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Durham Review (1897), 15 Jan 1914, p. 4

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("iiiii “I :"i: b' F...:......:.:....:...'....:.....'..:.:...'." in What to Give and it; w t, The Central Drug Store gt. Buy your "iaa.aa.aa.a.atais.aris.s:a:se.a:aia:sa:9." Men's Rubber; He can save you 60 per cent on Rubbers that are guaranteed to be No. 1 quality. These Rubbers have to move out within the next 10 days to make room for new stock. Bo don't allow this opportun- ity to pass by without purchasing a pair. $37.35 "TM" - rag; ,TGTG {553.32 is}. n a; or I " 1:113“) lay address. 4P.tasa'w ' ' o.. It. “In... on. Phosphonol {may '.egte,ett2 ' and vitality. Electric Restorer for Men ---. Settle the Question How -- Por Quality. (less and. Low Prices our line is the Anest in old Grey. We. 5 "ttet Ankle. T Cot Glass & Brushed Brass Tm Menthol, - Par. L Leather Goods, “and Bags, [den Ivory. See the!- Purses wallets, etc MUM 'eta Fancy China, end last but not VOI’! 3134' on" lent, the greatest offer ever In“ lashes. Cloth lmehes. made in the cotustry Int Irish“. In“ Brushes. Until our stock of Hot Water - gym, end ‘onvwd Bags are sold we will allow We on your own bottle, any [no Stntlonery shape, any color. - don't - 'tnaar", 2Seto8g.0tt nuke nny altrerence where It you have not bought your Heavy Rubbers yet, can and see W. L. Saunders. I Ring us up ulna you require Flour and Fad, we have the gnh on hull Also the celebrated Blatchlord's Cal! Meal an thon Poat. Prim: and Co's Melanin Meal for all kinds of stock, etc. All kinds of grain bought " market priest. Special Reduction on Flour and Feed in ton lots. Telephone No 8 Bran, Shorts, Middlings, Crimped Oats. Mixed chop, Cop man Chop. Oat Chop. At the mill or delivered anywhere ttl angle loo lbs ton lots or Cal loads. 2,rl, John McGowan Every window and every doc! where ever made of wood will be cqnippod with The specially designed and up-to-date method low generally adopted for effeettaally preventing entry of all draught, snow. sleet. rain or dust of my kind, thereby insuring an even temper- “It. tttrmtghottt the building. or Why deny yours.” the maximum of comfort at the minimum of expense. All metal-weather strip costs less, is in more ei- [active than storm nah and is a permanent institution. requiring no removal. Moat public buildings in large cities are equipped with it. Architects specify it, the Government demands it. Saves its cost in Fuel in a short Time Estimates cheerfully given. Work guarantecd Write; Phone or Call. Manufactured and installed by W. L SAUNDERS J. C. Furber dk Go. Guahaxa St. Bridge THE PEOPLE'S MILLS iFiiiWoFir" 7313;?“ ' mi EVENTUALLY See the dinlay In his window. All-Metal Weather Strip f ll T. R. ticket. here. F) Aiii in: Why Not Now ti," "i)] K quiday Baking DURHAM. ONT. Where to Get it "Gie wet Friend toFatt years." A mu mun; relic for Crow ad Whooping Cough Shilolz@ you bought " on a pur- chase of Central Drug store guaranteed not cater trot. tie. Merry Christan to In Get a sack of the White Lily Flourfnd you will. de- cide that nil you bake is a success. We recommend it because it is wtsoiesitrme and fue and is free item the coarser particles of the wheat. the best milling process and w. know if you use it this time you will insist on haw ing it all the time. THE SHOEMAN It Goes Through m ii) iii ii) In The Wedding at Hillbrook Farm. {Another account of the Rettwiet--. 