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Durham Review (1897), 15 Jan 1914, p. 7

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ew ge, (3'. ch. m. ‘4 at- " " u " in Ho " " If. In. h n at , Match from Ottawa aye: 1 of the moat important quee- 4 I to which the attention of the ' V vernnent end Parliament will be _ - this wining union will be that of the desirability of emberk- in; upon . policy of technical edu- eetion. Whet the commission pro- poses, brUfU stated, is that three million dollar. of Iedernl money be dumbed per nnnum to technical education. Tho idea in to divide two end . hell millions of this be- tveen tho pnvincee upon the bneie ot population, and to devote the other hell million per annum to the creation u . Control Technical In- etitute, where experts could be de-) veinprd who could be loaned to any munivipnlity melting a sun in the techniat training of the young. The commission the recommends that a portion of the money be de- voted to the establishment of Coun- Ar schools throughout, the country when: marntiflc farming and higher Mea's of citizenship could be im.. FOR TECHNICAL TRAINING Three Million Dollars Is the Suggestion to Be Made to the Government Gouda lay Place An Embargo on M. A dammit from Ottawa says: A Yam: that it is tho intention of the vernment to place an embargo .n American potatoes in retain- a!!! for the action of the United Bum authorities for declining to Qllnw Canadian potatoes to so into that country is denied in otheial elm-1m. Tho claim is made that than is just as much potato discus in 1:11" United States as in Canada, and that the object of embargo is to keep the American market tor the form.» growers of Rhino. A pow-1 lar from": of tho situation, how- ever, is that while Hon. Martin Burrell has not decided upon a policy. of retaliation he has been raciivally advised to do so by Dr. swam, Dominion Mamet. who has bran looking into the potato dtuanun both in tho United Staten POT vro DISEASE " STATES. In; bran lo situation boi nod Canada oft Worth-m " the army of Vmcouvor'o unem- ployad “and t sensation at the city hall on Wednesday. The man, Martin Swift, was one of tho were! who applied for work on Tuesday dtemoon and had to bo reprimand- "i',_lr:r,r,.i/i' 1qcr()RThalPiEl) QLICKNESS SAVED LIFE. cf nt .11 on Wednesday. The man, of the Ontario Street fire station. u Swift, was one of tho we?" was taken into custody on a charge pplicd fur work on Tuesday of theft. Fire Troremaa Gaynor is Jon and had to be repvimand- l charged with stealing a. quantity of not knowing in line with the glow" and other articles during a . Buddenly he appeared 1'iil'd,' in Ontario Street early Tues- usday morning and pulled S'day morning. He will be maligned n Montgomery. The latter on Friday. ind wich him and handed him ----W------- - w ___ -- -....-_ an. can! AER Addison’s I In Pertttinr Man at Vancouver Tried Shoot Civic Cloth. nah from Vancouver, B. Pulling a. gun and firing B. J. Montgomery, clerk ie board of “or-ks, one of r of Vuncouver’o Tmont- nnuvl A sensation at the ..-.uniy fun! deaths, the mor- rate being on hundred per from June to September, an esght casts were admit- i;- that time thirty-six deaths 42. .md thirty-two patients , l "Et inmrume A state " to ‘--".I:...» -- __ ,_ - .riTiCll, .' w. a ... _ . L 7 - , Bilf kWh/f are Just as good _ 4 ‘vi. 'am ' far-3,! . £3.71” for the BllddOf as they are for the Kidneys. If them in trouble In mining xsrtno-48 you have to get up three or tour More”! dammit the urine is hot and iseah1ing-0in run will quickly 0 tho trouble. They cure the kidney- 'asiGGiauirrttieti9e". 600. .503; 6 for W..50. At all dealers art a many». Sample free you mention this paper. "' - - - ----- M d-‘purtment of the hospital Mm; inoperable cases. that aid. cases which have passed tlie aid of the surgeon. Juno to September. 