West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 15 Jan 1914, p. 2

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of tttitant l'o‘lunlwis a soluble pow- der. A wasp. wnful divsolve, quick- lr in a We of hot 1-star and. with cream am my, nukes 3 delicious hum Mam. Grocer- sell both kinds. this If DI mm. but his heroic life 0170 your ”an no ri.L.‘diah quality, unless it LP 'tru"tnews of speech. The nose ”.1 ambitions of Louis XIV. were |:..mun. but he was physically neon- ttlil. and his executive ability con- ..v-,:~d m cementing n despotism :hw had to be wrecked before his cc, .mry could resume its pro resa. These be individuals. in»: show the nine disregard for ready.. made rides. Considering their numbers. the Scandinnvinna of the Mrddln Ages were the greatest. con- quvrm-s Mr world has known-and Run-inn nun-e are as scarce in Scan- damn a s3 black hair. The "pan- we: are) predominantly snub nosed. he; he who takes them for children has queer notions of a nursery. Tho elm-rum were Greeks and prewar aw, Greek nosed; but their name is a mm)": for dauntleu courage and 1hr"; rrfinemcnt was a minus The int der tho pr phasized tt “vuri'nghq fue mu u: Puma a holds New ese am pre hut he who has quest ll Spartans w ably Greek is tb Gummy and tho-1: I quality. The shape of the Nose Does Set Its Develop-It 1e V , ' bt tent [or lath. hate “I, . t Some crackvsure fla"i.fiers of ink The deiieieney if the supp!) oi mum) have turned their “Emma domestic servant! constitutes an Intel: m the shape of people 3 no- everyday problem in the household, we in. is the nose. we I" told but inventive ettort is endeavoring now. that makes, or at lsast, re- to find a remedy, says a writer in veals. the man. . Chambers’s Journal. The perfec- A Roman nose In?!” Hr8.r.e"'vt- tion ol the electrically driven] light, ner. courage. executive ability. It and expensn'e vacuum cleaner may hehmgs to great warriors and cep- oust tho unhygenic broom in the tains of industry. The Grecian collection of dust; while, the perfec- lime indicates refinement. often ac- tion of the electric cooker iorover.. companies] by unaidlty. The snub coming dineulty in the kitirhen. At nose denotes a childlike, undevelop- the we...“ mortertt electric cook- ed typo 'rt.rnind. And ID on, P, in; is in its infancy, but its develop- ng as white paper tnd P'""".' ment is proceeding by leaps and k can induce the ttram of chronl- bounds; and with it cooking opera- sling such iybeciliti"s. f tions are rendered easier, simpler, Pear, there '.s an elepytt. t? cleaner, and more economical than truth m these coniectures, but it is with gas or coal fires The manipu- ‘f'” I“) Ttl. . . yTtd,1,', the letion of the stove is mastered with- "'f“ “u” a C1',21d', muted"; in a short time, joints and poultry prr". whom M one . as aecu Al lose little during the process and :.mrer:ty, and Ctr, htsver charged 'r.it.h are better cooked as well L' more l7""§m°m' P" Ones? lit: It tasty and nutritious. Moreover, “W" m" We rec . ra es the operation is much cleaner, “'1" CA "fut" l"'"'. tr.t pronounced healthier and cooler to conduct. In "‘ "u; {WE-020w lifts otTo years London and in the provincial cen- Cr'//l'iJ",", 'll J1eutlif',)'tht 1: tree the electric restaurant is in :w 1"//'Cd,' of it)“; LT.' 22:. evidence; while many large estab- ir', 1min n" he was h 'Sicallv I. cow. llshrnents, such as schools and other . 'i' . _ ' ,'. . P! , .P. institutions, have adopted the elec- 'tt.i _ and his "Himwe ability con- tric cooker At present the great in; ld, J,e'l,P/',tl'd'cket, ttyet'.,',', handicap is the rtlatively. high cost Lo .niry could resume its pro ress of electric current, combined With Tune be individuals {asses the fact that the hiring of clectric k ., . . . stoves upon the same prineiple as has thr same d/sreerd.tor reds.- gas stoves has not been arranged. "Nd..