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Durham Review (1897), 25 Dec 1913, p. 3

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BR AHAM ettet W QUARE BER 18, 1913 Rot FAIR AND a8 1% Aap h continually complain of being tired. 41'}'0 doector gave her another bottle of medicine, but with no better »results. There was not a bit of eolor in her face or lips, and I was ‘afraid she was going into a decline. A friend who was in to see her eaid ‘"if she was my child I would try Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills,‘" and _ I decided I would take the advice. â€" In a couple of weeks we could see | a d‘fference, as her eyes looked brighter, and she would try to eat _ a little. When she began the pill _ she could not dress herself alone. â€"_but little by little her strength came back until she could go for a walk Bhe continued the use of the Pills several months with the result that l she was again strong and active. ‘ This was over two years ago, and L she has been a strong, healthy girl 1 ever since, We have since used the , pills for other purposes and find 1 them a good family medicine."‘ _ Watching the Bagman. A muchâ€"watched man nowadays is the commercial traveller. Business princes believe in shadowing cA ployees thoroughly. They say it helps them to weed out the drones trom the workers, and fraud from honesty. So, whenever an employâ€" er becomes suspicious, we are callâ€" ed in. The detective leares headâ€" quarters a fow minutes after the traveller, but joins the same train. _ fita detective shadows the traveller tor weeks probably. On the day the laiter hands in his list of orders the detoctive hands in his or hor report of the man‘s calls. This is mostM#ivpared with the route which is ulways kept at the place of busiâ€" ness. Difficult work this, If the suspected traveller is in reality trandulent he is wily as well, and not casy to manage. ; Perhaps, for example, the firm thinks the man is quoting higher prices than he ought, and ‘)ocket- ing the difference. The only way to hud out is to follow him from whop to ubop--a-ta*. by the way, which is fa; from easy. Usually I enact tho role of travoller myself. "Our traveller," I g:_ph)_n. as I â€"hool. She seemed to be growing weaker every day and wanted to lie down all the time, and would Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers, or will be sent by mail at 50 cents a bo'Th"’ 6 vertting The fl:. bv(v);r?:ag): {gfln‘: Co., Brockâ€" ville, Ont. LIFE OFf PRIVAT: DETECTIVE Keepers of Confldences Which Would Make the World Gasp With Astonishment. REYVEALS SOME SECRETS OF UIS PROFESS1O N. busy EVE The profession of the private deâ€" tective is one of ths most interestâ€" ing in the world. They are the proâ€" tectors of the wavering weak from the wiles of blackmailers, whose strength lies in the knowledge of some slip which their victim made in the loag, long ago. These letters and telegrams are all marked imâ€" portant, writes a private detective in London Answers. x "Importants‘‘ fAlutter ‘about my oT table the whole day long. Something has gone wrong. There is a rift in some family lute, a screw loose in some business, an erring son or daughter has vanished and must be found, a leading firm wants a traveller shadowed, a West End shoopkeeper wants his assistants "*~ "his kleptomaniac customers watched, a young society hciress has fallen a victim to the craze for bridge, and her guandian requests that one of my lady detectives shall pose as companion agd spot the rogues who are cheating his ward. <PA hi l CUur WEavTCLe! E: mCV OBHC 9T present the firm‘s card to the shopâ€" * "Lor. "‘wou‘d have apprared to wl Busy 1 I should say y and women have dull, with dark lines underâ€" eyclid is pulled down, and bloodshot inside. pot all. Anasemia works 1 throurh the system ; girls infully weak and irritable ; : breathless and incapable exertion, while older woâ€" 0 are anaemic complain of . . _ ___ ES +0 €lt 1« Sht of Every Girl With h. Red Blood. ye that goes with blood(i $u of miser} an é“::mnl::flfu?u bloodâ€" u‘é have appzared to wn the other day with EYES D RUBY LIPS so. Always an outâ€"ofâ€"date qustationâ€"list b: mistake. Would you mind givin; the particulars of prices he ha: asked you?