1913. iour such as“ were admit- d in the me time there dun Times on Thnmay I a statement concerning treatment of cancer at A Hospital, which, it do- rscrrds the moat important 3v: achieved in the cam- lgninst the (59080. Th0 " 'r, made by Dr. Lazarus under whose direction the :lrus Barlow, the London Surgeon, Report: Ictonishing Results in Cancer Fight BY MOTOR CAR, Jer whose ditecti mm carried out. h 3 Back Was Broken iar Accident. DOW m London "P'l " on Thad“! Hill the hospital, In vent. Most of theae F going about their parted to the sons and daughter: of Canadian farmers. _ The commission believes that ae- I tion should not be delayed a year l longer, and it is supported in this view by the Canadian Manufactur- '., ers' Association, many leading: toar.ds of trade, the Dominion; Trades and Labor Council, and the l farmers organizations throughout‘ the country. In Parliament the proposals have many prominenti supporters on both sides of the House. The present Government has taken just as sympathetic an interest in the work as did the tor- mer Administration, and if there is any differences of opinion when the matter is brought up in Parliament, it will be only in regard to detail. The other day Premier Bordon gave tho delegates representing the Trades and Labor Council who waited upon him the impression that the recommendations of the commission would be considered without delay. Big Increases In Imports uni Ex- ports for 1918. A despatch from London guys: The British Board of Trade returns tor 1913, issued on Wednesday, showed that tho aggregate of im.. ports into the United Kingdom amounted to $3,sui,169,796 and the exports from the United Kingdom to $3,17s,SM,670. The respective “Increases were $121,966,640 and to '3,176,680,670. The 1 increases were 8121,966 $180,780,020 over 1912. I notable decreases among luv-uncuu '7‘..- v, , $180,780,020 over 1912. The most notable decreases among tho im- ports veto: Cotton 848.342.2415 and grain and flour $14,841,730, while live animals and foodstuffs in- creased $38,321,775. The largest increases in exports were coal and fuel 855,370,910 and iron and steel $28,653,075. Montreal Foreman Is Also Chagall With Receiving Stolen Goods. _ A despatch from Montreal says: Following the. arraignment on Wed- nesday of Claude Vachet, who a few days ago, while a. constable at- tached to the central police station, is alleged to have stolen a fur muff and capo, Constable Lecompto was taken into custody on a charge of having received stolen goods. Later in the day Foreman Alphi Gaynor, A despatch from London gays: King George and Queen Mary are ‘already considering a visit to Dub- 1llu in July of this year. It in un- derstood that the King will con- ‘lorm his movements, so far as Ire- ”and is concerned, to tho advice of lbis M?nistor<, and will adopt no icourse that will hamper any of the i political parties with which the gov lornmenb of the island is n matter of "ceirn ounoern. The opinion in well- : int,rrmed quarters is that there will lbs no extended sojourn in Ireland 11:11in tl a preeent period_o! tension BRITAIN IS PROSPEBOUS. The icnril the present 1 has been iiatinitely Eli! PILLS ”any work. In one or two cases a .rwcurrenco has taken place, but _ Dr. Lazarus Barlow hopes that with éfnller knowledge of the action of _ radium recurrences will be pit heated. . - "- - - 7.311- POLICEMILV STOLE PURE. Dr. Barlow said it was possible in some can chat they at, pro-ant did not give a. Want poverfnl dose of the remedy. If 150 milli- grams of radium were buried in a cancerous tumor it simply withered up and disappeared, but it was lug- gested that occasionally a few cells 1were left unkillod. These after- wards caused a rocurwnce by be.. {coming active. _ - _ - 1I:_L-J at.,. ROYAL VISIT T0 IRELAND. iN"""? “V'-' v- He has not so far published the details of his result: because he de- sired to follow up tho history of his cases a. little farther. Time val required to mbstantiato the re- markable results achieved and no one should talk of an absolute cure until his results had been substan- tiated by time. Nevertheless there could no longer be any doubt u to tho immediate effect of radium upon amorous tumors. “WIND. q King and Ilueen May Go to Dublin In July. ended. it was possible PRICES (if HRH Mllllllfll IEPORTQ no. VIII lElDIIO Tttat" stunts " AIEIICL Toronto. In. lv-Plot-tttaries when tioar, 90 per oqgtt.. 03.540 to $3.55. “50916. “in an ”.40. tomato. tfdiiiiotr--kM" patents, In Jun up. OEM', 60.. seconds. “I; - hub". in in“ Ire. “.60. lunch. --aro. 1 Northern. ”on Bar porno, and No I at 910. Ontario ,rt-t-Nes. , who“. . to 'ie,, outside. oaur-No. t Ontario can. 341-2 to 350. outside. and " " to 3. Me, on track. To. romo. Western (lunch cum. 0 " tor No. t. and " 390 tor No. 3. Bar pom. Paw to $t.05, outside. L Barley-Good mum. barley. 