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Durham Review (1897), 25 Dec 1913, p. 1

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BRAHAM QUARE Wilson Duorba BER 18, 1913 FAIR AND J an will at cial tt l 1 tar \’l 6 * is and games at M yler‘s and Nylo Ch made. Try a box at resh Water Hetring Mr E It‘s casy Holiday skh rla 3. Pipes, Tobaccoes, mokers Supplies t at Central day last in the church and was most sugoessful. l{.r. Mills the new pastor was chair and proved most efficient, Â¥g everything pass f agreeably. ‘Chere were songs and hbhoru«es by the childreDn, & mouth bgan solo by Harvey Caswell accomâ€" fi;ied by Miss Lizzie Wilson on the T gin, a duett by Misses Armetta Mc Kechuie and Esther MeLean and stiv ring songs which bronght rousing en. cores from Mr. T. Binnie. Miss Ma« McKechnie was the accompanist of the evening. A pleasing feature was the presentation of diplomas by Kev, and Mrs. Mills, donated by Supt. J. McKechnie, t0 Misses Jessie Clark, lsabella McQaarrie, Esther McLean, May Lamb, Armetta McKechnie for Scripture memorization. Mr, 8. Puthâ€" erbough gave an address, Mr, Gillan Boyd was an ideal 8anta Claus». Roy L imb representing Santa‘s son. All acquitted themselves well and the pl‘ocoe'dlm.lfl.w. suddenly left home fow indefinite pertod to visit roln'ive:oi(l_'ivnds in another part of the country, He also advises that a close watch be mainâ€" tained on the nearby lakes, as it is posâ€" slble tnat if the body is in these waâ€" ters, it may rise for a few days a then disappear . Pass TH®s MobkL.â€"â€"We wish to con. gratulate the Durbkam students who attended the Manover Model. The re Slults came out last week and while AIwo furied out of a school of fo:rty, the fourteen who coame from this town passsd ansd wiil engage as teachers ~wext year. Following are the names of those who passed: Victoria Aljoe, Alex=â€"M, Beli, Julia â€"Clark, . Vivian UCrawford, â€" Sarah Fulton, â€" Nathan Grietson, Susie Kelsy, Margaret Kerrâ€" Robt, Marshali. Ernest McGirr, Belle \l;tty. Agnes Peity, Emma Ritchie «h8 Morrison Smith. dJ Miyor Wim. Black has his hat in the Mayorality ring again and will stanc tor the oftice at the election on Jan, 5. He has been chief magistrate of the town for three years now and has been a most progressive official, His borse fairs have gained the town much publicity and adyancemwent and coupâ€" led with the esiablishment and success otf the produce fair last week have griined him wide commendation and popularity, Whether he will have opâ€" position is not knowa yet. To date there is no word of a "dark horse" appearing, but popular opinion seems to think Mc Binck is good for a fourtb term, whether there is opponent or not. Reeye Calier will likely stand for the reeveship again and the charâ€" acter of his administration deseryes him reâ€"appointment. Detgkorivs Bovyo IxvestiGaTEks.â€" Through the efforts of Mayor Black M. B. Boyd, Inspector of Criminal 1n‘: ;Tution of Toronto, came to town on Monday and on Tuesday instituted ingliry into the mysterious disappear â€" anee of Donald L. McDonald. the Benâ€" Aiuck farmer, who has been missing since Doc. 5, The official want over the ground carefully, but cannaot shed any new light on the strange case. Inspector Boyd dismissed the possiâ€" bilwy that there was any foul play in connection with it, t says that the man may bave c;vul:%ued suicide or aB.doale feft home fow xn indefinite COnsristmas Tres aAT Burns«‘ Cbhurch Sunday mas tree eptertainment After having the loogest and one the best seasouns in its bistory the Cement phant closed down for the winter on Monday night. The last train of mar; arrived in town on Sandagy. Minor repairs will be made in the winter. A meeting of the directors of the comâ€" pany was beld on Tuesday. GLENROADEN MILL to Rux.â€"Messrs Wm. Boyce and Johra Baird of this town haye leased the saw mill at Glenâ€" roaden from MceKechnaie Bros. and will operate the mili this winter. In the summer it is the intention of tbg lessees to ran it for chopping. _ =â€"â€"** t} Totlet Cases, Manicure Sets in bony, Parisian Ivory and Silver. rices away down. Fancy \ Special Christmas Serviee will be d in Trinity COburch on Thursday ning at 11 p, m, Special music by 0. F. Ar®xvatm MKETISG.