‘ The shopkeeper ha visions of reductions, and prompth supplies the necessary particulars If the traveller has charged t much he must look out ; i!‘not.‘h:r firm will probably atone for their misplazed suspicions with an extra bonus later on. Then there is the railway claimâ€" ant, the man who says he has been hurt, and who is suspected of havâ€" ing ‘"arranged‘‘ the injury. There are men and women who will go to a lot of trouble to get a finger caught in a compartment doorway, or tear a dress, in the hope of getâ€" ting damages. The private detecâ€" tive shadows these people, and ofâ€" ten discovers how they have workâ€" ced the "‘accidents.‘" The same apâ€" plies to fire claims. _ Great interest, I find, is always taken in the way the ladies of our profession go to work. People are always acking me what the lady deâ€" tective earns, what are her qualifâ€" cations. and if she comes from the poor or the middle class. The lady detective comes from all classes, and is paid according to her abilâ€" ity. She must be ready to do alâ€" most anything and go anywhere at a moment‘s notice. She must speak | at least one language in addition to ‘her own, and have a good, allâ€" round education. Her income may be anything from two pounds to eight pourds per week, quite apart, of course, from presents given her by grateful clionts. Exposing Frauds. Perhaps the lady detective‘s hardest task is to detect the habiâ€" tual thief or kleptomaniac who is expert enough to employ strategem â€"the one who has sewn a ring of hooks round the inside of her skirt on which to hang the stolen articles She knocks down something from a stall or counter to the floor, stands over it, lowers a hook by means of a reel concealed in her dress, winds the reel and the article, and hangs it safely out of sight on one of the hidden hooks. Then there is the assistant who is suspected of selling patterns of the latest modes to rival firms. It has taken considerable time and cost a lot <f money to procure these latest modes bofore other houses. and the managor is wellâ€"nigh dis tracted when he sees them shown elsewhere. â€" Lady detectives hav» been very successiul in exposing this kind of fraud. I remember the case of a lady clerk at a millinery house, who used to tike private notes of prices quoted in letters to prospective customers, and then give these parâ€" ticulars to a man in a small way of businees, who would at once write to the prople, stating prices lacar évan those quoted by the lerveyp â€"*"*C uOWV APPCWRCMO NJ CCC girt‘s employer. Tact and Diplomacy. On another occasion the lady deâ€" tective may be raising a scene at a cardâ€"party, and so opening the eyes of some young lady, who is the daughter or ward of the client, to the way in which she is being cheatâ€" ed. After this, our lady detective may be engaged to pose as a guest at a society reception, and to keop a sharp eye on some _ highâ€"born dame who is known as a regular pickerâ€"up of things. _ Should the lady actually get away with someâ€" thing of value, the womanâ€"shadowâ€" er will call round and whisper a word to the maid, and the valuables probably will find their way back to the owner. Always tactful, often eupremely diplomatic, and possessing initiaâ€" tive to an extent nmnot often found in women who are supposed to be much more clever, the lady detecâ€" tive is of tremendous service to the public. Do not get out of patience or scold or shake your baby for cryâ€" ing. He does not do that to be uglyâ€"that is not a baby‘s natureâ€" he wants to laugh and be happy, but when he cries that is the way he takes of telling you he is in pain ; that his little stomach is out of order or that his new teseth hurt him. Instead of being cross give him a dose of Baby‘s Own Tablets and you will soon see him laughing and happy again. The Tablets sweeten the stomach; make teethâ€" ing painless; break