West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 8 Jan 1914, p. 5

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Misses Myra Mehean, Edna Foren- sw and Munro. Tnvlor returned In Owen Sound on londny. utter nznndmg the vacuion " their re- spective homes. t Owen Sound on. Monday, ttfteri Died, it his "eidentut on Sand. ir, Dig, McCornnck I F: mdmg the vacation at their re- I night, 4tls Januuy. Mr Neil 'c','llfdl,',i, Mr and Mrs A Ferguson entertain) Bl em” hangs. , . G7, tlong and painful “Retina from _ the youth and Bounty ot the mrigh-l, 1lttrs 1aa b isher, of Fleshertots, I. c’ucer " ‘h. .80 of trl yen" Mr. i, borhood lagt Thursday night. ‘ HI "w" At. present. I Cameron bore hm long illness of some! --"-_ - . q _ “Fwd Mrs .rs.. “NEW. s.rf Hull)“ four you: patiently knowing that thei I l " victed mends in thie vicinity "r. otietivg of the bcdy was only to list} GLENELG CE NTRE 1 Si dsy. _ I tor I short. wlnle n he was looking) --.-- t VF J’Ibn V ECKNIOD 2:"!er (:0 forward for than hem. whore theret Arrived too (age for last week i , ,ttit Us”! "WNW. O " irpen hare no tsufferin a or am. The fu- ' I. '..',' the hulidavs '" his luatMt. ‘neral takes pings on Proudly the mutt)!" and 11py,S: A, Nichol and.two . . l I ildren of "ekhislt, who were v19". UM Sadie Me1t.illt? spenttho ""310 " men Pork cemetery. Mr tum- m th lumen” pm Mr and Mrs e 1 at her home m SCOIODUOWB. Irron wgg born In the township 'lt [range 11'2hfi"'i'dl'rd'Ji to ”.3; . , ' it? Mer? Livingstone rere"rd, to, ft,n,',i:t,r on?) will. we" ot e,',,Til home accompanwd by Miss Anna Bell l WM" Satydti, alter spending the! e came to t tt Pf" where " en e (Anderson to spend the winter months. In duh m h ty.kr pnenli. hm "rs some 45 years Mo, near llc J ,1,” L. McDonld. who m,’ b'oothvilhr, Egremont. H. u Inryiv l Mr. and Mrs. Dot. Meioshtr.toi1 v,,. ". “aching in Dundalk for ttus," by a widow .nd 8 IOII and 3 baby Margaret of Begum. are ttiyty'tr p. - months, has secured a posi- ', daughters. The community eiGUs11,t? forum's PINK"! Mr and Mrs Jno ', , In teacher in Alton tor the com- , condolenoo in the nd hour of beleavc- l “usher " the Centre. Ir I ""_t MPH tmem. $ A number of the young people from l % . u “A“: .l.- 41...”... ml been teach pus; ten Int tion " 10.0 in; months Miss Att SHAW-rd " studies In t Mine. l dvrsnn holi and returm Mag Re AROUND THE VILLAGE \Ir John V McKinnon returned to: i dud-Its in Kingston. an" spend- ( the hands" I. his home. Ill" Sadie McMillan went the Inch l at her home in Bettttttttomt. i‘ne Misses Livingstone returned to tl' mm Sunni-v. altar Ipeuding the [ Marc, wi h their puonu. Mr J rhn L. McDonald. who has ~11 h-aching in Dundalk for the l kw months, has secured a posi- v. as masher in Alton tor the corn- Hus Agnes Harrow returned tal -..-f rd wn Monday to reanm-hca' “lies .n Normal School them. V “uh-553 Margaret and Pearl HOB-t n m hulmm ed " their home here d returned LU Toronto on Saturday N Il a B-bacc; Mellillau left barf” Iloday to who charge of the} 1mary classes in Atwood for the ' mm: months. ', Miss Rum Melllllan returned to t lr-wnlo on Saturday to resume her , mes as teacher there. Rm. Davy. or Cedarville. preaeh- I I .vn-n- last Subbath morning, while” av. Mr )la:heson conducted anni- 1 “N‘s” services there. Mr Allan. 1 ll listen). hm charge in tha aven- d sud eauiucied tho servicea in a 1 H mic manner, while Mr Davey .