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Durham Review (1897), 18 Dec 1913, p. 4

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N4 o ~;‘fi 4 *% < y x * se oo ol l t To e ce o ofp e e e oo ce e es tp t on tp tp cp p vie ie ie d ty e dn ty se o Arnfrofots sforhonts io Or ie fo & 4+ sc w Candy, all kinds | _ you bought itâ€"on . a";:;r: M y Cigars |__ chase of Central Drug store 10 y Pipes, Tobacco ; ;:5q; wyz; | guaranteed hot water bot. I{l My Smokers‘ Supplies i Heâ€" M\ y &o, &c. Merry Christmas to al1 _ 1f \b 1M We m\ « The Central Drug Store i g Buy your G T. R. tickets here. ::: 334233232E20 33233333333333 2 â€"For m‘ John McQowan Ring us up when you require Flour ; goods on hand. _ Also the celebrated Bla Stock Food. Prime and Co‘s Molassine stock, etc. All kinds of grain bought at r Reduction on Flour and Feed in ton lots. Bran, Shorts, Middlings, Crimped Oats, Mix<d chop, Col}x mon Chop, Oat Chop. At the mill or delivered anywhere in single 100 lbs ton lots or Car loads. CECGeFREEsecgercecrececsese What to Give and U Hair Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Hat Brushes, Nail Brushes, â€" Ebony and Rosewood Fancy Stationery Safety Razors, 25cto $5.00 Candy, all kinds Merry Christmas isian Ivory. See them Manicure Sets Perfumes & Toilet Articles Toilet Sets in Ebony and Parâ€" What about Footwear for Christmas ? Nice Shoes or Bedroom Theskating season is about to open and prohably sister or brother needs a new pair of hockey shoes. Give them a pleasant surprise by preuntfi;g th;xhâ€"v;;i'l;ln'};;i;ué)l o;r. Thats something they WILL appreciate. We have added some of the most upâ€"toâ€"date and durable shoes to our stock that have ever been shown in Durbam and would take great pleasure in showing them ro you. Call and see for yourself. Don‘s throw that old pair of shoes away. Bring them in and let us repairs them. We know how. â€"â€" Settle the Question Now â€" For Quality, Class and Low Prices our line is the finest in old Grey. and we have them in any style or color you desire 1 extend to them a cordial invitation to visit my store and purchase their goods. Tnere is not any gift more appreciated than a pair of Wishing All my Customers THE PEOPLE‘S MILLS Very Hands ome L GRANT 1 . L. SAUNDERS celebrated Blatchford‘s Calf Meal and Yours for Business oliday Baking Where to Get it Lightring Hitch Hockey Shoe the best millin;g process and we know if you use it this time you will insist on havâ€" ing it all the time. Cut Glass & Brushed Brass Leather Goods, Hand Bags, Purses tyaliets, etc Fancy China, and last but not least, the greatest offerever made in the country Until our stock of Hot Water Bags are sold we will allow Get a sack of the White Lily Flour and you will deâ€" cide that all you bake is a suceess, _ We retommend it because it is vholesome and fine and is free from the coarser particles of the wheat. 0c on your own bottle, any shape, any color, â€" don‘t make any difference where you bought itâ€"on a purâ€" chase of Central Drug store tgluaranteed bot water botâ€" e. ine Meal forall kinds of at market price. _ Special ts . Telepkone No 8 It Goes Through and Feed, we have the IQ :?\ $ K 1§\ i8\ F8 i\ K [ McKechnieâ€"Lenahanâ€"Report of Fiâ€" nance Committee be accepted, weakness averied at o‘r}cfc. ‘:hs make you a new man. . Price $8 a $5. b)aned to any address. The Co,, St, Catharines, Ont, ANY MTEEKG:»+:+rranrrricers esc crsecrce: . & P0 Dr. Hutton, as M. H. Officer, 1 yr 75 00 B. Tel. Co., message to Mt. Forest 45 G.8. Burnett, Seey. Fire Rrigade 17 00 H. Haws, work on bridge Sept 15 2 00 Wm. Moore, 2 1â€"8 cords wood...... 6 37 Durham water works, 4 yr supply 16 50 Lt ii"iii «im and vitality, Prem: weakness averted at o EOWRRSH.:s.:¢?.. 