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Durham Review (1897), 1 Jan 1914, p. 8

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coma-0W «flaunt: lj, "tC, t Hardware We can sell you anything yougneod in thisllne- g Highest prices paid for all kinds when dressed with care and neatness. t It is worth while to make them at- t tractive to the (eye. Every graduate guaranteed a position. " “caudal yum, large "" of Specialists. In. dividual i utmction, Practical ticpartttteut. latormatiort Inc. C A FLEsunn, F CA G. D. Pt EMING Principal . Secretary MONDAY, JANUARY Sth in the " opening day of c0MMENCE AT OWEN “OUND ONT Stoves We can sell you a (laeenPeater that will ' TAYLOR&:CO. Dromore this line. GAME TRAPS ht dlilerent sizes, 6 tor 9.00. No.3 X saws, the famous Racer and Lance tooth'lsaws at $4.00aM 34.25 complete. Planes, Chisels, WINDOW 0LASS--We are importers' and therefore we havelther rightlprice. _N0RTilERs, Butter (b, Eggs & Poultry Dressed Fowl TAYLOR & 02. . DROMC Wanted Highest Yrices hid of Eve years In flask., retained on Friday to spend the Wmter at his home here. Miss Eva Renton., teacher at Horn lugs Mills. is spending the vacation a he! homo have. Miss Winnie Biruatm "anher a: Humpden. took [Mum the program " Um omuversary on him“, evening and is spending a week With relatitw in this vicinity. - Mr Jas Isaac. student. at Van-my. is enjoying the holidays with his partn" Oar H. B. étudenns are all spend ing the well earned holidays at their respective homes. Mn Regan. Caledon East. is tin guest of he! sister, Mrs Jae. Allan. Mr. Alex chwick. after DROMORE , R r an ab,erw , relmnw I (mter at [M E. s." .;j‘ “v A On Friday evening, the 19th inst, a very pleasant and profitable time was spent at S. S. No. 8, Egremont, it being the occasion of their annual entertainment, {allowed by a box so- cial. At a few minutes after eighto'clock the chair was taken by J. R. Philp, who made a iew appropriate remarks, after which for two hours the audi- ence although greatly crowded and some wrth scarcely standing room, llstened attentively to a varied pro, gramme, consrsting of recitatiomi and dialogues by the scholars, also sever- al dialogues by those who were once scholars, all of which was rendered in the best of form. While preparations were being made for the dialogues, which on ac- count of the density ot the crowd, necessitated the use of the platform, the audience was held spell-bound by music rendered by the Eakett orches- tra, namely, Messrs Eakett, Keith, Buchanan and Dory on the yiolins ; Rusnell Bros., auto-harps l Miss Eakett, organ. It is not necessary to say more of those, " their musical ability is known far and wide. Interminglcd with the above were several selections by a mixed quar- tette, namely, Mr and Miss Buchan- an, Mr and Mrs: Stewart. It is alto- gether beyond our ability to describe how harmoniously these voices blend- ed. All the evulence raqaired to prove they were greatly appreciated is that they Wt'l'e encored. amid loud applause alter each selection . This part of the.progratume was concluded by a_d1alogue entitled .. The Surprise Party." But owing to the hostess not feeling disposed to take part in some oi the games pro- posed and it being necessary for the host to do so to till a vacancy, a little jealousy was caused between host and hostess, and judging from the way the party broke up, we would not suppose the same party would gather there again this winter at least. was called to unspose of the boxes, which he did in a humorous way. apparently to the satisfaction of all. Although we have never heard that Mr Bye was an auctioneer, he may be and it not he has certainly missed his calling. You would also think he was something of a hypnotist the way these young men would bid when he told them. It would require a Philadelphia lawyer for recorder. One fact worthy ot notice is that with one or two exceptions. the pro- ducers of the progtamme belonged to the section. Mrs Runeiman, teacher is to be highly congratulated on the success. . . The proceeds which amounted to about $50.00 is, we understand, to be given to chatitnbh institutions. l have been “quested by the dchnl- an of Ibis school to offer you a slight. token "tour "trevtion and regard. i on not tell you haw delighted we are to he the manna of conveying to you the expropuinn of our united love. What wrat Rpm-van in a poor symho; of our feelings. but we know you will re- ceive " kmrtly as n aimplelndicntion of tho a" 'ttro, ttt whirl) "ch one of us cherished for you in our heart of To In War. BURNETT Dar Teaeher t Box "iocial at S. s. No. 8 This part concluded Address and Presentation Mr, Wm: Bye KPM hearts. Yuu have made our lessons piaassnt to us, so pleasant [but It would be ungrateful to call them tasks. We know we have often tried your temper and forbearance. but you have dealt gently with us in our wavwmd- nests. teaching us by example as well as precept, rhe ndvnnmgf'a ot kindness We know ibe have often tried your - ..ie..- ..._.- . aLusLa, fiempel anld 'g/rc,')',": hut you huge 'tui-ev-e-aa-e cult gent y wit us in our wavwm - . . . nous. teaching us by example as well A great den! of 11eg,t/hti,"f, tlt as precept, the advantages ot kindness I 'Ill tn the 091183 new” 5 "d It'" as well” spr control. We will never!!!) the Agricultural Hall on Friday, forget. you. We "ttll look back to January 9. A splendid program is be. this school in afterlife. not as a pluce in prepared and the ,relrkuown Elli- of pennncp. but. as a some of mental; g " B d h b d enjoyment, where the [gnaw ot Fit-iii/lt,,'?'),,',',', P301) ll if" 9:325;- lug were strewn wit uwers an ”man, new I urn" . . whenever memory recalls our 'iei'i'iili'iii 15 and 10 gems, ladle; bringing days, our hearts will marina towards boxes free . you an they do lo-uav. have bean . _ "$19"th h."f my 1th','l't",t,/':t,')1t, Q Bert Brebner and Mf Bullet Ipenl an ress you 0mm y, m as a e (we . . and respected friend, 1n lh.|tligl1t,lxmns” the” old home " Ihatms dear brother. we all regard you. 1vslle: - -- -- - ' Please accept, with our little present, (s travelling sel) our earnest good wishes. May yo" always be as happy as you have endeavored to make your pupils and may they, nothing better could be wished fm them, be always as faithful to their duties to others as you have been to them, We all wish von I Memy Xmas and a H tppy New Year, Mr Calder expr Issrd sincere thanks for. their support, m returning him for the third tune In suvcension by ttttin.. mation, As " "vrtrmeiw of the count-i1 of 1910 he tovk Mr L idan to tark for ttirstatementr, quoting from 1910 statements to move Lhntsssete were 82000 better in 10.3 than in 1010. o I the delienturt (”onion he udmi ted that. be and owe: , had made. mistakes in judgement in holding them and u to the charge " t ot selling them toc. ally he mked wry Mr. Laidlaw had not tome forward to hay. They had not an offer great or sum”. He blamed Mr, Laidlaw for ignot- Alice of the whole Fur-tier Co purchase and showed I.” alvurdity ointmen- ting the lvck at guarantees as Mr. Lv,dlaw nnd dau- when the town "c- nnlly owned the whole property. .He ho-lieved the Institution was down well and blamed Ir L. for throwing out impel-alone against. town and fuc- tnry. and along this line "Yule, vetr tM.reere char ea against Mr. Landlaw_u having tries in nuny instances to In- jure the Cement Uo., “the b.hrtelt clutncle We have had to meet up the past three years was the knock'ng of Mr Lsidlaw He next took up school .mon.ey ques- tions, showing the position better by 82000 than last ear and proceeded to talk of County drum“ matters. While he would use his beet efforts to keep Durham at same rate. he predicted that the rate wee likely to go up. ' The cost of bridges had be.en excessive and he hoped yet to convmce the Council that Durham deserved . County help in the maintenance of rte tro. bridges more than eertaln municipalities that were After referring to prospects of an Electric Railway and of ]getting cheap power from the Hydro. leatric com- mission he closed a lucid speech by sak- ing them not to believe irresponsible statements that our town Is in a bad condition I it was better than most towns of its standing and he would have more to say along those lines Friday night. _ The meeting then ad'ourned and it is sincerely to be hoped that a1,.'t1l', large interest will be shown on ridsy even- ing when School Matters and especially the try-law will receive full attention. applying. ta, 1. 