~l Ins pulpit in Salem. Wss “my Aldcorn returned t ' her Em lit. Gamma on Saturday. Strishall and am: William. ofl m l’. t accompanied by Minus Leer ‘. “A Splera paid a viait to lriondsl zuwn during the holidays. Mr J Am M -Kinmn. at bantry, l "a., mommy-mod by Mr Alex Nao- .:u and Mr Earnie Lao. arrived iglmmmmmmmmmmm til j, overooats and Suing " Down in Price fi, cl Boy's Overcoats in all JANUARY 8, 1914 PRICEVILLE We need space tor new goods ilt order to come in and we mm ' l make a quick turnover. Don' :vzuney for you to make and to , Here is a few of our specials tt Black and Blue Serges and best acorn: mews, best made, regular $I5,lor s.......'-"'" t 'l Another lot of good quality of Suits, some up to $l3 for .... ..........--" os/ Overcoats ot best Elglish beaver, shell and best imitation Persian Lamb lining, with Fur Col- lars oi German Otter, reg up to $20, to clear at 14.00 T ween Ocercoats in different shades of best tweeds and patterns, reg. selling up to SIS for “.95 Another of the same In Overcoats, regular up to iirior:...----_" 9.50 Men's, Ladies and unnumua ”n"--- - ' priced very low and we still have a large stock of rubbers on hand. Your chances are good to get them at the Sam. price. As we advertised before this is tho only way to make money by buying your woods one third less than elsewhoro. tull and as. us for your own interests at the store of . LEVINE dk GO. 1 space tor new goods tor which we have come in and we marked them very low quick turnover. Don't miss them l it is you to make and to your great advantage a few of our specials that we will mention; Mme Serues and best Scotch Tweeds, a a It Ladies and -chiii1,r.te? home from the Wu: In: Tami-y and will spend a low weeks with bu “have: and friends hero. __, ”hiking Wright returned " Ann's on Saturday, when the he: change of the school. - "'"S all» Ell. McKinnon bu secured . pocition as teacher ot the prinnry clauses n Woodbridge for tho eom- ine months. _/ A box social will l" held and" the auspices of the Cannd'um Order of Forum- ot Prieavillo Court. in Wat- wu'a Hall. on Friday evening, Jan. ?ID, 1914. Come one and all and CI- Jor a good time. Fine dny on Monday Mitre I tom. what blustery norm, aleigblng good. Rev Mr Dayey ofCednrvxllo panch- ed a fine sermon in the morning last Sand-y in the Presbyterian church and Inspector Allan nbly filled the pulpt m the evening. We bend some one any that Mr Allan couldn't to 1 license Inspector and I preacher. but he can do both well. Mr N. MeCannol [no 50m. friends . cull on Monday on his way to Pro- ton. This Monday is I quiet day in Ulonelg as no election is uncanny this yen. Mr. Ind Mrs. Wm. McLeod Jr. Hr tended the funeral of Mn. Burgess' daughter as Durbun on Sand” last Baboon! opened main um Monday a m. " January 1914. sizes greatly reduced. Miss Annie Sturrock returned to iDtJuous Business College, Mt Forest Monday. Mr and M” Lcshe0sborn and baby l Miss Janet Gillespie to Collegiate, o. 1 of Moouomm, were the guests of the :Sound, Mr. Arch. Burnett to High l, istter's parents. Mr and Mrs.6Vo Mo- ': School, Dundalk. E rusty for . couple of weeks. I A number of our young people! Messrs Tom and Frank and Miss. FIRM“ pleasant evening Friday atl Kalle burke of Aymn Were the guests ', Mr Alex Ferguson 's. _ Liof [bah uncle, Mr Mnehael Burke and mm. - .. , .. _a \t..- I...