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Durham Review (1897), 25 Dec 1913, p. 5

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Small ‘rofits almn _RAITH 1st mas ue Cdle ole ol > ds ary to rs5 » off ear s nere / u* .'19\ a « ;m ’ Al ’ 5m ’ ce c d a ; « ;a "‘q‘ .".‘3«‘7"0;6’;q'1’,«.3.&1.@1&“’&;«““ ;7";;\: "@’Tt Cs**4*4*4*4 tatatecr m m us waw nos*s"~s*5g=g22 NC ® 5 4 4e l > T 0: _ HURRY, HU $ T, 3 Â¥. Hâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"Gsnm‘ | GAhristmas t R § preciines g g from 5 E' THE QUALITY PHaRMaAcy 8 F Mr. W. Aideorn bas resumed the ‘Yh‘ mercantile business here aguain. &« Those who attended the Swinten | in Park entertainment report an excellent | to program \to Miss L. Aldcorn and Mp of Swinton Park spent Sc frierds in town. Collegiate and Miss from ihe Faculty Toronto. We are yery pleased to see all our young friends home from their differâ€" ent places of learning and other emâ€" ployments : Miss Agnes Harrow from Strat/ord Normal school, Miss Mazie Tryon from Medical Behool, Toronto, Misses Edua Ferguson, Myra McLean â€" and Margaret Tryon from Owen Sound PE Mc .54 s L.2 1 Bome of Miss Myra Mel choolmates attended the Oper Miss Mary Aldcorn who is teaching in Camilia has been reâ€"engaged there at an increase of salary and is bolidayâ€" img at bhome st present. > « Mr. John L. MeKimron ~who is attending Queen‘s College University arrivyed home Monday night for his bolidays. ( Surpius stock of Men‘s Clothing Miss Litsle is spending the hbholidays at her home in Owen Sound. * AROUND â€" THE VILLAGE PRICEVILLE 452 Ladies skirts in Gray and Black, plainand embroidered fronts, Hurry to Levine‘s store and save a big margin in your greatly reduced in price â€" You will be able to get quality ol diffzreat descriptions which space prevents us mentioning but they are Black and Blue Worsteds, the latest d § + I » cut an quahty and ::’;: au?:i;sh', patterns,%h be so!ld less than actual value. For quick turfming over to cash, sale Pr. $9.95 So l'.mry for them and don‘t de]ay value. W e hav;‘succecdcd purchasing from the best tailors Fiity cases of Rubbers for Men, Women and Children, heavy and light, all season oaable go »ds purch:n:.l from the Minor Rubber Co. to be sold less than manulactured price. These Rubbers are guaranteed to give the best of satisfaction and every one should rush and get them at low prices for they will not have another chance again. DURHAM. We have got a big selection of Rubbers Aother lot of heav$ tweeds For Rubbers and Clothing Men‘s Plain and Storm Rabbers, regular $1 for 65¢ * Women‘s storm Rubbers, regular 75¢ for 50¢ Ladies Rubbers, very best quality, meluding felt and plain, regular goc for 65¢ Mea‘s Lumbermaia‘s heavy Rabbers, 12 in leather top, reg 4. 00 for $2.98. The same quality rubber heels and rolled edge 9 ins top, reg. 3.60 for $2 75 The same quality 7 in leather top, regular 3.00 for $2.25 Men‘s plain Heavy Rubbers, rolled edge, snag proof, regular 2.25 for $1.50 Mea‘s Welt overs, three buckles, regular 2.50 for 1.75. nda Miss Louise Watson Faculty of Edncalion) ) and Mr. B. Haw spent Scnday with &‘ 0C 4@V>GI) t. ta â€" McLean‘s the Open Lit 9 1913 se in i Bflt\w.w come back to our own iSte to fi town andMozality and on visiting the fts we i tnany bomesthat were cheerful‘ one iC <du Hl year ago will fint.them on this Xmas chogâ€" |and New Year mUra sad and lonely j for death entered it% their homes ndred fl and took away some ol their loved irticuâ€" F.l’“"“’ wh> brightened the boemes