- '""T lengthy!“ their Notwithstanding these disadvant- mnnwru. we Scandinavian, of theIn es however it has been found Mm” A's“ “195:1?” ageatest a“; l trim, experience that in London the wit-run ur “up ttts nown--an , ' . . l: .umn noses are as scarce in Ficam. I 'l',?',",',',"',)"',';,',',,,,",:,?): this 132;? 1.yl.t air“? but? It Jeetlfiri; does not exceed hvepenes per .m’. 'L",lL' 'prgi'ieg l',") $23,“; l day. Although current for cooking has ”1196‘; ruinous of a nursery The : firm?“ fi', ttg,'litet gb Lower Sit " ' e", a - . - an or lg mg, e cos per uni all?“lat:r:P;j£§°.°t;::§e£":::e[must be reduced considerably be- il' a r i ' i d Ue ou a a fore electricity can be considered a i t . Slim inc I', ‘8‘") . " C r. it real rival to gas for cooking, inas- 311.}: " ”Am utrnt was a mun” much as the average housewife r}:- 'ut.',.':"...' iv. . ' lttards the matter purely from t e “3:“: has. dz: iij,ri,rit.rf,1t1,itii'tiiii'ai,i, tt,1tioaie, an; hiinelrti! T .'., L ' 'rt. toot erauvantageswhie really “if,” (A '."/ '13:"in andhthe most 1'.t l counterbalance the difference in the 5"', I "".". y,y, " a ”Datum“; nature (cost of the source of heat. Electri- '.C, ‘ ..,vtf'.".r"ylr, . t, e orb to’city has already appeared upon the l'>.'l.>' haul and certain rules for the t ble 1 e e th ater V b boil- “ms n3: u; mankind is the prititirnilltet fol-“tin: te: '7,.Si,re.'nti',' :ocna.‘ Vi it,ds. q while the table-toaster is another inexpensive item which is meeting lillll'l‘ll l.\80RER’S LOT. with great success. There is no ---- denying the fact that electricitv in "tte bound it Hard to support Nine its domestic applications will help on 3357' a Week. Ito solve the servant problem, be- T '" _ . 't' the rural wvrkrr unucnum nothing simpler can he con-i Li"i' 'Cr' r ' -v-ur wage rate was om-lceived than the movement of a} [w x "F 't it' an inquest at IN est I witch to do this or that, while the; V. L' 'r, N,,rth “cum. on [lit-’rlrgrnc of heat can be controlled to h. l ' .i tl.tnuhter of Wi'me d mow. ILrvevrer, by means of I'm ' 2 I.:‘m Inlmro‘r, says liq? :‘ll-t'ti i4'i!_\‘ corling becomes a pleas- 1... " N, \ ir'_y,'r.'.1,tee,y,,th.'ir.,s,e,tiuce. ' I I: '. r), "l had been (Ir-limit” u ' ' . ' .lii til," {lidl r\~'!“»‘-l a--...--...-'--...-. There i, a dral of human nature, in any man. no matter what the shape of his nuw; god the most un- nhwabfe thing about human nature. is iH variability. The effort to "3:ch fixed and "ruin rules for the ju'iwng oi mankind is the pastime A Roma now means Aggressive- new. courage. executive ability. It helongs to great warriors and up- tains of industry. The Grecian um: indncues refinement, often sc- companicd by timidity. Tho snub no“: denotes n childlike, undevelop- ed typo of mind. And no on, a tr, my white paper and printer', k can induce the strain of chroni- 'eiing such imbecilities. - Perhaps there is an element of truth in these conjectures, but it is terribly mull. Alexsndet the Great an a warrior of Iona te- puzr. whom no one bu accused of :Jntdity, and few hue chum with rMinergtemt. His nose, like his Jami. was pure Greek. Socrates and 1 snub noso_ of pronouneed "'NareU . new" for Posh-m The Shun- ol the New Does Not tout [or Int-I. Some cuckvsure classifiers of hm mum) have turned their attention Intel: (u the shape of people's no- set It. is the nose, we are told now. that makes, or at least, re- veals. the man. _ Mini ll y In and brought home mum» [ Thc: made it right (dir-c, tt pkg.) and told me to sew 1?"