64 to 550. outside. i Corn-Nm' No. t London, " we. Ill 'nil. Toronto. l Rero. a " q to ac. outside. iiischwNtat---N_o. , It 10 to no. outside. I tannin-dumb: bun. m I. tom in ‘bags, Toronto height. Shorts. 8t3, To. "I.” u an". can. - I!" MIN "an“ a: Mom. and throat who. Batter-Choker dairy. 23 to m to he; fsrmersf ”pastor Me; creamer-y prints. 30 to I to 29or atoning prints 21 to Hun. m w .... --. Eitetr- Cue lots ot now-laid. 4! dozen; selects. 57 to 38tt, and to 36e per down. ChuwNew about. " " to large. 3nd 156 for twins. ireiai-msmrpiched, I210 to bushel; Vilma. " to 'P. I. to one per not-u. ChuwNew about. " " to " 3-40 tor) large. nnd 150 for twins. I iaini-msmrpiched, IMO to 82.25 Del“ buehel; primes, " to $8.10. 'iiionercExuurcte4, In tins. tt to 120 per lb. for No. S; oombu. " to 1'dur down tor No. l, tad 82.40 to $1.50 for o 2. Poultrr-rowt. 11 to no per lb: chick- om. " to Wc', due“. 13 to 150; [0060. " to 150: turkeys. 19 to tM. Potatoes-ontario', " to 800 per but. on track. and Deluwurel at 800. on track. in ar line. Provisions Itrgt-ie"a2% 15 to 160 or Ib., In one lots. rh-9hort out. fuse; do., mm. 824.50, mmtes-Nsuditttrt to light 181-2 to 19 1-20: heavy, " to 1%; rolls. 15 to 15 1-20; breakfast bacon. 18 to IN; bucks, 23 to 240. Lard-Ti-tea, 133-4 to IM; WM. M to " be, pain, M 1-4 to " tao. mm Ip-ic-g,, In $M.50 to as tb ton, on trunk are: No. 2 quoted n 'u to “9:59- .“? mixt,d £333 .eu1?:ys,, n -. an“ “IA-w on. - W ,__V“, Ruled "gtor-4h" lots, 08.50 to $8.15, on track. Toronto. Winnipeg, Jan. i3.--thti.--Wheat--lrft. tl Northern, M 58c: No. 2 Northern. 82 ihril No. 3 Northern, 1914c; No. 4, “a: No. 5,) 68e; No. 6, Mbe; No 1 rejocted needs. Thw,' No. 2 rejected needs. 750; No. 3 rejected seeds. 730; No. 1 dmutty. Wo; No. 2 emul- ty, 750; No. 3 smutty, 130; No. 1 red Win- ter. 84 "ts; No. 2 rod Winter, 82 1-20; No. 3 rod Winter. 791-20. oau-No. , O.W.. 32140; No. ' CAF., 30t-N.. extra No 1 tend. M 1-40: No. t feed. 301-2: No. 2 feed, 300. Barley. No. 3, 411-20: No. 4. 40tst re Jaded. 380: food. 57 lee. Fish-No. 1 N.. Kg. 01.21; No. 2 C.W.. 81%; No. 5 C.W.. "tttttretu Market'. Montreal. Jan. 13.~Corn. American No. 2 yellow, 72 to 750. Oats, Cwadiau Wat-It- Gl'n. No. 2. 41 1-2 to 420; Canadian ihmsl em. No. 3, to 1-2 to Mo; extra No. 1 feed. 41 to 41 bb. Barlay. Man. ferret. 48 to $lh't mulling, 64 to 660. Buckwheat, No. 2. " to 570. Flour, Man. 8prirut when patents. flrgtes. $5.40: seconds, $4.90; sarong bskory, 84.70: Winter patents. choice, $4.75 to.11; straight. rollers. 34.50 to 841]); straight }mllem. have. " to $2.10. Round oaks. bar. lrels. “JO to $5.40: huge. 90 lbs., $2.10 to 32121-2. Bran. $20 to $21. Bhorta. $22 to i823. Midd‘lng. .25 to $26. Mouillie $27 to $31. Bar, o, 2, per ton, our Iota. $13.50 to '14. Cheese. tirteat westerns. " " to "e; fitteqt eastermt, 111-4 to " 3-40. Bur. ter. choice". emery. It 1-2 to no; coo- ondo. 261-2 to Ttrs. Bum. fresh. 48 to 500: unlock-d, Mk-. No. 1 stock. 34ct No. 2 “my. lisd Potatoes, par baa. our lots, 75 to 830- Minnoapowl. Jun. tr-wheat-Mar, 371-80 naked: July. 8953c asked. Cub: No 1 hard, 89 Md; No. 1 Northern M " to as 380: No, a Northern. M u to bs 14a: No. 3 wheat, 815-8 to M 7.80. Cort, No. , gollow. 59 to 6914V. one -No. 3 white, it, Flour unchanged. Bran, 020.50 to Duluth. Jan, ta-wheat-No. 1 hard. 87340; No. t Northern. 86 3-60; No. a A. -- _.,___--- “A a hard. 873Me; mo. 1 Norman]. w w... B.'-. -V Northern. 843-80; Montana. No. a hard. MS.8 to “Lic- Ksy. 08340: Juir, 895-40. Linseed. $1.51 in Januu'y. $1.50; my. tLM " Montreal. Jan. 13.4mm of the beam “can were and. M. " Ind the lawns" grades from am. down to $6 pat on. Butchers' cows from M to " and bulb trom 84 to " per owt. Lambs at. $8 to $8.M, ttnd cheap at 34.50 to " per 0172. Balm of minded Iota of hogs were made no 89.75 to .10 per owl. weighed oft carB. The do. mand for on". wan tair. at. prices ran. Linr from " to 315 each, as to one and quanta. Toronto, Jxm. t3.-C,atthr-Chohte butch- en. 88 to 8850-. toad modium. 87 to $7.50: mmmon no“. t3.50 to 84: trutohem' bulbs, $5.75 to $725; eannpt's and cutters, $3.50 to " tufrmr-iod veal. 58.75 to $11: com. mom $4.75 to $6.10. Butchers and hedoni- Smrs, 910 to 1.050 pounds, " to $6.75: good caulity, mo pounds. 34.50 to 85.25; lieht, s, to $5.50. Sheep and 13mm! <- Hem, awn. 85.50 to .625: heavy. $3 to $3,501 hue". O3 to $3.50: spring lambs. $8 50 m W, but with m, per head dodnotpd for .11 "he buck lambs. 