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Durham Review (1897), 1 Jan 1914, p. 2

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SEVENTIYâ€"IWO MET DEATBME: Awful Catastrophe at Christmas & despatch from Calumet, Michiâ€" gan, says: Om the day which | threegbout all Christendom is set . aside as a day of rejoicing over the birth of the Baviour, Calumet, stricken to the heart by an almost unbelievable â€" catastrophe, stands | mourning by the side of its dead, the 78 victims (most of whom wonl children) of the frightful panic on Chrristmas eve in the Italian ball. This panic followed & false alarm ery oA fire during the progress of a COhristmas tree entertainment arâ€" ranged for families of the coppet strikers â€" Toâ€"day the people of Calamet see their neighbors, their brotbers, their sisters and their Lttle children staggering under an uimost unbearable burden otf disâ€" tress and grief. The authorities unable to trace & to have gone up Teame e PtE EEE NE CCC 0 8 wod anable to trace a manD who is said to have gone up the stairs of the Italian hall and raised the ory of fre, which is supposed to have started the panic which led to the fearful crush in the stairway and ~ausod the death of the nearly four anope rien, womon and childron. There seems to be little hope he will be apprehended. The other theory that the ery of fire origiâ€" nated within the hall was substanâ€" ticted on Thursday by Matt Sart, a striker, who lost his son in the disâ€" aster. _ Ho deciared the cry came from a« group of men and women syward the front of the hall. sTBC EC C Arad toward the front OL URC "*"*.;â€"died| A fourteenâ€"yearâ€"old girl x"" ‘ «y DMy»ze~doe «v@utug Bbre 'ht the SKial Tst of deié ap to 72. All have uow been identified. Five inâ€" jured are in the hospitals, all of whom, it is said, will live. Three little girls in the Calumet and Heeâ€" j tm hosapitals were able on Thursday to be up and about, and they‘ romped around the Christmas tree set up for the patients unaware of the fate which had overtaken some f their brothers and sisters and the father of one of them. A boy of seven or eight years of age who was taken to one of the morgues showed signs of life soon uftor, but no restoratives and no physician wore irmnmediately availâ€" abie and death ensued. One couâ€" ple entored the town hall where all ho bodies had been gathered to wl for their missing child. Their A biue book report on D esc« has been mmug.. 1 serimenial marches th @10 aund reports u@larora satvies . rujiseâ€"Lor 1909, f anub Pen g@ll lost wertwh dave of l'{v nmarch the 'h of weizhs"among the men halt a pound and among | hroeâ€"quarters of a pound The report notee that dolicient in evergy value scormed beef, biscuit, jam ration of potaioes or cal f@râ€"t woeek freah meat Says, Xing Mas Tubsrculosis. _____ | Ayrim« in a society weekly claims to aave fnquestfonable authority for sAÂ¥ ing In regwrd to Ning Alfonso‘s recent vigit to Viemana :~ consult throat and car specialiats that th« citwation is this: King Alfonso‘s fathor died of mbercu\osigfl.t the ago of 28. The present King was en w faw monihs afterward and lately, the sams disease has beetn diagnosed in him. The root of the effection, it is said, lice at the top of the nowe and a graye overâ€" ation is coneidered absolutely necessa"y, aithough King Alftorso never looked botâ€" .ar than he does at procent. The Viennese orporia deokded that the only way is to Toâ€" move the n:lhqn:nt tissue, and the conâ€" «encue of leal opinion ie that the young Kiog will pull through. Four Bukes in Crosvenor Square. Our London Lette Blue book report on British army dietâ€". « has been issued. It deals with exâ€"< mential murches in the years 1909 and und reports u@fuvorably on the field ies rafts=â€"for 1999, when the officers o 8. meweun The Aeâ€"cang t laat five s of tho march the tâ€"eage daily loss yeirhs* among the men just â€"ovâ€"r / a pound and among the 0 ab