â€"The nual meeting will be held next lay evening, Dec. 26, for the elecâ€" i of officers and other business, members requested to be present, Wax, Morrat, R. 8, A. D. Browsixc, C.R. China, â€" Mandsome â€" pieces, and see it. vater Herringâ€"buy the key Mrs Beggs & Son sy Holiday shopping at Mac and Nylo Chocolates are the Try a box at MacFarlane‘s. ‘REE aAT THE RockKy.â€" Sunday School Christâ€" sinment was beld Friâ€" Central Diug Store, Central Drug Store entral Drug Store MacFarlane Igars and Miss _ Warnock of the separate school left on Friday for her home in Arnprior for the Xmas vacation. The annual Christmas tree was held on Monday night and was a success all through but sorry some of the Durham boys did not act their part in a very pleasing manner,. We hope when they come again they will no\ interrupt the speaker or they will not get off so easily. Sorry to hear Mrs McKunight is unâ€" der the weather but hope she will soon recover. Miss Lyla is spending the holidays at home. Mr Morrison Smith takes up the *chool at Welbeck after Xwas, â€" We Wish him every success as this is his Bipst venture. Miss Reid, tercher of Latona, left Wednesday for home where she wil} ®pend the two week‘s vacation. o Je 2adâ€"S Russell, M Yirrs, N Falkâ€" ingham, 6 Waukefield, B Stonehouse. 8r 1st â€"M Orr, D Grahaw, C McGier J Hepburn and Ettie Levine, George Armstrong, Jr 1stâ€"A Allen, M Dancan, M Cliff, E McComb, W Weish. 8r 3rdâ€"F Lawrence, 8 McAuliffe, A Brooks, G Murry, Caldon Buschnell Jr 3rdâ€"R Snell, K McAuliffe, A Smitbh, W Koch, D HMextber. Sr2adâ€"8 Donnelly, C Wiggins. B Pettigrew. O Buschlen, A GrabwÂ¥m and 3 Huatton eq. JIr 4thâ€"Stella McCrie, Edna Brown® ing, Clarence McGirr, Ethel Whitâ€" more, Ralph Catton, Soupart Pusuc Segoor DEraRTMENT 8r 4hâ€"Anna Ciiff, Cameron Wakeâ€" field, Gladys Sâ€"arch, Georgie Lawson, Edie MacKenzie. ly banked with pouitry In fact so much came in that early in the after® ‘nooo. buyers dropped their prices a cent or two. Closing quotations for for dressed poulity were, turkeys, 18 cents, ducks and geese 12%, chickens 11. One lady, Mrs. John McMillan of Clenelg secured a small fortune when she diposed of 40 turkeys for $90. The fairs are a " boost" institation to the town and are a snccessfal factor in drawing trade here. Town wants these fairs and we are pleased to see them so ably supported> As an advertising mediam, they are in a class by themselyes. â€" Buyers, from every corner attend and spread the news of tne fairs andâ€" the town abroad and the terdency is to bring \{mure people here. Then their moneâ€" pary value is equally great. The horses and produce sold increase many a bank roll, Not only the farmers are i benelitted but the business man, the | witizen and the housewife, We trust hat all who are interested and helped l will contribute to pay expenses. 1 tor m Findlay Irzith Edge. It is said that 28 horses were sold and averaged $175.00 each. That means almost $4000 left in this district by the horse buyers, 19 being present, The main corner was an animated scene for*the best part of the day . The Produce fair was held in the town hall and four tons of poultry and a great quantity of eggs were dispos ed of, Good prices were paid for birds that were in good condition and that precious article, the fresh egg, retailed at the rate of 85 to 40 cents a dozen, The east side of the hall was completeâ€" 0n ‘Aiu. w« «w gigas SucCess, Sufficient snow fell to make it feet like a real Christmas season and the farmers and towns people alike turned out by kundreds and made it one ot the best days for business this town has known for along time. Merchants state that they did a great trade, reaping profits several hundred dollars above the average shoppi days Some dJdesired to hold a similar fair this Wednesday but Mayor Black, the man at the helo, finds business mat ters too pressing at present to conduct another so soon. DURHAM SCHOOL REPORT " THE « EstanusHep y v a \ STANDARD BANK‘ @ENDING money to any point in I oOF CANADA Hicn Scnoor DerartMENT m 1I1â€"Oassie Russell, Murray ay, Wilired Barbour, Frank Mc. h and Fred Laidlaw eq., Alix ‘TORONTO__gÂ¥_________________ DU{KH{M BR A N C H, Kelly, » _â€"CE 2 | DORNOCH Europe is «afe, economical and expeditious when this Bank‘s drafts and money orders are used. Willards Forkdipt