West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 18 Dec 1913, p. 8

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g /( ~# 3 â€" & ~ WA +4 § {~y C5 *k ‘ StOVES We can sell you a QueenTHeater that will 3 heat any room at less cost than any other heatâ€" T. er made, $3.50 to $25.00. ; Highest prices paid for all kinds when dressed with caresand neatness. : It is worth while to make them atâ€" : tractive to the eye. #000 800 9002606â€" @0C@@ROOC 0C TAYLOR&CO. Dromore Hardware we can sell youlanything you need in this line. GAME TRAPS In different sizes, 6 for $1.00. _ No. ! X saws, the famous Racer and Lance toothfsaws at $4.00 and $4.25 complete. _ Planes, chisels, Hammers, Saws, Axes all kept in stock; the good kind. WINDOW GLASSâ€"We are importers and therefore we have the right price. Special Notice === DRESSED POULTRY WANTED lf you are particular ana bring us extra nice Fow!, dry picked, hoads and feet off, all wing and tail feathers oft, we will pay you a Special Price this week. e Kid Gloves, special......... x uilk Scart,:............+r A pair of Shoes ........... A fancy Woo)l Hceod ....... A fancy Lace Collar ....... A pair of House Slippers.... A pair of Cashmere Hose. ... A new winter Coat......... Ksetk of Fury. ...!.. .. . ..â€":ie% x slk Muifller..:............ o ~4.wiweX%e â€" Many people have waited until CX iuk ?é: the Eleventh Hour and are still unâ€" . _} " decided about a suitable gift for x =. * some friend. Others who thought they had provided for everyone, suddenly remember that they have quite overlooked soâ€"andâ€"so. Bufer & Eggs & Poultry Dressed â€" Fowl A Present for MOTHER ;,5\% 4X § s ABRELWWPY * cdud 3 TAYLOER & CO. y\ YJ DROMORE S d Highest Prices Paid Wanted '] Hydro Electric ; $ |.__ Meeting at Guelph ‘ E, By our N. Egcemont correspondent * ' At the above mseeting held on Tuesâ€" day evening the 9th inst, a sumptuous banquet was served to the delegates there frorn 29 municipalities representâ€" ed, At the eonc‘usion of which the Toast of the **King" was duly honâ€" ored by ail rising to their feet and singing the Natinal Anthero, The Mayor of the City, Mr¢. Carter extended a cord:ial welcome to all, and made an announcement at th: same time, thas though they had been getting electric power $2.00 lower than batgained for, it would be lowered for the year coming, $1.00 more. Let Abraham Solve your Problem THE ]J. D. ABRAHAM COMPANY Shoes........ 69c to 3.00 Stockings...... 25 to 50 CGlovegs.....n~.s..s.s~ 28 House Slippers...... 75 Winter Coats 3.00 to 10 00 Rubbers .. <++~>~ .00 Handerchiefs‘ .. .. 2e to 50 Caps..:...~.@....~ 26¢â€"to 50 A Present for f The Kiddies O «* Why can‘t we as a people not manage these thirgs ourselyes ?" he asked in & ringing vorce. Loyalty to the project was necessary, if a shortâ€" age you imust raise it by taxes, a large expend:ture* was necessary in construction, in wmaking surveys as to feasible routes and as to the service to be given to the people reports of which would be given. He gave it as his opihion that it waa a * proficable and a prize iqavestment. G,. B. Ryan characterized Hon. Adam Beck as a $1,000,000 thinker big in honesty. brain vision, work ete. eve,. The first thing to do was to ask for it, when surveyors would be sent out. If population and basiness on the line warrants experts in saying it will pay, than A. Beck will put it through. If ths earnings are over and above the interest on the bonds, the municipality will benefit, and not a promoter. One of the greatest things to the poor man, â€"in fact his