West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Jan 1914, p. 4

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iii. What to or ilt W W --... Settle 'l', For Quality, Cis W is th, ti) Perfume: -'t Toilet Art tlt To!” Set. in Ebony m w ”in ivory. See * Manicure Jed _ _ ill Jory lit-d: w an: Brushes. cum. I w an Btu: nu, “all 1 w - Ebony and Rose" w Foley Stntioncry w - Ttraors,'c'5eto W Cudy. nit kinda W c133?! ttt Pipes, Tobacco it; Snotus' Supplies W to. to. W W ip The Cen t. Buy your G T. R ' rag j 3:333: ", TH F, ..rtttttt.t.t.rt.t.t.e-t.t.ui"ttttt:t' it) What to Give and __ X What about Footwgar Mice Shoes or Bedroom Slippers and we hare them in any style or Theekatlng season is about to open and prooahly sister or brother need: a new pair ol hockey shoes. Give tl em a pleasant surprise hy presenting them with a pair of our Lint-leg " Inch loch, Shoe Th tts Gomething they WILL appreciate. We has e added some of the most vp-to-date and durable shoes to our " tek that have wet been shown in Durham and would take gn at pleasure in showing them to you. Call and see for yourself. Don't throw that old pair ot shoes away and let us " pair them. We know how. 4,irgt,ti,.eiritbikt'tbii'it Ill? Brushes. Cloth Brushes. an Brut has. “all Brushes, - Ebony and Rosewood racy “mimicry Safety I: 1013, Maui” Candy, on kinds (not: Pipes, Tobacco Snotno‘ Supplies to. be. _ Tune is not any gilt The Central Drug Store sgiaaaaasééaaassassasaaw T _ _---.---.----'--'-- £3»- Bran, Emits, Middlings, Crimped Oats. Mi :ed chop, Com- mon Chop, a." Chop. At the mill or delivered anywhere in single 100 His ton lots or Car loads. Ring in; up when you require Flour and Fee i, we have the goods on hand Also the celebrated BIatehford', Call Meal and Stock Food. Prime and Co's Melanin Meal for all kinds of stock, etc. All kinds of gain bought at market price. Special Reduction on Flour and Feed in ton lots. Telephone No S 2,1."t John McGowan j - Settle the Question Now __---- Quality, Class ansbLow Priccs our line is the Bnest in old Grey. Happy New Year TH E PEOPLE/S MIELé l extend to them a cordial _ 7 invitqtion _,.stiirvisitlmy tstotis and. i;iriiiiiisdiheii' iikdsti l Wishing All my Customers more appreciated than a pair ticketo here. SAUNDERS Holiday Baking for Christmas 't color you desire Where to Get it Yours for Business, RANT W$Vi¢$$&$*$% Merry cm lama: to all Getnsncu of the White Lily F:our ard you will de. cide that all you bake is a success. Wu tecommmd it hecause it is wholesome and line and is free Item the coarser particles of the wheat. the best milli 1g process and we know if mu useit this time you wil! insist on haw ing it all the time. It Goes Through ol Bring them in of m (O a: $. m '.t! Miss Jean Allan of Toronto spent the Christmas holidays with her sister, st Nelson Eden. In . l I) number: Morrison. ot Greufell, Sask. is a guest of his sister, Mrs. H Grasby. -- _ . 