!an it would make with Li. and during that first week run my old "iction did not mo once. From that dar to hum used nothing but Por. place of coffee-headaches i,\\'l'l)lll " FOOLS. ed Id do l' " lllll MON. H d " d the The coroner agreed {or her family, but ltd to maintain a children on her has. Us. ad. ($2.86) per n lght it l Mt I lik m with tea and cof- of people Inner nervoutmess your " fine health." wed. smells gm d: and does . tr n I was _ ft on n " mu rt my en the bedding was " know how M m idence _ It tran- Ieets were mly an old the beds, were with- a nu persuade t tea or 1(l‘l summer whiskey (12% Ill WIN IN The W 8 wands formed a huge inverted tune :uith its apex resting on another |cone of water that rose swirling "rom the Gulf. The gigantic hour- iglass came towards us. It grew “Router in the middle, black above, land more turbulent below. More {impressive than the picture itself e was the thought of the tremendous _ imisihle power that before our eyes I arm Misting water to the clouds by ltho hundred tons. l, The south wind ceased, and a lumt from the north caught the (lrene's sails and gent the boom f hanging over our heads. Putt after Vr struck us from one direction 'aiter another until we seemed to ho “he battle-ground to: the four [winds of haven. I When the captain got back to the wheel, the waterspout wu danger- ously near; ita umbroluuike top almost overshadowed us. "Wouldn't it have been better to run out into the Gulf t" I naked. to "Start up the engine, plane!" said the captain to the canon. mm, and "Let go the halyudsl” he shouted to Joe, while he trimmed in tho mainsheet till the boom swung amidships. and a blue sky, and nothing in na- ture but the slow heave of the Gulf reminded us of the squall that had just swept over. "Bee them clouds on the port bow 2" said the captain. "They're mixin' up trouble. Looks like wa- tersrpouts." "They won't trouble us," I said. "This wind will carry them away." "Wind nothin' '. They make their own wind. Bee that one now, pump- ing water from the Gulf a barrel a second! Looks to me as if it was comin' this way, fast, too!" The Terrible Experience of Mr. A. W. Dimmoek. There are few more impressive midencus of the forces that exist in nature than the towering mass of n waterspont, nor is there a more tVar-inspiring sight if your little sailboat happens to be in the path of tho whirling monster. Mr. A. W. Dimmock doseribns such an ex- perience in his "Book of the Tar- curing Colic, expelling worms and making teething easy. Concerning thorn Mrs. E. J. Ayer, Westmore.. land Point, NIL. writes: "I have been using Baby's Own Tablets some time. and find them just, the medicine baby needs." The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 Cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- villv, Ont. TI " JUST THE MEDICINE FOR THE BABY Baby's. Own Tablets are just the ml‘dicine for little ones. They sweeten the stomach and regulate the bowels. thus breaking up colds, curing Colic, expelling worms and making teething easy. Concerning thorn Mrs. E. J. Aver. Westmore- "Bhe'd have followed GP%rre Clrtyif'.0 BY l WATTRs'P0UT. "iread for tin shore!” he called I waterspoue grew with amaz- rapidity. The massed black Irene ELECTRIC COOKING. p tho ED. 4. Mrs. Hoyle-Do fun so through your hushand's pockets? Mrs. Troy/e-- Sure: it's the best thing for him. Mn. Hovle--How is that? Mrs. Doyie--The doctor says that he must avoid excitement, and I think my method is better than ex- citing him by asking him for money. To travel the entire length of the Atlantic cable a message takes approximately three tseconds. Mlnard's Liniment Guru Cars" In Cows. Wlth Kldnay Trouble, Cured by Gin Pills. Mr. Daniel P. Fraser of Bridgevillc, NS., says ubnu: GIN NLLS: “For twenty years I have burn troubled with Kidney and Bladder Djsnaan, and have been treat- ed by many doctors. but found “We ro- lircr. I had given up all hope of getting cured when I tried Gm PILLS. Now, I can any with a happy heart. that I am cured an" using only tour boxes of GIN PILLS." 