\ 11-....7 Surely cur winter will be short. We have just enough snow for good slipping and excellent weather. Miss Annie Detail of Toronto, is visiting under the parental root. Mr Go. Morrison, Mr and Mrs E. Hockridge spent Sunday with Cedar- ville friends. Cutting .5011, is the order. of them“, olled day. Several different parties arm her. cutting in Rob Campbell's bush. i Miss Ne mg. --.-._, _ cutting MI Rob Campbell s bush. i Muss Nellie Lavioletle is spendingi --- __ - ..-.- _-__ ilser Xmas holidays at an. parental (home m Virginm. ED. HAIR] T d D 'i, Pleased to hear that Georgina An. veit-pgs,-.?.:,"',',.-,,?'. 2t,'rl"dltl'ytyp, las entirely recovered from iii Boa G,' Sash. to Arch. A. 'SG';'-?"'; illness. uson. ot Benn, "st. Mr Lachlan Dunbar and Mr. Alex. . I Mchcur were seen going loutb Sun. ee", 7-7L'-“f r------'---""--'--." lee, tduy afterneon. Some attraction boys. By J. A. Mel). HOPEVILLE Sweater Coats 're Mr Donald Molillan. Wellwood, in the guest of Mr and Mrs Hugh " Mill“. Mr McNeil, ---... , thusk., in the you: of Mr and hiss J. L. Ferguson. Mrs Geo. W. Purslow and daugh- ters Eldn and Ivy upent the holidays with Stratford friends. Mrs Jno. Hurdy and Ions Richard and James ate Xmu dinner in Dan- elk. Min In Campbell returned to Tor- onto to resume her duziel. Misses Maggie Cunpboll, J. Ald. oorn. It, Stewart and Huston W. J. McLeod and B. Hannam returned to Durham. Municipal honors are being eagerly sought in thi, towmhip, net lens than 9 councillors in the field. A quiet wedding took place Xmas at Mr A. Man'den'l, when Miss Mary and Mr McLareu wero nur- rled. Rev, Mr Mntbeson omeiated, We extend hearty congratulations. Mr and Mrs W. G. Porter and family were New Year guest: at Mr and Mrs A. Hooper, of Top Cliff. Mr H. Haw, accompanied by his sisters, spent Sunday in our burg. Mr and Mrs Geo. Black spent San day with Mr and Mn Jas. Knox. Ur Wm. Stewart is the guesut Aberdeenlriends. Mr and Mrs Thou. J, Milligan, at Hutton Hill and Mr W. G Lawrence, Glenelg, spemSnnday with Mr and Mrs D. J. McCormaek. Mr and Mrs A. Ferguson entertain- the youth and beauty ot the neigh- borhood last Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Meagher and baby Margaret of Regina. are visiting the formel'a parents Mr and hirir Jno Meagher at. the Centre. A number of the young people from Hound here attended the dance at Robt Anderson'" on Thursday even- mg last and all report a good time. ;of iiii,JiG/d, were the guests of the Hunter‘s parents. Mr and hirs.Gro Mo- l, Rue for I couple of weeks. Mm Leo O'Nmll returned homo last week from Owen Sound accom- panied by [IT mece. Miss Nollie Len than. . Miss Mannie Dunbar is spending Xmas holidayaat the parental home. Some one It Pomunl wears a pleas- ant smile since she returned from the Sound. Winter Tours to the Land oi Sunshine and Summer Day. At this season of the year a grant many are planning theirwtnterts tours. Considerable number. unnunly visit the ever popular Unlifornm Ream-ti. while umny prefer the tiowe" and and sunshine of Flolidl, tugether wish the very evan climate. w.." .