3030430 to " fed ' . naa: b.s no: on I0KPA, And Hem, ewes. was» 10 Cum. “w”, V. 33.50: bucn. 03 to $3.50: wring lambs. $8 50 to $9, but with 750 per head (Inducted for .11 the buck Limbs. Roor-8830 to " fed Ind watered. 39.15 to $9.25 " cm, and $8.55 to 88.65 fasts. No More Workmen Needed on New Wellnnd Canal. A despatch from St. Catherines says: In spite of the warning sent out two weeks ago men are pouring into St. Cttherines looking for work on the new ship canal. There are yet only about seven hundred men employed, and there are tmffi- cient laborers here to meet the de- ‘mand for labor for some months. Tho out has purcm Hermitage Museum tl “Madonna With the which is attributed to 11.9;on was $75,000- 'iiii?Hat "iiji"'iiii/ BY WOLVES But Not Before A deapaUh trrun Port Arthur says: Word hes just reached here of a. fioree battle with a. pack of wolves in which Peter ngolh, an Indian trapper, was kille in $he Lake ot the Woods country on Bun- day, The encounter occurred nea- tho Canadian boundary, I 1017 mile from War Road on the (Dunedin: Northern Railway. Nigoeh In re 'rturning from hie traps, a tow miles l lap the lake, when he iraisuddenl.r attacked by the volvu. He had not time to scale the newest tree. end had only a. long hunting knife to protect himself. The pack closed in on him. end one attee mother he SUFFICIENT LABOBERS. [and Hay and strut. Country PM“ United In!" Nathan. Winnipeg Grain. oiir1ilidiLTr iii-Enid. M w mints. 30 to Me; solids. '13 sprint'. 21 to EC: do., " a. a ot new-131d. 43 to £50 per 51 to no, and nun-us, M Llu Bttteth mam. has purchased for the Museum tho painting With the Flower," :rihuted to Da Vinci. Me: imam" 're He Mad Slain Nine of Them Bones Were Picked Clean The new Domenic 89mm - Um Two In»... The dictum. of Morton. Surrey, is proud of tho 90300331013 of the two youumt heroines tn England. The“ are Kitts. loen Skipton. and 6 ween. and Rose Bon. next. and t mom)“. The! no the "to balm. who have been about: to replnoo the doll which until recon“! Wu wed in tho giuglegtsut Council girl-f whool tor the luggqotion ot the 001101“: in dome-Lo Ilou, I'v- . _--- heme. who have been chosen to rem-w the doll which until recently we: need in the Binglegnte Council girlu' wheel tor the intimation ot the scholars in dome-Lo I iasonurlitM"rn.".. Tho doll had been almost worn out, by! its 1% course ot draining .tsad undreul- ing an wuhing and putting to uleep.‘ When lt was proposed. to substitute in- ients the danger to them was pointed out, bat the itrlit ot the wheel maintain that the risks were oriunrerated. The doll. It is slated. was never dropped in all its existence. and under the eyes of their 6:- 1Kcrienced teachers the girls handle the uman substitutes as carefully. Kathleen and mine, it appearance is l. t__- .r..r.w. “an“: strain on the rout- nun-u.- _r_ii-'ee"" Kathleen and Bose, it appearance " .. anything. are waxing atronc on the rout- it in of hnthinz. dressing. and putting to sleep. Kathleen was a. little native the , other day and out ot sorts. but the girls, ti after several experiences. are now past mien-easel in the at of treating a, trouble- some baby. and Kathleen win quickly r hushed to eleep. Only girls over " are allowed to take t gut in the training. Besides tending the t ‘ ables they learn all manner of kindred 'iaornplitshmtn". such as how to make a t cradle out of a soap-box or n child's Mir e tie out of a. soda-water. bottle. "Inc. " New Model Farm. The Prince of Wain. acting with the t Duchy ot Cornwall Court-.1, proposes to establish a model farm on hit, Cornish l estate and a site has been selected near t Oallington. 0n inquiring at the once of the Duchy l ot Cornwall at Buckingham Gate, H.W.. , a reporter was informed by an otBcial that the "oheme had so far materialized that the farm buildings, whioh were mart- twt last spring. were well on the way to completion.. Tho model farm is already stocked with cattle. Sovereign: " Visit Paris. The intended state visit ot the King and _ Queen to Paris will probably be mad“ , after Easter between April 21 and April ', 25. It is considered unlikely that Pun- ; case Mary will go with her parents. . Elephant: Trunk on Menu. . . Mm. Dun Crautord, whose book, “Think- ; ine mach," has created much oontrorerey, '.irhc'l_t..t:iy.ee.1 some extraordinary Central .lAi'rican "dishes" in tho course of a. leu- 'it,H,t at Alderezate street recently. These Vincluded stewed elephants trunk, must 1 rhinocoroe loot. boiled hippo tongue D (stewed tortreiitht, houm to make it ten , der), roagt wild donkey, stewed monkey, - rout wnter rut (head. tail and nil; and . tha luscious: mantel, which a chief pro: ' vided us a. State delicacy. of a mess oil ;, thousands at white nuts, frinllod in their i. own fab, like a. port of Central Mricnn whitebait. Also there was a when] dish, much (armed. of stnrvhy boiled gran. "green Ind gluiinone.