auto. Geo. J, Thorpe, Chairman of the Board of Trado spoke along the liznes of public ownership, had made a success of their street railway, and thâ€"ir Guelpb juncetion line, In this project the people will get the tencfit and not some Company or Promoter to become a millionaire out of it, run as it is by the Government commussion leaving no room for rivalry or jealousy, and by the instalâ€" ling and suceeesful operatuon of the system wouli tend to elevate the Province. @G. B. Ryan, Gueiph gave information â€" regarding construetion, surveys, estimates etc. The Hon. Adam Beck expressed his pleasure of altending. In his speech he said the battle, our own, was already won. The cost of building and of operation was touched upou. They had been fortunate in the past, in keepiog the cost below the estimates. The people must not be deceived, and by being able to speak of satisfactory results would create confidence. By the inâ€" atallation of Hydro electric he contendâ€" ed that, life would be less burdensome, would attract to the farm, when power and lighs for it .could be provided from 8 to 80 nules on either side at $17.00 per horse power. The road may be constructed and worked by the Hydro electric or by yourselves ho said. 1t would proaye a direct dividend to the farmer, no money expended for promotion, controlled by the people, a favorable report from a locality that was seryed previously, beiter _ than what you _ propose. ) t0o 10 00 expimake ;!~ _ ge to 50 25¢ to 50 The Store that sets the pace o You and Yours | _ Anniversary sesvices will be held in Amos Church on Sunday Dec. 21st \when Rey. Dr Marsh, of Holstein, | will conduct the mornuing and evenâ€" ing services, « Amos choir took part in the Anoniâ€" versary services in Hampden church Monday evening and report a most enjoyable time. Mrs. P. Litster and children of Battleford, Sask., arrived on Saturâ€" day to spend the winter with her parents here. Chairman Hannigan, wanted organâ€" ization, the delegates to inform others unity was wanted. A satisfactory union was formed with officers ete appointed, all the Reeves being in the cxecutive, Fine music was given during the banquet and at intervals by an orchestra and a chorus of 8 young men, bringing forth many amusing and laughable skits, which together with the many jokes of the speakers, holped to pass off a very enjoyable evening. gridiroued with the railway which A. B. bhas made a splendia success of. The Rep,. from Collingwood, J. M, Kilbourn, O. Sound and M. K. Richardson, Flesherton also spoke, the latter drawing a favorable comparison of the Cuckoo Valley to that of the famous Anuapolis valley of Nova Seotia, the latter not in it with Greys fine capabilities for grow .ng fruit The delegates all seemed to be imâ€" pressed wich the feaubility of the scheme and feel confident that a line will be eventually run through, somewhere. Arthur appears to be| at least one of the objective points| decided upon, â€"â€"the report of the surveyors will ultimately decide where the main line will go. Owen Sounid made a strong bid with its 65 establish ments requiring power. | Mr. Hartman, Clatksburg, also lauded his section of country for fertilizers, seenery, fruit bearing, and climatic influenee . He was followed by Mr. Boyd of Luther, and Mr. MeNiyen, Reeve o{ Mount Forest in a racy â€"speech by the latter. He further expressed the opinion that it would have a humanizing, civilizing and socializing influence on the whole community, and would develop» wealth undreamt of. Mr. Ironsides, Puslineh, _ said