50c. . Box. 6 tor $2.50. Sample treo it you write National Drug a Chemi- cal Co, oi Canada. Limited, Toronto. According to the most expert statisticians. the Atlantic Ocean has an area of 24,536,000 square miles. SEFFERED '2.t) V3.33 The school and church are the two chief landmarks on the island. The reason they were built in such a sparsely populated spot is that in winter it is almost impossible to leave the island. The mud is liter- ally knee-deep, and the ferry that runs to and from the island is dan- gerous. A novel method of obtain- ing tho services of the ferrymen, who live oppusite the island, is by opening “to white door of a hut fac- ing tre shorc. A he ierryrnen on. 1hr: Some time ago the island was the home of thirty-fivo men, women and children. The inhabitants are mostly "loolrers', or shepherds of large flocks of sheep. The oldest man of the village is in his seven- tieth year. He has never seen a motor-car. Inhabited by Thirty-five Mm. Wo- men and Children. There is an English parish. only forty-eight miles from London, where roads, shops, lamps, tele phones, motor-cars and post-offices are unknown. It is Blink-y. and it is an island. The island has an area of two thousand acros. and is tho property of Oxford University. The above straightforward letter from Mrs. J. Y. Todd, wife of a well. known miller in Rogersvllle. is proc? sufficient that Dr. Hamilton's Pills are a wonderful woman's medicine. Use no other pill but Dr. Hamilton's. 25c. per box. All dealers or The Catarrh- ozone Co., Kingston, Ontario. "For years I was thin and delicate. I lost color and was easily tired; a yellow pallor, pimples and hintches on my face were not only mortifyirg to my feelings, but because I thought my skin would never look nice again I grew despondent. Then my appetite failed. I grew very weak. Various remedies, pills, tonics and tablets I tried without permanent benefit. A visit to my sister put into my hands a box ot Dr. Hamilton's Pills. She placed reliance upon them and' now that they have made me a well woman I would not be without them whatever they might coat. I found Dr. Hamil, ton's Pills by their mild yet searching action very suitable to the delicate character ot a woman's nature. They never once griped me, yet they estab- lished regularity. My appetite grew keen-my blood red and pure-heavy rings under my eyes disappeared and to-day my skin is as clear and un- wrinkled as when I was a girl. Dr. Hamilton'tt Pills did it all." Great massm of water crashed downward. tore “we surface of the Gulf, and tossrd thr Irene about like a cork. The first human sound that followed the roar of the falling water waq the wail of the camera man: [low tt Sick Woman Can Regain Health Read Thu "i/IT, Craefully. Us: LIQUID SULPHUR trt your bath. “There she goes!" shouted the captain, pointing out a palmetto log as it slid down the inclined plane of water and plunged into the base. At first the log was lost in the column of water, but as it reached the narrow part, of the hour-glass formation. it was thrown crosswise, and the waterspout broke in two. spout. The top became more un- steady and the bottom more turbu- lent, In our boat began to widen the distance between us and the monster. ENGLAND'S OLDEST ISLAND "Why didn't I save one plate l" Th [SS U E 2--'IL " th Upmyrds of 660 tons of soot fall 1snnually on each square mile of the City of London; that is to “y, dur- ing one year 76,050 tons fall on the 117 square miles which form the administrative county.