West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 8 Jan 1914, p. 8

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t Hardware We can sell you anything you need in t this line. GAME TRAPS In different sizes, 6 for SIM. No. l X an, the hmous Racer and Lana! toothtsaws t at $4.00 and $4.25 complete. Piat'es, Chisels. , "was”. Sun. Axes " kept in stock; the ”an”... ””I”“Mr0¢‘ Try them. Me. a bottle. m Drvirgist- : 1 tValera, or by man. not by anathema; the ‘63:};- tomg-woman', surest cure bf womfn's Post common ailments. Highest prices paid for all kinds when dressed with care and neatness. It is worth while to make. them at- tractive to the eye. TAYLOR 8000. Promore We give you Fifty cents for Ten Dollars worth of Cash Checks. Don’t throw them sway. Save them. 2.50 Covey Stolen now .. .._......... L35 8 oo Astrachan (iUperines. . . . . . . . . . . . . .535 7.50 Sable Stoles........ ........,,....4.98 21.00 Grey Wolf Set (stole and muff). ' 13.95 45. trachea Coats, now. . . . . . . . . . . 37.50 'trriltlrp,l.;)l,',', Coats, now . . . . . . . . . . 22.90 40.00 J8urlined Coats. . . ... . . . . . . . . .. 32.50 80.00C00n Coats.................. 62.50 Hundreds of dollars worth of. Furs, all at a great reduction. Butter (it Eggs til/ Poultry We are just starting another year's business. We are pleased to be able to tell you that our first year in Durham has been more than satisfactory. Every month our Sales have shown a good increase, and we do not intend to let it stop now. We must offer inducements to keep you coming. We must keep the staff busy. There must be no dull season hero. " We can seg you ‘a 0ueefJieater that will heat Stty "an at tesrs cost than any other heat. " one. 33.50 to $25.00. Dressed Fowl Big Cut in FURS TAYLOR & CO. DROMORE Wanted Highest." 13rices Paid Mr Harold McDermid was a wel come caller " the Hann residence Sunday last. Miss Eva Ramon. Dromore, and Miss Luella Bell, Iteddickyille,visit- ed Mr and Mrs W. P. Watson on Sunday. _ Mr Peter Ramage is home for the winter months on a visit to his par- cut: here and is looking hale and hearty. Misses Benin and Belle Weir from her school below Holstein and Tor, onto respectively are holidaying at home here. . Miss Susie Tucker is hem e from Berlin for the winter months, Mr and Mrs Thos Atchison visited the weekend at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ramage's. Mr." Chas. White is now engaged with Mr Wm. Philp. no ”can... b1l NORTH EGREMONT and therefore AS WE LIVE, - WE snow Here is a, Chance to Save some Money " fell O iLST EI N We will save you. from Two to Five Dol- lat 5 on an Overcoat now. livery coat in the store on the bargain table now. Come in and we'll show you, Men's Overcoats all reduced ti 0 ; Arriving a few mmutes later in ”his Vlllage. in was dlscovered that 3 Mr Kenn was practically umniuted. _notw1thstarodicg that he lived 'Lhmugh a smash-up and a thrilling Fiji mile drive on an tsngtneplow, wlnch iewtuen could survive. The {memen state and it is the general upmxon here that neither men were Isobar. Some days after this address was giren . great. Grew, l! gathering Watt Struck by Train near Holstein In hisiuteusely interesting addreu- vs ho drups the Mammal of his know.. .ngz' Gr mic the secret. of tusture', “at, laboratory and he breaks up the truths he brings to the surface into mentally digestible pieces With the any trow of a natural eluqueuee. The learned doc-tar will unfold to us the guinea layras of the sun and ex- place the great Waves of heated “as that look so much like fl “qu during a total eelipse." By what seems almost a miracle or intervention ol Providence. Mr Geo. Keith, a Proton township farmer, es- caped