opposition would ba encountered on account of haying property spoiled, but kis experience showed that H. E. paid very satisfactorily for privileges taken . Adbraham Co. ONTARIO ARCHIVEs TORONTO THE DURHAM REVIEW 4# @ _ DROMORE %.:fi:’q e e nofh idys to the Normal College and High School. The presemt visit was to deliver a lecture and attend a banquet which was arranged for by the | gPBMADBpEGEbSpbeSdbpasds:s |__At the trial held Monday before |Magistrates Mclonis and Swanston, |Mr =V. Voisin, of Holstein, was |fined $20.00 and $10.98 costs for vioâ€" Ilnting a clause in the Local Option ) Act, Inspector Allan prosecuting and {Mr Geo, Calder for defendant. _ . Dr. Marsh was in Peterborough this week, fora nnmber ot vears the Dr. bas been delivering lecturos Mr. Jim Marsh, eldest son of Dr. Marsh is kome for a short visit, be reports snow to the depth of 24 feet and 20 below zero up on G. T. P. where he has a position as superioâ€" tendant, covering a distance of some five hundred miles. The Library concert he‘d last Wedâ€" nesday evening was ome of the best yet, the Boardi are to be congratulatâ€" ed on the success attained. It would bhe hard to say how the honors should be divided, as each number giyen was ol a high order. The song and recitations by Mr John Charles were splepdid selections and went te provye the reputation of Mr Charles as an entertainer. The anunai election of officers for the Orange Society was held here on Monday evening snd resulted as folâ€" lows : Joe Rawn, W. M., G. E. Bye, D. P. M., Geo. sunt, Chaplain, Wm Cowan, C.8., Jas, Matthews, T.S., A. Hershey, Treas., C. Evans, Dr. of Ceremonies, D. P. Coleridge, lectarâ€" er. It was also aecided to hold a Box Social in the Agr‘caltural Hall on Jan. 9tbh. Friends will please keep this date open, as a good proâ€" gram will be rendered on the occaâ€" sion. ; Miss Myrtle Little also delighted theaudience with two soios, â€" Her reâ€" appearants as a soloist will be gladly welcomed by a Holstein audience. Mr. John Marib, who but recently settled in our midst also ;zrave two solos which were well receryved and showed a voite well trained in the art of song, perbaps no part of the progiram was better enjoyed than the selections from the orechestra, consistâ€" ing of three mouth orgaus, violin, banjo and piano. The musis was beyond anything we have heard from the class of instruments. The last numbergiven was a play entitled ** A Perplexing Situation ‘‘ consisting of 13 characters. Considering the performers were all amateurs it was rendered in jovial ssyle and was well received by the audience, many of whoin are asking to have it repeated. Another pleasing feature was the splendid order given by the audience throughout. Altogether it was an evening of enjoy»aent and pleasure to a!1 who atterded. Nr. Dan Drimove after four years abseuce in the west bas once imore returned for a short visit to old friends and acquaintainces. â€" Mr W.J. Hay. of logersol, in comâ€" pany with Mr Coleridge, are engyag. ed at present in securiag subscribers tor a line to Calderwood to eonnect with the Bell system here. § & LOCAL AND PERSONAL $ %flfi‘!fiifi@@-‘?f‘(«éfi-i‘ifi’fi-‘EE’&(&Gâ€":@& Mr Wm.Coleridge, of Owen Sound spent a day with his brother, Mr D P. Coleridge. Come right along. Your troubles will be at an end. We have here obliging salespeople who will be pleased to suggest and show you suitable gifts. at prices to suit your purse. We‘ve made special preparation for those whom you‘ve forgotten. Something for Slippors, special.... 1.00 A silk Muffier...... 