chocolates and Bon Bons in Fancy boxes or bulk Central Drug Store,. At the home of Mr J C. McLean, the marriage of Miss Hoy of Orchard to MrE. A. Bowes of Kincardiae, took place on Tuesday. _ Rev Mr. Prudham otficiated. A pleasing little playlet was staged by a number of primary tots and Principal Allen took a leading part in it. The closing number was a play, allegorical in forw, entitled " The Senior, " with Alex Hidebrandt in the title roll. The plot of the piece is sim ilar to the stage play " Hveryman " wherein a great many of the senior‘s old time friends notably fraternity, sorority, athletics, bluff ete,, do not stand beside him in his hour of trouble while characters like good graces do, The plot was splendidly worked out and the impersonating students disâ€" played unusual ability. To Mr. Allan, Misses Arkell, McGreg* or and Black, the teachers who train" ed the students in their parts must go the rewards iucident to the success of the concert and also to Miss May Cliff, who acted as accompanist for the: eyening. { on the success they attaimed. Miss Janet Marshall read the poem while the stage performance was enacted. This year the school boasts of a splendid record and the number of rewards was larger than usual. Mr Wm. Irwin gave out the entrance certificates, to Prineipal Allan fell the pleasure of presenting the Goyernment diplomas to the students who passed 1Enlnnce to Model while Rev. Mr, Hartley presented the Entrance Medals to Reginald Campbell and Mary Smith and the scholarships to Misses Alix and Edith Edge. Repreâ€" ' senting Mr. Grant he also gave out the Entrance _ to Normal cértificaues, In brief, pertinent addresses, Massrs Hartley and Allen, emphasized the need of carrying the Byâ€"law on Jan. 5, calling for the erection of a new High [Schonl in Durham, It was pointed out that there was a strong possibility ‘ of losing the Government grants, conâ€" sequently the institution, if the B‘)'-Iuw did not carry. At this time last year, there were no signs of losing the Model School, yet because accommoâ€" dation was not proyided the Mode] was lost, â€" The same situation is before the rate payers toâ€"day and a defeated byâ€"law will force the 90 or more stuâ€" dents now enrolled to seek a higher education in other places. "Mr. Hartlcy clearly showed that with increased Government and County grants plus the present fees of the students, the town‘s increased indebtedness would only amount to $300 a year. _ Yet some rate payers would sacrifice our leading institution for the sake of 3300| a year. Bâ€"sides splendid closing and openâ€" ing choruses, appreciated recitations were giyen by Misses Mary MceAllister and Florence Barclay while Stewart McArthur distinguished himself with a fine musical number that was en cored. "Riawatha" played on th» stage is unique and eight or nine boys babitted as Indians along with two Indian Maidens are to be congratulated <Tanada, the United States or The programme was quite up to the standard of other years but several innovations were added and the y scored a hit with the audience. The presentations of medals, diplomas certiflicates, and scholarships to the pupils is one of the leading features of such an entertainment and prized most of all by the fortunate ones whe are the recipients of these tokens of merit, ability and studious hours of the past term . The Commencement Excreises is one occasion of the year when the Town all is sure to be packed and the ople whe attend are sure to get their money‘s worth. On Friday night, the closing day of the school term, when the annual concert Wag held there was no exception. The people came by hundreds and jammed the old building (but in a new place) to the doors and when the program commeneed there was not an available inch of spact left. successful Concert | & Phone1 s _ k) OoNnNTARIO W There are other flours certainly but only one Gold 24 Medal and North WestGem. _ Always reliable, always §EEEEQEWEEEEEEEN SEZ{E?EH%’% a" VeKMechnio‘s VYjilts tx) Do we guarantee positions to graduates ? No. We do not guarantee positions to anyone. _ If you are a worthy student we will assist you to a position whether you graduate or nct. Will you be with us on Jan. 5 ? Young,imen and young women, are you aware ;hat there is a better position lng:he world for you ? There is. Be determined to get n.