e eâ€"quarters of a pound. he report notese that the ration â€" w@@ cient in epergy yalue. It consisted of med heef, biscuit, jJam, arnd a gr0cery n of potaioes or caulifiower. In the i woek freash meat wis served. but ol beef was handed out in u;o‘.:eoond. ho committee found it imposaible to inâ€" a«o the om-rÂ¥y eupply inside the limit a ration weighive only three pounds hout overconcentration. It cut out the «tocs, reducing the ration to two and half pounds, wad «ubstituting . bacon, ese, oatmeal, additional . jam and Eu‘ The result was that the march of ehowed oxcellent resulte, oflnfl to . fat aupplied by. the bacon and ch@c‘e d the buik furnished by the porridze & s man ahowed eigre of wasting and ‘ro were none of the hollew choeks ard vkon evee which were so noticeable the rÂ¥ LOus year. DRUGS ARE DANGEROUS Inland New Army Ration Successful Women in Plumbing Trade. late Duke of Suthorland wet aside | dor a town residence in place . of mew!. @didilione! oi CCCR result was that the march of excellent resulits, owlns' to lied by the bacon and chatse k furnished by the porridze ahowed eigre of wasting awnd ame of the hollew choeks ard which were so noticeable the ies have so far &~{ourteen woit ig _ Mas Tuberct a society week! onable . authori :~ King, Alfo . <~ consult thr o the «itwation i or died of tub The present Ki CEEC Eh ppear under the heading pricets, . and ministers," i\ heavers. There are 37 iggomers. and 241 women 1 "atrikers." Only one herself with making »% three women are shipâ€" ymen are "tramway CaAT: ma‘ly Engiand and W:.!‘os Revenue â€" Department Issues Against â€" Headache Powders «ly . women seen a woman plumâ€" India Dock . many persous who Shoe affirmative, but _ 0C of the cenaus of ENX | @ugar, ac ating to occupation} | the induet e are eighty@x® WO tions whicl ling of plumber. Of role as an which has . juast vomen haye sucâ€" hemselvea in _ here their preâ€" cre are weventy 1 white washers, hem women, but i1 carpenters mon masons. Calumet, Michigan, at a Tree Celebration s hopes ran high when they had 100%â€" ! ed at seventy of the bodies and failâ€" ‘ed to find their loved one, but the |last body they viewed, the seventyâ€" \first, was that of the missing one. \ Members of the Calumet fire deâ€" | partment relate many instances of ;‘hercic attempts to rescue the panicâ€" .“stricken people in the hall. Patâ€" {rick Ryan arrived on the scene & ‘few minutes after the crush occurâ€" I red at the foot of the stairway. He | estimated there were about 100 â€"| piled on top of each other when he +\ reached the entrance of the buildâ€" f\ ing. f N. Many tales of the fierceness of the crush during the height of the erush during the ‘!\eight of the mult. i Matti Kotzjardi, wife aughters, , warâ€" «f! XsiP jan K],.l::h and his two tia _ smy\ $s ASatl IN UIG. Matti Kotzjarvi, wife,**4 AtO J‘ daughters, , war, =" xailed. Chrisâ€" tian KlecB and his two daughters "£ s erushed to death, but Mrs. Klarich managed to escape. A large number of families lost two or more children, More than fifty of the dead were under ten years oA ago. Mrs. A. Niemela, one of the‘ vieâ€" times, was suffocated while standâ€" ing up. John Burrill, & fireman, )who witnessed her death, took a sixâ€"monthsâ€"old infant from her arms and carried it to safety. Leonard Wilman, another fireman, pushed his way into the stairway and took out & crying boy of six uninjured. Near him his mother and sister lay dead. An elevenâ€"yearâ€"old boy resâ€" cued his brother of nine by carryâ€" ing him down a ladder. Another child, thrown out of a window by a frantic father, was caught in the arms of an onlooker. Another father killed his boy by falling on ‘him, and he, too, perished, W G. Foster Stackhouse, leador of the Brit« ish Antarctio Expedition of 1914, has acâ€" quired Capt. Reott‘s old ship, the Dis covery, from the Hud.on Bay Company, for the purposes of next year‘s polar vOYâ€" age. ‘The Discovery was