“ r Mm. Crauford told of the Control Afri- |;,can “hunter." Tho young bridegroom .8 wore a nu-klaoo ot tooth nnd hairu of the .“elnphant'o tail, and n fur boa, whoh , any moiety woman would nnvy. of Iquit- . rel chine. gray and whim. the toilet Ire. ,d-ln" completed potIHihly Jot" all European, . IW/nr',",",,' were iiiiiatour--br one of , like. Dan crautord's shine specially lent 5 ', tor the occasion. -. . ,A,_ IA--I I on-IIIKI. Comment I’m I’LL-mu - ____ _ Although he would not support. tme adoption of a new alphabet, on the liner! of tho Chiuene system, he felt that it was I pity that three thousand or four thousand years ago our ancestors did not. adopt the Chino“ system. Sorting Bottles ly Touch. 0110 of London's queer trades in that, of empty bottle earth]: at the London Bottle Exchange, oft Blackfrinm road. These bottles have been salvsgNl from Luna..- Huang. tho holda of mm and ". “my.” ---__, Bottle Exchange, oft Blackfrmm roau. These bottles have been salvsgNl from dust-bins. cellars. tho holds of amp. and wherever bottle ie, astray. Every year at east: two million bot- tlea. In." many wanderings. ttnd their wny to tho Bottle Exchange. Thor are sorted and returned to their rirtrtrul own. tPa who pay an annual aubwriptlnn as ___ ' -- .. on- .mmnu n. - tor return. Every year tleer, the; m, Ure \Vl|\l 1,.” “w v wvh a..- a few shillings a grow tor return- ed bottles. l Rearod on um bottle, all it worm I. sorter u the exchange nut be n matt of keen eye. and delicate touch. All that he u. to Enid? him In tttouiusttiH. ot mm is the em owed name on the her I "mm jj/ttptr, and mm amen nu- caun dofr.rc" no plrlw, out a bottlo 'ii'iiiil has: vandarml from Glasgow and pan t in the one Bounltfor the North, Ialvntlon Army ttttIN" l The worid'a congress of tho “ninth." e,',', held In London ten In.“ ago II to tanned next summer. ut on a. some- iwhale larger Nair. iieirdrrrrtustdte' of the army trom d1 part. of the world and of all autism to the number of several thonrart will be “resent. and in their native omttttttMM, will make a t?gWf,th)1l'. “hating. A bit oorruentod non build. ng for the new": of 5,000 venom: is to erected on a vacant. am in Aldwych. n the centre of London. for tho meet. nu. M tho conclusion of tho congress. sun " the debut-I. rrprte.entitV " . embed on . vacant, my I1 the centre of Landau. nut Ah the concludon of 300 at the detettatso, to; any nation: as pmmib‘e. Eur of the (-numrv. A? Nr animation will take part i of the hall erected by the town, in memory ot tho DIM“! Holman, 3w President of Switzerland inchers tooth. London. Jan. t, tnt, slew them with his weapon until nine were dead at his (act. Then, exhsuatod from his efforts, he to11 In my prey to the survivors of the -- -- , --- _-1...:...._},Mm an my pray w my --- 7, pack. On Monday relatives hegtsnl , search, and early Thursday morn-l 'ng they discovered the spot where ’he battle took place, but the only Erato of the Indian was his bones, dripped clean of flesh. l The nine dead wolves were partly devoured. Wolves are exceptional- ly humorous in that neighborhood AL}- 4-4..- Became of the ab- Tho nine dead wolves were par devoured. Wolves are exception ly numerous in that neighborho this winter. Because of the t "neo of wow they am unable truck and kill the door, and I wad. it-ed bold by hunger. hm Some men are always up and do- l no waxing stronl on we roun- ,hing. dressing. and putting to thleeu was a little native the and out of sorts. but the girls. .