--_, e, Numerous people in comforuhle circtuutstanee% Well able to afford a mater tour. have the mistaken idem thats trip of thle neture " most ex- peneive. Til-is mm BO, Thanks lo modern railway facilities, en extensive trip hush Inn-ruling and educnummi canal" wade wuh speed and coutwt M as (-oulpnrntlvely ourdl cost, WI.) i not invvsgnmte. The Gunman “with Railway ofrersi partlcularly _ service to thmn,‘ where dlrevtmmnneuion is made in]? Florida. via Uincinnmi. Ohio nnd‘ Atlanta, Ga. Juekwnville, Florida, " reached second morning after lenv- Ins Detroit. Ezoeilent counectinns for Florida can alto be made via. ButGlo l The Canadian PacifhsWatutst? rout will be found the Adam] line to Cbiugu when direct connection is made fo the Southern States. New Ollenn ti reached second morning after leaving Toronto. Direct connection is also mnd- at Ohm-go for pomls in Gallic-rum. Texas Arizona. GIG. The Dining, Parlor and Slvvuiug Cari, svrviw Uetwetm Toronto, Detroit and Chicago is lip-h» hue in every pantlculur. Connecting linds also upculelbrough Sleeping and Dining," Cars. Those contemplating a trip of any nasture will rem-We glull innirrwstion from any C. P. R. Agent; or write M. 19. Murphy. District Passenger Agent SWINTON PARK 'Imontd. Good new brick house and i acre of land, well situated on Elam Street, Durham. Apply to ' D Try-ulna.“ The (wet hulvas of lots 51 and "c".".'?')",'."?:"..'". 5""'" ‘*' --- I Concession 3, East Gurafraxa Roads-pt Love, waesuug by Mr W. F,".',':, Glendg. 100 MM about. 3 miles frout ', age akompanied by Mrs Kende11 on Duuhuu. hy gun-l gravel road. Easy l the orgam Irrms tr the right P"", Title pet-fret. ' The bride looked her loveliest be. Arplr on the prenum's W Ad tttt Weir, comingly attirred in a dress ot cream or to J, P. Tuscan. Durham. Redford cord, trimmed with white on Mr and Mrs Jun. Mess For Sale-Cheap Farm for i3": J. P. TELFORD Mr George Smith, who has I fall in and about Didev. Ink ing, returned home Saturday and looking well. Mr Jumps Coat“. of Bantinck. who roturned hottie from the West I"! month, left Saturday to take charge of a school near Zurich in Huron Co. Mr John Cantu. of Bentlnck. reeviv. ed the sad news on New Year's Day that his brother Chlrles. a. former Buntinckor. had died of healtfailume in Detroit chem the middle " Deeem. her. Deceased was a. married man and about To years of mm Mr Don. McQueen and Mines Sadie and Florenco and Mr and Mrs Franc" McLeod and Hula daughter of Coiling- wood, JJrrisrew Year guests of Mr Ind Mrs Nell McCannel. . Miss EMe McFarlano, of Toronto, upon: the holidays " New Year's WIN! l relative: in town. Mrs Freud and daughter, in om Tor- Onto. were guests of friends in m" ham last week. hit' Wilfred Hunt, student at the o. Sound Collegine, Vliited his grand. father in town and other friends in Gland“ timing the vacation. A jolly sleighlond of High Batik with and boys drove to Dromore on Friday and spent. an enjoyable ever- i.,",',",', with fellow students there, The) 1sverc chmperuned " Mr and Mrs E, A "lGuodwiu. ./ l Miw, Jessie Dnggan, of Eden Grove. eis vimiting her coudtnq, M19 Adam $3r0wn. Jr., and Mm Byers, . l, MRS Jean Dad-y. graduate mnsv. is vholidaying at Iror huxue m South Bel - ‘ tinck. ' 's North Egremont Wedding Bells JI _ MoRRtsoN-BROWN On Wednesday evening last at (i p m, the 31% Dee. 1913, a plenum eVenr took place at. the home of Mr and Mrs Wm. Brown, Hillside Farm V Egremono. when their younger {laugh tor Mary, we: united in muriagw Ln Wm A Morrison of Smiley, setl,i" the hour appointed the young couple took their places before the bfldt‘rl pastor. Rev. Mr. Kendall, the brule 1 .lel8 given away by her brother John They were supported by Mira Bess-,1. l Weir ale maid of honor and Mia: Elsie