8.t ’and Mr Eden and Mr and Mrs J A AND WHEREAS "“" ““7" ““"""' '.. . ' A ' . . " the amount ot tl. l Brown, Thr. Choir also gave some LhG existing debenture debt M thei Mr ttttd Mrs S, Lawrence “id Rob. in fine numbers with Miss Mannie said Maateipahty, exclusive of local art. and Nancy spent Xmas yith, tttt fil Mountain as the efficient organist. tmprovemetitaebr, secured by special forrmuN danttlnor, Mrs PM”) Law- . l prettily dvcorated tree was well rttut8 or assessments, is the sum olirmce- Ti laden with Elms! which were distrib- $44,636.60 whereot no part of the We are sorrv Iosly that Mr 'l'hos. T, uted to the cl i_dren The proceeds principal or inter-ii. is in urrear t McGirr is eonfloed to his bed'at preg. ft! i'"" about 325- . 'I‘HEREFORE 'he Municipal Chan; ent. lggplfib 'gd,','." Mr MeGirr In hits i ' --_ cilot HieCIrp..rai.ion niche Town 0 nt'A1a a : . . ftt i NORTH=EAST NORMANBY Durham elm ts as iollows I-- Mrs Kenn healey is spending a tft i --- 1. The Municipal Council rf the New days with her mother, Mrs Ma. (tll, .f-A'lLlUn: the holiday visitors in Tuwu ot Duihan shall expendihe L.id. utpresem. . d d iiri"y: part att Mrs Everett lloyof sum ot$l5,000in the purchasedlund Mr and M.ry llobt, Linti.s.ay an. . . i Welland, Mr Chas Dowling of Toron- for a site and in the "reetion and cun- fnmily spent kmauday with their 'tl its), Mr IN. Wale-e of Ebordale and struetion iherwn at a High School in daughter, Mrs A Hunt. Allan Park. m I Mr and Mrs mam Pettigrew ot'Lum-iihe said Town at Durham and for the) We are glad to "t Mr Alfred i i gulen. Sash ‘pm page of raising the said Bum, de. 1 [lumen Imongat us again. , l f-lla-',,),)?",'):',')'.'- evening the ctyirltwstytr"oftht tsadTowtl cf Durhaim Miss Belle Firth, oi Edge Hill, I?! I win-(yin ho L practice at Mr. Jas. a no the amount ol 5.15.000 as aforesaid, spent. the weak end with her sister, MAW“) f.. in sums o) “of. lass man One Jlamirud mg TLNggrg. '" . i ’Mr “in 1a'."1rte, ol Dromore mm b' iilnrs SHOULD) Pttl shall he issued l Ir Thos Whitmore. accompqnipd - mums slVlug taming lessons to the on the him day (l Jane A. D., 1914, I by his couFin Mr John Whitmore of [young people of Knox Church, com-leich ol Willa] cebentareg shall been” West brit a couple of dint; mincmg this week. iduwd on the am if the issue thercul‘ I' ' ' w b l . l . i ' . with Mr and Mrs Gillies at Rob est 1 Miss M Burns of Toronto and Nu‘MId shall be p H" ble within vanpy l week. I llrrrrrv, nf heuhs‘m an: vttss'amttat five Cteixtts tht re her, “‘V‘he Otrtsel ".. Wéll \Tnmnll in viaitina hin nar- "iiiTirhson Gray of Ft. William, visited with his relatives, the Moun- tains lately. - _ _-. ' Miss ii'riraret Kerr has secured a school at Conn for the coming term. Miss Eliza1vcth Allan of Toronto, Spent several days with her mother. Mrs Allan. _ - _ """iiisriGiiinson and family of Tor- onto spent Xmas at her brother's, Mr Robt Eden's. Dr G. M. Leeson spent the holidav with his mother and sisters " Mt. Forest. - _.... ”1817an Mrs J. w. Blyth and little daughter Ruby, visited Hamilton friends for a few: lays last sttely -- irriii' "piiaiseii"r to see that Mrs.. Brvans who has been ill for some time able to be about agaih. - Mrs Sewell and tamiiy of Stratford visited her parents, Mr and Mrs Me. Calmon. - " Mr. Everitt Hoy,of Welland and Melville Nov of the West visited their home here, The latter we are sorry to say has been ill for some time. _ Mr P iercy, new merchant at Vania) Mr Robt C, odd. blacksmith and Nor- man