apecially built _ by the Government for the Scolt oxpedition of 190% Her timbers are oak ard teak, and sho has a specially strong ironâ€" «heathed forefoot, while her engines ot 500 horseâ€"power can drive her at nine and a half knots. It will be remembered thut the Discovery wae frozen in the lce for thres years, and that Seott‘s olgedmon was eventualiy relieved by the orning and the Terra Nova. Capt. Boott wantod her for his last polar expedition, but tâ€"o Hudaon Bay Company, by whom she had been purchased, waa unable to releaso her in time, much to the great explorer‘s disâ€" agpomtmem. ‘or the paet three years the stout old ship he‘u )‘;.ocn laid up in the Bouth West Staford House, and the young duke by taking a mansion on GUrosvenor Square has made it the most ducal awre or street in London _ The dukes of rtland, Somerset and â€" Manchester are alread / there, es well as four diplomats, namely, the Ambassadore from the United Biates, Italy, Japan, and Chile. Others living on the sqnare are a morâ€" guis, two earls and seven barons. . Two centuries after it was laid out *"Mle eanare is «till the wealthicst and h cxclusive in London. ks s â€" + vap.. «bott‘s Ship Bought. I | @ngar, according to the Lancot, has in the induetrice many_ valuable aleiol- tione which have nothing to do with its role a« an ailment â€"It is, for example, the foundation of common shoe blacking. Sugar entors largely into the comfosi icn of copyine inks, and printers‘ ro.lers are made up of a mixture of glue and «lyâ€" cerine or eugar. It is used in the manuâ€" facture of transparent soape. 2 DoE mseds N2 Quaaw â€" am. For a \nni‘ time engar I ployed as a hardware and a cements and is mixed with it permanently hard eaall the most ancient masonry has been found to econtain whle quantities of engar. ' Where Mayfair Cots ! Most Londoners are »Y of the derivation of the Special interest attzches t at the momert in view of demolition of Shopherd‘s a block of Aate is to be € wt 0C MROTACDD O CL2204rs demolition of Shopherd‘s Market, where a block of fate is to be erected. The market was established on the ground belonging to ono Shepherd, who owned the land on which the "May fair" used to be held. The foir was done away with in 1708, but was subsequently rovivâ€" ed, being held on the «ite of Shephord‘s Market until ite final awbolition in 1764. TLandon. Deo. 22. 191. The Longest Straight Railway. ‘ Nowhere else in the world is there so long a stretch of railway wnhout1 a curve as in New Zealand. There a road runs in & perfectly straight line for 136 milesâ€"a fact all the more remarkable because the country is so ‘mounta.!nous that the railways in general have sharp curves and heavy grades. . London, Dss Shoe Blacking Made of Sugar. when they had lookâ€" thing to do wWilh N# | .. When Locomo« tnolt:,h]ig.'for examnle.rflml Six Others Injured ed ommon :}1‘109 m:‘“:"?,.‘fi‘ tive Exploded. ely into the c ana printe ':"\u:",fi’fa“ 3'1':‘-\ A despatch from _ St. })‘Fofia:t ;tht\;:ouged in the manuâ€" | | [/g . Firema-n_J. '.lfho:"lp, o. were parent aoa.g'. .\ ie, and an unidentific ma o alnc .:n::tt:ne;'gr‘il.rllle’d on Thursday mormngg;’hen ware and 8. Ive ille ® Waba enâ€" ixed with mortar to & & G.T.R~ V hard sualities &'?:or‘\)“ pie bollar Ofgda The accident hapâ€" bo uuninin sery apprect | gine exploded, _ The aceiis0n RLAD io contain wery app ed about six o‘cloc \ J of sugat. $eu tive was returning 1181‘5. yfair CGots Its Name. locomotiv 1 C ids. Engineos Nichâ€" e e oys otain. | the yullale" of St. Thomas, had n of_ the Te d 3‘{3.’-3;',{ | olas J. Curran, ascaps He â€" was attsches to the «d : | + 9 ape. . 