- Fortunately for tho human I greater efforts are being made solve the question of 1913 A than 600,000 3.0. The date is hardly more plausible or convincing than the one given by an expert of an entirely different school, who fixed the time of the creation of man at 4004 B.C., Sep- tember 23, at halt-past nine in the morning, Eastern time. But the date, 500,000 B.C'.. is in- teresting. It is reckoned on the basis of the time acquired for cave lime deposits to form, if-and the "it" looks like a big one --"if they accumulated at the present rate of growth of stalagmites.” Some experts insist that he was a verv intelligent ape, others that he was a man of low intelligence, and speechless. But all agree that he must have lived at least 600,000 years ago. Unfortunately all the teeth are missing except two, and these have no marks of dentistry. This adds to the difficulty of the problem. Questions Raised by F'inding An. cient Skull In England. Among anthropologists and oth- ers who are more interested in where man came from than Where he is going to a. spirited contro- versy has arisen over the question whether the fossil skull discovered some time ago in England belonged to a manlike ape or to an ape-like man. Gorilla teeth fit into the skull fairly well; therefore its pos- sessor was a. monkey. But human teeth also fit; therefore the origi- nal owner of tho skull was a. man. The above letter is eonvinclntr---it tells how reliable and trusty this old. time remedy is. Nervlllne for forty years has been a household word in Canada. Scarcely a home in Canada you can fitttl without Nerviline. Every community has its living examples ot the wonderful curative properties ot Nerviline which will cure pains and aches anywhere in the joints or mus- tIrs. It's penetrating. soothing, warmlng and rate for young and old to mm. Get the large 50c. famlly size bottle: it's the most economical. Small trial size 25c. at any dealer'a anywhere. "How thankful we are to get hold of such a wonderful household rem- edy 1H NervillneJ" writes Mrs. E. P. Lamontagnn from her home near We. tasknwin, Alberto. "in this far-away section, far away from a doctor or druggist, every family needs a good supply of liniment. Nervlllne is the best of all. It destroys every pain, but never burns. We use Nervlllne in a score of ways. If it's rheuma. tism, aching back, pain in the side, sciatica or stiff neck,---you can laugh at them if you have lots of Nerviline handy. For earache, toothache or cramps I don't think anything could act more quickly. For a general all. round pain remedy I can think of no- thing more valuable and speedy to cure than Nerviline." Marriage is the giving away one half of mm food in order get the other half cooked. Australia has'moro churches in proportion to population than any other country. Comparisoris are odious, save those In our own favor. Best Liniment of All Destroys Every Pain But Never Burns. Upwgrda of 660 tons The richer you are, the easier it " to economlze. In the ancient Temple of Jerusa- lem the choir numbered 24,000 voices. If appearances are deceitful, what about disappearanees1 - Recent medical statistics as to the age when a man has the most intel- lectual vigor give interesting re- sults. It is from forty to fifty-six years that the most brilliant things have been accomplished by the ma- jority of human beings. Chemists and physicians have made brilliant discoveries at forty. Poets have accomplished masterpieces at forty- four, and novelists two years later. Famous warriors average forty- se ven, musicians are most brilliant at forty-eight, and actors at the same age. Moralists are greatest at fifty-one, politicians at fifty- three, humorists at fifty-six, thus demonstrating the last thing one learns is how to amuse one's con- temporaries. Sharkskin leaflfcr is called shag, reen. i “In the fall of 1903," writes Mr. Pu- lots, under date of June 10th, 1910, "l contracted a very severe cold which developed into Catarrh. At that time i was living in New York State and treated with four different physicians. who afforded me no relief. On coming to Brockville t was advised by a friend to try Catarrhozone. I bought the doi- lar outfit, and was gratified by the re- sults. I was completely cured by Ca. tarrohozone, and have used it since to check a cold with unfailing results. " in the grandest