Kerr, miller. all report a flour- ishing Christmas trade. K/ E I (f! Mr and Mrs, Brown and hunTiy spent Xmascdebrating the golden wedding of Mrs Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs Robt Webber at their home. The annual Varney Xmas tree and1 entertainment held on Xmas night was the usual smeess. Mr Ward was chairman and the program don- tained some splendid drills, recita. Hans, choruses and analogues by the children. Special musical numbers iwere contributed by Janet Kerr and Maggie Derbg. Wm Derby and Nor- [li! Kerr ; Mrs J. Brown. Mr. Long and Mr. Eden and Mr, and Mrs.J. A _ Brown. The choir also gave some tine numbers with Miss Maimle Mountain as the effieient organist, l pretaily decorated tree was well laden with Pius, which were distrib- uted to the clidren The proceeds ',wete about $25. f l s, s. so. I, E. &N. f ' 411.41. Mqllvridp, A. an. w, it i Brown. E. McLNichlin. Jt. nr-c. V)? I ’irwnt, L KMint, F Finnigan. Sr 2nd 4‘ -A Max->11 II. IV Bsrber, It Moniaén. {2 J, 2--L Kellar' & S Werrd Ht. V Blyth, N R \h-U..b:- In 2_--ff McUaI e, R Grant l Sr l-A Bran n. Jr 1--R Blythe. . hr, A. M. PET'rY. Teal-her 'r‘. I "., v - P"' _ q ,..r TC, -.t.Mrr Y" T,.",rr,"."VpoTle. ‘7 CT") ' 1- No, C,', 1ft1i.A"N.Bi' - _ .Eggngqwn ofDurplm shelf-{tend at Vt 'rtsr 'rl' mamzit-hasnzumsrgs!mm“ in m sttfdtrtorrit ot Durham: , tl ti .- , . ' l" , " ' 't l', s)'2tsr'T,ri .ELSrvaflAyodet-Qn.13'n?igec;?gs{a;:’o§§ea$;flufil . , k trUr, --9 Hrs; _ . . W9 ' "' i .': ' _ 4, " " m: ly ’rnnmpgnn. 'Tit' Met, Curves)? li04, tom: My, 1)tt'r of Vocab t 1 w. tier. J PM. r. tt Funk? 22344 for inhuman tho Byow, - _ Iv.ty.t,trtrd: q Wiouleyer, . ob neon, Dated it the Gonna“ Chamber in ' i? £31312} 'fhhieid,'d self??? 533'" l, ttm Tm ot Darlam thig by l (l) M Seim. PiiciGir," c, Miller. I Feick. pt Jttttt"ry, A, D., 1914. 1 Sr li-N Byers, " Beets. It Wick, V' MAYOR, . Vivlmmr. Jrit--11 Gilmour, M Prof-a . CLERK, l * fer, averogeatteiutcts'38, l l 6 w. S. 812mm, Teacher. - Schedule " C' _ NO. 9. GLENELG i Referred to in the foregoin’ ByJaw, ' Brlth-- yrL1ndaanEPett_tttsoP, M shown. hey the Imount 0 81178.40 ' Ben. Jrtih---E Ritchie. J Bell, L AI- therein requireq u be raised manually g. joe. _ Sr 3ed-cM Attipop, JS ant?! by special rate a apportioned? P, (ei, sr3ed-rM Atkinm ' lavis, v ttittihie, A an. i8 Bell. A Lindsay. 2nt' Cl lame, if QM}. “3754. Mr w.T. Ramp: oi Dromore puT-'lelnrs ($100.00) :uebshallhe issued page: glVlng unsung lessons to the‘on the FIND any " Jane A. D., 1914, Yum}; pe?p.le of Knox Church, com- each at whim slebentareg shall be mincmg this week. Eduwd on the dab (ftbe issue tltereut Miss M Burns of Toronto and Niand shall be ply: ble within twenty" Ilur.pti uf Drum-r. m: vrmmgac five feats there her, “The Otriee mm- noun; on the 18th, irofthe8usndard B mk ofCanada at the Mr, and Mrs John arorice and Mr. LShld TOW!) ot Dat bill): and Mrs And Pickett spent Xmas! 2. Each of we said debcnlures nightat the home of Mr Wm Picket: at all be signed b" the Mayor ot the 1shercthe PicLeu, Notice and Pet- sand Town cd IFrhatn and by the tuna-w familrs were well represetriTreaist.1,rty, therect'ond the Clerk -l ml. All report a tine time. lube said Town of Durham shall attach