up colds; cure constipation and expel worms, Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wilâ€" liams‘ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. / The C.P.R. Has Let the Contract h For it at Rogers‘ Pass, B.C. \'Ca building of the C.P.R. tunâ€" nt. »6 miles long, at Rogers‘ Pass, B.., in connection with the douâ€" bleâ€"tracking work between Calgary and Vancouver, has been let to Messrs. Foley, Weich & Stewart. In addition to the boring of the tunâ€" nel, the contract calls for the conâ€" struction of 11.1 miles of double track approaching the eastern porâ€" tal and 2.3 miles of double track approaching the western portal. . He‘s a stingy man who won‘t even give you a pleasant look. CANADA‘S LALRGEST TUNNEL, The work will reduce the hoight of the summit at which the line crowses the Belkirks by 537 feet ; will eliminate 4.4 milos of distance and 2,500 degrees of curvature, and on 18 miles of track the gradient will be reduced from 2.2 per cent. to 1 per cent. Nearly five miles of snow sheds will be eliminated from the system by the work of the tunâ€" nuel The tunnel, which will be om Minard‘s Liniment Cures Colds, &4 WHEN BABY CRIES. Apeing an Injury. ulars of prices he ha 1‘ ‘The shopkeeper h ‘ength, will be on a .93 per cent.|ERUM LRINJ UONLLA IOLL e a single one, carrying a double f zrs&mmwgebymmh: NEWS BT HAIL FrRoOXR IRZL new me con on °s sHo been adopted for boring the tunnel. 1anv‘s ®s> Ino sade it bay bach dereed io is Emeval® Asis s two ends, it en i to | bore a pioneer tunnel, 7 feet by 8 Happerings in the fele :0 teet, paralle!l with the main tunnel Interest to. Irish» and eroub-tlmt at short i‘:ternlu ;: mea. as to enable several headings to ; * worked simultaneously. In the case |, The furrier edabhdmgt of f:. of this particular tunnel the height| McKeon, Victoria Lane, Sligo, of the mountains through which it | °en destroyed by fire. passes precludes the possibility of|_ The death is announced of Mr. vertical shafts being used. The| Patrick Gurney, M.P. for Cork pioneer tunnel will a:d in the venâ€" | County, North. He was an O‘Brienâ€" tilation of the railway tunnel dur:|:te. ing its construction. The boring of|_ Thomas Emery of Cortley, recentâ€" the pioneer tunnel has been started ly sustained very serious injuries in and the first crossâ€"cuts will be made ; & cycling accident near Aghalam. when these have been driven about| The newlyâ€"established flax marâ€" 2,000 feet. About the end of Deâ€"|ket in Monaghan has now been cember of this year this part of the ‘opened, and is in every way & sucâ€" work will have been completed. The cess. plant for boring the tunnels alone _ An old woman, aged 75 vears, will cost & cool half million. Befor® named Mary Banrigan, of Gi‘bert the work is complete, it will cost gtrect, Corybrennan, was fatally the C.P.R. in the neighborhood Of burned through the upsetting of a $10,000.000. This means the piercâ€" parafin oil lamp: ing of the heart of a great mountain _ a large quantity of modern maâ€" range and is on a parity with the opninery has been installed for the boring of the Alps many years 420 qevelopment of the Queen‘s County (a feat which held the world breathâ€" oos]) mines, less). The erection of medel v'.l-: A shark. measiring four fest ten lages at the two porta‘s of the. tunâ€" inches ha; been caught on the Turâ€" nel at a cost of 850 .000 is an interâ€" bot Bz‘mk in the harbor of Queensâ€" esting feature of this work. The town Hoors of the houses at Qacier are. "~ "L" . _ o t amau ns n e S ul to be eight feet from th»> ground, with bridges to connest the houses with th work The und>rtaking is full of picturesque possibilities. The men wil‘ be poised in mid air, so to say. The immemorial silencs of the everlasting hil‘s will be brokâ€" en by a great utilitarian organizaâ€" tion which, although it mav poetiâ€" cally affirm that the Olvmpian gods have taken up their abode in the Rockies, has its eye on the «lollar. For three years cut off from vhe world, working by shifts day and night, the mounta‘in will be