-..1 “ml-Mums. are new “apt VIC ARCHIVES TORONTO i', an vooulslt: will nmkn , Lntrv. A? Nottimtham thhr his part in the opening eted by tho people of thst H " tho lute dinersl AFR; than". arm of tho hint-hm don ten years Bro le Events -. the Mro to replnoo , In and . wheel tor Ity donate unable to --rrts IIE Elllt ill t PARAGRAPH BAP? JNINGS PRO)! ALL OVER TRF, GLOBE IN A NUTSHELL. can... the Emplre and the World 1 In General Before Your l Eyes. Canada. The supply of Muse eggs in To.. ronto is almost exhausted. A School of Mines for Northern Ontario has been established at IHmileybury High Schocl. A sink Hole at Backer Lake, near Pan-ham, is delaying tho opening of the Canadian Pacific line there. Mayor Deacon, of Winnipeg, wants to eontUoate all revolvers in Winnipeg, and prevent the sale of such weapons. Seven hundred performers will take part in a, ken-mess at Quebec next month for the benefit of the tuberculosis hospital, Montreal Board of Trade and other organizations passed a strong resolution calling for an inquiry into the causes of the inberruptrd water supply. Town planning legislation in Can- lda. will be the feature of the an- nual meeting of the Dominion Con- ‘lservation Commission, to be held at Ottawa on the 29th. . ' all VIIU-rVI“ VIA - "v-v' The milk strike inaugurated six weeks ago by the Berlin City Coun- cil in an effort to force tho dealers to reduce the price from eight to seven cents a. quart was a. failure. The Premiers of Manitoba, Sas- katchewan, and Alberta. have ' Hedi in a. statement to Ottawa Air; for restoration to the provinces of the control of natural resources. The disappearance of Mr. Shaf- ron from Brantford, who was en- trusted with their money trangac- tions by many ot the foreigners of that city, is oocasioning much anxi- ety amongst them. , J until w, ”my..-" eee Wm. Murray, colored, was sen- tenced to five years in King-stout Penitentiary for shooting " per" sons in Brantford on December 24. His counsel’s plea of drunkenness was not accepted as a. valid excuse. Prof. H. H. Dean of the Ontario Agricultural College, speaking to the Eastern Ontario Dairymen at Cornwall, emphasized, the need of a great agricultural leader in On- tario, also tho lightening of farm- ers' burdens of interest, Mr. L. A, Zufelt, Superintendent . " . ' I 1,) au., urn nun-av“: v- -____- Mr. L. A, Zufelt, Superintendent1 of Kingston Dairy School, told the Eastern Ontarlo Dairymen in con- vention at Cornwall that Canadian butter-makers must now compete with New Zealand for their own home markets. Charles Asaff, a, Syrian peddlrr. (was murdered and his body buried within a. few hundred yards of the house in which he lodged at Sheet Harbor, N.S., on the night of De- nr-mber 9. One, Edward Cook, is house in which he lodged at Sheet Harbor, N.S., on the night of De- cember 9, One, Edward Cook, is in custody. Mayor Oliver, of Port Arthur, who was res-elected bo the position of chief magistrate for the second time, was presented with a gift of $1,500 by the Council for his ser- vices rendered during 1913. “When cities make a strike against milk at eight cents a quart they are striking against what is one of their cheapest foods instead of one of the most expensive," said Prof. R. Harcourt, of the Ontario Agricultural College, addressing the Eastern Ontario Dairymem's Association. Great Britain. Rt. Hon. Jonenh Chamberlain ttrt- nouncod his intention to formally retire from British politics!. 1topswavnwivt1s of various, nri mobiles asked the British Govern- ment to partkipate in tho Trim exmsltion. . .. 7-111-. aluuq, The attempt to d O’Shea from slttinst of Cork, on the a“ is an American chi: I'nited States. The Colorado sum Penitentiary at Canon City in to have a great amphitheatre. The Paciho coast from San Fran- cisco to British Columbia was drenched and flooded by storms. which have continued for ten days. and which have extended well hr. land. - ' “an”; im- The annual losses merchants through frauds committed in '. aggregata $25/000,00( a. committee "New ohanW Asaoo.lat'itm a inf business organ! on led upon District 'matt, General. The South African railway strike has so far proved a failure. ' A Constantinople (16$th to chm London Mail says that "eonBdertilal financial negotiations are in pro- grus, whereby Turkey hopes to ob. tain funds for the purchase of addi, tionol warships, and them are indl. oatinns of a movement against ‘Greoce. 