4 ow of the forthooming | a â€" miraculous but while seâ€" 'f‘h”h:rd's Market, where | thrown trom the cab, ud to be all ilrut 4 k C s 0 7 rected. expecte P ie to /008 c riway‘ fair" | right again as c aby PRML Lowad Issues Warning 6 Repme o O OR o contain wery appreciâ€" | gin t eugar. pet fair CGots Its Name. lo¢ ; are probably ignotrant | the of the name Mayfair. ttzches to the design »tion ola i view of the forthcoming | q hopherd‘s Market, where s to be erected. th as established on the | ve g to one Shepherd, who | °. on which the "May fair" | TIS The foir was done awa-y\ Cl â€" mt a ind P P of the Brit« aEP0R7a erRom THE LEADING TRAD! CENTRES OF AMERISA Srices of Cattle, Crain, Cneese and treduce at Homs and abrsad Breadstuffs. Toronto, Dec. 30.â€"Flour, Ontario flour, ) per cent , $350 to $5.09, 6@2 ana at $+.90, ‘woronto. Manitobas patents, in jute bags, $5.0; 40. & "«.qu; strong bakers, in JULO bags. manitoba wheayâ€"No. 1 nortaern, Bay poris, anda & cent mo.e IOf € u. @ouerich, and ho. 2 at 9 1â€"% porw. \ _...ario wheatâ€"No. 2 wheat at 84 outéide. _ _ _ _ A c*s may porLs, ane t UTUT S 2. onl a. Gogermich, and ho. 2 at 99 1%, bâ€"Â¥ porw. .. .ario wheatâ€"No. 2 wheat at 84 to 85¢, outerde. Vaisâ€"No. 2 Ontario oate, 312 to 356. outsuie, and at 38 to 38 i20, on track, Toâ€" routo. _ Weetern Canada qid_ Oats, 40 126 for ~No. 2 anda 3%6 for No. 3. Bay portsâ€" \ reas 81 to $1.05 outs.de. Earleyâ€"Good multing barley, 55 to 566. ©118.40. uornâ€"New No. 3, American, T3 1.%0, all rail, Toronto. 4 Kyoâ€"~o. 2 at 65 to 660. outaide, Buckwheatâ€"(06, outside. Eranâ€"Manitobs bran, Â¥21 to $21.50 a ton, in bage, Toronto freight. Bhorts, $22.00, LOrOULW. Butterâ€"Choice dairy, 2 to 24¢; inferior, !i %0 to Zlo; farmere‘ separator prints, 2+ to %6c; creamery prints, 0 to Sic: .ofid-. 18 , to 2%¢; storage prinis, 27 to 2M0; do., eolids, ; , % to %6 1â€"%¢ \. Eagsâ€" Case lots of newâ€"laid, 45 to 48¢ DCD |, doien; selects, 37 to 386, and storage. ol || to soe per dozen. . Chesseâ€"New cheese, 14 1.% :o 14 3446 for large, and 156 for twins. Beane â€"Handâ€"picked, _ $2.20 to §$2.25 per | bushel; primeés, $2 to $2.10. | Honeyâ€"Extracted, in ting, 11 to 120 per Ib. for No. 1; combs, §3 to u.zsflp-r dozen for No. 1 and $2.40 to $250 for No. 4. . ; : Poultryâ€"bowl, 11 to 1%0 per lb.; chick: ere, 16 to 17¢; ducks, 15 to lie; gerse, 12 to lc; turkeys, 19 to pPAM ) POM'O@S"()IR!"}OI. 80 to 850 per bag. 0n | track, and D@lawares at 900. ! $io:‘heavy, 1%; rolle, 15 14 to 16, bre®*~ faet bacon, 19 to 20¢ backs, 22 to Mo. Lardâ€"Tiercas, 15 34 to 14¢; tubs, 14 to 14 146; paile, 14 14 to 14 12%0. Baled Hay and Straw. Raled hayâ€"No. 1 at $14.50 to *1.5 a ton, on track hore; No. 2 at $13 to 13.50, and mixed at $12 to $1240. Baled strawâ€"â€"Car lots, $8.50 to $8.75, on track, Toronto. Winnipeg, Dec. 30.â€"Cash :â€"Wheatâ€"No. 1 Northern, 8 1 %6; No. 2 Northern, 19 140; No. 3 Northern, Tlo; No. 4, Ti 1â€"40; No. 5. 6 1â€"%26; No. 6, 62 1%¢; No. 1 N_)eot.od seedé, 76 1â€"%6; No. 2 rejected socds, 4 1â€"le; No. 1 emutty, 76 1â€"%¢; No. 2 smulty, 14 1â€"%6; No. 1 red Winter, 82 140; No. 2 red Winter @0o; No 3 red_ Winter, 780. Oateâ€"No, & C.wW., 33 38¢; No. 2 feed, 306. Bule§~ No. 3, 41 ilo; No. 4, 59 1â€"%¢ ; rejected, 1%¢; feed, afc. Flaxâ€"No. 1 NIW.C.. $1.22 14; No. 2 C.W., $1.20 14. Provisions. Baconâ€"Long: clear, 160 NR PmR ud #o% Montreal, Dec. 30 â€"Oatsâ€"Canadian Weatâ€". eru, No 2, 41 1â€"2 to 4%e; do., No. 3, 40 1â€"4 to Alc.‘ Barleyâ€"Man. feed, 48 to Sto; mailtâ€" ing, M to 650. Buckwheat, No. 2, 56 to S7¢. Flourâ€"â€"Man. Sprix;g wheat patents, frste, #5.40; seconds, $4.90; strong bakers‘, $470; Winter â€" ~atente, choice, $4.75 to $5; straight rollers, $4.50 to $4.60; do., bage, g'i to 8210.. Rolled oatsâ€"Barrels, $4.40 to .50; do.. bags, 90 lbe.. #2.10 to 8212 14. Bran, $20 to sm Shorte, $22 to 823. Midâ€" dlines, $25 to $26,. Monillie, §27, to $51. Hay, No. 2. per ton, car lote, $13.50 to &15. _ Cheeseâ€"Finest westerné, 13 34 _ to 140; finest eaatorns, 13 14 to 13 i26. Butâ€" terâ€"Choiceat ereamery, 28 12 to 2%6; gooâ€" onds, 2 to 28 14c. Eggeâ€"Frosh, 55 to 600 ; ‘at‘lwl«l. 38e; No. 1 stock, 3M46; No. 2 etock, | %c. Potatoes, per bag, car lots, 75 to 850. l Live Stook Markets, + | Toronto, _ Dsc. 30. â€"Usttleâ€"Choice but chere, 87.75 to $8; good mediutm, 22.50 to $72%; common, #5 to $5.50; cows, 50 to &7.