3wnswn nuptials reached as last week, but too late tor thus in“. As m relates 'several incident: ttot in last. week's nccount. we give Sh. Inb- uancentit herewith and mob the bride and groom all happiness in their Ottawa tlvme--Ed ] A very pretty wedding took plso' a the home or Mrs James Swartstott, Hillbruok Farm, Iu'grvanont, on New Year save. when her l'onnh dnugh- Ler. Susun Es em. was ttoitad in murmurs to Mr Hugh Renwick. tltird son ot Ruben Rclmick. Esq , miller, of Dromore, by Rev. D. B, Marsh, While the wedding march. Men- del sohn's, was being played by Mm Iva Murdoch, new ot the bride, the bride entered the parlor leaning up- on the arm of her bmther John. oar- rying at shower bouquet of lily of the valley and terns. She wore a dress of ivory charm use trimmed with seed pearls and slang"! lace. a veil! of mule in mob cap eifeet, with band " pearls and wreath of orange blots. wms, veil enugm to train of (“TIE witty a sprig f lily of the v.11“. “as; Mary P.,91 ter, acted " bride,, maid, wearing 1_dress of cupnuheu broeaded, manned with tar and It“. yrpe de chem: and carried Ameri- can beauty new The groom w L5 ably supported by Mr Wallace J. Findlay. of Diomore. The 'rrootsr's “in to the bride Was t wrist watch. to bridesmaid a cameo Iwcklace. to groomsman ettff linkl. The bride's git: in pianist wasucumeo ring and to Mrs [Mam a pearl pin While the " guter was being signed. Mrs Li'stvr, sister of the groom. sang t, Became. " Miss Agnes played the aecorupaniment. Al'er the happy couple received syrugrau1latiunistd muse present, all sat down to u. bounceuus wedding +uppvr, Rev. D B. Marsh presiding. w mm stung an the table. a telegram was received tram Mr and Mrs F. W, Hubs -n (new Elizabeth S. Svnnstou). _..t livgrnts, tlash., conveying (muggy.- ulutious to the b: id and gruom. The receipt of the jut ous message was re- spucded to by the cheers of the whole company. . Mr Le Warm, photographer, of Mt. Forest, arrived by midnight express and by means of a flashlight, made a phonograph of the entire company " semblcd in the parlor. The evening was jr.soasly spent by all present. Before leaving for home, the guests joined in singing $t He’s a Jolly good Follow rt and tt Anld Lung Sync. Ft Among those from a distance were Mrs Peter Lvster and daughter Att. uru Brttletord, Sask. and Albert Fl Swunston. e vusin, Kuux College, Tor- otuo. The bride was the recipient hf muuv usaful and valuable presents trom her many triends. Th. happy couple lelt tortucir home in Ottawa on " uday, the bride's going “my dress being a suit. of blue Corded satin mm black plush hat and white tango mount Mr Renmck lg employ. r-d. Ut the QiVilrSePVJet Department, Ottawa. Bun voyage. In the ann- f the estate of Maria SterncJut of the Totcmship of Eqrcmuut n the County of Greg, widow. tlee sod. _------. Notwe is here ypiran that, pursuant Itt tit c " of Ch v. a, Ontario Statutes ii)il "The Trust oAcc"thiUl palm"! tuning chin a or d summit against the ”his of the said Maria Sterne. de- cemwd. who died on or ago)“ the 28th day at May A. D, 1913, are required In send by I an prepaid or deliver to ilte undersi uni th licitor, for the Ad- mirnstratot tthe said “via Sterne. deceased. on " Indore the 10th day of February A. . 