40,000 troops being -env kbled at Aivall. The Great Inventor, In Ireland, Talks With Canada. A despatch from Parts turvtl', 'rhtrl, Temps reports that Itt' Marconi, l tho wireless Inventor as been able to talk for a half {moul- over his wireless telephone from (31mins. on the west coast ot Irelsnd, to Glue Bay, on the shore of Cups Breton Iarand, Nov: Booth. No oetdimsa- tion of this report bu been ob, ANOTHER MABCONI TRIUMPH. it to disqualify Henry aitdnn as Lord Mayor tho anegndon thai he an citizen, failed. LI losses suffered by through commercial dtted in New York Clty 25/000,000, awarding t, . representing tho Mot, cation and other lead I orsranlzationts which District Attorney Whit, make a strike {ht cents a. quart against what, is est foods instead expensive," said L, of the Ontario lege, addressing ario Dairymem's and . -_ . ___ , A Tb. coal content of the province ot Sankaicbewm in aid to be 6.500 WHEN must. The but. known Damian of the cod fields is near Fuwnn. Rum“! up to 15 it. in thickneil an hem: mind. DONG of which outcrop on the river bank, and other! are found by boring. Over a has B", ot 'ttlt, townships there are T, " tonn o ligniu availnblo per ism-onion. Al the railway oosstruotion [we‘re-65m through the eountry adjacent to th" in- ternnionnl Boundary. tho h"',',t,",it,io,') ot cont will more“. " an mil more rapid mm than it has in the mm. The indu- Boo tom, of ham nun-mu w. BFbNfB'"-"e"+ A: the “may construction progresses‘ through the country adj-cont to the In. turttViorttU Boundary. tho h"",',t,"iatio/l ot coal will incl-emu " n at!) more rapid nu than it has in the past. The indus- try u we“ looked other by the Govern. ment. and there can be no doubt am when tho projected runway from Wevw burn to Lethbrldco in constructed. many 1now mines will be opened and operated. Ulrlllhloo {or the "In. A London KID" point; out that Shackles Inn'- lmpen in; Antarctic ospoditiott will be the not. in all probability. that will depend, on do". u dirigible balloons can no a. distance in so hours that when does I hundred days. Why shouldn'x. Mr Er- tttmt wait till tho balloons are lvailable? He is In young man yet; the Pole has al- readg; been d novel-ed, so what's the um of r kin: his life, " wail as others, on the iGrfi;rtsaintt The additional Idem mic knowledge that any be ohminml can- not be of Inch importance that the world In” not get £1011. vithout it for . tew you“. The aturtitta' Fm. The jury in the case of Hans Schmidt ohu'ud with the brutal murder ot Ann: Aumuller ot New York, were unable K reach an agreement after being out fo: _ . __ m..- nun-k Rtatr mum Linc knowledn mu. any nu RFLFU66b.."" h”, not. be of such important.» that the world _ may not [at 'long without it (or l tew you-I. TM AllonmI‘ "" The jury in the case of Hans tyehmidt, chatted with the brutal murder ot Ann: Aumuller ot New York, were unable to ranch In agreement after being out for minycix hon". The Newark Bur stalk. thst a fund of 610,000 mus raced tor hir (gamma and $1,000 each tor the four alien- ma who named in his behalf. Ones of .L- t-otwiussu auealiond asked__iu paid Our London Letter DEBENTU RES Government m Munlclpal Proton! prim gm munch" punks-on d - the moot “can!“ opportunmu Mulch have M unli- INO for my yum am " tum» M) NEW WORK ON THE C.P.R. Western Expenditures Will Be Mostly 0n Built Grades, Branches or Doubling A despatch from Montreal says: Mr. George Bury, Vice-President of the Canadian Ptrciflc Railway, left for Winnipeg on Thursday night after n. number of conferences with Mr Thomas Shaughnessy on quev tions involving western expendi- tures, which, it was stated, must for 1914 be almost entirely confined for the present to the ooenplertion of track-laying, etc., on grades " I ready built, on branch lines, exten- sions and double-tracking. the lat, ter of which will eventually omnect Winnipeg with Vancouver. and on the building of the Rogers Pass tunnel, which will be pushed with vigor. Tho consideration ot ex- penditure: on any new "may oott- lamb!" - and Elohim The undone!“ "pronoun” Cowl-mu w- w..- uloct“ "on our homing. u ”MIMI. I“ the e,',t guard. which expat-lone. IM 'itiiiedturdt; . u amt-ding. In “dim-m. lama. M10! Mm PROVINCE OF ONTARIO ..........o . CITY OF TORONTO. ONT. ooonoonooc' CITY or VICTORIA, B.C. ...........- TOWN OF BARRIE. ONT. ........... TOWN op COLLINGWOOD. ONT. . . .1 TOWN OF wBLLAND,ON'r. .q6sq0.01 TOWN OF CORNWALL, ONT. . . . . . . ' CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS, ONT. " TOWN OF AURORA, ONT. ......... TOWN OF SUDBURY. ONT. . , ' . .. . . TOWN OF HUMBOLDT, SASK. ... " TOWN OF ESTEVAN, SASK. ....... WRITE FOR FULL PARTICULARI. Ilgh on»: 5.70» In.