21 Mbraham Co. Signed on behalf of the school ' We desire to thank our many friends and cus"' tomers for their aiGfi patronage 3 during the year just closing, and to wish you all a Happy New Year. Harold Baird Ada Riee Sudiv Hamilton Margmet Main Viola MeOloekllin Conhnued from page 1 Durham Nominations "re-s. - VA _ "i J' . I w. "rjjiiriili'iitiit1ty,it) CP?.r'.Urh, G' = = ie""""'""""?'??','? ELocAL AND PERSONAL owning r'ght royally. mug the evening the - o banitutstted to . splendid lay-out of good things ‘nnduthn close seven] mm were mmken ot, th- prinoipal one: being it. the newly wodn. Rev Mr Kendall Mr and Mrs Moses and son Alvin from Torohto spent their Christmas with Mr and Mrs Durrant. Other visitors were Lou Kerr from Elem. MISS Gladys Kerr from Ham- ilton, Nellie Myers. Mt Forest. ;Neltle and Ruby Rogers, Mr and Mrs John Memory. Robb. Henry, E. Brown, E, Mutob from Toronto ; Miss Aunts Iii London ; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hun Belwood. Mr Andrew Reid and his bride fro the weblsre spending the boneymm at the old home here. The Pregbyterhrr_ intend holding In: meeting in the church here on I, 12, Services will be held in Li church morning and evening on Su day Jan. llth. ". It the person who lost a pair bitch guantlets will Ipply to (it Aitken, the same mll be restored the proper owner. The hard tunes have struck a: vicimty. Several of our young pe ple have it,g,ftrtt and be come w, We wish them.iill hsppineas. Visitors to outside palms were M C Drumm and family ti) Berlin ; Mn Bruce and Bernice to Atwood ; Mr. Mrs Hershey, hit Forest ; Miss 1lo.. Stristford., At the annual nomination furl lice Thuueee the following were eh ted by auclnmanon '. Robb. Christ Arch Baird and ll J Hunt. Jae Kennedy has again return Irom the west. and will spend the wi let with friends. The Presbyterian S. S. held an E terminal: In. 011.: Tuesday eyeni g Whlch was appreciated by the "ttrt. ara young and old. After a short program from the scholars Dr. Marsh gave sumo illustrated views with his Ian mu alidu which was much up premahd. Mr Nicholson " having an exu aion built to his saw mull which " be a decided improvement during! cold weather. . J. W. Hunter wishes to thank his unny friend: and customers for their puronago during the put yen and to "tend his best wishes, for I hip” Ind proaperouu you to one and all. A recepticn was held at the yh of Mr Andrew Henry, 10th con, i honor of their son Dowurd and his bride on Monday night. About 40 guest. wen prawn! and enjoyed evening r'gln royally. ",ut,'gif-tt it? TORONTO was was totuttrnagter. The remnim‘. r d, the evening w" spent an a troeid manner. \ Mr. C. C. Rsmage. Dal-hm. wilt, have elm-go at the Senior room of Bolsxem school that the holidays. 1 Mr and Mrs T. Stansbie entertain. ed tbe young people of the common- ity to a dance on Monday evening. An excellent time is reported. Mrs Morrison, Toront t, spent Xmas day with her parents here, returning on Friday. ‘Mrs J. Falrbnirn visited with her mother. Mrs Wilson, the beginning at the week. Miss Annie Knox, otSwinton Park, ' - “var Mrs: " Robt. Shiela is reeve by acclamation. For Deputy Reeve Holm and Umbach Ire contesting. For Council no fewer than " men are trying '. Baetz, White- (eat Ebert, Sillinger. W. H. Ryln. I er. ' Messrs H. Renwick and Alex Find. lay, Geil Services. Ottawa, spent the heli1us'ert.lseit hyys here: . . . Miss" Nellie Alchilon visited with Miss Ethel Match over the week end, 5933‘ Chub-hi- Why-n.1‘m . You Get Bilious You get abitiouq attack when your liver refuses to do it. work. The bile does not flow. You become constipated. Food noun instead of digesting. You have that "bitter us gait" lute. The stomach becomes in.'Umedund Infuted-- tum sick-vomiting, Ind violent tsead.ette.