death on Saturday night. As it h, he 15 well as ever to-day, but pomibly a wiser man than hitherto. In company with Mr Wm. Yake, another farmer horn the same town- shrp, he was chrome home from Mt. Forest. Turning east at McDougall's Corner, they seemingly lost their way 1n the bnuurd which was rag- ing. Mr Yaw got out to enquire the way at a farm house and In his ab- sence. Mr Kath drove on and turned northward on the railroad track “we was danger. The nighlexpress ueurly three hours late was steaming on and caught up to the horse, which judging by the marks left on the track, was nearly aware of its danger and was gaIlopmg furiously. i The follouivg extract is taken from sltr. Pewviniroup,u Examiner and " an u'yim-uce of the esteem that Rev. Ur. Maul) ls held in by the people of that city. The article was written previous 'trs tln- night of theiecture and continu- 1mg ll giyeu a splendid synopsis of the l quuj. Cl matter at the speaker’s address, ) A an ill not. quote this portion. be- ' h‘VIng that In due time. Dr. Mush A Ill tavor u, With an uddless on anti-on only and that it is possible that he will be instrumental in organizing a amulet] along this branch of science of which so little is known here. “This will he an advanced address fot the thinkers and students of Peterbot- ough. Dr, Marsh is one of Causdn’s distinguished astronomers. He has been honoured bythe parent sociely by having conferred on him the degree of doctor of science. and he has honour. ud the namely by reason of the know. ledge he has acquired. Arriving Into )Iulsrein at " So p. m., Engineer Watt discovered on the [rout of ms locomotive, a smashed buggy top and seat, a man's hat and dnvxug whip. It was the first intr- matron or an accident. Passengers also stated that they had not felt the least jar winch might have resulted from a colliswn. Backing up, the tram crew found Mr Keith ditched about 15 feet from the track anda quarter mule. sun farther back was we remalns of it dead horse anda buggy sylmlneu to matohwood. sun mnher back they met Mr Yake counng norumard. What they Say of Dr. Marsh. THE - We got a snap on a 'inle bunch of Men's Suits. Th 2y are a superior quality of Hard finished Worsteds. Two patterns to choose from-worth regularly 16.50 : while theylast we will offer them for 13.50. If you want a good Suit for less than it's worth, get in right on this sale. More Close. - Night except Saturday The Store that Sets the Pace Fifteen Suits at Bargain 18lltirjllo)Miiih Mr and " Hugh Renwlok. (car newly weds) loft on Monday for their home " Ottawa, carrying with them the best wishes of their may friends and relatives in their native town- ship. As each of them ”Milled school in B. B. No 10 and played to- lgether happily in childhood. we be- weak for them a long, metal and I puppy life in, my Capital. The groom i, Mr John Snell A Chauvin.Alta., lwho arrived hone on the 29A an. was taken violently ill at the home iof Mr L. McDunga l a d was opera- jed on for that l er} pzevalent trouble ,appendicitls atrl , as successfully ar- jtendod to by D: Gloves, Fergus L Mr Snell at data 0' writing is resting Hmpefullv and hi: mother who is waning upon him hes brigh hopes (ol uis recovery, I Mr L. McDongail spent a week in /1'Yon.t.o enjoying Xmas festivities .winh his many :‘elleiVeS there, Miss Emily Wilson, teacher. bu resumed her duties with renewed energy after her two Weeks holidays visuing friends in Coillngwood and on.” northern points. - ---et-BB8, "The! Head for“ ." A...