1.00 A pair of Shoes $3 to 5.00 A pretty Tic........ 25¢ A pair of Socks 25 and 50c A fine Umbrella.... 1.25 A pair of Kid Gloves 1.25 A new Hat.. $2 and 2.50 Fur.lined coat.11.85 to $50 FATHER con 4.. Jas. Henderson .. Jas. Wilson...... wW. J. Philp., .... J. D, Diimmie. .. Alex Ross........ Mrs Crewson, ... Peter Musch.,... Thos, Weir.... .. Fraok Hopkins. . Win. Nelson ... ... A. R. Henderson people of Peterborough as a parting token of esteem and good fellowship, Mr. D. P. Coleridge, Fred Ma Laughlin and R. Irwin attended the faneral at Harriston of the late Mr. Kearns who was killed by cortact with a live electric wire while engag ed in fixing a telephone wire. Mr. Kearnas has been in the employ of the Bell telephone Co., for some years ard was a faithfal employee as ‘well as a respectable citizen. The symâ€" pathy of his many friends in this locality are extended to his wife as she was but a bride of a few montbs. ’ Mr. Sam Neil died on Sanday and was buried Tauesday. A large number attended the funeral as Mr. Neil was an old gettler in the yvicinity his many neighbors and friends turnâ€" ed out to pay their last respects to the departed. Misses Clara Greenwood and SGadie Bailey from Darham and Miss Irene Rice from Mt. Forest H. 8. spent the week end with Miss Grace Pinder. @Uon‘t forget the Christmas tree 3 be held in the church on Dec 28rd. A good program is being prepared. Admission 15¢ and 10c. Miss Troup from Holstein and her cousin «pent over Friday with the Misses Douglas. Mr. Jagk Lewis trom Saskatchewan is visiting his mother here. Mr. Albert Hocfiin from ‘Toroato is visiting his yarents here. The Box Social held last Friday evening in the school was a great success, the school being crowded. Progeeds amounted to $62.45. Miss B. McLellan spent over Friâ€" day with Mrs. Tuck. L. B. NichoIson Meth. Parsonage F. McClocklin... John Brown.... J, W. Hunter R, M.Tribe ... Dr, W. P. Ellis, W. J. Atkinson W. Lougheed . Grand Tronk ... R, Irwin (office) R. Irwin ‘house C. A. Drumm Dr. W. P. E4i Foliowing is a complete list of phones in Holstein and on rural lines consected with Holstein Central, with rings for each. Many new names appear since previously published. Clip this out for reference : Locar Excnuaxag® | _ _ Rurar Lin® No. 12 Rurar Lix® No.11 o cesc y oo . iaanaber 1. _ ~ > * Rings: L 5. | Rings: L 8 Dr J. 11. Wilson V. Voisin.,...... W . J. Sharp... Mrs M. Petrie.. Rurat Lin® No. 4 Rings : L. 8. For /74 l $ intip 2i Â¥ in tu IRIY Tayilor & Co., ... , mie.....1â€"2 | _ BURAL Linx® No. 9 Roi'.. Renwick . . »~+«....1â€"3 | Alex Daimmie......1â€"1 | J . G, Johnston .. m, ... ... Jâ€"4 | Mre Jas, Swanston..lâ€"2 | J. M . Findlay .. . , : «120 4§ | Thos, Watson......lâ€"3 | Alex MceKenzie. . . @++++.+.3â€"4 | Neil Calder, ... ... : «Inef Victor Adams, . ,, king. ...4 Alex Calder........2 Nelson McGuire., ........4â€"1 | Chas ‘#c.lnli-.. ....8â€"1 | James Browp,.., lerson J, A. Wilson ... .. .. 2â€"3 n 4... 4â€"2 Geo. Dyse..l.)....3 in v’;":,";.:"‘" son....4â€"3 obt. Connelly,....3â€"1 | Dr. W. P. Sss w msld ~ | don. Bwiteer,......3â€"2 | Dr.J, L. Wileon s REVIEWâ€"LEADER, call Holstein Central, or No. 6, Durbam Picture Handerchiefs, 3 for ORCHARD HANDKERCHIEFS_â€"_â€"always a Suitable Gift Picture Handerchiefs, (large) each 40 Ladies‘ Fancy Embro. Hdkifs. special 6 for 25 Ladies‘ Funcy hdkfs, 10, 1214, 15, 25, 35, 50c Mens Fancy hdkgs, blue border, 4 for _ 2b¢ Mens Silkine Excelda hdkfs. 8 for 25¢ Mens Pure Silk hdkfs, special........ 25¢ Mens Embro. white silk hdkfs....... 