194, wit“ Christian and surname and Addresses with par- Iuilars In wr' it»: at their claims. and “Menu-nu of heir wunts and the nature of thsa " rullties ( if any) held by themduly tnf1ed by Statutory Declaration. A _ _ . . And take n14 on that “We Adminis- tm'ur of the sa-(l Mm ia Sterne deceas- ed will proeved t Oistmtrute the assets of Kim mud dare " amonalhe panama wunlad thereto, aving regard only to the clrtittts of xhich notice shall ha w bran receive And that the mud AdminMJntm wdi’nnt be liable tor the said As :etse, r any pair H’s-rc- Yi," /irltri'rrvG- {urtjr rpori-VsVGn's of whose u-Iauu notice shall I t? have bun re. raw-d by rim qr hi.: said Solicitor at the- mm- of ~uch distr hutiuu. Dated at Mt, Fhurs' this 9th day of January, A D,191t. - R, O KI ole, r Mt, Fo vat, Ont ISulivitor for Administra or of estate l of Mann tyerne, deed sad. I You can enter any day at the $170872?! CD a” , 'Mt, Baplrly Timed Telegram, NOTICE TO CREDITORS OWEN sou N D Large Matt of Specialists In-dvldnal Instruction Positions guaranteed to grams“ c, A menu's. F CA o. D. mama Principal for " year: Bureau Today he can eat three square mad: and sometimes one "e:.tra" because Chamberlain‘s Tablets cured Stomach Troubles and gave him a good digestion. You try them. Me. a bottle. All Druggists and Dealers or by TEE BUBBLE HIV!“ Councillor in Gland; tor 35 Yrs. To tho trersemt public an nun. of " John A." bring! to wand the - Gon-ati" maintain. who pend any" June 6th, 1301, but to tho mart put of the nap-s on of Glen tt, now-n-duyu, that u T. .ppellncian '01 than“ Municipd "Wu m-"-- John A.NeMiiltut. For over nthird of a century ho but been in municipnl "may and for five you: of that [mind represented Aha towuhip as deputy- feeve. There, hare been nun! holly comeulec run during tbose "e, but when the winners were awnded. if he wnsn't am, be xenon“! was alum)“ those ot the houoxed clus- “any " egoti‘t-lul um ambition-1 yuuugater. thinking to displace hm. hm iutNred defeat. He has M '1. dsttiiruig ward too, to act as row" sotu. musiouer, for, the" an 17 tt.l ft ts In his division and unw- t tho-m on the ttubuient, big Sallgwn. To lee him " springtide. hm , , mg from . one to the other. (At-annirg with animal, knowing 314mm zhu riding wake”. if cvhlonce of lr z . .1 tor the township a mommy mu hm knowledge rd tho rc- sislinp p wet of 1ht bridges he holpgd to cunt: m t. His wondenfulyopuldt' it? Ilirough all ihma years is a my:- lcry to some, bu. 'trs owimz to bin power of making f. lendshipa Mid re- tFit ing them. Big loyalty to than -tseiated with ‘iii. in oftlce ttatt won- nmrea of admin r, 'ttr ma never lint-W " to dean: at land or “was”. when days of trr ab g O" puhlic discnn-i " " prevailed. Hi iafutity as canvas- aer nut-i been the envy t f map] In op- pon mt but few c iulil reslst his up- PMI. But perlwpi, more than argy- ‘MHR also. his unveil spirit. his Pur- bsotrtod youllituine is. his enthusiasm for Wellqnuadwl roads rtrked free from stones. hive endeared him to the hearts of the el ttt re, so that new they come to look “an?! him as a p 'r.. Imlnent oifieiai. 'rwul he aghpmy d W tor old Clem-lg when this uuulur. character drops from the Comic” chair. but tho but. “Lille; otawide eitcle.ot admiring friends Are that he may long retain his vigor and enjoy the lrultsof his Lihors HStandnrd. Mr Fred Heft is busy hauling lugs to Mr ll. M. Dareavel‘s, Dornoch. Mr and Mrs Frank Cronin, of Re. ttina, Sank, are visiting with their daughter. Mrs Thos. Flunnigan. We are pleased to say that Mrs F. Shewell has recovared from her re- cent attnck of pleurisy. 