‘ Ofice you bhave come to this decision you must think of preparation. _ If you 5- sire to enter business life you must have a business training. THOROUGHâ€" NESS is the warchword of the Those contemplating a trip of any nature will receive @full information from avy C, P. R. Agent; or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent Toronto. operate through Sleepin} and â€" -i)ir;-ing Cars, The Dining, Parlor and Sleeping Car seryice between Toronto, Detroit and Chicago is upâ€"toâ€"date â€" in eyery pat ticular, Connecting _ lines alâ€"o OAffa Direct connection is also made Chicago for points in California, Te Arizona, etc. The Canadian Pacificâ€"Wabash rov t will be found the ideal line to Chicago where direct connection is made 1J the Southern States, New QOrleans i reached second morning after leaying Toronto. can be made with si;enl and comfort at a comparativel> small cost. Why not Anvrag:tate? . N â€" # e The Canadian Pacific Railway offers particularly good service to Detroi‘, where directwconneetion is made fct Florida, via Cincinnaii, Ohio and Atlinta, Ga. Jacksonville, Florida, ts reached second morning after leavâ€" ing Detroit, Excellent counnections for Florida can «lso be made via Buifalo Numerous people in comfortable cirecumstances, well able to afford a winter tour, hbhave the mistaken idea that a trip of this mature is most exâ€" peosive. This is ‘not so. Thianks to modern railway facilities, an extensive trip both interesting and education«al At this season of the year a groit wany are planning their winters tours, Considerable numbers annualy visit the ever popular Califorma Resorts, while many prefer the flowers ind and sunslitne of Flotrida, together with the very even climate. Miss Irwin contriguted four numbers on the organ, pror;bly the favorite being her own compositron of "Nearâ€" er My God to Thee, Solos were sung by Miss M. Latimer, Mis, Whitchurch Miss F. Barclay and Mr. Giles and each was most favorably received, The carol numbers in which Mr. and Mxs, Hay, Mr, and Mrs. Glass, Mis. Prudbham, _ Mr,. MeCrae and Ais. Knecehtel appeared were of high m« it but beyond the mere vocal expression given their numbers bad depths of peace and beauty that solicited more than passing attention. Winter Tours to the Land oi Sunshine and Suwmer Day. carols. To single Out and appraise any single memberof the choir wou‘d be doing an injustite to the others, for each member did his or her best, according to their abllity. The church was well filled and shortâ€" ly after 8 @‘elock, Rey, Mr. Prudham introduced the choir and for two solid hours, they presented to the audience « splendid program of choral numbers organ seiections, solo:, quartettes aid Seldom if ever bave the music lovers of Durham been more royally treated to & genuine musical feast by local talent, than that: supplied by the Meihodist Church Chow on Thursday evening. As an organization of song, this body, under l? direction of Miss Rita Irwin has béew rapidly coming to the fore, winning the plaudits of all who hear theon, M Custqm_Ch)bpigg and Oat Crushing is our Sprcialby. anieed. _A trial will convince you. uniform, at a veryf'fiaa&aiigbfifi’éé. f _,,E;e;{ i)firzi guar have . Merry Cuanic. turn the same .. ; wishes for a prosperous New Year, Tur® PususuERrs WINTER TERM FROM JAN. 5 Methodist Choir Concert. 21&72 / C%eé /cd,yd)zz) 112033 (;/(, /éye In FERDS we have a large choice of the best quality at modarate prices . f We are in tho market for any quantity â€"of good clean grain, at highest market price. We exchange oatmeal for oats. A TRIUMPH IN RFLOUR TORONTO rnia, Texas Fred J. Welsh & Baled Hay and Salt for sale at W. E. ‘WILSON, Principal ‘are holiday visitors at the parental " home. Mr J, Duff Stuart, of the Royal Military College, Kingston, son of Colonel J, Duff Stuart of Vancouver, B. C., is spending the holidays with Mrand Mrs Gilbert McKechnie. | _ Mr and Mrs Robt, Adams and famâ€" | ily, of Kindersley, Sask., are visiting | her mother, Mrs A\‘lc(‘rmcken. | __Miss Dora Davidson, Keewatin and 1Mr Archie Dayvidson, Porkt McNichol, : Mr and Mrs J. H. Robertson are holâ€" idaying in Wiarton. Mr Edward Boyce, who was serious ly injured a week ago, is now out of all danger, Along