Mr. and Mrs John Moria and Mr. and Mrs And Pickett spent Xmas night at the home of Mr Wm Picket: tsherts the Picken, Notice and Pet. ugvew familrs were well represen- tcd. All report n tine time. Mrs. Jas. and Mrs Bert Watson, went Xmas with t ve. tormet's sister, Mrs Cook in Markdale and this week Mr and Mrs Watson leave for Detroit to spend the winter with their son there. Mr and Mrs T. Wallace spent Sun dav with Mrs Allan oi Vauey. Mr and MrsDavid Leith entertain. ed a numbex of friends pleasantlv Friday eyemng last. Mr John (Malice spent a pleasant dtutnoon with his friend, Mr Albert Mearns 0) the 16th. Misses mm: and Kate MeiJougsll, M Hamilton, are up yisiling friends here over the holiday week. Glad to have a handshake with an! aid neighbor in ibe person of Mr D. Mclx'innon, aUr spending the sum- :n:r ill the IN est. ' Mr and Mn: Jae. Sum ton. of Bruce is, vi/tting the when} brother, A. Me l [LINN and sister, Mrs A. Brown. th'vo undenhni Mr Andrew Milk has sold his mo hundred acre farm to ( hub 1lcJsulin. We axe sorry to non Mr Milli :13 nughbcr and church worker as a land: t' in choir and elder Ill church. He does not know yet when he ssill.'ottate 33am. ok"' MISS Annie Lemke and Mr Louie C'nruls, bf Louise. were married bet Fuesday. _ Muss'Mary Green. teacher at Sun- ley Mills, l3 rome for her holidays. Mr and Mrs Hector Brown, of Sank, “raved home on Tuesday to see his anher. sister and brothers. V School Reports. VARNEY CRAWFORD oooo4 {A mum, 0 Bell, s. 2"de Pt".. THE spent 'i, 0f the Munitipal Corporation ber i the Town of Durham. A By-Law to provide for the pur- chase of land (or a site for and torthe creation Ind eonszruction thereon oi h High School in he Town of Dar. ', ham, and to an Inn-"i211 the issue of de- iiriri'GG' of the Sui 1 Town ol Durham in) the amount at 515.000 for the pur: ch so of raising tho sum required hmntor 't I WHEREAS it is deemed desirable ago erect and construct a High School ‘In the Town of Da 1mm and to raise Him sum ot 81s, J) to be applied to ithe said purpose t AND WHEREAS in order thereto, it will be necessuy to issue deben- tures of the said Town of Durham for the sum of $15,000 " hereinalter pro- vided (which is the debt intended to becrenzed by this By-law) the pro- ceeds ot the said debentures so be ap- plied to the purpose aforesaid and to no other '. AND WHEREAS it is desirable to issue [he sand debt-ntures at one time and tom the the principal at the said debentures repay able by yearly in- stalments durmg the period of 25 vears, being the currency of sand de. bemures. said yearly name being ot ouch respective amounls that the ag- gregate amount payable in each year ‘lqr prltguipal and interest in reepecu of said {lube shall be as nearly " possable equal to the amount so pay able in each of the other 24 )ears of said period (us shown in Schedule Ct A tt hereto annexad) t AND WHEREAS the total amount required by ': The Municipu Act tt to be raised annually by special rate fer paying the said debt and interest as hereinaiter provided is the sum M $117339 : AND WHEREAS she amoumot the whole l'aleubh' property ot the Town of Durham, according lo the last re- viscd asseasnvm roll thereof is tho sum at $587,000 t - Bylaw No. 639 '; 4. Daring the curvency of the said idebentares there slmli be raised an- nually by special rate on all the rate- i able property in the Town of Durham T the mm of $1175 39 for the purpuse ct' gpaylng the amount due in each of the } years for principal and interest in re- ‘spect of the said debt (as shown in iSchcdule " A Fr hereto annexed '. ii “gm the Cm po 'ate, seal of the said M amcipality. 