Morrison, sister of the groom and Mr Andrew I'urubull of Smiley Sta-k. and Mr John Brown, brother of ch ' bride. The bride was dressed in iv ory sum with pearl and gold trim wings and wearing in her hair spun glass ormumrnttuions. Her travel ‘lmg suit was of brown velvet. Wllli , hat and plume to match and set. of ‘chrsmn Paw furs. The bridesmaids were becommgl) dressed In pale» blue silk as was 1slso hula Miss Mary Mammy a niece o' the bride, who looked charming, ac tang as flower girl and ring bearer. The buquet was of white carmtions and maiden hair ferns tied with white " Guests from a distance were Ml l .’:Mm-k McDermid. Sank. Mrs A, Morri- l t 1 can, Coliiugwood. Elsie and Minnie I " i Mon-non. It and ms Jno nanny, Mr. '11] and ms Robb Henry and Mr. and ma. I o Doward Henry all from Toronto, ur- l t and ms Wm Walker from Oak. mad " Miss Mable Yeo from near Stanford. I, The whole community wishes the i" young couple him bot of good wishes liar B happy future hie. [ 'e) PArTErvsoN-mENwicK i A pleasant and enjovable evn\ or ', took place " the home of Mr and Mtg nd I Thos Renwick, I7 con. Egrcmont, " when their amlable daughter Mandy F0 was united In wedlock's bonds to Mr n3\Sam Patterson Jr, a populat young man of the community. The cere- ny I many was perfumed at the hour of I". i? p m b}; Rev (3ongndel1I kc? St r "w ml . I an no cups» " a In“. ribbon.” The groom'is gm to tht bride was a sunburst and to the maid of honor a crescent. brooch net. with pear]; (hibriau's gift to the groom was a set of ouif liukl. The room: were decorated with 1 banning. miniature flap, Christmu‘ bells, ke, in nddlczon to a 4 storey wedding cake which graced the table. Mendelssolm's wedding much was plsyed by Miss Leah Mchmb, Mrs. Eendell singing "The Voice that breathed o'er Eden" during the Sign- :mg of the register. A toast to the ‘young married couple was given by Rev. Goo. Kendall. Mr. Wm. Brown and Nelson McGuire also contribu: Ling some well chosen remark: there: We. The night was spent. m music. l voealaud instrumental. 'Buu %_.Ww-"". -v.._, - it!, the parlor, under which the bridal l, l: couple took up their station, The l , l bride was eacorted to her position by lie: father while the sttains of Men- l ti, de1ssohn's wedding march floated l . ‘through the dwelling played, by Mrs. l Kendell. After the vows had been l \taken on the placing ot the ring and '1 , l congratulations given, “The Banner _,ot Love," was sung by Mr W, Ram- tor, tor ml 3 u avg. gat tTiiptiTii rela- ttres and friends. A beautiful arch of evergreens, bedecked with roses and Christmas bells, graced I corner who has spent the dev. Ink ' thresh- saturday evening RIO AR‘CHIVES TORONTO '33 |broceded silk over lace. Her trawl elling suit was of navy blue serge. with hat to match trimmed with! paddy green mount, The groom's} gift to the bride was aseto! (are, many other costly presents nodal and ornamental testlfied to the ctr- teem in which the bride is held. A toast to the married couple was giv- en and spoken to by Rev Mr Keudell wiehing them "long life, truestjoy and highest happiness," the address I contelning much valuable counsel is and advice. Messrs W W Ramattel end Walter Hastie also added their quota, the groom replying very neat. ly 1n thanking all for the kind words spoken and the appreciation shown by all. After n sumptuous supper of many excellent viands had been partaken of, music in solos and duetts was contributed by Mrs. P. Litster and Messrs W. Ramnge and W Hastie. A night of merriment was thereafter spent in games and . l awn 1 L.,,,.,,,,,:,,,,.,,,,,,,:-,.