with his daughter, who is a nurse in Detroit, heleft tewn on Thursday and will spend Xmas in the city of the straits. Mr and Mrs Haw, A ing Xmas in Hopevilie mother, an aged lady i tury mark, is seriously pected to recover, We are pleased to report that Mr Alex Aljoe is rapidly improving in henich." TN iÂ¥expected itat he wili be able to be out in a week‘s time. The Durbam Furniture Company have closed down the plant‘ this week for the annual Xmas holidays Mr Wiil Browning, of Stratford Business College, arrived in town last week for the holiday. Miss Edna Limin, who is attending Stratford Bus,. College, is howme for the vacation. Miss Margaret Grant, Beeton, came home for the holidays on Friday. MrGeo, Kress and rephew Harry are in 8t, Catherines for a few days. Mr Jack Speers returned to his home here in Caledon Hast on Tuesday, Mr Adam Brown., lighthouse keeper, near Parry Sound, has arrived back in town and, with Mrs Brown will spend the winter bere. Mr R E Laidiaw, S. P. 8.. Toronto, is holidaying at his bome here. Misses Althea and Edith Grant, teachers in Toronto, are â€" spending Christmas in town. Mr and Mrs Jesse McClure, Toronto, are visiting at her parents, Mraud Mrs Jas, Atkinson. Mrs W, J. Ector, Welland, is spendâ€" ing a couple of weeks with ber parâ€" ents and other relatives here, Mr Watson Gray, of Fort William, who is attending Woodstock College, is holidaying at his aunt‘s, Mrs 8. F. Morlock, Among the Model students who bave taken schools are Ernest McGirr who goes to swinton Park, Morrison Bmith of Dornoch to the Welback school and Miss Victoria Aljoe has been engaged near Chesley, e Miss A. Stonehouse, Mona Road, is a guest of Miss F, McCoskery, Upon receipt o. on Friday, that her 1. with an unfortunate acciden. home in Guelph, Mrs. Allan Ben for that city the following day. Messrs Lynn Grant and â€" Hareld Aljoe are home from Dental College, Toronto. *x. Mr. W. A. Campbell is home {rom Queen‘s University, Kingston. Mre. T. A, Harris and Miss Margaret Harris left on Monday for _ Toronto where they will reside this wihter. ged lady nearing s seriously il} and Allen are spendâ€" le. Mrs Allen‘s the cen not ex a€4% LONDON, ENG., OFFIcE NEW YOFr Bank Bldgsâ€"Princes St. Cor DURKHAM BRANCH : S. HVGHES THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADL New Mantles Just Arrived Comfort, MRS. A. BEGGS & sON celery and cabbage. _ Special: 3 1bs fancy mix ed candies I95¢ New grape fruit New Figs, New Dates New Lemons Table Raisins Cranberries Almeria Grapes Holly (well berried) Fancy hot house lettuce, 8. F. We have just epened our stock of Oranges Navels this week and find them to be heavy, highly colored, juicy and sweet fruit. We are again. _ complete list of highes», ., Xmas shopping. All the lines we v.._ best grade we could buy and aro bound to piease you. Here are afew specials : â€" TO 1 325 Branches Throughout Canada. Beggs‘ Goods Our showing of Men‘s } and Boys‘ Overcoats and Men‘s and Boys‘ Suits is an interesting feature of this store." You will also find our steck complete in Any one intending purchasing | a good warm coat should see this line before selecting elsewhore. _ We have also passed into stock within this last week 36 Ladies new Coats ranging in price from .>...:%.%2.... U&K in *I€ There is great comfort in a long coat with a fur collar. There is so large a portion of the winter which is severe and blustry that the possession of along coat with a fur collar is prac« tically a necessity in every women‘s complete wardrobe. We have thom and they are made especially for ourâ€" selves. They have superior cloth, also suegri‘or quality quilted lining @nd are a lithle longer than the ordinary fur collar coat. * Capital Authorized Capital Paid Up Reserve Funds Savings Department at all Branches INCORPORATED 1869 and Beggs‘ Price will please you, Eleganco, Price 25, 40, 50 and 60c per dozen +**++«+«.... $6 to $15 wdaHUIcs Any kind of candy will be tound here in boxes orloose. Fresh bon boms, chocolates, crenms, nut bars and sevâ€" eral other kinds. Candies Almonds, Walnuts, Filberts, Brazils and peaâ€" nuts NEW YORK agEnNCcy Cor, William and Cedar Sts HUGHES, Manager, NEW NUTS 20e per 1b $ 25,000,000 11,580,000 13,000,000 PHONE 50 4#

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