niercâ€" ed bit by bit until, after 1.095 days and nights, davlicht will creep through the blackness of the long passage and the tunnel will be comâ€" pleted. This is the biggest single feature the C.P.R. has undertaken. It shows that in realizing thorough efficiency the comnany stops at no outlay of either money or energy. All concerned with it will be assoâ€" ciated with an enterorise which wi‘l have historic value and significâ€" ance. x "When I was working around the farm last winter, I bad an attack of inâ€" flammation," writes Mr. E. P. Dawkins, of Port Richmond. "I was weak for a long time, but well enough to work until spring. But something went wrong with my bowels, for I had to use solts or physic all the time. My stomach kept sour, and always after eating there was pain and fulness, and @ll the symptoms of intestinal indiâ€" gestion. Nothing helned me until I used Dr. Hamilton‘s Pills. Instead of hurting, like other pills, they acted very mildly, and seemed to heal the bowels. I did not require large doses to get results with Dr. Hamilton‘s Pills, and feel so glad that I have found a mild yet certain remedy. Toâ€"day I am wellâ€" no pain, no sour stomach, a good appetite, able to digest anything. This is a whole lot of good for one medicine to do, and I can say Dr. Hamilton‘s Pills are the best pills, and my letter, I am sure, proves it." Will Quick‘y Cursa Any Sour Stomach Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamilâ€" ton‘s Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, sold in yellow boxes, 25¢. All dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. After preaching & sermon on the | mon.‘‘ fate of the wicked an English| The Lord Mavor of Dublin has clergyman met an old woman well | announced that the Chief Secretary known for her gossiping propensi-|inwnds to appoint a Departmental ties, and he said, "I hope my serâ€" Commission to inquire into the mon has borne fruit. You heard housing of workers in Irish cities about the place where I said there| and towns. shall be wailing and gnashing of c teeth;li” h“Well. a.sf tio that.”han- re n â€":â€"â€" swered the dame, "if I ‘as anything‘ to say, it be this: Let them gnasg‘ woman ln Pa"‘ teeth as has ‘emâ€"I ain‘t." Enr Threa Yeare bas become a household necessity to those who have used it regularly for a time. Many Toronto citizens have writ. ten us voluntari‘y, giving us permiesion to use their names if recessary. Cases of EOZEMA of years standing cured; RHEUMATISM completely gone; Bore feet relieved; would not be without it as a disinfectant; a eimple but effective antiâ€" «eptic, etc., eto. ‘Try it yourself. Price 50 Cents m bottle, all druggists, or LIQUID BULPHUR, 158 Bay â€" Street, Toronto. ‘"What makes you think so f"‘ ‘"Because he manages to hold & job without being competent to do any kind of real work.‘" ‘"You say Jenks has great execuâ€" tive ability." "Yeg," The best man sometimes wins by losing at a wedding. L Wkess Minard‘s Liniment Cures Dipntheria. LIQUID SULPHUR Rolieves Fullness After Meals. The Office Holder. After the Sermon. onTARIO FROW ERIM‘S GREFN ISLf McKeon, Victoriza Lane, Sligo, has been destroyed by fire. The death is announced of Mr. Patrick Gurney, M.P. for Cork County, North. He was an O‘Brienâ€" A large quantity of modern maâ€" chinery has been installed for the development of the Queen‘s County coal mines. A shark, measuring four feet ten inches, has been caught on the Turâ€" bot Bank in the harbor of Queensâ€" town. Omach Urban Council has apâ€" plied for a loan of $20.000 to enâ€" large ard equip the present Counâ€" cil Chamber as a town hall. During the past few days 34 panes of stain~d glass in the large window of the Warren Point Presbyvterian church were maliciously broken. A sensational occurrence is _reâ€" ported from the Delvin district where the house of a man was fired into, one window being shattered. Post office officials in Dublin lateâ€" ly refused to accept parcels conâ€" taining newspapers of the Gaelic L"fl}gue that were addressed in Irish. An Irish battle axe of