“ "allMt'lthPadJrdl%gt'CATiii, held and a presentation msde wit" many kind words from representative mun. Among those Judge llnycke spoke in praise of Dr, Marsh .. He ha' heen a benefit to the whole commun- ity '. he had been not only an educator but an inspirvr." The editor's 0103'in words; were " his lectures and bi: purr- snnul work will he very greatlv missed The community is lrrsmtt one of n. "11M prominent tout useful memhel In “L Marsh's do purlure." is ’empioyed in tti/Civ-ii-iii-r-viii-, there. Mr Jas if. Durrant's sale was held on Friday, 2nd ins‘ and good prices were realized, Faprcially tor live stock, the caviahle HOG selling " an Advance o' 10e, per lb. Mr Durram intmds movmg to MI. Forest shorth to en) ' leisure and the companion- ship of many friends. This municipal electionsior a Rev“ for Egremout on Monday lust. result- ed in the election of John McArthur. by a handsame majority. Egremom would like to retain the services of both Lothian and MeArthar bat one of them only could be retaiqg§ MW, pre'em circumstances. Mr to I day of power will come and Eg remmt will be btstrefitted by bis wide experience and good judgement. mas Bella Ca der, twined nurse of Yatfalo, N Y.spmv New Year's with het mother returning 1friday, Mr. Chas. McD )ugall after an " sence oi two yeu's in Saskatchewan, is home to spend too winter with his mother. m and we Goo. Dy co and family, and family also spam. New Year's with relatives in we Queen City. Mr Dyce says the sights ot Toronto are much more encnniiilg than the tam. arau swamps ol Proton in winter. The luxuries of lite are also more abundunsly manifested in the me tropolis. He will soon find his way thither again. Tome Publishers and readers of the REVIEW one and all we wish a p'lmptrOUI and lmppv New Year. m Jai, Snell, Dromore, visited at the home of Jno. MCArthur, (recvo ele_ct) last Ttek, - _ N THE DURHAM REVIEW YEOVIL h 1tortttttttterttet, il), LOCAL AND PERSONAL 2; An Adt1ltudiea'Bitge Class Wa 'rPhrsieiamsargeon and crammed by the young ladies of the", min] tM.tentinn paid I Methodist church on Monday night? Wmmm and Sip/pe, Miss Doris Irwin was elected Prtsi/ iiGr, Nose an Thro dent; Miss Kerr, Vice-Pres.; Miss; 1etyttr. tetrted tend Filo Main, Secy. ; was ll, Dingwall, _ petly firted. True. The young men are also or face at Holstein Dr ganizing at In early date. g Mr Wilson, ot Springville. wusa‘ guest at Rev, Dr. 5isrtrlt'trlast Week! Electric Restore. mo Morrltcur-Browrt and Patter- 'ott--Renrriee nuptials will be found on page 5, Mr John M. Ross and daughter Sadie, of S'racford, wgre guests oi his, sister Miss Ross on Saturday. i Mr and Mrs Jae menurray and) three chlldren, from Owen Sound. In m New Year a at Me md Mrs R} M;:Uloeklin'e, Mia: Iva marshal]. of m. Forest,E visited her friend, Miss Z McClmklin f last week. , Mr o, Burrows, his son and the latter‘s wife, from Alberta, are visit- ors at the farmer's sister's, Mrs Jae. Smith. Election day was very quiet in the village and throughout the township. While considerable inten st was man. Vest as to the contest for reeveabip, this would have been undoubtedly increased had there been a tight for the council also. Beareely hafthe township vote was polled. Holstein bsektd Mr McArtliur strongly and the ng'H majority Were But-prism at the ttrt, he polled here. His total majority was 75. The vote in detail appears on tirst page. Anniversary services are being held in the Fresh; tenan church on Sunday. Rey. Dr. Marsh preaches on both occasions. o, Monday eve- ning a Barbecue is to be held, lollow. ed by an evening‘s entertainment. Limelight v'iews will be shown on Monday night. School re-opened on Monday, the attendance in the senior mom being " and in the junior department 37. Don't forget the Orange Society on Friday. Be sure to attend and have an enjoyable evening. Mr Jas. Smith is the new school trustee,- successor