at more mjme beginning of the year and now t next f{|they have only like one of old as a 50 UP j reminder, the garment which they H, wore, but the ysars will pass on irâ€" respective ef taking notice to ali the rY H,‘htalmes that transpired daring the | past time. S now we take the cheet. fl?t‘ul side and we find how many homes |are gladdened by the presence (f ONT fl! friends near and dear who were abâ€" Aintee erpaa e es ulc on Ee ko c ons 3 as Maz;_| .. A Pleosant Xmas and an enjoyable sg Mazie] New Year to the editor and assistâ€" ‘Toronto, | arts and to the numerons readers of McLean | the Keview is the wish of the writer. '-'"“5°““"‘ The years are fast ebbing away, Mc" | for another is nearly to its journey‘s d“““°"!+end. In passing through this world, * _ | we come to a balt at the closing ot B. Haw| the year and wesimply ask ourselves lay with | the question " is is possible that we | are one year older at the close of 1913 med the than we wers at the beginoing ? ‘‘ 3 ~| Yes it‘s a fact, those of us that were e | going down grade then are stitl goâ€" Swinten | ing little by little till finally we come xcellent| to the level and than we cannot reâ€" tuse the command when it shall be , |pronounced that time is up. â€" Yes eLean‘s | time was 1p for a large number of pen Lit| the buman race before the closing of F Â¥lhwow 4. 12 4e 1. . . LEVINE ‘ Regular selling price up to $13 for $7.95 | fl‘ Iut 1 M > statingh abe it Ada it uaiihi Asiasick W 2 _ _ |the year. Many who enjoyed Xmas _ and New Year 1913 are on this Xmas C ) and New Year filling a small bed in p | the different bary ing places throughâ€" 5 out the whole Domtnion and all over y (the universe. We give a backward | look as to what hbappened a few ‘ weeks ago on the different lakes and | wealmost tancy we can hear the | wails and cries of those going down} [to the blue waters of our different |lakes and as those waters will soon | be covered al!l over with nature‘s jy | mamntle, ice, those whose fate it was fi? to be yet in the bottom wil? be closed |in the cold and iey tenement and Hlprobably will be there as the case | may be, till the waters have to give fl ap its dead when the last tramp : ball | py | Sonqd . ‘ sent forsoms years or less tims and lciency in the Collegiate last year. She was also presented with a boâ€" quet of roses, ga . graciougâ€" gribute from the girls of her form. > save a big margin in your buying, while the goods are will be able to get quality and selection here. > UORe P '.'moly L0 SCC Myra presented with the muchâ€"prized gold medal obtained for Reneral proâ€" ficiency in the Collegiate last year. She was also presentad mun .‘ ho in Owen e By J. A. MeD Bonnd preferably to see When you see them you will appreciate their quali.ty fmd alm_t‘;he very best of Scotch all to be sold at very low prices All to be cleared at $1.50 Te sn to seejorn this Xmas and New Year day .prized tm sit mmd ‘h.dd table to parâ€" 1 pro.|take of the dm’enf good things proâ€" year. |bably prepared by the good old a boâ€"| mother and ob. what rejoicing that ribuze |OnCe more ail th: family are psrmitâ€" ted: to surround. the eld. familiar ._ Itahle and the dear mother thinks A0D! |thag nothing, is too good for son or esda) | daughter who wasabsentfrom home ram !* ) for some time. | Those far away from their old . Mc | home and in distant countries will be PDec|tbhinking of the old familiar spot | where they played in their youthtul | days, enjoyed themselves in a special }manner on a Xmas and New Year‘s |day.. They carmnut refrain trom castâ€" yable isz an imaginary look across the, esistâ€" | prairie and over the many rockt and rs of|rills that intervens between them riter.