%; common cows, §350 to $4; butchere‘ bulle, $5.75 w(”l.”; cannere and outtors, §1.50 to $4. aivosâ€"Gond venl, $875 to *11; common, $4.15 to $5.10. Stockers and foedersâ€"Stcers, 910 to 1,050 lbs., 86 to 86 75; {‘ood quulitg. B00 The., $4.50 to $525; li ht, | €3.50 to 85.50._ Sheep ard umNâ€"L{&ht | ewes, ©5.50 to §6; heary. $3 to §5.50; buok®, | 83 to $5.50; lprin lombs, $8.50 to ;9 butb ‘with T56 per he geduowd for all the buck lambe. Hasun 9.10 fed and watored, i39.10 off cars, and $8.40 to $8.50 f.04. Minneapolis. 2 & & 18o; (No. 1. Td | iy$K independently of govermnent semat 85 5â€"%¢ ; ;‘.?uv,&’.. No i Northorn, §1 74 u;.tr_!,\ indcpendently of government sesist . 87 18 to 87 "9 '\'«:)n'herv; "d2 1â€"8 bo M S4e: l ance, some yery large cold storagea comâ€" NoSY wheat 80 78 to 81 680. Corn, No ‘j | nanies/! and they are subject only to what vellow, 59 12 to 606; No $ white oats, leÂ¥exi]m? mf»':um"f h P ‘oo meds . bF 36 L2 ‘to 36 340. Flour $2150, for sesoind | it i oprerinidihg wlfi Enor it auy CAPI;III‘.ut;)h $41;:of01:!0 ( El.ly;ie,:::iwn;l':to 14; peâ€"| :iim’_'n“ l°“"‘" quantity of foodetuffs stor ces sioR q; May. $151 18. . Closeâ€"| ""f" Sn dhaee are Inifing food NSR Wheatâ€"No. 1 hard, 86 6â€"8¢; No. 1 Northe®n, | combives are holding food for highet 37 220. No, t Northern, 85 58 to 84 L8ei ooo rercrdiiigty." __ 0 * ~ ind Montana. No. 2 hard, 85 368¢; pecember, oute w accordingly. 83 1.46; May, 87 68 to 87 Mc. ‘The Sun‘s Big Spot. h dn 5 : There is a epot on tho sun 32,000 miles by oo ooo h mna Lb se . |4% 000 m{es in aise." The astronomors, «0me $ OF TARM PRODUGTS Clark, brakeman of St. JA0OMa®, and W. R. Cameron, of Windsor, were injured by escaping steam, and W. Lohr, A. Schultz, and W. B. Bartell, switchmen on the Erie Railway, who were close by, were hit by fAying debris. m-~{mn&lclesr. 16e per 1D.. in Porkâ€" Ehort cut, . $28.:0; do., â€" i \ Hi amnad~=Medtain to _li‘ht."lg'!w: Through Trains Will Be Ruouning in | 1915, Says Viceâ€"President. A despatch from Vancouver says : ‘‘We expect to have steel Iaid into Prince Goorge by January 10, and the track linked up right across the continent before the end of next May," announced Mr. Morley Donâ€" aldson, viceâ€"president of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway system, who arrived on Tuesday morning enâ€" route to the north to conduct an inâ€" spection of the line from the Prince & L lays â€" 138. ce AUat tha o is eoes Sawe /9 n Rupert end. ‘‘We believe that the new Transcontinental will be ready for operation of through trains _ oc in 1915."" eaid Mr. Donaldson. early in 1915, One Wer Cent. I Charged By Country Produce. RAND TRUNK PACIFIC. United States Ma Montreal Markets. Winnipeg Grain. TRAINMEXN KILLED. CARTAGE INCREASE. T i d Arpmesatse=7 h 0 to $6.00, eeabourd, o. Manitobasâ€"Hâ€"Tst k §5.w; ao.. seconas, in jute bags, $4.00, . 1 nortnern, 92 1â€"2¢, at mo.6 IOf GLIOIAZO man of St. Thomas, Cameron, of Wiquor, ONTARIO 1b., in caso do., . i0ess, 16, breakâ€" ; Me. ibe, 14 to teo amse whaat of failse alarme We are 8 danger, and twoâ€"thirds of Comment o3 uvents Whereverâ€" the original Garden of Fdon | was situatedâ€"for the site is unknown, on‘ mccount of the n.m‘biin.ty in the second chapter of Gonesiaâ€"the traditiona. fir\t| residence of man on earth is eupposed to . have beon somewhere in what is now the southeastern part of Turkey in Asia in the region around the Euphrates and Tigris riversâ€"a land onee studded with many @reat cities, later covered with a conth u« ous forest of verdure, but for centuries an uninhabitable desert of ealt marshes, bare plaine and sand drifts. flucg transformation has the Gardon _Buen. MERS U "line in the author of th TORONTO chon@ were 1&TE03 TT 7014A Once in the past the policy of the In: dian Government led to the whole world benefitin= by