Normanâ€" by, read a paper on Scholars‘ giving, which evoked much discusgion, while that of R.T. Edwards on Attention was a lucid and valuable contribution and well fitted to give enconragement to desponding teachers, MrR. M. Tribe, Holstein, spoke on " Home Department" and made clear the immense importance of the Sunâ€" day school impressing itself on the home by visitation, literature, &c,, especially in home§ prevemted by sickâ€" ness or otherwise from benefitting by the regular exercises, THE AFTERNOON Pres, Jraham took the chair himself and after congratulatory remarks on the large attendance asked Rev. Mr Yaeger to opeu with prayer,. Inspectâ€" or Campbell was down to give the adâ€" dress of welcome but could not be present, so this duty was laid npon Mr C, Ramage, â€" Rev. Hyde, of Elmwood, gave a report on Provineial Sunday School effort, more especially the re_ cent 0. Sound Convention and dwellâ€" ing on the motto * Get the Kingdom Vision." Rev. E. W. Halpenny, Peovinciel secretary, followed with the subject "© Adult Bible Class" and threw into this as into all his talks a wealth of in. struction, pleasantly given and pressâ€" ed home insistently, A I09th century idea was that the 8. 8. was only for children women and weakâ€"minded men " The glory of the 19ih century was the disgrace of the 20th," Then it was oniy intermittent evangelism and efâ€" fort, while the great need was for conâ€" tinuous effort to keep the young stuâ€" dents even after sunday School days were done. DURHAM, THURSDAY, DECEMBER. 18, 1913 Continued on page With which is incorporated the Holstein Leader While at work in the Furniture Co.‘s yards Wednesday morning about 7.30 o‘clock, Mr Edward Boyee, who drives a oneâ€"horse delivery wagon for the company, was thrown from the rig and sustained a fracture in the skull bone and several cuts about the head, He is at present in Dr, Jaimieson‘s private hospital in upper town, where his con> dition is serious, but with chances ef recovery strongly in his favor Mr Boyce, a man about 75 years Ol€‘" gays, himself thinkul t’hn.t his horse (lfppcd‘ Mro Brock Grant, of the Montreal when he was driving close alongside 4) Bank, Pidton, came home on Satur lumber pile. The action jarred fhc day for two weeks‘ holidays. wagon and he was thrown out, crushing | his head severely between the wagon | Mr J.C, Telford, of Owen Sound and the lumber. Uion the arrival of | Yisited4 friends in town over the week Dr. D. B. Jamieson, who was sent for, | end, he was taken to Mr D. McAuliffe‘s and f Misses Edith Watson, of Shelbarne was able to walk into the house unaid~ | and Jean Richardsou, of Laurel, stuâ€" ed. Here about an inch of the skull dent at Hanover Model, were guests bone which was protruding was removâ€" i of Miss Vivian Crawford before reâ€" ed â€"and at present be is in a rational| turniag home, mood despite the usnal seriousness ufl Mr and Mrs W, F. Duun and son such an accident. If complications doiGeOlgP, of Moosejaw, are guests of not set in, it is expected that within a \their respective parents in Toronto few days‘ time he will be able to go out| and Durham for a few weeks. to his son Harvey‘s in\ Bentinck to “"i Alr and Mrs Finlay Grabam are visâ€" cuperate. Mr Boyee boarded at the litin@ at the home of Mrand Mrs Calâ€" home of street. Obituary. Mas W. Baxks Mrs Wellington Banks, a formor resideut of Durham and who also liyâ€" ed for a time at Tobermory, north cof town, passed away at her bowm» in North Bay on Thursday lasi D. â€" ceased who was about 60 years of «ge had been aiiing wich heart trouble for some time. She is survived by her busband, a grownâ€"up son and daug‘â€" ter, ‘Her maiden name was Miss Martha Porter, a sister of Mré Larga and Mr Frank Porter in Toronto. We have been favored with a readâ€" ing of the report of Inspector W etherâ€" ell of his recent yisit to Durham High School and it furnishes arguments enough to satisfy angyone that Durâ€" hum‘s urgent necesslt{ at present is a new High School b. il#ing for which the Byâ€"law now be L fSeratepayers is intended to proy:de He says "Where the High and Public Schools have the joint use of any accommod;: â€" tions, the grading has to be one degree lower than if the schools were wholly sepavrate. There is no use in making adverse comments on the very defecâ€" tive accommodations of this High Svhoo} in view of the yote to be taken soon. " 1t is the aim and ambition of every Principal and every School Board and should be of every town to have their School an ** Approved School." It gives it a standing and prestige that brings its rewerds in many ways finâ€" ancial and educational, On that point Dr. Wetherell says " With the precâ€" ent very defective accommodaticn«, the question of an * Approyed School" grant cannot be considered." And thus Durham loses year by year. We earnestly hope for the honor of our town, that the character of the reports of Inspectors for years past will soon take on a different tone and we will have the satisfaction of seeing our town equipped educationâ€" ally in line with imodern propress. Standing still is not possible: it is either forward or back, Young men and young women, are you aware that there is a better position in the world ftor you ? There is. _ Be determined to get it. Once you bave come to this decision you must think of preparation . _ If you deâ€" sire to enter business life you must have a business training. THOROUGHâ€" NESS