5 sirrectrirateecaines,. "$& BO D. Allan, 54 hrs work on town hall 13 50 ** material for town hall... 5 24 N. Mcintyre, } sal. to Dec. #1st...197 75 *f lamps, town & fire hall 13 00 Jos. Billings, material town hall _ Electric Restorer for Phosphonol restores every nerve in H. MeDonald, repairing foundaâ€" fi0n, KOWIE RWIL: :.1:2..1202:reec0...0ts Jos. Billings & Son, 40 hrs. work OM â€"BETECLG: :22 : s l Srarerernertsrarine . Ferg. Watson, 19 hrs. work on ISt . ENG&IREEE;:::::+:â€"«â€"+2+2«czre.savir2s ’R, McLean, 3 mos. sal, 2nd Eng‘r H. Haws, 3 mos. as stoker.......... 'T. R. Whelan, 6 mos. sal. conâ€" _ stable and health officer............ R. Torry, 3 mos. sal. as chief and BHDDPHNCS, . :s++â€"rrstanieer iirnriarexin ritice Wm. Ryan, 54 loads filling for town Rall....:++:srrisdifrsesriirincevschs J. Smith, 15 suits, oiled for fireâ€" Geo. Brown: 2} cords wood town reith: ... .. .25 c EU TNE t ce 1 ut Following are the accounts : T. Daniel, salary as truant officer G. Ryan, Jr., sal. as poundâ€"keeper Robt. Allan 1â€"4 sal. as caretaker... G. A. Thompson, 3 mos. sal. as Byâ€"Law No. 640 (High School) reâ€" ceived its various readings. _‘ Lloydâ€" McKechnie â€"This Council tender a hearty vote of thanks to the Mayor for his able maaner in presiding over thefdeliberations of the council for 1913. Calderâ€"Lloydâ€"C. J. Furber & Co, be refunded sum of $38 on their taxes for year 1913 as per agreement entered in by this Council with the said firm being an agreement that the said firm would only pay school rate on their as sessment. Calderâ€"Lloydâ€"That financial stateâ€" ment be signed by the Mayor and Treasâ€" urer and 100 copies of the sthtement be printed for distribution. At the last meeting of the town coun. cil for the present year, on Monday night, the following important resoluâ€" }tion was presented and passed : ‘ Calderâ€"Lloydâ€"Clerk be instructâ€" ed to write Hydroâ€"Electric Comâ€" mission on 1560 horse power deliver ed at Durham and the time of deâ€" livery if adopted by the ratepayers of the town. Other motions carried were : Calderâ€"Furneaux â€" That Fire Briâ€" gade be paid the sum of $32.50 for their services on 17th Seot. ‘ Mr W J Riesberry of Hanover gave a splendid address in narrative style. It was original and spicy and found its own way to fame with the anâ€" dience. Electricity and electric radials was the instructive_ topic of an address by Mr Andrew Derby of Hanovyer. He told of the advantages that such a boen would be to this neighborhood. DURHAM TO ASK FOR HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER He told them of Harry Bowmanr, the Mt Forest lad who fted the chamâ€" pion steer at the Chicago Show, statâ€" ing that more bhoncr went to the teeâ€" der than to the man who owned the beastâ€" Mr H. H. Miller told of the p esent prosperity on the farm and cited changes that have taken place in their conditions during recent years. ied Boion. whttotot! 1 of W. W. Ramage received a warm reception following each of their numâ€" bers and Hampden choir was also much in evidence and receiyed splenâ€" did ovation for their work, Miss Janet Kerr‘s solo was a number that displayed the talent of that young lady to be of unusarl order and a recitatiye number oy Mr Robt Webâ€" ber was elso well received. Inspector N W Campbell spoke on the advancement of the present era in the way ot inventions and comâ€" pared this distriect toâ€"day as it apâ€" peared 35 years ago when he first taught Hampden boys and girls how to read and write. Hampden people always secure a splendid array of speakers and enâ€" teriainers to cater to their audiences and on Monday with the Rev. Mr. McLean first in the chair and later, Mr H H Miller, a program of excepâ€" tional merit was listened to. _ The Dromor"e choir under the leadership (On Sunday Rev. Mr Mason of Carâ€" gill and Pirkerton was the preacher and his discourses were greatly adâ€" mired . The text for his morning sermon was ftrom the last clause of ist Cor 11 ; 33, which bears reference to the sacramental rite of breaking the bread on the night previous to the