| and the old town of Priceville. Yes way, |they will think .of pastâ€"gone years ne ’.; and pastâ€"gone dear ones who in umesl 'or{d. gone by eprertaimned them with lov | * oi ing bearts in the old but hnmbch elves | homes of their childhood years, t we| We go back again and think of mc{ 1913 | m @ unfortunate mer and women | g 2‘ | whd are left tossing on life‘s ocean LSs| were|a ship deprived of her sails, some u,r{ goâ€"|lubg years ago and others not so ]ung :] :ome|ago. They too will be thinking of | . t reâ€"|their untortunate lots on this Xmas | 11 be|and New Year‘s days So it matters| The regular price of these er and warming themselves. On a certais cold moraing a lot 0f good Illghl‘}nders were sitting in the bar when d big sleighload of the highest ‘lass of the country came in and frarried up to the barâ€"room and crâ€" dere? their hot toddy, a good natur ed hig*lander was looking, hig _ Away back when the eorner at the British sotel, Darham, no kept by (G, McKechnie, was the chiet market ground, when a large number eomâ€" ing from the country would hurry in to the hotel after selling their proâ€" dace probably :o the late J. H. Hantâ€" Now we come down to the coming week or ten days and many a poor (or fat we shou‘ld say) gobler will with terror hear its slayer stealing np to the dark and making it a prisâ€" oner and then wichout judge or jary pronounce that is neck must be twisted or slain in some other manâ€" ner. ‘The old tashioned bottle :t each end otf the table is generally n thing of the past, but many ard nearâ€" ly all of the poople of ye olden days did not realize Xmas or New Year‘s without the bottle of good old rye beâ€" ing at each end of the testive board. So we nowadays must content ourâ€" selves by being treated to a good cup of Ceylon and Melegama tea to satisâ€" fy the craviog for drink at oar Xmas and New Year‘s dinner. ‘ ard New Ycar‘s days So it matters not who they are, down from the willionaire to the tramp, cireumâ€" stances will cause thom to give vent to their feeliugs on account of some loss sustained during the past year by being deprived of friends or proâ€" porty. 6 zS VICINITY UONTARIO Set S onT ARIO ‘The purchaser shall pay a deposit of $200 at the time of sale, the balâ€" ance o. one third of the purcshase money in tw weeks thereafter ; the remainin} twWoâ€"thirds in cash or seâ€" cured by, a mortgage payable in SEPARATE SCOHOOL, No, , GLEN. (Xmas Exams) Names avre in order of merit, Srishâ€"Wilfred Vasey, George Vasâ€" ey. Jr 4thâ€"Nellie Smitb. _ Jr 3r4â€" Ross Parke, James Ooffey, Joseph (Galvin, Hugh Vasey, Joseph McArtâ€" ney, Pt 2odâ€"Maurice Vasey, Kathâ€" leen â€" Suallivau, Mayme Sullivan, J T Sullivan, John Mathews. _ Primerâ€" Mariam Parke, Nora Sullivan. Sale of Valuable Farm Property UP TURSs This propelX is sitaated within two miles of Durham in & good farmâ€" ingidistrict. This is one of the best stceék farms in the neighborhood. pen the property is a brick house and a frame barn. Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a eertain Mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, default having been made in payment thereot, wili be sold by PUBLIC AUCTION _ at the MIDDAUGH HOUSKE, Darham on THURSDAY, 8tih January, 1914 at one o‘closk p. m, the following property,f. the west half of lots numbers Fi‘yâ€"four aud Fifty five in the Third Concession, East of the Garafraxa Road, in the Township of Glenelg, in the County of Grey, containing 100 acres more or less. P\ _ Mrs 0.H. Moffat and kaby are spendâ€" ing the week in Ourham with her morher, Mrs Greanwood. Teaichers sperding Xmas at their howe here; yiss Maggie Firth, Bolâ€" ton ; Mrand Mrs D. Firth, Lindsay ; Miss Mary Edge, Drayton ; Mr J. W# Greenwood, Novar. NOONM WAs Well T@Ndarad â€" A nri 5 Of 4 book each was xi‘v}':d{(, A,.E"Rit('hip and Oecil Paylot by {)° Teacher for having the least mistakes in spelling during the term, Amnumber of the parents and friens of the chbildren were present, * The E4g»i1l schoot ciosed on Fri. day. A short orogram in the afyp"~ noon was well rendered, A »iki o. . Fualars: l 9k: We are sorry to report Mrs Neil M Eachnie, St., is very ill. Miss Mabel Scoit and Mr=Joe Clai are holiday visitors in Hamilton. Our mixed quaerteite went to Vontry Friday evening and gave some iine selrctions. This is their fourth visit thereand always seems a hear‘y welâ€" come. f Mr Will McBEachnie is now owner of the bagpipes, We hear them 0â€" casionally on the telephonse, Miss Mae McBachnie is spending Xmas in Buffalo. Don‘t forget our 8. 8, entertainment Xmas eve, _A good time is expected, Wonder will we be able to bave a sleighride on Xmas, Methinks a itc more snow is needed, although we occasionally hear a sleigh bell. Mrs Geo. Gilkes veturned home S1:â€" urday, after some four weeks‘ visi! with Toronto friends, Mr L. Frook has been somewhat in disposed. Hope to hear of his #peed y recovery, Mrs Blair and her diugnoter, Mis Louis Frook visited Traverston frien«ds Sunday last, Boothvilie School concert Fndsay night. Those who report a good time. Mr Ferguson, of London, spent a few days with his parents, Mr and Mrâ€" A. Ferguson, A Merry Xmas and a prosperous New Year to and family, * Misses Isa, Ethel and Flossie Camp® bell are home from Toronto to enjoy their holidays here. Mc Ernest McGirr has accepted the position as teacher of Swinton Park school. We wish him success, Mrs Jno, Moore and Mrs Vanderburg have gone to the city and the Moore homestead is deserted. We hope to see Frank restored to health and back in our midst soon, Mrs C, Moore, of M; at Mr D, McCormack‘s Messes McLean and Ferris were busy sawing wood for Messrs D, J. McCorâ€" ma k and Jas. Paton, Miss Annie Wright, teacher, is holiâ€" daying at home, Misses J. Aldcorn, M. Campbell, R. Stewart, also Masters W. J, McLeod avnd Herbert Hannam, Durham High gchuol students, are home for boliâ€" ays. & 1000 000070 omm . Miss Ida Wilsou and Mr N T. Wilâ€" son went from Guelph to Gails, where bhey yisited their sister, Mrs P. Mcâ€" rae, Messts Jno, Aldcorn, Robt. K G, Wilson and R, R, Kinnvell at the Fat Stock Show in Guelph Enough . said this time; Wishing. again all bappiness to all readers of Review and proprieters, . ~~â€" mouth almoss wa looking at the bigh clasa drmkmc; hot ; teddy and in his native language he said cha n eil tios ga deamar tha dacna bochd lille beo ider nach deéid aon deur nam boos or better said, how are other poor pepple livying that won‘t get a drop into their mouth (boss is a vualgar name tor mousb) but we mtst live without it, although poor Alean was thinking is hard times looking «t others drinking it. â€" M School Reports. MaÂ¥vxo WaAaRNOCK. Teachec, rIO ARCHIVES TQRONTO oo n# @# @ _ â€"â€"â€"+#4%â€"â€"â€"__._ EDGE HILL SWINTON:â€" PARK HOPEVILLE TERMS . Kintvell attended Markdale, visited a happy and o the editor . Knox,G, was held attended to Clark | PPerLZ : _8 , Christmas Why deny yourself tho maximam of comfort at the minimum of expense. _ All metalâ€"weather strip costs less, is far more efâ€" fective than storm sash and is a permanent institution, requiring no removal. _ Most public buildings in large cities are ecquipped with it, Architects specify it, the Government demands it. Estimates cheerfully given, Work gaaranteed Write, Phone or Call. Manufactured and installed by The specially designed and upâ€"toâ€"date method now generally adopted for effectually preventing entry of all draught, snow, sleet, rain or dust of any kind, thereby insuring an even temperâ€" ature throughout the building. Saves its cost in Fuel in a short Time Post Office Block, Our goods are new and upâ€"to date. . G is a pleasure to us as well as you, to see Every window and every door where ever made of wood w ill be equipped with CGiecs, Floves, fiandx‘a‘ Scarfes, â€" Sartors, (S‘.fi‘ Wootlten Wfitts) | io Roxed Searfs Combination Sets ¢ Fo]: a;:propriatc Xmas presents eall a e R S.A. PRife d:Co. J C. Furber & CGo . We have a good stock of Food on hand thM are offering at low prices for the next few weeks as we want to reduce our stock. _ If you need feed of auy kind call and see us at the Oatmeal Mill. 4 Cheap Feé_ McGowan Milling Co. Suspenders, armlets and garâ€" ters in silk, silk lisle and other des. t"I* 75e to 225 We have the largest and best assorted stock of Men‘s Furâ€" nishinfig in Durham," set in beautiful boxes making a most useful and delightful Christâ€" mas gift. EVENTUALLY And hoping that our numeÂ¥ous custemers may share fully in its Joy and Gladness, Wishing all a lerry Christmas Crushed Oats Chopped Oats Chopped Barley Feed 0 i‘n>i‘ Oat Feed Mixed Feed All=â€"Metal Weather Strip Wishing you the compliments Why Not Now INDIVIDUA Oatmeal Miills DURHAM, ONT. A beautifu and populs Yours sincerely, 10 4 ta ols w .l m ts _E S ie ds io an s d act s 0 .. 19 Ceus t eR 2 22E O 22 e mc % R > Shilofi=) ‘The family remody for Coughs and Colde, ‘Shiloh costs so little and does to much i" VC January 0, 1914 ; 4 R nfir"“ Polling Subâ€"tivig(cet. athiin td ‘l\ll McKianon 3 ,wt‘i.‘_“. & * No 3â€"M E Murr C »* M W Byere, \ml&ywe" ;'.1\"0‘0- $Â¥ee, C J Ryan ; No 7â€"W Steyeb. R Dickson. Baetzâ€"Holmâ€"That the fo : l{cturnl:dg Offhcers and Poli / @ppoint for the Municipai on Jazuary 5, 1914 ; se id Minimem fares 25¢ Full particulars from any C. P.R. agent or write, _ M.G. MU RPH& Dist Pass. Agent, Toront‘â€" Also going Also going Dec 31, Jan 1. B@CTV®N#.,Jan Return limit Return limit Jan 2, 19148 Jan 8, 1914 iven eop@iifatâ€"Th l given refur.q of statute I:r"{m Whitelgraâ€"â€" Geberdt â€" 1'5* Walter be refurded 81 dog tak . B".llâ€"Gebordlâ€"-Tuut Chas W be Lefunded 2.25 statute labor. Holmâ€"Baetzâ€"That reâ€"claim 6f: Cooper, for recount of $7,50 Ahe ion be taker, *filolm~ â€"Geberdtâ€"That the reps Clhairman of Board of Hoylth a port Of then Madics MA as published in the Te last week be accepted and. Clerk be instructed to sen the Bee. of Provincial Board for the year 1913â€"carried. Good going Return limit Dec 26, 1913 Between all stations in T. Ft William and Eastand to 8: Ste Marie, Detroit, Mich, Buffai« Niagara Falls, N Y. SINGLE FARE FARB&ON THIRD 1913 pro T 'r‘iufi ‘-,\;._i_s«E L‘ 'â€"é‘?‘i, & Excursion Fares c 24, 25 Christmas New Years ME\ Good going _ ,* Dec 22, 28, u.4= Return limit Dec. 27, 191J ; \ , 1e 1914 PECS, n l Â¥ w M

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