is the watchword of the MeuntFarcst Rusiness Gotle 0/6/2/ Ci€> /&2 )US1470€35 (CGLC 6%8 Do we gnuarantee positions to graduates ? No. We do not guarantee positions to anyone. If you are a worthy student we will assist you to & position whether you graduate or nct. Will you be with us on Jan. 5 ? E pCela ColuCelacdleCele ole tevs s ie ols "ol cele celecelnanpuelacnlean EWEE?ME%"% Edward Boyce Injured. WINTER TERM FROM JAN. 5 Mr John McFadden, Bruce «â€"â€"# @4 â€"_â€"â€"â€"_â€"_ The Byâ€"Law. ARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Mr Thog. Bavks and Mrs E, Lamin left on Friday morning, for North Bay where they atteuded the funeral of thetfr sisterâ€"inlaw, Mrs Wellingâ€" ton Banks, on the following day. Mrs Limin is remaining to visit friends for two weeks. Miss Mary Brown, of Hanover, was a guest at Mrs T, McGirr‘s fora few days, ‘â€" Messrs Charles Dowling and Harry | Krese are to be congratulated on sucâ€" cessfully passing their first year Pharâ€" macy exams in Toronto, Mr Kress be" ‘ing oue of a few who took honors. Mr Dowling is an old Durham boy aid has many friends in town and in Norâ€" manby township. Me now liyes in Alberta, but it is possitle he will visit this part before long. Alr and Mrs Finlay Grabham are visâ€" iting at the home of Mr and Mrs Cal« der. f Miss Bessie Weir, ceacher in Egre mont township. visited friends in town on sunday,. Mrs Sam McComb is spending a few weeks in Brantford with her daughter Mrs L. Miller. Mr Havris Rife, of Walkerton, visit ed his brother in town for a few days Mr Aiex McComb has secured a position clerking in Halliday‘s store in Chesley. ie Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Brown leave on Tuesday next for Hamiiton where they will spend a couple of months with their daughter Mrs, Harding. ___ Mr. Geo, Banks, has returned home from Siratford where be hbas been working in one of the high grace Furâ€" niture factories, Mr. Jas Moore, Norâ€" manby, is also coming home for the holiday. Mr. Wm, Coleridge, Owen Sound, made a business trip to Darham Monâ€" day and Tuesday. A Mrs Pettigrew, of near Lumsden and her cousin, Mrs Patterson, of near Fordwich, were guests of Mrs Ramage Tuesday, They have been visiting among their numerous friends and relatives the past month and we are pleased to see Mrs Pettigrew still retains her old time cheeriness. She expects her son Robt,, of Biggar, Sask., to visis her for a short time about the New Yeat, $ Miss Agnes Petty has been engaged it Dromore school for I914. WILSON, Principal THE ROYAL BANK OF GANA3) LONDON, ENG., OFFICE NEW YORK AGENC Bank Bldgsâ€"Princes St. Cor. William as DURARHKHAM BRANCH : S. HUGHES, Manager, Though the extraurdinary mild weather gives little ang. gestions of Christmas, the sea son is again with us and all good feelings and promptings are onâ€" couraged by the memory of the day and what it stands for, The TO THE TRADPE â€" We are again prepared to lay hbefore you a complete lissp of highest quality goods for ° your Xmes shopping. â€"AJl the lines we offer are the very best grade we could buy and are bound to please you. Here are afew specials : «â€" We have just epened our stook of Oraflges Navels this week and find them fo be heavy, highly colored, juicy and eweet fruit. New grape fruit New Figs, _ New Dates New Lemons Table Raisins Oranberries Aimeria Grapes Holly (well berried) Fancy hot house lettuce, celery and cabbage. Special: 3 1bs fancy mix ed candies 25¢ MRS. A. BEGGS & SON New Mantles Just Arrived Comfort, Christmas S. F. MO Beggs‘ Goods and Beggs‘ Price will please you. You will also find our steck complete in 325 Branches Throughout Canada. Capital Authorized Capital Paid Up Reserve Funds There is great comfort in a long coat with a fur collar. ~There is so large a portion of the winter which is severe and blustry that the possession of along coat with a fur collar is prac« tically a necessity in every women‘s complete wardrobs. We have them and they are madoe especially for ourâ€" selves. They have superior cloth, also superior quality quilted lining and are & little longer than the ordinary fur collar coat. Any one intending purchasing a good warm coat should see this line before selecting elsewhere. _ We have also passed into stock within this last week 36 Ladies new Coats ranging in price from .............. 86 to $15 Our showing of Men‘s and Boys‘ Overcoats and Men‘s and Boys‘ Suits is an interesting feature of this store." Savings Department at all Branches. Price 25, 40, 50 and 60¢ per dozen INCORPORATED i8se Elegance, Pubfishe@ Weekly at $1.00 a vean €. RAMAGE & sON,Pomur®exss have taken advyantage oi our wonderful subscription offer ot The Review to Dec. 31, 1914 for $1 060 _ This ofâ€" fer atill holds good. A Great many $Â¥ <w. . w $ 25,000,000 C.). NK :; Suh 11,560,000 «â€" . _«‘ 8000000 day will haye dawned before our next issue reaches readers so this week with all warmth and kindly febling, We wish our thousands of readers a bountiful share of the Christâ€" mas spirit and all that is emâ€" ployed in the cheery greeting Almonds, Walnuts, Filberts, Brazils and peaâ€" nute Candies any mind of candy will be tound here in boxes orloose. Wresh bon bors, chocolates, crenms, mut bars and sevâ€" eral other kinds. 13 months for 12 A Mrerey Meary Cumstaas NEW YORK AGENCY Cor. William and Cedar Sts NEW NUTS 20e per 1b Economy PHONE 50 It

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