--:,--,,., l Mrs "r"t'ri"'"-""-"="-"""'e""T' nont, -ieereeeeere-eeer-e" Iandy e--------"""'""""" to Mr _ mung ', cere- THE C out of 'r'tri. ' {Iliad quarters fc We have a good stock of Food on hand that we are offering at low prices for the next few weeks as we want to reduce our stock. If you need feed of any kind calrand see us at the Oatmeal Mill. Cheap Feed Everv window and every door where be equipped with The specially designed and up-to-date method now generally adopted for effectually pr-tting entry of all draught, snow, sleet, rain or dqst of any kind, thurehy insuring an even temper- ature throughout the building. Why deny yourself the maximum of comfort at the minimum of expense, All metal-weather strip costs less, is far more ef- fective than storm sash and is tt permanent institution. requiring no removal. Most public buildings in large cities In: equipped with it. Architects specify it, the Government demands it. McGowan Milling Co. Saves its cost in Fuel in a short Time Estimates cheerfully given. Write, Phone or Call. Manufac The Home Fairs are still being held in Durh every farmer happy. IS the buyers " these Fairs that the horses are wovth for thetn. No horse sh sale unless he In In condition. It your home i: not doing as well as you thin a package of out. celebrated Stork Food and it w in flesh And strength. It your attic are not doing as well an they _ age of uur choice Cattle Food and you will read: If you horse has a cough. do not delay, but our Distemper Cure, as tnrboid-Distemper is rrtl at presenl. . -- -- A l .._ - n... In“ of, -tr your horse bay Heayu p, buy I: pm Kr-xr u. nu. .u...‘ _ u. - . - BE v. rat horses have been cured by using it. If your horse has worms. buy I package of our Worm Powder and be will get cured. If any ol your unhuals are loony. lmy a tin " our Disinfectant for you cannot produce tietsh and feed live. If you luv. any hard osIlised enlargements on your horses. buy a bottle of but Absorbent. as it is guaranteed to remove lumps. If you have any fresh enlargements. buy a. bottle of our choice Lmimeot. It your horse ban a. shoulder (all. buy a tin of our Gail Cure. If your Poultry one not doing well, buy some at our Poultry Focd If your Poultry have Roup, buy some of our Roup Cure. THE CITY BAKERY 119ml quarters for GrUBotiiossry and all Babry goods The My}; of mung oysters " “In“; my... ..--.. 5‘," Large shipments arrive direct to u twice a week and on account of the ttrett demand for Oysters at on! store they are sure to be in first cuss fresh condition when they arrive here. - - ' .___-- --- I.-." FRESH OYSTAERS Highest prfees for Butter and Tttttpr. Crushed Oats Chopped Oats Chopped Barley Feed Oatmeal Oat Feed Mixed Feed EVENTUALLY The law of supply gm! demand keeps us buy. All=Metal Weather Strip . Furber dk Go. Stock Food a l'UllUll nun . la not doing as well us you think, you should buy celebrated Stock Food and it will pay you ten told mth. are not doing as well as they phnuld, buy a pack- Cattle Food and you will readily see the results. has a cough, do not delay. hul buy 5 package of are, as tvphoid-Ditstemper is raging among horned erfllly given. Work guaranteed all. Manufactured andinstalled