3. The said ddbemurc shall bear inrcrvsi at. the i'ihk: cl six per arm per aimttttl. pg'abiu yearly at the 1itiee ol Line ti andard Bank at the Fowu oi Durham on the FITSB day of Jane in each and every year daring in. mm n-ncy tbereoOnd shall have attach- ed to them coupons for payment oi the Said interest, which crayons shall bu signed by the Mayor and Treas- urer oi the said Town oi Durham. I 5, This By-low shall take effect. ion and from the Hull phasing thereof 1 by the municipal council of the Town wt Durham l , (i The votes of the electors at the maid Town nf Durham shall be taken 1 on tins By-law an. the following. times Find places, chat " to say ..-- On Monday the Fiuhday of Jan.m In North Ward at George Shire's store, by Clifton Elvidge. as deputy returning omen; la East Ward " Bert Willis's shop, by W. H. Bean as deputy returning oftieer, and in Went Ward at the Town Hall by Jno. Smith as deputy ramming offleer. ry. A. D., 1914, eummeneihtt at the our of nine 00th in the toretoott ad continuing till tiee o‘clock in the afternoon of the same day, by the fol- lowing deputy returning offieerist 7. On Saturday the Third day of January nexc the Mayor ofthe said Town ul Durham shall attend at the Clerk‘s Ollie: at. the said Town ot Durham, " the hour ol ten e'clock in the foreman. to appoint persons to at- tend at the various polling places aluresald. and " the haul summing up u; the voted by the Clark on be- half of the persons inure-ted In, and promoting or opposing tht pissing of this By-law respectively t . 8: The Clerk ot‘tho Po.ttys.ilo.f the said Town ofDli'rnih shnlratmnd it " cft1tie in the and Town‘ol Duthaut/ a; assfo'elpek m tin logepoon of Tter IEW of YEAR PRtNtUPAL 1915 1916 1917 1018 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 11925 1926 1927 19:8 I1929 led >1931 11932 1933 ‘1934 1935 1936 1937 Ili')', I 1939 l Notice A I TAKE NoTICEthstthe above is ”true copy ota By-law. which has “been taken into consideration and which will be tiolly passed by the ICOIIDC‘I of tlys 1iaaieipality ot‘tbe . -' -----" n n... LUIIIJUII r. u... _"-""""--")" .. Town of Durham in the event ofthe assent of the electors being obtained thereto, after one month trom the tirst publication thereof in ”The Durham Review qt the date of which first publication was Thursday. the eleventh day oi December. A. D., 1913, and that the votes at the elect- ors ot the said Municipality will be be takenthereon on the day and at :the hours and places therein stated Mr and Mrs F. MoGraw, of Toron- to, are spendma a few holidays with 'he mum’s mother, yrs Jo. Whip more, aiso Misbes Laura and Millie Whitmore, of Toronto and Chats- worth respectively, are holidaying with their mothrr. Mr and Mrs S, Lawrence and Rob. ert and Nancy spent Xmas with the tormex”s danzmer, Mrs