7 Mrs J. Wsustl and son John visited., the farmer's aunt, Mrs Crimmona, of Louise, who is ill at present. Mr Alt. and Mia's Ntslly45ltewell spent Tuesday evenmg at the home of Mr and Mrs Alex Campbell, Mr John Jones, who has recently returned from the: west. is engaged with Mr Fred Heft. _ The annual Xmas Tree was held In Ihe Preabyteriuu church on New Year's night, The Weather being In vorable. a. large crowd mire pnum. The Women's Institute meeting was held at the home of tls Presiden} Mrs Wm. Laeek on Wedngsday after- noun. The?! was {Wally-three mam berrpiessena. After the business pan of the meeting was over, a dainty lunch was geryed in the dining room by the Preaidem. . t -- - A. ., -.n. t ,‘IA.-_ _, V..- -- - W - . Mr and Mrs Fred Bleeeh, of Owen Sound, npenb a week of their honey- moon with the farmer's parents here. Messrs Scum Llliott and \Veal_ey Boldt spent Wounesday eve with: m. mis in Dornucb. Miss Vim Zarnu-h is visiting frimdl In Eimcod mu Chesley for the plat. two weeks 1lr W tll More, of Owen Sound. is spmding the w no r months wuh his panama. Mr and Mrs Thos. Moore, of Lut- burg. MV , , --. -_.,. Messru Melville McKay oil Emil Patterson have gore to Owen Sound, when, they iutt nil taking up a course in the Northtm Business College. We Will) them smeasa. Mr Eddie Wt im Wskie left on Mon. day for “assay. that spending the Xmas holidays under the parental roof. A surprise [mm was bald " the cosy home of Mr Wm. MeMiusl1ell last Friday eve and all report a Inl good time. Miss Edna Gardiner, of Mount Forest, teacher of we Public School. came back on Saturday to resume her dmits. Mr and Mrs T. J. Elliott guys . farewell patty last Saturday ova to Mrs and Mm Steubiug, of Hamilton. who have been visning here for the past weeks. "iiriiili Mrs Moody spent. New Year’s with the laner's parents. Mr and Mo Hiiburn, ol Houpelor. Skating seems to be the order of the day In our burg. Some all". when“ draw-a crowd from Sunnv Valley, Holland Centre', Chatsworth and Dornocb. A Masquerade Car- mval is to be held lust on. To the Electors of Bentinck t Wishing the readers a anpy New Yen, -- Ladies and Gentlemen I I wnsh you to accept of my sincere thanks for yum hearty luppurt given me in the In. Municipal Election. I still hold my old motto " Honesty and hirneu to all, Yours faithfully, FRED Snlwxu, To the Ebttortt of Tp. of Bontinck l [thank h: mo" hurtlly for the liberal Iup rt given me upon Jan. 6. All your re. e I shall do I" in my pow- er to furthe he intorutl of the town- ahip. For M Wilton. I have only the mun kindlv elinga. From first to last he noted in most honorable 3nd gentle-manly manngr. _ a "w: nvuvu run "MUN “an;an 1'italitr,for Rene trad Praia; mere-m “gmy mtttter":o.Torde-,ei1i build you up. t', n. box. or tt o for 57». " drttt at: ms. or by mat on rteciot g, price. Tm: Soon“; Dnvu Co., tit. cunning. undo. minim} Pill tor Women. " a box or threelor 510. Bo d " Ill Drug Stores. or mailed to any mam. on receipt of price. has 800nm. Dave Co., “gamma. 01mm. PilWMr0MrT0ItnirtE DR. Deyiui's FRENCH plus WlLLIAh1SFOR0 WEL BECK Cards of Thank: od 0mm f lbwu on g S.