by Why Not Now has Heat P, buy a pmknge of our Heine Cure. as re been cured by using it. has worms. buy I package of our Worm Powder Oatmeal Mills DURHAM, ONT. |daneing. the music being ehieflr Oupplied by Mr John Haw and son of Swintou Park at the teception which wan held Inter in the evening to the young people. The happy you; t.eotTle,s.tart life together with the _ best wishes ofthe whole neighbor- The two young ladies above refer- red to were much valued ,nesnttersof Dromore choir and will be greatly missed. BORN . LoNo.-1n Ezremnm. on Slat Daren:- ber, to It and Mrs Jonty Long. a daughter, CHALMERB - In Biggar, Sash ' on Chrisuuns Day, 1918. to MI and Mrs Jamel Chalmers. a can. (no. Miss Annie Pettigrew, gtoAto--In Sign". Bank ,On 28th Ova, to Mr and In Ernest Dem, a sun. 1 (on Min Ethel Pettigrew ,. . BLACK in Durham, which mull" est Fairs pay ovely dollar I horse should be offered for ever made of wood will ROWE Every-graduate guaranteed a position. " “MINI yum, [up an: M Specialists. lu- divtdnnl instruction, Pncucai dopartmont. Iutorrnation Inc. C A “ammo. FCA G. D. FLEMING Piincipal Secretary That all our Gus-1 tomers and Friends will have a Very Merry Christmas & a Happy cSy Pros- perous New Year is \the wish of Durham . Gontinuatipr? air” an. at II cum t OWEN SOUND ONT {gnu-Ive town r ‘ Ieeee"t, 'GirTiii Tin: ir: Q 2 'iiiiciiiidli4 Ind 'ii8till) “(Emil per 1 Ttti.tulllllutM, n. n (Eh-inn- A Dai. Prepch I'erulatm ', gum 1 . - m use-4“” slower!“ in r! r A; Mama ol yt'tcm. .1._:\ 2,.“ J. (1.mnyroN,WD.,( Er. de Van’s Peggy: f, :2 r,Mr,'grg,",'n1i'r,lllMll rum! ttt l',t ”It”!!! it _ than; sr.." -outuste “we. Mum» l .. .. -etetown. manna it . man . - w- um Ttus-rt oi mcwnom n. u _, ' at. The moi up 1m "Jr: “and "ttt swam min-mm my.“ _ M mu Imvv at“; “Mummy- . r Cl 1 gnu-n7 hmT-Wdaém - otttee-Atr" Jewellrv atom and t an Post OtBoe, “anon GRADUATE " mi Uni-ttr, Bradmoe ot Boyd Colley of Dental " can: of (inane Room Ogee J U 'N1h'llr'lhl4 New Btore shim“ - and (Quinn-M. ' rttt',egl'a"'gf/ll', munwwll Lu mm my. chunk-J rm: aux-Uh r' paw an a”. PWI untor Lem t an!) Mn. ”can. In (0110mm; I",~1n|:\'h.l\ at“ 1 10“.” m?&:;. Hbl":’&é"ln’n y.f t. itia'twa' le, 31.3mm 1‘3. -- "*6qu EPICS: Oval L Word) ottice ARTHUR H. JACKSON Insurance Agent. Munw to Lou. lower of lunar Liwlm‘d. A gen oral Ila-maul II [was “unwed. Links! “WWI: 0280; MBA“: WM) Uni-mum ' an. IQ.) MANN“ nurse“: J. F. GRANT D. 0.8-. .C. PICKERINO B. D s., L o: Licensed Auctioneer iirdu ‘0..le and ffiilt?/iiiCi,ii,7iiii' UNDERTAK ER an Funeral Director Full line Sit' hulk lusirt " t,tdtt While Capt, toe people. albumin; 1 Speciality. Home Fania. Shortest Notice W. H. BEAN Big 4 1,r.d,'bi8, tn. tor In Supra: Mohawk: Commissioner Mute, tO mm. nice on Umbmn Bt., opposite I dede'l titaldes Notary Public. Uoertruitcuoeter, DUBHAI. IOI: iiaia -outh of Reg on out “a of Alba: Bt. J. P. TELFORD ttter/it: but!” can. " we. u Bil hours. sj.t!igt as D. lcPIlAlL. Ceylon "WC. WE. burn: n lc-thu you o ‘0th in bi n. menu! "rd ' m. In l ittr, OFFICE HOURS A. BELL m W01!!! for all» r mu Men! the Rev“! l) -u1eo/w Indium Q tAL, P.0, Ml! In prong-m MOI-winner) w PHAIL., I tttrr, (Lower Town mm In 3mm was - V - bi School hailed“ um " il. WEE '-" . n Niddaugh an: Rib' (In of the l be Moe LI F“ A M be I purl mm u go, h melti I DI in“ oiite "L, H I“ an:

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