Philip Law. rence. We are sorrv Loony that Mr 'l‘hos. McGirr is eonfloed to his bed at pres- out. Hope to see Mr McGirrm his usual health soon. Mrs Henry Seuley is spending a few dayl with her mother, Mrs Ma. L " d, at preyylt. It Thou. Whitmore. accompanied be his cousin. Mr John Whitmore, of the West, spent a couple of days with Mr and Mrs Gillies at Robb last week. Mr Will Newell is visiting his par- ents. Mr and Mrs Geo. Newell at present. . Mr and Mrs Fred Staples, of Edge Ildl, Snndayed with their aunt, Mrs Jae. Whitmore. Mr and Mrs W. J. McFadden and f,umlr ate their Xmas dinner with friends in Durham. Mr and Mrs Robb. Whitmcre of aown, spent Xmas with tnclatmrs parents, Mr and Mrs Jae. Hopkins. h ' 273 40 289 80 807 19 325 62 345 16 865 87 887 82 411 09 435 76 461 91 489 62 519 00 550 14 583 14 618 13 655 22 694 53 738 21 780 38 827 20 876 84 929 45 985 21 1044 33 1106 98 15,000 00 14.335 00 29,335 00 B. VOLLET, Clerk ot the Town ot Durham, POPULAR PLACE gtraAt a. 3 4..., me/IcKechnie’sWeeklyNews :33: INTEREST o 900 00 am so see 21 --e--""" 828 24 807 53 785 58 762 31 737 64 711 49 683 78 654 40 628 26 590 26 555 27 518 IS 478 87 437 I9 393 02 346 20 MERRY CHRISTMAS And Happy New Year to everybody and many bf fhem.’ w . 296 56 243 95 l88 19 129 07 66 42 78 G. ilirill,'i .1173 fl iii; Gl H73 40 I g 1173 40 1173 40 1173 40 E 11173 40 y, 173 40 1173 40 a 1173 40 tgl tt73 40 1173 40 a 1183 " ii li78 40 1173 40 1173 40 g 1173 40 1173 40 a 1173 40 E, 1173 40 1178 40 3 1173 40 a 1173 40 1173 40 M 1173 40 (.hl 29,335 00 ti sboyo is x non his ion and E d by the XI y ot the 2m ofthe x obtained trom the n “The of which jay, the w l A. D., m be elect- m ty will be y" and at a a stated X Durham, iii E tii ol Toron- M TOTAL vnsgsrxgwrsiirrrrrrriarrar'ir axiaguxwgi =53 MacFARLANE & co. 'f,is:sssexxxpw.otsegyrirrtxssxse 5:333:56: 331 per cent. off 'iii,, TORONTO for the liberal share of bu sdtoriv,i,r the pm: tist-ar,, "T , faction, and wherein “chi pardon us. Our Motto f0: meat in all departments." C P, R. Town Office We wish to {hank {be citizens of Durham rand surrounding country Athe Down Town Shoe Store EGGS TAKEN AS CASH Wishing you all a Happy Year, we are " ever, Wishing all a Joyous and a Bright 8, Happy all Holiday Goods for next 15 days uruggists and Booksellens Hi2 Yours for business Joyous Christmas busines the have given no We ha 6 trl d to give "Iles. havaailed, v e trust yam} for 1914 wil; be "Improve . S. MCILRAITH Buy your tickets. hares} and Prosperous New . 1914 New Year uh an. nu lil l 3'. EH In holn tyre by ol Wed therr hit iJND the In Miss an a to on Min Sud 3r C sety New I'L‘mC Mr Mr, Dun friend. on Mr Alex day wtth h Mr. Anti trom - i‘ Musc- Ann returned ttth Minus napalm holiday Corbettor Hector In hrmmu I Mr and l muted trier Mr Robb 43.. Van s lent!" Wc ' o JANUARY l, 1914 ad Mrs PUMPS l rhe cvc'n that ol '.. .t.lt,t " .I'. hlwin tA. "aetUl be the Roy 3 app) . At t at!“ the ttotu1 r m the rebut drownin kegt “we“: the plantar! “lab. - _ t'riendts tll l I): tutu It ski“ t. "he - Robbie ovcr he )llcu Dr r Dr rrtt r tht w" "ss I I. ll M m I IIs I) M BIC rue mum tf Ea - mm p.ucavu.L o Esc

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