cracifixion of Christ. His sermon at night was from Hosea 6 ; 7. Marked by excellent Sunday serâ€" vices, followed by an unusually brilâ€" liant evening of speech, recitation aud song or Monday night, Hampden Presbyterians recorded anotber sucâ€" cess in their series of successial anniâ€" versary gatherings. â€" The Sabbath meetings were well attended while on Monday night when the tea meetâ€" ing and entertaintent was held, the edifice was corapletely filled. Che Burkam Review Hampden Anniversary DURHAM, DEC. 18, I913 $578 67 *A 49 85 18 90 72 50 5 00 5 00 20 00 6 75 12 50 8 75 4 00 9 93 SHILOFH Congratulations to Mr, C. Anear of Regima and Miss M. Fee of Normanâ€" by who this ‘Vednesday are to be married at the home of the bride‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Fee, Mr. and Mrs, Anear intend to reside in Regina. Rev. Mr. Kendell and Mr. William Allan attended the service in Hampâ€" den last Sunday evening. Rev. Mr. Marsh of Holstein will take charge of the service in Knox C burch next Bunday. Mr. C,. A. Anear of Regina, Sask., is spending a couple of months with friends in those parts. Mr. â€"W. Thou]peou of Blyth‘s Corners assisted Mr. E. Fee to butcher last week. in Hampden last Sunday and Monâ€" day. Bornâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Marshall on Dec. 7th, a daughter. Mr, and Mrs. R. R. Watson enterâ€" tained some of their neighbors and friends one evening last weak. Quite a number from around those corners took in Anniversary services in Hampden last Bunday and Monâ€" uc u Mr and Mrs J. Listor and MrWhd Mrs Thos. Shewell spent Sunday at Mr and Mrs F. Shewell, Mirs Christena McGillivray, â€"our popular teacher, intends leavinog for ber home near Paisley on Satarday. We are sorry that she does not inâ€" tend returning after the holidays. . Mr _ Doss Cam;;f;al'l has returned from visiting his sister, Mrs \Wm. Mills, of Valetta. we. Miss Campbell is visiting with her cousin, Miss Margaret Alexander. Miss Nellie Shewell visited for a few days recently with her sister, Mrs John Kennedy, of Louise. Mr Douglas Campbell has recently returned from British Colambia to spend the winter at his home here. Miss Eleanor Kennedy, of Hamilâ€" ton, spent a few dayslast week with bher cousin, Mrs Thos. Flanpigan . P etuilege dank Eie ie PrPrniiaite t ul ces & h i dl h sc Leucke and Edge, and Miss Nellie Shewell and were very highly apâ€" preciated. . Comic recitations were given by Miss Blaache Reid and Mr Augus Melotosh in a very pleasing manuer. Solos were recdered by Miss Mary Alexander and Messrs Robt Ledingham and Ernect Leucke, a duet by Misses Reid and Mortley and a quartette " Jusnita " by four members of the Doruoch ehoir, The school childrenr sang several times during the evening. The proceeds am uoted to $36.00. The Box Social held in $. $. No. 13 on Friday eveuing was a decided euccess. The rignt was an ideal one and a large ccowd was present, Mr J. H. Parke, ot Dornoch, being a very pleasing chaairman and a)so auctioneered the boxes. The first feature of the eyening was an ad dress by Mr Rob:. Hay, who spoke chicfly on the growth of the section, Vivlin and organ selections were ren. dered by Mr and Mrs G. Hay, Misses A number from here attended the Sunday School Convention in Darham list Friday. Mrs H. MeDonald, of Darbam, reâ€" turned to her bome, after spending a week at her brother‘s, Mr Alex Hob kirk, who is iimproving some after his sickness, Mr Jas. Hobkirk had a successfal wood bee last week. Mr D. H. MeDoenald and little Evan of Toronto a d Miss Rife, of Walkerâ€" ton, visited recently at the former‘s uncle‘s, Mr Alex Hobkirk‘s. Miss Rachel MeKinnon visited last week at Mr Lamont‘s in Brant. The Methodist churech will have their annaal Xmas tree on the evenâ€" ing of Dec. 19. Musicâ€"Miss Meredith, Miss McCoy and Miss Kelly, l Tea roomâ€"Mrs T. Davis. Mrs Kuis<.