medicine In existence, and I hope my testimony will be of some use to other fellow-sufferers." (Signed) George Pulos. Get Catarrhozone to-day. Large size costs $1.00, and lasts two months. Smaller sizes 25e. and Foe. All deal- ers, or The ()atarrhozone Company, Buffalo, NA'., and Kingston, Ont. HALF MILLION YEARS AGO. By Breathing the Healing Vapor of Catarrhozone You Get Relief In Ten Minutes. . That Catarrhozone Is a swift, Cer- tain means of destroying colds and eatarrh Is proved by the followinx: statement of Mr. Pulcs, one of Brock ville's best known merchants: My Snime and Sneeze with Catan'lml Foul? Brightest at 40 to 60. Fart and Fancy. they human race of to A Ron-chold Kali, Dr. horse’s - "sd/Un Root Pill. u t marry? Dix~I guess he realizes he'd he a tool to marry a woman who'd be fool enough to nun-y him. , Gentlemen.--' have used MINABD'B iL1NIMEh'T from time to time for tho put *twenty yearn. It was recommended to me l by a prominent physician of Montreal. i who called it the “great Nova 80min Lini. ‘montJ' It does the doetor's work; it in :purticularly good in cases of Rheumatism ‘and Sprain. 77 Some children are spoiled in their raising bgcause that is the easiest way to name them. Mrs. Malaprop's Cousin. "Oh, deary' saiMIrs. Blunder, by; "when I read of these dreadful war rumors I get quite frustrated. I can't help feeling that the coun- try is on the verge of an abscess.” Blessed is the Peacemaker, in the estimation of the chap who is get- ting the short end of it. Try Murine Eve Remedy If VON have Red. Weak, Wntorx, '4‘va If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes 02 Granulated Eyelids. Uoesu't Smart -Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, Mc, 50c. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, 50c. Eye Books Free bv Mail. “In Yom-ora- that mum Murine Ere Remedy Co.. Chtcguo LiQUID SULPHUR cum cold um. There is as much kicking in base ball as there is in football, but if: diliercnt. Halifax. NS., Sept. n, 191 No Cordelia, you can't settle a doctor's bill by returning his calls. It is easier to induce n man to (tempt a. favor than to take a joke. You’ll never get. inside the gates of pearl on the strength of your good intentions. Marriage is apt to be a failure if the female of the species spends more money at the milinery shop than tho butcher shop. Minard'e Lluimem Co., Limited It doesn‘t take' a girl's idearlong to develop into a. commonplace husband. Sympathy is more often mir placed than lost. The debt soonest, paid is the one that is never contracted. We cannot blame a man who leads a dog's life if he growls. The smailer an estater the fewer legal questions are involved. Mot 'tlt ttre they effective in maetsof t')tle,,th'y, but they I gully in bra 'ng up a Cold or fippe by denim! mu. A. -.- may meet the need which to da- arises m every familnfot a medicine to open up and regu te the bowels. Not onl are they effective in " use: of éonstiention. but they help truth; In hr” :-_ .._ - I». . - ulnard's Llnlment Cum Dummy". lam-M's Linimonl Cum colds. Etc. Bix~WoI|der why Podgers does- LIQUID SULPHUR cunt com sons. Cancun Soap and Outlaw-a Ointment an Bold by drawn! and dealer: everywhere. For a liberal free sample of each, with S2-p. book, lend mm! to Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Dept. D. Boston. U. B. a. " was greatly troubled with nit rheum on my hands. They broke out in little watery pimple: and would be so itchy I could tear them to pieeoe. Then they would dry up and crack and bleed and when I put them in wetcr the disease would eat in to the bones. They were so painful I had to keep them tied up with cotton use. I could not do any work. One box of Cuticura. Oint- ment with the Cutlcun. Boats cured them.". (Signed) Mm. Grattan. July 31. 1913. ' that he and. cont. Eh skin burned all the time and when the seat, came " it left little mark.