the stone age period has been discovered by Francis Killedy while digging in one of his ficlds at Killaley recentâ€" ly A coâ€"operative store for the stuâ€" dents at Dublin University has been opened at Trinity College. It is the first one of its kind in the United Kingdom. Mr. McMordie, M.P., who ha« been Lord Mayor of Belfast for four years, has consented to be nominated for the office for the comâ€" ing year. | Mrs. Agnes Craig, of Elm Street. Belfast, who has reached her 102nd year, is a native of the Broughâ€" shane district and is still hale and hearty. Claremorris Rural Council has decided to have all new wells and other work of a like nature carried out by direct labor"under the direcâ€" tion of the surveyor. It is stated that fully oneâ€"third of the population of Dublin are now involved in the labor dispute, 100,â€" 000 men, women and children being in actual want. s The Congested Districts Board have made an offer for the purâ€" chase of the eection of the Gibbons Estate of Rushbrooke, Taioneyeâ€" mon, Cogonia, and Ballynacurriga. The tenants of Lord Ardilaun in Clonhan and Cong., Galway, have decided to pay no more rent until the estates are sold to the Congestâ€" ed Districts Board. A: Boyle Muarter Bession, Disâ€" trict Inspector Beirnoe in objecting to the granting of an additional branch of Eplin, said it was the ‘"mort drunken hole in Roscomâ€" suffer for three years as I did," writes Mrs. M. D. Durand, from her home in Augusta. "Sometimes I did feel very discouraged, but knew that a remedy would some day turn up with the powâ€" er to relieve my sufferipgs. Nerviline was the one thing that ever did me real good. It had the power to sink into my stiff, sore muscles, and it drew out the pain and gave me release from such distress as few people I:now. My condition was largely Rheumatic, and on this account I do urge every person with Rheumati¢ tendencies to use Nervilineâ€"rub it in frequently and bind a hot flannel cloth over the achâ€" ing parts. This is very soothing and will surely cure." Johnny was putting some quesâ€" tions to his father on the subject of economy, in the course of which he asked if the moon was inhabited. "Oh, yes,"" eaid the parent ; ""there are people living in the moon.‘‘ ‘"Are there many 1‘ queried the youngster. *‘Yes, lots," was the reply; ‘"far more than in this world." ‘"‘Why, then,‘"‘ said the youth, "aren‘t they crowded a good deal at halfâ€"moon 1‘ No home complete without Nerviâ€" line. Family size bottles, 50¢.; trial size, 25¢., at all storekeepers and drugâ€" gists or The Catarrhozone Co., Bufâ€" falo, N. Y. Forfethought. Boarderâ€"Why;jdid the landlady send me two eg&. I asked for only of them might betbad, sir. ‘"Vory few people could so _;g_ut!et_xtly Tells of Her Remarkable Cure. RIO ARCHlVES TORroNTO Johnny Speaks. For Three Years thought one Molybdenum Lights. ‘ Not content with the improveâ€" ment in the incandescent electric lamp brought about by using drawn wire filaments of tungsten instead of carbon, electrical experts are seeking even more efficient metalle filament. According to the Lonâ€" don Times, ductie molybdenum may supply the want. Molybdenum seems to be the most promising of all the soâ€"called rare metals at al suitable for use in electric lamps. Molybdenum has rarely if ever been melted ; consequently. filaments of the pure or the alloyed metal could be used at a higher temperature than tungsten. That would mean better lights, for the efficiency of SKIN BEAUTY Assisted by occasional use of Cuticura Ointment. Cuticura Soap and Ointment are sold throughout the world. A liberal sample of each, with 32â€"page @kin Book, sent postâ€"free. Address Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Dept. 2K, Boston, U. 8. A. PRESERVED BY CUTNICURA S0AP an electric lamp largely depends on the temperature to which the filaâ€" ments can be raised. Molybdâ€"num is a white metal almost as malleâ€" able as iron. It can be forged whi‘e hot, and worked up into thin rods, which in turn can be drawn into wire. Experts are now trying to