to Mr Jas. Rice. The Board now is] A, Main, J. D. Main and Mr Smith. Mr Alex Duncan, who has been employed in Roberts’ blacksmith shop, returned to his home in Dur- ham Monday eyening and has taken the position of engineer in Z. Clark 's mill. Mrs Petrie and little niece Anna Caro have returned to the West. Inspeetors Beckett and Allan made a search of the local hotelry on New Year‘s Day, but their errand was fruitless, Miss Mary Marsh retorned on Mon- day to Toronto, after spending a few days at the mama. Mr and Mrs D. P. Coleridge spent New Year‘s with friends in Durham. Mr and Mrs Hugh Renwick left on Monday afternoon for their home in Ottawa. The Morrjapn -Brown About two dozen odd Jackets, worth regular- ly up to 8.00, your choice, 89e. See these in our window. Women's Winter Coats 0 ONTARIO ARCHIVES ' TORONTO an... V " his; 89c IDR. JAS. L. WILSON, B. A WNPhyslclan. Surgeon and Aoeouehour C.,at.u=Tfdrf. iifiWitriiGr' iGiroil17, rim and vitality. Premature decay and all weakness tuned " onto. Phiphool 'l.t""gt'g L".' “ha “”8; tas' . m o my I run. t,., It. “that”... on. JAN. 15, 10u,--on (bl-date MrsJ. Wading offers for sale on Gash term. a lot of valuable household furniture and Challels. Sale at 1.30 p. m. D, MCPHAIL. Auetioneer, Mr Nelson Campbell, tram near Gait. visiud over the New Year wish his aunt. Mrs Jno. Dough-l. Mr Chan. Lewis “no a party New Year) eve in honor of his broth. er Jack fromthe West. Mr and Mrs Jno. Kirby gave a New Year skating party to the young people ut the neighborhood. Allen. ijed themselves. A number from around here at- tended the party New Yeart night, give" by Mrs Jim Johnston. Mr Rumo. from Kineardiae, visited " brother here over the New Your. Mr and Mrs Bob Nelson and Mr and Mrs Ned Battle visited last Snu- day at Mt Jno. Kirby's. Mr Ruhr. Robertson and Mr W. T. Finder have both treated their wivm to llqpy Thought Ranges tram Mr Henderahn, Mt. Forest. Prtrlc Bgstorer for Men Misses Grace and Norma Finder spent New Year's with their iriend, Miss Sadie Bailey, Durham. The D. S. Club held a very iuter. esting debateun Frlduv evening, viz RelulVed that Eastern Canada of“! more advantages than Western Can Ida. the affirmative side winning hy a narrow margin. A B): Boeol in being planned tor Friday, Jan. 30. Miss Eva Kenton returned t t her school on Monday. Mr Jas. Isaac, after a two week:' vacation at his home here, returned to Toronto on Monday, A most enjyyahlc evening was spent at the home ot Mr and-Mrs Thus. Renwiok on New Yen's night, when a reception was ttivett the young people at the Vicinity in honor at their daughter Mandy. who was gnarled to Mr S Patterson onthat ' ate. Miss L. ile.ll, of Horning’s Mills, wanna guest ot her t'rinud. Miss Ev; Ramon, a few days recently. Mrs Hargrave, S. lurk, visitvd with her duughter. Mrs Jas. Allen, during Xmas week. Oar school re-opened on Maud-y with Miss Agnes Peay, ofDurhnm, in charge. Sale Register [)ROMORE r..teeetrr 9'"! in the 25 cents per dozen Hundred lb. barrels ORCHARD 3 pounds for 25 cts Fifty pound kegs.... Lake Superior Trout Always save your cash checks. We buy them back trom you. Every Ten Dollars worth pays you so cents. ._ .- “m .,. l ii'd I AI E , i'lt,1'i,tu. T' xi: to, dine: gluon Store. Herring of Cotton Seed Mm! Oil Ode Ink-cu Meal [45 “no: at 19 and part lti, Con. ti the prrt 1 Can. 7, Etrretitost, ll" ”uncle-I'd. monwnmp and and Inn-h: Teneer h k hump. hank gun and driving an» Good gum and atmkhrm wellfe "d and watered. Thu farm van "ls, he bought with ftot.ehoa sturk and 'npleuwnu in perfect running under. Fur further puticuIm-n apply on Ih "mites!" the prupriemr. mm. H. utfUidae “drew. Mt. For»: P. o., R.' . No. ts. The valuable h unwed by Geo. C. Swanslon, “>1“le ing 200 acres. lacing lot 18 and E g 17 a .Hand Shiottg," can. 16, Egrrmom, oth,red for I310. 