~u,4,\.n. To see hut ' ' mg from one m: with anxioug, Sincerely yours. Ozone: Bnowx. gestural A relu- ble Re. Train No 27 now leaves Toronto 8.13 p m dolly, .lrriviul Sodomy c, 5:; n m and will be discontinued between Toronto and sud- bury all." sound”. Jun 3rd, 19lt. Troll: Mo 28 now leaving Sudbury lo 15 p in dolly nrivinn Toronto 8 B, m. will be discontinued between Sudbur) and Town- to after Bundny Jun i, WM. "oiintd.sorit, Bay Sleeping car ttIll be dtsconanued with um weriiee. Toronto-tNun Ste Mule sleeping car will be handled Toronto to Sudbuay on tum No 3, leaving Toromo 10 20 p m ally and Sud- bury to Saul! Ste Marie on trun No. 27, arriving "ttlt an Marie, Out, 1.12 p. m (Baum um) Md Saul! " Mule. Mich 12.40 p m (nouns! urn-i. Sault Ste Mule- Toronto Sleeping on will be Bundled Sault me Mule to sudbuu on ruin No. '2N, leav- init Bum Ste Mule. Mich. 2.30 p. m, daily. It eatral mu] In: Saul: Ste Marie. Out 3.50 p m [En-tern time] and from Hudbury to loronto on train bo a, trrriving Toronto 9 u. m. Full wllculns from any H P R Agent or write M. a. Murphy. District Passenger Agvnt. Toronto. IMPORTANT CHANGE IN TRAIN SERVICE ESEJJXEEEG Yo} Canada. Large Salas t,eDallLAllllllli, Big Reductions in Prices of in?! Sale by Index: 1 3433314331 Departmental Store, tddKe0hr1iii)'gWaslrlyNtmss m: " I A (iii; ESE Mg Wi:?)) Tweed Overcoats, regular 87.oo for. . . . . . . . Beaver Overcoats, regular 9.50 for. . . . . . . . Tweed Overcoat regular 9.50 for. . . . .. . . Tweed Overcoats, regular 10.00 for. . . . . . . . Tweed Overcoats, regular 11.00 for. . . . . . . . . Beaver Overcoat. with with fur collars, reg. Notwithstanding the great increase in price of Flannel- ette Blankets, we are now selling 11 x 4 " 1.35 per pair during January. A select stock of Floor Coverings in Oilcloths, Linol- eums and Rugs. A fine selection of Dress Goods in the newest designs. Flannelette Blankets A new stock of the E. T. Corset. See out 8: Corset us- ually sold at $1.25. G. & J, MOKECHNIB ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO The Highest Prices for Produce OVERCOATS gi)iiiiEidt't'kfsvri; 33 C P, R. Town Umce u“, ,w. - I M i' il,'?sazsnxxangsesegxxmexl""' 333333: Half-Price Wall Paper Sate will continue for iii, One Week More 'ii, We wish to {bank ilu, citizens of Durham sand surrounding country for the liberal share of business they have given us during the past year. We have tried to give “tis- faction, and wherein we have failed, we trust you will pardon us Our 2.20110 for 1914 will be ti Improve- nient in all departments." Athe Down Town Shoe Store EGGS TAKEN AS CASH Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year, we are " ever, MacFARLANE & CO. if. X R. Town Office UruggiStS £5 Yours for business " and Booksellers . S. MclLRAlN ....... 8.45 $12 for 9.75 ..... $4.75 ..... 5.98 ..... 625 ..... 8.48 Buy your Durham tickets bereft, -e l 7:1 Words fail on I expul- the norm“ has. of Ur. at, Wodoeldu um: their huh: tp V ( ot ouch tender g bovo.nr, w mt. r, , and the tr elmdtd t. The rem-Am (ttrsLme'e AROL'N o "l' H h E Ttif, - PHARnAL 9l0c0'llll. Ru Ir Ma t Mama: ".CCrcE'zX new than The y Ell JANUARY 15, l PRI In B TAY LOl m Black a L best 11 Another $U h Overcoat: iatitatlor tars oi (i, ll! tween i). Needs a Another oi t tit for. ' Boy's Over prtco HIM) He ma this is t goods n In tor l " Inf I.

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