“ that m Front-Sharing. INVII'I'MIK'I' my In “sum": my “-0 after on you. on co do," In“... Moo- " but of that Bam- aub- Ihhod . M 00M tor wig! we. and In“ pulls-lug IATIOIIL SECURITIES CORPORATION LIIITEO __‘_.___.-_ .1.- .nn .1 I. - . mu" hara aiiiiaiiriuiure Imam . . WRITE "trt-tte"' A. E. AMES 8590. llVEITIEIT IAIKEII (”mum "In iilTirtlSTllMErlhrlr. ottcred prim? , on the tea ms of tl"' In?) community a in London, vault nau- 'G"GG7aa. In can“. at Cumulus. An solved 00th named Honolulu. who deliberately shot and I aailor in I am hall for accidentally colliding with him while dutch); wan oxen-um: at. Dun- irk, France. . Honolulu 1ttlTd tho than» calla“.- neai. no donned la timo while droning for the ocatt01d m that!!! Ma hum!“ detendlnc him bully. an ho sue a cigar while the executioner was III-kin. tho “all prepnulou. g “earliest In aluminum. " an con- demn mull pulsed out of we pruon door, buouglll bun nor to make a new. by ad- drculn; the crowd [amend no“ as, ‘gumoung. " will speak it I want. to,' the criminal tierx3ely rg-pljed. in!!! Ellen, a, TheJriest In w damn mun pulsed bacon!“ him not. ' dressing the crowd (alumina. "I will the criminal tiered he mu hurried mu G'Git"triiiitit 3! t‘hg At that noon: the executioner-'- E Ilium: ' hm. and tgen noon“ ter he was deU. an“ "amnion on“. Germany will have 30,000,000 tnhabltulu in 1950. twice luopulation when the on- pire wan foun lu tWi, wounding to Ill mum-m blled on the vital uwtlntloa tor the empir- for tttE The non-Pruuhm sum has come to the means with 2.000 more bmhl than in 1911. cladding the decrease of 5.041 n births in I’m-h. on which such gloomy assumption. of Grammars stunluon in population were based when tho Prue Ill! autism were gunned a few um _trk+"'rl" ullmu' ..,..__, - he vac hurried vow-rd tho gunman. all onus)". 'eight of my people. 0 abound " them: "You Dunkirk pumi- are a lot. ot cow-uh!" At that lament tho ezoeutione" t: mum. coined Mn. and van noon“ 'rWRAMI, I.“- The number ot dentin in an no the smallest. ever recorded and the number at mud-cal the .reqterts no the outin- tiea on tho who“! nuke a mom satisfac- torr moving. The decline 1n the birth nu continua. but the down.» In tho smalls-t, rumored in yer-rot, The mm In. 29.1 birth. to any 1.000 inhuman. as computed with 29.5 in Int, 30.7 in 1910. and B in 1901. " . ' ' week “a 1tu"r,'Ygoa'l of the empire wan ore , mm “rough tho - births over doubt, tho surn'un being most. mono [renter _thun In 1911. Farmer Will Sow Five Acres at Wheat in January. rowing. acres of J anuary "Doea advertising pay! I a five-doll" bill on the street.' "I advertised and so far I received three tive.dvOr bills EXPERIMENT IN THE WEST. r1 cret cowl-RIO. luv. boon .. -L- ' salary at the ' Mr. Henpeck--l pledge you my word this is the first I know of it. Hie Wife-Dol lie, Benry--4 found it in your pay envelope. Mr. Benpeek--Dear me; how '0‘ I to know when you never let me open it unwell? tru euier to talk than it u to acquire the woodretinchtyiA. His Wife-You brute, you h eeret. Mr. Benpeek-W-why, wha ewan A despatx five-dollar ' 'Well l' ' Mow Could Me Ibo 112 Mr. mnpeck---W-whu have Mr. Bury aid to a correspon- dent: "Under the direction of Sir Thomas Sheuglmessy, C.P.R. ex- penditures have always been direct- ed in aooordanee with the actual exigencies of tunic and with the building up of western Centde, and it wee owing to this comprehensive policy that the C.P.B. in 1013 wee able to move such a Urge stein trtdiie no expeditiously at A time when the grout strain of moving the harvest came. The facilities pro. vided in rolling stock were such that car requirements in others, direction. were able to be met promptly end other "mo moved concurrently as well u the grain." struction or other works will con! up late! in the _y_ear. His Wife-Che/ve uised your Ite now are W a.” u yllid. . . . . . 4.80S working on the land, har- One farmer will sow five wheat u an experiment ol seeding. Advertising Pays. . ' . JKNW' . . 36.38% . . ' .SJB‘yo ....5.08'I7o ' . ' .5.7B% . .. .5359; a. . .5309?) o...tLluPro " h from Ala .5.12% 25.38% . 5.88% . 5.83% .5.75‘,Y’o ' 5.75% . 6.00 We . 6.50% ' 6.63% Turbine LVN." if! would roll-1| m [an lost, in at as, Ill 'l, 'K ' P" l “Jud ' and 4i Art. J M in in m the E tor it! c' ted, " W tC' rrrr, I...

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