- like chicken-pox. At last I saw Cutlcun Soup Ind Ointment advertised. Alta-tho ttrat Ip- plicatlon he rested easier. I applied the Cutlcun Ointment lightly Ind the! an hour I would wash him with Cutlcurl Soup. After a month's treatment he was cured. Quetrrrviile. N.W.-- " Por . month Bftee my baby was born he could not sleep a” or night with eczema. Be m HI coveted Could Not Sleep Day or Night. Itched and Burned Terribly. Cu- ticura Soap and Ointment Cured in a Month, Also Cured Mother of Salt Rheum, BABY Ill. COVERED WITH fall Got Kendawq 8pm Cum " my druc-dro. Prim. OLOO pot mttxgoluulu torg5.00. "A Tami-o on tho littrW'tN." druggma or from d Dr. B. J. Kendnll Co.. Enubm FnIIIJemonUJJA. 1mm: "t lure been Mu your 8pm Cum tar many any any: with excellent run! " has and I great may horses-has put them back to work, even after they he". been given up. Over IO years of mucus. have proved its value. _).(r. J. IL Gmndln of " In. ttaa. u KENDALL’S , fuiket lean otjtiGGii-iii: & Indian Root ”In." " . Pointed Paragraphs. SPAVIN CURE Onto "invsvit. Your, truly, G. G DURTAN. Charured Accountant for a Horse Save I horse and you won't have to buy one. Don't sell or destroy any horse on account of Spaviu, Splint, Ringboue, Curb,Spraiusorl,am¢ness. Spend one dollar for I bottle. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO “I never saw anybody rm mirrfu} of his health as Watson." "Neither did I. Why, if he gets into Para- dise, I'm sure that he'll make a hay. gain mith St. Peter for a seat far away from the door so that he'll be quite free from draughts." A farmer in the parish of Maitiund. Nova Scotia, recently came across a ‘skunk's nest that had three tiny young ‘ones in it. The little skunks were only a day or two old. and instead of ruth- lessly destroying them. the farmer picked them up and carried them home. The family cat had been rair Ing a. litter of four kittens, three of whom the farmer had drowned. and after a few suspicious snide, she can. seated to adopt the little skunks in place of the lost kittens. The skunks did not suckle in quite the same way as the kitten. and it was interesting to watch Tabby push and box them into position. She soon got thcm in excellent order. and pilesy and her quaint family attord lots of amn-ummit for the children of tho neighborhood. The farmer intends to make his tind the nucleus of a skunk farm, and when the succcss of tho fox farms ot the. maritime provinces is considered. it appears possible at least that he will find the venture preamble. Skunk is " present among the most valuable of furs. If so. you want to try Putnam's Corr Extractor; it 1: not I cheap acid “in bat I genuine Me. euro that doe remove coma in twenty-four hours. Bo sure and get "Putnam‘s Extractor." Mc. at .1! dealers. Pure white ftowers are ucuaHy deadly, and yellow ones are littlr less dangerous. The beautiful iily of the valley is a very puiwmous flower, so is the crocus, so also r, the buttcrcup-observe how grazin' animals avoid the latter. The no :n ito is deadly, so is the foourlovo, ant as for the laburnam -why, it is z menace to young children. Good talkers are usua quitters. "Wijjit says that in his tami his word in law." Gossip is a desdly gas that is fa tal to friendship. International .qMr* PM! c... Limited. Ton-u "Yer. But his wife is the Sn preme Court that tells what thr law means." The primula is a. very favorite fiowisr, but one variety is dangerous --the primula obconica; it is dud» ly to some. Same can handle the plant with safety; otlwrs, if they are scratched by the leases, con- tract blood-poisoning. ".0. A great singer will not allow I bouquet of flowers to approach lo near his or her nostrihr-thM m'gh be a. case of courting disaster; i violets in abundance were in tlu bouquet the voice might be impair ed for the rest of