50¢ Mens Linen hdkits, special ...««>>>>>> 20c Holstein Telephone Directory «4 s I=«I [ : +. . . I=â€"2 .....1â€"8 «... .1â€"4 «++ .8â€"â€"8 Â¥axwsireG \!....‘ a« ... &Aâ€"1 on 4. .. Aâ€"2 n....éâ€"a Chickens ... . .... l UGeese......>.â€" Ducks ... ... . 12¢ Turkeys . ..â€".â€" Only first class stuif at these prices 14a | 14b 48 .17 w Special Price for Poultry 21 * 18 ut 19 | 10 13 (5 3 * 19 £3 8. Patierson ... Wm. Moore., .. John McKenzie John Scott..... John Henry, ... And. Henry . ... Wm. Wilson . . . Chas. Reid...... Wim. Leith .... .. Wim Ailan,.... W,. H. Hunter. ... M. Hooper,........ Jubhn Moore,...... W. R. We‘ls....... J,*T, Brown ..;.. ;. James Geddes., ... (. LOHMIAE â€",s ... :. Wm. Brown...... 00004 Fuk nston.,lâ€"2 #++1% ; Asf 8. + .. .. 8#â€"1 ns a s . ,8â€"B ly, .. ..3â€" i . cE as HaAMUEL NEAL. A wellâ€"known citizen of South Grey was the above gentlewan who on Sunday last died at his home in ' Holstein, For some years he has been o mapei in poor health and a stroke of paralyâ€" sis recent‘ly hastened the end. Ouly recently he disposed of bis property 3 °C on the Gravel Road, north of Orchard v to Mr _ W, L. Falkingham and o&c‘/% Holstein as his fature home. He lhd DR. JAS,. L. WILSON, B. A. Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur Special attention paid to H of n\"A\'ouwn and L‘%fldnn, € Al' ye, Far, Nose and Throat. B yea thoroughly tested and glasses proâ€" perly fitted. OfMce at Holstein mourned especially by his wife and daughters, Mrs. Geo,. Schram uear Hoilstein and Mrs, Peter Cornish of Normanby, Mr, Neal at one time was a prominâ€" ent cattle buyer being widely known as such,. He was also a successful breeder and tarmer and made a fair competence hy his efforts, His reâ€" mains were interred on Tuesday last in Maplewood cemetery, many fmends paying the last tribute of respect. Scimâ€"In Mepworth on Sunday, Dec. Tth, 1913, to Mr. and Mrs . 0. M . Seim. a daughter. As the season is too far advanced for shipping live ponltry we wish to state that from now onward we will be open to buy dressed poultry. Cusâ€" tomers will please take notice, J. W. Hunter . aRh 2C 3â€"4 » 2â€"1 Â¥ lreese..~.>~, .A Turkeys . ... . .18¢ â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"# $ @â€"â€"_â€"â€"_ Obituary. Niout Rincs Dr, W,. P.Bilis.. .. .6 Dr.J, L. Wileon ,..2â€"6 Orchard ... Walter Ferguson . Dr. Sneatb....... _ Taylor & 00., .. ... Roi',. Renwick . , , J. G, Johnston .. â€" J. M. Findlay ... , . Alex McKenzie., . .. Victor Adams, .,,, Nelson McGuire. ,, James Brownp .. ... Rurar Ling : James Lewie.. .. G. N. Ruttle. .. T J. Stevenson Amos Manse . .. Mejor Eecles. .. James Brown n. Lamont,.... Jas. Hamilton, . P. McEachern. . Jno. Rice. .. .. .. Rings G. T. Calder.... W, H. Rogers. . Wm. Horsbure Neil MeArthur., Wim, Groat .... Jno, McArthur . BORN 5 cents . 1913 No 15 9 _It‘s «: ‘arians Pipe*, Smoker ‘pale and bl ® s not all ‘ @ta@l throuch t) 'mh(ul.:. wedl ey mre breathloss Fancs Come 5t n 2 y l Jo A Spe held in 1/ evening 8 tiie Ohoi Totl nEM eye that goes with blo PS is a sure sign of misery & iks. Anaemicâ€"that is blo« élls and women have Gu Â¥YWeyes with dark lines und L“ nt evelid is pulled do t,wn hay readen £ will oper “7,. Boy Stirigkt ut Reory Girl Wi Rich, Red Bloju. plant c Mond «3 wrrlved tike pues _ AND RUBY LIP Wilh l mee\i"l‘ pany W Pass 1/ ...tuhch mtended BW oaÂ¥ wo Lake '\,mll pnfl‘ w » fver h gl seas ritte * of + #ou (40 43 wA y to I n 1 and ijvritat and incapa 10t mim . WO stem : & M a : $ Boy &CQ 4 e

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