---The hen gamma" and can for biliousneu lo Chamberlain's able“. They make the liver do in 'meh-strengthen the digestive organs, and restore to perfect health. Me. a bottle --Alt Dede" and Mums. or by mail. I DROMORE Because Your Liver is Lazy m. his list Br.. Ier " 3. ed it. J. 1d Mines Ida and and Mu, 'Iotil.c ' Perry Bt",fiitt spent the holnda; " . h their puma. l A loud of young people went tii ns my Jinn. tree. 'l‘hulsdoy night. Hr and Mrs Barbour spent in Sands, at Mr Piuder'l. Christian thr was spent bv I I jtteitr of tho neighbors breaking thear coin. Cotton Seed Mal Oil 0.8. {duh-cu ttetl Mr and Mrs Tattle spent Mon at In Stewart‘s. Ilium Gnu um! Norma Pu p r “not Baud-y and Sunny mm (I). r coating on the 2nd con. Me Ind In. J. Johnston md IN IteArthtw went Xmu Day at 1 home of Ills Douglas. Mr Dickson is mending the In I." in Ripley. It and In Fwd-alum is ape: is; g few thy- with friends at Zion In Nell is staying u couple In with her daughter Mu Cornish. The Chrislmu tree antertuinnn- held in the church on Tuesday, p, 28rd. was: decided uuccess. (i: i and. brought cut the crcwd to Le "' the excellou: prugum. Mr Ward t eupicd the chair end the Sand School scho in sang two choru A number ot them guve reciuum -, Solon thus won favor were tendor’elr by Rtllie Blo'l), Lorie Brown cud Mr Dichou ; and cqmlly has duets were given b: Minus Fern. ind Tnt'l- In. Brown, horn). Pinder and Verna Kirby. Sexual splendid drill: Ina given, the p: moxpd one being the club swinging by our gull. h little Emo drill by the minim clul which wu given n m In“ brought in San!- Cluu to unload the heavy laden tree. Everybody r, caved a pretest. Pro. ooedu $10 00. “in Emily Eddington is spend: he: holidays with her purenu bore. Wedding tell» we ringing. l Tuesday Int. “we Jun Hay B hurried to Mr Ed. Bowel of Kincn inc. Congratulutiona. James My.“ C‘urime Block. Holstein ORCHARD soon}; Pumps Guano. Engine- Putiuo In! I, Itlt tt n w” ' ch: Crtrl M 'Te the D bold t.3itt, t In] cut d. twc U club [In 100 was 0 _', ' an gu.00 pal mu r lt Orr Lundn‘d tut" ot . " .2300 pm ton t' 'tMgrtooo “lily. It " no [cup-1 corr,r - a drop ot ettir nu pron-“cred A walk . ' wmu ”an; qous, Mr w. K .adevonl' ated st , urusv " Thus. 'l Owner C upon!" W-‘A nun l tha, mutt!“ Hot " (Jame. P m‘fdvc at tht Trs. Dulhnm I'uulu bold than , nun .l' 13th. um and lh 1 ball. Dull) ‘In A cutleclureu Sh .h two 1eeturte wu' a. And evening, J u. u‘Sp. In. N w of No.) .M'gnluc in Men and. and one 1mm had coal with fur ' North Bay man \Mty-bhlee lump , on. coop but In ttstfe 00' night recently to (one In entrun Capt-nun“ and in l was can one tux but Whentlnnd. on Review. ma some ‘errmw (his winter. Not v (rt-now." Mun: , "r. '0 f, el con, such a Ind plus tb “in Uwie Air her term la 8mm llnude the mime” Mary "dream by goL.XXXvl1 pun-d with some t both a I tokcet " "tttthr- tsetd. “p Indium? I!" this y!" witl he tr Jan. 1.ph ttt 2 c. The weak!" will triet Betrresent'. The this .vr Jam. 1 The " n icl Bruce Bruce and Grey (in: give att-ted Iron low-Hon. Immun- Di: Engage. Poultry an M Fun: Produc'. l’ncvvlllv. “nun-cl " held It Dunddk, It and Chaucer: h. 80m UIDEII. Dirw an run-mph ot. whu‘. l Ontuh. In In. um, us in " htmiewlau-V tat08 and himself did n In“ you. '" ICGM by no - one of bought " " years n: no“ (or Wind; nu “6.0er Muir. tul In orqairod . Inuit-u n 1 “I. hum Mid Inn-J) Malina - with ttref a“, an an in “I 'b4Hiti.eay an: ',s u MCI. “.2 but In t ll hu‘m‘lm‘ it I , “MM in Lb 1mm " -dtottoto'U' MC" L magneto“ undvx ' ' (3006* Tony. all. P' thosts Mrs gong», he ppm: In t in P""""" "ttt cundm. m which we're in tery on Sun! F Berptitrt stud, eiees Tbe b' witl be even auver, and m cm In , -rai' tto) ' con-id: row I tel. Darin Finder wi tshed u h tilt Bum- ad in m. n [at but IN Ir. Don. 'ymuina. Bhr "ttter' hem whit . (“carom a“) had Remem convmc co attrt m oCtp tor c he hold on Ind " tbe ttOtt muting Gui unive- hfum t . " the an! the het tu" lemme Dim" Ir! ttt eottrt tl M It

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