find out whether the wire can be draw;xâ€"fv'mré'enough to have the ne cessary electrical resistance. It‘s simply wonderful to think how quickly a bed throat or catarrh can be cured with Catarrhozone. Its rich balsamic vapor is carried along with the breath into the innermost recesses of the lungs, bronchial tubes, and chest, making it impossible for the germ of any disease to live, Thus soreness in the chest is at once alleâ€" viatedâ€"phlegm is loosened and ejectâ€" ed from the throat, oldâ€"standing coughs are removed. Stops a Cough IN ORNE NIGHT A Remedy that Never Fails "I suffered from an Irritable, weak throat for three years. | had a severe cough, pain over the eyes, constant bad taste In my mouth, and noises in my ears. It was chronic catarrh. Noâ€" thing cave permanent relief till 1 used Catarrhozone. In one hour It relievâ€" ed, and in a few weeks drove all trace of catarrh from my system. â€" _ TIMOTHEUS A. SALMON, "No. 6 Lopez street, Kingston, Ja." Large size guaranteed, costs $1.00, and lasts two months; smaller sizes, 25¢. and b0c. Beware of {mitations and iusist on "CATARRHOZONE" only. By mail from the Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Bad Blood 000,000 lbs.â€"in 1911, only 185,000,â€" 000 lbs. The average quality of the product has meanwhile improved, owing to more general use of better methods of making, but the price has not increased. Maple sugar and syrup making is properly the farmers‘ industry. Yet they have cut down productian inâ€" stead of increasing it. They have cut down their maple trees in wide sections, counting the sveet prcâ€" duct not worth the whileâ€"at tha prices. It is the price on the marâ€" ket which is responsible. With vastly increased _ demand _ and greatly _ decreased production, prices have not gone up as you would expect. There‘s the t-rouh_le I Why not? Bless your heart simâ€" ply because the Dominion Goveroâ€" ment for all that twenty years has done nothing effectual to prevent the sale of adulterations and imitaâ€" tions of maple sugar and maple syrup, which were turned out of factories in Montreal, Toronto, and MAPLE SYRUP APULTERATION Plea For Legislation Protecting Producers and Consumers. Fiftyâ€"five thousand farmers in Canada have been making maple sugar and syrup. In 1891, the naâ€" tional production of sugar was 212,â€" 'ed-up kidneys and skin. ‘The :Imutedloodoudm“mno- ter which is allowed to accumulate poisons the bicod and the whole system. Dr. Morse‘s Indian Root Pille act directly on the regulating themâ€"on the kidneys, theim case and strength to properly the bloodâ€"and on the flwfiu tlu.-glu. For pure and Dr. Morse‘s " Indian Root Pills irregular or constipated bowels and is the direct and inevitable result of elsewhere at low cost and in almost On A';drfl‘uh. lh House 1006, in our of Commons, Government and Opâ€" position competed with each other in quoting statistical proofs that: 1.â€"The production of maple sugâ€" ar and syrup was an important agâ€" ricultural industry ; . _B3.â€"The consumers of such proâ€" ducts need that protection just as badly ; and e e £.â€"The farmers making maple products needed protection from the univeraal sale of adulterated goods and imitation®; 4.â€"Whatever â€" legislation. was needed to provent such frandsâ€" Â¥es! They all called it frangâ€" should be providâ€"d, right away and right up to the limit ! % That was exactly seven years, seven months and seven days agoâ€" and still the frauds go on just the same, only much more so. thin. Instead of a little over $2,000,000 worth of maple sugar and syruUp, we should produce $8,030,000 worth, according to reliable statistics. But to do so it will be necessary to fight, in parliament, against strong manuâ€" facturing interests in Montreal, Toâ€" ronto and elsewhere. Thirtyâ€"seven persons or concerns were proven by the Inland Revenue Department to have sold as mapleâ€"some on A large scaleâ€"adulterated goods, and imitations that apparently had noâ€" thing of maple about them but the name ‘"‘maple‘‘ on the package. Buch concerns sell to