a supply of cheap quinine, and it is quite possible that if India takea ateps to extend the oulture of cinenona &t the present time it may not on}y protect ite own intorests, but again perform & worldâ€"wide service. The government has under consgidernâ€" tion at the presont time a measure to Proâ€" vide for Federal esuperyiaion and | inspecâ€" tion of all cold storas® plants throuchâ€" out the Dominio®. At the present time the Dominion dovernment exencisea cer tain 1uri\;dic'xon over cold storage plant: that have «sceived or are recoiving a fed: eral eqébsui}'. e Alaipe the past fow yearse thore F There is a apot on the sun Sa,MM MMLCE 20 11,000 m{les in sisze." The astronomors, «0Me of thom, «ay it is due to the heliocentric conjunction of the earth with Baturn. That is, the eun, the earth and this bis planet are in a line, and consequently the two latter exert a combined action on the sun, making this big s206. There is more or lese speculation in t‘hh. but if it is true the influence of the P ntv ets on the aun is 1mporhn&‘ lh; this bi« oYoQ n,nymln{ew do with the delay of an oldâ€"time winter? The planet Baturn 1& overhead at ten o‘clock these nights, an eince it is only 70,000 miles in diametor and 800,000,000 miles nu&" from the sun, w may concede the earth may have hhfi } much to do with the spot, and likewise the ‘loo'. with the earth. Mars is up there, too, but he is out of line At presont, | though . decidedly more warlike than The dm(on-g makers_ toll us thai among the words which havo coms into daily uss in the last two doocndes are bi« plane, cattalo, oitnn‘Y. plumoot, tangelo, zebrase, sebrule, radiogram, aerogram, ma roonigram, \lettergram, nufl’r:fotte. kitchenette, cafeteria, electron, escalator, gold brick, gru". ({new meauings), @reen grocery, gridiron (In football), ag Mog, ostcopath, roof K:rden, .ynumy.xgorchnu, briquet, ©xpans oniat, tberion, immuns, laverick, manywhere, okapl, open Aoor, mte:émthilt. pln‘:mg. popover, radium, vekodrome, but there are some of these | words that we do not use oftoner then ns aturu. oncé & Picoe of Sandstone Assayed $150 to the Ton. A despatch from Port Arthur says: An Indian named Peter Ne gonegesie has brought to Mining Recorder Morgan‘s office a piece of sandstons which assayed $110 to the ton in silver. Morgan says it is the imost, remarkable ore sample he ever samw, as ho never before henrd *L n s c= anmwdatime. "The Indiak Ancther False Alarm. of silver. in saudstone claims to have made Rossport. has eaid that this is an age rme We are alwaye ’n!gnq;‘:‘! Miss Gibson was very ) Mr. Hanpa was very poor. irrigating Eden. Cold Storage Plants. REMARKABLE ORE. Pays to Advertize. RRIET MCIC D CPCC! e eulture of cinonona &t it may not ons protect . but again perform a aware of resolve: of Fdon the find near the rich and . She likâ€" tE REWs N A PAAGL UAPF . Canada, the Empire and the 3 in General Before Your Eyes. Canada. A Federal bankruptcy t ored by Hon,. O. J. Doherty,, ter of Justice, who will brit matter before his ocillea.gues. matter before his colleagues. The Dominion Government Orâ€" dered the Brantford Gas Company to discontinue suppl.iing £48 f:rom the Tilbury fields for domest!¢ purâ€" poses. George Kett, a lake sailor, whose parents had given him up for lost in the great storm of November 9, walked into their home at Harris ton on Christmas Eve. y Chas. Byrnes of Napanee W38: seized with heart failure when\ | about to descond stairs to the baseâ€" ment of a store, and, falling headâ€" long, was picked up dead. Traffic through the St. Mary‘* Falls Canals for 1913 increased 10 per cent. over the freight record of 1912, and the incresso in grain was |63 per cent., or more than 43 milâ€" \lion bushels. 