185 uncles ch-urod. alum-e hush und pasture land. o" tti prank" me I hug:- lnnk barn, driv bed. sheep and host pens. hen house: ruck dwelling hum-o. one at the but i the township. up-to-date with toft In nah in 0.!- tic. furnace and other C veuwucer ; good well, and gold up 'ng close to house ; never-Idling It gm mm across farm ; good orchard Will he sold as: s barnnln on any ten . Must be diopooed of by In Feb A ly to The bide will be much mined in social circles. where she WI. I spec'- in! tuvoriw and a. good wishes at the communaty (allow tho young couplo to their new home, 90 Gilmure tht., Dunn. Tho undermgm-d " open io buy all kinds of loge delivered at his mitt in Holstein. Prompcly at never: o'clcck. the bride beumilullv non-nod in in ry charmeuse nun with hoe and pearl trimmings. with veil arranged in Juliet cap etfret and carrying I am W er bouquet ot my at the valley and maiden hair “TL, entered the draw. ine roem on the arm of her brother, Mr John Summon. The bridesmaid In: In“ Mary Sana-ton. era er of the bride, who wore champ an. colored brocade, trimmed Writ swanuown lld car- ried a Ike-1' of American Beauty roses The groom" an In J. Wel- hoe Findlay. t Dromore. The ceremony Ill performed by Rev, Dr. Marsh, panor of Holstein Presbyterian Church. During the signing of tl e register, the groom‘- sinner rendered I solo In excellent mice. After eotjratthtiotm the “one tvpairerd to me dining»room. where all did Jtustiee to the good thing- pro' vided. A tr cat propoood to the bride was respond 'd to by “I. Cr0otttt father, Mr Hubert Renwick. of Dro. more. 1tEswgcic-.-SrrAstxroN A very prt-(lv mddintr was tsol.. emnized on New Year’s eve " "Bill. crest " Fan mom. the bound in Jas.. Swannon. when her fourth daughter. Mm Sun-n Estella. was united in marriag- with Mr Hugh Runwick. olOzta v11. Valuable tarm for Sale JANE BY 8 1014 'ls.. 3.75 James Myers Chriuie Block, Holstein FCR SALE Logs Wanted 'arm tor Sale 11' Itt Pits, A ly to J. A, Swasrox. Maple Lana P. U. Ont tiytneneal 3.75 soon; Pumpl (kaolin. Engine Putin. Meal «hues Dual li premiu- v hed,shee ', trtctg am Hi them!" In! tank r "re Nam " up ng eh it! it um wchard W may Len . Pet, A ls Swnls'rox. L. B. Nlcnouun. P, n. tt ‘5 Welsh has N" I.“ nt FUN” I" " [Lu-chin! pared " hpl-f“ Score. Milk- Hol~v\n wool-awn tot "ms .. ' “up NIL-ms i, Js “human-u _ " ”500 pm in: Dug-humluh. \ I. "tAt" G or Ttsoo. '1 tl Owner onl .xponws. But-nus in The qualil y at. unuurpna: I Illa. lam JAN.. j Juli. HMO)" mum“. " Purl”!- nu cream. c, W In lieu ot nub Dr. Bross The“. m but. Jrts. plied The (anally can!“ butt u, _ - t,sot Una Toeouco nun-1 l “wt-Mon ltrt - jun titil ... '" Muir I “count- has 'gu " com 1 We all“: Will. Moro, of " bun mm from & A m I'm. "ud M er6 dams!“ I” Loo" Ot both ttoant Moo knot. w- ttv' We "' 501111 IILD DA hope. 3. 1 can“ t) um. Adult. I u. ot wow and teat, in. talc. u- cucut Lu.- cu- of No. RAVI-W ed Vt‘l ' Kev, cumin UN: VOL " “ht". mm: New on M sud In“ tau It“ 1au u In " I up. “u _ of u wont-- our e A canny ttu " trave nu think u“ nun...- unllu I l “I. nun Cl on. tum Whole ' Publ" lu it " n Gown h hark-u oue cuuulmw” ' the “and 'ld '. hunched m . _ .e in 0mm“: ' ', * nout'v-HIV h'; ' 'r man ol il.c , u m Fertri ol _ . . tu old" Pr tect, l" tits _ w.“ ", tttsst . It Wo""'"" ll ,.~‘ ouu‘ lu lt, " tteu'et dun ' I... I Winch rt “row-n l m.’ "e ' can: t: " you: "e', a ect' MJ' n " Cur- carry mils. d (Imam Toi.' “IN. tl pug "HM toral bot gag we " [a v.- the I N) ll G " . XXX Rem

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