\ ley, Mrs R, Burnett and Miss E. Wilâ€" lis. Orange treeâ€"MUrs E. Kress, Mrs T Cook,. Dolls and smail waresâ€"Miss R. Kuisley and a bevy of little girls. Homemade â€" cookingâ€"Mrs McFurâ€"“ lane, Mrs J. McAuley, Candyâ€"Miss Burne, Miss M Fore man. I NORTHâ€"EAST NORMANBY Fancy workâ€"Miss B. Chadwick, Miss 8. Vollett, Mrs W. J, Firtb. Oue interesting fâ€"ature of the bazaar was at the ecnoking booth, where Mis Allan McFarlame, one of the ladies in charge, gave a demonstration of cake~ making, But the unusual part of the exhihition was the recipe ske followâ€" ed in making the edible dainty. Neither eggs nor butter formed part of the ingredients, yet those who test. ed declared it to be perfectly palatable and beautiful, The Orange laden Xmas tree provided barrols of fun for ;be yourngsters, C Following are the booths and those who bad charge of the samo ; Linenâ€"Mrs Hartiey, Mrs R. Torry, Mis McAnuity . When it is said that the sum on $230 was made at the 2â€"day Bazaar, which the Ladies‘ Guild of the Angâ€" ligan Church keld last Wednasday aad Thursday in Oalder‘s ball, it is sufticient evidence to show that an unâ€" qualified success was record_e_gg-flht counters of homeâ€"made baking, liner, fancy work, candy and other speciâ€" mens which were the work of skilful bands, were eimptied at the close of the e\’enl.mmf*::mflé‘ thing was left. k 3 English Ch. Bazaar makes $230. ONTARIO ARCHIVEs TORONTO WELBECK CRAWFORD ++ ++ REVIEW QOune of the best investments in Dur | bamâ€"three houses for the price of one ' Two are solid stone and brick eight“ reomed houses, Two rooms solid oak | fleors and trimmings. _ Two mante} _| furnace, cistern, good garden, youn* . orchard. â€"One frame seven roomed house. Must be sold as owner is going West. ~Aupoly on nromiseoâ€"nnumlika Several houses in Durbham. One nice cottage in Lower Town . Those contemplating a trip of any nature will receive full information from any C. P, R. Agent; or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent Toronto. The Dining, Parlor and Sleeping Car seryice between Toronto, Detroit and Chicago _ is upâ€"toâ€"date _ in _ eyvery pat trcular, Connecting _ lines also operate through Sleeping and Dining Cars. Direct connection is also made at Chicago for points in California, Texas Arizona, etc, The Canadian Pacificâ€"Wabash route will be found the ideal line to Chicago, where direct connection is made for the Southern States, New Qrleans is reached second morning after leaying Toronto, The Canadian Pacific Railway offers particularly good service to Detroit, where directrconnection is made for Florida, via Cincinnati, Ohio and Atlanta, Ga. Jacksonville, Florida, is reached seconcg morning after leavâ€" ing Detroit. Excellent connections for Florida can also be made via Butfalo. Numerous people in comfortable eircumstances, well able to afford a winter tour, have the mistaken idea that a trip of this nature is most exâ€" pensive. Thisis not so. Thanks to modern railway facilities, an extensive trip both interesting and educational can be imade with speed and comfort at a comparatively simall cost. Why not invesgitate, At this season of the year a great many are planning their winters tours. Considerable numbers annualy visit the ever popular Califorma Resorts. while many prefer the flowers and and sunshine of Florida, togetber with the very even climate. Winter Tours to the Land ofi Sunshine and Snwmer Day. Organ . .‘Christmas Postlude‘. .. Caliin Anthem .. ..‘*Sun of my Soul‘ ... Turner Solo‘. Night of Nights‘.. Van de Water Anthem.‘Oh Little Town of Bethlehem‘ ... ... Shuey Organ‘Nearer my God to Thee‘Original Evening Carol‘Lo ‘tis Night‘.Becthoven Solo........‘Nazareth‘...... ..Gounod Humming Chorus......‘Abide with me‘ ... ... Brown Anthem . ... ‘Star of the Orient‘. Geibel God Bave the King. Anthem.‘The Shepherds Dream‘. Geibel Christmas Carol......‘Peaceful Night‘ (Solo with choir accompaniment) T e on ... . Humprey Arger rgan.