4 tender, Justice Charboneau in Mozri eal annulled_tho marriage . of John Thomas Baker With Deme Evoline Emily McCloy Adams, as she repreâ€" sented herself to be a widow while having a husband living. The British Royal family spent Christmas quietly at Sar?dringhaqn. Important al}erations in the Bisâ€" ley regulations ‘have been recomâ€" mended by General Bir C. W. Douglas. The Economist of London severeâ€" ly censures the Foroign Offico for its action regarding the Panama Fair. Anothor movement has begun at w ashington to suspend ooastwise exemption in the Panama Canal. .NTNXGS FRO Y ALL TUE G10BE 1N A KUTSHUELL 4x Great Britain. United States. inkruptey awct 18 !8‘~ \. J. Doherty, Minisâ€" who will bring the The Royal Bax of Canada Notes of the Bank in circulati@M® «>>>>>>>>>>> Deposits bearing interest, Inclwding Interest to CGato .....1........1.0.cm4fra*A**®*°66°°00° Deposits not bearing interest . <«>>«+>««>>****C Deposits by other Banks in CariBa®® .e esc Deposits by Banks and Banking Correapondents where than in Canada ... ..66003}0++++** Blite PayAbl® | «... se es s s es css ) en sn h99 Acceptances under Letters of Ctedit ... Capital Stock PaldUP .. .k aak use n en e k * 866 n * * * Reserve FUNG |.....ss sns sns e rg es en e n en en n n * tC Balance of Profits carried forward ....<>>>>>>~‘ Dividend No. 105 (at 12% per annum), payable TBt,;" 1918 ; : on o c nÂ¥ xAE We o aa e v n en en n kn t * Dividends Unciaime@d . ... .l ,, 2k 0 en 9tt *‘ Current Gotd and Silver Coin ...« Dominion Governmont Notes ..â€"> Deposit in the Contral Gold ReBBMV®®8 ......}>s > s s > >« Deposit with Dominlon Govarnment for the purposos of the Circulatioh FURQ |.......0}}s cssc kss« s esc s« Notes of other ""C" e o i Cheques on other BRMK® 22222222 2uas s s ra s e e n n k e e 6k +s puse by other Banks IM CRARO® 222. 2 se e se e se s es n n e 6n s Dus by Banks and Banking Correspondonts elsewhere thian IfNf CARROR ,.........}0ks 6066c s kc k css s uces ces4 Dominion and Provincial Governmaent Securities, not exceeding mark@et VAIMG ........0ss es en esns esn s es Canadian Municipal Securities and British, Foreign and Colonia! Public Securitioe other than Canadien, not excseding n:lrkot ENE : : 1 s . c s1 11108 ar 4444 Lo ui ied ds 2 3 e dn n s Aniut Rallway and other Bonds, Ueb@n:Urem» M excecding market value .......... eivit ty N Call and Short Loans in Canada, on Bon o on t and Stock8 .....>>> ...‘........,,d.‘_'.Pobonum Call and Short Loans elsewhere then in Canada ... Loans Loans tricts . Other Cur® Overd\u DebDt® s.!un\ltl! Wosicdit sidich dubcbtiali A 4 ARLIALALAL 20 Bank Premises, at not more tham cost, less asmounts wiriitten of Liabilitios of Customersâ€"under ‘Letters of: Credit, as per contra TO THE PUBLIC: Balance of Pro®t and Loss ‘Account, $0th November, T1R 2 en en 9t nplgt h g o c t o uht nuron y n n en n dn s en n n n + % Prafits Mm”lh“w deducting charges of manageâ€" * ment #R3, ait ir expanses, accrued Intereat on +. _ gepostt, fu‘} previeton for all bad and : doubtful debts and rebÂ¥te of interest on unmatured bille APPROPRIAT pividends No#. Written Balarce intercet) QVEF THE SHAREHOLDERS: Wo]“l‘ is farâ€" to Provincial GOVernmM@OMt® \,...... .00 es s s s se e« to Citiecs, Towns, Muniolpalities and ESchool Cizâ€" Debts (ostimated loss provided for) FORTYâ€"FOURTH ul x APM PW *" ent Loans ard Discounts (less rebate of *4R â€" in h cabca y sÂ¥ e sther Bonds, Debenturese and Stocks, no* 7‘ pISTRICT OFFICER‘S WORK‘ Sanitary A despatch from Torento says:| Thirtvy five thousand miles of traâ€" vel in 12 months i8 the mod est reâ€" | eord of Drâ€" K. £ Woéhouse, disâ€" / trict officer of health far the great‘ area that makes UP hern On tario. Dr Wodehous@‘s _report to | the Pl‘OV‘lnCl&l Bo&rd Mealth far | the year contains 8t ing tostiâ€"‘ | mony to the efficient w the now o Ees stAiie in exer wigh Class 5 dictrict officers e e 2 "0 . . cising general supervisifn over the report. | public health. The itory: omâ€"| Chl s braced in district seven, wer Which | ins Noi Dr, Wodehouee has clarge. omâ€" l"l;m“.