the evening. . mg It is always risky to go to sleep in s room where plants in bloom turound---you never know just what effect the perfumes may hove on your constitution. And it must be remembered tint the odor of Bow- ers is much more pronounced dur- ing the night than during the day, and any sleeper gets the benefit. The exact result of sleeping in a room where many blooms are is this-you sleep soundly under the inhuenee of a. narcotic. Have you not felt drowsy in a room well till- ed with flowers? Yes. Well, that was a slight case of narcotic poisons CORNS? HAVE YOU ANY? nub »%.rtiF_" --- -__ -7 The violet, another grand Bower, ‘ in by no means safe tor very many. It has a most distressing effect on the vocal chords of some. and ren- der: many people quite husky if they inhale the perfume too long. The lily in a really dangerous flow- er, and before now a person has died as a result of sleeping in A, room where many lily blooms were; not out in glassgi_. u" LIQUID SULPHUR m your Bath. Illnard's Linlment Cures Diphtheria The Violet, Ab, II Br NO I” Me Per Very In". The rose, that queen of Haven, in deadly. You do not believe itt Yet it is so. Giddineu and vertigo After inhaling the perfume of row: is by no man: uncommon, and sometimes a peculisr form of mad- ness is set up by an individual be- ing shut up for a period in a room where a large number of vases hold- ing rosen_are set out. a Making the BM of ROSES ABE POISON!) u S. M ust Be Interpreted. a Pest . ton ght the " der Ito»... Kidney (Mable. Gravn1 Dumb-[o Ind kindred Imam“ perm-V, fund with the new German remrdr Wand." privo um Another now "moth trr Dubetelruitu.. lnlL "irP_r"ir. I. trr DJabeqeiHituq. and mm- rcrq " "lunoi'o Mum-m" Pru, PM in". drama. or direct. The Inna! Vanna, 9min: Company of Clnldl. Llmited. WInnIm. In. Tttlt CANCER. TUIOII. Luteptr Firm lawn-1 tad erternat. curl-d wort nutygln by ogr_ ham: arguably: __Wr I. 5'5“; -GnHitd." -tyr "tdttmot yeah-.3 N 1.10.th f‘od‘Ian, 0'9 IIWCPAPEIQ FOR CALI. WE HAVE SEVERAL GOOD VIM'S paper prottorties tor will, in In. (aria town. at right prim. Aupiv qu'" k'r " mbw-ripiion rent"! Lime u 1nd! UDI"r hug. Wilson Publishing Company, ,5 Want Adah“. 8W1. Toronto. (an; BT0tth'M, Kim" AND 12an I let Omen. mane, troubur, (Ema-V thd It you WANT m IVY OI HELL A Fruit. “not. drain. or mm hm wrhe R. 7. human. Brampton, or n Polborno th.. Monte N. w. 'ttttit, In." can: tomato. m “a“ u w. DAWN". WWII. Ct., Town” Wide-awake Maple Syrup mukprs mu consult their but intern"! by orde; .‘ng their Hummus low tnntend of do tartntr until Feb. Ind March-our bus lest time. Write tor free haoklm teli in; about our Cimmr'on Evaporator made In " 'Mtres, uutluble tot lul’ll- or small [mun mm cum it". mt., mun-an " Wont-cu- It. Hutton. cu. to GUNN, LANGLOIS & CO, LIMITED. MONTREAL, you mute the BEST RESULT? Que trial shipment recommend d tif Vital Intorost to Syrup and iiigiW%atA V" Mania 'etii=iiiia Sugar - rx w7 ' Malta's “tic: - tttt PROD UCERfr--By shipping your F IVE UNNJUIED ”INK. MARTLV A 1nd liaison W D. In“. Rxdwumn, NEW LAID EGGS “OTTO HIGEL" I have proved lam-Huh best for Eczema, Piles. Skin DIsoases. and Injuries. A. a new". you owe It to 'our family to use the LU that's lam-Bu“ Tho Heart of: Plano is the Action. I'm-t on the ll Clljjjiiifrt " in. Alt Dn-ut, CHM. an law fort more than fi l amarrmge Plano Action IIICILLINOOIII Interest to Syrup Lti $=§~ iisaall _ A4- "_" si - D ' 1 . IN ‘ ’ S"", " " ii " Mr; in fr, 1 "[1 make”; Ft., IA... '0. "" WANTED. forbids pe ve um: after tl pie “on "1 and you cont-co "rah no. In an the will be Wm mu co- be I ash-d her Un- I Wu“ ' to [a h -. to um u, a "To (sum ya," I like Dal-A. ohe thr H Lad! "What trouble IMMWIFOAM 'uh. . Men " In " At " N bud APT de/r Md Ladr P. Glyn: Her Or. A (in itd tsttert El“! R

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