‘Triumphal March fromNaaman o se t# e Costa nthem . ... ‘The First Christmas Morn‘ Ks1 ... .. . Newton olo. . .‘Pilgrims of the Night‘ . .Parker Anthem.....‘Shepherds of Bethichem‘ Organ ......*Even Song‘.... .Johnston Carol.... . ‘The Story of Old* . ... Parks Solo.... ..‘0O Little Babe of Bethichem‘ s ... .. . Stults Meth. Choir Concert, Durham Thurs. evening, Dec. 18 Highest Prices paid for Butter and Eggs, Dried Anoples an+4 Live Pou!â€" try. Live Poultry bought all days except Saturd ay. Ladi:s Goat Skin bals.... Ladies Box Calf bluc...... Ladies Felt Shoes...... ... Men‘s Dongola bluc...... . Men‘s heavy bluc......... Men‘s Satin calf...... ... . Departmental Store $1.50 regular for 1.2 1.65 regular for.. t 3:« 1.75 regular for.. 1.4 35 2.00 regular for.. 1.65 2.25 regular for.. 1.835 We have a select stock of Club fresh from â€" the manufacturers‘ h prices from now till Christmas With its pleasant family reâ€"unions with us and we have many suggestion: chases suitable for the occasion. ‘sss McKechnie‘s Weekly News s Apply on pl‘oxnniq;s‘-‘dr‘\'i'r'-i‘l'é.‘n J, M. LATIMER, Durham $6.00 Sets at ..... 7.00 < Mets at ...., g o0 Sets at ..... Suit Cases Boots & Shoes A . H.JACKSOX, Durham Por Sale For Sale 4+ Imitation . Durham _ Dec.rlfl'm | ggflflflfiflflflflgg manufacturers‘ hands 1 till Christmas. 125 $2.75 regular for 2 25 35 3.00 regular for.. 2.55 145 3 <o regular for.. 3.135 1.65 3â€"75 regular for .. 3.25 yO . Christmas £ BOOKS Fur 5,5 Sm KA o acledela ale® alesalan a venaveleSule@alue elec alar oln® ole uie ofas ols sales o eBaid o7 e on de colecel on day J. McKECHNIE 6.50 Athe Down Town Shoe Store EGGS TAKEN AS CASH Leggiags and Overstockings, mitts and gloves in abundance Trunks, Valises, Suitcases, &¢ in stock. We have a large stock of both which we are selling at close prices, Also«Felt Boots, Overshoes, &c. _ Ask to see our Hosiery from the smallest to largest sizes for Men, Women and Ohildrens, boys and girls. Weather conditiocrs make it necessary to clothe your feet in a pair of good Boots or Rubbers What About Rubbers ? _reâ€"unions and Gift Giving feelings will soon be suggestions which may assist you in making purâ€" ainn .50 C P. R. Town Office For Brother, Sister, Lover or Friend we have a fine lot of Gift Books from 25¢ up. Come and let us show you. Boys Own Anuual Chums Scout Annual Chatterbox Mutt and Jeff Buster Brown Websters Boys Books Comrade Series Scout Series Complete assortment of Bibles, Hymn and Prayer We have them for all ages and tastes. _ You a! can‘t make a mistake in giving a good book. It will is be a joy forever. xh KC m 1.15 Canned tomatoes, pea 1 50 _ Peel in Orange, lemo 1.00 3 lbs Raisins for .. 1,75 3 1bs Currants for.. 2.00 8 lbs Figs .......... 235 A 35c Broom for.... For Boys Sets at Special Prices splendid list of last year‘s fiction, 125 books for 5oc and many others from 1oc up. Suit Cases Books in different bindings. Bags‘ â€" Some of the best in new fiction Canned tomatoes, peas & corn, 3 for 25c Peel in Orange, lemon & citron perlb 12e 3 Ibs Raisins for ..;....., .. ... . 25c 3 lbs Cutraunts for....€.. .. ... .. 25¢ 6 Ibes Figs...:...;i..;.0.:.0. "‘0‘C ock. Custom Work and Repairing as usual #Aie w Suit Oases, ‘Telescopes and Trunks, hich we are offering at specially low McFarlane & Co. vruggists and Booksellers $10.00 Sets 12 oo Sets 15.00 Sets and $3.25 regular for.. 3.50 regular for.. 4.75 regular for .. .. 5:75 regular for. ... Make Good Gifts Groceries at at at Girls Omn Annual Dainty Gift Books Elsie, Pansy & other Series Fancy Board Covered Picture Books Buy your tickets here D urham DrC 18, 1913 . MeILRAITH Trunks 7.20 7,75 Girls 2.85 3. 10 3.90 4,90 | ce feuc ecelecel (@» JB JA Snd urdicc > c~ &# # w * Bra 19| THE QOUA nexl we tinction ; Santa left circie age of @ApJ have t make g €r, the times ; lar a eager 1 PRICCE \ ViS} THE PH Dryvy Goo DEC & Ch

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