\( d braces Manitoulin. Algopna, Thun lFU“' P ldfl" RBay, Kenora, Rainy Ricor and | l;;‘n(‘.t's * Patrioia, or hail the men. o‘ M tlat the Po whole province. "The â€"district of} m@s P Il cer trav,e!.ledq;b.bw miles at an ®Xx |”:HF ‘“ f; . n 4y se : l,ph(‘id dev cer t;a;“ed 35,552 pense of #1,237. In carrying out work of prcpar:ing PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT vey of the province mado detailed sani ports of the 28 ol palities in his distr A Bwiss aviator, across the Alps from in five hours,. waTIONAL SE / "ec dERA Y‘ German engineers to construct two big An ideal husband/* to some other wom" #®°°°° o FEDERA! Near B0 LILABILITIES $ B fear u;‘s that a~o Profitâ€"Sharing. Seriesâ€"$100, $500, £1000 a t~T be withdraw n any time after one rear [\V‘:r .,.,h._..'| us «en as back of these 4 ni« .O!tb‘- on 60 .:i-, end tor spec‘al folder and full particn ars Ub it lished Survey® 1'wcflty >g up N‘t‘ dchous@$ ] Board of ® ains SU§kh ficient w k are do su])('t\r'ls The | ict seven, p y uis ww g e n ane d 606b ® e dn in exerâ€" sewage V ervisign over the | report. ‘he tegritory on | _ Chlori seven,pver which | institute has rge,. emâ€"| ‘"Soo," ;, Algona. Th“"‘}Franccs ASSETS his share of the| T a sanitary sur | the 4 Dr. \‘.Odt‘hollfif‘ | yf } of 10 e w# + n# URITIES CORPCRATION, LIMITED LIfE Have Bsen_â€" Completed for â€"cight Municipalities 1U.LD; 0 ESTMENT official visits to veriouns centres of population. He visited all slaughâ€" terâ€"houses in the district. made| them comply with the strict saniâ€" tary provisions of the law, and seâ€" cured the removal of insanitary buildings at several points. "One set of open sewers were changed, while three hotels and three railways at five _divi.ion;l e meelln@s in 19 early 6,000 people ints have been ordered to instal ware treatment plants,‘"‘ says the $ . 346,800 00 8428 11 $12,580,000 00 1,015,119 62 $ T,802,057 72 11,664,142 00 $16,406,200 72 2,000,000 00 No, I quit doing that +9 *~ _ a Why, a cold plunge do“’:f take re than a minute Of two« I know, but I used t9 ‘:_‘:i ecâ€"quarters of an hour ©u in bed hesitating. _ _ Lemgitth lorination of water has been tuted, vpon order, at the o." Port Arthur, Kenora, Fort nces and Rainy River. e report states that one camp he Public Works Road Depa t was closed, but complian« so tardy that two cases of d developed. addition to their other wo district oficers do a great des) ecturing upon health mn,t.u: W 5| por,«ss so *m.ozt o8 ©C06,028 14 \ 4758.670 67 3,603,452 O5 1,127,312 91 A81,583 63 ,002,198 01 ,817, 496 66 £73.000 CD #75,678 O7 5666,240 82 1,160 12 ,565,306 82 Waste of Time. }UU jfll‘u t‘kin‘ . every morning 3 ouse having vs in 16 days ToRO®TO. CanADA $180,246,785 73 $102,716,658 o2 4,7804,2°8 h8 801,106 66 $TU $180,248,786 73 19,575,119 58 T2,585,791 71 Ma $§60,220 11 nl.‘ N 4 26 pubâ€" camp epail liancd of 9 ANTERESTING AND PROF PASTIME PA W fOW "The Duties This will be undor remembered that eve brilliant, however min sixtyfour facets, ea« to be made and work In one of the bigg« in Hatton Gardon, ea employed in the out! anything from £15, worth of «stones pot is no searching, and The stones, to all poses, are hended c practically bhaphaz» event of the loss 0 turbance is causod look for It; the flo swept up with a t dust slfted uut!l * sxplanation Of this , mational Dismond The wages paid «imply ie not wort to default, @ince, % the trade is know! he would have no : In the proces® : W of course, 106 per cent. of its will tell you the from the stonm« of the lathe, ma for & razormstr diamondâ€"utter perfect razor # fillngs! | af ons in th« known id, «gre« most 1 gttay «dend The head and Recompense of Who Deal With D‘amonds. ke lons t the jattc All on Â¥inwer in the The Vanis M 1W ADO old U t} The saucer b ‘tu'hlli“’ trox i# is sguin n* greature evctimg wapply, and 60 4@ exhausted Ha «b ui ; pag U . @eOet, w »ro ®T W with $ UNI & ®* | the a©UOR which capt | filing xed a ny A V tick dia m d Y ¢a nd tra an ap} UT yO JBAE bNCQ th

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