grocers from coast to coast. Buying cane sugar at five cents the pound and selling it, in syrup form, at around ten cents, on a factory basis of twelve months‘ operation, they could afford to pay two or three fines yearly each of around $9.00 inâ€" cluding the costs! Buch cases, unâ€" der our present laws, are not often found out. When found out, they are less often prosecuted under the "Adulteration Act‘" as it stands. If prosecuted, they can pay the fines and costs out of their postage accounts ! Little wonder sugar bushes have been cut down in hundreds. Less wonder that old timers have lost their taste for maple syrup, and others are not cultivating a taste at all.â€"Canadian Countryman. Many say it can‘t be prevented, neither can warts or corns; but they can be cured by Putnam‘s Corn Extractor; it cures corne and warts w.thout pain in twentyâ€"four hours. Use only Putname, we. at all dealers. Too Much Political Graft. Priest (to Mulligan, who is standing at doorway)â€"And is the frmnily well, Mulligan? Mulliganâ€" Fair, yer riverenceâ€"‘cept the pig. He‘s taken a bad turn. by I was cured of terrible lumbago by MINARD S LINIMENT. aral Try Murine Eye Reme_dy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn‘t Smart â€"Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eve Remedy, Liquid, 25¢, 50c. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25¢c, §0c. Eve Books Free by Mail. An Eye Tonic Good for Ail Fyes that Need Care Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicage Fatherâ€"**You must know, sir, that my daughter will get noâ€" thing from me until my «eath." Suitorâ€"*‘Oh, that‘s all right, that‘s all right! I have enough to live on for two or three years." Minard‘s L Teacher: "*mmie. suppose vou had ten ay »s and ten oranges, and gave nineâ€"tenths of them to some other little.bovs, whet would you have!?" _ Jimmieâ€""I‘d have me head examined.‘" WHY KEEP OK CoustING ? Do you realize the danger in & neglected cough ? Then why (fon’t you get rid of it? Yes, you can shake it off, even though it has stuck to you for a long time, if you go about it right,. _ us * Keep out in the fresh air as much as you can, build up your strenpth wih lenty of wholesome fâ€"0d, and take §J-Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Chlorodyne. in hok e This reliable household remedy has broken up thousands of hacking, perâ€" gistent coughs, which were just as troublescome as yours, and wha{ it has done for so many others it will do for you, Naâ€"Druâ€"Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Chlorodyne contains absolutely no harmful drugs, and so can be .given sately to children, as well as adults. Your physician or druggist can confirm this statement, for we are ready to send tnem on request a complete list of all the ingredients, Putâ€"uY in 25¢. and 50¢. bottles by the National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited. 317 Time may be monev, but it‘s or substityte for a bank account Rere Is A Remedy That Will Stop It t Cures Carget in Cows MRS. 8. MASTERS this wonderful modern light in y you may return it at our €xpent much light as the ordimary ol acetylene. Lights and is put out I tnsactnatstatals umssn Brsssmalhcuatcs 4d 1 . Don‘t waste your time in preparation P es c naias Poonier TPrirock 1 ronto. Canada‘@ Ponn‘sr Commen clal Schon‘. Marnificent Co++alnone frea Everybody knows that Methuseâ€" lah was the oldest man, but even the Bible is reticent about the oldâ€" est woman. af Mink “ ALL ®TONES. KIDNEY a%p PLAD * d@er Stones. Kidnes tronble. Gravel, luirba@o and kindred ailme=~t« poeitively cured with the new Cerman remedv, *Runol " price ®!50 _ Another new rome4v tor Diabetes:Mo!litne, and «nre_ enre, is "Banol‘« Antiâ€"Diahetrse" Price ®"*%0 from Arng@iâ€"ts or direct The Râ€"nol Mennfam turing "ownany of Canada _ Limited. Woinnipeg. Man. (me 19 C-w FR _ TUMORS _ LUMPS Internal and external. en am* prin by our home *re=>mant ne hefere tm~ ]nto Ne Â¥â€""man Ao I 1.ete2d aMinawanAÂ¥ fnt H W. 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